Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 23, 1905, Image 2

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    1 .
r f I.
( ,
This Is the Stand Taken by the Amerl.
can Fcueratlon of Labor In Its Con.
ventlon Now Dclng Held In Pitts.
burg , Pa.
PIT1'SnUHG , l'a-A ell'termlnl'd
IItl\llIl was talwn flJl' the onfOl'colllOlIt
to the leller of the Chlnl'so laws oC
the countr } ' ; the legalizIng oC the
elght.hollr wOl'lt dn ' III all worlt or the
govern111ollt ; the aholltloll or convll't.
Inbol' where It comltotes wIth \Inlon
manufactured goods 1\111) ) the renewal
oC the agitation for the alll'ratloll oC
the Injllncllon 11\\\8 oC the countl'Y h } '
" , the oxecutlve council oC the AmerIcan
, / ; Federation oC Lahul' In Its an11l1l11 1'0.
j. IlOrt , which wal3 sllhll1l1tCll nt the ses.
1' ' . alon oC the convention In 0111 CIty
i' . hnll.
'fho report was volumInous nnd con.
I' ' snmed the grenter 1I00'tlon oC the pro.
, ceedlngs ,
, 'fho council voIced the senllments
rJl . oC the orgnnlzallon nR 1)Jlng ) opposed
to the IJl'esentlmllllgraUon laws as ap.
! [ plied to all claBses of aliens , l sIJC.
f. c11l1 stress was laid nllon the need Jor
' belleI' IlhYdlcal examinations oC Imml.
i ; : gmuts and an Investlgalloa was aslted
f' from the gov01'l1ment Into the 111any
i , reJlorts allll rumors of assisted 11\11111.
b grallon. '
l 'fho rOllOrt took the nallonal ndmln.
I Istratlon to taslt for Its rallure to on.
r : force the elght.hour law In all govern.
, ment worl < , and a Illea was made for
every state federation organization
; . hllmedlatoly to Instltuto a camlmlgn
for the estahllshment In their respec.
t tlvo stales oC the elght.hour law.
A p0111111\.r chol'll wns str.llclt when
First Vlco Preslclent .Jnmes Dllncan ,
who was relldlng the report , made a
ringing a/llJUal / for equal rights In ull
elections for women , 'fhe report cltod
; , the fOUl' states In the country which
now grants equal rights to women l\lId
t. Ilrellicted the IHlrlficatlon of the ballot
when universal Buffrnge was grunted ,
r : In the matter of a chan In the
' 3ystem of olectlng all officIals oC the
, slate and national government the
ouncll went n\to detail In explaining
" : ho worl < lnls oC the Inltlatlvo and rof-
t - erendum syslom oC pOIHllar election of
Dl11clnls. .
, , 'rho soatlng of C. p , Shea , Ilreslclent
DC the 'l'eamstors' union of Chicago , liS
! l. delegate todny Is looltetl 1I110n hy
the Inlernatlonal Assoclllilon of Steam
, Plttm's as a hlg card for them In their
: light for federation chnrtCl' , as Shea ,
wl o has heen jolnetl by olher elolo-
gates , will help thom In the conven.
. lion.
. . .
- - - -
WASIlINGTON-"I bellovo that wo
' have' ' In Nebrnslm tht. . most rational
( , and satlsfa tory Illnn oC handling the
' liquor question oC any slate In the
, " ; union , " Ralli W , P. McCI'feary' of lIast.
Ings , at the Halolgh. "It Is Imown as
: the Slocum law , anI ! Its essentlnl fea ,
! ture Is local olltlon , under whIch the
1 \ ' various villages , towns , and cities can
, < : ' vote for or against licensing saloons ,
. . . If a majorl ! } ' favors IIcenso then tlu ;
control of the traffic Is In the hands 01
. the council If In a city , or trustee In
< ' the CILSQ of n village , "
'i ; ,
" I _
Agricultural Colleges Favor Largel
I ' " Federal Appropriations.
I WASHINGTON - The Associlltlor
. .
, .t Df Agricultural Colleges and 1 ' ' 'lOrl '
, 'i' ment Stations today Illedged Its SUll
f' , ( lort of what Is Imowli as the Adam
" ' In can gross , malting larger fetlel'll ,
, ! lllilropriations for agrlcullural educa
f , . tlon at the exporlment stations In tilt
! loveral states ; also to the Mendel
, t /.Jill / , creating a go\'ernmont school 0
r mines and mining. A resolution wa :
h , ndopted allthorlzlng a conference be
. .
