. c. . - . . - , " - - . - . : , . . . . , . - , , I , , J. ' . , . . . ' " i"-- I oo\e\1 L\\ > tat\Ml . Qte\Q 1\\11\ , . ESTABLISHED 1882. THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF CUSTER COUN'ry. LARGES'l' CIRCULA'l'ION OF ANY PAPEI IN TUB COUN'l'Y. ! . I ' VOL. XXIV , BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURDSAY , NOVEMBER 30,1905.--EIGHT , PAGES , NO.25c . . . ' - - - - , - .J , . . . . - . . " . . . . . ' . ' ' - . . ' . . " : ' . : . ' ) : : . . ' . . . . . . ' . t : . : . . . . \ 1 - " ' . ' Chrishnas . Don'.t forget - 1S com1ng. a Don't forget-your comJ t fort. - ' . Don't forget-our cot1\'en. ence. Don't forget-first buyers gd the pick. Don't forget-now is Uw I ti.mc to buy your Christmas g1ftS , and here the place to . get them. , m m m . BUSINESS POINTERS. . : : : : : ! li'oH SAr.rA new house , 24x2J four rooms , within two blo ks of the square. Inquire at this om ce. 24 tf I Doctor T4each , Dentist. I I J. C. Moore , abstracting. 2tl , - Dr. 1' . L. Farnsworth , dentist. Dr. Christensen treats catarrh and fits glasses. 2tf Ji'resh ' - and O'sterscandycig-ars tobacco at 1ilce Scanlons. List your farm and city pro crt ) ' with B.Y. . lair. 37tf . Dr. Bartholomew promptly at. tcnds to calls at any tunc. 23.tf We can save your time an save you money if you will call and sce PecIc's clothing at J. N. Peale Co. 22ts 'V ANTHD-Corn shuclcers , in good corn , close to town , will pay 5 ccnts a bushel. Inquire at this ofl ce. 24lf For a Short time , $2 down and 50c per week buys an Edison TaUdng Machine. 23tf Bangs' Studio. FOH SAI.It-Elevcn and half lots , 50x140 feet. Good framc house , good barn , good well and 100 bearing fruit trecs. Enquire 'at ' this office. 17tf FoAI.ItA \ : : ) fcw thoroughbred - bred Berkshire boars , frol11 some of the best prize getting' stock at the State Fair. Addrcss , CHAS. ScnbL'fz , 124-25. l rolen Bow , Neb. , - - - - - - - - _ . _ - - - - - _ . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - , tt't"1'11tlt""t1tt'ttT't"t"t"t"'t'ttt"t""tt"t""t' ' " ' ' " " ' ' " " " " " ' ' " " " " " " " " " ' ' . IA - , Rare Treat1 ! - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . ; . 3 - - - - - - - - - - - E BOONE and his company will appear :3 : E BLIND Opera I-Iouse \Vednesclay even:3 : E ing , Dec. th _ I\r.iniBt rs , J.Jawyers , Doctors-:3 E everybody'go to h ar them and are loud in their :3 : = = praises of them. DOll't fail to secure seats carly :3 : = = as the opera house will be crowded. :3 : - - - - - : - : : : s. P. GROAT , - - - Manager. - : : : : 1111il1111 11111111 11111111111111111111111111 11111111 11111 11111111 , . . . . . * * * * * * mM . . It. i ! , . BOWMAN & ANDERSON. ! r- 1 . ii. ! ' are dealers in Heal Estate of alllc nds. 'VVg We will buy or sell. Don't fail to see ! : us before you buy or sell. We can do you good. Collcctions madc and insur- t t& ance written. Farms rented and taxes paid. See I ) . us for farm loans. Come in and sce us. ii IJ ! I BOWMAN & ANDERSOl' . i t NOW IS TIlE TIME TO SECURE Ii. l. J . . VIOLIN MANDOLIN OR GUITAR II ERE ISO U R G REA T 0 F FER : , ! , With ( ln ry imtl'nlH'lIt wo illt1l1p ! , ( r'c Clf chnr&c. & ! a Frl' J.esi'oll ) ' Crrtificatl ! , which enabl ! ' ! ! ; YOIIII Sl'CIII"O ( 'itlll'l' r , ( ) OJ' 100 1l' : ' 'IIIIS hy ! IIail from I' , _ . , ? the flll'IIoi't ! , ( OI'l''IPflII ! PII'l' illtitntioll ill Alllel' ca. Till' olll\ . ' ( 'xprnse is for lI"slalo ; , slntiOlIl'I' ) ' , etc , ANYONE CAN EASII.Y IEAIlN TO I'LA Y TilE M.\NnOI.lN. GUiTAU Oil VIOI.IN In' FOrLOWING TillS Sl'LENnm . COUIlSE OF INSTHUCTIONS Enrll Jl' nll Is il1u lrah',1 , I. ) " Inr 1) l.hotolml"l1 tU,1I ! cllrrc'tI ) ' fro'll 1111' , HI.lcllllhl skill nR a perforJIll'r is n , urL'dilli till' mlllllJlIIIJl . .r l'rul'Ih'I' . 'I'll I' ' ' ! 11"'M'II-I ' IIfl' Nultell tn l'hlilre'll ( mill ) 'UIIIII : I.eniliu us well ns Ulllllts , IIl1wlrl'lls nro tullI ! 1I11\'nlltu c of this Jr 'at nfTer. Why lIot ) 'nll ) ( Bnnallls III 11I1\lloIl1l8 , 8..00. 