Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 23, 1905, Image 1

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    - - ll
: 1 : ; . I . ,
_ _ _ , . '
' 't
Stllto lUet 1 J \\tl\flall \ : = 011111\1
- -
- . .
I .
I. I.I. .
' ' \ , "
DOII't , fOl.gct - Christmas
W IS coming.
r' ' Don't forget-\'our com-
for l.
I ' ,
, . Don't forget-ollr cOI1\'en-
I , ' Don't forget-first hllycr .
t' get the pickl
. Dou't forgct".now i the to 1m.\ ' your Christma
i ' gifts , amI here th plUCl tot
get them.
- - - - -
, m
- ' ' - - - ' - - -
.t . In : : l ; - ; : : s
' 8tf R. G. MOORI\ .
in Bu ) ' your farm ancl ci ty prop-
r I erty of B. W , Blair. 37tf _
" Let us he your printer. The
" , ; good Idnd of printing only.
$200,000 to loan on good
I Custer County farms.
21tf R. G. Moore.
' ' We always have money to loan
\ 'I' on farm . H , G. Moore In Apple
! Block. 35tf
Ih J. N. P'ale Co , for the finest
. " lot of ready made c10thing in
i Custe _ y. 22tf
: . - . . . For harga ins in real etat ! . ; see'
, , t' l Bowman & Anderson. just west
f'J of the S curity State llank. 10tf
t -
} i'OH SAT.HA 5 room house and
, lot , with olh r impro\'ements.
i Going at a haq. ain. Inquire at
{ \ this ollice. : W-24
Doctor Leach. Dentist. i
I J. C. Moore , abstracting. 2tf
, , .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dr. 'I' . I" li'arnsworth , denth t.
Dr. Christcn ; ; - tre : s arrh
and fits glasses. 23-tf
When you want good hay telephone -
phone Jm e Gandy. 23-2' .
lo'resh Oysterscal1llcigur and
tobacco allike ! Scanlous.
I4isl your farm and city prop-
-ert } ' . with B. W. Blah' . 37tf
- - - - - - - -
Dr. Darthololllew promptly at-
: ' Is to . L'l - t anY. . , II _ ! . _ _ _ . _ !
W'c can'sa'c YOllr timc and
! a"e you mouey if you will call
an SC ( ' Pecl < ' clot.hing' at.T , N.
Peale Co. 22ts
W AN'I'I\J-COTII shucker , in
good corn , close to town , will
, pay 5 ccu , a hushe1. Inquire at
this Qtlice. 24l f
For a Short time , $2 down
and 50c per week buys an
Edison Talking Machine.
23tf Dangs' Studio.
_ u--- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1.'oH SATH-r' levl'n and half
lots , 50x140 feet. Go d frame
house , gooll harn , gooll well and
lUO hcaring fruit tr e , gnquirc
at this ollice. 17tf
I"oH clAT.U--A few thorough-
brcd Berl < shire hoar , from so"mc
of the lIest prize getting stock at
the State Fair. Address ,
24"25. I'roken Bow , Nd , .
If you want one of the finest
and most convenient resident
location , to the business pmtion
of the city , on which to build a
r < > . sidence , call at the I HPU11LICAN
office for particular1. ! ' It consists
th ree lots including the corner. t f
'l'he add i tioo to the Hrokl'n
Bow Steam Laundry of a lal e
cmtain stretchcr , , wlikh clot $ en-
tirelJ aw ) " : .vith ironing. i. . one
that" will g'"e pleasure to the
'laillYr o"lla\'e curtainto ! he
laundried. By the process us.d
in leaning , the curtain are
made to appear as entirely new.
It is we1l worth the while to try
the experiment ag the hc t of
satisfaction is sure to Le the re-
suI t. 24-25
, = : '
I - - - - - - - - - - -
_ _ . - . - - - - . ' . ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
: * *
, ' .
. ' i arc dealers in Heal Estate of a111cinds.
\ ' WE We will huy or sell. Don't fail to see 91
t us before ) 'on buy or sell. We can do :
) 'ou good. Collectionfi made and insur-
'I ) ance written , Farms rented and taxcR paid. See ;
115 for farm loans. Come in and see us. I
! ' Ii
1.11 'I
i , ' , . , q.a
- - - - -
- - - - - - -
\ '
. SONS !