. tween the association and the Nn
" . . llonal Education association , with I
: vlow to the establishment of a sectlQI
: Df agrlcullure In the educational ILS
I , ' . 8Oclation.
, ' :
/fI1 '
! . . ' " Treasury Dalances ,
, Ii , ! . I 'W ASIUNG'rON-Today's stat omen
of the treasury balances In the genern
h . . fund excluslvo of the $150.000,00 goll
: 11'0sorvo ahows : Available cash balanc
. 134,576,729. Qld coin and bullloll
. : ' $80,679,255 , sold certificates , $ li2,202
1.,1 . 40 ,
, .
I -
, ; - l i' Opposed to Any Alliance.
NEW YORK-Sentiments oppoeln
anything tending to bringing about a
\ ; alllanco between the Unltetl States an
Great Drltaln were glyen expre8Slo
' . at a mooting In Cooper Union unde
the auspices of the united Irish at
It. . cloUes. Spealeers declaretl that the a
' rival In Amorlcan waters at this 11m
f. of the Drltlsh squadl"On under con
r. , roand of Prlnco I..ouls of Dattonber
> was not for social courtesies , but w
; tf lilanned In the Interest of an alllam
between the two nations.
r ; : .
. .
Will Fight a Recount.
I. \ , ' NEW YORK - Charles H. Kno
! , chairman of the 'fammany hall la
i committee , announced on Sunda ) ' thl
taken b ' 1\11' . HenrElt
r : every step } ar
l ; , the munIcipal ownershhl league for
recount of the votes clLSt at the recel
election would he bIUerl } ' Ollilose
, Mr. Knox salel that the basis for t1
I Oltposltlon would ho the decision '
, . the court of aplQals In 1904 , wrltll
by Judge . A. D , ParleeI' , now Mayor 1\1
Clellan.s senior counsel. 'rhls declsh
was against the oponlng of ball
boxes ,
- ,
Plead Guilty of IlIeglllly Fencing Pub.
IIc Land.
OMAIIA-Bartlett Hlchards and '
G. C01l1stoclt oC lWsworth , oxtenalvo
cattle O\\'uerJ of Shorldan counb' , voluntarily -
untarily wlliulrew Iholr Illeas of not
guilt ) . oC llIegall } ' fenclll ! ; IHlhllc
lalliis 111111 enlerol ! n IIlea of gllllt } . ,
throllgh their IIUornl'Y , It , S. 111111 of
01l1aha IInd were fillt'd $ :100 : each IInd
sontoncer ! h } ' ,1utl \1unker : to remain
In the ( 'ulltod ) ' oC the Unlled Stnte ! !
Marshal fOl' Blx hours lint ! each to IJOY
onl'lmlf the coStR oC the trlnl , which
will cillsel } ' all/lroxltnnte / $500 ,
HlchOl'd ! ! IIIHI COIIIHtnclt wore jointly .
< 'hm'g1 ! ! with lIIegnlly ; fencing 212,000
ncros < if IHlhllc IIltHla for ranch and .
( 'atlle JlIlf\JORed \ In Shorlclan county. All
Itllllct1l1ent was retll1'l(1(1 ( agahtRt thorn
h } ' the ferol'lll ! gl'lIncl JIII'Y In November ,
IJOI. ! 111111 an IHltlltiollal Indictment lit
the l\11I ) ' tOl'1I1 of Iho fedel'lll gland
jllry In l10ii ! , ' 1'he first Incllclmont
chllrgell Ihelll wllh Illegally fencing ,
maintallling anll controlling 200,000
acres of IlIlhllc lund , 'I'hoso counts of
the Indlcl1l1onts charging Ih'o derend-
ants ns helng'lart / OWIHrs ! and IIgents
or certain of the CencuR elescrlhcd as
unll\\vCul were fuasllt'd } , Il11t were sus-
tainelills to such sectlous oC the Cences
of which they were owners , and also
the cOllnta which charged them with .
wrongfully asserting ownershl/l / and , !
oxclllsive occullancy oC the l\Ie \ ally
enclosed government lands , 'fho
cOllnts to which the ) ' Illeluled guilty
WOI'O numhers two and three of the
first ; and numhers two , three nnd five
oC the Iwcond Indictment.
