Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 23, 1905, Image 8

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C--M- : . = _ _ - - . :
win Darnell Wrlt a From California. I
. Los ANOLnsC 1. , Nov.9 , 1905. \
" -EDITOH Rltl'VDUCAM : Count.
inl { back , from tbu tirm ! 1 Idt
. Brokn llrw t1.le tim consumed
in arriving ber W ! \ 9 Vcn days
. and ix nights. 'l'bis ga\'c me
time to stop ovcr at 5c\'cral places
r of intcrlst en.routc and hugcly
. enjoyed thc trip as a rcsult ,
Passed through /foyal / Gorguc , a
: wonderful sccnic placc , and topped -
ped ofT at Salida , then over Mari -
i , shall Pass through the Wac1e
Can'on , all .of which arc well ,
worth onc's tltne to sec. 1 have
. , ; to thanle Dr , H , n , Mullins ,
whose advice I fol1owed as to directions -
rections in coming here arid fcel
well repaid in lieu thereof. The. .
Ii lU'lIJU.ICAN' arri veil abou t h
soon as I clid and JOu ruay be as.
surec1 it was companionable read.
iug' ami s rutillizcd closely. It
carried mc back to Broken IJow
among Ir lnrls.
' 1'h < : outhrn part f Caltfornia
difTers from the eastcrn part at
the present timc. ' Here we Hnd
the foliage . fulness and the
Hewers all in bloom. We go to
the parks and find them bcauti-
\ ful. much lil < e those in thn cast-
crn states in the summer timc ,
To be sure , in the mountains
there is snow the year round ,
and tltcy are not ven' far away ,
cither. Along the const wc find
the winter resorts where people
come to remain during the bittcr
cod ! of t11e eastern statcs. 'l'hey
begin arriving about the first of
each year. Some of the famou : : .
resorts arc Long Beach , SaIl Bar-
nade and sc\'cral others. 'rhe
most intercslin , howe\'cr , is Han
Pedre , where Uncle Sam has a
harbor for anchorin ! war-ships ,
an intere ! > ting sight tJ witness
for those who havc never seen
the likc , and thcy are ready at
all timcs to answer thc country's
call in whate\'er case of cmcr-
. . . _ gency.
- - - -
- -
, . . . . . . . . ? . . . - - _ . . . . . . . . . . . .
L . _
Passing to the tropical question -
tion , the land that is apJarantly (
valuelcss brings from $100 to $200
, per acre and much of it con i er-
ubly morc. ' . It produces any kind
of fruit or cereal it i < ; pb.ntelt to.
Of course tbi land is in the irrigated -
rigated dhtrict , tbl' water for
which iq uppliell byVclls. . and
enc well will furnbh sufficient
water for au hundred or more
acres. Some 1dnds of fruit re-
cluire morc water than others ,
and the cost of irrigating i
nominal , 'rhere is uu enormous
crop of everything this year ,
'rite c1o\'e trees are breaking
down , so hcavily laden are the
branchcs , anel remind us of the
full plum trees of the cast. 'l'he
largcst olivc grovc in thc world
is only : IUOut 30 mil's north of
Los Angeles , there being morc .
than 30,000 trees in the gro\le.
' { 'he first fruit we see on this
sidc of the mountain is the grape.
All along the way one sees large
vine'imh ; , and this is the busy
season for gathering and ship.
pinK it by the car load to the
different markcts As trninsstop I
at the variolt < ; stations there ,
wouhl.he . great numbers of pee
pic with haskets full of the lu-
cious fruit to scll to the passen-
gcrs at the rate of two pounds
for five cents , an of course everybody -
body out here eats grapes. so
cheap-just lil < e T l1sing' them
yourself ,
Bnt this is not only a fruit
country. W have all hcard of
the California hone } ' . 'l'he bees
arewe111cnown in th ! part of
Caliornia and arc mostly apriaed
in the hilts , vhere irrigation is
not practiced. 'l'hese places are
calleel bee ranches , and one man
I ha"c in mind at this momcnt
! 1hiJ > J > C twcnty tottof ! honey
from Ius ranch alone.
' ( 'he trees out hcre arc a heauti-
ful sight to see , so lar e and tall ,
for instance. the cnc1yptic'cI'y
- ,
Dress Makin ! .
n I am prcparcd to do drcss malcing. l es-
idencc bac1e of Johnson's barber shop.
) Mrs. Pearl Glaze'rl
l _ _
T11e Advo Resta uralit.
. I .
A . ' Grocery has houg ht the OYRter Bt HesM
tnurnnt of T. B. Gusner and hUR assumed control.
