, . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' : II' . . : : " ' . . . . . . . d " ' " . r For Brea.kfa..st . Luncheon or Tea. " . \ A. few small biscuits easily made with Royal Baking Powder. Make them ' - . small rou nd as a napkin ring. Mix and bake just before the meal. Serve hot. Nothing better for a light dessert than these little hot biscuits with butter and honey , marmalade or jam. You must use Royal Baking Po\vder to get them right. . ROYAL BAKING pOWDeR CO" IU.W "ORK The City ofDnmalcul. (1c. ( . . H , 1'IHO h. ) Dl1naSCUS i ! ; also called Dim- asc-Sham. I l was named for 8l.In : , the oldest son of Noah. 'l'he Syrian name is Sham. 'I'his city is the oIlIest city of , which there is a history , see Gel' . 14th chapter anl1 15th vcrsC' . Il ' is 23. . . . feet abo\'c thc sea 1'l 1 1. Its area is eiKht miles ' 1uare. 'J'his city was the capital or S'ria for three centurie . It has been I built 4,020 years. During- fourteen hundred of these years it was uuder its own go\'ernment. 'I'he Prusians captured - tured it and held it for four centuries - turies when iL was captured by the Grecl < s , the Prmtians beiug drlv n out. 'I'he Greeks rebuilt the city and rulell it for two ami a half ccnturies. It was then captured 11) ' the l ol11ans who held possession for ahout seven c nturies. 'l\he Arabs succeeded the Romans and he\l1 \ it about 450 years. It was three-hulldre and thirty-the years before Christ that AlexuHler : the Great captured - ed it. In 540 A. D. a Prusian tribe destroyed it but rebuilt it. In 6H : A. D. the Arabs invaded the city entering uuder the Kicfa.-Abdola ! river and drove the Kaiscr troops out. In IJIJO another Arab tribc claimed the right to it and took it without war , a d rcmained in it until the Abaseens succeeded them and moved the throne to Bagdad , city on the 'l'igcr river. In 705 A. D. the Convcnt of St. John the Baptist was taken awa ) ' from the 'Christians and made a r-Ios- llue. It was two-hundred sevcn- ty-five feet in length and was the finest church in Syria and was valued at $5,000,000. In 1153 the Crosstians ( society of the Hed Cross ) capturcd it and whcn the Fratemeous got into power this city was put under thctr pro. tcction with F gypt and Syria and so remained until the Turk (3aljolceen ) tool < it. By that time 1-4ouis the V II ot France al1l1 Conrad III of Ger. many were helping the Cross. lians. 'l'hat was about 1188 A. D. About the beginning of th ( fifteenth century the rival Pm. sian king , 'l'amerlink , capture ( it an tore all its forts dowu , hut the Mama1i1ces , prince of 1 g'pl rehuilt it aud established government over Syria. In 15H Salmon I captured it and in 151 it became a part of the 'l'mkisl : Empire. In1R32 A. D. Abrahau Pasha , Priuce of Ngpt : , captur. eel it with 8yria aud all th ( southern part of 'I'mlce ) ' , wIll helel it until 1840 when the Turlts , by thc' assistance of Rng land recaptured it. On the 3n1 day of December 1859 , a l.'rench company begal " "Work on a wagon road from Bc ) ' roth to this' city. It is Reveut miles long , oultiuJr trough r-It Lebanou. In lWJO the railroa was built by another ll'renc company. In 181)2 or 1903 the great Mo que , the Armor ) ' was destro'e by fire. It cost the country ti\ ' years of lahor and about $10,000 000 to rebuild it , which is t1 old St. John the Bnpt ! , l churc mentioned above. AR the sCr J tures states John the Baptis was beheaded in this cit ) . all Ur d whcre this church stand 'rhe Mohamadon's , with t1 thai power do not dare to iujU' . tt1 i ii' , ! , which stands : . main huildini dare to dinfigu f " . , ; \ Christians WOI ' ' f . . 