Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 23, 1905, Image 6

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    . . . . . . . . . ' - . . . . . - ,
. t' "
ruSTfR ( OU n RfPUBLlW
- ' . . .11I
r Ne s in rief I
' 1'ho Canadian tariff commission 10
olttlng nt Montrenl.
President Iloosovolt wont to Oys.
ter nO ) ' to cnst his voto.
Fortysoven poll tlcnl 1) lsonors were
liberated nt Kherson , Hussln.
prcmler Wit to Is finding It difficult
to form a cnblnot In Hussla.
Count Wltto hns Issued n. strongly
worded appeal for confidence ,
Two members of the Alu'on , 0. , coun.
ell have been Indicted for bribery.
All the powers have now ngreed to
r movc thell' tl"OOpS from the lrovlnco )
of Chili ,
l dgnr GIJI hns heen alpolnted rog.
ulnr and M. II. Hnndnll subslltulo
rurnl free dollvol'Y cnrrlor at Auburn ,
Neb ,
'fho aparlments of Vleo President 11.
n. 1\III1er of the Chicago & astern
IllinoIs rnllJ'Ond were entered by burg.
lars , who secured : : , OOO worth of jew ,
General l 'rnncls Shermnn , chief of
staff under General O. O. 1I0ward in
tbo civil war , died nt his rosldenco In
Waulwgan , Ill. IIo was 80 years of
o.go.It ] eel < s at present ns If the
tlo.d made a clean sweep In the eec-
tlous In Aborto. ] . lght constltuoncles
llavo been henrd from and nil have
Iono IIbora ] .
A cablegram from Panama. received
o.t the war department states Umt Sec.
rota.ry Taft , who 10ft Colon , w111 aI'-
rlvo at Norfolle November 14 , reaching
Washington the 1Gth.
Information rencho Washlnglon
thnt the Illsputo nbout the frontier be.
tween French Gulnoa and Portuguese
Guinea on the West African const hns
been dofinltely settled.
A bulletin Issued by the census bureau -
reau shows thnt there ere 4GO manufacturing -
facturing establishments In Indlnn territory -
ritory , with products for the past fiscal
year valued at $7,3-I7,30G.
The rendering wores , pacltlng and
shipping buildings , slaughter house
and omces of the Danahy Pactlng ] company -
pany nt Buffno ] , N. Y. , were destroyed
by firo. The ] 08S Is $76,000.
At Chattanooga , Tenn" the quaro.n-
tlno question waR the prlnclpll ] topic
of discussion at the southern conference -
enco on quarantlno and Immigration
throu ! < h three busy sosslons.
A movement Is well under wo.y nt
Richmond , Ind. , thllt wl11 bring the
vllrlous polo ] ongues of U1G United
Stlltes under 11. nn.tlonnl ngreoment
similar to that of bnse bnll leaguos.
The oxecutlvo commltteo of the No.-
Uonnl Educational o.ssoclntlon ho.s accepted -
copted the In\'ltation from Cnurornla.
to hold the next annual moetlng of
the nssoclaUon In San F1'I1.ncisco JUly
9 to 13. 190G.
At the vntlcan It Is now consldored
very probnbo ] thnt novo Francis
Bourne , archbLshop of Westmlnstor ,
will bo chosen ILS the fifth cardlnnl to
be a.ppolnted nt U10 next consistory.
The socrotllry of the Intorlor hlUl
withdrawn trom entry all the pUblic
In.nds In ten townships In the Carsoll
City ( Nov. ' ] nnd district with the vie , , "
ot Including It in a. .forest rcsorvatlon
The commission appointed by the
prosldont to fornmlnto n. mellS'uro pro
vldlng for a. uniform ndmlnlstratlor
at the DnturallznUol1 laws reported tc
him its recommondatlon , togethe1
with th'o drnft of a bl11 to bo submlttai
to congress.
Assoclato Justlco of the S lproml
Court and 1\Irs. 1\IcKonnn Imvo an
nounccd the engngemont of thol
) ' 0\lI1gest \ da.ughler , Hlldegardo , tl
John Leggett Pultz ot Now Yore ] , SO ]
of John L. Iultz , nnd a b'l' 0
Harvard In 1901.
At a meotlng ot the bonrd ot trm
toes ot the Co.thollc unlvorslty a
Wnshlngton , D. a. , It was docldod t ,
npply the remnlnlng $ l 1QOO of th
gift of $101,000 , the contributIon mild
by Mrs , Gardiner of Datlmoro ] , to th
debt of the lInh'crslty ,
As the result ot the dellth of Jnme
Squires ot the Alton , III. ; high sehoo
who died from Injurlos received In
foot ball game , the Alton board ot e (
ucntlan hILS adOltod n resolution C01
demnlng that gnmo and pln.clng th
blln upon foot hall In all Alton schooll
Heon ] Hope , recently married to nal
dolph a. .Johnson at Pergulmas , N. C
WILS found dOlld in her brIdal chambc
Thursday with a. pistol In her han
nnd a bullet wound through her heal
Johnson was l'lng across the hed dOli
with tl reo bullelfr In his head nll
The house of ropresontatlves
Cuba , In Bocrot session , refused U
request ot the ] ocal court for perml
slon to lrOSe ute six natlonnllst co
grossmen who , on April 1-1 last , for
Ibly seized documents co\'oring son
fifty allegations ot Improper ncts 1
members of the municipal council ,
The lOPO recel\'ed In prlvnto aue
once Archbishop Aexander ] Christo. .
