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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1905)
. . ' ! ' . 'tt , _ _ _ _ , 9nl" ' 'I " " " , OJSTR ( ( OU"TI RfPUBLlCA" " .y D. M. AM8DIf\nY. aROICEN now , . . NEDflA8JU. . . . -J Brief Telegrams . The mnyor of Chlcngo hns rnlsml the "boxIng 1111. " The illInois Ilelogntlon Is boolled to oppose tnnfT leglslntlon , Wllllnm Lnlnt ot Phllnllelphln , I'lL. dlell at Ilomo at the ngo ot t 5 yonr . It Is salll the Cnnnlllnn 8hl0 ot NI. agnrn Foils hns recetlell 300 teot duro Ing the In8t SO yenrs. With Mn..conlc rites lho funeral of form or Congrossmnn .Jerry Simpson occurred nt Wnchlta , I\n9 , 'l'ho Pennsylvnnla's now car order brIngs rond's cXIIClIl1luro for equlpmcnt for the yenr up to $2t , OOO , . 000. 000.A girl cnshlcr In Now Yorlt con. tessed thnt Rho hns slolen $2,000 trom her employers to 8uPllly money to her lover. All RussIa Is prnctlcally strllto. l > ounll. St. Pelershurg Is nil hut Iso. Inted nnd wlllo distress Is I'ellorted In ether cIties. Secretary Tnft declcled In tavor of t110 contention of represontnth'es of Texas regardIng the Improvements ot the Drazos river. An Imporlnl ulmso authorIzes provisionally - ' visionally the use of the 'Polish and Llthunnlnn Inngunges In the prlvnto Ichools at Polnl1l , The Gormnn government will not I propose to the rolehstag an Increase In the navy heyond the nddltlons pre- vIously' cstlmated. u The bIshop of London , Dr. Ingram , hns taken up PresIdent Roosevelt's cue and hM denounced race sulcldo f all 0. sin duo to the love ot oase. The dome on the great cathellral In I Monterey , Moxlco , toll , crushIng the I church Into a heap , The elllfice waD one at the lanllmarlls of Moxlco , I Plates of unworllell silver worth I $ SOOO were slole anll carrlell from IL I wagon belongIng to William R. Etrer I n silver manufacturer at New York. I August Homery , for Franco , won I . the anderhllt cup In the 2S3.mlle au. tomobllo race over the Island course , which was covered In 276 min. I utes. I The state bank at Rocllhnm , S. D. , was rohhell. The safe was shattered : by nltro.glycerlno nnd $3,000 In cur. ! rency , besldos valuable socurltlos , s cured. The secrotnry of the Intorlor hns or. derod the wlUlIlrawnl from entry at J 800,000 acres at land In the Cheyenne , \ Wyo" land dlslrlct wllh a vI ow to creating a torest reservo. Zebulon B. Broclnvny , the emlnont prIson admlnlslralor nnd reformer , Is now 70 years old , I111t he hns just been nomInated by both democrats nnd r9' publicans tor mnyor of Elmira , N , y , Major General Leonnrd Wood han arrIved at Mnnlla and will nssumo commnnd or the mllltnry Ilopnrtmont 01 the PhilippInes during the absence ot Major Geneml Corhln. Attorney Genernl Hndley of Mlssou. 1'1 has Instituted ouster proceedIngs agaInst the Knnsas Clly board at trade and Its wolghmaster and Inspectors tor retuslng to allow slate Inspection ! ot graIn. Mr. McCormlclt , the AmerIcan am. Ibassador to I.'rance , and Mrs. McCor. mlclt arrived at 1\lIlan from the bnths ot Salsomaggloro , They will romnln ! In Milan 0. few dnys before roturnlng to Paris. Now York InveBtI ntors decided to Include the state department of Insurance - ance In their InquIry , because ot a suspIcIon that oxnmlners are named by politicIans In the Interest at the big companies. Roclt Island passen er trnln No. 11 , west bound , and Roclt Islnnd pnssonger trnln No. 12 , easlbound , met In a head.on collisIon , one-half mlle west ot Falrfleld , IlL , Four were Itllled and a . number wounded. Secretary Russwurm of the Ten. 081100 Breeders' nssoclatlon announced that the association hns doohletI to test In the courts the cunstltutlonallty of the antl.race track bottlng law , passed by the last leglslaturo. Urgent reccommendatlon Is con , . Wned In the annual report of the po.y. mnster general of the nan' tor the warranting ot paymnsters' clorlls In , the navy , and for the creation ot a r& tired list for thIs branch of the ser- vlco. vlco.Former Former Governor J so Mlguol Gomez of Santn. Clare provlnco , Cuba , who recently - cently roslgned the Cuban lIbera1 party candidacy for presIdent or Cuha denlod at