He hnHhanged tllt Hnme to the A < 1\'o HeR-
tau1'ant nnd put J nckV oods , the well known caterer -
terer , in clwl'ge. 'rho A"o } Hestnurnnt will bj
\ run in fit'st-class order and square cleal trentment
' ) giYOIl to all. The puhlic i solicited to gi vo the
1- new manngement a trial and tlw Advo will he 1'e-
: " sponsible for the future patronuge. .Meals at all
r hOlll'R nnd seryed. to suit. V.r e fire YOUJ'R to } ) ll'me. ;
i Llhe dv e t l
: ! J
. . . . . _ . .
; -
= JIIP-- -
- - - -
- - - - " " " " " " " ' -l < .
. . -i .Wi
) . I
; Ii i
j i
I I '
! , . , . !
. - - - . . . . - - - - - - ' - - -
i ,
1t 1 .
I M. llA TES , ' successor to Rpckwel1 & Arm-
\ strong. has employed 1-4. E. , Cole. formerly
: with \\T. J. Woods , as Undcrtaleerand , l mbalD1er
aud am preparcd to givc first class work. My
stock of unc1ertaldug goods is of hig-h quality
1 aUt ! I am prcpared to suit ) 'OU in cJuality unci
price. I ba\'e a fine hcar\c and am prepared to .
! g'e the bcS\t accomodations to city or count.v
; ; customers , Prices right. See me before gi\'ing
I ) 'onr order. ,
\ ' .
j .
" .It 'f ( _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ ' . . _ _ . . . _ . _ " . _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _
- - - -
- -
; " , . , . .
'r . / J. ' M. Bates.
, , NO It'l'H S II ) lTI.
- - - - . , . . . - . , - - . , - . . . . . . -
. . . , R
pAC Kibbil
Nano bettor rnA .Non better knoWII
With MoKllilUNS at three . the )
flvo dollar hl1t 19 "Ollt of It' $
For Sntoiby J. N. PEAtE CO. iJ
, - - .
- - - - - - - -
usC'f lnot only for its fmI , but
there is tal < cn from it au oil of
great medicinal worth. Bcforc
this can be safely used , though ,
a sub tance is extracted from the
oil thllt is c1cadlr poisonous , so
much so that a s ngle drop of it
put into a bird' : ; mouth will caUie
immccliate death.
. I have been. hcre but a few
daj's and therefore have had but
a short time in wbich to familiarize -
ize m self with things , but in
closing would say this is a most
charming country for anyone.
In c"ery respect it i nature' : ;
paradise and thousands of people
tal < e advantage of its cnviroments
with cach succecding ) 'ear. More
anon. \VII.LIIt DkHNIU.T. .
- - - -
Alfalfa in Nebraska.
'rhc I4incoln Journal takcs i !
most hopeful vicw of alfalfa am ]
pys it "has becomc a uame tf.
conjure with in Nchraska. ' 1'he
report of alfalfa acrcage in the
statc will be scrutinized with un.
. usual intcrest , for the ligure
Ulark what is , perhalfs the 111081
important agrkllitural tenllencj'
of the Htate in recent ) 'carR.
' ! 'hrec ycars ago when the'1allOi
, burC'i\u is > ucd its lirst reports Of
alfalfa acreage , the l1um her 01
acres wa 201,53h. 'rhe lig-urc
rOl' } lJ05 g'e the prcscnt alf.df:1
area at 315,711 , a gain since 11)0 :
of more than fifty per ccnt. Dur.
ing all of this period alfalfa secl
has becn scarce and . the price aI ,
most prohibitive. Had it hecI
otherwise the incrcase woul <
have becn yet more marked.
' 1'his crop is peculiar in the re
spect that it has followed an op
posite geographical course fron
other crops. Whilc the farmcr
and their allies the scientist :
have struggled to push whea
and corn growing farther ane
farther west , they have had tl
exerl the same effort to get alfalfi
to growing farther an farthe
cast. ' 1'0 Dawson county , witI
ovcr twenty thousand acres , aIC
aHa has long hecn a matter 0
coursc. Whcn we remcmher tl1a !
more than half t he farmers il
eastern Nehraska four years ag' '
refuscd to believe ther coull
grow alfalfa 5ucccsfull : , ) ' , it i
the figurcs from such countics a
Lancaster showing' o\'cr threl
thousand acrcs u"cmg'ing' ncarl'
! i\'e tons pcr acrc than c1eman
our rapt attcltion. {
' 1'hc important fact IS conveyc1
hy the report that e\'cry count ,
in the state but one is growit1i
alfalfa. A little comparini
shows l11orco\'er that this r.ror
which requircs enl , } ' the labor 0
han'esting aftcr being enc ,
plantcll. a\'cragcc1 in'alue thi
year more than twice as muc
pcr acre as our humper whea
crop. "
How To Pic ! , Seud Corn.
