Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 30, 1905, Image 6

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I ,
i.l . aJ\OIODN now. . . rmnRArJIU
- , ' . . . ' . . . . .
I General News J
lion. W. J. Dryan recenlly became
a grandfather.
Standard 011 conllnues to deelaro
largo dividends.
JUver navigation on the Ul1per Mis.
slssillpi hIlS closed.
I There Is 0. great scarcity of food on
. tbo Gnmbler Islnnds.
Violent shocles of carthqunleo were
I recenlly felt In Venezueln.
, I Field Marshal OrlllUIl h\8 : nnmed
: November 21'.i ns the date of his de.
1j j parturo from Manchuria.
\ General Grnnt IlIHI other officers
i tnlw exception to Prlnco IJOuls' re.
I mnrlc , nnd declare that Now Yorle Is
I I ormer Presillent Grover Cleveland
: IB at NorfoJle , Va" for a ten dnYB' out.
I Ing IlS the guest of the Bncle llay Gun.
: lIng club.
I .
I A plea on behnlf of womnn su.f ! .
i rngo was mndo to the president by
SUBnn D. Anthony , : ! \Irs. lInrrlet 'ray-
lor Upton nnd Mrs. Ida Husted liar.
A bulletin Issuml by the cenSUB
, burenu plnceB the totnl product ! : ! of
the manufncturers of New Yorle at $ I'.i-
760,880 , nn Increnso of 40 per cent
In ten years.
The Shubert Thentrlcnl compnny of
Now Yore ) 1mB leased for a term of
yenrs the now opera house bolng erect.
cd In Chnttanooga , Tenn. 'rIlls Is the
Shubort'B first house In the central
The Cubnn bUdget for the yenr bo.
Ilnnlng : July 1 next haB be on submIt.
ted by presldont Palma to congreB. ! .
It estimated the recelptB nt about. 23 , .
000,000 nnd the expenBO at nbuut $21-
Rov. J. Addison Seibert , former pn.q-
tor of the AdamB Sqtlllro Congregn.
tlonnl church nt \ VorceBtorIIlBS. : ! . , has
been called to the pastorate of the
F1'rst Congregntlonnl church In Kfl.n.
SM City.
The Amerlcnn resldentB of the Iso )
of Pines elected representativoB to
go to Washlpgton nnd try to prevent
ratification by the sennto of the treaty
conceding UIO sovereignty of the iBl-
and to Cnba.
MlsB Margaret LudwIg of ParIs ,
Franco , who was badly scnMell in the
RIo Grando.Rock Islnnd collisIon at
Pueblo , Colo. , dIed ns 0. result of her
InjurIes. The rest of the Injured are
recoverlnl ; .
A state bnnquet wns gIven In WInd.
SOl' cnBllo 1:1 honor of KIng George
of Greeco. It was nttonded by 1GO
dlBtlngulshed persons , IncludIng
Whltelnw ReId , the AmerIcan nmbns.
sador , and MrB. Rold.
The London elt ) ' council Ims dechl.
ed to Introduce a bill in pnrllamont
under whIch the council will construct
tI. plant to supply all the eleetrlc energy -
ergy for London nnd the suhurb : : ; , at a
cost estlmnted at $ ' 10,000,000 ,
Governor WillIam h Douglns of
Massnchusetts wont to Wnshlngton nt
the head of a delegntlon of the Doot
and Shoo 1\Innl1fnl'turors' ; assoclntlon.
This delegntlon will cnll upon Prosl.
dent Roosevelt in relntlon to the ro-
movnl of the duty on hides.
Vlndlmlr Mooralof ! , a Russlnn exile ,
founder Qf the "peolllo's will" pnrty In
RussIn , dIed nt the county hospltnl at
Denver recently of cnncer. Ho escaped -
caped to Amorlca from Siberia nftor
five years' servlco nfter publishing nn
alleged sedItious nowspnper.
A great scnrclty of fooll oxlsts on
the Gnmbler Islanl1s. The natives ,
who gather Ilenrl shells for 0. livIng ,
have neglected their erops and have
dopenl1ed for supplieR on' the regular
arrlvnl of 0. sloop from Pltcnlrn Isl.
nnds , 300 miles away. ' 1'ho vessel 11l1s
been wrecltod nnd the nntlves nre suf-
Governor Toolo 1mB issued , on request -
quest of the Montanll Steele Growors'
association , a requisition on Governor
Sellrles of North Dalcotn for WllIlnm
H. Denny , mnyor of Williston , N. D. ,
charging him with bolng connected
with a gnng of alleged horse thlove
who , It Is claImed , hnvo stolen moro
thnn 1,000 head of horses.