Now Yorlt the report clrcu , latlng III Havana tlmt ho had como to New Yorlt to huy arms for a revolu' ' tlonary movement , John WeIr , presIdent ot the Wesloy. an unIversIty at Bucllhannon , W. Va. , was burned In efl } ! ; ) ' on the campus b , the students as the result or 111 feel Ing follownlg the prooldont'a declslo ! : practically abolishIng football fron the colloge. Henry S , storrs , general superln tendent of the Lallo Shore & Mlchlgal Southern railway ; dIed at Cleveland O. The Duchess of Mnrlhorough , tor morly MIss Consuela Vanderbilt , salle < trom New Yorl. for En lanl on th4 steamer Kron Prinz Wllholm , The National Grand 100Igo at Goo Tomplars has clectel ! George Coltrol of Wasblngton nntlonal guard , chic : temlJlar. , An order has been I08ued by the wal delJ rtment creating a department 0 : , military hygiene In the ml1Jt.arr acad tJ1y Ilt West PolnL . . . . - - HEAL THV CHILDREN. Wlthoul gooll hl'nlth lito 19 not worlh IIvlnl ; , Slcilly. poevlsh chll. dr"n nro a source of ondlelJs trouble and nnxlol ) to tholr pnrents , ) 'ot the chlhlroll's cOlldltlon Is frequently duo to their l1 rrllls' hnornnco or thought. I lell811ess , or buth. I 'l'o IIInlo chlhlron henlthy nnd to keep the III III thaI rondltlon It Is nec' essary to fcuII thum l'roller ' fool1 nml to IIOU thnt the ) ' Hol plonlY ot exer. clso ntlll frush nlr. Ml'nt Is "ery bnl1 I for chlhlrun , It should ho avoided nnel fooll rich In IlholJ\lhnleA \ , such as I 1'IIIsbur"s Vltos , should bo gIven In , Its IJlnco. ' I ThIs footI IA truly the "ment of the , , 'henl , " It Is mnelo b ) the world's groalelll millers nnel It Is free from nrtlnclal coloring or ndulteratlon. It Is not espoclal\ \ chlld's food. Your I whole fnmlly will cnjo ) ' this common sense cerenl. It maltes a wholesome , substnntlal brenkfnst or an appell : . Ing dessert anll cnn be prepnred In ono hundred dlfforent wa's. Every good groe er will 8uppl ) " rou wIth 'Plllsbur"s VHos. Luge pack. age-enough to mal\O lwelvo pounds of strenglh.bulhllng fool1 , 15c. Rock ) Mounlaln 'I'orrllorr , 20c. Ask your grocer about It to.da ) ' . Failure Before Success. The child creeps lJeforo It walks ; the llI1ho lisps nnd stuUers before It tallis. It Is as Imposslblo for a man , to scale the heights of success al a slnglo bound as Il Is for the young blrl1 to leap Into midaIr at the first nttempt without passIng successfull ) ' through seyeral necessar ) ' stlges of fll\luro.-Excbange. \ The Modern GladIator. People slrugglo with their wits now , not with cold sleel. The gladIator of today Is really an Intellectual" and his arena Is the Forum and the Slock Excbnngo , the lIall of Sclenco and toe raee course-In short , where brain Is pitted against braIn , mother wit against mother wlt.-Tho Academy. Every houseleeper should know that If they will buy Deflanco Cold Water Starch for Inundry use they will save nol only tlmo , because It never sticks to the Iron , but bel'tuso each paclmgo contains 16 oZ.-ono full pound-whllo all ether Cold Water Starches are put up In .pound pacll' ages , and the prIce Is the snme , 10 conts. Then agaIn becnuso Deflanco Starch Is tree from all InjurIous chern. Icals. If ) 'our grocer tries to Dell you a 12-oz. pacmge ! It Is because ho has a sloclt on hand whlr.h ho wishes to dlsposo of before ho puts In Defianco. Ho Imows that Deflanco Starch has printed on every paclm o In Inrge let. tors and figures " ] ( ; ozs , ' . Demand Do. fiance and save much tlmo and money and the annoyance of the Iron stlclt. Ing. Defiance never stlclls. Peculiar Chinese MedIcines. A Chlneso mocllclne boolt , dntIng baclt to the Wing dynasty ( Hi6S-16H ) contains no lees tlmn 2S,730 receipts. Matorlals of the Matorla Medica SI , nel1sls conslBts of vegetables , mIner. als and articles belouglng to tbo ani. mal Itlngdom , such , for Instance , ao dragons' teeth , centipedes , scorpions , Spanish flies , roaches , beetles , tad. poles , otc. J WhIstling DIsliked by Sailors. Whistling 10 tbought very unluellY by sailors , as It Is supposed to raise nn unfavorahlo wind. 