: Prof. WiHard of Kansas ,
vic for the work of the cominj
fcw months in preparing for ne
summcr's corn crop , which is i
Ihost hclpful feature. "Durin
the winter the sced corn shoul :
be carcfully sortell ovcr ani
brcceing' ears for next elson'
sccll field selectcc } . We havc tc
da v s orc carels for corn. h
I wliich the perfect cars of ditTcI
ent'arieties are recluired to COI
form to a l'crtain stand ITd as re
ganls s : e , , ty'pe. uniforq
ity , etc. Perhaps thc breec1cI
. . ha\'l' not J'ct Icarned to rccogniz
all the \ ' tal points of a geol ! eiJ
of c.orn , but somc of the cha
act'ristics which indicatc equality
quality and a hig-h ) 'iehl in cor
. are knOWI1. 'l'he ear shoulll t.
of.0011 . ' ' : s ze. s'mmetrical in forll
wIth strught ; rows of we
dcnted , medium , wcdge.shape
1 < ernel . A cvlimlrical ear allo\1
I fol' mure lecrnels ou u coh and
more un Herm lel1g-t h i 11 Iternc
'L'hc tips should bc well lillci
alHl at the butts of the ears U
& 1
lcrnels should swell out ahol
the shanl < . " .
- - - -
10'01 < RUN- I ) ' farm , 1\ '
milcs of Brolcen 13ow. Fif
acrc ! > in cultivation , tweh'c acr
in alfalfa , halance har lan < < 1 : \1
= pa tur ( ' , ft'IIC'll. pri \ " $ t. ( ) ( ) : 23tf JOliN ' 1'00D. .
- . - - - . . _ _ . _ .
. . . .
. . . -
The : ccurity State Bank
lIrokclI 1I0w. ehra9ka , Chnrtcr No.
8.12. ( illcorporatt'.t ) , III the 5tutl : of Ne
brn kn , lit the clogl ! uf bll\lne s Noy ,
Loallsanl ,1I counl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i .l . , :
O' r.lraft . eculI',1 O'h ! IIn , 'curc < l. . . . . 111./ (
Hluck . ccu rl tlc .j u < .ll ( 11I':11 1"\'lalll1 .eIC 723.,0)
110111141111 ( houol ! fllrllllllrt' " , "llIlllIn' . . r.(1Jo.U' , '
Hue from 110111011,11. ! ltah' alhl
Irh"ahallle , all < lllkl'r l : , , : I".133.r,1
Cltek ! ! " 1\I11I1'1I1 ! ! of CI'ht1l1l1' : 4111..1'1 '
to..h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . iU'I.Jj ' 1./t,7.21
'rola I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "I , I. ' ; r. . U
Call1l1 Ioclc I'allllll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.tN I.IM
1J'"lh.ItI'IIII.olil'4. . . . . , . . . . . . tI".7
1Ihlh.I < .III,1 ,1t'Io.IIS Rubj'CI
. : I1I'cle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4i,42J.t : $
IIc/IIallLl Ct'lllflcalcs..1 ' ' ' : I'I ( II. 1.7 1. ! : ! : ; 4'I.H .20
'rOlal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! J(7 .IS
S'r ' 1' ' ' UP N" UASKA' ' .
Count ) . or Cusler. ! I I. JOI. PIIIau
cafihler of Ihl' a'onalled ' , ollle , .III sol. " IIh.
I\'ear Ihal Ihe above Ialelllellll a ! : ( } rreCI a" . !
true cOPI"of Ihe repnrl m\llc w le' Siale lIalll.
11111 lIoall. fOs. PIIMAN.
W. A. OlWRnK. Ulreclur.
JULI.II IIAUMON'f. IJlre'lur :
" - ' - - " lIh allll lllrore
J"--- , crlhcd ! l1V01II 10 III"
, ! HAL r tlJl8 20lh day IIf Nu'elllhcl' . 11)115.
. - . . - , . Hess n , P1CKJ > 1'T , 1I1an. , Pllbllc.
- - - - - - - -
A New Implement Store.
1. N. Marquis has hought W.
. Kennedy's stocIe of implements
and will cngage in the implcmcnt
busincss. lIe has leased a building -
: ing of Geo.Willing on east side
I of Fourth Aveneu where be witl
conduct his busincss.
Thig office for neat job work.
