, . " . , . . . , , . , . . ' , . ' " . , . ' . ' f . . " " , . . . . t # , . - . J . , . 1. . \ _ , AMERICAN MISSiONARIES GIVE I' Jr THEIR LIVES FOR THE FAITH r , I _ I I , 't. ' . ' 1 . " " . 'I J . . . . . . ! ' ; p.- , . f . . . , g'H' _ . , _ . . . : . " ' ; . . . . . . . . I I ' LIEN" uo'W' PRESBYTERIAN CHUR H I { I ( ) . . , ) iJf . .1- , , . l1Ji . I \ I 17'1 III : ' ; ; ; q'Ur' : J mur er of American mlsslonar les In Llcnchow , China , has stirred the various mission boards greatly , and app enIs to the United States government for ' protection for such occurrences In futur e are hourly being made. In the above pictures the fine church belonging to th e mission Is shown and also thu murdered missionary and physician , who helped to build It. , HOW MISSIONARIES MET DEATH. " Their Zeal In Religious Matters Angered - . gered Native Populace. Advices have been receIved at } Hongltong confirmIng the news of the massacre of American missionarIes at Lianchow and gIving the following J va rticul ! ) rs : Dr. 1\Iachle requested the removal , of a street theater near the hospital on account of the noise. ThIs request incensed the Chinese , who , becoming violent , attacled ; : the hospital. Becoming frenzied , the crowd burned the hospital , the girls' school , and the residences of the mlsson- [ orles. I . . Dr. 1\Iachlo , 1\1rs. I\1achle , their 10- . ' d. . . . .cnr.old daughter , Mr. and 1\1rs. : stV' Pearle , Dr. Chesnut , and 1\I1ss Patter- 60n took refuge in a cave. The mob pursued them and lmed ; : all except Dr. 1\1achle and Miss Patterson , who escaped to the Yam en. Dr. Machle ; , was badly wounded. Another account says the Lianchow nassacre was due to the unhappy ac- \ tlon of Mrs. 1\1achle , who , on the refusal ; - fusal at some ot the members ot a ativo procession to desist from wor- shilling the idols they carried , seized . the idols and declined to restore them J to their owners. Thereupon the Infuriated - , furiated processlonists surrounded and destroyed the mission and as. saulted the inmates. They then murdered - dered them and threw theIr bodies Into the river. ; Prompt action has been talten b- the American authorities In ChIna to " Eecure full reparation for the massacre - sacre ot American missionaries at Lianchow. t Mosquito an Electoral Issue. John 1\Iartin , candidate for borough . president in Richmond , Staten Island , dragged the mosquito into hIs com- paign. In a manifesto he said : "Scientific methods for exterminating mosquitoes are lmown. They require only energy , money and omclal baclt- Ing to make them effective. We could onslderably reduce the discomfort i from mosquitoes if our borough president - , , dent would take up the campaign en- DrsotlcnllJ' . I pledge m 'selt , if elected , to use all my power and to devote at least one.firth of my salary to rid the island ot the mosquito pest. A successtul campaign would double real estate values. " Wear Imitation Crowns. Some eastern society leaders have adopted the vogue ot havIng their diamonds set , not as ordinary tiaras ' or coronets , but In imitation ot the royal crowns worn by the sovereigns , } - of Europe. Mrs. John Jacob Astor and Mrs. Clarence Mackay have had their coronets made In the shape of the English crown. Mrs. Howard Gould posseses ono exactly 111m that ot Queen Helen ot Italy. 