8i.00. SS.OO :11111 : 111' : Oulturs. S. , 00. j.OO. $ 00 111111 up : ( I " 10111\8 , $ oHiO , 8..00. SI. : ( ) ( ) 1111' } III' ' . ulIII'cmemllcr , us stuted UIIlIVl' , thut with euell Ju lrum\lIt Q fneludl : Ii "reo LebHlIl Ccrtillcl1w wlthuut chlrlc. : I E 11uggisM E el EQlis tfS I I : L , _ - m : : : : : : : : : : m Thnnlcagivin8" 'l'he people of Custer County have special reasons this ycar to feel th nkful for general prosperity - perity of the communtity LiS well as the individual prosperity of all. Crops of allldnds were exceptionally - ceptionally good and priccs com- mensurate. 1'hese material blessings as well as the boun. teens provisions the Rulcr of the. Un'erse has made for the happi- ncss of mankind affords ample reasons for all to join in one day in the year in gcncral t'ejc.icing and praise. to the Givcr of all g-ood. In the city a union services of the se\'cral churches witI be held for special praise and service at the U. B. church at 10:30 : a. m. T4et Ihelcountrv and town people come together at this time in honor of the occasion and show an appreciati\'e spirit. W. B. J astham went to Cres. ton , Iowa , on busincss 1\1onday. Attorney James Lcdwich w'nt to North Platte l\1CHHlay ; on legal bU5incss. \ Geo. Herrick of Spring Crcelc , was among the busincss callers at this ol1 ce Saturday. Mr. Laut'en of Grand Island , \ ' sited here over : ' : : unday. the j gucst at the home of A. ' 1' . Sims. I H. G. McGrew , cashier of the : Callaway State Bank , was in. . Brokcn Bow Monday enroutc to Omaha. 'rhe Rupunr.IcAN goes to press one day earlier this week than usual in order to ohserve Tlianks- giving as a holiday. The foundations for thrce new resilences were laid last week. Surely Brokcn Bow is cnjoying her share of prosperity. Potatoes arc retailing at 50 cents per busbel , quite an ad. vance over the price paid when first coming onto the market. Dr. R. B. Mullins left yest r. day for. Lincoln where he wilt vbit his son , Richard , for a few days and then will go to Omaha for a brief visit. It is rumore.l that No. 44 , thc local cast bound passenger train , will chan e time in the near fu. . ture to an early hour in thc morn. . ing. It is thought its time wilt be ( ) or 7 o'clock a. m. Ilank 'Veakhn of Berwyn , has bought a fourteen acre track of land just cast of town formerly a part of the Sam Derris tract , for which he paid St.500. We un- dcrstand that he bought it with the view of building on it in the near future. A t the regular me ti'ngof ' the 1\1. B. A. lodge last Friday night live new members were initiated into the mysteries . of the order and four. new npplicatiun for membcrship were elected. After the session , refreshments wcr ( ' served by the lalies anll a social time was enjoycd. 'rhis lodg has organi ed the secpnd degree team and in a short time will l''l' ' two teams well drilled for l > Lltting'on the work. A. H. Humphrey of Broken Bow , formerly state commission. er of public l nds and buildings , is now entitlcd to be cal1ed Judge Humphrey. At the recent elcc. tion he was chosen county judge of Custer county , once known as the home of populism. . He was a candidate on the republican ticket and although the count\ ' frequently \'ides thc of1ices b . t ween the republican and populists - lists , he w s electcd by a lair ma. joritv. Judge Humphrcy callcd on fricnds in f4incoln yesterday. --Lincoln Journal. Dum-Da\'id Heller , at the hospital in this city Sunday. Ir. Ilellcr only a few months ago moved to this city from 140ngwood , where he homcstead. cd in the carl ) ' eighties. He wa a soldier in the Civil War. He and his wife att'cnded ' the G. A. H. national cncampment at Den. \'er last summer whc're they spent about two wecl < s. Since return. ing home 1\11' . Heller's hcalth had hecn gradually failing. II is : . funeral serces were in charge of thc D. A. R , post of t.his ci t \ ' and was conducted from the . B. church. 