Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 23, 1905, Image 4

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    - - ' - ' - ' - ----HP. _ ' " , ' . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . - - . - - - - . " . - - -
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. . , ' , f : : > \\I.'I9U ! ; : : . : ; . . . . . . 'II. . . . . IW.uu. : . . . WtJ..w. . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . .L. W _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . .a . . . . . . .I.oo > i. . _ . . . . , . , . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t . , . . " . . . . . 'r" . . . . _ - . - _
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, : - .J. .
1t t 1 ,
_ i
. I
I---- . . DC , ' - : BVTWJ : : : ST SEEL : : j . . " , ! I. . - - . ' . ! t
E. C. HOUSE , , . . , . Broken Bow , Ner. ( \r
1)0 you wunt. H good , c01nf I'tuble hon1e or a lot , 01' a block , or one acre , 01' u five acro. trDct on , vhieh to build ( HiP , 01' l'or' an l
luvestulcnt ? Don't nny of J"ou old row IHlI che,8 stunlp { de 01' get to luilling , but. hike to Ed IIouse's office and tal { in S0111e of "
these hargains in Ileal Estate ; : , i
: . One five room one story house and barn. .
: ' Corner lot , 48 by 112. Price , - . . $ lOO. 00 i
One eight room , 1 and 1-2 story house nd
. " earn. Two lots on the corner , a good well and
good outside Cellal' . There is vacant land ad"
joining this property which can be bought
cheap. Price , . . . . w - 1300.0.0
One ten room , two story frame 11ouse , two
lots , one block from square , almost new. Price 2200.00
One four room one story house , one lot , one .
block from square. Price , III a .700.00
One four room and basement one story house
with ground , 60 by 144 , good. well and coal
shed all in good repair , nicely loca.ted. rrice 850.00
One ten acre trsJct adjoining town with good
frame house nd barn locat. . \
new new , nicely . .
ed. Price , . . . . . . a . . 2600.00 r t
One five aCl'e tract adjoining town. . Price 350.00 i
One nicely locate llot , 60 foot front on Main ' , '
Street , size of lot 60x120. Price , . . 200aOO f' '
One new house 24x26 , one story , two lots , .
well located. Prlce , . , . . . . 1000 OO . (
One nice business lot 24x112 , fronting. on '
Third Avenue. Price. = - 175.00 1
One nice resident lot , close in , 60xl12 , price' 200.00 t.
One lot 57x120 , nicely located. Price , 150,00 f
One 1 and 1..2 story 5 room frame shingle ' . f
roof dwelling with barn and 1.4 block , nice .
trees , well and. .coal h01.\s.e , one block froIn i
school house. Price , . . . . - . a . . 1100.00 > I f
Good FUl' 1S and Ranches at prices that will please you. Also private lloney to loan on good , yell iJnpr ycd fhrl11s , note and . '
II intercbt payable at my offi 1 . " I
, . . . I
aru tcr O. ltcpublican I
I'ubllahell CVUIY 'fburedllY " ' ho COO ty HOllt.
u. \MSBtlm\ ; \ . - . 1 lllt r
Bnterod "lib" Vlj ( I1C1'O lit lIrohn Dow. Nuh. .
n eoooud.oliutl n1\ttor for Lrllnpml , lon tbrl111gb
tbe U. II. 111118.
\'ar.lnllll'Bnc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 _ '
" , " ' \.I\C\I In Cup or Uloc .l'ourtb A'I ) . '
_ .
- - '
Dv'i iTiH1NI. THH. :
, 1'1 ( 'olumll. I.r month. & 7 00. Ouo.h.1f CII.-
0010. ptJ'r 1II011tll. ! ( xl qnutur column. 'Hlr
111011 LII , S : .0 J" . . . . thAn qual t r COIOUIII , r.o
Clint. VitI loch , 'or lIIonU ,
, liArd. OU I1r t l.aKIl. fj ( ) ceol. 1'01 111011 , IIUI
; moulh
l.oclil 1IlvurU.lujt f > C4'"I 1lIr , 11110 uath to .or-
t ! rill.
rill.NuUolI . .f I'IIIIr1. fri. \ . .ocll\hlll anll uolllrllllll'
mlllt. whtru 11I1111(1) ' I cburllt. : UIlIt.hlllf fllt.e .