1895 the rnitro. . , \ , d to it nnd sin } . has enjoyed gre ' > \ - pro peritj'1111 is Kl nin ( { rapidly jn populalion. 'l'he fort in this city is cight- hundred feet long and six-liun. dred feet in width , and the gtate mosquc is (150 fcet h ) ' 150 feel. In 1852 thIS cit ) ' had a l opula- tion of 150,000. In 18(12 It had 'increased to H.OOIO . ) and ill lRIO ) it had ovcr 250,000 , r11l1 is Rtil1 rowiIlK' 'i'he streets of the old part are lIarrow lil < c the old fashIon - Ion , hut the new is built with wille streets and high buihlings. 011 thc westcrn part of the cilY are the gm'ernment buildings and city parks. 'l'hey arc the lillest in the world. 'l'he city is Imill on ci111er side of the r'er BanIa , which supplies - plies the city with water through thc dties' stolle pipes , with a large unmher of wellg and spring's uscl1 for drinldng pm- pose . It has many schools of all classes and grades. Onc third of the inhahitants are Christians and the rest arc Mohatuadons and Jews. All are well educated. A Plelunnt Surprile. On last Saturday afternoou , Novcmber 4 , at the home of Mrs. P. E. Logue a very pleasant surprise - prise party was given in boner ot ( ; ran U1a McMonigal , who bad just passed ber eighty eighth birthday. A very pleasant afternoon - noon was spent after which re. freshments were served. In hone or of the occasion the guests pre. sented Grandma with a beautiful rocking chair. Before the guests departed she favored them with the following song : " ' " ' ' al1ll , la1 of 'nuth , 1"011I11I ) YOIUII'earH ) ! ) ( ; 0,1,1111 make klluwlI 10 rue the trllth : Alld called lilt" frulllmy nIII\'e tla'e , ' 1'0 I'lIjn ) ' thl' lIIeall nf Ilrace. III wlldl"rllelB he did lIIe Illlide. A 1111 III Hiroliitialldli for me I'w "le , Mid RClmeR of wealth throllllh weal or woe , A pllllrlllllallHed 110 and fro ; . OCt 11'\11 It ) tllII e whom [ dill truM , 1101valli II I 10 H'Rt IIn dllftl. A malluf surrow I ha\1 ! 1J'ell. l\Iall ) ' challllcI [ lIave so'ell ; My daYH are III"BIl 01.1 aile ha COllie , I\h' IItrelllllh It fallH my raCII near rllll : Nor willi "alt whell wurk li , ll1ne , Ulltlllll ) ' happy challlll1 ha'l COllltl. 'I'ho e present and invited were Grandma McMonigal , Mrs. J. C Moure , Mrs. H. McBnrnie , Mrs , C. W. Bowman , Mrs. S. Baker : Mrs. Ras. Andersol1 , Mrs. R. N. Norcntt , Mrs. C. H. Deming Mrs. P. m. f-4ogue , Mrs. Dr. W II. Cole , Mrs. A. F. Ingraham Mrs. W. W. Cowles. Mrs. J. W Bruce , Mrs. 'I' . W. mdwan1s , Mrs Zack'I'hoste50u , Mrs. Joe Ken nedy , Mrs. Joh , Mis Am ) ' CUll niugham. Shot Into 1Train. . Hiley Garringer and J. Owel1 of Oconto where arreslell up il the HalJlI hills by Ira Ii'oster , alii brought hefore Jl1dg- Armour 1\lo11da ) ' , on the complaint of A P. Johnson , charged with mtl licions mischief. . I t appears t ha t last Frida \ ' that 1\ft. . Owcns , accompanied 1) ) 1 i1e ) ' Harringer , who was worl ; ing for him werc tJ'aveling wit wagon and team to Blaine COUllt where thc ) ' were going to repai Mrs. N. I . Heynohl's YOUSC 0 11 is homestead. 