- . . . . . . . . .
_ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ h . _ . _
. Legal Notices.
. I
. . . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - -
CO ' 1'fS'1' : NOTice. i
UIlIIt'(1 SIh.q r.a.1I1 omc , ' . t
HrnkCII ] 111Nehra8k . . Nn\'l'ml > er 11. 1905. r
I A lIl11ch'lII Clllllc.I .1 Ititlav11 ha\11I1 ( I'ell , tll,1
III Ihl. . olliee h . \ " rchk' 11. lIIck ! ! , e"II\t' lalll ,
I alaln I l1nlllcotl1 cnln. Nn. .5.15' . F'hrll.
I : lrv.l. I'NS. Inr 1I11 ! N IIw L . , ,14 11\1. 11,14 ,
t" hc J S..clloll 20 : I'HI wH IIW I Seetlnll.1 :111.1
I'i ! 1I1' S"Ollnll " 1'1 , 'J'II\\'II hll' ; : " . HIIII { " 22. h\ '
Ah."lnlll II. HIIIII. C"IIIt'Cl' ! , III , , 'hhh II I al.
I r' " Illal Contl'sI'c ha "ball < lIlIl",1 ' ; :1 hi "lIln.
. I :11111 11:1" cl1alll/l',1 hi" n"lIlclice Ihlr.frnm fr ;
11\10' Ih.11I "II ( 1111'11111" la"I Ila,1 aUII Ihal . .al.\ \
t'lIlr ) ' I 11111 hlnlcd 1111011. clilth'alcll au1111. .
l'rtI\'edn. . fl"llIlrell by law a'Hllh1 .lalll cOI I. . .
10'1' hall lIe"r elllablhh..11 rCihl"III' . , 111'011 "aid I I
lallll : tIl,1 ha ahlIlIlulI.,1 lIal < .l 1'1111' ) . , Ihal { , : Ihl
.lel Clri l'II 1 al Ihl'l "a" : alll , 11:1\ ' " 1101 b clI I
. 'lIreI , alld Ihal al.1 eOlllc'Iltw 1'111111111 Ille 111"-
vice 01 till' IT. S. III : IIIY caladtl' Whale ! ' . . . . . . . .al,1
Ilalll's art ! herehy IWlllle,1 Iu a\l\lcar. \ \ " " . . "nll41
.111I1 flrler e'hlt'llce IlIuehlll 111111 "lIl'lIallou .11
11111'clllck a. III. 1111 I ) r.em'r ' : : i. 1' ' I.5. , , , 'llIIc Ilw 1
H III'1II'1 :11111 ) { , 'cl'l er al tI" " , lll1l1e,1 Siale. , ,
1..111,1 Ollic , ' III IIrn"o'li 1I0tNehl'Ika. .
'I'III. ! . .a hi CllllleSlalll hallIl ( . 111lrnl'er ,1m.
,1lvlI , 111 < . .1 N"'clllher I' . I'll ) ; , . s1 100Ih tlclS
whicli Ihal after clm' , II II I lie II C.JIe , < ; 011:11 ' 4cn-iel.
II ! Ihl < ; lIutice call 1101 be tnllle , II IR Ill'leb ) ' IIr.
. , It'rcII allli Ilirecle.llhal , , "ch 1I011C" 1"'II\'l'lI hI'
, Iue allllllr\' Iluhllcalloli.
1.27 JUliN 1 1.1t lt , nl'cehcr.
. I II 1 > < ; trlcl COlin 01 CusIcI' CUIIIIO' . Nehr3'1ka'
1 In IlIemalleroflheal.lIllcatlou IIf Hattie II.
Shafer. I1l1arcllall III Malllll1. : . . Plo,1 11. all l
I nlad's n. Iale. , . mlllllr . III..ell r.'al , , < ; 1"11' .
Nnllee I I"r"hl' I"I\'elilhat IIIllIr"lIaIlCt \ ! nl
allllnl..r III till' HOllorable BruIIII O. HlI3letler.
_ JlIllIe of Ihe UlslrlcI Cnllrt oC Cllslt'r COUIII ) ' .
Nehra..lfa. mldl ! Oil Ihe l'llh ' , Ia\ ' III AIII"II I.