( n enterlng'tho Illea oC guilty , Mr.
lIall said for his cllonts :
"It Is our Inlentlon to comply with
the law , Wo are rumovlng the fences
as railidly as we can , hul snch as may
remain , we have nothing at all to do
with , Wherever the government slmws
us Ihat wo have an IInlawfnl fence wo
will remove It. "
United Stutes District Attorney Dax-
tor Hllld :
"I 1I0ilevo the defendants will do all
they have sulcI they will do , 'rhey
appear to he acUng In good fnlth , If
there Is any fnrlhcr dlRI1Ilto as to any
particular fence that will bo n matter
for further action , "
nolll Dartlett Hlchards and W , G.
Comstoclt were In court when sentence
was /lnssed / and made Immediate aI'-
rangemonts to I/i / ' the fine and Bur-
rendered themselves to 1110 custody of
United States Marshal Mathews for
the six hOllrs ,
LO DON-'I'ho Toltlo corr6spOlllJent
oC the Dally 'J'elegrnllh sends the fallowing -
lowing :
An hnllOl'lant agreement hns IJCen
con chilled hotween the Gorman go , . .
ernor oC Kulochan al\ ( ( the Chinese governor -
ernor oC the llrovluce or Shantung un-
clor which Klaochan will ho ovncl1C1ted
nn .Januar } ' und Klamol six months
after the signature oC the agreement.
It has definltel } ' heen decilled that
Vlco Admiral 'fogo with a sl/uadron /
will visit the United States ant ! not
Australia as l1rovlousl } " announced.
It Has a Percentage of Increase Above
All Other.
OMAHA-Omaha's llaco ) In building
l olICrations of the country for the past
month fixed at a good place , with Its
110rcentago of Increase leading all of
the principal cities of the country , and
with aggregate cost oxceedlng such clt-
r les as St. Paul , Seattle , Calnmbus ,
l.cmlsvlllt' , 1\Iemphls , Athmla , Toledo ,
L Duluth and New Orleans , Omaha has
hl\l1 slxty.elght building permits.
. nmountlng to $ ,121,700 , showing an In.
crease over last : rear of 229 pOI' < , ont ,
This Is the comment made by Canstltu.
tlon News on the building situation
I1ARmSnUHG , Pa. - GovornOl
ponnnmclter sent llersonal leLtCl's tc
i- the overnor of ever } stlltO In the
United Slates , mglng them to uppolnl
delegates to the cOllgrels ! to bo helt
pt Washington , D. C. , l obruary Iii'
1900 , to consldor the passage of unl
form laws upon the matter of divorc (
throughout the nation ,
'rho governors of lhlrty.four statel
have wrltton to Governor Pennrpaclel
. . Ulat they have alreadY appointed del
egates or will do so.
Standard Declares Dividends
N W YORK-The Standarc ) 01
n comJany has declared a quarterly ( lIv !
dend of $10 a share. 'I'ho 111'evlou
dl vldend was $0 shnre , and tbo dlvJ
dond at this tlmo Inst } 'ear was $7 I
Money Subscribed For Jews.
S'I' . LOUIS-In response to appeal
] 1Ilhllshed In the nQwspnpors today fo
contrlhutlons In behalf of the Russlu
Jews several thousnnd dollars were 1'1
Will Furnish No Lists.
x , W ASlIING'I'ON - Secretary lIItcl
w coclt has given dh'el'llons to the on
ill clals of the llenslon olllce to hereaftc
ad reuse applications ror lists of person
n drawing ] Ienslons from the goverl
lIt mont.
'd. '
Ie Prepllrlng Taft's Report.
of W ASlIINGTON - Whllo Secretar
) It 'raft Is awa ) . officials of the war d
c. partmont are llrellUrlng I ho data f (
) II his annual report to congress , It he
ot not ) 'el been detormlnClI whether tl
reuort will omhmro the Pauama canD
. '
- - -
Dlsruptiom. Have [ Jrolcn out at Mos.
cvow and Rcvclll- Failure of Walk.
out to Spracd Outside of the Capl.
LONDON-A ellslHItch from Sl. Pet.
crshnrg to HentN' ! ! ' 1'elu mm com pan ) '
gn's that an Il11perlnl munlfesto grant.
Ing land c ncesons ! ( tto the poasunt
wus IBsnel1 thIs 1I101'nlng. Dy ItR terms
the lund rpcll'nliltlon tax Im'ment\
rrom Jnnllan' 1-1 , lJOG ! , will be reducetl
hy one.half IInil from .January 1,1 , 1907.
the pa'l1IentR will ho totally alJOlIshecl.
