Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 02, 1905, Image 6

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( uST R ( OUNl1 RfPUBLlCAft :
anOIaDN now. - - NIDDRAfJlCA
- - , - JI.1
} ) on't rh'J Itll hnJlI1 yt : there nro
.1 aWl fifUclI vncallt tahlots In the Hall
of I nm .
'fho fntllOIlf ! tltrwy ] , fattening 011
Iltxurlouf ! ( al'l ! , ( C'IH that ho Is Il0pu'
'tar. 1I0 Is , too.
Which \\'ould ) ' 011 mther ? Surrer
from IIIHol1lllla or Iwow thnt ) 'OU snore
111(0 a tuha hol'll ?
- - I
Moral ot the Taggart cllso-Tho
mall who teachcH hla wlfo to drln ! ,
whlslwy Is a fool.
A IIvostoo ! , COIISIIH Is noW planned.
It Is odds on I hat I horo'l1 ho no ! dc ! ,
on tellhlH ngos this time.
Dr. OsloI' has ovldelltly changel1
his mlnll. No OliO hears of his asdll !
Ilnybody to lIass hll1l the choroform. !
In this hlf ! holtI' of grcatness let Mr.
Christy Mathewson rememher the
( of Pflug. 110 , too , was fnmous
It If ! pertinent suggestion that the
nutomohl1o horn shoud ! ho tuned to a
muslco.l noto. Even the swan song Is
A Chicagoan Is under nrrest In Kan.
! illS City cho.rgcd with "having am'
wlfo too mnny. " 1I0 might ho.vo only
ono at that.
A Russian prlneo was fined for
Rpeedlng hla o.utomohllo In Chicago.
It Is ncodlesR to say that Chicago 18
not In Husala.
A man has written 11. Inrgo heel , en.
tllIell "Whnt to Ho.vo for Dreo.ltfast , "
when It could all bo belled down Into
ono word. food.
Oysters 11.1'0 said to he Inrgo nnd
lJlenUful this ) 'car , and many churches votcd to usu two at cnch socln.
lhe.-lloston Globe.
Somehody has InventOlI 0. now field
gu which fires 300 shots 0. minute.
Hero Is another argument In favor
of unl vorsal peo.ce.
Spain probably docs not see that
UlCro wns anything Inferior about
'vowoy's work at 1\lanlla , oven It he
' . as o.n plderly officer.
A eareltsa newspaper reports that
Ir. Taft "Ia gottlng thin. " What it
meana , of Iourso , Is that the seere.
tary Is gotllng less thlc ! , . '
When an austere man of sclenco declares -
clares tho.t Itlsslng Is an "unpleasant
custom" It Is only right that ho should
tell the world how ho Imows.
It every man could use King AI.
fonso's system aud have the neighbors
plcl , out 11 wlCo for him the dlvorco
problolU might bo slml110r than it is.
The Lo.ncaster bonr lng house man
who a potplo out of buzzard was
fined , alt.hough justlco fairly clamorml
that ho ho conllemned to consume the
Little Freeman l\Iolnert , the Drool-
lyn "scientific bahr , " who has novoI'
tasted meat , candy 01' caIto , has lots
of treats in store for him If ho Uves
to grow UI1.
A Dorlln professor says the blto of
n girl Is frequently fatal. It has been
noted that the hlto of n girl orten
brings 0. box of chocolate creams to
an early end.
It is clnlmed now that the spices In
the fooll which Is catpn by rIch people
cause thom to hecomo immoral. Who.t
about the farmer , whoso apple pic
Is mostly nutmeg ?
A PUtaburg court Is going to deter.
mlno the money cal1acltr of womun's
stocking. . Thnt wHl bo of no advun.
talle , howevcr , for the average man
isu't able to reach It.
SOIUO editors are troublell because
n Now Yorle stoclt oxclmngo scat sold
for ' 85,000 , and only the Portland
Press atops to consider that the buy.
er at Icast got the scat.
The tall styles In womon's llOslery ,
judged by window dlspla's , are rain.
bow.hued nnd baldly 'designed. Until
a muddy da"s disclosures , no man
may liar whether they are populnr ,
The courts doclded that a mar.
Tied man has a right to lCep a rat
trap In his pocltot to catch wltey
. when she goes through his pauts alJ
he sleops. Spread the good news ,
A Phl1o.I1"lphla mnn Is worrying bOo
cause he celved $20 In a letter tJ
which no name was signed. Wo nom.
. inato him for first ' ; ' 4co : president oj
the Amalgamated ssociatlon oj
Trouble Dorrowers.
