Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 30, 1905, Image 3

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Colonel Arthur L.IInmUton ,
ot the 7th Ohio Volunteers , 5\ \ )
Goodalo street , Columbus , 0. ,
writes : "As Do remedy tor Cl\ "
tarrh and stomach trouble I
can fully recommondPeruun. "
Mrs. ! ramuton , wHo of the
gallant Oolonol , Is nn ardent
friend of PoruDl ) ' nlso.
" '
, .
53.50& $3.00 SHOES CE
w. L. Douglas $4.00 CUt Edge Line
cannot be equalled at any price. _
J 1'
$1 0 000 REWARD to anyone who can
I disprove this statement.
W. L. Doultta $3.50 shoes have by their excellent -
cellent style , easy fitting , und sureriorwearlllg
qualities , achieved the IRrgest fole of any $ .1.50
ahoe In the world. They are Just as 1100d ; as
those that cost ) 'ou $5.00 to $7.00-the only
dlHerence Is the prIce. If I could take you Into
my factory at rockton , Moss. , the larlrest In
the world under one roof l1Ioklng men's fine
shoes , and show' you the core with which every
paIr of DoultlRS shoes 1'1 mllde , ) 'OU would reollze
why W. L. DOII'ln $3.50 Ihoes are the beat
ahoe5 rroduceJ In the world.
. If I could show ) 'ou the difference between the
shoes made In my factory and those of other
i. makes , you wOllld understand why DOill/ln5 / :
$3.50 Ihoes cost more to make , why they hold
their share , fit better , wear lonjter , and are of
sreater Intrinsic , 'oille than any other $3.50
shoe on the market to-day.
W. L , Doualos Mnr/o Shoos fo , .
Mon , $2.50 , $2.00. Doys' School &
D.o.s Shoo.$2.lJO , $2 , $1.75$1.60
CAUTION.-Inslst upon havlllltV.I.Doug -
Jas shoes. Take no substltule. Keno Ienuillo
without his nl\IIIO and prlco slnmped 011 bottom.
'VANTEI > . , \ hoe dealer Ino\"cry town where
W. I , . 1 > 01lIIIS , : hJes nre not Boltl. 1'1111 IIno of
. IlImples sent free for In ( lectlon upon rlJqlle5t.
.falt Color Ellelets used : they will not wear brassy.
Wrlto for IIIl1slratp ! ' CRtnlo of Fall Styles.
'V. L. nOUGLAS , llrocktoll , 1\lu88.
Means a pro.
ductive ca.
pacity in dollars -
lars of 0 v e r
$16 per acre.
\ This on Innd which hns cost the fnrmer noth ,
Ing but the price of tilling It , tells Its OWIJ
The Canndlnn Government elves nbsolutel\ : \ ,
tree to every settler 100 neres of such Innd.
" Lands adjoInIng cnn bo purcbnsed at from $ C
to $10 per nero from rallrond nnd otber corpor.
Alrendy 175,000 fnrmers from tbo United
Stntes bnve mndo their homes In Cnnnda.
For pnmphlet "Twentieth Century Cnnndn"
! ) IInd nlllnformntion npply to Supt. of Immhra ,
, tlon , Ottawa , Canndn , or to followlnl : nuthorlzed
Cnnndinn Goyernmcnt J\ent-W. , : Y. Bennett ,
"r"I SOl New Yorl , Life Building , Omnhn , Nebrnslm ,
I ( Mention thIs pnpor. )
. ,
. . . ,
. ,
The Ten Trallo.
Once there were two IlIdlnns who
went out together to hunt. lIapeda
wns , "cry strong and swift and a won.
derfnl bowmnn , Chatun wns much
weaker and cnrrled n wenleer how ;
but ho was , 'er ) ' pallent ,
As the ) ' wenl through the hl11s they
cnme on the fresh track of n small
deer. Chatun said : "MY brother , I
shnll follow that. "
But Hnpedn said : "You may IC ) ' 0\1
1I1tc , but a mighty hunter lIke mo wants
bigger gnme. " .
So they parted.