At the Hllmo time the capital of the
peasants' banlt In 11)'rl'ltHed and the
hanlt la gl'llntt'rl ndlIt1onal ) oan Ill'lv.
lieges , with the ohject of facllltaling
to the IItmoHt the Ilurchase of lands
h } ' Ileasnnls ,
It Is estltnated thnt the amount oC
taxation thus IIflell from the peasants
hy the manifesto will aggregate $ ,10 , .
000,000 , whllo the oxtenslon oC the
field oICratlons ( oC lhe peasants' hanl ; :
will enable va8t tracts of crown and
prlvato lands gradually to hecomo the
prollCl'ty oC the peasan ts.
S'1' . PETlmSBUHG-'fhough the In.
dush'inl lieu" In Sl. Petorahurg yes.
torda } ' was even moro complete than
! t was Wednesday and though no brealt
has been manlCested In the ranls ; : of
Lne worltmon. and strllws have brolwn
out at 1108COand noval , the most
hnllOrtnnt feallll'e of yesterdn"s de.
velopmonls was the falluro of the
walltout to spread generally outsldo
the capltl\1. 'I'he movement apl1l1r-
ently lacs ) ; : the contagiousness of the
last great strllw , which brolw out at
Moscow , anll dispatches received from
the Industl'lal centers of Hussla UII to
this hour show IItl1e l1icllnatlon on the
part of the worltmen to tal\O up cudgels -
gels In bel1R1f of Poland ,
The factor } ' strllw at : Moscow ,
which has assllmed considerable proportions -
portions , ) ! rohnhly15,000 mon bolng
( ) ut , has no direct connection with the
st , Petcrshlll'g wallcollt 1\11d dispatches
Cram the old cl\llital say that the rail.
road men received the reqllest oC the
Sl. Potershllrg f1trllto commlttoo cold-
ly. ,
The whole great networlt of rail-
roacls centering at Moscow , except the
St. Potershlll'g line , Is stili In operation -
tion ,
At Roval the employes oC the rail ,
mall shops strurl ; : , hut the reason for
the Btrl1w ( s 110t statell ,
At St. Petm'sbllrg yesterday plssed :
wllh comilipte order. Patrols were
visible In all the Imlustrlal quarters
and Cossacls ; : were tl'Otting up and
down the ) \ joyslyl1'Of1pect ; : / amonI ; the
swlrtl.dashlng cntTlngos 1\1\11 sleighs ,
lIllt the worlt11\en , In obedlenco to the
ol'ders of the strllw cOlllmlttee , IW/lt /
generally Indoors and did not attempt
tlemonstratons ! , HO that there was no
occasion fol' a r030rt to force to avert
trouble. (
W ASHNltTON - No ho 'cott , 110
race feeling , but a mere IlerBOItnl quarrel -
rel wae the cause oC the death of the
five American Preshyterlan mission-
nrles reconl } ' at ljlenchow , In Chllll\ ,
according to the report llIado to Secretary -
tary Hoot by Sir Chentung Liang
Cheng , the Chinese mlnlslel' here.
The mlnilltm' hatl with him when ho
came to the state department a COllY
of a long cahlegram fl'om the viceroy
of Kwang 'l'ung and Kwangsi hearing
on this suhjecl. 'I'he viceroy reported
that Drlaehlo and 1\IIss Patterson ,
two of the missionaries who escaped
massncro by rcaJion of their tempoI' .
Ilry ahsenco from Llcnchow , hnd just
reached Canlon untler a strong Chi.
nose guard , Accortllng to DI' , 1\Iachle ,
and his hlveRligatlons were shared In
by the American consul's agent. the
antl.Amerlcan hoycolt had nothing to
do wllh ho tragedy ,
Rtport of Animal Industry ,
WARHTNGTON-Tho Ilrlnclpal re ,
. port of the DOlmrtment of Agriculture
. on Carm animals will bo made tor
) Januar } 1. In this department the
report will esllmato the numher 01
1 horses , mu.os , milch cows , other cat.
r , tlo , shee ) ! Ilnd swlno , and also gin
. the local prices received by farmerf
for these animals ,
Henderson's New Treatment ,
DUnUQUE , la-Wlth his age (
brother ns a nurse , horolc measurel
are being talmn to prolong the lIfo 0
ex.spealter David Henderson. A. C
Honderson. trained nurse of man
} 'ears' experlenco , Is wrapping hll
hrothor In scorching hlanl\Cts 11\ ( ) fle (
to draw the hlood from the head anc
produce bettor clrcalatlon , OrdinarII ;
modlcal treatm nt has been ahntl
doned and \II\llel' the now treatment
which the sllenl\Or's hrother hnd trlel
before with BUCCOSS , no OIlates 1\1'
needetl ,
Chauffeur to be Reinstated.