"ohH'IIIUCfli IUIII n , 'ln&llln . ouu'hlllf rutu. .
W..11111111 ( " "tie. " , frllil. h.1f lulc. . fur IlUblhlllog
itA ! of I'1f.Il : Ot.l\ .
'lhHltb tlolloop "tll. hl\U 11I\c" \ for Vu" " ' " blnK
ubHIIUf ( IltlCI'/I. / Dli cllrl1lof I""uk. .
LellIIlIuUtI aL rutile 1'luIIlo11 b1 . 'atutos ot
Nubre.It" . . . . , . . _ .
I - - - - - - - - - -
" 'l'hursday. Novemher HI , 1/)05.
. .
! -P. ( ; :
ng s5Il1an MP. . ,
, who has the honor lof represent.
int the big Si th district the Re-
conll time in connresha ! expressed -
pressed hit11R 1f fnlly in harmon ) '
, with President Hoe \'elt a din't !
trust and exhorbitant railroall
ratcs. He lcft for Washington
y la t 'rhursday.
'rhe political boss was graphi-
I cally described iu a pcech made
in ew Yorle recently by Joscph
11. Choate , formcr United States
; minister to J ngland. ' { 'he'cfe ! ; -
, \ . . criplion is accurate { lnd lirri Jike.
No enc at all familiar with politics -
tics call fail to I' cogui e the
cbaracter , as he ig a familiar ou.
ject in cver ) ' : : ounty , state aud
, Union. Head it :
, 'Ivish 1 could find a good dcfi.
nition of the word U055. II is a
\'ulgar word , hut there is no othcr
word to express the meaning to
which it is applied. A crea.ture ,
I should call him , without semple
IW consciencc , who HIls his capa.
cions maw with graft , who feeds
bi 'greedy follower ! > upon political -
cal garbage g-athel'cd from the
official flcsh pots : md will pai1
who now cHetatcs who shall he
- h _ . _ _ . _ - - . . _ . _ - _ _
xI. : : .oc"/ ' : ' '
, i F. W. HAYES ,
Jeweler and 01)ticia.n
West Side Square ,
Droken Bow , S
L .
How Many , : :
. Birthdays ?
You must have had sixty at
least ! What ? Only forty ?
Then it must be your gray i
hair. Ayer's Hair Vigor stops
these frequent birthdays. It
gives all the early , deep , rich
color to gray hair , and checl\s
futllng hair. And it I etps the
scalp clean and healthy.
"I WI" rellllylr"Ilo,1 , , 111111 tllllllltnit wllirh
" 11,111",1 " IIII"L tll' " " 'I'"III" . IIchllll.r : . Il1tj
" ' 1111' ' , I HI..Ifl' " ' ' 110,1. \1 1I1'llIlIlllIo . 11.11'
1111I1f ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' . Iy . . .I. , . , ' " "
rlllllllll : . . " . , L III" / I " "W I III" " II " ' " . / 'rlill '
. .1111I11. . IIA" " . I' , illS : > " : 1'1,111110101.\:01111. / :
I _ . . . . - - - - . . . . . - - - -
by J. o. AyoCo" IoweH. : AlaOI.
. , ,
AllO In.U14roturoL' . of
AMado , S.\RSAI'AmLLA.
! 'ILLS.
lJers '
I . _ .
- - -
the candidatcs of the rcspcctivc
partieg for the great ol1ices that
the people are to till. And the
mcmbers of tue part \ ' at larJc
ha\'c no more to d with the
malc ng of the nominations for
these lI1ullcipal ofiicc ! than the
childrcn ) 01tind \ playing in the
f rccls. "
Four'Officera Inelilribl .
'l'he State Journal of last Fri.