Hnpeda went on for an hour or
more nnd found the trnclt of ten largo
ollt going cllITerenl ways. 110 toolt the
trail of the Inrgest nnd follpwed for
a long way , but not coming up with
It , he snld : ' ' 'rhnt ono Is ovldently
traveling. I should hnvo tnleen ono of
the others. '
So ho went bnclt to the place where
ho first found It , nnd toolt up , the
trail of another. After a hunt of over
nn hour In which he failed to get a
shot , he snld : "I have followed another -
other trnveler. I'll go baclt and taleo
up the trail of ono thnt Is feeding. "
But ngnln , after a short pursuit ,
he gave up thnt ono to go bacle nnd
try nnother thnt Beemer moro prom.
Ising. Thus he spent a whole dny
trying each of the trails for a short
tlmo , nnd at night clune bneIe to cnmp
with nothing to find thnt Chntun ,
though his Inferior In nll other wn's ,
had proved wlsc > r , He had stucle dog.
gedb' to the trail of the ono little deer ,
nnd now had Its cnrcnss safely In
camp. I
Moral : The game Is nhYa 's nt the
end of the trail.
A torpid IIvor Is valuable , If It hnp.
pens to be the 1I\'er of a whale. From
this organ comes nmhergrls , and It is
estlmnted that the ambergris from 0.
slnglo whale is worth $ GOOOO.
The Lord Is not a refuge for thu
mnn who Is looking for 0. soft plnco to
Defiance Slarch Is put up 16 ounces
In a paclmge , 10 cents. One-thIrd
more starch for the same money.
The mountain spider of Ce 'lon spins
a net of 'ellow silk ten feet In dlnm.
Mrs. Plnkbam's Advice Saves Many
From tbls Sa.d Bnd Costly Exporlenco.
It Is a sad but
true fuct that
every year
brings ani n-
crcase in the
tion. . performed
upon women in
our hospitals.
More than three-
fourths of the
patil'nts lying
on those snow
white beds ure women and girls who
ure awaiting or recovering from opera.
tions mhde ncccssary bJ' Ill'glect.
Everyone of these paticnts hud
plenty of warning in that bearing down
feeling , pain at the left or right of the
womb , nervous exhaustion. pain in the
small of the bacle. lcucorrh a , < lizzi-
ness , flatulency. diRplacements of the
womb or irregultH'itics. All of these
symptoms ure indications of an unhealthy -
healthy condition of the ovaries or
womb , and if not heedl'll the trouble
will maim headwaJ' until the penalty
hus to bo paid bJ' a. . dallgorous opcra-
tiOll , unll a.1ifetimo . of impl\lred usefulness -
ness at lest , while in many cases the
results are fatal.
' .rho following letter should bring
hope to suffering' women Miss Luell" ,
Adamsof the Colonnade Hotel , Senttle ,
Wash. , writes :
Dear Mrs. Pinkham- :
" Ahout two ) 'ears ago I Wtl. ! a great sut-
feror from a. severe female trouble. paIns and
headaches. 'fll doclor prescrlhed for mo IUlll
finally told mo that I had tumor on the
womb allli must undergo I\n opcratlon if I
wanted to get well. I felt that thIs WI\S my
death warrant , hut 1 spent hundreds ot dol.
lars for modlclil help , hut the tumor kept
growing , Fortunately I corrffilJOlUled with
un aunt in the New Eruland Smtes , and I'ho
advisml me to tnko IJ'dia l < . Pinkham's Veg-
I etablo ) , as it was N\lil to euro tumors -
mors , I II II so nnll hnn1l'IUatdy began to
huprovo lu hcalth , alltl I WIIS eutlrely cured ,
the tUlllor disappenl'ing cntlrely , without an
. opemtlou. I wl h every ImlTering woman
would try this great prl'Jamtiou. ) "
Just ns surely as Miss Adams wns
cured of the troubles enumerated in
I her letter , just so surely will Lydia E.
Piulduun's Ve etablo Compound cure
every \voman in the land who suffers
from womb troubles. inllal11matlon of
the ovaries , Iddne " troubles , nervous
excitability and nervous prostration.
Mrs. Plnkhal11 invites all young
women who are il1 to write her for 'co
advice. Address. Lvnn , Muss.
'nany ' who formerly smoked lOf Cigars now smoke
Your jobbcr or rllr ct trom Fnctorv. Peorln. III.
And for 'the Stock on the Farm
The Creat Antiseptic
PrICD , 25c. , 500. and SI.OO.