W ASIIING'I'ON - Wallor I ldrhg ] (
the chnurte\ll' who was IlIsmlssotl fret
the Iwverlll11ent Hon'lco COI' mlRcor
duct which ( ' ] the '
'IlmoIIuer IWI'hom
ohservatlon of Preslclent Hoosc\'el
will ho rclnstatod In his oltl Ilosltlf'n II
the end or two monlhs from the dat
of hili ! IlIsmls al. 'fhe exerclso of 101
'Y loney hy Preshlent Hoosovolt Is ( lue t
Ehlrlllgo's excellent record In tll
> 1' Phllhlllinos , to the fact that his fatlll
LSvas a veteran oC the civil \'ar al\ll t
Ie the nchlltlonal fact that his wlfo Is 11
LI. Invalld.
, -
Railroad Employes Prot st to tc :
WASIIING'I'ON-An earnest lH'otest '
, Wa ! ! mallo to the preBlclont against
, proposed frelJht ratl ) legislation. 1'ho
: Ilrolest WnR flied hy representatl\'es ot
I the five great lahor organlzl1tlons con.
nected with mllroadlng-the engl.
IIU'I'S , firemun , CIl\llIctorH , switchmen
, allli tralnmell. 'rho members oC the
: dolegat Ion which called on the prosl.
Ilent represontecl the'soveral ' orgalliza.
I tIllIfJ , 'rhe } " polntrd out to him th'\t
mllrond rate 11' 181atlon logically
1ll0nllt the lowering of ro.tes , ' This ,
the } ' conlended. will he followerl b } '
u. lessening of the earnlnJ ; power of
ml1roaelg and COIlFHq lien tl. } ' b } . reduc.
tlon eventually or the wages of rail.
ronfl elll/llo'es / ,
'I'ho delegation which callell on the
III'eRlllent came Cro1l1 twelve dlffel'ent
states 1\1111 roprtsl'ntcll all the larger
! \'stems \ ot l'nllrlJaels , '
W ASIIINGTON-Cablo aclvlces to
the state department from Singapore
Siralls settlements bring the news
that the antl.Alllel'lcnn bo'cott , In that
( Illarter , which was thonght to bo practically -
tically SUPIH'ossed , has. on the con.
trar } ' , tal\On on n decidedly serious
aRpeet. .
'l'ho state delmrlmpnt finds It very
difficult to deal with the Ilhaso of the
bo"cott for the reason that It exists ,
not In China proper , hut In Drltlsh
dependency , , vhlch can ocarcely be
called to account , ns was the Chlneso
government by 1\IInister Roslthlll ,
Insurance Man and Showman Sail for
PARIS-George W : Perltlns of New
Yorlt sailed for 1:0mo on the Norlh
German Llo'd steamer Kaiser WII.
helm del' Grosse , from Cherbourg ,
after conCerrlng with ol11clals hero rel-
atlvo to the enCorcement. of the now
Insurance law. He declined to dls.
cuss the Insurance situation , Colonel
Cody Is also a passenger on the Kaiser
Wilhelm del' Grosse ,
PATTONSnURG , 1\lo.-'l'he sheriffs
oC Davies , Harrison and Gentr } ' ( 'oun ,
tics , attended hy posses from each of
there counties , are guarding the woods
arolmll the little village of Drldgeport ,
In the norlhorn Imrt of this county ,
where It Is supposed the four men who
held up the Ilassengers and night
agent at Ihe Gallatin slallon Monday
1\1'0 In hiding , It Is not beHoved that
the fugutlves will mal\O a fight and
the omcers do 1I0l consider them professionals -
fessionals , It If ! hellovod that the rob.
bon ! are farmer ho's , whoso minds
have heen IlOlsonl'd hy tmshy novels ,
Much Less Public Printing.
