Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 23, 1905, Image 3

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    , . . . . .
, \
' \
Many a lonesome and oxpensh'e
. trip to Flori a , California or the
Adirondacks hns been savcd b .
the use of
Kemp's Balsam
the best cough cure. If this grcat
remedy will not cure the cough , no
medicine will , and then all hope
' rests in a change of climate-but
try Iemp's Balsam first.
, , , Sold by all dcalers at 25C. and Soc.
' 1
\ , I'
. . * . "
The Richest Man ,
Croesus was It1ng or L'llIa , n coun.
try or Asia Minor , In the seventh cen.
tury berore Christ , and was renownCl
for his prodigious wealth. Ills coun.
try \Vas conquer-cd by C'rus ami an.
ne'ICelt to Persia , 1i4G B. C. Ills wealth
jave rise to the expression , "As rich
" , Qroesus. " Dut with nll his lUone ) '
he , could not bu ) ' food so wl.olesome ,
nourishing and pnlatablo as Pills
bur"s Vltos , the lending cerenl fee
o the da ) ' ,
Ancient statue of David.
A statue of the Sumerian King
David , round at llIsm'a , Dabylonla ,
recently , it Is belloved to date baclt to
4600 D. C.
, ,
, KC
is thc wonderful raising powder of thc
> \Vave Circle. Thousands of women arc
bringing greater health and bettcr food
into their homes by using K C Daking
Powder. Don't accept a substitute I
Use the safe , wholesome and reliahle K C
r DOl king Powder. If you hJve never uscd
it you don't know what you've missed.
ounces for 25 cents
. .
t , H .
. 53.50&$3,00SHOESLOE 1
, . N. L. Douglas $4.00 Cllt Edge L1no
cannot be equalled at any price.
- - " . . : l..OOt'tG'tV.s. $ . " , 0,9 .
EST ! $ .yo
. llIS"tP
.JuLY G , 10111.
REWARD to anYOM who can
. $10,000 , disprove this slalemenl :
I . 'V. L. Dougla $3.50 shoes hnve b ' their excellent -
; cellent st 'le , easy fitting , end surerlorweorlnlt
1 qualities , ochle'ed the largest fole of nny $3.50
"hoe In the worM. They are lust as Itood as
those that cost YOII $5,00 to $1,00 - the only
dllference Is the price. If I could toke 'Oll Into
my factory at Brokton , I\\oss. , the loryest In
the world IInller one roof moldng men's fine
8hoes , nnd show YOII the cnre with which every
pair 01 Uouglas shoes I mode , you WOllld reollze
why W. L.)011'105 \ $3.50 shoes are the best
"hoes produce'l ' In the world.
If I could show 'ou the difference between the
8hoe. made In my foctory and those of other
. mllkes , YOII would IIndertand why DOllitios
i . $3.50 shoes cost more to make , why they hold
t their shape , fit better , weor 10llger , and ore of
i Streater Intrinsic volue thun any other $3.50
8hoe on the morket to.doy.
W. L. Douglss strona Made Shoos (0 , .
Mon. $2.50 , $2.00. Baya' School &
Oroas Silo 011 , $2. 50 , $2 , $1.75$1.50
CAUTION.-Inslst upon IlI\vll1 } : W.I..I > oug.
1M shoos , Take 110 slIbstltlllo. ; : ' ; ono 1'l1l1ll1e
without his name end price slumped all bottom ,
" , . ANTEO. A shoe dealer In fJvI'ry town where
W. L , Dongll1 Shoes ore 1I0t , ol < t , l'ull IIl1e of
8amples SOl1t free for Ini > ectloll UpOIl request ,
faat Cr ElleetaIud / : thell will not IVOllr brlluv.
Write for II1nstrntp.f\ \ Catalog of Pall Styles.
'V.L , nOUGLAS , Hrucldon1118s. .