Ilastateg that "four cOllnl\ '
) ' ntenclents.elect are itwli-
giulc to h01l1 the ofhcc to which
: thc ) ' were elected. , ac ording' to
report received at the otlic of
Statc Su peri ntmHentlcBrien. \ ! .
He declincs to annollnc ( ' the
namcs of any of thcm. MisB
La'cke ) ' of Scotts Blutr count\ '
and Mr. Coney of Stanton count \ : .
the former a dcmocrat and thc
latter a repuhlican , havc failed
to secure tint grade ccrtificates
ancI will he notiliecI bSuperin -
tcndentlcllrien ! that thc\ ' are
incligible to that oflice. tlu' ; n w
law rCIlIirillg ! canclillateg to holel
a first grade teaeher'-t : I ertificatc
I in force at the lime of their \ec' \
r tion.
If ot1iciul reports tiled in the
stat { ' tHlpcrtntcnchut'\ ! ! are
not amendcd , two other snCl'CSS-
fill candidatc\ ! will he info'mcil
that thc ) ' an. ineli ihlc. 'I'hl. :
latter two arc both men , hol ing
ofiice in the eastern part of the
! State , ne in a c0I1nty north 01
the Platte river ancI enc s01\th 01
the ri'cr. . 'l'hc ) ' ha\'e ccrtil ell
to thcmsel\'cs , and this thc at-
tOt'l1t' ) ' geueral :1t1cl 1\11' . l\lcBriCt1
assert i unlawful. lr. McBrien
will not announce thl' nameR of
the men until he giveu thcm an
opportunity to be heard. As in
the other cascs , one is a clemo-
crat an i one a republican. In
the Scotts Blutf .and Stanton
county cascs the incumbents , one
a rcpuulicun and enc a dcmocrat , .
will doubtless hold over one year
at 'east , out in thc other cases it
i1 ! tl e opinion of attorneys that ,
the two mcn who hold ofiice and
who were elected hut who ecrti.
tied to t hei I' own Ilual i licat ions ,
' cannot hold m'cr. If the ne w
'I law is held coustitutiona ! they
I annot hold lweI' uecausc t hc\ ' are
not qualificII. 'I'hey 1\0 \ not -POI" " .
Res ' what the f-tate superintend-
cnt unll .att rney g-clH'ral reg-ani
a \'alid tirst grall count ) ' eertili-
cates. 'j'hcre is nothing" in thc
law conccrnin the right of a
count ) ' superintcnclent to Issue to
himself a tcacher's c rlil cate and
It is rcgarded as certain that OIH
or hoth of the ofiiCt'r : who so
certified will bring-suit in court
to maintain their ot1iecs. 'l'his
is reg-arc1ed douuly certain from
the fact that Ulall ) ' are of the ,
ol'inioll that the law clel ning the
lualitications ! for this ol1 C iun ! ;
I com l iut ional. "
I _ _ . . " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h
Fan SAl.H-A new house , 24x2(1
four rooms , within two hlockof !
the quan' . Inquire at this
o i ce. 2.t t
Cheslcr lIa'warchas \ gom' to
' 1incoln to attclul colleg .
J. II. Prettyman wag hnyin
cattle hele one cIaj' this wcek.
Earl f-4andreth is abie to ue up
allli cxp cts soon to he . pirking
\1 r . A. Moore expccts to go to
thc hospital to undergo an
Mr. Daddson ha oltl hig farm
to Jasper Provt11ce and is talking
of moving' to Canada ,
W. C. Johnson of 1-4odi , 'was
m verely injured by a. horse aud
had to go to the hospital.
Hi Headl ) ' , who Ih'ed in this
nelghh rhoad sevcral years amI
haft lately been farming nc r 1-40-
lIlax i rtported ; to ht" prcparing
to 1lI0\'e to Kansas.
. .