Six mon hnvo been tnleon into cus.
tOdy by the pollco In connection with
the murder of Miss Evn 1\Ioyor , who
was shot anl1 almost Instllntly Itllled
by an ambushed assnssln whllo walle-
Ing with her lover near the city 1l1nlts
of Clevelnnd , 0. , late Stll1dny night. A
rejected suItor Is nmong these under
James Kralmllk has been nppolntod
} \ostmastor nt Clnrleson , CoUax coun.
ty , Nobraslcn , vlco J. Wolf , reslgnod.
The creditors of the Internntlonnl
Morcantlle ngoncy of Cnnada hnvo de.
cided to wind up the agoney. 1..Iab11.
itles nre pI need at $217,000 and noml.
nal assets at $21'.i7OOO.
A great denl of mono ) ' Is bolng sub.
scribed In Now Yorle nnd elsewhere
for relief of the Jows.
The claims of expnlllllng culture in
ChIcago hns some bnsls. Nenrly 1,200
men cnlled for jlll' ) ' servlco In ono
case hnvo heen rejected becnuso they
know too much.
PresIdent Roosevelt relterntes that
he Is In favor of joInt statehool1 for
the torrltorles of Oklnhoma Iln Indian
Terrltor ' .
Rumors of nntl.governmont J ! ots In
Havana , Cubn , hllvo been renewed and
, names or moro or loss promlnont radl.
als - are belna : connect.d. with . t.hem. .
- - - - '
F - - , : , . . . ' - { " ! - " ' - " ' - . . . " ' , - ' Po' e"
A Fraud , ,
A IJegsar In London recently nc.
costed a mnn nnd whined , "I'm pnr.
alrzed III hoth mo ' 1\11I111 , mister , nn'
cnn't worl ( , tor I cnn't grasp nnythlng .
with 'om. Could you spnro 1Ill' ' a trille , I
mister ? "
"I'm dent , " repllell the Hentlemnn.
"You'd hetter wrlto down whnt YOII
wnnt to Rny , Horo'fI a lIencll nnd 0.
pleco of Imper. "
"Denf , Is 'o ? " thollght the beggar.
"Then ' 0 didn't henr nhout the IlIlI'uy- )
sls. " So ho wrote down : "l'vo got a
wlfo .l1I1 six ehlldrell stnrvln' nt hOlllfJ ,
an' hnm In drendful state of destor.
tush on. "
lIe hnnded the pl1pcr to the mnn ,
who snhl : "I thought you rmld you
were IInl'l1l 'zed In hoth nanda nnd
couldn't grasp nnythlng : and yet you
cnl1 wrltel"
"Did-didn't yer sny yer wns den ! ? "
stnmmerod the beggnr.
"Yes , 10 find out If you were an 1m.
pastor , which you nre , ns I supposed , "
roplled the mnn.
"Woll , of all the blooming frnl1ds ,
yoI' the blggesU" exclnlmed the beg.
gnr. "The hldea of yoI' sayln' yer wnf : !
denf , nnd tr'ln' to hUPORO on a 11001'
feller I ,
And ho shuflled off snICUng the nlr
with righteous hullgnntlon.
Convincing Evidence.
Winthrop , Cn ! . , Nov. 20th ( Speclnl )
-A plnln nnd stralghtfol'\vnrd story
Is nlwn 's the most convincing. And
thnt Is whnt hns Imllressed us most
In real1lng the testl1nonlnls In regnrl1
lo Dodd's Killney Pills. The mqICrl.
once told by Dnvls Lowls of this plnce
benrs the rIng and stamp of truth
upon It. lIe 8nys- :
"I wns Itroubled Cor sIx months
with dull henvy pl1lns In the smnll
of my bacle , somotltnes It pnssel1 Into
my stomnch , nt other tlmos up boo
tween my ahoulderfl , When It was
In my stomnch I wns dOllbled up , nlHI
hnrdly lenowhnt to do for the pain ,
I was ndvlsed to tnlto 0.11 hInds of
remedIes , nnd did so hut wlthollt get.
tlng nny rollof. Then some ono told
mo to try Dodd's Kldnoy Pills. I rot
It box and hegan taldng them. The
first few doses gnvo mo relleC , by the
tlmo I hnd finished them all the pnln
wns gene nnd I hllvo been well ever
sInce. "
A Hint for Little Tapers.
Ono nIght a mnn tool ( a IIttlo tnper
out of II drawer nnd lighted It , and be.
gan to ascend II long , wInding stnlr.