'l'hhl : superstl. tlon Is , perhaps , to bo trnced to the practice of whistling for wInds , com. man to many nations In dnys gene by. A whIstling woman Is a sure sIgn tea a sailor of comIng dIsaster , wrecll go and so on. Samples of Enthusiasm. Michael Angelo wns so filled wltb enthusIasm 1:1 hIs art , so afraltl that money might taint hIs brush , that ho refused to aCCelJt any pny whatever for hIs mnRtorpleces In lho Yatlcan and St. Peter's. NUllolcon's enthu. Blasm banished the word "Imposslblo" from his dll'tlonnry. Alasl Vanishing Man. 1\tRn , 11110 the OOJU111 , III IIOrtly , If not sllontl ) ' , fndlng awn ) ' . Ono hesltalos to say thnt ho mn ) ' ono tluy be os ex. tinct as the dodo , but at 1\11 ovenls wo are told that he w11l ho lItornlly 110. where as coml1nrel1 with lho womnn of the futuro.-London Lady'6 Plclo. rIal. I FUNNY , People Will DrInk Coffee When It "Docs Such Things. " : "I began to use Postum because the , old IlInd of coffce hud so polsonod my I whole sYllte111 thnt I was on the point , of breallluc down , and tllo doctor . warned mo that I must Quit It. I My chlet aliment was nervousness . nnd heart trouble , A\ny unexpected nolso would csuso me lhe most 1H\lnful IJ lpltatlon , multo mo taInt nnd weuk. "I had henrd of Postum and belan to drlnlt It when I left ofC the old cot. feo. It be an 10 help mo just as soon B the 0111 oITects of the other 1111111 oC cofTco pus sot ! nwn ) ' , It did not stllU' . ulnto mo for a whllo , and then len'o I mo wenl , nnl1 nl'r\'ous us coffee used to do , Insleal1 of thut It built up n1'/ alrt'.n ; lh nl1l1 SUII\ll1ed \ a constnnt'Igtl ! to lilY s'stcm which I cnn ulwn's I'to I ) ' 011. It onnhlos 1110 10 do the hiS Gost 1\11111 of a tin"s worlc without gotllng tlrol ) . All lho heart trl\ublo , otc. , hils Ilnslled nWIl ) ' . "I gl\'o It frcoly to all my chlhlren , trom the ) 'oungeH to lho ohloRl. ntHl , It leelJlI them nil henlth ) ' nnt ! Iwarty Name gl\'on by P08tUl1' Co. , Battlt Crcok , MIch. Thero's II. renson. Hontl the IIttio booll. "The nond h Wollvll1o. " lu plg8 , , - UFFERI UNTOLD. I ' < : ansal City Woman's T rrlb' ' c'o perlenco wIth Kldne ) ' SI'H ) r. . Mrs. Mnry ( 'ogln.t1 \ st. IIIntt C1. ' . . . . . lantl a'o. . I nrs\s : l'1r. M"8 : - - - - . ' ' ' ' ' 'f ) . t t "A ! ' ; 1'12'1.tWU , ' " ( OA ) . " la ) \ t ! A1'\d ' ' Tht \ M'I'M. ! ) "M"f' ) ' . .tot. . . . . 1 h'\ll " 't too frMlU'rIt. Ttft'll1 d t'O ! ' pu rf1\ \I\ rotoR 'Ii ' ( ' 11 u"m l ( ' y W ftJM ta b . 1)Co tOCf ! , : 't0 f'I" , ( \ I up , b"l 1 bt'o an1fln ! Doft.n's Kidner pmS , nnd the t'NUM1 ' : cured me so that t hAvc b < , ( 'n wt'll i CTcr rlnce , Ilnd baTe had : L tine b b..T , the first In fi'\"e that wu not prena' turel , . born : ' Sold by all d'll ( > rs. ( \ Nnt' " 1bOL i ; Fosler.Milburn Co. . Bur.\10 , N. Y. , . Producing t.he YWl'n , . A characterl\Uc ntlltude of the faUgue of the wm. ns mantrcsretl It' attontlon. Is 'awnlnb' ThIs arIses from a deep , slow and In'\"olunts1" ' In' splrnUon by which the lunSre ! filled with air. which Is then ! \lowh' expired. the mouth being held orJn ! and the clotU. . ! ; lIght1r : shut so as to produce that strange characteristic noIse which Is the dread of orators. Most Unfortuntte ; of HabIts. ' 'he constant no.1gln1 ; , querulous. nOO9 , complaIning , dlssatlsfacUon and the In'eternte habit of seeing nnd speakIng about the dlsn reeable sIde of thIngs are traits whIch wl11 emblt. ter the finest natures , and In the end ruIn the spIrit and character of those who are subject to unreasonable and i contemptible caviling and complaint. ! Novel Train Pilot. A train from Fenny Compton , War. wlckshlre , England , to Klneton arrIved - rIved at Its destination twenty min. utes late one da ) ' " 'recently , In conse. quonce of a horse trotting In front of the traIn the whole way. Affects Age of Horses. . CIvilization Is saId to 11avo reduced the lire of the horse , and at twenty. six the domestle animal Is as old as though he had IIvecI thrrty ) 'ears In a tree stato. A Teacl1er' & TesHmony. HlntC/l1 , Ky. , Oet. : lOth.