Oconto and vicinity wtre balll ) '
exdted 'l'ucSllaA ho ) ' was
shucking corn hi th tield when
somebody slipPcI\ \ around UC !
wagon , threw a coat O\'er Ills
head and urutal\v \ assaultcd him ,
Assailant ul\l.10wn. . Somc
I thought it the work of a cr 1.Y
man who was reportcd prow1tng
I arounll. Others thought it spitt'
work. 'l'here wa ! > some talle of
pUlling the ulool\ \ hound : > on the It waS IJ dastard ! ) out-
" ' " ,
, ' ( t (
. " .i
I rage.
Charles Rice and Frank 'ryrcll
I of Lodi. were Ryno visitors Sun-
day. Frank is thc young Eng--
lishnan , whosc arrival in Nebras-
1m was noted.a short time since !
in the ! { fil'UBLICAN , He is being
gradually jnitiated into the ways
of the country. He reports he-
ingin I sanguinary encounter ,
with cow boys I few nig-hts ago. ; I
lIe amI ! > omc of thc ho..s . were on I
thcir way to the mail .1 > ox whcll ; I ,
thcy were amhuhechy ! ' \ \ the had I
men. A fierce tight emmed , ser- I
eral shote ; were tired , but the cow-I I
hOJ c\'iclen tly g-ot t he worst 0
it for they J nally witlHlrcw.
None of the hoys were hurt hilt
'SOIllC of them got a had carl' .
Diltrict Sundliy School Conventio 1\ ,
A District Sunday School Con. .
\'ention wil1 "he held at the U. . B. I
church , Saturclay night. Sunday ,
afternocn ; and ilight , Deccmher :
HI and 17.
:3n I' . I.
01'01111 . : Ron.k. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jllhll ' 1'11..11..1'
lInlC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1'11I ! Malu Qllartelt
, ldr.hrl..WIll \\'urk tllthu OrluIIL. . . . .
. . . . ' " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M rli. l tU. . R. 1101111. .
So II 1 : .
Qllalilicalloll. . of Ihu tuaclll'r. Mrs. Bartholomcw
\JiSCII slulI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I.ed by A. . . . . Muur. .
. SUII\ : .
Hllme Departlllent Worl ( . . . . . . . .1\11' : < .11. I.ullla\ : :
DlsCIIS IIIII. . . . . . . . . . T.c,1 by M "s. Willis Calhwll
1lecLioll : o ( Ofl CCN f"r un..uilllar. ! .
SU\III\Y. : ! :3 : r. I ,
HOllie ! 'en.lce. . . . . . . . . . T"II h ' "Irq. I. . D. G'ort'
Addre.-Yllulllf PCIIJllu' , ; Placu III Ihu SUII-
day SdlOol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ramah Ih'ers , , "
nl..CIl."lulI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I.ed h } ' lIerh:11111
l'alwr-.IIow 10 Ohlalll th. . 11o " 1 R"Iu1l III
ul\lJa ' Schllol"rlc . : . . . . : .II s 1llll11a : I.lIce
SOli 1 ( .
A ,111 r.-Qllall IicaLiolls' ( / , . . SUII'
, IaScllOol SIl/lerllll"IHlenl. / . . . \ . 1' . John"on
IIlhCU"SIOII. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1..d 10 , ' 1. . : 'leCalldle , ,
So II 11" .
. \ddre , > s-'feaclaini : " the Ulhle in tlae SLlIHIn. :
Sehool. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .II. T.ul1Iax
SUII ! : " .
7:30 : I' . M.
OLlII" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . } . . . 11l1l1l1illlt\ll1l
OpporIIlLlIlIt. " rill' II. . , Iallill OIlLlylll1r 1)lrlcl. \ . . .
Ji "Llq..lulI. . . . . . . T.I..I.I \ , . H. . , . . . \I. 1.-\'a'li
1'ulI..w".1 . hy , . , . . . . : . , I , 1:1.10'A. : . A.
: \111.hel :11111.01,11.,11 Cllallll..rlaili.
A"e.'l'"acIH'r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .J. H. Ueall
1I1 cLl IOII. . . . . . . . . . . .1,1 h ' H , ' , ' . 11. I. : . M } 'er
- _ . _ _ - _ u _ _ _
OKI:1N.\NCg : NO.