Portland , Oro.
a. C. Moller was Ilrrcsled In Londl
on the charge ot embezzlement In SI
1 'ranclsoo. ' 1'ho arrest Was made
the request of tllO state depnrtment
King Edward celobrntod his 64
blrthdllY Ilt Snndrlngham. Congrll
latory toegrams ] poured In from I
parts ot the world.
H. M. Wild of Chicago refuses
sonrch for his son's slayer , saying th .
the man's consclenco wIU glvo 111
au1Jlclont punishment. .
Too Much Hospitality.
I A BOII101' ] Inloly COIllO over with
Gen. ( ooro wns asQil ] if ho had 1I10t
with much hOSlltallty In Hollnnd.
"Oh , ) 'OA , " ho rellIcII , , "I mot with tar
too II1l1ch of It. I was In lho hospital
nearly 11.11 the Lllllo I WaS thcro , "
The Largcd Arsenic Mine.
Wll1lt IA snhl to)0 \ ) the ] nrgost Ill'-
sCJ1le ) 11I1110 III the world , turning out
seventy tonR n lIIonth , Is sltuntort in
Ii'loyd count ) . , Vlrs.lnln , seventeen
IIltios from ChrlRlIanslmrg , the near.
est rnllway stntlon.
Well , Why Shouldn't She1
A glr ] alwo 's hoJUs ] thnt after the
messenger boy hns brought an oblong
box contnlnlng 11 llalr of now shoes
for her fathO ! ' thnt the neighbors will
thlne ] the hex contains violets for hor.
-ChlC go NewR.
Saved Boy Three Times.
A custom.houso amcor of Ynrmouth ,
I1lIgnnd : ] , the other rillY saved the IIfo
of a. boy who hnd got off 11. quay Into
the sell. , nnd found he was a hey whoso
IIfo ho hnll snved In n. similar manner
twlco beforo.
Canadian Alligator Boats.
"Alligator bents , " uRed hy Canndlnn
lumbermen , can travel both on ] and
and water. When the boat comes to
11 pace ] where the rlvcr has entlrey ]
dried UI ) , or to a. snnd Imnl < , an anchor
o.nd cabo ] are talton out some way
nhead , the engines arc sot worltlng ,
and the boat Is slowly hauled up to
the anchor.
Get at the : : : ause.
Sncramcnto , Ky. , Nov. 13th ( Spo-
cla-A ] ) tnlcnl 1I1ustrallon ot the
way Dodd's Kldnoy P1I1s Cura Ithou-
rnnllslIl Is well told b ) ' Cntherlno Do-
vine , who Is very wull ] ; nown horo.
She sa's :
"For ever four yenrs I was greatly
troubled with nheunmtlsrn. ] t used
to talta mo worst In my legs al1l1 fuet.
At times I would bo so bad 1 could not
put my feet to the ground. AR I am
ever seventy-threo ) 'ears of ago lbo-
gan to thlnle I was too ohl to get
cured anll shoud ] have to bon l' 1I1Y
Rhoumatlsm the host wny I could.
Dut I heard about Dodd's Kldnoy P1I1s
nnd thought 1 would give them a trial.
So I got a box nml began laltlng them.
W < JlI , I must sa ) ' Doll 's Kidney P1I1s
did 1110 a wonderfu ] lot of gooll , They
enstod the pain from the first , and to.
day I nm In bettor health than I have
been for n1llny yenrs. "
DIdn't Want to Drown
An Engllshmnn nnd an Irishman
were condemnoll for plrncy. For that
crlmo they nro generally executed
near some river. 'l'ho Englishman
WILS to suffer fIrst , hut hy some accIdent -
dent the 1'OpO slipped nnd ho foil Into
the water. The Irlsh1l111n heggell that
the rope bo tlell fast to him , "for , " ho
so.ld , "If It shouh1 slip I would surely
drown. for I can not swIm. "
Needed More Evidence.
Juries in the newer western stntes
111'0 sometimes care-free-maned by
the slmpo ] majesty of the cede of
Justinian. A now omcIal of Arizona
had II. townsmnn "up" for seHlng Impure -
pure whlsley. The whlsley was oer-
I o fin ovldonco. 'l'he Jury retired to
debate on It. They Iresenlly filed In
and the court nsleed for a. verdict.
" 'Voll , your Honor , " said the for man ,
"wo want moro ovid en co ! "
Breathe Through Nose.