'e Between Anselmo and l..inscol . - IC Garnuger shot . into a coach of . 1 passenler tralll , hroke out tw windows aUlI grazing one of tl1 lIIen pa $ cngers. Garring , 'I claimcl\ \ that he only . shot at 1/ 1S telegraph pole. Yct h ( > plcD Ii guilty to the charge and was HI I ed fi\'c dollars and costs wIde re , amounted to about $20. M 111 0 wcns was released. 'I'he YO\1l . g. muu is said to have recently COil r from the Omrl < mounta l1s iU r was morc familiar with guns tlli II 1 ruilrmultrains. cc - at 'l'his office for neat job work. . , I , . : " ' , ' , . . , . , . . . . . . " - - - _ .v- ' , . - Now I. The Tlmn To.SulMcribe. 'I'he evcning's are growing long and evcr ) ' family shonld be pro- \'illed with reading matter containing - taining the current news. The HI/PUBLICAN is t he paper tou ! p- ply thi requi ' 1I1ellt. il is puh. lished even' 'rhur da" . and reach- C . cvcry p stoftice inthe - 1).Ut ty I and state as well as adJolUlug sbtes the sall1 week it is pub- 1i hed. It furnishes the current uews wl.ile it i news. 'I'he couuty board proceedings arc published ill full. Iu politics it I . 15 true to its uame. It is fearless - less in defeuce or tht. : principles 'of the I'Clll1hlical : l'arty. 'l'h05c who have the best hargaills .111- \'erUse throug-It its co ! ltl II liS. li'r < Jtlenl1y the cost of se\'eral j'ear\ ! subscription can be saved II\ ' taldllg 11Ilvantag-e of the sjccial prices anll bargains 'of- fered by merchants and others. No family can nfTor to be without - out it re ardless of their political - cal \'iews , It only costs S1.00 a year. CI.UI11H G HA'1'I\S. III connection with the RHl'lTB- I.WAN we ha\'e secured \'ery reasonable - sonable terms wit It sOllie of the I eslllletropolitan papers. 'I'he followi ng arc sOllie of the bargains - gains : 'I'he HnI'UIIJ.CAN aull Globe Democrnt , ( ellli-\Veeld ) ' ) . S1.hi. ! ' 1' hc l 1\1'11 IIT.WAN and Da il ) ' News , Omaha. S2. 30. ' [ 'he I HPUBLIC AN and Itltcr Occau , ( weekly ) . $1.55 , The J-4 ncoln Daily tar and the Imperial Multi-colored map of Nebraska , United Slates and the World and the l el'lIllI.II.\N on ycar for $3.80. Sunda ) ' : : ; tar for (15 CCllts additioll. 'l'lIe HHPLTIHICAN anll Kansas City Journal , ( weekly ) , $1.20. 'I'hc HHI'UIHICAN and Nebraslca Farmer , $1.55. Wc can furnish nearly all other paperg and ll1aga ines for less than the regular price. Address all or en ; to the CUS1'UH COUNT\ ' Rnl'UI11H.'AN , Broken ow , Neb. _ . _ . - . - - . . . - - A PREMIUM. Ml1lnificent New Mat ) of Nebra..I1. . 'I'he 1I10st at tractivc otTer of recent - cent YC 1ffi i containelt" in the proposition made h ) ' the Lilh'olll Dail y Star to old aud uew sub- scrilers ) of the Liucoln Daily Star , Nebraska's favorite \\'el1- iug paper , alld the Cu 'rHH COPN- 'r\ ' t I'UIHICAN , the best country . paper in Nebras1m. ' 1'0 every person who sends , 83.80 to pay for one year's subscription - scription to the Lincoln Daily Star and the CUS'1'JtH COUNT\ ' Ihl'ulIT.ICAN : , The Star will send pre-paid one of their new 1m- periall\Iulti-colored Map ! ' of Ne- braslm with the lIJ05 census in. dex of counties and towns , edited engraved and pnhlishell exclusi. vely for the I-4iucoln Star. It