. \ II oll\illaIlC \ ! ! < < : ralllilllIII'rlllI \ . .ioll allil :111'
thllrlL ) ' III ( 'hlcal/II. UllrllllllolI allil Qlllnc ) '
Halh"a ' COI1lIallhll' . . . . . lIr" : IIHI a."IICII .
IlIclllllol : : " It. . I.M"ur. Chl'allu. 11111'1 IIlIf 10 II an,1
QLllncy Hallroa,1 ClIl1IlIalir. CUII..trll.t. malno
lalll a 11I1 operaLQ a railruall IracJi III' Nonh
Halh'a ) ' SU"'I'I , III Halllllal AI\cIILiulI Ih"
. il ) ' o ( Umli"11 1111\ " . IrulII Ihe l a,1 . .101" " "
Nurtll 1.'Ulh , .enlll' IOJ Lh"1"1 . .ult ! . .r Norlh
"v"lIh AeIlU" . 41\:1' : : Icr. . ' NurLh Sen'lIlh
j . \ "el\lll : me. . .IIHI : II : " " " Ihl' al\c' } ' III Hlucl , 0111-
\ " ' Ullt ! ( IOI ! . lit" ' , : , lcl Hallma,1 Aldlllon , ,
an,1 acre . . IIH1 "L..1't "ltllal,1 UII Ihe " 'rst slcl" r
IIf lIIuck 01111 HLllltlre,1 all,1 On" (1" ( " . .
Ua ; IT ORU.\ISIW II\ ' ' 1'1\1 \ ; 11.'OR . \SII CI n' , .
SKCTIOS I. 'l'hal " rml.iull . ' 11,1 allthoril"
be allil herehy an ! ICr.llllellto Chlcallo. IIlIrllnl/-
10/1 allllIJuillCY RallwaCUIIIII.IIIY , IL . .uce"-
" 0" " al1ll a ! < "lllIs. IlIchllllllll Chlo'arll BII 1'1 1111- : . . . . L .
lUll :111.1 Qulllc ) ' Iallroatl CUIII\laIlY. \ II 'e..II\ ' " . ,
lu lay IIUWII. CUlIslrUCL. uperal' anllmalllLaill a L. !
slnlfle rallrualltracli on alld ahllill Nurlh Hall.
way Slrel. 111 Hallmal Adlllllull 10 11Il ! CII } ' o (
Uruliell Boaq ' lln''YI II. IllaH.1 alld r.cortled.
fmlllihe ca..llillc IIf Norlh Fiflh A\'ellu" Ih"
w".IIIII" ot" NilI'll ! SIlIll1 A11I11 : . allli11. . . . . .
: lIId : tcn" , , , Nurth Se\"t1t A ' ' 'IIIIt ! alld IIH : ai-
It1II.IIock \ IIIH' hllllllre.1 ami one ,1011. , 01 said
.lIldllloll. : lIId : tero " the Ireet Hlluah' un Ib
we 1 'Ilde uf : ud block 01lP. hU1ll1 rl'll alll out :
(101) ( ) . ;
SkCTIO-i , ' ! 'he rrullt allu prh IICICU. he. . I. \ ' I
Ieralll".1 are 60 "ralliell upon Ihe eOllllllloll that
! laId lIallll'd Hailwa ' lompa'lpllall : ' CnllqtruCI.
a 1111 lIIall1lall1. 011 rlhh A\Clllle. a _ lIl1abl"
Irade crossinI' over 11'1 'laid Iracl , hlf the COil.
veil 1"1 liSollhe Jillbilc aucl . . .uttabl" ( u. . all
lram. : o\'rtlld : \10111 ( 1 < :1111 : \\1:11111 : . allli : tl o
I'OIl lrIlCI alllllllalillalllllll PHlh AIII'IIII1 : .ulIl 0111 . . !
lxLh A VUI1I1" Imllahle Iwlh'r ! < III' wahrWa ) ' " tllr . .