A young man who appeared in
London theater wearing a necltth
made entirelY of diamonds was nearl3
mobbed by the audlonce. lIe was he
lleved to be an American , but It thlf
were true , where was his diamonc
A contemporary came mighty nea1
enunciating an immortal truth whel
It romarltod tbat "lite trouble will
French statesmen is that they tall
too much. " It It .had omItted the ad
jectlvo all the ground would bm
bcp.u DOver d.
Paul DreBser , the Popular Composer ,
Cured by Doan'a 1 < ldney Pilla.
Paul Dresser of New Yorl" author
of "nanlts of the Wabash" and many
other great song bits ,
writes :
Gentlemen : I wlab
to recommend Doan's
1ldney Pills , In tbo
hOllO tho.t my endorsement -
dorsement will ho
rend ! Jy Homo of the
mllny tholJ'iands of
snfferers from Itdt1ey !
COlli plaint. I was so
wretchecl from this rnl1lo.dy that 1
could not" sleep , rest nor cat , and had
a weal , and aching bact. ! Doan'a lld-
l1ey Pills effcctnnlly ctlrei ! me , nnd I
'W18h that ethers may Iwow.
( Signed ) PAm. DHESSERI
Sold by all dealers. I O cents II. box.
J'ustcr.Mllburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y.
Soap from PompeII.
A few yeara ago a soap.bollor's shop
was dlacovel'ed In PompeII , having
boon bnrled beneath that terrIble rain
of ashes that fell upon the city 79
A. D. The soap found In the shop
hnd not lost Its efficac ) ' , although It
hnd been burled 1,800 ) 'oars.
Insist on Getting It.
Borne grocers Ray they don't keep
Defiance Starch. ThIs Is because they
have 0. stock on hand or other brands
contaInIng only 12 oz. In 0. pncknc .
which they won't be able to seU first ,
because Defiance contl1.lns 16 oz. tor
the same money.
Do you want 16 oz. Instead ot 12 oz.
tor same money ? Then buy DefIo.nce
Starch. RequIres no cookln ! ; .
Origin of Some Spanish Tltlea.
Spain Is snld to contain 470,000 "no-
bles , " many of whom owe their titles ,
Buch ns they are , to the halt mad and
wholly bnd Philip II , who used to cre.
ate thom In batches of 100 at II. tlmo
at II. uniform prlco of $50 II. bead.
I'llIo's Cure for COUlUmpt.J.on ! Is nn Infn1llbl.
medIcine for cougbs nnd colds-N. 'V. SliIUIIL ,
Ocean Grove , N. J. , Fcb. 17,1000.
Has Lota of Leisure Now.
Cupid used to be overworlted until
he Invented the mnrrlngo ceremony.-
1\trll. Wlndow'lI " "othlnl ; ' Syrup.
1"01' chn ren teetblnl : . Botlens thD KUrol , rodnccllI
IlAmmstlon , allal' pain , curcs wind cutlu. Zo a botUa ,
Happy the preacher who can Invent
n pocletboolt that cannot bo left at
homo on Sundays.-lIenry F. .Cope in
Chicago TrlJune. !
POIt m NT on SAIE ON cnop
FAItMS . J. MULHALL , Sioux City , In
Three Things to Ascertain.
There wns n thpo when minIsters
used commonly to consider the sub.
30cts for their sermons under three
heads. A famous user of redundant
pronouns , taldng for text , "Tho devn
goeth about as 11 roaring lion , " proposed -
posed to consll1er , "first , who the dovll
ho Is ; secondly , why the devil ho go.
eth ahout ; and , thirdly anl1 lastly ,
what the devil Is ho roaring at. "
Coating for Gilt Frames.
For gilt frames which are not quite
Df the best quallly n. good thing Is a
coating of clenr pato.chment slzo over
tIlO gilding , as this prevents the darlc-
anlng and dlscolorlnl ; of the gold , and
also allows of the frames being light.
Iy wiped over occasionally wllh n
clean moist sponge , this being 0.1 ,
lowed to dry of llself.
AntIquity of Ropemaklng.
Although the name of the first ropo.
maltcr and that of the land in which
ho prnctlcel1 his art ho.vo hath heen
lost to history , Egyptian sculpture/ !
provo that the art was prnctlced at
least 2,000 years before the tlmo of
Pawnbroking In London.
Moro than 15,000.000 visits are paid
every year to Lonl1on puwnhrolmrH. .