. 1905. lur Ihe sale 01 Ihe soulh''a"I ' 1l1arll'r 01 Ihe
IInrlll\\'est qllarler ( .eo IIw1 ! ; allll Ihc 1.011111.
we'll 'Iuarl..r III Ihe IIorlhca'il 'Illaller ( w ! .
lIeH' Ihe IInrlhwl'sI 'Iuaner III Ih. . " "lIth.a'll
' 111al I'r ( IIW ! ' . { sd.j' ) a 11(1 Ihe IInrll.'a'll . qll"rlt'r
of Ihe "ullth.wesl 'Iuarllr 'II"sw11l1f ' ! ! H.'cll..II
II. ' 1'0II.hll' 14. Hallge 17 III CII..ler COIIIIl ) ' .
Nehram : , I\m ! 'ame will he sohl at Ihe Irnllt
dnor nr Ihe CIIUrt IInll e III ' 1alll cnuIII ) ' al n. . . . .
kell 1I0ou Ihe 21111 cia ) . of Ice'I\lb"r. th05. al
Ihe hOllr of twn n'cluele III Ihe ah..rlllltlll al
pllhlle'lHllllln' . IlIlhe hlllhe I bhlder rllr , .ash.
Salol sal will rcmallllll1ell lur 1111" hUlir.
1).lIl'ltllls " 'h .Ia } ' IIf No\'mhl'r. 1905.
ILHrm 1 : . SII.H.ItN.
C llardlall III abulIallelmlllllrs. .
22.25 II } ' U. 1\1. SUl.I.I\\ . lIer Attllrtlt' } . .
Ulilictl Sial. . " J.allil Omee. ,
J.lnclIllI. N'bra ka. No\'cmbcr 21 , I'J05. ' (
uIle" I. . herehrh'clI Ihal Ihl' r1l1l1lW1l11 : "
lIallled Hettler hall fOeti 1I011e , ' nr hi" IlIlelllleli
" 'make lillaillronr 1IIIIIIIIIII1rl 01 hI" claim. :11111
Ihat hald Ilmof will he 111.11111 bdun ! CIIIIIII\ '
Jl1Ihre at Brok"11 Bow. 1111 Ikclmlter : ' . 1'10. ; .
vl % : S'rOBII : J. S'I'I I As. lIIIm . .h'\l1 Nu.
17 1. lur Ih. . IIWS ! IIc 4 S"e'tl'"II : : . 'l'm"II'IllIp II"
NOI'lIl Hallle 1'1 W" I 11th 1'.1\1. 11" lIalll " Ihe
fullllwhll ( wlllhJ .e tu IlrlvII hi > ! elllltllluOII"
fl..hlenc. . IIlon aUlI enltlvl\lolI or : \II lallli.
" ,7. : Hcorle.v. . gvall. . IIr Jlerw\'n. N'hra..k , , ;
l ll\Vanl W. Mn.kor lI rw'II. Neltra Ifl : Allllie
Meek 01 UCClV\II. Nchfa I > : I : WIIIIlm . . .I\Vcr or
H'r\'II. N.l1ra kl.
: Zt.2'1 ' W. A. luIs l , Ht'II..It r.
NO'I'ICI : "HOJlA'I'I OPJ.T. . .
III OUIIIII ' COllrl nl CII ler CIIII n 1.1' , N"hra..ka ,
'I'll all 1)'r OII'I 11I1I're.II',1 111 III" 1'Ilal : lit
Hellhell g. 1Ih" : . 1 > < .c..a.I.
Whl''aH. i\arlar'I , , " I1la.1 or toal.1
COUIII.\ ' . hall tllo'd III IIU' ntll"1 ! : lU 111"11'111110'111
IlIlrtlorlllllf IU I. . , Ihe last \\111 a 11I1 'J' . . tallll'nl
of HI'lIheli g. Glaq , lI ceased. laic IIC lIalol
COIIIII ) ' . 011111 a Iclllloll IIra'llI 10 ha\lhc lIa"c ,
: lIlmllh'II 10 pmhale.'llIcl1 ' WIIlIt'lale" III hoth
n'al :11111lr.r \ nllal \ . \\'II'renllolll ' lIa\ ' , ' : III.
poluteIIh" . ! ml ,11' , 01 1I.'celll > t'r. 1"5. " at ItI
lI'clock III Illc forenoun. al mollie" III II : ! III
COIIIII.allhe lime allll'lac" , YOll all,1 all enll ,
c..rllell. ilia ) ' al'I'ear allI..llnh"llho ; Iln.1 > III ! IIr
lIa III 1' . 1 > all',1 Nlnl'mher 4th. 1905.
( ' 1H I.1 22 , : ! J. A , AlulOutl. Cnlllltl' Jlllhre.