The m uth Is not the right entrance
- tor air which Is to enter these dellcato
I and wonderful orgnnisms-our lungs.
) 11 lIttle 'filtration must bo beneficial
r before It is allowed to on tel' the ] ungs ,
1 The nllsnl pnssngo nffords thlR f1Itra ,
tlon , aUll BO saves a tremendous
: > amount of wear and tear of the lungs ,
r Automatic Fire Alarm.
J An nutomatlc fire alarm recentl ,
t1 patented In gngand ] sounds nn alnnr
f a hotel ofilco twel\'o seconds aftel
n fire stnrts In nny or Its rooms. Thc
I' apparatus Is slmpl ) ' nn apIlIcatlon 0 :
, t fact that hent
Itho cnuses expansIon
o sudlclont in this case to compete ] 0.1
o eloctrlc circuit.
Some Coffee Facts From the Lon
Star State.
FroUl a beantlfnl farm down In Tex
as , where gushing springs unite tl
form babbling 11roolts that wln thol
spllrdlng ] way through \lower \ ) ' melHlE
comes a. note of gratltudo for 'doll vel" '
from the coffee habit.
"Whon 111) ' baby boy came to mo fiv ,
years ngo , I began to drink POStUll
Food Coffee , having a feollng that I
would bo better tor him an 1110 1I11l :
the old ] < 1nd at en colTeo.
was not disappointed in it , for It er
abled mo , a small dellcato woman , t
nurse a bouncing healthy baby 1
months. '
"I have slnco continued the use (
Postum for I ha\'o grown fond ot I
and hnvo dlscovorod to my jO ) ' that
bas entirely rellovel mo of n b1ll011
habit which used to llrostrato mo tw
or three times a. ) 'oal' , causing mue
dllComtort ! to I .1ml1) ' and suferln
11. to myself.
of " ] \y ] was cured (
chronic constipation by ] eavln ! ; ort t1J
old J < lnd O [ col1co and using 1'01 > t 1111
) J1
Ho has become e\'en 1II0ro tend of
than ho WaS of the 011 ] coee.
n t
"In fnct the entire fa1l111) ' , fl'om tl1
latest arrl\'al , ( a 2''cnr ohl who 11
wnys calls for his 'potlo' first thing I
the morning ) up to the hend of tl
, u.11uUSO , thlnle there is no drlnle so goc
lI ] or so whoesomo ] as PoStuUl. " Nan
given by Postum Co" Dntlle Creo
to Mlch . .
.at 'fhero's a reason.
1m nead the IIttlo bootee "Tho noad I
WellvUlo , " In plecs.
Have Proved TheIr Worth.
The cnmpalgn undertaken by Inter'
ested pUbllcatlonR to undormlno the
fnll h of lhe peopo ] In proprietary
modlclneR hn. ' ! drawn torth the follow'
tng from n high medical authorily :
"It must novoI' ho forsotten that the
Interest ( Jr the IUllnuCacturer Is to put
out 11 rOllll'l1y whl"'l IR not only morl-
torlous but Rafe. With a small army
of enemlos constnntly on the nlert ,
rondy to solzo upon and magnlty e\'ory .
unCnvora11lo clrcu1l1stanco , how few
are the rases of accident or Injury
from the use of prolrletnry medlclneRI
Comllnlnts In reglll'C ) to the use or
Ruch remedies nro oxccedlngly rare
an utterly Inslgnlficnnt , In comparl. ,
son with the amount sold anll the mil- .
1I0nR of plOpo ! ] who nvall themselves
ot these 1'emedle8 , "
Rheumatism Thoroughly Cured by
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
Palo People.
There i 0110 remedy that wiI. . cure
r1wlllllatlslll ill IIUY of Its forms allli so
thorouHhl ' ! ! l'Il1licato the diselLso from
the f ! . ! ; t m that I ho Clll'O il ! IllJrmnIlIIlI t.