Draw Your Own
\ C. ,
TEX AS i5 thc onlJ' State in the Union
with room enough for. n. . population
great enough to consume its total pro'
duction of food , fabrics and building
! JD\terial.
, Big enough ? Yes I Now hero is the
Suppose J'ou 11.1'0 an Iowa. farmer. According -
cording to Government reports the
average val uo of crops iu 1.'exas is $2.00
per ncro moro than in lown ; aUll the
average returns on 'l'exas farms are
twelve per cent greater , 'rho nvtrage :
acreage of Texas farms is 357 acres as
compared with 157 neres in Iowa. With
products yielding better returns with a
minimum amount oflabor , mild winters
" and plenty of 1'00111 docs it not seem to
' J yon that 'l'cxas promises much ?
The pOf > sibilltics were never brighter
. . than now for men seeldug to better
, their condition , In five years' time
these possibilities will be gone. You
should malcc tIll' change now whl10 the
prlees of farming lands 11.1'0 reasonable
and investment opportuuities are not
overdone , Why not locate in II. progres.
sive locality IIml grow up with the
country ? It will certainly pay J'on tc
Investigate conditions whether J'ou 1m.
migrnto to 'l'oxas or not.
I can give ; yon many valuable point.
" ' " ers about locations where prospects " 1' (
brightest , Write me-tell me whnt J'Ol :
i : t waut , how much J'on have to invest. ]
, will give J'on infol'llllltion nml gladl : ,
Msist you in getting in touch with tiu
Write toIar.for R Fnlm ropy of my
Look 'TOS 8. " A < I < lreu
G. G. LfiNGSTC > N , KJf
Gonere.llrnrnlilre.tlon Allent ,
Room 626 Wainwright Bldg. ,
. . - . .
( ) De8t Coul/b tyrup. ! 'fnatea OOII. Un
( , In time. tlolC ! br dnllrll18t8.
. - .
- -
in Western
Canada is the
amount many'
farmers wi II
realize fro m
their w h eat
crop this year.
25 Bushels to th Acre Will be the
Average YIeld of Wheat.
The land that thts was grown on cost many of
tbo farmers absolutely nothing , whllo tbose
who wished to add to the tOO acres the Govern ,
ment grants , can buy land adjoining at from6
to $10 an acro.
ClImate splendid , school convenient , ralhvays
close at hand , taxes low.
Send for patpphlet " 20th Century Canada"
and full particulars regarding rate , etc" to
Superintendent of Immigration , Ottawa ,
Canm\n , or to the following authorized
Cnnlldlnn Government AgentY. . Dennett ,
801 New Yorlc Life IJulhllng , Omaha , NeIJrlJ.slcn.
( Mention this ) ) aper , )
! l
Foryeor o c.nd ofter 1MrY yeo.r
of use OJ ) the eosterl' , Tower'
Woterjroof Oiled COZlts were Il'\troch.Jced
in the West c.nd were called .5licker by
the pioMer end cowboys , This roph c
nMle come Into uclenel,1 u5i thot
it is frequCl'\tIY thoU1h wrol\guly ! oppli d
to many ttbstitute" . You nt the en ,
, / Look for the .5ien of the fish.bnd .
, .
the natr\e Tower on the buttoM.
i AJrOWtR : co roSTOK.HA5S U.S.A.
troubled with ills peculiar to )
tbelr sex used as a douche is marvelously suc-
cessful. Thoroughlycleanses , kills disease germst
etops disCharges , beals tafiammatlon and 10tal
I ! loreness.
i } 'axtlne Is In powder form to be dissolved In pure
1 waler , and Is far more cleansing , healing , Eennicld.
IInd economical than liquid anliseplics for aU
I 101' sale at druglsts ; , ro cents a box.
Trial Box and Book o' Instructions Prce.
"HI : R. PAXTON COM ! ' ' ' ' ' BOSTON , MA80"
CUR ES Oc. and S 1,00.1
Swine Disease
Hog Cholel.a
Bend for Circular with I > ireotlon , .