W ASIIINGTON - Acting Public
Printer TIlcltetts In an Inten'lew says :
" , JlIIIglng from the , "ohllUe of work
now being turned out at the government -
ment printing office economy has
Rtruck the govel'llment departments
hartl. 'Vo are now printing about as
much stuff as we did fiye or six years
ago , The amount has fallen off
greatly within the last three months ,
and during m ' connection with the of.
fice has novel' boun at so low u. point
as now , "
. . - - . -
Repairs Must Be Hurried.
WASHING'fON-Accordlng to orders -
ders Issued by the navy department
all repairs on vessels oC the North
Atlantic station must he comilleted by
,1anuary 3 ,
CODY , Wyo , - Colonel D , Frank
Powell , lho noted scout , and frlen l
and hnslness lll\rtner of William F.
I Cody , who has lwen III at the Irma
hotel hero for sevOlal : weelts , has sud-
donI } . tal\Cn a turn for the worse nnd
his death Is oXllCcted to occur at an ) '
tlmo , Dr , Powell Is almost as celebrated -
brated al3 DulTalo Dill. 'I'ogether they
scouterl and fought Indians , and In
aCter years Were In the show bUfllness
together , Dr , Powell being the cracl <
Illstol shot of the worlll , Dnrlng the
! ] 1I\st few } 'ears Colonel Powell has
been In chal'go of Colonel Cody's vast
ran..h Interest In this section.
Will Help Mayor Weaver.
PIIILADEIjPHlA - Ggorgo Dlaclt ,
ono of the three Philadelphia count } "
commissioners and a prominent ward
lender In the rOlmbllcaa organization
. ' of this clt ) ' alUlOunced that ho would
In the future Rtand with Ma'or
'Veavor and aiel him "In carrying out
the measures which the POOlllo have
so emllhatlcally demanded , " lr ,
Blac1" who Is now serving his second ,
wns nomlnate1 ! for a third term , but
withdrew from the tlclet ; : hecanso 01
ollposltlon against republican candl ,
dates ,
Not Raised to an Embassy.
W ASIlTNG'l'ON-hlfulry } nl the .Jap ,
ano o 100mtion IIntl the slate depart ,
ment rl\l1s to reRult In a confirmatlOlI
l.f tht' rel10rt from London that the
AmerIcan legation at 'I'oltlo has heor
ralset ] or 1\11 emhnssy or of the ethel
suggestion thal the Jalmneso legatiol'
here hl\s heen so elovated.
Quarimtlne Declared Off.
SA YANNAB. Ga-Savannah declared
clarod Its } 'ellow foyer quarantlno of
on all uolnts ,
. ' , .
He Would Have the Field Artillery
Organlzcd on the Basis of Not Less
Than Six [ Jatterlcs to a Regiment.
WASIIING'J'ON-llenoral Samuel M.
Mills , chll'f oC artillery , sa)13 that for
manning the coaBt defenses of the
I Unltell States force consisting of 1-
7 ,1 ol/lcers / anrl 41,833 enllstCll men Is
. needed , while the corps hils at pros.
ent only 25 olfieehs and 1314-1 men.
110 also esllnmted that the cost oC In.
slallatlon of fire control equillment for
coast nrtlller ' will ho $7,000,000. l ol.
lowing the ndvlce contained In a letter -
ter oC 1"resldent noasevelt to the secretary -
retary of war , dat < 'd 1\larclt 13 , 190 , In
which the presldont designated nine
specific suhjects relntlve to the organ.
. Izatlon and training oC tlto artlllory
I arm of the sorvlce , the annual report
oC General l\llIIs malws the following
recommendations :
'I'he lIepal'Ution oC the coast and fiehl I
artillery : provision for submarine mlno ,
defense ; 1\11 Increase oC the coast aI'i i
tlllerr for gun defense ; tHe prol1er organization -
ganization of the coast art1l1ery ; adequate -
quato ) la ) ' for technically sl < llled en.
listed men of the artillery ; all In. ,
crease of the field m'tlllery ; the pralleI'
organization for promotion of artillery
of11cers of all grades : Increased appropriations -
propriations for target jll'Uctice by both
branches of the artlller } . .
General Mills says that of the 126
companies of coast artillery , forty-
seven are without captahts and thirty-
ono without the prescribed lieutenants.
These officers are absent on various
duties. He says that It Is Iml10rtant
that tlte coast artlllorr companies
should be commanded b } " captains ,
Genel'lll l\llIIs refers to the joint exercises -
ercises of the army and navy which
were held In Chesapeal\C bay last
summer antI 'sars that the value and
Interest was greatly Increased by rea.