615 Albany St. , Boston , Ma95
Former Pennsylvania Dish Now In
Very General Use.
"Scrapplo used to be mndo nlto-
gethor by the Penns'lvnnln fnrmors ,
bul It Is now mndo prncticallY alto-
gotller by n trust , the Philadelphia
Scrnpplo trust , which turns out thou.
snnds of pounds dall ) ' from the first
frost till the spring thnw. "
The spenler , n Phlllulelphln butch.
er , lenow his subject. Ho resumed :
"Our scrapple plant Is uptotwn.
Trains of cnrs containing 11\0 pigs
come in at one end of It. Out at the
other end pass trains ot cars containIng -
Ing pnle scrapple 111 silver colored
"This dolcewblo stuff Is mndo at
! } Ig's hcads , livers , porlt , sngo , th 'mc , I
and n dozen other Ingredlouts. The
ment Is first boiled on the bone In
vnts as Inrge ns swimming pools.
Then It Is cut up Into chunles the slzo
of ) 'our fist by rows of bnre.armed OJ ( .
Ierts with sclmlters. 'I'hon It Is ground
to 0. gra ' powder In steam power
grinding machlnos.
"Tho gray powdcr Is tal\Cn to n se-
crol room. There , uuder the ( llrec.
tlon ot the mixer , n high snlnrled offi.
cinl , It Is seasoned qnd touched up In
many unlmown Wa's. Afterward It Is
boiled In enormous boilers.
"Stili hot and soft from the boll.
lng , It Is p'ut In new , bright tins. It
cools nnd Is n firm substnnco ot h
pearl gray huo-the world fnmed Phil.
ndelphlo. scrapple of song and story.
"Phllndelphla scrapple Is caton nll
o\'or America. If It wore n slimmer
as well as a cold wOather food Il
would perhaps supplant plo ns the na-
'Uonnl dish. "
When Looked Into , Occurrence Is Not
So Remarkable.
The accumulation of hnlf 0. million
dollnrs from n. grammar school prln.
clpal's Bnlary , ranging from $ lGOO to
$3,000 n. year , for fifty 'enrs , Is the
remnrlmble achlevemont of Prof. AI.
pheus Du Bois of New YOl'le.
It is nn nchlovement as mrsterlous
to UIC orclluary mind as Is the rapid
accumulation of millions by some pub.
IIc officials whose salaries nro less
than their cost of living.
Three thousand dollars for fifty
) 'oors nggregntos m' 0,00o-$3GOOOO
less thnn n hnlf.ml11lon.
Yet reference to the Interest table
w11l show that the feat which seems
so oxtraordlnnry , if not Impossible ,
may be accompllshod very easily.
Nothing nccumulntes faster thnn
money nt compound Interest.
Ten dollars saved every yenr and In ,
vested nt Ii per cent wl11 amount to
$1,000 In ve 'onrs , and $2,000
Inld aside from a salnry of $3,000 and
allowed to nccumulate for forty years
w11l grow to about $250,000. AnotheI
ten years w11l put It very near the
hnlf.ml1l1on mnrle. Du Bois had the
advuntnge for many 'enrs of 7 pel
cent legnl Interest.
So the wonder Is , not that his mod
cst salary proved the seed at n. big
fortune , but that anyone well paid
for years should come to old nge with
empty ) Iands.
Prayed for What Was Be&t.
Some sixty 'ears ago there lived
In Gorham , Mo. , n quaint character ,
Parson Bradley. lIe was an itinerant
! ) reacher of the Methodist church ,
and was noted "for his original nnd
familiar expressions In p'll 'ers.
Upon one occasion he was preach.
Ing In North Yarmouth , II. townshlIl
nenr Gorhnm , but not Its equal as a
farming communlt . . There hnd been
dry weather and some one requGste
the parson to pray for rain.
In his prayer he said : "Oh , Lord ,
these people sny the ' nced rain. I
say they neell mnnure. Glvo them
whnt they need most. "
Hawk Carries Away Family Cat.
Mrs. G. 'V. Longwell , who lives on
n. . claim In I yman county , S. D. , re.
ports hawles nnl ! eagles so numerom
In that section that It is nlmost 1m.
possible to leep poultry.
A row days ago n. large ll wlt
swooped down on the family cat ns It
was sunning Itself In the dooryard
and carried It away.-St. Paul 1'10 ,
noer Pross.