1\Irs. \ Charles YerltCs 'wears on her brow a facsimile ot thQ Spanish queen's diadem , while Mrs. Dradley Martin has had the historic - toric crown ot Empress JosephIne copied for her parsonal Use. ; " . . )1. I Insurance Postcard. . "Commercial de. Rouen , " a photographic - graphic institute at Zurich , has conceIved - ceIved the Idea ot an insurance post- card. ThIs card , which costs only twenty centimes ( four cents ) , w111 insure - I sure the person to whom it is sent against accident or death during n perIod ot thirty da 's. Moreover , It r Is permissIble to address the card to t ono's selt. In case ot death $200 Is . n . paid the next ot lttn , and In case ot non-tatal accIdents $2.25 per week durIng such time as the holder may be unable to worlt. / J YOUTH IN DIPLOMATIC RANKS. English Ambassadors at Present All Comparatively Young. A very noticeable feature In the diplomatic worid Is the way In whIch younger men are superseding the older diplomatists who ruled the roost a generation ago. Seniority Is not now the main cause of promotion to the higher posts , and the fact is much resented by those who find them. selves passed over or shelved. An examination - amination of the ages of our Ambassadors - sadors w111 show that Sir Francis Bertie ( France ) has nine more years of utiUty before he will be obliged by the rules of the slrvlco to retire , SIr Edwin Egerton ( Italy ) six , Sir Edward - ward Goschen ( Austria ) about sixteen - teen , Sir Francis I'lscelles ( Ger. many ) eight , Sir \lortimer Durand ( United States ) fifteen , Sir Nicholas O'Conor . ( Turley ) eight , Sir Arthur Nicolson ( Spain ) fourteen , and Sir Charles Hardinge , at the important post of St. Petersburg , no less than twenty-three 'ears.-Vanity Fair. WOMEN STUDENTS TOO FORMAL Why Professor Has Changed His Views as to Coeducation. An objection to coeducational colleges - leges which has not been much heard ot in pUblic Is stated by a professor In one of them. He has taught there n dozen 'ears and at first was a strong advocate of the system. Now he says he would lUte to see women banished from the university or would I1lte to receive a call to a man's unI- versity. And the reason he gives Is what he calls the American woman's passion for turning ever .thing into n social affair. This professor describes in dataU the social funcUons of the women's side of the college , the development - opment of the taste for formal society - ciety , the dress parade , as he regards it , and closes with the declaration that the fcw who can talto high rank as students wiU before long go abroad , where women students renlly appi ) ' themselves to study and do not thInk about society at the same tImo. -Hartford , Conn. , Times. Niagara May Yet Be Saved. What shall Niagara do to be saved from withering into extinction ? As the children ot Israel crossed dl'1 shod over the Red Sea , so every AmerIcan now 11vlng may some day expect to walk on dry rocks from shore to shore where now 110w the most famous falls ot the continent. Dr. Clark , New York's state gQologlst , calculates that when 80,000 cubIc feet have been subtracted from the rIver the American falls wiU have drIed away. Power hunters have already located sites tor the plants that will drain away 88,400 feet of the river , thus providing certain doom for the American splendor , unless swIft ac. tlon be taken to save It from harness and humlllaUon and from advertising to the world that "we are ready to coin into dollars every good and beau. tlful thing earth affords. " Stamp.Coliectlng Statistics. Somebody interested in such mat. tel's has compiled an interesting table ot statistics of the number ot stamps ot all countries issued during the past sixty 'ears. l"rom this statement 11 appears Umt the collector who would have an absolutely perfect collection must possess 11,242 ! different stamps , Ot these , the Republic ot San Salvador has moro issues to its credit than any other country. The number up tc June 30th was 452. Oceania has 1,426 varIeties , Asia 3.G2S , Africa 4,005 Europe , 4,089 , and America G,095. . . . , . " , ADMIRAL OF BRITAIN'8 PL. " " ; Princtl Louis of Dattenberg In Como mand of Vl ltlng Squadron , Prince LouIs ot U\tlcnborg , who Is In commnnd ot the DrItish sl1ul\dron which nrrh'ed nt AnnnflOlls on n vlllit of courtesy , nnd will call at New York , Is n nephew ot King Edwn.td. 110 Is the son ot Prln e Alexander of IIesse and Princess Allee , Klnl Ed' I " U L < < Y 0I"/ilf.17 1 "ard's sister. He Is a naturalIzed British subject , and entered the BrItIsh - : Ish navy In 18G8 as a'cndet. WORK OF Y. M. C. A. INCREASING. Year Book Just Issued Makes a Gratifying - fying Showing. The Y. M. C. A. year boole , just Issued - sued , stated that the nunlber of assocIations - cIations in North America 'has Increased - creased to 1.S2G , with a membership of 381,982. 