is a map for particular people , en. lirel ) ' new , up-to-date ; a new e. parture from all previous tylcs of map lIIaldug' . All names , railroads , rivers , creeks aud ever ) other geographical feature showl : in white ou black ground wi1l1 pOl tcn t en amel finish to preserve the map and make it washable , In addition to state index 01 towng then is Kiv ll election returns - turns and other important state statistics together with the por. traits of all the g'overnors of Ne. hraslm from lSfJi to lIJ05. 111akin : it one of the most desirahle re. . ference maps ill existence. I I . is pproved by school teachers , , pri nci pals and sn perin tenden t ! . ' ' it shoull everywhcre. 'I'herdore , be sectlred by enryonc : : who ap . predates something really ne" , and in line np-to-date the map . Call on or address the Cmrrm , . COUNN1 1 It1 > UlIT.IC\N. Brokel : Bow , cbrasl < : : : . _ _ . _ . We can Stl\'e your tillle ani sa't yon moncy if yon will cal alld sc , . Peck's clothing" at J. N s Peale Co. 22tl 11 :1 : _ _ . ' _ - . . . . , . . Ryno. C. G. Huff is to make fin l pi'Oof on It is homcstead Monday. I .trl L'lIlI.lreth is dowu with typhoid. Dr. P nlling.tol1 is at- tellditg' ! him. Some of the neighbors are shelling tbeir la9t years corn crop to makr. room for the new. S. Birge is bacl < from Hall county. He says th crops are better here than down there. Mrs. 'Vatter IIeIrick of Ash Creek , lutll a narrow escape enc day last week. She was startiug' a fire with kerosene when the oil explortcd , covcring' her with flames. . urJinHton Uulletin of Round Trll ) Ra tea Clticl1go RI\llletttrU , on sale daily , 13 , ' 55. 55.St. . Louis Rt\ll return , on sale dBII ) ' , fn.lo , Portlnnd , Tucontllllnd Scuttle and reo turn , on snle 11nily , $45.00 , Snit Lnke und Ogllcn and return , on salc daily , 32.90 , Cody. W.ro. , Bluck Hills nnd Hot Springs , S. D. , npproxittll\tcly half rate ! ! nil su tllttlcr. Cheap hotllcscckcrs' rate ! ; In mUll } ' dl. f ( ctions , first oUlI thlnl Tuesdnys of each mOil th. If ) ' 011 cnll or write liS It will he a'plt' ! ' ! ! ' \Ire to IIIIsc \'ou a1 > out rates , train ! ! tr- \'ice , to .n.serve ) ' 011 0 hcrth. and to tr ) ' 10 make' your trip It cotllforlnhlc OIlC. II. J. . OR1\IS1t\ ' , Agellt C. B , & Q. Ry. - - - - - - - li'rcsh Oyster , cal1dycig"lrs : uIII t bacco at Mike Scan Ions. f-- _ _ . _ _ _ _ . . . ! Legal Notices. . - - - - - - III fllslrlct ( JOlirt of Cu ter Connt ) . . Nebra9ka , 111 the IlJattI'CO ! the : wpllcatloll of lIalll. . II. Hhafer. Gliardl\11 uf1lIlIle : M. . Flo ) ' " G. alld IHal , ) s n. Gates. IIIllIur. . , to ! lell' real estte. : Nutlct : III hereb ) ' 1/1I'm that In pur lIanc" of : tllllnhr or till ! HOllurahle Brllllo O. Hosletler. Juice"f ! the District COllrl of CII91er CUllllty , : -ehraola , ulad" 011 tbt : 19th d'n' of AUIlII'iI , 190' : : . fur Ihe 'laic of the south.eaqt 'Iuartvr of the nurtll.west IllIarter Iqe " mdH and tile &oulh. wcot Qllarler of tll" north'l"ast Quarter ( 'Iw ) , ne . ' the worth.west Qllarler of the souUvea 1 quartcr ( IIWi ! soU ) alld the north.east Quarter of Ihe sOllth.wcst 'tllarter ( lIeo ( liwlil of 81"ctlon II , Towllshlp H. Hailire 17 In Custer COIIIU ) ' . N'hraQI 3 , the same will be sold al the front dour of the Court HOIIe , In said collnty at Hro- ken Bow. 011 Ihe lId Ila ) ' of Deccmber. 