Australla' State Journalist.
Australia has 0. "stato journalist. "
A Sydney newspajer man , John Plum.
mer , has C'I.'II engaged at a salar ' 01
$2,000 a yeal' to write articles In the
BrlUsh , American and continental pa'
pors In defense of the commonwol1.lth ,
Us legislation and Its administration.
Harvest Song.
Farther to the south the sun
Droops his tallln hrad.
Now the summer's course Is run
And hrr prldo Is dead :
Rich along- the weedcd roads
Goldenrod slandH tall.
And the purple thistle mist
Plumes the summer's 1):111.
Now In drows ' autumn dreams
Locltcd Ihe landscape lies.
'Yhllo a chastcnell , : : Iory streams
From the azure sIdes :
Lllro the harmouy or hloom
On rlpo fruit , the day's
Morning's blush and ovenlng's dyeil :
DIuI' In tnlst-bluo haze.
Deep the mellow languor fulls
On the silent noon :
No bIrd save the hlue-jay calls.
" 'oods and meadows swoon :
Ghostlier than on Hummer nlchts
" 'Inds sound from nfar ,
Weal' the sun palel ! ns the moon ,
Or the evenIng lilaI' .
So the tldo of IIfo endures ,
" 'axes. wanes. and tails.
'Yhlle earth's m'stery Immures
BonIs In mortal walls ;
Stili to joy my heart will cline ,
' \'hat thoulh winter como ,
I have heard the Ihrostlo slnl :
And the brown Ie s hum.
Swel'test season of tlll' mist ,
" 'hen the summer wanes . ,
Skies of tendoI' amclhy"'t. "
FIelds of Kolden gmlns :
Dlessed cIa ) ' " at rlplJ11 joy ,
, , 'lth the harvest cro\\'lIl'd-
Nourlsher of Natul" < 's pallId
As roll the BraSOIlH lound
-Ed"'ard O. Jaf'ltson In nos ton Tran
lIr.rID t.
_ . . - . - -
A Practical Wlrl'h.
At Atlantic City Inst week 1 11enrd
a good 0110 from n. l1\'o.'ear-01d Irl.
Bor mother , soc > lng the new 1II00n.
toolt n. qunrter fl'ol11 her IlIIrso nnt !
wlshell on It. She then I\\'o It to the
chllll nml told , her to 1111\1(1) n. wish 1\1111
It woulll como truo. After the wish
was mallo the 1110thel' I1.slccll whal It
was , nnd the chilli snld : "I wlsltl.'ll 1
coulll lco ! } the qunrter.-New Yorlc
$100 Reward , $100.
The rr l'cr ' ot Ihl rArrr " ' 11I1'0 , .lrAoN' tn lum
thM Ihero 11Rt IrR8t"o drrsllt'IIIII''aoo Ihat oclollro
hs bron Ahlo to rnro In RII II' .I I : . , , nllli Ihnt It
Cntarrh. IIRII'I CnlRrrh ( 'lIro I. 1110 " 111) 1'111\ ' "
cure now known tll ( ho I11clll\'al trRlrrnll ) ' . cAtarrh
\JelnK " CllllllllUllunnl , lIoonH' . rCllulr'A . . ctlnIu. \ .
tlonal trrAlIlIrnt. IIAII' , CRllrrh ( 'un , to tnkcn In.
ternslI ) , . .cIlOK dlrccll ) ' U\II Iho 111,1 nn. , mUCll1I
aurtnccI ot Iho I \'oh'lII , Ihrrell ) dt'81ru,11I1f Iho
foundntlon ot Iho .1bral" , all" " 1lnlf Iho l'Allont
.lroll lh II ) hl1thllnlt ul'lhe cOI1'llIl1l1on all"l' . . . .1.1.
h)1f nature In dolnlf ! L. wurk. The I'rOrrlrlOr , have
.u much tllllh In 110 curatlvo I'o'n'ra Ihat Ihrr .rrer
Ono lIunM".1 UJ.llnr. t\r Rn ) ' calo Ihat IL taU.41
cure. 1'lId for 1101 nf IroUllloulnh ,
Addl'l' s 1" . , I. clI : : 'mY ' & cu. , TOlcdo , O.
old b , . nlll > ru 7 c.