Dr , EARL S. SLOAN,615 Albany SI.BostonMm.
"orne Visitors
November :31th :
To many points In IIIlnols , Indiana.
Ohio , Kentul'ky.1'811'rll Pf > nnHylvl1n-
111ew Y orlc and \ \ , . \'Irg-Inla , at
Th W A nASI ! haH sfllld rund-bed.
rock ballast. nno IlI'W " 41111Imellt. He.
cllnlng chair , 'ur8 ( SI ATS FHB" . )
For ralt's. mal'H Hnd all Infurmatlon
) call nt Wnbash City Oilicu. 1601 Far.
, nam St. ur addrl'8H
11.It It \ ' I . I ( ) ( ) JU S ,
G. A , P. D.'ab. . n. It. . Omaha. Neb.
' 1
It amleted wltb LTllompson's Eye Watl. .
aero eY08 , uoo f
I 0 E F II NeE S TAR C H : Vt o8
- - , - -
Houses I\1d Utensils of YeztJ All
Made of the Earth.
"Ono or the most oxtraort'lnnry :
cities In the world is Yozd , III central
Persia , " writes a traveler. "It Is sit.
uated In the ml lst or a vast salt des.
crt which stretches for hundreds or
miles in all directions. The nearest I
inhabited plncl' of all ) ' slzo is Ispnhall ,
nnd thnt is 200 miles nway. The In.
ltnbltnnts or 1'ezd who ha\'o bQen
nwn ) ' Crom 1'ezd dllrlllg their lives
nllmber , perhnps , two or three score ,
nlllt the bull { or these have not ex.
tended tlw'r ! trnvels further than bhl.
rnz or Kinnan in the one direction ,
or to Ispnhnn In the other. Yet between -
tween 60,000 nnd 00,000 people malto
the place their h0111e. For nlnet ) . .
nine Ollt or ever ' 100 or these the
great outsldo world hns not m < .rel ) '
no interest-It hns nbsolutel ) ' no exIstence -
Istence nt all.
" 1'ezd Is'a cll ) ' made almost entire.
Iy ollt dr 1111111. Not onlr are the
houses built of this material , but the
ver ) ' furniture , the firl'lmnS , the bar.
rels for grnln , . the chihlrl'll'S to's , tho'
brend recel1tnpll's , ( yen the beds , are
slml11) ' mull , mollied 111 to n rOl1gh
form nnd Ilrlell In the SlIn ,
"In the Yezd shops the goods. n.ost.
ly mild , nre dlsplnyelt on tiers of mud
led/es / , nnd there is a mud room he.
hind , The bal\Crs' O\'ens arc of mud ,
down to the very doors , Many or the
Yezdls e\'en eat mud and lIevelop an
unwholesome 111u lly complexion In
consequenco. "
Bound to Beat.
At the junction of two highways in a
certain count ) . In Iowa I found the
directions on the guldebonrd nU fndell
out , and , noticing a fnrmer nt worle In
his field , I hitched the horse and went
over to him nnd nslwd :
"Will ) 'ou l\1ndl ) ' teU me how far it
is to PalnsvHle ? " .
"Have yoU'.nslwd an'one else ? "
queried the farmer , as he lenned on his
"Yes , I nsled n man btlcl { here about
a milo , "
"Was his nnme Dill Scovel ? "
"Yes , I think It was. "
"What'd hI ) sny ? "
"I understood him to say that It waS !
nine miles. "
" 'VeU , then , It's 'Ieyell , "
I tool { his wor for it and went on ,
but found the dlstnnco only sevell
miles , Returning thai : . way next day , I
encountered the fnrmer mowing weeds
along the highway nnd said :
"Why did : > 'ou tell mo yester n ) ' that
It was cleven miles to Palnsvl1le ? Y011
must have lenown that it was enl ) '
seven , "
"Bill Scovel 'told 'ou nine , didn't
he ? "
"Yes. "
"Wall , Bill Scovel mlnls he's the
biggest liar nround here , nnd I tel
you 'leven to show him that he'd got n
hard man to beat when 'he set out tc
glt the best of Jim Watsoll.-BalU'
moro American.