1605 , at the hOllr of tWlI'clock III the aflcrnooll at pllhllc , "elllillre. tn the hillheit bhll\er for caib. S.ld sale wllllelllain npen for Oll' hour. [ Jall",1 till. . . 6th , Ia } ' of NO\'lIIlJer , 1 < ) , )5. U < \TTII , B. SIIAI'HK. (1l1anUali of a1Jo\1 : lIal1lell11ll1or . 2225 B ) ' II. : 'II , SUI.I.tVAN , lIer Attorn ) ' . - - - - N01'ICJo : ( )1 < ' I'ROBA'l'F. OP,1. . . III O/lUlity COllrt of ( ' 1I..ter COli II t ) . , Xebra'ika. 'I'll all I'rson ! . IlIler..st"d III Ille 1.t:1I" uf 1t"lIbcli E. I : la. . . J"cea..ed. Whl'reaM , Manca.et 1,0111..1' Gla s of sahl CUll II I ) ' . has HIo'd III m ) ' UntCO : III III trlllllellt 1.1If.orlllllt ( 10 It" the la..t \\111 a 11I1 'l'"stllnellt 01 HellhclI I : . Gla " , Ulceased , late of said COLI 110' , and a petltlou praylll ! : tu hlve the same : lIlmittcd to t.m1Jate , wblch111 nlate 10 both r..al alill prsollal estate , wherellpull I ha\"d al" 1'1I11It"II th" 21111 , Ia ) ' uf UeCell. btlr. t'.13. at 11.1 u'clucl , III the forelloon , at III ) ' ofilcu III said COIIUO' . at Ihc tlllle alill plac" ) 'ou alld all con. ct'rn'd. limy apl'car alld CUllte t the prt-b Ite of st III C. DatcII No elllber 4th , 1'.103. ( s : Ar.1 22.24 J. A , ARMOUR , COIIIII ) ' Judll'e. NO'l'ICI 0. . . I'ROIlA'l' l en' WI LT , . In Couuty Court of CII ter COIIIII ) ' . Nebraska. To all perSOIII ; Intore8ted III Ihe estale uf Xels J. OIlIlU. Jccl'aqed. WhereaM , Julius N. Ottllll , of salll Count ) ' , has liled 111m ) ' office all Illstrulllent JIlIfwrlln ( ! : " to h" tilt ! la..t Will allli 'rc talllelit of NeJI J. at. lilli , UcceaHed , lLte of salll CI1I1I11) ' . alld a pe\l. tlull prayln ! : ' to have Ihe > lame admilled tu prQ. I hat" . whicll Will relatei tn bulh real aud Ier. " , ollal estate , when'lIpou I have appnilited Ihe 25th day uf : Nuvcmber. 1')5. ) at 10 o'cluck III the forellooll. at III ) ' ol1 ce ill Halll COllnty , aM th. . 111111' and tlce ) 'OU alld all cOlicernl'l. ilia ) ' al" pear alld cOllh'ol the lro1Jale of th. . same. lIated October 3Ulh. 1'103 , [ < jIBI , ) 21.2.1 J. A. AICMOUR , COUllt ) . Juollrl' , - . Ulllle,1 States Ialld Ollie. . , l TllIcullI. Ne1Jraska. October HI , 11105. f Nllllcc III hl'rehy IlI1"ell Ihal tlh' followilllC namel " "ttltlr ha. . I1led notice of hi" hll"lIoli tOlllak'J lillallroof III HII'purt nf his claim , alill Ihat "ahlproof will II" male I'fure J. A. Armour. COllnl ) ' hnllre , at Brokell Buw. ' .11 : Nu. vcmbcr 25.11)(15 , vlz : HER NARU C. HOUSER , HumcRtead No , 17 , for the ! lW { lid. nwo ( se 4 Sectlou I. TowlIshh , 15 lIortlt Ralll/l : 2U WI',16th P. : 'II. Ue lIameH the followlllil wit. " " ' ; " 'H to prove hi. . cOlltllluOU r , , ldence UPOII cullh'alloll of said land."Iz : Charle. : . I . Sui. der of Brukell Bl'cllra ka : Ho1Jcrt 1.h lcb 01 nrokell Uow , Nellraska ; Grallt H..ndrlck of Broken Bow , Not.raqka : Jo"er.1t jjllrlle\t of BerW'II , Nehra ka. All ) ' p..rsoll who dl'.lrcs to protcsl alCalll t Ihe allowallc. . of f'lIch proof. or who kllow of allY , , "h..tanllal n'a'iOIl , uuder the law a 1111 tlte r"IlII' latloll. . of the 111"1 lor Uepartlllellt. wit ) . 