' ' . ' , . ' ' ' .
'l'.ko Uall' 1111111) 1'11I1 torronotlrMlon.
Sixty thousanll elephants are annu.
allr slt\\1ghterell to glvo the wm'ld Its
The Best Rcsults In Starching
can be obtaIned only brIRing Defiance -
fiance Stul'ch , beRhles HetllnH 4 oz.
more Cor sume 1110lWr-no cooltlng re-
Becausc n. ml1n Is polite to 'ou ,
don't presume that his time Is with. .
out "nlue.
pt'nnanrntlr rur..tI. NnOto nrnrr\01ulI..Rrtor
FITS IlnoLday'o..oo of lIr. KUllo'BUr".t . Serll''otar -
. .r. Reml for 1.'ItEl tJ'J.UO IrlAI 1001110 allli Ir"AII.o.
VII. H.ll. KLtl'iK. ' Ltd. , V31 Arel1ltreot.l'hlll\doll'W"l' ' . .
There al'o twonty.elght cemeteries
In the county of London ,
MrR..IIIRlnw'A nnthllll : Ryrul' ,
For chlldrrn lootblll ! : . othms thOI\III11S , rOl\uces 10-
Ilammatlon , nlls's I'UIII , curcs wind collu. : :5ca Wttlc ,
'I'he river or life has something In
It beside gush.
There Is no pedngogy lIIcc thnt of
'l'hat the Iradlng meilical writers and
teachers of all the sovel'al schoels of
practice endorse alHI recommend , In the
"trongest terlllS polhlo : : , ( 'nch ami every
Inredlcnt ! enterlllg Into the composition
of Dr. Plerco's Gollien : 'll'llIcal Discovery
for the CUI'O of'eak stomach , dYSIopsln , ,
catarrh of stomach , "liver complaint , "
torpid liver , or bl11011811es8 chronic bowel
alTections , al1l1 all catarrimtllseases \ of
wha to\'er rl'gloll , name or nil turo. It Is
also a spccillc rcn1l'dy for all such chronic
or long stalllllng cases of catarrlml affections -
tions nnd their rllsllitanls , as ul'Onchlal ,
throat alllllunit diseases ( OXCl'pt consumption -
tion ) accompanlcd with io\'ero ! coulhs. It
Is not so good for aCllto colds 11.\111 cOlIl-lIs ; ,
but for lingering , or chronic cases It Is
eSJeclaJly ! "Illcllclolls In prolillcing perfect -
fect cures. It contains 1I\aclc \ Cherry bark ,
Gel en SOI\I root , 1I\oodroot" \ Stone root
Mandrake root allli Qneon's root-all 0 ,
which a1'O highly praised as remedies for
all the nbovo mentioned nlTecllons by such
eminent llIedlcal writers and teachers as
Prof. Uartholow , of JelTorson Med. College -
lege : I'roC. lIaro , of the Hnlv. of 1'a. ;
I'rof. Plnlo , ' I 11ingwooI ( , M. D. , of lIen-
nott Mcd. ollnge , Chicago j Prof. .101m
KinK , 1\1. D. , late of Cillcinnatl ; Prof.
.101m M. ScItlI < Im' M. D. . late of Cincin-
natl ; Prof. Edw ! n M. lIalr. 1\I. \ D. , of
lIuhnomann Med. Collrgo , Chicago , alld
8cores of others equlllly omlnent lu their
severnl schools of .
' .rhe "Gullion 1\Ie Icul Dlsco\'ory" Is the
only medlclno jJut up for sale through
drtlHtlsts { for 111m pllrJlOSes , that has any
suc I 1)I'"fcssl/J/IIIL IHHlorsoment- worth
more thun uny nllmhl'r of ordinary testi-
monials. OIJlJn Jluhllelty uf Its formuln
on the bottle wrai'Jlnr ' Is the hest posslblo
guaranty of Its llIerits. A glance at this
pUbllshl'd formul/1 , will show that"Gohlcn
Medlcnl DIscovery" contains no poisonous -
ous or harmful 1I1(1nts alHI no nlcohol-
chmnlcallr llllro , tl'lplo-rollned glycerine
being usel ! instoad. Glycl'rillo Is entirely
unobjcctlonahlo nnd heshlos Is a mORt
muful In rCllhJJ\t In the cure of all stom-
nch as well as hronchlal , throat and IUlIg
afTpctlons. ' 1'hpro Is the hfghust medical
allthorlty for Its usn In all such CUBeS.