-Speclal. ( ) -It has long been claimed that Dla. betes Is Incurable , but Mr. E. J. Thompson , tencher In the Hinton 8chool , t" . ; pleasing ovldenco to the i contrary. Mr. ThompBon had Diabe- tes. Ho toolt Dodd's Kldnoy P1I\s \ and Is cured. In a statement ho mnlles rogardlng lho cure Mr. Thompson gays : "I was trouhled with my kldne's for more thnn two years and was' treated bY' two of the beBt doctors In thIs part of the stato. They claImed I had Dlabeles nncI there was IIttlo to bo done fOl' mo. Then I started to use Dodd's Kldnoy P1I1s and what they did for mo was woncIel'ful. It Is en. tlrely owIng to Dodd's Kldnoy Pills that I Gm now enjo'lng good health , " Many doctors stili maintain that DI. abetes Is Incumhle. Dut Dlabeles Is a kidney dlsl'nse nnd the Iddney dlseaso that Dodd's KIdney Pl11s w1l\ \ not cure has ret to bo dIscovered. Real Contentment. Mono ) ' doosn't bring happiness , but It mnllCs a f llow teel mighty content. od when ho Is orderIng a Ilrst.elass dlnnor.-AUnnlo. Constitution. To the housewIfe who hils not yet become uCllulllntetl with the new thlng9 at e\'er'dI1Y use In the marltet , nnd who Is reasonnhl ) ' fiatlsfletl with the old , we woulll suggest that n tl'lal at DefInnee Cold wilter Stllrch be madd a t once. Nut ulone hecaul'p. It Is guar. anteed b ) ' the manufl1ct\11'II'S to be tlU' perlor to I1ny oth'I' hl'unll. hut beCa\l5' ! each 10c lJaclmgo contl\In5 16 01.8" while 111\ \ the othm' Itl11118 contain but 12 U1:5. : It Is tmfe to sa ) ' tl111 t the lody whu once \ltles Del1l\nce Bal'ch will IS\ ! no OtlHH' . QlliiII t ) ' anti quantlt ) . musl win. Beer and Heart Disease. S01l10 Germau writers think 'lhere Is a connection hnlween lho fuct that the consun1ltlon of beer In Gm'many has treble1 ! In twenty yem's nnd the tact that there nro now almost four tlmos aB many h nrt dlsoaso , "rojectB" at the 1'0cruiUnl ; offices of the army o.nd nav ) ' aB In 1801. Ask Your Dealer for Allen' , Foot.Ease A powder. It I'csh tbo fcet."Cu1'os Swollen , Sorci Hot , Callous , Aching Sweatlnj. : } "fl' : aUlI nlrowlllg Na1l9. At 1I ! I DruS' , 11'1" \i ! : cent9. AcCtJllt 110 subsUtuto. Sal11jlle mil led FIU g. iul ross , Allcu S. OlUIstcd , Loltoy. N. Y. Struggles of Life. In the realm ot conscience and chnr. actor man must work out hIs own snl. vatlon through censeless struggling. toiling long , hnrtl , nml lmtlontly. Anti jUDt In IJroportion ns ho goes lownrd excellence tloeH the wOl'lt hocomo dlffi. cult.-Nowell DwIght I1II11B , Cactu3 BlosGoms. The cnctus Is comlnl ; Into fnshlon In ngltulll nntl Germnn ) ' . A Germnn writer mnlntnlns thnt cactuB blossoms excel nil olher ! ! In varlet ) . nnd In boau. ty of form and color. Buslneis In Lha'lsa. I.hnsan , the Forhltlt1on Clty'of 'T'hlh , et , hns len lhous\IHI : pcoplo , two.thlnl ! ' of whom nro womOll , who COItlUct ! nl' the buslnesB of lho clly. Ship's Time it College. . A clol'11 In the tnwer of .tho nfnn vnl c"llcle nl DIll'tlllolllh , 1'1r"tlnIl'I will 1lI11rJI tlw tlUIU fiS It Is lWtll 01' ' -.lard 8blu. sh'llllo& : . 8. II.t hells , cte , , . - . t , , rT _ = fl V IN NEBR SK\.J : o\'lm TtU STATE. - \A1'\t O , , 1\ York , -"ntr , , (1)- ( n , 4ltttd hltt " ' . At t . \ . Y. Hro1IUA' tAh\C'd ' 'M'e t\n 'h ' Jtu" nlH' ' fl\'o ' 1"MlhI " f''I''Mtan ' whUo dot,1' the tfl.'lJ' ' ' ' 'flM , , , The " 'A",1'S' lC'ntor coml\Ur : of PIckron , olosl"4 tit. . 4(0\111 for UH'I II" . . . . ( \jA ( \ of nIt' " , \II E'l.\IItor at Ulnt. 1'1ncO , tllo { 'on N'fItinn b 'n ' 1 , OO1. ' . ThNld\ro Hl'Iltn ' of ll"r "t' . Hnn , . nr. tlTl".i In Oml'lbA. ' mt't ( II ) ' " , nd'rn \'y chnncO , pr po1l ! , " ' \ 111II ( , ( , l"l'l\\I , blt'w In hl bnnk ron Ul'nn 11\r and wns t1O- ort ( l at tno nttlr- In thrN tll\Ys , Al1Jort Radler , of \\\st Point. , who was toO ( 'rJ\\lslr InJurC'ii In a rnllrolIl : " -cC'ldont two wis . I : I.I g\lllng nlonl ; Tory nlc'l ' IIull tro1' hopes nrt : ' ( 'ntertnlnC'li for hi : ; ultlmflte rcco\"el1' . The ( ) rthwost"rn ral1rond compnny nnnounC' that n nt'hC'ldquarlt'rs building will bt"l1lnt In orfolk nt once to ncrommoontt' thC' oTerfiow of o \\nls \ who 11\\'c : bN'n locnt there. ThIs has been n"l'ry lms ' year wlt.h Unstlng brlckmnklnl : I'll\nts. There are fin ! of them thcrnnd In sIze and equlpmC'nt they arc nmon thc bt'st In the rtnto. The totnl output 'of the fi"c plnnts for the ! ! ason of 1105 ! Is nearly 20,000.000 brIck. McCook 10dg ( ' , K. of P. . " , ' 111 enter- tnln the district con'\"enUon ( ) f the or. der No'\"ember S. There wl1l l1c nIl nf. ternoon nnd nn < , "enlns : meeting. An lhe degrt'es of the order will exem. pllfled. After thE. ' e\"enlng sessIon there will be a banquet. The Sutton tJOst of the Grand Army of the Republic , asslstt'd by the ' \Yo- mo.n's Relief corps , tenrlered Comrade It. . A. Paul ' and Irs. Paul ) ' a farewell receptl n In the Grand Arm ) " hall on the e'e of their denrature for their new home on the Pacific coast. The Uurllngton Is rebuilding the semaphore plant In the Grand Island ' : \rds , will rehulld the semaphore plant at Gllmoro Juncllon , near Omaha , and will change the plant at Oreap. oils. At Grand Island an electric sem. aphore plant Is being Instllled. A meeting of the farmers about Neb. raska Glt ) ' , has been called to meet In that city for the 11llrpose of formIng a prolectlve nssoclat on : There has been conslderablo petty stealing going on of late and lho farmers mean to pre. vent It In the future , If possible. Cortos B. Hanih' , an old resIdent of Nebraslm , died at HoocI RI\"er , Ore. , October 21 , where he had gone In the hope of benefitting his health , which hnd been failing for lhe last few Years. 1\Ir. Hnnd ) ' located In Grand Island In 1875 .nntl hns hoen a continuouB rool. dent of the slate since that time. His wlfo and eight children survIve him. A party who has had extensIve ex. porlenco III the Knnsas 011 fieldB IB In Falls City , doslrlng to test territory thereabouts for bolh 011 and gas at hIs own expense , upon the condition .hat he ( 'an obtain a lease on at least 10,000 nl'l'OS of bollom land at the usunl 10 per cent royally. , Tames Whitehead , regIster of the Innd olUce at' Bl'Olen Bow , Is 111 Port. land , where he WIsuhl ! ' > oenaed as witness by the ! ! , cnel'al Innd office to Franlt L'\mbert formerly npponr agaInst \ , - merly of 1\lul1on. \ Lambert was re. conti ) ' arresled In Ol'olon on the cl1argo of obtalnln lanll by fraud unl1er lhe Klncall1 act. 'rho MethodIst mlnlslerA of Hum- boldt have recentl ' made an aree- ment to assist each other In conduct. Ing revival worl , durlnl ; the coming wInter In preference to the old custom of Importing profosslona\ evangelists from ether ] JoInts , They expect to Be- cure better nnd more lasting results from this character of worlt. Rev. Jolm Doano of Fremont city has recolved a call to the pastornto of tho' FIrst Congro nllonal church of Greeloy , Colo" nud will probnbly ac- copt. Ho ret'onUy tendered his I'eslg. nallon ns IJnslor of the C ngregatlonal church of Fremont , which was aceellt. ed. Ho has been prominent In his donomlnatlon In this state for the paBt Hftren ) 'ears. . 'l'he Nobraslm UnlverBlty Glee club , whIch Is to tOllr the Pacific coaBt next sprIng , Is now made up tor the win tor season , After trying out over 200 onger appllcnn ts , Director Gl11esplo , Mr. Kllpatrlclt nnd Manager Dlrlts have finally selected these to com. 110S0 the worldng sl1und. The ' wl11 train steadily nnl after the homo can. cert In } 'obruary the number , wl11 be reduced to halt , and the weB tern trip , talton. Burlington fast freIght No. 76 had her second wreck , In whIch ono man wns Idlled nnd 111uch dnmngo done , nt Otis , Colo. , a light englno ran Into the read of the train smashing the wn ) ' car and InjurIng two stoclmen ono of them holn ! ; burned sovoreh' about the lehs b ) " lho stove , Sundny nllht at gclley another frolghL ran Into her roar , kill , Ing ono sloeltmnn , T. 1' , Mallory nnd Rll1Ing a Inrgo 1Iumber at sheelJ , and cnuslng greo.t dnnmge. The tobncco trust hCls obtJ\lned a mnlllng list of Yorl. and Yorlt eounty , and hns shIpped In withIn the last ten daya huntkeds of 110unds of clgaretti ; paper. The trust ovldenl\r \ Imows It Is vIolating the Nebraslm Inw , as om of the Instrnctlons Is "Don't gIve thlE pnper awny , " Bnck pny amountln to over $8,000 Is duo to 1,800 memllerl o' the FII'st nud Socontl roglment , of the Nohras , 1m Nntlonnl Guard for the foUl' dn 's' ' tlmo nt CnmlJ Llnl'oln juat betoro the were mustered