'inch I.runf Hholl"l 1I0t t. . . allowed , will bl' II'lvl'li all Ol'portllllity at the ahoI1Il'lItl lIed tlllll" allli I'lace 10 cro'"alllilip. tile wlllles'e nf sahl clallll.10t , allli to olfer evhlcllce III rl'1Jllttal 01 Ihal hlllllllillell b ) ' claimant , b''S : W. . \ . GKHHN , H"lrlotl'r , tllllled Stah'R Iallli OffiCl' , l IIrnkl'lI lIow , Nehra ka , Octnber24. 1'105. ( Nullcc 1'1 hel" hy ICh' n that the follnwllill . lIallll "elll. . , ha. . 1111' ' ' IIntlcI' uf hll1 Illtelltl , , " to mal(11 filial prronf 111 hllpt > ort of hl clallll , ami thai ria"l prnof wII 1Je lIIa"e l.cfnrc Rj'IlI.I " alill HI'c.ln'r al Urukcl. lIuN.,1Jra'oka. . " 11 [ ) . c"lIIhrr4,1\I05. \ : AT.UF.HT SWICK. Urn. h"IIUn'hr.lska. . for \I. . . , " , d S..clloll 13 , 'rm\'lhlhlt' IS Nurth Hauge 21"c t. lie lIJmCI1 the ( nllowhll' : Wltlh"hl'H tn I'ro\'e hl..colltlllllOUIi ro' jIt'IICO IIP"II ami clllth.atioll of hald 1:1 11,1 , \ iz : Wllllalll C. llralldellhllrlt of : 'Ill'rlla , N , ' , hra..ka : Charl H P. I"'otllr "I Brokell Unw. N , ' , . hrt"ka ; William 1\1. 1Ii III'tl ( If tlroliclI IInw. Nd.ra'I\a \ : IJa\'ill II. . \lolallll ; h o ! Brnlell tlnw. Nel.rlRkt. . ( I.25 Jails R : HI . R'cdvlr. - . . . - - - , . - - - .Ch8St Protlition , . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . - - - " - - - - - - _ - - - - ' - . - _ - . . . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - _ . , , . - - - - . _ . r'n l or 0111' Uhnmnis Vest.s wi 11 p1'ot-ect : you l ON agaillst coughs Hnd coIdH. Pnt it on and ' wcnl' it all wint l' . Yon will bl RH1''iANl [ how Ie 0 81IIg you wi 11 f I , no mnH ( 1' how cold till' ! r wput-hPI' . \ \ ' B hl\\'P a complp ll Hun. a Id - - . . . - - - . - , - - . . . . . . . 11- - 11h : h s. . : IBEI : .1\1 I1n Druggist , . Bro.lcoll Bny , Neh. - - , , - . - . . - . . . . t , , ' . ' . - I ' . ' . ' , . . \ ' : " . 1 t , . . . . ' . " . ; I . . . , . tJ , . ; ; : " - " " " , 'c.----J < . . . . , . . . _ . ' : : " " , : . . . : ' . : : " : ( " ' 'I. Intense Heat . Wi , from Cheap Fuel - - - - - - - - , ! 'he Great Great1. C01'j Gas 'Burner ( . ) 1'01' Slack. Soft ConI , Hurd ConI. Lhnltc , or Wood . Saves Half tIle Fl1el .by Giving Double . the Heat y Burns up the smolte and . ( lases and is the only stove that does it perfectly. fOR SALE BY - J. G. V AN GOTT North Side B."olrell Bow Neb. Square , - . , . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ - _ = ! ! ' : : - _ - : .R ' p- - - - - - _ _ . - - - - - - II . - - - , GE' ! READY FOR 'l'Ug Br-4I ZA HD NOW BY Ol Dl I ING YOUI STOJ M SASH 01i' . H. T. BRUCE It ; , COs 'I'HE SOU1'II SIDE J4UI\-I I3ER YARD. LE'l' US FIGURE ON YOUR BILL OF MA'rE- RIAI40 WE ALWAYS TRY TO PLEASE. . - - . . -utn'.MiiI. . . . . . _ ! l.t - - - - -cQ - , - : EJ = @J t--.JE iEJ i : , ' " t - : ! ; \ 1 , . . . " : i . rrI ffiffiffiffi ; Ii\ \ m 2)1" ) 7t r 'him rmT'ri'imffii'm ' mm i'rfi'i ' tllf'3 " ' . . . Befol' ( You Build , Consult . l1 I - cOr e C > . : J : = > > a pin. : e a 'u. , mJ Contractor and BuilJer. Esti11lat s rn 1 ll'urnished free with plallsalld specifications. Urn I II' "UII 1 II , , ' ' P I - . _ _ = r = r = l ? : ! :1-'i ) Cf t \ : ' = ' _ ! : : " _ : : tor = r : : : ' : ' : : " : ! : : ' ! : lJJ : r- I . . . - : : - . . . - . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - A" ' : , , \ . ; ' . 