The exact figures are on an average
60,300 times 3. da ) ' . Throughout tIl0
whole country the number of pled s
Is said to amount to 190,000,000 pel
De Soto 100ltel1 for the secret 01
) 'ol1th In a sprln ! ; of ! ; ushlng , lIfa-
Illvln , ; waters , which he WIIS sure be
would find In the New World. AI.
chemists and sages ( thousands of
them ) , hnn sIlent their lives In quest
for It , but it is only found by tbose
happy people who can dlest , and as.
slmllato the right food which Ieeps
the ph'slcal body 11erfect that peace
and comfort are the sure results.
remarltablo man of 94 says : "For
many long ) 'ears I suffered more or
less with chronic costiveness and
painful indigcstlon. This condition
, made life a great burden to me , ae
) 'OU may well Imagine.
"Two ) 'ears ago I began to use
Grave.Nuts as food , and am thanltful
I tbat I did. It has been a bleEelng to
me In every wo.y. I first noticed thnt
it hnd restored my digestion. This
was great gain but was nothln , ; tc
compare In lrnportance with the tact
tbat In n short time my , bowels were
restored to free atHI normal action.
"Tho cure seemed to be complete :
for two years I have had none of the
. old trouble. I use the Grape-Nuts
food every mornln , ; for breakfast and
frequently eat nothln , ; else. The use
has mad me comfortable and happ '
and although I will be 94 ) 'ears old
next tnll , 1 have become strong anl1
.upple ag tn , el'ect In figure and can
" , allt with anybody and enJoy It. "
Name /t-ven / by Postum Co. , Dattle
. Creek , Mich. "There's a reason. "
Reo.d the IIttlo baal" " 1'JeRoad ! t.
Wellvlllo. " In every IlkS.
. .
- - - - - - -
11' . . .
, " ' . . . ,
.Ncw''IPasnenger Trafflo ManHger for
the Santa Fe , Road.
William J. Dlac ! , . who has just been
promoted by the Santa Fa railroad tube
bo passenger traffic manager of the
ntlre aystom , with headquarters In
Chlengo , was horn Oct. 3 , 1864 , In
St. Louis , nnll hna been In the rail ,
way servlco slnco 1879 , beglnnlDrl ; as
an office boy with the Vandalla at. the
ago of Hi ) 'enrs. 110 retnlned his first
tJosltion fI\'o ) 'ears , when ho beoame
rate clerk In the passenger dopart.-
ment 'Of the 1\lIssourl Pacific. In
Marclt. 1886. he wns given n sImilar
po ltlon by the Santa Fo. He was
promoted to chief clerk In the pass en.
gel' department In April , 1887 , and I
to assistant gonernl passenger agent
Jan. 1 , 1892. Ho hns been general
passenger agent , with headquarters
at Topeka , Kan. , slnco 1i'ob. 1 , 1897.
A Sermon In It.
In the followln ! ; paragraph , from a
story by Gouvl\'l1our > 'Ilorrls , In tbo
Reader nlll azlne ; there Is n whole
sermon : "EIlwul'd , " said my grand ,
father , "never Ilndertalw to patronize
God. If ) 'ou feel t ha t ) 'OU do not un.
derstand Him IW'II It to yourself. It Is
enough to Imow that you were dust ,
and 110 made ( l man of ) 'on : that you
grow weal' at length and Ho gives
you sleep ! " -Ttlantlc Constitution.
" - - - - -
The to1owlns'cr \ ) " Interesting conver.
.atlon bttCIHI11. . \ \ nile. banker. and
Mr. \ Valler'l'lIl11l1n. . retired. two prominent -
nent citizens or lho town , was recently
overhearc. . :
"I buy JIll Il'lIt medicIne. " salt :
Mr. While. "WI en 1 feu ! the need or
medical IUI1IIstl\IICe 1 ca\1 \ our .