Into the tederal sen' , Ice. ThIs amount wns recentl ) " awn rd. . I'd thom by the go\'ol'l1ment. - - FIGURES ON TH CORN CROP. : I . Interest Mnnlret'ted ns to What Is Go , Ing to De Shown. The Stutt ) Hurt'llu of Stntlatl's sayn al\ Omaha 110t ) corrt's\lol1tlonl \ , Is osU. matlll the ) 'I hl of lho vllrlous crops It\ the stnto thlA 'l'nr , nlltl In vlow of the l'stlmnh's 111111 11 lIr ( ' . sh'en out by olhl'r 1tl'rt'sts th'ro Is some Interest hpln mnnlfl'stl'1 ! ns to whAt lho fig' 111'\8 of the hUt'\\1 : \ will show relnth'o to the various rrulls , ulld especlnlly ItS to the 'It'ltl of corn , l rom Bur. IIn ton sources th 1'01'11 ) 'Il'hl hns been MlImntetl at SOO 000,000 hllshcls and the cstlmntd made br Genernl Man. n er nldWt'lI of the Northwestern Is 2i5OOO.000 hushels , 'l'he figures Is. sucl ! br tht : ' Union Pnclfic npproxlmate : : ! 45.000OOO bushel ! ' ! . SIX'cllll attention hus heen Ilven lho mntter of t'rtP enul11 ratlon lhls yenr b ' the stntoJUre:1u. : . The matter ot nCl'\'n onum ratlun constllules the bnsls upon wh\t'h \ nil crop cnlcnlatlon must be fornwtl.IId from the first of tllO 'N\r until lhe n ! ! 't'ssors coml1lete(1 ( their enumerations the hureau used { \"cr ' mcans to Imnr'ss U1'\on the as. sC\Ssors the necesslt . of thoroughness In the colll'Ct.\on \ of ncrt'agt' slatlstlcs. The result , , -as , 'err s\t1sfat'tory to the officials Itnd ther co1lst'lluentlr be- l1e'\"o thaL the fiures ! on ncrca e lhls year are as accuratl : ' and complete as It Is possible to sccure. CommIssIoner BllSh nntl Chief Clerlt DespaIn haTe or nlzcd n system of crop correspondents o"er lhe stnte , consIsting of ten crop correspondents In each connty. The e I\re 10cate < 1 In as many different 10c.\lIl1es In the county as possible. and are Instructed to esUmate the crops only withIn n rndltlS of el ht miles of theIr resl. dence. The a'\"ers e of these ten es. tlmates constitutes the bureau's esU. mate tor the county , 'fhls corps of correspondents Is composed entirely or representative producers. If the figures of the bureau on acreage at corn In Nebraska are anywhere - where within tbo realm of accurac the stnte would ba'-e to have an aver. 'Ield of ' bushels nge ) forty-fh'e or fifty per ncre In order to conform the esti. mated } 'Ields quote.J : above. Accord. Ing to lbe go'ernment reports of 1904 there were anI ) ' six slales In tbe union whIch had an average ) 'lell1 of lhlrty. fi\'o bushels per acre or more. Of these three were as high as thlrty.elght or more , the highest bolng Maine with 39.7. BALLOTS FOR COMING ELECTION. Information That Will Be Helpful to the Voter. LINCOU'l-Secl'etal' ) ' of Stale Gal. usha will have some sample election ballols prlntod and mailed out to the various county cIeris at once , This yenr there will bo fi"e rings nt the top of the ballot , ono each for the repub- Hcan , democratic , populists , soclnllsts and prohibItion pnrtles , This Increase of ono part . Is due to the fact lhat the democrntlc and popullsls fused without calling a iuslon. Thlq last acl of lhese two parties will cause sarno embl'rrl1Qsment to volers In countloB out I. . the state wllero there Is fusion between the two lJartles and frequent Inqulrlos have heen mndc at the state house re nrllln the effect of I11aclng a erOSR In the ring after ono or the other of the two tllslon parties. In n county where lhero Is 1'1'01 ; ' nlzol ( fusIon a stralsh t democratic , 'oto or 'a straIght populist vole will count only for the heal1 of the tlcltct. In other words , a cross on lho ballot after the nnm ! of ( 'lther of the fusion parties will a.fect the tlcllet only In. sofaI' as there Is fllslon. Frost Damages Potatoes. GORDON-Tho potalo ralst'rs In t111 locality ha'o bt'en huslllng the Ilast two weoIls In lho effort 10 hnr- vest the enormous rrop of Rantl hili "spIHls" hefore frl'ezlnr ' wenther sets It. It lias been nlmost Imposslhe ! to procure help In lhe 110talo fields anll farmol'B have he'n compelled to get Indians from lho reson'ation to plcl. up potatoes. Bo It saId to the credit of Poor Lo , he and his squnwo nnd IJ lIPoses have rendered valuable sorvlro In this capacity , The wages