'l'liis 1'ellll'ly il ! Dr. WilIiaUlI ! ' Pink Pills
fol' Palo Pcoplo 111111 the } Jroof of the
statomout is foun in the experience of
MI' . ' 1' . S. 'VII lIr , of No. 72 Acaclomy
street , " 'aterlown , N.Y. Ho SIL/i : / :
" 'fho Jilin'II ill jointl ! alld
} \\'II ! ! my lilY
RnIToriu s for 0\01' t.wo : ) 'CIII'8 WIIS boyollll
description. 'l'lwru WILlIn ! illllJIISO pain
ill my shouJrlnrl'l1 hnt } lro\'onICIllllQ from
"lOOIing ILIIIl I woud ] got up ntHl wnllt
the lIoorlLt night. 'VllUll I hnglln taking
Dr. 'Villillm ! ! ' Pink Pills the illlPl'OVo-
lIIont Will ! gl'llllUIII , bllt by the time 1\1111 ]
tlllccn fOUl' lJOxol ! I wa : : ! entirely curoll
( \1111 I Inwo lIut hnll the Rlightost touch
of rhoumntlsm sillco thllt timo. "
111'VllglU"S wife is nllio olltl1ltRiasl io
ill her unllorSlHllout of Dr. WillilUns'
Fiuk PilIs.-Sho lill ) ' ! ! : "I have triOlI the
JliIIl ! lII'Holf for stomach troublo. IUIII
have experienced great ruliof froUl thuh'
1Isn. 1dlLus.htur , Mrs. Atwood , of
Gill strcet , 'VnlurlowlI , has uRerl them
for fOIlIlLU ] wClllmuss IUIII Wa m ueh bUll-
01ltQ(1 hy thum. I rewml Dr. 'VilIhuns'
Pink Pills for Palo' People ns 1m ex-
troll1oy ] valullho ] fnmily lIImliciuo. "
Dr. 'VilIillll1s' Pillk PilIlihnvo mtrorl the
worHt CIlIiOS of hloolllesslIlJsH , illiliHeRtlon ,
illflucmo.a , 1H'lIrlIlChcs , hllCIll'hoH , hUll-
ba o , HcinticlI , lIoumlgill , IInrVOURIlIJSq ,
Rpillnl wClllmoss , 111111 the spoclal lIil-
mOllts of girlH 1U1I1 WOIl1UII whoso hlol ) !
Hupply becolllos w'llk , HCIIUt . 01' irl'o/l1- /
1m' . 'fho genuine DI' , Wil1il\IIIS' Pink Pills
' ' to ho free fl'lllll opiates
nrn IYul\l'lIuIl'ol ( or
nny hllrillfl11 Ih'l1tS Ilud call not illjnro
the most Ilnlicnto SYlitOIll. At all rlru/- /
gists or 1'roll1 the Dr.ViIlimns Ml'li- !
cillo Co" Sehlllwtlld ' . N. Y. , )1ostpnicl ) ,
011 recoi pt of )1rico ) , 60 ceuts pUl' OX ,
six exes for $2.60.
London's , Deat'hs by Acclde t.
London's average death roll byaccl-
dent among males is between four
and five n da ) ' . London's male popu.
] atlon number 2,1G7,8J7 ! , so that the
rlsls of death by nccldent are moro In
London than In the rest of the COl1n'
tr ) ' . Ever ) ' two days throughout the
) 'ear nine Londoners are leilled by un ,
promedltated violence.
Important to Mothers.
I nmlno carcrl1l1y cvery bottle or C.\STOTIT.\ .
1enro alii ! . pure remedy tor lurants and children.
and see thut It
- -
nears the ' .
# - " -
Slgnl11uro or , . c..tIZ {
In Ueo lror Over 30 Yeurs.
The Kl11 You 11l1vo Always Dought.
Scheol for Aeroneauts.
pnrls has 11. school for neronauts and
contempates ] 0. second. In the ono al.
relldy In exlstenco beginners In the
navigation of the 1111' can got instruction -
tion In the theory and prnctlco
or airship management. Anchored bal.
loons with ca11es ] ns high as 400 me.
tel's ( MoUt 440 yards ) In ] ength are
I lit the dlsl10sal of the pupils.
The Isthmian Canal.
Now lhat the Cnnal Treaty haE
been ratified , wo ma ) ' expect to sec
worle resumed In 11 short time , an
the great caualshls. ) ) carr'ing huge
loads of Pl11sbur "s Vltos to nil part !
or the wOl'ld. ll ) ' the wa ) ' , hllvo ) ' 01
over eaton Vltos ? You'll 1110 ; It bet
tor than nn ) ' other cerelll food.
Must BI:1me Something ,
If a. man misses a train he Is tr'ln
, to cntch It Is hllrd for him to mal\ {
himself 11elo\'o ! It Isn't hecauso he ha !
- to sUIJOrt ! 11. hlg famll-Now YOI'I
- - - - - - -
Here Is Relief for Women.
Mother GI'a ) ' , n lIurso III Now York , dls
CO\'ol'cll II plemmu t hCl'b I'elllod fa I' WOIIIOIi ' :
1IIs , called AUS'l'HAI.IAN-LbAl < ' . It Is thl
ollly certain monthly ro ulator. Curci
female wealmosses , Bac1moho , Kidney an (
Ul'lnury h'oubles , At ull DL'U ! tlsts Oh'
lI all ro ots. Salllplo malled 1"lnI . Addt'cSS
'rite Motltcr Gl'U ) ' Co. , LoHoy , N. Y.
A girl s01l10111 mnrrles her 1Ilea ]
which is ono reasol1 why there Is Sl
much hal\1lness \ In the worl ! .
Defiance Starch
should bc In C\'CI'y houl'eho1c1 ' none I'
ood. beilitles 4 oz. lIIo\'e for' 10 cenl
thnn allY othcr brand of f'old wntc
The man who sail ! eternal vll1anc ,
was the Irlco of IIhorty IH'obllby ] no'
or trlcd a can1\1nlgn \ cIgar.