Ron of the fact that the } ' gave an op.
portunlty to test the methods of fire
control ar.d OthCl' s 'stems adopted by
the COl\.st artillery , He recommends
that joint exercises ho recommended
for the 'ear 1907 , hecause such exercises -
ercises afford the only opportunity that
the artillery has for drilling and practicing -
ticing "with complete units" higher
than a batter } ' , 'fhe joint exercises ,
he says , emphaslzetl the Inapllroprlate-
ness of the present comlmny organlza.
tlon oC the coast arllllery , and he recommends -
ommends that the ) lresent company
organization of the coast artlller } ' , aml
he recommends that the present com.
pany organization hI' aboHshed amI
that the IH'esent coast artlller } ' bo
made to consist of specified officers
and enHsted men , He also recommends -
mends Isellaratlon of the field ar.
tlllery he organized In regiments of
six hatt'rle ! ! earh , with an Increase
of elghteeu In the Ilresent nnmber of
field battorles ,
W ASHINGTON-'l'he words of the
president , "squaro deal , " are being
worled vigorouslY by many persons
\\110 IHlve old claims or requests upon
the govornment. Yan } . of the cases
which are Imown In the depllrtments
as "old slugs , " because of the man } "
times they have been considered and
rejected , have again been preS'entod
with 11. demand for a "square deal. "
An officer of the nl\.vy , to whom all
such cllses .In the war department are
reCerred for report , 'Says that all these
clahns for relnstatment In the servlco
or for advanced retrial ranI ; : , or claims
for property tal\Cn , all of which have
heretoCore been ] mssed upon and cle.
clded adversely to the claimant , set
out that what they nsk now Is a
"squaro deal , " aUll many of them insist -
sist thnt their requests bo presented to
the president. . .
Project of Great Drltllln and Japan In
Doubt ,
W ASIIINGTON-There a com.
pleto absence of Imowledgo at the
state department , the Drltlsh embassy
and the Japanese legation of the exist.
enco of the agreement reported from
: \Iexlco between Great Drltaln and
Japan to build It ship canal by the
Nicaragua route In opposition to the
projected PanamlcannI. .
It Will Be Cast Soon on Railway Reg.
ulatlon Bill _
OMAHA-Senator Millard will leave
the latter part of next weel ; : for Wash.
Ington to attend a meeting of the com.
mltteo on Interstate commerce.
'fhe commltteo meets November 20.
The now bill which Is pending will bo
voted UJlon at that time , nnd If ap.
Ilroved. will bo suhmltted to Presldont
Hoosovelt , with a request that the sa.
lIent IlortlonR qr It be used In his meso
sago to congress ,
Pensioners Living Abroad.
WASIIINGTOPension Commls ,
SIOlll'r Wal'l1er hns Issued a statement
don'lng the I'ellort thnt pensionerS' re.
t siding In foreign countrlos are to be
! Ilnld through consuls abroad , UmlCl
I the Inw pensions can enl } ' bo paid b
ngentR Rtatlonod In the United States. .
L It. Is proposed , however. to dlvldo the
forolgn list , a gregatlng about 4,50C
pensioners , ntHI gl\'e to each ropro
sentath'o of th United States the
i- names and addresseS' ' of pensioners Ir
r the conntr } ' where such consul is sta
. ,
\ ,
RlIdlcal Chllnges May Occur In Its Per-
WASHINGTON - R\lIcnl ch'lnges
will he made In the p rsonnol of the
next sennte commltteo on Irrlglltlon
I and reclamml\tlon of nrld Inn s be.
cause the tenlts of five of the most
prominent memhers of the commlttoo
l1ave oxplred. 'I'hel'o are s'ornl ap.
IllIcatlons Cor the coveted places , llnr.
Uculnrly the chnlrmanshlp.
'fhero Is douht ns to who will succeed -
ceed Chalrmnn " 'a ' '
Bard , Senator I'1'en ,
. . . .
I the acting chairman , Is second on the . .
Hst , hilt ho Is chairman of a moro . . .