'rhe HmiulIIIcAN ex. tends to the bereaved family the sincere sympathy of the com- munity. Attorney Ii' , II. Bentlv was in the city agalll Mondaj : looking after legal business. Miss Lottie Sims came down from Merna and visitcd with her parents ovcr Sunday. 'l'he holiday display of wares in the windows of our mcrchants reminds us that Christmas' is ncar. -1 : > 1' . Headrick's ncxt visit to Broken Bow will be Wednesdaj' , Occ. ft. Consultation and cxam. ination free. Parties wanting' the best ] > 0. sWons in the RUPUIIIICAN for holiday advertiscmcnts arc rc. ql\csted to call early. Mrs. I. A. Beneau and children left Wcdncsday of last week for California to spend the winter. Mr , Hencan accompanied hcr as far as Kcarney , returning Friday. County Superintendent Lewis receivcd his Christmas present this year ( Iuite in advance of Christma ! ! . It camc last weck from the State Superintendcnt'H oOice at IAncoln and was that of a professional life certificate. Of course Mr. f4'wis is very ap- precia t i ve. Wm. Purscll of 1\lason City , formerly dcputy sherilY of Custer county. was a city visitor Mon- day. lIe in company with J. R Lang made the HHI'UIII.ICAN office . a social call. Mr. Purscl1 I has reccntly hought controlhng intfrcsts in the State 13al1k of Mason City and at the meeting of the directors last week he was elccted its pres llcnt. ' { 'hc attcntion of the puhlk is called to the auction sale of lots y S. P. Great , that appears in this issue of the J UI'U\IIICAN. \ Mr. Great received through the mails 'l'uesday morning a decd from the J"incoln 14and Co. for all their lots and blocls in Bro. kcn ow. This now gives Mr. Great aboul 300 lots which he will s ll at public auction at the Opera Housc , December IH , at 1 o'clock. It is a rare chance t s cure good building sites on rcasonable tcrms. C. II. Holcomb has associated with him as partncr in his law , realestate and collection business his daughtcr Mahle. Miss Mable has becn book keeper in her fath. ers ofl ce for the past two .rears. She is a young lady of fine busi- ncss qualifications , 1 competant stenographcr and highly compe. tant to fill the position. 'l'he firm name witI be C. II. & M. E. Holcomb , instead of Holcomb & Son. Ofiice WOI'1e not being conducive - ducive to his health , Wilber with. drew frol11 the business and is working at the carpenters tradc. During the acth'ity in railroad building Broken Bow should arise to the efforts of capahilities and he looking after her intcrests. Brokcn Bow can with the proper efforts secure within thc next few 11I0nths the Chicago and North. wcstern from the north.east and thc Missouri Pacific from the south.east. As thcse roads con. tcmplate an extension in our di. rection in the near future we should act IJromptly and gd in on the ground 11001' and encour. age these companies to include Broken Dow in their routes. J t would quadruple our population in the next fivc years and gener. ally be of grcat benefit to the farmi g community. 'l'his locality has experienced a slight change "in the weather this week. It rained nearly all i day Monday and thc streets wcre covered with three or four inches of mud. Mondrty night thc wind changed from the south-cast to the n rth.west and 'ruesday in. stead of rain the ground was covered with snow. Mercury dropped to eight above zero by ( , p. m. an 'l'uesday night three helow , the coldcst of the season. Atthis writing ( Weclnesdaj' morn. ing ) the sky is clear and the wnrm rays f the sun is pouring down upon the snow and wcre it not for the north.west wind which still pre\'ails therc would Hot be much , if any snow left hr . I Supt. Lewia Elecled to Poaition in Broken now Schoola. I At a meetinJr of the School i Board Monday , Supt. J. G. W. 14cwis was elccted to l position , as teachcr in the Drokcn Bow High School , to take effect at the beginin1.f of the ensuing year. I 'l'he board is to bc > complementcd for its wisdom in this respect. I - tf1. _ _ _ 1. ( ' \ COUGHS - . A'.I. ' this senson of the year when that ugly cou Ht cntehcts you , just remember'that we have your fn- \rOI' te cough remedy and v1enty ol ! H. OIl'Vhite \ Pine nnd ' .I'm' hUH no ( 'qual. U jye it It trial. J. S. Iv J. F. BAISCH 8ncco orJfto ; J. a. Hn-eborlo. t.