pnld these Indians has been $ U O per day. _ Patients Escape from Asylum. NORFOLK-Crnwllng over the tran. I sam jllst heforo hQ'It1me ' , while the eyes of the attendance were turned away. two men patients nt the Nor. foil. Insane hORp11'l1 eRl'nIJed. They walltcd thirty miles In tllfferent dlrec. tlons nnd wl'ro ( 'I1IJlurell after a hard chase anll slrllggle. New Histor ' of ; 1n Old School. , PERU. Neb-Pl'Of , McKenzlo , first prIncIpal ot Peril nOI'mnl , 111111 first state sll'f'rlntl'lIdl'nt In Nehraqlm , Is propnrlng n hlstor ) ' of tht Peru nor. , tlllni. It will he a booll at about 300 pnges , Chamberlain Is Acquitted. AUnUHN-At the 1'0nC'lIslon ) of a I wl'l'l's tl'lul , Dlst rid , Jurlgo Ooorl , IIUS. talllcd n motion to 1I111J111111 ! ' the ( 'hargos nalnJil ! Chl1rJr'oI ! M. Chamhf'rlaln , ne. I'llsorl of wr < > dltll ! ( the Chamberlnln hnnlt of ' 1'H'ulI1l1f'h. 'I'ho specific I'hurjo . . . . .aIe OJllhu' zlomellt. Three Victims of Kerosene. HI.A DI -'I'wo girls 1101111 nnll tholr , molher In II. Ih'll1I ; conlllton ! Is the roe suIt of tr'JnJ ; 10 f'lnrt the Idlrhen , fil'o with \'roseno ! nt tbo homo of Fred Plel at muden. ' ) - . PARALYSIS CURED , . . Cue Seamed Hopolosa but YIeld. " t - . . { Dr. William. ' Pink Pili. . Mr. Kenlloy hM aotuo.lly escaped from the 111\mlytio's tnto to whIch he Beeml'd a. . ahort tlmll I\RO hOJlolessly doomed , Th. . InrJll'llllng report hus heon flllly verified nlltl H01ll0 hUJlorlnnt detnils scoured iu & . llurtlounl iutoniow with the recon' lut. feror. "Tho doclor , " 811.111 . Mr , Keuney , "told' me tlmt if I wantell to live aU1 length of tlmo I woultllmvo to Rive up work a1. tORethor null hu tulll IllY frieud. U1a' , . the pllrnlYtils which hl\ll buj.tuu would iu ' time iu vol vo myV holl:1 : blllly , " , I "JUHt how were YOI1 nl1llCted . , thl" time ? " Mr. KuulIIJY Wl1l1l1lillod. " Well , I luul 'II ' Ht hot , 1111d thou cold anti clnmmy fuulllll14. nud at time. my body felt ns If lIeelilcH were behlf { Ituok lute It. Thallo 116118I\tloIl8 were toll owed by terrlhle pili liS , nud I1gnlu I would bave no rcullut { Ilt 1111 , hilt nl1111bn81111 would come over mo , 1\1\(1 I would uot be able t- move. The mUllt Il/olllziug / tortl1r" . cruu. of from hontlllohes unll 1palu In the splue. II Nhtht Ilftur IIlght I conld IIOt get my nnturnl Hleo\l \ nnll my s 'f tel1l wns wrecked by the strulu of torturillg Plllus nnd the effect of the o\llnlclI \ 1 Wll8 forced to tnke. to 111Iluco , ,11 op. All I look bnck on the terrlb10 lIu'fIJI'lIlt ' { I.oullul'0I1 during thi. porlocl I otten wmuler how I rotniued wy renson it nil. "But rollof CI\1ll0 qulcltlr when t \Vns lulluced to try Dr. Willlnms' Pink PIIl8 tor Plllo People , The very first box leomcd to hol\l1110 \ , nnll Heven boxes made me eutlrel 'wull. There 1'1\11 be 110 doubb- about the thol'oughlloss of lilY cure , tor I have workml stClu1ily over siuce aud tba' . 1a nenrlv fuur 'ellrs. " Mr. ROIIIICY III at pre/mnt employed by the Me1'r lnao Hilt OOl1lpauy I\ud resldo. . at 101 Aubin IItreot. Amesbury , Mass. 'l'be remedy whlel1 he n"Ol ( with lIuch ntistnctor , . results , is sold by nil drug. itillt" , or d'rt'et ' hy the Dr. Willinm. Medicine Oompau ) ' , Suheueotndy , N Y. Many a good name has been gIven the tar and feather degree by Idle gos. sIp. How's This ? We oaer One lIun < 1re < 1 Hollan ne..ard t' " 11Il' u.e at CaLarrb lbat cannot be cured by UaUIl CaLarrb Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , O. We. tbe nndel'll ed ba'o known Y. J. Cbener tor tbe Ian 15 ) 'earo. and l > cllen blm perfectl ) ' bon- orable In aU l > uelne. . Iranoactlonl and IIn&ncl&1l7 . .ble to carry out . an ) ' oblllatl nl made byltJllirm. " . . .LDINO. KINNAN & ) lA-BTIX , Wboleoale IIrujglua. Toledo , O. Rall'l Catarrh Curti II taken InternaUy , acUne 41rcctly up..n Ibo blood and mUCDUI lurtac.1 at tb. . ly"lem , TesUmonlale tenl tree. l'rlu n COALe pV 1 > < ml. . 80ld by . all DruJl'JI'IIu , T : e 11a1I'1 . . .mll ) ' l'ml tor conatlpaUOZI. The man with time to burn never , gave the world any light. ( , - Lewis' "Slnglo Binder" straight 5ocJgnr. - . ma e of extra quality tobacco. You pay , 10e for cI ar5 not so good. Lewis' Factory. . Pcoria,1l1. 