'I'hey own 517 buildings and other property ot an estimated value of more than $32OOOOOO-nn increase ot $2,400,000 during the year -and $2,733,000 hns been pledged for 143 new buildings. Lnst year the association - sociation paid $4,800.000 for supervisIon - Ion nnd other current expenses , Increased - creased theIr force ot employes to 2,013 and yet have 255 temporary va.- cancies ; The Y. M. C. A. railroad departments - ments number 203 , with 356 se re- tarles. The 70l ! cOllege associations have 50,419 members , and the army nnd navy department had an nttend- , anco of 500,000. The educational classes had an enrollment ot 33,210 studonts. Will Devote Life to Good Deeds. Mrs. Newman K. Perry of Pittsfiold , Mass. , wife of Lieut , Perr - , who was It111ed b ' th hlowing up of the Den- nington in San Diego harbor last sum. mer , says she w111 devote the remain. der of her life to nursing slclt sailors and soldiers. She Is to enter St. Luke's training school for nurses in conrectlon with the hOSIJ1tal in Ne" Yorlt and after graduating will offer her services to the governmcnt. Mrs. Perry Is only 20 years old. She Is In. tensely patriotic. When the body of Lieut. Perry was sent cast Mrs. Perry would nllow no one to ha vo any part in the funeral who was not a sailor or a soldIer , and the lieutenant was burled wUh full m1l1tary honors. GREAT WRITER NEAR DEATH. Dispatches from Copenhagen announce - nounce that Henrilt Ibsen , the Nor- I Henrlk Ibsen. wegian dramatist , is pronounced to bo sufferIng from nrterial sclerosis. Ho Is unable to move , but Is mentallY brIght. New Maps of Railroads. E. H. Harrimnn , who has introduced many new thIngs into railroadIn hils found time to devise still another. Ho has ordered his passenger depar rr.ents to print hereafter maps ot the various HarrIman roads , showing the exact course of the rails. Up to thIs tlmo all railroad maps have prInted the right ot way as the shortest dls. tance between two points. Mr. Harri. man's maps w111 show cll'clen and zig. zags as they occur on his lines. This important step probahly w111 force other roads to abolish the maps show. ing theIr routes as the "crow 111es. " RussIan Woman Poet Dies. . The "poet's corner" In the cemeter , I ot the Alexander Newsli ; : cloister iD St. Petersburg has bnen augmented by the grave ot M 'rrha I.ochwizlmyo ( Ylbert ) , nne of the few RussiaD women who have attained eminence , tor theIr poetry. She was the daugh . ter ot a prominent law 'er In St Petersbur , where she was born It 1861. ! In 1896 her first volume 01 , poems was issued : three other vol i urneS tollowed. Her verso Is char , acterized by Oriental 10llches , an her tavor1t9 theme Is 10\0. . . . . . , . , . I \ . - , , . ' - - - - . G8 , - ' : : : : : , % - . , . . _ . . . _ - ; l or dnrlng nnd enterprIse , tor boldness - ness in the face of danger , the hardy flshermen who wrest a livollhool from the perilous Arctic SXlS are not sur- IlSsel by au ' on the globe. At this moment hundreds ot these mon are hattling with storm and Ice , fog antI treacherous currents In the frigid wnters ot Labrador , Greenland nnd Iceland. . Setting ont from homo ports sometimes - times ns carl ) ' ns April , by August the ' reach t.ho northern limits or Ulolr fishIng grounds nud , IJcrhalls , hnve aI- road ' encountered extraordinary hnrdshlps nnd perils. The