"Whero are : ) 'ou goIng ? " snld the
tnpor ,
"A wny , high up , " said the man :
"higher thnn the top of the house
where wo slec ] ; ! . "
"And whnt nro 'ou going to do
there ? " snld the little tnper.
"I am goIng to show the shIps out
nt 'Bea where the harbor Is , " sahl the
mnn : "for wo stand nt the entrance to
II. harbor , nnll some ship fnr out on
the stormy sen mny bo 1001c1ng for our
light even now. "
"Alas ! no shIp cOllld over see m ) '
IIg t , " snld the IIttlo tnper : "It is so
"If your light is smnll , " snld the
man , "Ieep It bllrnln brightly , And
lonvo the rest to me. "
Well , when the mnn got up to the
top of the IIghthollsG-for this was 0.
IIghthouso they were in-110 toole the
1Itt10 lallor nnd wIth It ho lighted the
great Inmps that stood ready wIth
tholr polished rollectors bohlnd them ,
and soon they were burnIng stendy
and clenr , throwIng n. grent strong
benm of light ncross the sen. Dy thIs
tlmo the IIghthouso mnn had blown
out the lIttle tnpor nnd Inld It aside ,
Dut it hnd done Its worl ( . Through Its
own light hnd been so smnll , it had
boon the menns of lc1ndllng the grent
lights In the top of the IIghthouso nnd
these were now 'ShInIng over the sen ,
so thnt ships fnr out lenew by it where
they were , nnd were guided snfel ) ' into
the harbor.
Makes , Way for the Better Food of Q
Better Day.
"Porrldgo Is no longer used for
breakfast In my home , " writes II. lo'al
Drltain from I1untsvllle , Onto 'rhls
was nn admission oC no small slgnll ! .
canco to ono "brought UII" on the time.
"Ono month ngo , " she continues , "I
bought 0. pnelmgo of Grnpe.Nuts fOOlI
for my husband , who hnd been nn In.
valid for over a yenr. no had passed
through a severe nttacl < of ll1eUlnOnl1l
and 10. grlppo tomblned , and was left
in II very had condition when they
pllssed away.
"I tried ovor'thlng for hIs benefit ,
but nothIng seemed to do him any
good. onth followed month and ho
still remlllned ns wealc as ovor. I was
almost dlscournged about hIm when I
got the Grnpe.Nuts , but the result
has compensatell mo for my anxlet . .
"In the ono month thnt ho hns eat.
en Grapo.Nuts ho has gnlned 10
pounds In wolght , his strength Is rnp.
idly roturnlng to him , and ho feels
lIke a new man , Now wo 0.11 eat
Grapo.Nuts food , nnd are the bottoI'
for It. Our lIttle 6 ) 'enr old boy , who
used to suffer from IJnlns In the stom.
acb niter .
eating the old.fashlonod par-
rldgo , hns no moro trouble slnco ho
began to use GrnIIC.Nuts , nnd I hnvo
no moro doctor's bills to 1m ) ' for hIm.
"Wo use GralIC.Nuls with only sweet
crenm. and fInd It the most tnsty dish
In our bill of fnre.
"LnstlOlllht ) ' Into , I teoslloonfllis
of Grape-Nuts nnd cream for brenl , .
fllSt , nothlns else , then set to wOI'I ,
nnd got my mornIng's worlt done b ) ' ! )
o'clock , and felt less tired , milch
stronger , than If I hnd mndo my ImJltk.
fast on ) )11'1t. polnlo's , etc. , ns I 1181 > d
to. I wouldn't bo wlthollt GrnllO.Nutll
In tlJO l1UuIO tUI' 1U1 ' munoy. " lUll
gh'lI/n by Poslum Co. , Uattlo OI'U , " ,
Mich. Thoro's It roulOn. :
Head the III tie book , "Tho Hoall to
Wollvl1l " 111 pk H
' 1- . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . ,
Much Credit Given To It In Western
W ASlIlNG'I'ON ' '
- 'l'ho depnrtment
oC ngrlclllturo 1111.:1 : Issued 0. report glv.
Ing the rOlllllt8 oC nn Investlgatloll of
Inter.wntor r"htR on the Platte rlvor
and Ita trllJlltnt'los nnll denllng with
the wntor right llrobl'ms on this
strenm In the stnto of Colorndo , Neb.
rnslm and Wyoming. 'rho IsslIes denlt
with In this blllletln nre similar to
these now bolng lIt1gnted In the United
Stnles supreme cOllrt with rcspert 10
the water of the ' '
Arlcnnsas river , 'I'hcy
comprise : 'rho rolll tlon het ween 1'1 JIlt 1'-
Inn right ! ! nnd these aCllulrel1 by np.