TIME 1'0
\ ; . VIOLIN
_ With c\'l"'Y III h'nllll'nt ' WI ! Inclnde , frt'e uf churdt' . 1Fret ! Le sell
, ; t'ertllll'\le ! , which t'IIubll'8 ' ' 011 to I'I'III'e t'ithrr tiO or 100 11' IJlI8 by IIIl\il fl'OlII
the flJl'i'lIIo t 1'lInl' 11ll1Ull'II U III tilntilll1 III AIIIIJ'lcn , ' 1'/11' / IIlIly l''pl'lI e Ii ! for
.v , lljtage , btal llllt"'Y , ell' .
. . .
1-:1111 : J ( " nll b IIII1 trlltl'll II ) ' IIHII' IllInlnKrlllll'1 tUII'1I liwl'lIy ! Imlll 1iIl' , 1'11.11'11I1111 ' Bklll I
118 \It'rfnrnll'r I- : lb IIII'11 willi tit1IIIIIIInuIU III IlrlI'II'I' , 'l'hl'.I' 1I'o.nll Ufl' ultt'11 In chllllrl'lI I
111111 ynulig 111'Upll ! u 1\1'11 US IlIlull , 1IlIIlIlrt'lI uro tulllIl : uth UlltUC 01 thl Irl'lIt nltcr ,
\\'h ' not ' '
I'h I ) ) 'nu'
, Hlr : llns III I:1l1llolln . S".OO. $ i.OO. S 00 111111 UII : liultnrs , SHIO , I ) \I \ ) , $ HIO unllIP :
y I "Iullns. s.'olll ) , $ i IIU. $ " .1)1' :111'1 UI' , nllil T\'mflll'r , IU MUtl'11 U U\'II , IIIlt willi 'uch IlIslrllwelJt ,
'VP 1111'11111 ( ' 11 FU'tJ J.C OIl l'I'rIlUcutu \ \ ilhullt chur\ ! ,
I Druggist and Jewelcr. Esta liShcd 1886.
I mrr"l rJrJ ; ; ; ; " : '
I . . . . . . ; : S ; : ' . . . ; .J , , , , , , , , , , _ , , , , , , " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ( I
A. C. Humcr ) ' is the name of
a new doctor that has rccently
10catcd at Mason City.
C , S. Waldron al1l1 Ja . lIenrv
of O'cr , were city visitors MOli.
day , returning home 'I'uesday.
Attorncy 1 ; ' . II. Bently of Ans-
Icy , was hi the city 'ruesllay on
le al business. 'I'he Hm.tTlIT.lcAN
ac1mowlcdgcs a tricndl ) ' call.
Judge Hostetler completecl the
work , of the District Court here
Saturda , ) ' night. He and , Court
reporter Hcrmanson left Sunday
moming for Keal'l1cy.
, W. I-i. Hoagland , rcprcsenta-
t\'C \ of the We co Supply Co. , of
St. 1,01lis , was a city visitor
Mondalookinl : up the electric
lig'ht "proposition. 'l'his ofiice
acknowledges a social call ,
S. C. Wal ron of O'er , who
was a dty visitor 'I'uesday informs -
forms I1S that he is feeding' fifteen -
teen hundrcll Rheep at his place.
He purchased thclIl in Mexico
this fa11. He thinks lIIore mon ( ' ) '
can he made fceding sheep than
U ) ' feecting cattlc.
J , S , Smith and J. D. ' 1'1'0)-
( 'r of Callaway. wel' in the city
I'hursday attend ing court and
n'lI1uhfccl o'er 'l'hursday night
and allcnlh'cl the farewell reception -
tion cxtcnded Mr , aUtl Mrs Joe
Skelton hr the glstern : Star 'ancl
Masonic Codge of this city ,
Oeo. Willing has lIlo\'ecl hi
implement ! -.tore hou\c on ast
side of Fourth A\'enue ba k , from
the street and is building" a'two
story fral11l front which ( 'xtelllls
out to the street.Vhen completed -
pleted I. N , Iar'luis will occup ) '
hc huiJdinlr with a stocl < of farlll
1m plclIlents ,
HcB. . n , Hunt. for a number
of years has resided at Ccor : e-
town atltlllnti1 recently hacl heen
pasJor of the Presbyterian church
has gi\'en.up 'his pastorate , owing -
ing to failing walth. solcl hi
property and. mo\'ell to Napier ,
Pa. 'I'he hest wishes of his
many friends in Cllster COli nt , " go
with hIm.