Not Interested.
"WeU , is there an'thlng doing 111
politics down ) 'our way ? " he sl\Cd 01
the old farmer in the scat beside hIm ,
"No. nothing very much , " was the
reply ,
"What do you thlnl { of the next state
election ? "
" don't thlnl "
"I { ,
"Have any idea who will be the next
President ? "
"Noap. "
"Will the member of congress from
your district run again ? "
"Can't say. "
"Then you don't tal\Q much IntereS1
in politics ? "
"Not a bit. All I lenow Is thnt my ser
Sam was elected to Ule leglslaturo lasl
) 'ear and come home from the sesslor
with $800 in cash in his pocltet ant
wouldn't lend me $5 without a note am
a good Indorser. ] haven't even nsl\C1
him whether ho sold out the gas com
pany or the butter and mill { trust.-
Da1t1more American.
When Peggy Pokes the Fire.
When Pegy polccs the Itltchen fire
She makes It fall' :
I linger till I m " ss my car
' 1'0 see her wOt'ltln there ,
She talccs the polccr halt way up ,
Perhaps a IIttio hlher ,
alls on her IUlees before the range
And starts to polce the IIro ,
lIeI' slender arms are fall' to see.
TIarell to hI' elbows whlto :
IIer graceful movement8 ns she jnbs
! Just 1111 me with delhht' ,
Left handed'f 011. but what of that' !
I never could quite tire
Of lIo..lnl : PCKgy on hpr Imees
Whllo poltlng at the fire.
'Vhat tho' the coal comes tumbling down
And one sldo all ! ; oes out ?
She sa's a man cnn't polcc n fire ,
She lcnows what sho's about ,
And so she pokps nnd jabs away ,
Whllo I can but allmlro
'rhe wnrlllce plcturo IIho presents
Whllo pOltlng at the lire.
I often wish to move nway
Upon a better street ,
Where Pegy could nttaln the set
Spe always } 'oarned to meet ,
nut one thing over holds me back
l"rom " promenading hIgher ;
Poor Pc ! : ' would IInd the gnH ranges therE
And couldn't poleo the lire.
-New York Tlmca.
German Kaiser an AmerIcan Cltlzer
The commissioner genernl or imml
gratlon has the legal papers makin ,
Emperor William or Germany n cil :
zen or the United States. The certlf
cate Is signed by Ju ge Tha'or Melvl
nnd Charles II. IIennln , clerl { or th
court of Ohio county , West Virgin II
Several ) 'ears ago Jncob Ohllnge
came to the United Stntes , and , as h
thought , tool { out his pnpors , Recen :
1ho : made a visit to the fntherlnn
n.1d when he returned an Immlgratio
Inspector confiscnted his papers nn
sent them to Washington , 'rho tJlnn
contaIning the applicant's nnmo wn
filled out by the clerl { of the court s
. as to rend : "It Is thereupon consh
ered , . ordered and adjudged by thl
court that the said emperor or Ge :
mnny bo and ho Is hereby admitted
citizen of the United Sto.tes-Chlci
so Chronlol ,
_ _ _ . _ . - . , , _ . . - _ _ rv-
Composite Enallshman.
It is hnrd to define the typlcnl Eng.
IIshman. Ono might tnlto a I nllon
pollcemnn , a navnl officl'r , a success
rul rarmor , an honest cUr mnn , a
manufacturer , the British worlmll\n , a
blshol1 , an < ' . 111luont Nonconformist
divine , ntHI n Jarge land owner , ntut
roll the111 into a le1nd of composll , ) bo-
Ing. Perhaps the result would rellre.
sent the tlo.xehnnge. .