Ilro/lrintion / In the snmo IItllto , nnll Iho
relation between , npprol1rllltors' rights
In the dLfferent stntes ,
' 1'ho report ! ! nys :
" 'rho Plntto river nnd Its tributaries
Irrlgnto 1,924.IG3 Itcres of land. Some
oC the best fnrmlng Iltnd Rells for less
tllnn $10 an ncre. Fifty ) 'ears ago this
Innd wnR regl1rded liS a l1eECrt IInd wall
practlcnlly worthlcss , If the right to
use water In Irrlgntlon were lalcon
nWItY from It , It would be prnetlcnlly
vnluoless lodn ) ' .
" 1\101'0 thnn IiOOOOO people IIvo In the
Irrlgnted territory on thIs 8lream. Not
all of them depend on agrlculturo. 'rho
cltlc. ! of Denver , ClIO'enne , Larnmle ,
North Plntto and a score oC olher
towns with their mnchlno shops , flour
mills , pnper mills , heet suar faetorles
nnl1 trnnsportlttlon Interests Itll tend to
nugmol1t the Importance of wnt r. b ! ' .
cnuso not a city or town , a fnctory 01'
a rallwny , cnn ho nssured of the prlvl.
lego of using the witter of this strenm
without securIng 0. right thereto
through 0. definlto legnl Ilrocedure.
"Tho'nlue of wnter rIghts for 11'1'1.
gntlon hns rlson from $4 nn aero to $31i
nn ncre , and stol'ed wnter sells for ven
hlghor ] Irlces , Wnter to Irrlgato nn
nero of Innd hns been sold for $1 0.
" ' 1'ho nverage fiow of wnter In tl10
South Plntto and Its trlhutarles.Is . 2-
766 cubic feet per second. Agnlnst this
supply rights to 30Gi7 ! : cuhlc feet pOl'
second have been estahllshed In Col.
mdo nnd Nebrnslm. The area irrlgnted
from the North Plntte and Its trlhutar-
les is about : .100,000 acres. In Nobruslm
rltHulnn rights ' 0.1'0 recognized as well
ns rights of appropriation.
WASHINGTON-Within two daYB
ncter the announcement wns made
from the Navy dopnrtment that 0.
competltlvo exnmlnlltlon will bo hold
for llppllcants to vncancles in the pny
corps , 138 nppllcntlons came to the de.
pnrtment from ) 'otmg men In twenty.
ono different stntes In the unIon. Ponn.
s 'lvaulll nnd Illinois fUl'l1lshed the
longest lists of ) 'oung men who nre
nmbltlous to secure 0. 1 ! ) 'mnster's
commissIon. Judging by the number
nlrendY recolvel1 , the delmrtment ox.
IICcts to he deluged with letters from
these seelclng to enter the corps. As
there nro but twelve vnconcles , the de.
pnrtment will have IImple material to
dmw from.
Congress Will Be Asked to Appropriate
W ASIIING'l'ON - An estlmnte of
$16,000,000 for continuing work on the
Pnnnma cnnal hns been sent to the
'rreasury department from thoVnr
department to bo sent to congro's.
The ostlmnto of $1GOOO,000 Is for
expendlturo UII to nnd Including the
fiscnl yenr ending .Tuno 30 , 1907. A
pnrt of this money will be neeessnr ) '
at oneo nnd nn emergency approprln.
tlon wlll ho nsltcd for ns soon ns con.
! ; ross convenes In ardor thnt the worle
mny proceed. ,
It Is stntod nt the offices of the com.
mission today that unless 1110ne ) ' Is pro.
vhled ns soon ns congress convenes nil
the ' worle must cease , All estlmntes
wer' 1111111e wlthott regnrd to the pro.
Ilosnl to Issue honds ,
not ) 'ot revllell to the ultlmntum of the
llOwers regarding l\1nC'Pllonllln reforms
IInd embassIes hero nre sending drag- .
omnns to Piraeus In prelI I'atlon for the
ovontunllty of 0. nnvIII demonstration.
It Is regnrded hm' ns slgnlficnnt that
the Russian Blaclt sea sql1ndron Is 1'0'
.ported to hnve left Sebastopol for nn
unlenown destination.
Shnw Mnkes a Statement.
W ASHING'l'ON - SeC'relnry Shnw
mndo puhllc the followingHtntoment : '
"Tho secrotnry of the treasury hereby
gIves notlC'o thnt the refunding of
United Stntes 3 ] Ier cent. bonds of tM
loan of 1908-18 nnd , I per cent. bonlls
, f the funded lonn of 1907 now 1)J'oceed.