In accordance with the proc1a-
mation of the United Statcs , the
churches of Brolcen Bow will
hold a uni n service at the U. B ,
church on 'I'hursday , Novemhcr
30 , from 11 to 12 a. m. He\ ' .
I"evaele w:1l : preach the scrmon.
A thank oITering will be taken
for the benefit of the poor.
Come and let us give thanlcs unto -
to the Iord.
Norman Beynolds , who went
froin hcre to Califomia last
spring writes us that he is now
located at noll'wood , near Los
Angles , where he holch , the position -
tion of foreman of the Hollywood
Citir.en. : The oflice employes
foul' compositors , one repo'rter
an Ilad" and job solicitor , besides -
sides thc editor. IIc says it is a
much hetterjob than. he held at
Anaheim. lle ays the expense
of living th 're is very high-rent
on a fOllr room hOllse is $15 i1
month. He thinl < s Brokcn Bow
iR hetter for a poor man than
Califol'l1ia and he eXIJects to re-
tllrn here ncxt spring ,
MAHlmm-Clyde Carlos and
Miss Mamie Cooper , at the residence -
dence of the bride's parents in
this city , Wednesday evening ,
November 15 , Hc\ ' . Harmon of.
ficiating. 'J'he bride is thc
daughter of Mr , and Mrs. Scott
Cooper. After hang" completed
her educatIon in the Broken Bow
school , he for a nllmher of
Jear . was engaged in teaching' ,
ha'ingtaughl Ruccessflllly ill
Rarg'nt , Br01cen Bow ami A"slc ) ' .
She i a laely of line attainment. ]
anll enjoys th high eRtertl1 of a
very large circle of allmiring
friends. ' ( 'he groom i. , the 5011
of Mr. ancl Mrs , J. Ii' . Carlos.
Hc is a young man ofCullnre anI !
lille hugincs ' 1ualificatiom , . lit ;
hag helcl several posi t ions of i 111'
partunce with acknowledgcc !
ability. Ji'or somc tillle he wa
< : lerk 'in the COllnttr asure . of ,
ficc lindeI'M. R SdltlCringer ,
. and for a time wa" one of the
instructors in thc Broken Bo\'l
Business College. } i'or threc
years he has een associated witt :
thc Central 'l'elcphone Co" and h
now manager of the system ,
Both the bride. and groom ha\ ' (
grown up in this county anll hotli
I are graduates of the Brokcn Boy ,
schools , 'I'he HHPUIIT.ICAN pre'
I dicts for this coupl a successfu
00 , Grcenwa1t of Garfield I
township , was , a city \'isitor
' 1'uesday.
'l'hc llaptists of Ansley arc. erecting -
ecting a parsoni1gef1i for thcir
minister , I eBarrett. .
1\11' . and Mrs. Joe SI\e1ton lcft
Saturday morning for their new
home in J..jos Angles , Cat.
Hcnry Miller of O\'er , was a
cit. , . "Isitor Monda ) ' . 'l'lIe Hn-
) IUIIT.IC\N aclmowlcdges a welcome -
come call.
p , F , Campbell of Georgetown ,
was in the city 'l'hursday c'en lW
attending'the farewcll receptiol ; I
extendcd to Mr. and lrs , Joe
G. n ! H r , exsllpersol' from
rl lk Creelc township was a city
vi itor Momlay. Hc rememher-
ed Utis otlice with a friemlly call.
He returned to Mason Ci ty Monday -
day on 44.
Da\'e Swick lcturncd Saturday
morning from Seneca , where he
arranged to go into the restaur-
aut business after March I , when
l\1s \ contract with Judge Sullh'an
is cOlllpletccl on the ranch.
Superintendent He , ' . II. M.