IIIelIschanl" of , , "rflce waleI' u'l'r.and : I1'r1l' ; t " " -
Ih , > 1II1I'.f 1"0:1,1 . . ' : ' 111'111"1"-11'11 a Ih" . . .a111 ( ' 11I.1\ ' , '
h. . 11l ! ' . . . a ry. \
SIlCrIo\.1 , 'I'h" CIIuf 111.11"11 1I"w " au'h , '
wal\ ' " " llIl r..lea ( 's 111110 said Hallway CIIUII > -
all ) ' . 11'1 HIICCe'l " " a 11I1 : t'l911lIlQ. Indudlnl (
ChlctlCo. IIlIrll1llClol1 a 1111 ' .lnll1cy Hallruart
COInpall.II. ; I.or. all dallllle" ' " a 1111 claim. ;
I fnr t'alLlalt ' . . . thaI lLIa.hall . hl'1'ahl'racnl. : . I
10 II ro\\'illl ( 0111 lit"III" , 'oll'llrall-II..II. ; 11111 \I \ e ft.-
art'r III LlII' " " " alll ul".lIlolI h } ' h.1i,1 1IIlIIrll
Hallway Cnlll\lIUY \ : , ollh. . . . . 'II.lIllr.'el' : h..III.
b..r"w , le enh..I ,
Sltc'no : . ; 4. 'rhl. . 111'111 lIa II ct ! ' , h.LII h. In filII
f..ree :11111 elfccl ! f..1LI alll ai" , . . it. . , ' .1i..all" . al' .
' I :11111III hli. . 11011 ,
\lrll\'a \ : \III \ : !
I 1'.lq " 11 :11111 :1I11I1IIllhi" : : Uth III\ : " 0 ( Nn-rlLl-
I " " 1' . . \ . D , 1'11I : , . . \ \ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' .
' I : . W , AI'j' .
\ hilA' . ! Atll'I : I , S. II"I.C" III. CIL ) ' Clerk. I
o . . . . ,
- - - - . . . . . . . . . . . - - : = : . -
. . . - . - : - . - - - - . . . . . - . . . . . . - - . . . . - - - . -
. . . - . - - - . - . - . - - - - - - . . . . - --p
' - - ' -
r'H ! DIED. ' ' . !
. ' , . ,
. . . , '
I , . . . > I
I . " . . - .
: . . - . : . - . I W" Ij
t : . At Hoekw.lll & KOlllwl'H t.Ol'n . 011 SOIlt.h . Sidtl , I
Bl'oktln Bow , N ( I" . I , 1 BO [ > , or old ag'e and g-enel'- f
\11 \ ; \ al dr,1ilit.y , the wl'll ImowlJ chal'ndel' , Hig'h Pl'ie- ,
. ' ! of mOUl'ning I\
:1' : " ( 'S. Thm'p will UP 110 pel'int as \ (
' WH IlOt loyed by his neighbors. Luw Pl'ie H hn(1 I
I J'l 1\ \ l'onH' to . RTAY . lIHl the people > rejoiC'e , for it iR l' ' .
; p t Iwitb.mefit. f
I Low J > rit'es. ( Inoc1 Uunds. Lowpr 1)l'it'PH. Bpttel' : Ooods. I
1 i\ew.F'tll'uitlll'P. GI ) to ] ) ntr. Latrst Out. Bpst CUI'-
I lwtS. none ! } .Inttings. l'lwHP Pl' t'eH. Y0111' n iJl.
I Our LOHH. Piet.lIl'e 1 ll'ameR. HoolIIIolliding - . Huit
' Y 0111' Pi 1 ( ' . II UI't'Y l1 p. U nin' F'nst. treating' tlweB. : . . I ,
'I Almost ( oue. Y OIlI'S iH 11 PI'P. Come U ( t I L .N ( \ \ ' , ' ' 'J i
I ' 1I1'1I i III" " " . : -it.1l i I ljgh I. ( : 01. . " ' 111 n-U IIi n ' . K"l'JI' " 111 .
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I g-HH. ( 'nn t lip Beat. Hell on HIght. Hrnl' tlltl Bug'lt'
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