Altar Erected by Roman S'ldler. .
A ) lorfecU ) ' ) lresen'elt Homan nllar ,
rour reet in holght ntHt of sqnaro Cor.
matlon , has been dlscovorell nt the
nlto or nn anclont Homan camp at
Nowstead , nenr M elrost' , Bnglamt. An
inscription upon It in acc1II'atel ) ' chis.
oled Homan letters rends : " 'fo the
great nml mhhty Jn11I1el' , Cnrolus ,
eentnrlon of the 20th le lon , the vall.
nnt and vlctorlons , checrfull ) ' , willingly -
ly ntHI deserve(1) ' 11:11t : his vow ,
There Is a lPsslmlst In o\'er ' ) lnrle.
There is a growlC1' in o\'er ) ' gand.
There is a le1clwr In e\'er ) ' crowd , It
is fashlonablo to fliSS , It is the rngo
to reform. It Is ItlsllnHlIlshCll to des.
Imlr. It is l'oll\'ngcous to cOlulomn.
, Every dog must hl\\'o hl ! tar.-Lon.
Iton Dnllr News.
Te < 1ches Girls to Make Butter.
There Is a soclet'ln Norway , which
in order to Increase the olltpnt or but.
ter for the nrltlsh mnrl\Ot , offars 11
six months' cours , with free honrll
nnd tuition , to roung cOlin try glrle
who wish to lenrn how , to talw can
of cows and mnlto the bl'.5t buller.
Lo\vls'"Slnglo H111l10l' " straight tie clW\r ,
The hlfthest ) ll'ieo 50 cII1' \ to the denIm
nn the hl hest Iuulltfor the smelcer ,
Lewis' li'notorj' , 1'001'111 ; 111.
First Appllc < 1tlon to Burns.
For burns , the first thin ! ; to do h
to exclude the air , hut do not USI
water , or put on dry cloths. The bes
things nro caron 011 , vnsellno , cosmo
line , lanoline , olive , IInseell or cnsto :
oil , 01' o\'on lard nnd butter , provilte !
they are not salted or ranch1. I
nothing else Is nenr hy use 111uscllngc
molasses or 'mill" eSllcclull ' cream.
Why It Is the Best
Is because mnlle by nn entirely dlfter
ent process. Defiance Stnrch III un
1I\ee \ any other , better nnll one.thh'l
more for 10 cents
He Sold and Left.
A lawyer hnd a horse that alwny. .
stopped anlt refused to cross a certall
I brldgo leading out of the city. NI
wnlpplng , no 1II'glng , wOllld Induc
him to cross It , so ho allvertlsed him
"To bo sold fOl' no other reason U1I11
that the ownC1' wnnts to get out ( J
" Press ,
All [ ! ) < 1te Housekeepers
use Defiance Colli 'Vater Starch , be
cause It Is bettel' , anl . . 07. . more of I
for same moncy ,
Easy to Please Londoners.
The manager of a thoatrlcnl ( 'on
pany stated in a I lulon C01ll't th
I ether day , In the case of n. singer wh
had sued him , thnt Lho singer's volc
had dlsnllpolnted hIm nt IItracombl
bllt he had given hIm another trlnl I
London , because "London f1I\lIonce
I nro the easiest to please in the worl .
Every houselccellOr should leno.
thnt It they will huy Defiance Gel
Wntor Starch for laundry use the
will save not only time , hecause I
I no\'cr sUcles to the Iron , but berllus
each paclmgo contains 10 oz-ono fu ]
pound-while nll oLher Colll Wate
Starches nra put 11)1 ) Inpound
ages , and the price is tlto f'nmo. 1
cents , Then ngaln hecnuse DeOnnc
Stnreh Is free from all Injurious chen
Icnls , If ) 'our grocer tries to sen yea
a 12-oz , pnclmgo It Is becnuso' ho ha
a stock on h\lllt which ho wlshe t
dlsposo or heforo he ) luts In Defil1ncl
1I0 Imows that Definnce Starch ho
. printed on everr IlRclmge In 1l1rgo Ie
ters and figul'cs "I G ozs , " Demnnll DI
finnco and sllve IIlllch 1111I0 and mone
and tbe anne 'allro of tlto Iron sUcl
Ing. Defiance never sUels ,
Sins of the Imnglnntlon arc by n
means Imnglnary sins.