) f
Jtr.llIaIIlW' " 1'11111111111 : Yl'n" .
I ) . Forcblhlren t ethtll , ,0fl11& Ihuj:1l1U1 n'lueellI
It UamlUlltlou , all 11) ' 1' ln , curcI wlu,1 eollu. ' " l > > tUI
10 Truo. the lIen 11111) ' be mightier tllll
11. the sword. hut the 1101111 Isn't muc
In good without the ] ICII' ot 11. Imlfo ,
Id Mon who worry bernuso they ar
I comiJOllel ! to worlt , worry the mQ. !
Ie , when they ha\'o no worle.
When a woman wins at cnJ'tls thor
to comes Into her face 1m exceodlngl
Bo1t'8nt18 cd OXIresslon.
' . - " ' . .
. ' .
. - . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . , . . . . . . .
- . - . -
Central City anli community Is ex-
porlonclng a grent rollglous rovival.
Frnnltlln Is moving In the matter
ot providing a system ot water worl < s.
An Omahn fnmly ] cnmo nenr being
asphyxiated by a cat turning on a
gas jot.
An extended tour through the west
and nong ] the Pacific COMt Is to bo
made by the University of Nobrnscn. ] .
Glee club next spring.
Fo.rm help Is so scarce In thl ) vicinity -
cinity of Auburn that glrs ] are puttlng
on male attlro and going Into the corn
fled ] to gather crops.
Neary ] 20,000 head ot sheep hllv < J
been recolvod ut Wood River und I
moro nro coming on nearly every
train. Conditions IJolnt to 0. very successful -
cessful season for sheep mon.
E. R. 1\Ioon , 7J ! yearR old , ono of the I
oldest and most prominent resldonts :
ot nandolph , Kan" WaS strucle by a
Union PncUlc train at Beatrlco nnd
Instantly Itilled. . lIe ] eaves a largo
An unsuccessful attempt was made
to rob Johnson's Cash store at Kearney -
ney , but the robber , or robbers , wqro
frightened awny by the manager of
the store before nny booty had been
so cured.
Dl1rllngton Tax Agent Pollo.rd WIlS
In 'rccumsoh and offered the county
treasurer 11. sum , about $0,300 , In settlement -
tlomont of the railroad company's
taxes In Johnsol1 for the past : rear. The
offer wo.s not accepled.
1\Irs. Vacay ] Wllcho. wns struce ] and
Instantly Idlled at the m111 crossing In
Schuyor ] , by the mall section of Union
Pacific train No. 10. The body was
thrown fully 125 teet , the head being
] mocleed entirely off the trunle.
Fort ) . years -ngo lIon. FennoI' Fur-
geson , the first chief justlco of Nebraska -
braska , was buried Ilt Dellevuo , Nob.
Lllst wcelt there wns 11. granite stone
placed at the grave of the judge and
his wlfo in the Bellevue cemetery.
Yorle county farmers nro aarmed ]
because of the rainy weather , which
hns prevented them froll1 getting In
corn fields and gathorlng another
lllrge bumper crop. As high as 4
cents is offered for corn shuclcors.
D. S. Crlppon , the town marshal of
Palnvlow ] , who was stnbhed b ) ' a sabol'
In the ho.nds ot Carl Llesner. nn aged
( o.rmor , w111 recover. The hlado of the
saber pierced the flesh eight or nine
Inches , but luclelly did not strllco o.ny
vita ] 11Ortlon of the bed ) ' ;
' \Vbllo burning trash in the yard ,
Mrs. Dridgot Whalen , of Auburn ,
caught fire and WIlS completely enveloped -
opod In fiame In 11 second's time. Hep ]
reached her In time to prevent the o.c-
cldent from proving fatal though her
clothing was badly burned.
O. V. Eaton of Lincoln , elected
councilman nt the Jun olectlon , was
run over and le111ed by a Burlington
switch engine. Eaton was wallclng
along the track near K street and
stepped to another trac1t to avoid a
train and was struclt by the switch
Near Bassett John Stoclednle was
held up and robbed of a smnll nmount
'of money at about 7 p. m. Ho was
driving Into town when two men
stepped his horses and demanded
, thllt he hold up his hands. HavIng
no weapons to defend hlmselt he ai ,
lowed the men to go through his pock ,
ets.Tho Odd Fellows of Emerson cele ,
brated the completion ot tholr no , , "
building. Over 200 visiting mcmberE
were present from Lyons , Dancrofl ,
I Pender , Craig , Wakefiold , DaltotD
City , South Sioux City nnd Poncn.
Ten candldatos were Inltlo.telI. lJelJUt )
Grand Master O'Hanon ] of Dlalr delivered
livered nn address. 'fho nobolmh !
sen'ed n sumptuous supper.