Ing unllm' the ( ' \I'C'ulllr \ of SOlltemher
28 , 1901'.i , will ho dlsC'ontinuell lifter
November 29 , 190ri. lionlls thllt were
Intended for refunding must he for.
wnrdell so ns 10 ho received at the
rrensury dopnrtment not Inter thnn
Novembel' 29. "
Denth of Vetcran Editor ,
ST. LOUIS-Aflor Rufl'prlng Cor ono
weole from hlooll'llOhlOnlng , rcsulthlg-
from a slhht srratC'h on the leg , Dr ,
Emil Pretorllls , agPI } Re\'ont.elght
roars , edItOl'.ItH'hlof of the Wpstlleho
Post , nnll nestOl' of lho Ol'l'ml1n Ilross
111 the wOBt , I1led nt hili homo ,
Half Million for Relief.
N W YOIH-4\ total In subserltJ'
tlons to the Jowlsh rplll'f fuud of $ IJS ! : , .
GGI wns II 11 110 I\'prl \ 1"la , ) ' by the nn.
tlonnl rellof ( 'Onllulll PI >
Dut Found " Cure After Fifteen
YC:1ro of Suffering.
A. II. Slotts , messenger nt the Stnto
( ! nnlfn1. r.nlmnhIlR. noRr1'II !
_ _ . .n _ . . _ _ . . . . . . _
- - , - . , - . . , . . ,
"For fifteen yenrs .
I hltll Iddney trou.
bles , nnd though I
t doctored fnlthfully ,
could not find 0.
\ cure. I hnd heav ) "
bnclenches , d I 1. 1. Y
I.heallnches I. nnd tel'-
i I'lblo urlnnry dlsor.
deI's. Ono day 1
! colll1lJSed , Cell In.
J sl.nslhlo ! on the
sidewalk , nnd then
wnsted awn ) ' In bed Cor ten weels .
After bolng given up , I began using
Donn's ! { lI1ner Pills. In n couple of
months I regained lilY old henlth , and
now welgh,188 pounds , Twelve boxes
dId It , and I have been well two
yenrs. "
. Sold b ' all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster.Mllbnrn Co , . Buffnlo , N. Y.
Womn as Architects.
If every firm of nrchltects would
omilloy 0. womnn , says Il writer , who
hns 1I1ado not only the nrranglng nnd
decorating of n house her speclnl
study but these moro Important structural -
tural nnd sanltnry detnlls as well , 1
venture to thlnle It would not only
menn incrensed business to the firm
but In11nenso hnIll'OVements nnd com.
fort both in houses and l1ats.
Wnles wnnts a cnilltal , 'out , though
the senl'ch has been goIng on for
'ears , no cUr has , ret been Cound pre-
omlnently suited for the honor ,
Sure Sign That Dr. Wl1l1ams' Pink Pills
Are Needed to Tone Up the
Digestive Organs.
Loss of appetite , distreRs nfter eating ,
sllOt'tnesii Vf breath , It feeling of utter
wculeness-theso are 8 'mptums thnt uro
familiar to 1II0st fulferers ; froll1stolllnch
troublo. Tau often the ordinary doctor's
trcntment serves but to weukoll the dis-
'Cased ' organs.
The now tonic mothOll of treating disorders -
orders of this ltinll does uot aim to do the
work of the stonlUch , lees not domnnd
t hat the fooll b prtj.ligestOll , but builds
11P the weakened ul'gaus , so that they can
do the work that lIaturo inteuded.
Mrs. L.O. Law , of No. 1324 North street ,
Horton , Kallsns , says : "Ill 1807 , whllo
wo were living ou 11. farm in this lIel , h-
lJOrhood , I beclUno gtjnerally debililated
ns the result of overwork. I had serious
indigeHtion , lo t lilY appetite , sutfered
from It SCIIIO of sutfoentioll I\lId fl'om ob-
structioll of the circulatiulI , so that I\rti-
ticiulmealls harl to bo used to restore it.
After Imt1'el' lIg for Jllunths without fil1d-
ing I\II ' relief , I triela hex of Dr.Vil -
lilUus' Piuk Pills of which I hl\rl rend ill
a neWSpnpel' . 'rho first few oxeK mallo
1110 lotH be tIer , allluftOl' using the third
box I felt entirely well.