1\Iost deaths occur between sunset and sunrise. Vau Mave No Right o Suffer . From ConslJpalJon , Bowel and Slomach Troubrrt. . Q. Wbat Is the beginning of slcImea' A. Constipation. , J- : ! Q. Wbat Is Constipation' fJ A. Failure of the hO\Vl'ls to carry oft tht. : wastA mllLter whIch lIeq In Ihe allml'lIlary canal where It ec's nnd \wlbons \ the enUre eystem. EVl'ntually Ihe rCbU ts are dl'n\b under the' , name of omo othl'r dl l'ase , Nolo the tleaths. i from typllold tever nn < 1 appencllcltl , stomuoh nnd bowel trouble at the l'resent time , . Q. What causes ConstipatIon' A. Neglect to responl1 to the call of natunt. promptly. Lnck of c'Iercl-e. : Joxcesslve bralD' work , Mental cmotlon and Improper dlct. Q , What are the results of neglected CoDlU , patlon A. Constipation cnusl's more euacrlng than. Rny other dltcasc. It causes rheumatism , colr1s , fevers , stomach , bowel , khtney , lung and henn troubles , ele. It Is lhe one disease that starts nil others. Intllgl'ttlon. , dlarrhealoss- ' , ef slcep and slrcnlth are Its sym\lwms-plles , r' , Bppendlcltl'l antlllt\ula , uro cause(1 by Constlp tlon. 11.1 conherllH'nces are knOlvn to all phy. slclans , but rcw ! lulTerors realize their condition untUlt Iq too late. Women become con1lrmelS lnvalhls as a result of Constipation. Q. Do physicians recol/nlze this' A. Yes. The first qu'Uon tour doctor a kll rou Is "ureyou con tlpatcdf" 'IhntlsLh5seoret. Q. be'cured , A. Ye ! ! , wl1h pr < , p < < ) r trf'ntment , The common error Is to reBort to physics , such as pills , salts. mIneraI wlltor. caSlor 011. Injections. ete , . ever , . one of which Is Injurlouq. ' 1'I11'y 'vealton .I\na Increnso the malady. You know this by your own experience. Q , Whllt tben rhould be done to cure tt , A. Geta bottle or Mull'q Grnpo Tonlo at once. Mull' " Grapn ' 1'onlo will po ltlvely cure Constl. pntlon Rnll St"IDRch ' 1'roublo In the shortell' PUC ( ' ot lime , No 01 hl'r rl'Dl'dv has before been- known to cure Con UItlthJD ) pOhltlvcly a.nd per. nmnently. Q , What 19 Mull's Grape Tonic' I A. It Is a Compoun < 1 with 40 per cent of tb jllleo or Concord b rapeli. It exerts II pccullar strengtlenlni , : , hf'RIIIII : Innu'o upon the hltel' ' tnes ! , o tllI\t they ClAn do their \Vorl , unl\lIlod. 'I hll proeet Is iraduill bUL tluro. It Iii not a Ihyslc. ! bUL It cureq Con tll1atlon. Dysentery , Stomuch and lIoroel ' 1'rouble , Huvll1lC 110 rlob , fruity ralJe flavor , It Is plea ant to tnko. As tonlo It hi unequalll'lI , In'urlng tbe system nanst , : ! dl eabc. It bLrengthcnll Bnd bulldl up ' , aste tissue. Q. Where CRn Mull's Grape Tanio be h&d , A. Your drUI/tst IIl'lIs It , The dollar boUle contains nearly threll times tbo c.o-cent size. Oood for AIling ChIldren and Nun1nC Jjothan. A tree bottle 10 II who hl\ve never used It becuube wo Imow It will CUrl' you. 124 FREE BOTTLE. 1140 ! ) I'nd thIs cOllpon with vour nnme Bnd ad. , J. J dre s anll : rour IIru1jst's ! name , for a free" ' buttln of Mull's Grape ' 1'onlo for tomaob . and Uowels , to 1IlUrt.'s OP.AI" TONIO CO. . 148 Third AVt'Dlle , nuck bland , nUno" G ' Full .iddrttl and IVrt } 'lalnlv , ' 1'he $100 bottle contnln ! ! nt" rlr : three tlmcs tbe Wo Ilze. At IIrul { .torcs. I ) The I1l'nnlne bas II date and number Ittnmptlt1 on t' ' . .hI" ' "I' ' ' IOn n'h , , h" . . . . . .t' iI . . " . ' Mnlc your Buggy a Sicigh for $8.00 . I Frelllht Prepaid Quick Shipmen" . . - - , ' ' ' ' ; ' , I " , _ I A. we Ihll' It ReAdy for un Wrlto for CmCULAIt , describing the slmpl ! ' , but rellablu. IlIexpcnsl\u luventlon , 111110 ollr 8lelsh : Cullilog ( aosl'lc ) Tho''ulI ) ' 1'011) JIIIO Clllnlolol 1'lIlIlcs I\llli l'un ' JtIs ; : : for bu\'slIlIIl Rlrls , ( We buy , lell all < 1 mliu Sheth.n < 1 1'011108. ) Our now , Iftl'lle , 'lihutrulrd , lOOl vehIcle ( 'lIhllo , .11 OIvl III : 150 ' ) lo.lern Slytl'o , l'oplllllr l'rlcc.I , Ulth Urude Yehl. . . . I elcl , now rcally. AII1'rcu. I MICHIGAN BUCGY 1 CO" ManulaClUrl"1I \ Ne. 100 Otliu BIda , KA1.AMAZoo , MICHIGAN , \ l ! , . , . ' . , , ' ' ' " , . . . . . .r. : " . , I' _ ' . _ - , . . . . . . . . . " .J. - . " " ' . , -