Land Commissioner Eaton will stnr1
out within a few dn's to revIew thc
apprnisement of school land , TherE
Is school ] and in fifty-ono countlCl
which will have to bo ] oolcod nnel
_ this ) 'ear , ns a number of lease hold
ers have defaulted in tholr payments
In all about twenty counties will b
visited before the 1st of January II
which the lanll commlsslonor will re
vlow the nppralsement.
Great interest Is centering In Ull
nnnua ] Johnson ounty farmors' In tl
tute , which w11l bo held in Tecumsel
some tlmo during January. Aroad ] :
the program commltteo Is at worlt ani
. Is endeavoring to learn from tllOS' '
interested whaL tOIlcs to put dow ]
for discussion. A road day wlll b
hold , for the method of drngglng th
public Illghwa's by the King dra ,
, plan is gaining popular favor thero.
Powell Wood , a. ) 'oung mnn lIvln. .
near Staplehurst , who , with hi
brother , runs n throshlng outfit , me
with 11. sorlous accident whl10 nt wor
on 11. farm near Seward , The thresl
Ing hnd been completed and the mo
were nbout the machlno when th
blower became cholted up , nnd youn
II' Wood nttempted to push the stu
Into it , but in doing so his right han
was caught In the machlnory. HI
arm was broleen In two places an
his hnnd was crushed.
A party ot rall1'oad sun'e'ors wor
running lines on the west sldo of tl1
river near Deatl'lco , anll It is roporte
thnt the Missouri Paclfie Is figurln
on connecting its prOIOso(1 IIno trOi
, Virgilla ! with the Union Pnclfic I
I that Ilaco.
The First Natlonnl banlt of Pllg (
was enterell by perRons who bro
' 0 the south window. The robbers dt
It through to the vnult , but no nttom ]
was made to open the snto. A fo
papers were stolen , but were throv.
' 0 , awny at the stoct ] ) 'nrds. A valunb
, icollccUon of coin In the vault was n' '
, " )7 them.
Officials of SIoux and Gosper Counties -
ties Want Information.
The legal department ot the state
has been aseed ] by the officials ot
Sioux nnd Gospor counties for nn In-
t rpretatlon of the Judge Tuclccr
Inw , enacted by the legislature , pro-
vhllng for the fleectlon ] of jurors.
Under tbo terms of the ] IlW neIther
ot these counties can figure just how
they can soect ] n jury , IlncI so tar the
] ogal depnrtment has not been able
to solve the puzzle , though It has not
given up. In the meantlmo It was
thought advlsablo to wrlto JUdge
Tl1clcor : but , as ho has troubles of
his own , this pnn ] has been nbandon-
ed nnd the attorney genera ] will continuo -
tinuo nt work on the proposition ,
though guesses from other nllorneys
will bo In order.
The proposllon to bo solved Is as
follows : Section 1G74 of the supple.
mont to Cohbe"s statutes provides :
"I-low Names Soected ] From List.
-That upon the completion of the
canvass of oectlon ] returns said
110ard shall select at lenst GO { ) namc ! !
from the tall ) ' shcot , provldcd tho.t
the tnlly sheet contains that many
names : If the tnlly sheet does not
contain 500 names , then from the
actual numb or of names contained on
said sheet , in nil counties having loss
thnn 30,000 inhabitants In the man-
noI' following : They shall dlvldo the
number of electors to bo seected ] by
the number of the voting precincts
nnd nllot to each voting precinct the
quotient or number thus obtained :
then the bonrd shall divldo the number -
ber of names found upon each tally
sheet of each voting precinct by the
quotient or number allotell to
voting precinct ; then shnll count
from the top of the tally sheet of the
Ireclnct the number of names of this
last quotient , the ] ast name of which
shnll bo selected and put into a 1'0-
ctJptaclo as herelnnfter provided :
then again count down the tally sheet ,
seectlng ] every name that corresponds -
spends to the number of this quotient -
ent , until the full quoto. of names
from sllid precinct shull have been
chosen , and thus continue the process -
cess , through each precinct until the
required number of names shall have
been selected , and the names so furnished -
nished to the clerk of the district
court of the county or his deputy.
Lack of Trained Teachers ,
PERU-Tho State Normal schoo ] at
Peru is not able to meet the demand
made upon It for trained tenchers.
About 300 graduntes nnd students
have been paced ] In positions In the
public schools since last l\Iarch and
yet the school has not sultablo appll-
C nts for several hundred requests
that have como In during the summer -
mer nnd fall.
CI'lIo l\IcGlnltlo of Nellgh , who was
booldcoepor In the senate during the
last session nnd who provlous to that
time hed ] 0. position in the auditor's office -
fice , has secured a position as cashier
i of a banle in Il1o.ho and w11l remo\'e to
that state In the near futuro.
Charged with forgery and wanted
at South Omaha , H. F. Neher was arrested -
rested at the homo of his brother ,
six miles south of Doatrlco , by Chief
Durlt and Deputy Sheriff 1\1oore.
where ho was engaged In husking
BecomIng One of the Great IndustrIes
of the State.