"II\1n now ill excellell t hea\th \ aJll nm
nble 1I0t only to tale ; : lal'O of my house
bl1t alsu to IIHsbt my hmbulld ill a store
which ho hils lute ) 'laltun. Dr , 'Villiallls'
Pillk Pills cllrOlI 11I1IUIII I can recoll1-
menl } tlll'lII. 'l'hey lire so simple , so
eusily tulcun IUld HO prollJ pt ill their nc-
tion , "
Uememhn' ! Dr. Willinms'Pink Pills do
not nct Oil the howols. ' .rhey lIIulte now
llluol } and re tor Rhnlh1rell nerves. III
this WILY they CIII'l' ) " hen1th nnd viJor : to
C\'OI' ' orh'llnlllill filwr of the body. ' .rhey
urtl sol ( } h1L11 , Ilr\1g is H or will ho sent. .
postpaid. IInrf'C'eipl of pl'ice , fiO cents pOl'
btlx ; six hox's fOl' $ IiO. b- , the Dr. WiI- Medicil.lo Co. , ; : Jche1.lIJctndy , N.Y.
A womnn's Ideo. of heaven Is a placo'
where she won't hl\ve to spend half
her tlmo In tuclelng her short bncle
hall' under the long strands. ,
From an Awful Skin Humor-
-Scratchcd Till Blood Ran- I
Wasted to a Skeleton- I
Speedily Cured by
Cutlcura. I
" "Then three months old my boy
bmleo out wilh nn Itching , watery
rash nll over his bed ) ' . and ho woulll
scratch till the blool } ran , Wo trIed
noarl ) ' cver.thn ! ! ; , Imt he grew worse ,
wastln ; ; to 0. slwlcton , nnd wo feared I
ho would die , 110 slollt only when :
In our nrms. ' 1'he first application or ,
Cutlrurn soothed him so that ho slopt'
In his crndle for the first tlmo In many
weoles. Ono sct of Cutlcurll made 0.
cOll1lllete anl1 permanent curo.
( Signed ) Mrs. M. C. Mnltlnnd. Jasper ,
Ontnrlo. "
Too mnny mon IIse UII 0.11 tholr religion -
ligion on Sundnnnd consequently
hnvo none left for the. . bnlanco of the
Try One package.
Ie "Defiallco Starch" oes not please
'Oll , I'OUI'II Il to yo III' denlcl' . It It
' ollo-tllll'd for lhe
does ) 011 goot - 1II0re
salllo mOI1lW , It will gol\'e ) ' 011 satls-
( action. allll will not stlolt lo thc Iron.
Superiority Is not so much the feel.
Ing thnt wo nl'e hettel' thnn other peo.
plo ns thnt the ) ' UI'O WOI'SO thnn wo
nre ,
Do Your Clothe : ; Look Yellow ?
'rhenISO ] ) "III1IJl'o Starch , It wl11
leOII thom whlto-1 oz , fOl' 10 cents.
- - - -
No soul Is desolnto ItS long ns there
Is I human helng fo ' whom It cnn
Ccel trnst and rovoronce-Georgo
l lIot.
1\Inny foolish things filII Cl'om wlso
men If the ' sponlt lit hnsto or bo ox.
t01.l1IOral.-Ben Jol uson.
The sewer of the seed -Is nssuredl ) "
the authol' of the whole hal'\'est of
It1lsch lef1)em08thonos. .
It Isn't until Il mnn swonrs at ! thnt
be finds out how mnn ) " follows want
lo tl'eat hIm.
Dlrds In Attack.
Dlr s dlsplny grent 51tl11 0.1111 cun.
nlug in the chnse , the nttncle nnd In .
guarding themselves from Injury duro
ing the struggle Cor supremncy. The
secretary bird Is the Inveterate enemy
nnd untiring pursuer of the snnlcc. All
sorts , ovell the most venomous , ho
I. hunts with n zest thnt Is at once In.
terestlng and nmuslng.
'rho snnlco flees from Its foe , who
follows , watching every opportunity
for 0. blow. When the ropt11o turns
the bird uses ono of his wings ns a
shield nnd strllces wIth his Coot. The
snnlco burIes Its fnngs In the wing , but
lenves the Ison 111 the plumngo and
the bird escapes unhurt.
Repented blows from the powerful
clnw conCulto nnd dlsablo the snaltc ,
and at last it falls , to bo nt once dls.
patched by thrusts of the shnrp beale
Into its head. The bird then tosses
his victim Into the 0.11' and , cntchlng
it as it falls , swnl10ws It.
When Women Rule.
1\Ion mnnngo men moro successful1y
Ulan women mnnago womon. A mnn
can control 11 Inrge stnff of mon with.
out friction , whereas women who om.
ploy women , however smnl1 the num ,
bel' mny be , genoral1Y find them 0.
source of constant irritation. The
truth Is thnt men nre justOI' , moro
consldorato and mal'O generous thnn
women In denllng with their subor.