Unll.,1 Slah' J.Iw' omC' ! , t
1.llIe"III. N"braBfa ( , ( lcln , , 'r IS. 1'1115. ' I
NOlleo 1'4 hCl'ch ) ' 1:1\11 Ihat 1110' fullo\\11I1l '
lIaml.llIeltler l1ali III ell 1I1I11.l' ot II 11111'11111111
10IllakI1l1al proof III RIII'lIurl of III claim.
umllhal hallilironl111 h : : lIIalo hl'ton' J. A.
A rmollr. ' : ' 111111) ' jlllille. at Broken HII\\ ' . ' " Nil'
, . . ' III hr' I' 2 : . I 'JUS. vl7. : III H AI 1JC.1I01SI'I :
IInllll'lIh'a,1 Nil. lj bJ. fill' Ihe IIW\I " , , ' , 11\\ . ' .
Be't S"l'llulI I. ' 1'nllll < ; hll' 15 11111'111 Halll1" o
w , , t Mil 1' . l\I. II. . lIamell IIIl' f..llowlnll wll.
O < 'II'Ie" III lrOhl'l cllnlllllloll re"ldOlIC" 11111111
cllllh.allllllol lialllalhl. , ' 17. : ( 'Ilarlt's I' : . Hnl.
, Icr IIr Ilrolu1 Huw. N'hra'llia : Hlllu'rl 1"llwl.'h
or IIrollt'li IInNI'loraa \ : lr:1II1 : 1I"lIllrkk. . or
' : s ' . . ( ( ' Jlow. Nchra lil : JII"'I.11 JIlinit'll IIf
Hln"'n. Nehra'lka.
, - All ) ' IIl'r OIl whn , Io..h"Pllllllrolt'sl ai/aln"I III"
nllllwaliclI IIf lIuchlrnol. \ . or who ' ' ' ' " \\'II ' IIr alII'
Y illh".llIllal n' " " " , , , IItll" ! ! ' Ih. . la,11111111" ' li'I1I1'
' _ latlolltlo ! Ih. . I II 1 < ' rail I' 1Il'larlmcnl.111' IIlh'h
pro"f "holilollllll'h. , ,1111111",1. will I. . . , or 1\"II all
IOPI'OIlIlIl.U' al Ihc : lhln' 1II"IIII IICrl llill } ' , "
. place lu cro"s.cxalllillc Ihl' wllllco < . .t lial.1
, - claimalli. all,1 If ) olle , . cvl.lcllce III . . . .hullal 01
Ihal Ii\lbmillell bl' cI.llmalll.
21'-5 : ! W. . \ . I IIIN. . Hellibler.
. . .
- - - - - - - - -
UlllteLI Rlal < ' ! \ r.:1I1I1 : OmCl' . I
naok"11 lI11w , Nebla..l.a , nctuh'r : ! ' . 1' Ir . ,
N'II. . . . . ! I lIenlll' 11"11I Iht Ih , ' rlllll11111 (
II a 11I1'11 Sl'\ller hah 1iI,1 IIul" " ' " IIr hi ! ! 1111..1111011
III mall. . tlllallrculr IIIlI'I'IIrt 111 11111 claim. allli
Ihal : I\lII'rnl1f \ w:1I : he lIIalo l..rlIr' H"III II'r
all,1 H"ce".r.1I 111'111.1. lillII' . "hrahka. " ' 1 n. ' .
cl'lIIl"1 4 , ) ( I. . , 'Iz : A1.ln WI' SWICI11m. .
kmlllllw , , 'hratka. IlIr Ih. . hS"'OUII 1.1 ,
'J'IIWlhhlll It ! Nllnll Halill" 21 , \1 , II" lIalllo'S
th. , lollmllllIilll" \ : < ; " " 1(11'\.1' 111"111111011' ;
fl'"hlell II 111'11 :111I1 elllll\'al\nll , .t "all' ' 1 lhl.
, IZl Wlillalll 1. : . IIlallllcllhllnl' , .1 1'II""a. N , ' ,
bra.ka : CIIII" " I , ' . 1"'I\t'r..f IIrlll.l'lI UIIII. N. . .
hr.'Ika'l1l1alll : : \1. 111,11111' fli IIrnk"lI 111111' .
' No'I'Ilslm : 1Ia , 11111. , \ hl'allllh . . ! 1I"I.ell lI11w.
's N..hralllia. ; ! ( l25 JUII IHI "I , . ) { . . , I I\'r.
. . . .