ImllMtllnt committee , and eVldpntly ( , '
docs not desire the III ace. 'rho third ,
fourth antI nfth III aces have heen fillerl j
hy Senators Dietrich , Stewart and
Kearns , who will not be In the next
senate , whllo the sixth ) llace Is hold
by Senator Hnnsbrough , the chairman I'
of the /luhllc / lands committee. Afte't I'
him comes Senator Anlteny , who , his
friends claim , should Iecelye : the
chairmanship , Others , however , are
: IClng urged for the place. FlrRt among
theBo Is Senator Cartel' , of 1\101\lana , ,
who , It Is understood , has filed his
claim for 1\ place on the comn.ltteo
and for the chalt'manshlp , r
To fill the five vacancies various TJOW
senators ha0 been sUlmested , partlcu.
larly Senator Burlett , who sucreeds
Dietrich ; Flint , who succeeds : ud ;
Nixon , succeeding Stl'wart of Nevada ;
Sutherland , su ceedlng Kearn of >
Utah , On the democrallc sldo , Sel1ator
DuDols has. been suggested to fin the
Illace of Senator GIbson of 1\tontana ,
There will bo only two reclamation r
tates unrellresented-North and Stmth
Dalcota-and If Senator Gorman goes
off the committee , It will be compGsed
entirely of western senators , Sentor
Gamble would probably get Gorm.1n's
place on tlte committee ,
LIEGE , olglum-\Iany Americans
have secured high awards at tlie IntoI' .
national exposition whlclt has just
been brought to a successful close.
John S , Sargent , the artist receives a
gold medal of honor ; W. Macewan ,
Carl Marl' and Eugene Vall first medals
for paintings , and P. W , BarUett. a
first medal for sculpture , American
fimnufllcturers receive 200 gold , sliver
and bronze medals as well as dlplo.
mas ,
- .
No Positive -Decision Reached as to
Type of Waterway.
W ASHINGTON-'rhe full board oC
consulting englneors of the Panamo.
canal had an all-day session ancI continued -
tinued work on tlto different types of
canal. 'fhore seems to be a general
Impression that a largo number oC en.
gineers at } lreselll favor a sea level
canal , but an Intlmatlbn has been
made that there might bo a cOl11pro. 'f ) . J
mIse upon n low level lock canal ,
which would be very saliSi'actorr to
the canal commission and the admln. ,
The officers who accompanied Sec-
retarr Taft to Panama to Investlgato
the matter oC fortifications for the
canlll have not 'et made a report and
will not until a typo of canal Is deter.
mined. Upon the typo oC canal will
depend the location oC the mouths of
the canal , and no definite plans for '
fortifications will be feasible until the V
places whore the protecllon will bo I ,
needed can bo definitely Imown ,
Jews Armed and Barricaded In Houses
Amid Outbreak.
WARSAW-The proclamma'tlon of
martial law In all oC the ten governments -
ments of Russian Poland has cans cd
surprlso and exaslQration hero and
there are apllrohenslons that It will
llrovolco disturbances worse than these
that have already talen ; : pIa co. 'l'ho
city Is panlc.strlclon ; : , There are persistent -
sistent rumors of the organization of
antl-Jowlsh riots , and tho' houses of
Jews are barricaded and watched dD )
and night , 'fho , Jews are arming them.
selves with Imlves , revolvers and rlfies ,
Owing to the gen rnl strl1o ; : the dls.
tress Is hourly Increasing. . 'rhere Is a
scarcity of coal and food ,
Bryan a Grandfather.
DENVER , Colo-Mrs , Ruth Leavitt ,
daughter of 'V , J. Dryan , gave birth to
II. son. 1\Irs. Leavitt and her husband
have for some tlmo been residents of
this city.
Jews Weep for the Slain.
LONDON-Pllthetic scencs were witnessed - 1
nessed tonight at a gathel'lng of 10-
000 Jowa at the East End of London In
the great assembly hall at Mile End , or
where a memorial servlco was held
for the Jews recently 1lIled In Russia ,
The 1mB was draped In blacl ; : and the
majority ot these In the al\lllonco were
emblems of mourning , At the chant.
Ing o ( the fifth challter of Lamenta.
tlons almost all present burst Into
tears and mournful wamng. Rahbl
Swzweclt made an eloquent allpeal for
help of the Jews , . , . '
' ; :
Experts Call It Yellow Jack.
IIA VANA-Tho commission of ox.
perts has decided that the Spanish
I womlln who Is Isolated Is suffering
fl'oll'ellow \ foyer , Another suspected
. case hnl3 been rOII'tml. There are
three cases under treatment.
Root and Moody Confer.
WASlIINGTON-Secrotarr Root and . .
Attorney General Mood ) ' were In con. " .
ferenco with the prosldent at the whlto
house for 8011le tlmo. 'rho subject
was not dlsclosel !