A Day to Remembe
Sweet 'oung thlng-Oh , thla hns
been n wonderful day-my sixteenth
birthday ! I've hnd my first Iclss from
Arthur nnd my Inst hex on the ears
from mamma-l\Ieggendorfer ! DInet.
tel' .
Every houseleeper should lmow
that if they wlJl buy Defiance Cold
Wnter Starch for Inundry use they
will save not only time , becnuso It
novel' stlcs ) to the Iron , but berause
each ] I .clcnge . contaIns 16 oz-ono ful1
pound-while 0.11 other Cold Wnter
Starches arc Ilut up In % .pound lIncle.
nges , nnd the prlco Is the snme , 10
cents. Then again becnuse Definnce
Starch Is free from nil Injurious chern.
icals. If ) 'our grocer tries to seH ) 'ou
0. 12.oz. pnclmge It Is because he has
a stocle on hand which he wlshe ! ' to
dIspose of before he l\Its In Defiance ,
Ho ImowB thnt Defiance Starch hns
printed on e"er ) ' pnclmgo In Inrge let.
tel's and figures " 16 ozs. " Demnnd Do.
fiance nnd save much tlmo and money
and the nnnorance of the iron stlcl , .
Ing. Defiance never sticks.
Many religIous persons (10n't go to
chureh on rainy Sundays on account
of the prevnlence of umbroHa.steallng
llmong the church.goers.
Sensible Housekeepers
wl11 have Defiance Slarch , not alone
because the ' get one-lhlrd more for
the same mone ) ' , but also bec use of
superior qualll ) ' .
It tales ; : 0. genIus to get ten cents'
worth of sntlsfnction out of 0. five.
cent cIgar.
I am sure PI so's Cure for Consumption saved
my Hfo three years ngo-\Ins. ' 1'Hos , HOllDINS.
Map'o Street , Norwich , N. Y. , Feb , 17,1000.
There is never 0. wrong world to
him who is right with Its heart. ,
When You Buy Starch
buy Defiance al1 fret' the best , 16 oz.
for 10 cents. Once uRel. always used.
All our yesterda's were once to'
morrows ,
. -
Some of the Bright Spots.
( ChlcaA'o ' 1'rlhllnl1 , )
There has been much discussion' the lalt !
few months uJ > on wllat the Jlress has
calle(1 scalldals In 501\1 ! ! of the largo eastern -
ern IIfo Insumnco compunles. and whllo
nttl'ntlon haA hppn rh'pt..d uJlon the dim-
cultles of these Inslllntlons the puhllc has
ahuosl roWII to hullU\'C all are allltu. and
are Inclined to COIISllro nit for the short-
comln s of the few.
In looldnl ; ever the situation carefully
there seomll to ho WIIIIO ClJlI1lHlI1les locatell
In the west that have nelthlJr speculatell
In " 'all street secllrltieR nor In\'ested In
them. All their assets. IncllldlnA' both reserve -
servo and sllrplllll are II1\'ostod In first
mortga es on western Improved farllls ,
the best sccurlt . In the world , and draw-
InA' It A'ooll rate of In terps\ . Ono such
compan ' that certulnly cxhlblts a clean
record , us shown h ' Its reports. has Its
hOl\1o oflleo at LIncoln. Neb" allli conducts
Its buslnNS ! ulllI..r the name of ' 1'ho Old
Llnl' Dankers' I.lfe of Nebmslm. It 15
nearly twenty 'oars old. hut has never
done mueh tallln ahout Its..lf. It hils
grown conservntlvoly and quietly and hUll
made progress onch } 'I'ar along lines that
Its polley IlOlLlers apl'rov" . Practically ull
at Its usset ! ! of n I11ll11nn an u qUllrter
dollars are hweHted In ! lrst mort age8 on
the hl'Rt of farms , 1111I1 not a dollar of
past L1ue Int'rl'lIt Is shown In Its roport.
Its carnlngll hUlt 'cllr for Its policy hoJeI-
ers was moro than 11 per Ct'nt 011 Its
mean reservo. the cost tor new bllslness
written Is less than Itn ' of the lellllln
IIfo Insurance compal1ll's In the United
States , and Its death lOlls per thous.\nd
was less by one-half than nny of them.