Pinckney of Westen'ille , wa. . in
the city last 'J'hll1'scla ) ' and Friday -
day looking aftcr a hOllse to rcnt.
He rentcII l\ln , l' lUil ) ' King's
house on thc north sidc of town. ,
'l'hc I"adies of the Christian
church wish to thank the Pllblic
I for their patronage to thc dinncr
and slIppcr last Saturda'rhe
II dinner ancl supprr was LlUCCCfiS !
f natlci'all ' ) ' , S 5 heing talCf'1I in.
'I'hc la ies w ! h to tah that
, their next hig dilY willIit' I' a\t'f !
Dr. .I , n. Brcni er ha purcha -
ell rt share of stock in the. Ameri-
ean Shorlhorn Breeders Association -
tion , tog ther with a Hd of herd
hooks. 'I'\tefl' \ arc onlliltecn
of thcse shares helcl in ebraska ,
as thcy can not be Lought on the
marlcet and can 01,11) ' he purchasell
of. SIU1C enc hohlJng a hare that
wants to di po ; e of it.
'rhe Burlington railway system
has announceda raige of frolU H
to 25 per cent in the pay of its
telegraph operatorfi a1111 station
agents. It is now paying' its
emplo's as good an averagc
wage as any railroul in the country -
try , and the ach'ilnce ordered in
wages will make it the best sa1-
aried road in the United States ,
A T-iincoln railroad ncws itcm
is to the eITect that the Burlington -
ton has invaded Northwestern
territory in earnest and that the
road contemp1atcs a still farther
line pointing northwestward from
Schuyler , which , if true , me am ,
that the Northwestern will at an
early day. . if it does not already
contemplatc , building west from
Ii'rcmon 1.
J , r . T4ang and Chas. Mills of
Litch field , were friendh' callers
at this oll1ce Saturday lilorning.
Mr. Mills secured a marriag-e
liccnse from Judge Armour for
himself and liss Blanch I"ang ,
the only daughter of Mr. and
Irs. J. R I-iang. 'l'he wedding'
was at the home of the hride'
parents Sunday at 1 o'clock.
' 1'he HUI'UJlI.ICAN joins the many
friends of the contracting parties
in extending congratulation" .
'l'he Brewster News states that
the Dierks Lumher & Coal Co. ,
is putting' in a lumber and coal
yard at Brewster. Hans Dierks ,
the senior memb r of this firm
engaged in , the lum er business
twcnty years ago in Brolcen Bow
sing-lc handell with a stock of
lumher worth $2.000 or $3,000.
I fater he associated with him hi
hrothcrs , l1l'1"I1HUI. lIenry and
i Pt'ter and hegiln pulling in
hranch varcls at other towns.
The firm'is now one of the larg'-
I est 1umber anll coal companies ill
the slate. 'rhe y h "e yards all
I O\'l'r the state suppllccl by central
. yanls at I incClln allll Kamuis
Cit , . . 'Phe finllIHIs - laq. 't ; for-
I csts in Arkansas and mills hy
which themaufacture a larg-e
per cent o ( their lumher. 'l'he , "
also maintain stOTtS ! of mcrchan-
disc in A rkansas which supply
, their employees \lnll own a railroad -
road by whkh qley. ship o.ut their
I 1um er and ship 111 their mer-
, chanlise. The peop1e of Brews-
ter are to complimentcd not unly
! becaUfie this firm has decidcd to
I locate with them , hut the com-
, I ing' of the Dierks' is a stron 1
- indication that their alh'ent
I means the ad'cnt of a railroall
: to Brewtcr : in no distant da > ' ,
- -
- -
Ir -
. " , .J
A1' this SPHSOIof \ the yenr when .
. thnt : ugly eotlgh cntehes you ,
: Iust l'enwmhcr thnt wo hnvc ybm' fn-
vOl'itn cough remedy nnd plc11hT of H.
Om'Yhite . . Pine and rrnt' hns 110'\ < 1Un1.
( .1\0 ' 1 t ; n tl'lH , 1 .
, -
"ooe9"ors to J , a , Hnclborlo ,
- '
\II. \
, ,
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Thanksgiving Thursday , Nov. SO , 1905 ,
- .