That alfalfa is becoming ono of the
greatest and most vaunbo ] ] crops In
I Nebraslm is conclusively shown by 0.
report issued by the stnto bureau ot
labor and statistics dealing with the
acrenge , production and vauo of the
alfnlfo. crop of Nebraslm for 1905. Tllo
report shows the total ylold ot the
crop to bo l,301,7GO tons , at a vnluo
- of $11,715,840. This great yled ] was
1'111 sed upon - an acreage of 316,711
acres , which gave nn average yled ] of
1 .1.12 tons per acre. The Increase in
, - the production or this valua11lo hay
Is very notlceablo when the aereage
and production for the last four years .
Is considered , In 1002 the acreage ot
nlfalfa in the state was 201,65G acres , ,
and the estlmnted ylod ] was GH.970
tons ; In 1903 the total ncreago wns
238,401 , with an ostlmated production
of 834,403 tons , amI In 100,1 , nlthough
the acreage decrease about 2,000
acres. being 23G,321 ncres , yet the
total production was greater , owing
to a larger average yield. The totn ]
yield for that ) 'enr was 886,203 tons.
It will , therefore , bo aeon that by fal
the greatest annual Increase has beell
made this ) 'ear. The increase III
ncreago over ] ast year has boon 79,39C
acres and in total production 416,7GC
Dawson county ranles first In thE
production of alfalfa , having proauce
( )9G46 ) tons on nn ncroago ot 21GG2
Buno ] county onjo's second rank
with 11. production ot 84,116 tons fron
an acreage of 1tGG2. :
State Officers Need Not Pay.
LINCOLN-Attornoy General 1\101'
rls Drown has trnnsl11ltted to tIll
school board ot Llncon ] his officla
opinion regarding the logallty ot thl
claim m lo by the beard f'n the statl
officers and stnto el11Iloyes for tUltlO1
fees , The attorney genoml not ( 'n ] :
holds that the chlh1ren of state officer !
nnd others who live In Llncon ] bu
who malntnln n ] e a ] resllionco else
where nro entltlel' to frtJo sehool prlv
1I0gos , but ho 110noullcI1s In stron !
umgungo the actloD of the boal' a
an InjusUce.
. . . . . . . . . . . r . . . ,
. . . .
Crippled and Made III by Awful KId- .I
ney Disorders. ,
John Fernna's , fruit rnlser , Web.
ster , N. Y. , sa's : "I used to 11ft rail.
road tltJl ! enslly
u t wrenched
my bnck nnd
beglln to suffer
with backnche
nnd ] eldnoy
troublo. I neglected -
lected It until
ono. da ) ' a
twin go felled .
made mo crawl 011 . .
hands and knees. I waS so crlpplO > II It. I
for a. time that I couhln't wnlk with.
out sticks , had hendnches and dizzy \
spoils and the ] ddney secretions were
muddy and tUII ot brlcle.dust sediment.
Doan's Kidney Pills mallo the pain
dlsappenr and c rrectod the mlnary
troublo. I 1111\0 felt Helter ever since. "
Sold by all donlers. GO cents a 11ox.
Foslor-1\I1Iburn Co" Duffnlo , N. 'Y.
To SIlVO her lifo , 0. woman can't
malw horseH bello\'o that If she uses
a. gas range she , isn't saYing money
beeauso her coal bills are less.-Now
York Press. r
The Best Example of What a Pure
Baking Powder Should Be' In-Qual-
Ity i1nd Price.
A popular and efllclcnt baldntt powder 1'0-
qulrcs two thlllfS-lh'st , that the food made
with It shall be absolutely wholcsolllo'
second , tl1ut it shall o sold lit a l'casonabl
III talking' about the hcalthfulness of
baldug powdcr , It lIIust bo rl'lIIembercll
that baldng powder is not nllal'tlcle of dlot
any moro than cOIIIIJl'essed ) 'cnst. 0110
would bo qulto as objcctlonable for fooll as
the othcr , except that of the two , the bnk-
in/ / ! powder ml ht bo prcCorablo ,
Wo do not cat olther baldng powder or
ycast. What wo o eat Is the biscuit and
brcad raiscd with thcm , Whcn placcd upon
the table no ycast rel1\allls III the bl't'Rll and
no baking pow cr { II the biscuit , Both
lcavoulnngents / have bcen destro'cd in
I thc I1cratloll alld the baldllR' othorwlso , In-
I stcad of lI ht rcad lIlI hlscult wo should
have a mass of hcavy , harll.baked douh. !
Ono wcll.lmowlI bl'lUlll , K C Baldng
Powdcr , Is sold .HHlcl' a ; ) OOOOO ! ! uarallteo
of its healthfuhll.ds alld purit : . . , There clln
be no doubt that II haklll powder so fuar-
nntced Is absolutch' ' wholesomc and pcrfcet-
ly rcllablc. EvclI'if it did rcmain In the
food it could do 1I0thln hnt f00l1.