- - - - -
- - - ' -
tI UIIIII'II Slale. . I.allli Oltkc. I
: I , 11111111'11 lIm. Neillaq\il. \ : NII\"cmlll'r 1\ I ' . \
11 , NnIIC" 110 IIl'n'I. ) . 111"11 Ihal Ih. . 11111. . . , III& & : '
lIalllIII l\ler ha l l..lllllllc. , III hlh 11I1t'lItlllll
IC In m.llllllillal N" ' " III hlll'l1Url IIr hi. . cIlIm. allil
t Ihat lIahll'mllr will be lIIal" hcfflre Helllllll'l
II :11111 H'cd'er al 111'1I11"11 IInNI'bra"lm. \ . UII
1 > < 'C"IIIIlI'r 21. ! , II ) ; ; . , 'Il : WI1.I.IA\1 : A S'I'I'H. .
InAWl' : III { , " \'olh y. N..ltra kr. fu. u.
; U1. : ; NI 1111'S. S"clllIlI 3.1. ' 1'owlI.hll' 1'Nunh '
o Halll1" 1'W. . ' I. n. a.1 I II " , .1 , S.'cIlnll ; 101 ,
t ' 'rowlI"hllll ) , ' Nurth Halllle III W.'I. II. . lIameii
Ih" fullllwhllr wllll" "h 1III'rll\ ' , . hi. . CIIIIIIIIIIIIII"
C ! ' n'hhleIlCr'III'"lIallI CIIIII\'at"'II ' 1 a"II.IIIII.\'lz'
I I.'rallk Wlllliall nf Hmlllli \ ' : \ 11.N'llIa"ka :
11 " " 'I'I . \ IIth'rllOiI IIr lI"kl'1I IInw.oh.IPlI:1I : : . \ 1.
\11 h..rtlhh'r.1II "r IlIul.1I lIuw. N'lom..ka : Za , h
. .1rta'o > rk "llIroll..1I IIIw. Nl'Io , . , , , " . "
: : J.1 : JMoIblt WIIITMILUI. H"III"lor.
- - - - = : : : - - = _ . .c ; ; , , ; : , : _ _ , - _ : _
. . . . . . . - ' " - - - , . . . , -
Intense Heat
f-rom Cheap Fuel
. _
. - " - - - -
IIMf41.Mrv r
' "
'l"hc Grcnt
4 . .K''fl . I
J. & " 'DI
Gas 1Jurner ( )
For Sncic. ] Soft Con ] , lIarl ! ConI.
Lhtnltc orVouLt
Half the Fuel
by Giving
I' the Heat } - iy i y
Burns up the smoltc and
gases and is the only stove
that does it perfectly.
. 'rOR SALE BY . _ _ _ _ _ _ _
f. G. V AN COTT ,
North Side Square , - Bl'olen Bow , Neh. .
. . . . . _ _ = " ' _ J. . . . . IT , _ " . . _ " : - .1. . . .
p _ _ _ .1 _ _ .
H. T. BRUCE ) } . CO.
. " ' - - " ' - _ . , : .m Ifi ! ? ! I'M 't'JD. . . . .
" , - -
- EjJ . : S- - j' = m i' ( 'Y-3 : " - : - - j = ii . = = .3 - - \
n1TI'tTtt rt n\ti5h 'lt mmffiaiffif.fffifm.ffimmffiW"
: r Befon You Build , Consult w
rom " ' - '
rn g tIr"'J ' -Jr e < > 11 . .JI'L P : n. . n. . e aJ , :
: Contractor and Bullfer. Estimatcg
I l U : Purnishcc1 frce with plans and specifications. : I
f\\ \ \ 1
. . . . . . . , - ' " . . - - - - - . . _ . . - . . . _ _ II
- - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
, . , , , , , , . . . . . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . .
, . ,
, , , , "
: : : ' " . . . . . . , . ' 01. . . : . : . . . ' 1"1 : . : " . " ' . . . : . . . " " . ' : . . : ' . " . . . . : . . : . . . ' : I. . . : . . ! . " 'Ml" : " , . : . : . . ' . . . . . ' ' . . ' ' ' ' . : . ' . ' ' \
' : l : . ; . " . : : " . : . ; .J : e : .i : ; : ! " e. , . : ; .iLCIr. : : ! ; : " 'IG. , . . : : iL."il. ; 1L I'C"j n. ; . . ! . : 'r.LCI . " ; : : .J. . " . , : ; , : o.lo " : , ( : .HI..j..I. 'III ; : : ; . : : , . : : : . . . : : : , fc' , , . . : : : " . : , : : . i . . 1,1. . . . . : ; ; L. : , , . . Inn .f..i.I" , , : ' " , . ' : : iLe. " : ; iij , . : \1 . '
t. : : q
.r 'Vhen clesiring to figure on a bi11
t ofLumherca11on the. . . . . . . . . . , , , _
. . 'it
. i\ ' " It
) Ca L. 1 Ufner Lumber Co. f I
, IF
( j' !
d We carry a iu11 stock of fumber. t
. ( Sash , noors , MOl1lc1ings , etc. ff ; . ; ,
i" Ag'nts for the Ncbraska Central . i i
Builcling & Loan Association.