J don't bcle\'f : In taltln ! ; n 10 of sturt
that I know nuthhlJ ; allout. I Jmow. however -
ever , t1mt 1\ great many do use It. and
apparentl ) " wlllJ glloll Jesuits. but I am
tor getting a doNor e\'cl'Y time. "
"YOUI' clrcnlll lnn'l : : ; render this possi-
ble. " replied 1\11' , Velllllan , "but the majority -
jority of people II1Ut consider the ex-
pense. My exprl'loncp Is that sOllie patent -
ent mcdlclnl'H 1'1 ffluently cure when the
doctor's sllll1 I : ; II..lJ/led. / Tal\ ( ! , for Instance -
stance an n IIllclnn ! ; : ill ) ' Il1le constipation
and stomach tl'oUhl , ' , Dl you evel' hear
of YOUl" fnmlly lh : ; ll'llIlI curing n case
like that ? It cOIIlpale ! , he gives ) ' 011 n
physic ; but a ph'Hle "lIlIIlOt cure constJ"lf
patlon. nnd he1'111 It'll 'o" so. It Is n
temporar ) ' relief II IllJ nrure 10llg yo',1 need
more Rh'slc 01' pllli , The doctor charges
$ ' tim" ' cnll him and
you ever ) " ) 'uu on
you have to111) ' GO' 01' iCic to have his
\111) \
tiled , l'l'ttJoan ! you have
the 'PII' or 'l'h sic' habit and your doctor -
tor has steady customer. Ytu cannot
read the doctur'l : ! 1'1't'cl'lptions , You Imow
no more about what he glvel : ! you than
you do about the Inl"l'edlcnts of patent
medicine. No reliable cumpany wIll put
1lot or mone ' Inlo n.JItcnt medicine
unless they OJ'O con\1I1Cl \JI\tcnt \ It w\1l \ do
all that Is cnll1ll'lI ) t\1r \ It. Usually It 18
the pl'esCrllltlOn or some speclallst who
has IIcvolt'll hi : ; lire 10 the sWdy or a
certuln dhH'ao ntlll has nU111tered It.
I mention constipation ami stomach
trouble because 1 bufel'ed from that at-
IIIclion for \'eal's. It Is Iho eglnnlng ot
J1enrly 111\ \ e Isemll' , Oncl' It gels 1\ grip
on ) 'UU , It Is 81'1'1ou'l , 8t1lbhorn an hard
to overCOll1I I ne\.I. kllew a case that
was cUI'I'd hy an ul'lllnary Jlrnctlclng phy-
f1lclan , hut I Ilu Imo\l' or a number ot
ball { 'al'S that W'J'U IH'l'lI1ullEmtly cured
b ) ' 11 nll'dy ca1edluI1'8 \ : Grape Tonic.
I 111I usell It In 111 ' rall1l1- with sntls-
tacllu' ) resulh" , II curC'd I Imow
n greal II1l1n ) ' mUll' 1I0l's\ns t has curcd.
It costll ro , ( , I'nts rol' Il 8111111or \ $1.00 fern
n largo \Iottle , I llnu't 1m ow eXII'tly all
that Is In It. hut 1 < < In JIIIOW It cures con-
tlpatlou anel stntlll\eh \ tlouble and that Is
more than I1IY fllll\lI ' duclor cOllld do tor
me.I . tlrst ' . . .
was altl'act..11 to the remedy by
thc COI1lIHUlY'S olTer lu gl\'e the first bot.
tlo free to any ono \ \ hu would write to
them g\'lng ! their drUgg9t's ! name. I am
thankrul for the bcnelH It has given and
advise even' IIuIY"r,1' frol1l constipation
to write to the 11u101'11110 \ Tonic Co. . 148
4th Ave. , Hock 1"lan'l. ' 111. , giving them
theIr druggist's IlIlth'e10 ! that Ihey can
procure 0. bottle free or cxpenso , "
Tennyson'a Porter.
Tennyson was a lover of porter.
When a peel'nle was offered him didn't
bo put off deciding whether to accept
It or not until he lo.d debated the
question with himself over a bottle or
what Goldsmith calle ! "parson's black
chamll gne ? "
Body Man of Sores-Treated by
Three Doctors but Grew Worse
-Cured by Cutlcura for 75c.
I/My lIttle daughter was II. mass of
sores aU over her body. Her
WIlS eaten awny , and lieI' cars looked
as if they would drop off. I called In
tbreo doctors , but she grow worso.
Neighbors advised Cutlcura , and before -
fore I ball used halt of the cake of
soap and box of ointment the sores
hnd nIl bealed , and my lllUe one's
skin was a8 clear as n now.born
babe's. I would not be without CuU.
cura again I ! It cost five dollars , In.
stead of 8eventr-l\vo \ cents , which is
aU It cost \IS to cure our baby. Mrs.
G. J. Steeso , 701 Coburn St. , Akron ,
Ohio. "
It to.kos' the state legislature to
change n man's name , but any justice
of the l1eaco can change a womnn's.
- "
A man may as woU teU the troth
when he comes hOll1o at 2 a. m. , tor
his WitA won't bellevo blm anywn , .
. . '
. I
, .
' .