\VltI\ regard to prlcc , a badll ) powdcr ns
e11lelont IInll wholesome liS is posslblo to
maIm can bo sold. lit 1fall' pro1lt , for ono
ccnt an ounco. If tt costs more the price is
1\1I1110ns or pouuds of K C BaklnPowdcr / , "
made br the Jaqucs l\lanufacturing Company -
pany of Chicago , have beell sold at the
nbovo figure 1111 o\'cr the eoulltr ) IInd K C
offers the best cxample at prcscnt on the
IIIl1rltct of , what a good baldu powdcr
should bo , both In rcspcct of quality nnd
rcnsonal'lo pl'lce ,
There would bo a lot more fun In
the world if peopo ] wouldn't. try so
hard to ho.vo It.
Lady Suffered Tortures U ntl ! Cured
by Cutlcura-Scratched Day , J ,
and NIght. . f" ( j
"My scalp was covered with little
plmfles and I suffered tortures from
the itching. I Wll8 scratching all day
and night , and I could get no reRt. I
washed my head with hot wnter and
Cutlcurn. Soap nn then applied the
Cutlcurn Ointment as a dressing. Ono
box of UtO Ointment and one cake oJ :
Cutlcura Soap cured mo. Now my
head is entire ) ) ' cear and my hall' is
growing spen ldy. ] I have used Cu-
tlcura Soap ever since , anll shall nov-
eI' bo without it. ( Signed ) Ada C. l. ,
Smith , 309 Gran St. , Jersey City , {
N. J. "
nemombor that who.t pulls the
strings Is the force hidden within ;
there lies the power to persuade ,
there the life-there , If ono must
spealt out , the real man-Marcua
A Great Monarch.
Wealthier than nn ) ' brother sover-
elgn : master of loglons. which number -
ber ever a million : lord'of more than
oneslxth of the surface of the globe ,
with subjects of many colors nllli
races , nmountlng to over one.hundred
and twenty m11l10n souls , the Czar of
all the nusslas w111 not bo Invlnclblo
unUl ho adopts Pl11sbury's Vltos as
his reguar ] brealfnst diet.
It Is not enough to lal\O steps which
may somQ day ] ead to 11. goal : each
stop must Itself bo a goal a11d a stop
There II more Calarrh In Ibll pectlon of tbe ccuntry
thnll nil olherdlelloes I"IL Il'/Clher ! , nil-I ulIIII ( he lao'
few yearofal .uPIo.ed to b" Illeurullle , Fur a rellt
, , dlelle IIntl
Dl lIY Yl'/lr8 locturM pruliounel'llt II local
Ne.erlhe,1 lucal rCllledleo. an,1 by contantly fol\llIl \ : .
10 l'\IrO" lib Itll'nlln'l\llIll'nl , pronounced II Incurablo. . . I
SclclIl'e ba"llI'OVen Clll/Irrh ( II lie I\c"ollllltlonlli dl.
( ' ' ' ' 0 IIIHI ( herefore requlroeuntltuU , " ' ' ' ! tre ! III ut.
' II ' 1' , J Chellcy I
lIall'a Cat.arrh Cure , 111""nracluretl )
l ; Co. . T"ledo , Ohio. II Iht ! vul ) ' eOIllIIutlolllll . _ cure on "
the IIIlIrkel , It la takell Internally In do.e from 10
, directly on I he blood I
It acto
dropuoa IcaBpoouful , f"
. .
and mucon" .urfllccil of the oyolelll , The } .ITer one
bundred dollllu fur anyeaoe ft f lIi1 to cure , Send '
tor circulars nud tCOtllllOllllllo ,
AI , < Ir M.1 1" " , J , CIIIN : gCO" Toledo , Oblo.
601" hv Drulla.I.I5c ,
' 1' ke illlll'll"amlly 1'111' for conBtlpatlon.
Wise mon arc In8tructell b ) ' reason ;
men ot less understanding , by oxperl-
once : the most Ignorant hy necessity ;
anll beast b ) ' nature-Clrero ,
- - - - - - - - -
Ask Your Dealer for Allen's Foot.Ease
A powdor. It rcsts the feet. Curcs Swollcn
SOI'O , Hot , Callous. Aching Swoatlll l"co' '
nud InJt'owlll Nalls. At nit Druggists nnd t j
Shoo 5 ccnts. Accept 110 substltuto.
SlIlIIplo III. . . 1 11 li'lU F. . Address , Allen S. .
Olmsted , Leo } ' , N. Y.
Glrs' ] schools nro good places to
] earn how not to learn nnfthlng that
will ho usofn ] to them.
I do not bellcvo pt ! < o's Cllro fo r Consumpt1011
has an equal tor l'oul1'i null clhls.-Jom- ,
UOYEII , 'l'rlnlty SlrllllsIIII1.l"t'lJ. 15 , lOOll _
Books In London LIbraries. " .
There are ! J,9G5.8G3 hooles In the
public libraries ot London.