cargoes of codfish and halibut the ' bring baclt to stock the 111arltets ot the United states nre often secured at great cost In suffering , and Oven Ufe. Innumerable are the dn.ngers ot U10 fishIng fields. Worlt must be done ort- Urnes amid Iceber&6 and drift paclts ; treacherous fogs descend. , nnd many fishing vessels ere cut down by some rushing liner and sent to the . bottom with all hamls. ' A ! ; reatcr percentage ot these mon are lost than in any oUler calling , not excepting thnt of arms. It has long been said thnt the history ot the Glou- ct-ster fisheries Is written In tears. Gloucester , 1\Inss. , is the recognized nnd tlme-honored ; homo port ot this 11shlng 11eet. At times Its l1 rbor Is crowded with staunch schooners that have Imown many a battle with the " , Ind , wave and 111reatening ice. Were it not for the sltill nnd darIng , ot these hnrdy men , the fish mnrltets ( ) t the United States would be laclting a largo percentnge ot n staple Ulat has become almost Indispensable. As early as AIJrll the "captnins cour- ageous" ot Gloucester start out. They maltO their way northward , fishIng nIl along the Newfoundland coast , bat- tllnl ; with floes and bergs , dodlng ! passIng steamers , watching for dIsaster - ter amid fogs , hut busily fishing all . the while. Straight Into the teeth ot the ice that is comIng' southward they press , unUl they reach the halibut banlts about the mouth of Hudson bay , or the fishing grounds along the shores ot Greenland. Ono July mornIng an American schooner waR setting out her fishing lines In Arctic waters when U10 whlto " , all of an advancing Ice fioo was seen coming swiftly alan ! ; on the bosom of the relentless Lahmdor current. It wns n lone , terrifying barrIer , bristling - ling with jagged points nnd bloclts of Ice twenty feet hIgh. Tn this massIve grIp the ship was caught , her rudder was smashed and her scams opened. Ice closed around her 1IItO some giant band ot destiny and immense blocltB crashed upon her declt. Dy setting all ller canvas , at the risk ot 11llving her spars torn out , the vessel finally worlted clenr. For six days the weary crew tolled without ceasing nt the pumps , unUl they made St. John's lmrbor. Very fortunate they felt In escapIng so easily. Hundreds ot vessels Imd been caught In similar Ice paclts and crushed to pieces. Thil ! instance Is cited ns 1lIustratlhg a common danger or U10 fishIng qrounds. Hundreds ot vessels lmvo had similar experiences , " , h lie many lInfortunates have never returned to tell the talc. It Is 11. danger UlIlt swoops down with startIlng swiftness. One hour may see the ocean compnratively free or obstructions , nnl 11. number ot vessels - sels busy with their fishIng lInes : the next , all may be encircled by an Ice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - "Father" Ballou's Religion. At one time , many J'cars : lSO , the UnIversalist Soclety of 1\1othuen , 1\Iass. , was without n pastor , and the pulpit was sUPPIled from Sunday to Sunday by different clergymen who were "put up" by one of the deacons. On a certain Sunday when "Father" Dallou was engaged to preach the deacon - con was called out of town , so he arranged - ranged with 1\Irs. Drown , a neighbor , orthodox to cnter- and a straight-laced , taln Ir. Dallou. As the hostess and her eminent guest sat at the supper ta. ble there seemed to be a dearth of so- ciablllty. Finally Mrs. D. , who always felt solicitous about "those deluded UnIversalists , " brol\O the silence wIth : "Mr. Dallou , do you thlnlt you'v got religion ? " "None to boast ot , madam , " was the curt reply. It Is needless to say that the learned divine's epigrammatic answer completely - pletely disarmed his interlocutor. . Not "Mike" Donahue's Picture. Col. " 1\111to" Donahuo or the Tenth New Hamllshlre was somewhat fond of drink. After the war , the