- . _ _ _ _ II . . _ . _ . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . , - - - - - - " - . . . . . _ _ : t ' - ' . - . . . ' . . _ . ' - A FULL LINE _ OF : : . Nnw 1905 Evaporated F r U I II t S \tii \ . ! : , \ i1 \ ' < i. I. } : j Now Open for 9nspection. ' i" jl ' _ _ . .J , New . . - Nvapornte'l Mmd'each- ' I'M' I I "MEl \ I I " I 11 I ) ' , ldl1 I , I ' ' , ) . : \1 \ - , lcr pound. . . . . . . . . . . . . 121.c : n . ' ' ! NJ' ' l' : 'aporatl Muir lach. . . ' I\el Ii n Ufdoch&o ( ! , tll ! cspcrpound. . . . . . . . . . . be CHfcAC' ' . , , ! l : . ! . New l' xtr a Fanc\'l\hti t' .Peach . , , . ' " o. ! f1 : cs , per pound. J . . . . . . . . . . . . Oc " New Bvaporated Black Haspberl' es , per ponnd. . . . . . . . 3Sc New ] aporated Apricotg , pcr pound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15c New l vaporatcd Apricots , per pOllnd. . , . . : . , . . . . . . . . . JPc : New \'aporatcd Pears , pcr poun l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15c New ] vapor tctl Prt\n.e\ \ ! , per Houn l. . " q , , Hi LO and. 12 I _ , e. , New Glace Citron , extra lancy , per pOllnll. . . . . . . . . . . . 30c New PosteX'l Currants , futl pound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IOc New Plum Pudding' CtirrantH , full pOl nd. . . , . . . . . . . . . 127 C New Guttan 1 Haisins , full pOll lid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15c Ncw Seel1c s Haisins , flltl pound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ! ' ! New 4-Crown l aisins , per pound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10c ' I New Orange Peel , per pound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oc New Lemon Pcel , per pound. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30c New Crab Apples , per pound. . . . . . . . . , . . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . 12j6c We scllthe purest spices , ciders ald } fruits for Mince Meat. J. C. BOWEN. . 'l'UA U1 Nortll Hid. ! I-lire Old. hu'r , 'IIICK'or UHOKgN 1I0W , NI IIH. . JI\UK . . . . . . . . . - - " . . - , . . - : { I _ : _ . . _ "fe . , , , - . . . . . ' . " 'fio . . - . \ - r . M . , ' . , . - _ . . - . . J . . _ . 4 . . . . . . - - - - - - . . - - - - - - , = Chest Prot ction , . _ : JIC' . . . . . . , " ' _ u.n.- . . . . , , . . . . - - . . . - . . . . . . . _ . _ _ . _ . _ . - - . . . . - - - E of our Chamois Yests win proteet you ON H Iainst ( 'oug'hs und ( ' .olds. Put it on and wenr it all wintcl' . You will he slIl' [ > l'iHel ( how snug ) ' 0U will fcel , 110 muttm' how ( 'old the \ weathm'V p ha\'c a ( 'olllllletp line. , _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " --uxn-.uI'AtoA3U1a1..onsj. _ _ r. . . " . " . . , . . " : . . , . . . . " . . . , , . . , . . , . , . . , . . . ' > = ' r. ' " " 1. s. . : IBEI : : I gist BI' ell. , _ _ ; : : , - - 4 4J . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , , , , . . . . . . . . - ' . . . . . , ' . 01 J ' ' ' . . \t " " " ! ' ! \t" I..O.c--al : : : ; : : ; H.jl ; : : ' " Jhl'Ji Ih. . ( j'l ' " . 1 , , Guster Canvon Herd of Duroc Jersevs : . , - . . . - , . . = . : - . . . ! . ' . , ! Eight rJIiles est of B1'ol < cn Bow > , - \ , , j ha\e : :3 : ; ) male 1jg'S , , tor > , ' ( ' } l'.tl' ( ! fl'om 0\11' \ . WE Spl'1I1g ( 'J'Op of orel' O ( ) lllg's. 1 hey nl'e ' . . , I'iph ill the hlood of I )1I1'oe ) t'hHllellg'l'l' , U Itllwood ' ! . King' , Pl'int' ( ' EI.j'k ( and Hed Chief , the 1wst. bloods /1 \ in tlw ( IOllntl'Y. TI1l'j' al'e n good , g'l'owthy lot , hav- ' illg' extl'a g'ood hacks , rlet nnt ! legs , with heavy .1 hOllP , and fol' ( lunlity \IIwxeelled. . Cnll and we : 'IJ them. Tltpy will suit yoI. \ . Pc(1igrcc ( with every pig s ld. Prices I'CnSOllaule. lE ES E & MOllE H OUS 14 ; , lIRO ; R lOW , I . . . . _ _ - - , , - - - 't - -