from head to foot ? Can't work
today , but tomorrow you can ,
Oq , h" Old.Monk-Cure
I St.Jacobs Oil
[ . will soflen and heal the
I muscles while you sleep.
It Conquers Paine
PrlcD. 25c. nod 50c.
d When Answering Advertlsemen
It I Please Mention This Paper.
Q ' w. N , U. Omaha. No. 46-190
I. I'
Umbrellas In Abyssinia ,
Nenrly ovel'yool ! ) ' In A ysssinia car.
rles n Uoblnson Crusoo straw U111'
brella , which cnn nol bo clottoll.
Watch Style of 1770 ,
Ono or the rads or 1770 was the
wcaring or two watche .
Oldest Drillsh Colony ,
Now founllntul ! Is the oillesl colony
of Oraot Britain.
Mothers Should Watch the Development of Their Daughters-
Interesting Experiences of Misses Berman Bnd li11s8
Every mother possesses inforllll\lIoll
which Is o vituliutorelit to her J'OIUllf
' 1'00 often this is no\'or impllrted or is
wlthhe1l1 uutil serious harm hns rlI1lt. !
cl1 to the rowillg' gll'l through her
, . igonoralleo of natul'o's m 'sterlolls and
worlllerCnl hlWS alll1 penalties.
Girls' ' iti\'eness lUul modesty
o\'er'sen \ :
often pl1zz10 thell' mothers tulll bnll10 I
Jlhysicinns. ns they so often withhohl
thclr conlllhmeo fl'om their motherR
aIlll coneenl the symptoms which enl h t.
to IJO told to their physician ut this
critical period. .
, When n goirl's thoughts bccomo slug.
giHh , with headache , dizziness or a ls.
) to sllep , paills in back or lower
hnbs , eJ'es dil11 , deslro for Bolltu e ;
when she is n mystery to horsol ! aIlll
frlerulH. het' mother should como to her
aid , lUulrcmemhor thnt r , 'dhl B. Plnk-
Imm's Vegclahlo Compound wHl at. .
this time } lrcparo the system for the
coming cllllngo , nmlstllrt. the menHt.rulJ.l .
periOll in n young' girl' lIfo without. .
pain or h'rcgullJ.rities.
Hundl'edsof1ottcrs from young g'lrls
RIlII from mothers , expressing' tholr
g-ratitmlc for whnt r ydllE , Pinldllul1'S ,
Vegotn.blo Compoutul hils nccompllshCl !
for thom , have been rcceivCll by the I
L 'llIlE. . liuldmul Mo lci11o Co" c.t ,
L 'nn , Mass.
Miss Mms has \Vl'it.ten the two fol.
lowing letters to 1\\rs. Pinldmm , whle } !
will bo reud with interest :
l' Dear Mrs , Plnldll1mFirst ( Lotror , )
o II 111m but IItwolI yunrs ot n olun depres l..1
o hnvo dizzy spoils , chills , homlnche utlllooot- !
_ _ _ 4. . . . .
' )
Insist on Getting It ,
Some grocers Any they don't Iceep
Defillnco Stnn'h. ' 1'hlll fA becausc they
havc a Atoclt till lilt I 111 ur other brands
containing only 12 ot. In 11. packng" .
which thc ) ' won.t be ablc to fell Or8t ,
becuusc DeOanco contains 16 oz. tor
lhe lIa1l10UOtll' ) ' .