Tenth , wIshing his IJlcture , commIssioned an . artist to do the job. After the paInt. Ing was finlsheQ , the artist , seeing ono of the veterans of the Tenth , an Irish. man , called him In to ask his opinion ot the picture. L The old lrishmnn walke.l up to the I . easel , scrutinized the picture , and was about to put his hand 011 the cunvas , . , vhen the artist crIed out : "Don't , touch It ! Don't touch it ! It's not dryi" - . "Not dhryl Not o'lryl" shouted Plt. : "Then , bo : , abers , It's not : Mike I Donakuo. " - " 4 - - fioo nnd some of them sent to a - tory grave. wa-I 1o'lshlng is done from small bents , or , dorlos , of which each , saUlng vessel carries eight or a dozen. Each dor ' is manned by two fishermen. It is from lh SO llttle craft , fraIl enough at best , but hellJless In the Ice' , . that most of the fishennen are lost. Crowding on sail , the schooner may escape trom the threatening mass , but the dories caught in It are in a desperate - perato plight. TJlO men ma ' crawl upon U10 moving - ing Ice , but that docs not alwa 's mean snfety. Berne swiftly on the south- lJound current , they are often carried far beyond .tho reach or hellJ. When their schooners finally snil hnclt into Glouccstor , flngs nro at halt mast amI moro names are added to the list of the sen's victims , to bo read at the next an11111\1 memorial sorvlces. Often fnr south or the fishIng banltB will bo aeon mute evidences or a tragedy - edy upon some flonl111 ; cnlto at Ico. It may be II. lot of seamen's gear , a few tin cans , porhalJS , or even a dory , but no sign of lICe. The sight of a. . vessel coming Into harbor with her ensign at halt-mast is nil too frequent rot Gloucester. And many a fine craft salls jauntily away to U10 North , never to be heard from again. . Overwhelmed by a 110e or borg , perhaps - haps , or run down In a fog by a liner , the vessel va.nlshes . wIth all hands on board , leaving not a trace ot the manner - ner in which denUl overtook them. A number ot vessels a.ro . lost by draggIng their nnchors In a sudden storm. One unmanageable craft w1ll crash Into another , and the two , loclted In deadly embrace , may plunge upon a Ullrd , and all go to U10 bottom. Fishermen always lteep theIr enrs open for the sound ot an approaching steamer. When the fog is so thick that ono can scnrcely see the end ot the bowsprit , there is especial danger - ger from these steam.driven giants , with their sharp Iron bows that crush down the IIttle wooden fishing vessels as though it were a fioatlng llouse ot cards. For steamers do not nlways follow the law and slow down during a tog. " ' - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Necessity for Persistence. Ma 'or Weaver ot Philadelphia was the guest of honor at a dinner given by A. J. Drexel llIddle. In the course ot the dinner the reform ma'or saId : "ThIs great cleansing movement now at work in our city will only succeed - ceed by beIng perslstenUy kept up. We must not grow weary In well- doing. Our enthusiasm must not cool. Above all , we must not expect our frIends to do the work. Wo must do the worlt ourselves. "A wIse old man said wisely to me yesterday : 'Too many ot the reforms I have seen remInd mo ot the way my father used to weed the Idtchen gar. den. Father would rush me into the garden with him and weed 1IItO a mad. man for about two minutes. "There , " ho would say , "now you see how eas It Is. " Then ho would go off and sit down In the shade with hIs pipe and the weeldy paper and leave me t. < J Iteop at It 11.11 the afternoon. ' ' ' Unbrotherly Comment. Chiet Baron O'Grady , a Dr1tlsh jur , 1st , was a humorist of the first water as the following stories w1l1 provo. One day a brother judge , who owed hIs promotion - motion rather to interest than tc braIns , was hoastlng to O'Grady ot the summary way in whIch ho disposed 01 