Unllko mam' compllnles organlzetl In recent -
cent ) 'ears on the rl'nmlns ot 801110 do-
tunct asst'ssnJl'nt onlt'l' or company , It
started orl lnall ' as an 0111 line com-
pany. nnd has no .nSRf'SSment business
welghln It down. lis surplus nlready
earn I'd for Its pollcv hohlers Is In amount
equal to 33 per Cl'llt 01 Its entlro reserve ,
Itll statement oflISoIS docs 1I0t show 11
single dollar of tilt' I11l1ny Itellls 11I(0
agency IlIlanf'l's.IllIs rl'l'l'lvn\llf' , premium
notl's , stocls nllli bOl1lls , real estate ,
"othor n8111'1s , " l'tc. . which lI1alO lip II
conshlemblt' porllon of the allsets of many
companll's , but It conRIts of money and
loans , ntHI 1I0thlng . .111 ( ' ,
The Juhllc witt tlls"rlmlnnto more nnd
moro In the tllturo betWl'1'1I c0l11panlo8.
not as to I'lzf' . us III thf' pallt. hut qllallty.
ntHI the one that ( 'an IIhon ( 'll'lin record.
nnrl nblllt . thrlI h conll'I"\'ativo management -
ment to par ooll tllvhll'nds , will rcIlvo
III the flltllro nn h'roasln patrona/'o
trom that rl'at I'ollst'rvatlvo } mrtlon ot
thl' pu\lllc who 111'1' not looldll for specII-
latton III a 11(1' ( 'nllll'n ( ' ! . hut for protection -
tion nnd reasollahlo returns on their In-
vl'f'tment ,
If the InVf'stl lIl1ol1 of New Yorl ( com-
panll's has douo nothlllA' 1110ro , It will
l'aIlRO thc Wl'lIt'rn 11'01,10In wnlo IIn to
thft fal't that. as lIIu8tmleli abo\'o. they
hnvo ns ootl ( 'ol11pallll'l' liS 1111) ' In the
world , l'almhlo of tllkln care of nil business -
ness otterI'll. IInlt when takl'n 111 a 1111/1 II I : ' It
1\11 'O\l woulll nll\llalO 'our own acrali'll.
nnd IIhowln rl's\llls \ that no I'nslern company -
pany hns up to tlato { , ( 'en able to dupli-
White Hattl for Cabmen.
Dy order of the Ilo11co 0.11 cnbmen in
'rlln must wellr white hnts.
- . -
Calumet l' ' p
. . . ' " , , - jjll
J A perfectly hea.lth-
. ,
ful powder made I
by improved chemical -
, \
ical methods and
of accurately pro. ;
portioned materials
Trust Daldn Powder
seU tor ,15 or 50 cents
per pound and may bo-
idcntlflcd by this exor.
bltant prIce. They are
menace to pUbllo-
health , as food prepared .
from thcm contains
lar o quantities of no. 'i
chello salts , dan erous
catharllo , drug. ,
Anthony Fuggy of Third avenue , I
was mnrrled to Miss Frances Duggy . It
in poll co court ) 'osterday mornl g by J
Judge Mnhon. The Fugg's will 1'0- 1
sldo in Third nvenue. Anthon ' Fug-
gy , the bridegroom , is eighteen yenrs
old. MIss Duggy , the bride , is sev'r' {
onteen y.ears ald.-Elizabeth ( N. J. ) /
Daily Journal.
You find yourself refreshed by tha
presence of cheerCul peoplo. Why not. ' \ .
male earnest effort to confer thllt.
plen.quro on others ? You will find "
half the bnttlo is gaIned If 'ou never J. . , t
nllow yourself to sny anythIng gloomy. ,
Some people are unnblo to dlstln- ,
gulsh between courage and foolharUl- , .
nes& '
It is just about impossible to be
sick whcn the bowels are right and : ' -
nilt possible to be ' ' 'ell , vhen they
are wren . Through its action on .
the bowels , l i !
Lane' FamiUy " .1'
clcans the body inside and Lwes
no lodging place for disease. If for
onee you wish to know how it feels ,
to be thoroughly well , give this I "
famous laxative tea n trial. t
Sold by all dcalers at : : ! sc. and Soc. , '
: , i
t' i
[ .
' .
. . .
I , " _ . . ; ; ' . " w , r : \ ,
To enable .ou to see the Southwest
and see for 'ourself the opportunities ,
for malting monefor hOlllo building
in Oklahoma , Indian 1.'C\'ritory 0.1111 ) "
Texas advttnta es amI opportunities ,
the M. , K. & T. R'y will , on November
7th 1\1111 21st , December 5th atHl 10th ,
2eU round trip tlcltets to aU points
Southwest at less thul1 ol1e farc rates.
'l'icltets pcrmit of slop.over going atHl
returning 1\1111 are gOOll twont "Qno
da 's from date of sae. ' I
.1l . .
s. G. L NGST0N ,
General 1"lortilian 2\ncnt.
m tl ! i