Do ) ' 011 wnnt 16 oz , Itlstcll11 ot 12 oz.
tor 8ame moncy ? 'l'hon hllY Dcllnnco
SlrH'l'h. HpCjlllt'CA no cooklnJ ; .
1'011 tlo not neell to provo thnt you
nro a squnro mnn by atlcldng your
corners Into overybody.
Ilcho 111111 n.'I I hl\vo hcnrll that you can 1\1\0
h 1fullldvlro to glrltlill my eomlliioll , I ntn
wr ! tln 'ou.-1I1yrtlo Mills , OqUllwlm , Ill.
Dear 1\1'11. \ 1'1IIkhalSecOlut : ( I.cttcr. )
" It 1 $ wIth the l'oollnJt : ot utll10st gl'nUtud
that I wrlto to YOIl to t\ll ' ( lU wl1nt your
vllluablo mocllcillo IIIL'I tlOllo tot'mo. When I
wroh.l you tu 1"lml } to III ) ' COl\liltlon \ 1 had
COIISUltlt I'OVCmllto'to1'llhut. . they ( nllceto
! ' I'OVCmllto'to1'll\ I \ I < < lltl not r\Cc\'o !
nuy blJlwllt Croltholr \ h't'atmont. I follO\vCll
your lulvk' , ' 111111 t.ook J.yclln B. rllllcbam's
\togetnhlo COlIIlolllul ( nncl all1 now hoolthy
nUIw..lI , atlll 1\11 the Msl"'tt llI 1I 'mptom.
which IIIII.t I1t thl\t tlmo IlIlvodisnppel11'\'Il.-
Myrtllt Mills. Olllll'wkl1. Ill ,
Miss Matnd:1. llorman write : ! Mrs.
Itlnldmm ItS ollows :
Dear Mrs. 1lnlthaltl-
II 1Iotoro tlfldng I. > , " 'a ' E , Plnklll\ln'B Vcge--
ta\1lo toltlpounll my month III's WOI'O Irrogu-
1111' nm ! palufulI1l \ I ui\\'l1's , ) l1ud such
Ilrl'nMul hea""cllI's ,
II nut Rlno ; tnklu the COlllpol11111 myhe ll-
nchc.'I have ontlrely 10Ct 11I0 , my monthlll'8
r\lulal' , ( \ Ilunl"ttll1 strlJl1ft 1\11l1 wdl , I
am totlln 'lo1 ! my h'l trlmllll ! whl\t 1. > , " ' 11. E.
l'hl lIlm II VI'oIJ\blo ! Componllll hns dOl1o ter
-Mat.lhhlllol'lltnn , Flu1nlngwn , lowl\ .
If you lenow of nn ' young /-flrl / who
Is Hlele n.t1llIJeIlH ! mothorl.IIlvoo . ! , aMle
her to address Hl's. l'inldmm Ilt IJynD.
Muss" und toll hOl' e\'e ' detail or her
symptoms , und t.o . Iccep nothilll ( ' hucle.
8ho will receive n.tlvlco uhsolutoly free ,
fromll S011reo tlmt. . Ims no I'lval in the
eX11U1'ienco of ' it will , If
, t her the ' \ road to
followed. p on l' ght o
strong'"heal thy nllll hnppy wOll1anhooll.
r.ydln , g , 1'Iuldmm's Vegetable Com-
p0111111 hollts the reelll'll for the greatest
num eof 011l'eS ( If fentILlo Ills of any
, medlclno that. . the world has over
- lenown. Why don t YOll try it ?
- - - - - -
o Lydia E. Pinliham's Vegetable Comlloum ! l'Ialies Sicl , Women Well.
G'They Say It Cures
Where AU Others F i1" .
: i1
" 1
. .
"From prennt Indications , It won't be very
long bdore Mull's Grape Tonic Is the only \
remedy sold for constipation and stomach trouble. It is ,
the only one now In our store that" selling to amount to
anything. Our customer. are actually enthusiastic about If.