, - . . . . ; , j , : . . . tto""l" " .b _ . ' . " " . . . . _ . - . "r . . . . . . . . . . . : ; . . . . . .vl. . _ _ . , . . : . J.c . . ; . . . . " . " : . , . . . . . _ - . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : " . . . . . . . . _ " . . , . . . , . . : .w. . . . . . . . . . .J , . . . 111 . . . . _ . . . . . . . . .C. . . . ' . . . . . . . : . H. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . .jJCI'- . ! . , . . _ ' . . . . . . . . ' . O . ! . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . 'i . . ! . : tI. . . . . . . . . . . ' . . - . . . ' . . . . . . . . ' . . " . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . ; . a . , . . . . : . ; . . . - ! " , , . . 1 . . ' tt " . ' , : . . ,
: - : : = : : = : = = : : = : t- '
F ! O
'l'he I.J\\Test ( ) l ates of l11e . Year.
Round TI.j p 1l0mp.srckPI's TickrtR H t
I Thl'OP-1i'OIlI't"lIf. , , of HIP OlleYay HutcH.
( i\IINTl\JUMSI0OU ) .
' 1'0 'Points in f
OLAH ( ) [ A. ' 1 NDIAN 'rE IlJ { rI Ol Y
A l { [ ( ANSAS , l\'llSS0UllI , r ] X AS ,
} \ n d ( ) t il p r t n I. C H
J .
October 3'd , and 17th.
Noven1ber 7th and 21st.
- December 5th and 19th. I
Ass't Gen'l PaSHon/Jor / Agent , Gen'l P119S0nUOI' Agent ,
\.N.\.1't CI' ' ! o' . . , . . . . tit I.U .tt. :110 : iIi i
' . r ' . " ' - _ . " . - . -
--Ii ! -1I.JS'I n.--
. - . - - . . - - - , - . - . . . . . . , - - n..1 - . . . .
Are You Intersted In The 80U111 ? . '
(10 VOIJ C'It H 1'0 K NII01 , ' 1'111' In'HI.O" ' ;
uti\ HIUI'H1\IHNT \ ' . lHUNt ; ON IN TUg
G-rea1 ; Cen..1ra.,1 : : ; SO.I.It1"1 : :
OIlI.lNI'\ : OI'l'lJlt'l'IINI'I'IH' ; FOIt VU\ING : 1m : , > ;
tilt 01.11 UNH TO lOJUCII \
Do ) ' 011 wnlll to kllow IIhollt ridl farmillg lanlls , fertile.'l'1110rlte,1 011 a Trim\ : .
I.iul' Rllilromt , which willl'rodul'\ , UIICC 1111,1 1'0111' rrops hum thl' sallie fidt
Cllch \ ' ' ' , whil'lII'IIUIl. ' pllrchaselt III vcr ) ' low IHiresltIIl1 Oil I'as ) ' telllls ? Ahollt
MOl'k raisiul' whcl c the l'xlrcml' uf \ \ llier fCl'dill is IlIlt i ( ( , ) shurl wcds ? Of
phll'cs whcrJ lru"k gruwillg and fruil raisiug yil'll ! euornlUu'I Icturn > ; elldl YCllr ? Of ' ' ' '
It 1111111 whl're ) 'ou can Ih t. uut of ,1 0I1'I'r ) ' II : ) ' III the Xl"lr ? Uf oIJpurl\lni\its \ rur I t. ,
l'slalilishillg prolilnhll ! 1II.1IInraclUnnH 1IIlustncs ; of IIdl millcr.,1 I < ll'alinlls. ' 111111 , . r
JlI IIIJItI 1I11\IIICSS opclllllgs' . . . .
If ron " 'l\lIllo kllow thl ! Ildllll. ; of rillY nr lilt or 1111"1. wnte me. I WIlt gldHy
! 1chisc Y01l flllly IIIlIt tlllillmlty.
( . A. a'"u.u : : , ( ; cncrul ' 11I"Ihrntinn HIII1 1""II"Irl,1 JCllt.
Louisville & Nashville l ailroad Co. ,
I. ( ) II I " " 1 I. I. H , IC 5 N TI C Ie. , . .
t = - _ . - , : = = - - h- ' : " " " ' ' : : - _ - - - _ ---r- : _ - : : - - : _ _ : - _ _
_ i' j