A Thanksgivinl ! Pure
Food Menu..I . . ' ,
. _ ,
- - - - - - - - - -
Issue'cl hy.l. C. Bowen in thein- ,
tcrest of COI1SUlllel' 01 goooll orlls. '
As WI m'pect : a hea , ' , ' run ou thiH
quality or gOII enl r no\\ ' for VOUl'
'l'h a nlcsg'i \ ' tl g d i tl tlerphonc' tilll a ) '
and we will n'f'CT\'l for . vou. Photll'
No.5.'i :
o'slt't > : . ,1'11111I 1'IIiItlilll ! . allt'll l'eItJIII ,
II I ! , h 'ese , 1\1 III II\I'II 110 L'11l'11 h's. A ppll' IIl1lt I" ,
Whlh'Chel'1'I' , nlh'co ; . I'ICfervct ! lrnwherl c9
Cden' , l IIH'C Chell ius , 4\C ; , lb. I'lesel\'ell nlllphcrrirll !
ltIul 111111 N , y , CI am 1111'1:01' ) ' Nuts. 1'11'nell ! HII pbtnitliJ :
Cheef > C , nltu'c l'il1eal'plt'll. .15c I'll'S , l l-l ( Cunllllln ,
Ihlef ! . . . ' pOl1lu1. I'h'kles. .
FI s. , Chestll111s , I.t'ltllrl ! ,
Oral1g" ; ; , 11l'1It'11'l1ll1l1ls I'IItC Swt'I'l HC41 Juck-
Hllnlllllllls , All killls of Nn1-I ! , l't Ciler ,
Glllflcs , hdlcll Ahnolllls , ChAsc & Sanhorn Cof ,
C lIOII , 1'01' Corll , ' fl'c.
It'moll 1'1',1 , Shcllt'(1 ( I't ! I1I1 ; ; , 'fell I.caf'II ,
Ornngellccl. 1I1'il111111'1' : MCllt.
. . . .
'J'R A 1 > 1' : Nurth Sllle ,
' -lire Olelr VlnCK'flr IInOKgN 1I0NInn ,
l\tAltK I -
- - - - -
iJf Chest Prote-ctio '
, _ ,
- - 'N" -
. . . .
) i of 0111' ChnmoiH V csts will J > l'otcet. y u
ag'alnst ( ' .oughs and ( 'ods. ) , Pllt it ; on nnci
W ( ll' it : all wintc1' . You wil ) 1) ( > Htll'Il'iHcd how -
Hl1llg YOIl will flp ] , 110 Ilu\tt \ < . "I' how ( 'old the
weathot'Ve ha ' "C a complete line.
- - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . - . . - - . . . . . . . . . - - _ . .
_ . - . . - , - -
s. . : l.ElEJ :
l'uggist. - BI'O ( ) W. N b ' .
lR ! : : _ : FI ! ]
. . . - _ _ _ _ _ _ 0. - . . - - . . . . . - - ' : . .1.
_ _ .oI : ICI\IIIII''Y ! . -
, ,
Custer CanYOn Herd of Duroc Jersevs
Eight Miles West of B'oken , Bow
, ; h:1Hf : > mul ( . pig'H , IOPR , . ; pll''lpd ( fl'om 0111'
WI spl' ng' ( 'I'OP of :1\1' : ( O ( ) { Jig's. TIIl'Y HI' ( '
l'i,1 , ! ill till' hlood or ) ' ( ' (1halll'lIg'PI' ( , ( ; Il'nwood
1ing' , l'I'itH'P I'l'i'k ; ( alld ltt'd Chil'f , the IH'st. . bloods
in tilt , ( 'Otllltl' ) ' . They III'P a good , g'l'owt.hy lot , hnr-
ing' Pxtl'll gOCHI backs , fl'et. . und ) Pgs , with hrav ) '
hone , lnd for < 1unlity al'O unexnlled. ( Uall nnd see
them. Tlwy will suit you. Pedigree with cvery
pig sold , Pl'iees rensonahle.
I ) . ( ) " ) . C ntWI.-HN now ,
I 1)1 1 . : 'H. , .1 l'- r ' lVIOI"EHlUST I , NI \ H H ,
. . . _ .
- - -
I - - - - - - T II" - - - -