"They say that It cures constipation and stomach
trouble where , all others fail. That It builds up and strengthens -
ens the' digestive organs and the whole general system.
In fact , we hear morc good words about this remarkable
remedy than anything that We carry In .tock. 1
"Those who have used Mull's Grape Tonic not 14
only tcll us that it Is a certain cure for stomach troubl
and constipation. but they tell others. We have , new
customers calling for It constantly who have been sent ' :1 : :
to the .tore by those who have been cured , " ' :
JUDGE & DOLPII DRUG CO. , 515 Olive St. , St. Louis , 1\10. \ :
Tills reliable drug firm I. In c/oae touch will. ' (
It. cu.tomor , . and , lto abore word. . ' , oud IJO . ,
sull'c'ont to warrant a trial 01 tIl. oroat remedy. I
There la nothing eo good for younR' and old all MULL'S ORAPFJ
TONIO. It . bnlld UI' and ( > ullI the tol1lllch. the howela , the whole
dlleoUve s.01601 III ! wrtect conllltion to do 1111 natural work. "III
tnde",1 nature's own true tonlo , IDalia from the ( > ro:1ncts : of nature'a
own 810r"huu.e. It clooll not ahook or w"akon tbe dollcato orlallS nOl !
tbu , IDake a bad matter worse. It II lIoallng , . .ootilintrongtbonlDIl ' . ,
Bnd pleasant to take.
Constipation and Stomach CURES'
and nit tbe dle'a80a wblcb thyy caUle , Your own Ihyalclon will tell
: you that nearlY every case of I'll" . , bllloulIlI.n , 'YVholil fever , alck
beRdaohe. blood onlt akin dlsellsed , IIvp"ndlcltls , lJervoua al1eoUon8
nnd every kind of female trouhle are < llrectly 0Ilu8e , ! hy Inlllge8\1on
Bnd cono\lplltlon. ny rOQlo\'llIR' ' the rllu.e lIad curlnl ( tb" I'"rent dls-
eaao-MUI.I'a ORAPH TONIO CUrl'8 th68e dllng"roul oowl > lIcatlon.
36 cl'nts. fiO cent a an' ' ! ! I.OO slzA hotUea. at aldrugR'lsts. \ . Tllo $1.00
"Izo contalnll ahout G Um's na mucb a. the sa < "I'nt slzo IInd ahout ; ) _
tlmell . . mueb lIS the fiO cent lzo. It I > IIya toJuy rbe larjf08t size.
Uron receipt at your nr1 < 1rcss , YOllr < 11'1111'11181'8 IIalDllalHllOc. to pay r I
Fn E
. . 11Itollo wo will 11I1111 YIIII n H""loio Cr" " , If YOII 11I1vo 1111"1' 11 > ( ' 11 l"
Mull' . 111'11110 ' ) 'onlc. alilt wIll nl.o . " ,111 YOII : , rortlttclIW Iood tor fI W toward . )
ll10 1'111'011'100 ' ' ufUoro 'l'onlo frolll your drul/lllst.
r.iULL'S GRAPE TONIC CO" 148 Third Ave. , Hock I land,1l1.
' ,
. . . . . . . , . !
I ! ( 'j
1 won't 8ell Antl.Or"I. . " to e. liMier who won't Ounrnnt"Q
It. 1:411 fur ) 'our IUN. U.UJu ; . IF 1'1' ) IOS"l' CUnE.
: t'o n' . Dicmcr , M.D" ManulaoturerSJJrillu/lcl , ' , .JIo.
. I
l' Color more goods brlghler and laaleI' colors than anr other d , . One ICc package cololl alll1bers , Ther dye In cold waleI' beller Ihan anr other dre. You can d , .
I anr garment without ripping apar ! . Write lor Ireo booklot-How to Orl ! , Ileach ! and MIX Colors , MONROe DRUG CO. , Unlonvl/lo , M/ssour' .