' 1'ho "Discover } ' "Is It conclmtratpd gl'c-
erlc extract of natlvf ! , modlclnal roots
and Is safe aliI ! rpllable.
A booldot of pxtral'ts from emlnunt ,
mrillcal authorillos , lIulorslnl ! { Its Inlro-
dlollt. . . malloll fr , ou J'tluest. ! Address
Dr. R. V. I'lnrcn. BufTalo. N. Y.
Heat Your Building With
Ventilating furnace
Am' save 40 per rent
on co t lIud fuel.
Tholl UIHI : ; III Uhe. Gunr.
IlIItCl'l1. SI'mlfortrl'ecllta.
101uo. 1\Innufuctured and
1'0111 hy thu
Bovee Grinder & Furnace
Works , Waterloo , Iowa.
- - ' " '
. - - . - - .
- - - . " .
'to . . : ft ! . . . . . . . - _
= ' ' ' , " I' ' ' ' " ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
: , C A S10 RIA
_ --r- : FOl' Iufants and Children.
' TQRiIA' ' ; The Kind You Have
. . . . . . . " " . . , j' J
" Always Bought
Agcttblc Prc(1nrl\tionfor ( As-
slmU tilIhcl'ood ndne ura- I .
Ull lh . SIOmuchsnl\lDow lsor , , Bears the
- - -
. . , J Signature
Promotes DjgctionChrerru ,
n s llnd ncsl.Conlnlns ncllhcr I
9piuJ1forphinc IwrlillCtlll. " , of '
: Nor "NAnc OTIC. ,
. . . ,
oI'.tfMiJELl'I1'CIEIl I
I ; of < < " ' . \ ,
. .
! A/x..fmwc . : .M.ttll s.J1t- , ;
, . , . , r" " , I n
. i' '
lm".muitt . -
Iii rttr aui. .
1Il . , fr".l-
. . . ,
( / fYiIII" " "
, , _
JI IIrty ' i'lanr.
U S e
Apcrfcct ncm dy rorConsUp.1.
non , SOliI' Stol1chDil1rl'hoc \ < ,
' \'ol'm5Col\vu\siul\sFevcrJsh- \
\ \ -
nCBS lU1l1 Loss . . Ol SI.EIW. f 0 r 0 V 0 D r
FllC Simile si "II\ure \ or
( , Thirty Years
\ '
. .
- . . . . , . . ' ) ' - . - , . ' . .
- - - - - " -
. . , , . "OLD J'nllNtJB , OLD TUIEII. " .
/ 'lndlnnn , Ohio iJnd certnln points In Illinois , Kentucky , Wcst
VlrgInln , Pcnnsylvnnln , Now York , Mlchlgnn and Ontorlo ,
November 21th , 1905. Return llmlt , 21 da.ys ,
To , ' 18lt tllo 01 < \ 11011I0 mul see ) 'u\lr rlcl\ls of otlll'rny8o
n. c. TOWNS ND. Ocnernl Passcocr nnd Tlckel Agen' ' . 51. Louis. Ho.
' 'follow the nag"
"orne YisUors
Novclllb r :17th :
To many IJOlnts In I11lnolll , IJ1IlInna ,
Ohio. Kenlucky.Velltcrn Pennsylvania -
ia , Now YOI'I , lint ! \\'Cllt VirgInia , Ilt
GllI A'lflY HgUII D ltA'l'gS ,
'I'ho WABASH halJ 1101111 rO/IlI-bed.
rocl , lJallflst , un new equhllnent. Ho-
cUlling chair cars ( " ' A'J'8 ] o'HI 1o ) . )
For rutes , mailS 1l11l1 nil Intorll1a tlon
cull lit WnbnHh 1:11) ' Olllce , I OI Fllr-
lIam St. or IlIldl'eHII
11It It Y I . 1\1 ( ) ( ) It I S ,
G. A. P. D. , WaH. \ . It" O/JIflha. Neb.
When Answering Advertlsemcnts :
Please Mention This Paper.
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You have no right to sufTer from constipation or any stomach troublc. There is no neccssity or excuse for it.
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