1 " . n. . . . . . . ; . , . " ' : . , . . . . " . . ' . ' . . . . . . : , . = ; . , : . " . " . . . " . " . "Ir't . . . . : . . ; , ' . . , . : . , .rf.r. . . : 'I" . . ' " . f. . " . . . . . . . . . ) : . { . -.tri..o. : 1 : . " = : ' . . ' ii' I" , . ! . . ' . : . . . . ; " . = . t : ' . . r. : : ' . . . . . . . : . . ; , . = . , _ & : . : . . . . . I . , . . . . . ; . . ; . . : . . . . , ; . : . : . . 1' ' 1f : ' . . 't . . . . : ! .r. . . I'-.1JI. - : " . ! . ' . " . . . . . "IF : . = . : : . ! , . . . . . f" " ' . , . . . , . : . = ,0. : : , ' l t'tJ 't..t1I ' ' : h : When desiring to figure on a bill :1. ; t : r of Lumber call on the. . . . . . . . . . < I : : . .i . " l . : ; 1 C L 1 urner Lllmhor Co f } . . FJ U I 1 1 We carry a full stock of [ , umber , Sash , Doors , Moulding's , etc. 'g ! . 1 Agentg for the Nebraska Central J Building" & Loan Association. - . . ' . . . . . . . . . , , ' " " , . . . - - rl..out..w. . . _ 11. . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . .1 . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - ! . . " . . " . . . : . : , . . . , . . . . . ' . " , . . ' ' , ' . ' ' ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . : ' ' ' ' ' . . ' ' ' 'I . -l'B..ll. ' 'J ; ! ; " ' ; . ; . :1 " : 'in1 : ' : ! ; iJ.v.i " " " : : ' $ " " ; ' ' ' ; , - " : . ; : : : , , : : ; " : ' ; : . ; . . . . ' ' : " i ' : I : . : U. . . .rf.'I . . . . . : . : : : , c-a. Jt"e-.r. . : . : : : ; : zl. : . _ _ _ " , . . . . - - ! J r-- I _ _ . - : . - " " ' " - . " " . . . . : r'I " t F v ! O -'I The IJD\Vest Rates of the Year. Ronlld 'l'l'ipIomeseekcI'R } TickI's { at. I 'l'hl'ee-Ji'olll'ths of t1P. ! One \Vay Hutes. : ( MINIMUM Sto.OO ) ' 1'0 Points in OILAIIOi\IA , INDll\N rr } RJI OHY ARIANSAS , lISSOUIlI , r.EX AS , . Auel Ot he l' Slon tps / j October 3rd and 17th. November 7th and 21st. December 6th and 19th. . . - . J. c. LOVRIEN , A. HILTON , ABS.t Gen'l Pns9onR6r Agent , C.n'l Pn\9611IHH' AR'p.nt. 10 : " : C"'Art " " " ' . Un. Ht I.oe 11. , IU - - - - ' - " - . ' - ' ' - . - a'P.111111'1 : - _ . - - _ _ _ . _ _ -r _ _ ' " ' , _ _ ' _ ' . . " - - - Are You Interste In The Souih ? 1. I 110'OIJ C"'I E TO 1tNOW U Tim MAIt111.0(19 U1\\'HI.OI'l l\fl\N'l' NOW uOIN UN IN TUI'\ Gr-rea"t : Centra..1 SO"1.I.th"Z' 01 < INNtlMltltA DIU UJ'1'OIlTUN ITI1 S FOil \'O\JNG 1\IHN 011 01.11 0110'ro ; : ; GllORICU ) Do yott wunt to know ahuut rich . furUllng lUlU1s , f rtile. wcHluc.tc.1 on It 1'nlnk 1.1n HI\i1road , which will prollnct..o. . tltrce 1\1111 fou.r crop" frotll the : H1l11 fidll cllch ) ear.ttlll which cun lie purchas , : at vCQ' .10W.llftccS I.mll un casy tenns ? About stock ruislng where the extreme of wltttcr feeding IS but SlJo : (6) ( ) short wecks ? Of plnce where truck growing an fruit raising yiell ! cnormous returns cach } 'ear ) Of . . . . . tI luu.1 . where ) "ou cun live out of doors c\'cry day III the > 'ear ) Of opportunities for ' establishing ' \ U1allllfncturing industries ; of nch mineral locations and 1' . . plelldld bus ncss openillgs ? If ) ' . 011 wunt to know the Iletalls of any or all of these writ me. 1 will gladly ulh'ist uud lrntlIl1ll } ' . : .O\\ fully G. A. . -1' : , ( ; & : ucr 1 ' 1II1uhrnUnn "nC1ln."trll1t Kcllt. Louisville & Nashville Railroad CO. I ( ) II I " , . . I. . . 11' - 10 ; N T II C Il " . . ' _ _ . . _ _ . _ _ _ _ . . . . . _ : _ _ ----r II GIVE U y U PRINTING' . ) , -