matters In his court. "I say to the fellows who are both , erlng mo with foolish arguments thai thero's no use in wasting my lime and their hreath , for that all thell tallt only just goes In at one car and out at the other. " "And no wonder , " quietly answered O'Grady , "seeing that thero's so Htth I in between to stop It ! " 1 t\ \ ' ) " Many II. fishing crow , sleeping lIouneS- l ' in their 1)\1I11ts , have been awakened ! b ' the crash of collision , only to find tbemselves berne downward beneath the icy waters beroro they can reaeh' the declt. When dIsaster comes there Is le8s chance of rescue in these Arctlo ro- gJons than there would bo turther south. The fisblng 11eots are widely ; scattered , nnd few other vessels nro In those seas , except un occasional patrollng warsblp or ( \ clumsy whlllor blown out ot her course. Tlmo after limo dory fisbormen , . separated trom theIr vessels by Ice flees or during fogs , have managed - ed to worlt their way tit the bloalc L.'lbrndor coast. It Is then a toss-up whoUler they can drng Ulemselve8 to S0l110 station of human bolngs or must . perish nlong the shore. ' Lines of dread or sorrow are deep. ly graven \1pon the faces of the worn- eu ot Gloucester. The girl who , In her early twenties" marric8 a fishor- mnn tnltes moro than an even chance ot.Jelng \ widow in her thirties. This terrible tnx1pon human liteS has resulted In the cstabllshament ot ( \ memorial day. Upon n certnin morning In mid- wiuter children cast 110wers upon the waters ot the harbor-ono 110wer tor each victim ot the sea. . during the preceding - ceding year. Then the fishermen and tholr famllles gather in the city hall for memorial services. The roll of Ule dend Is called , prayers are said and there are addrcses. W11Y do men follow such a hazardous - ous calling ? There are mouths ashore to bo fed , and bread must bo got from the sea. Naturally U10 fishermen get better wages than other sallors , having B share In the proceeds ot the catch , as 11. general thing. Most ot thom are I tairlY prosperous , owning theIr own homes and possessing snug banle no- counts. No Gloucester fisherman ever salIlI a.way . to the Northern banlts , however , wlth anythIng 111m nssurance that ho w111 see his homo agaIn. In the truest sense they are "men unn.frahl , " an(1 tholr very daring casts a halo ot romance ahout the Icy death traps of the Arctic seas.-Montreal Herald. - - , , - . . . Tried It on the Horae. A bos ) plasterer , approaching a bulld- Ing In course ot construction ono hot day last summer , mot one ot h18 laborers borers wIth a Un pall. "Where are you going , Roonoy ? " he aslted. "I'm going for a can ot beer , sir , na it's a hot day , aud we are 1111 thIrsty on the job , " replied Rooney. "Thnt Is not necessary. It you would put a pebble in your mouth you would never be thIrsty. " The next day the boss came to the building In a buggy. SeeIng Rooney , ho ordered him to water the horse and went into the buildIng. When he came loUt he aslted : "Roonoy , did you gIve that horse a drink ? " "Sure , he don't need a drink , Ill' : I put a handful ot pebbles In hIs. I mouth , " replied Rooney. I His Greatest Loss. John D. CrimmIns tells of a party that hired a boat owned by a man at Atlantic City who tales ; : out salUng , lIartIes 1'or a consIderation. Anum- , her of 'oung ladles were ot the party , About a m110 and a halt out from the Inlet the wind freshened most un- oxpctedly and there was troublo. 1.01' a while it loolted as it the dink - little catboat would capsIze. The irl were considerably wrought up and gave expression to their tears in no uncertaIn manner "See here , young ladieJ : , said the owner ot the craft , just as ono of the passengers let out an awtul shriel\ , "you seem to forget that it sl10 goes tJown I'm the chap that loses most. Sho'll my bo.d.-New York Times. t