. "
' ; -a@ ) io
Alpaca Tr avellng Gowns. 1
Alpaca Is lUuch In vogue for the
coolel' tYlO ) 01' traveling gown , uncI ono I
: > 1' two eharmlr. frocl , ! : ! 1'01' countt'y
wCllr ha\'o I'en ) fashioned of this light
Hili l1u\\l \ > ! o matCl'lal , A Ilo\'e.colored
51drt , Innocent of trimming , Is aet In
rndunted tucS ! , which al'e ( Iulto free
\t the edge and give a dcllghtful Jull.
ness to the skirt. There Is no Jlnlng ,
'Jut It dl1lntlly frilled petticoat of omer.
aId green alpaa ( ! gives effect to the
plnln Sdl't ! , wII Ich just touches the
' ; l'Ound , aud Is slightly raised 101'
wuUdns. 'fhe ulmplo. loose bolm'o Is
lined with enwrnld salin , and ome
\ \ ' hlto 111ll'cel'l7.ed bralll outllne1.i the
DIller edge and hrealts Inlo pretty
lIttle scrolls at frequent I11tervals , A
uee touch of omorahl velvet uIJI10arS
on the lapel nnll neat talloI' collar
and Is repented on the cuffs , A soft
white vest , very full , and with lace
railing below the waist. mnws ! this
quite 0. smart little gown for aftor.
hoons In the country , or huttoned Ul1
with a plain Huen front , It Is useful
for traveling.
- - - - - -
Hats for Coming Season.
In hats , or models for them , whllo
Ihe coming faU" shapes are as outre
as over , more 81\ll \ Is shown In ndapt.
Ing the trimmings to overcome this
end to give a becoming effect a can.
summation devoutly to be wished , In
view of the many and often astound. '
Ine efCects produced this summer.
Beavers In small quantities , plain vel.
vet hats and felts are being shown , as
aI' ' ' ' also chenlllo foundations.
In feathers , the ostrich plume , of
course , leads. but when hasn't It ? It
Is grac ful , beantlful , and has style
when properly used. It comes In dlf.
ferent , : ; radeB and lengths and Is therefore -
fore adapted to appeal to aU but the
poorest pUrSIS , as well to all
tastes ,
Hnts entirely of feathers are a novelty -
elty of the fall , sort brenst featbers
being used to cover the brim and
erown. A bright gOlden brown Is the
Parisian fancy for autumn wear.
. : short-haired beavers will also find
favor tor ordhiary wear.
Belts of th Moment.
or thE ! bellll that fasten the lingerie
waist a volume might be wrIlten. In
general they have grown narrow. Yet nro almost as common as
the rue. PInafore ! Jelts and belts
with breteUe3 , refinements of Inst
spring's suspender belts , are aniong
the successes of the autumn. Hl1J.
bon , satin an velvet , leather and fine
sold nnd silver braids are employed
In the manufacture of these daInty
f1nlshlnga. 'l'alw It by and large , the
winter shirt walstls , perhaps the most
interesting of the season's fashions.
- - - -
Of Black Moire Velour.
Princess gowns have won the day
and every wen dressed woman will
Ine1l1l1e at leust two among her wInter
wardrobe. One model sletched at an
early showing of Imported gowns and
worn on the proper figure wlll surely
attract maI'o limn ordlnnry attention.
The 'ol\O shouldel' pieces and revers
are hand embroidered blacl , tnffeta
ncl th a bow In front Is soft black sllle
: Ibbon. The attractive cuffs on elbow
sleevea are also made of silk anI !
ed ed , , : .1t11 tL nanow plaiting of blaclt
- -
Spanish Cream.
Tala 11alt a hex of gelatine , let It
stand in a pint of ml11 , one hour , then
put OTIC qu.ut of m1l1 , to boll , beat
the w:11te8 ( If six eggs to a stiff froth.
leave them In a deep howl , heat the
) 'ol1ts with sugar to tnste ; when the
milk bolls stir In the yells , sugar ,
m1l1 , and g' latlne : after It bolls the
second time talw It off and pour 1m.
medl : el ) ' c.ver whites In the bowl ;
flavor to ta13te.
Ytllow Silk Waist.
meuse 01' ' golden yellow silk with
) 'ole of English l' ) hroIt1I'ry. The
front Is draped and trimmed with a
baml of Insertion , also of English em.
" "
broider ) ' . This crOSBes In front , form.
Ing a loop , amI above It Is a frill of the
sllk.Tho lego'.nmtton sleeves arl' gnth.
O\'ed nlonr the Inailio seams and IIn.
Ished with deep cuffs of Ihe l'lI1hrolll ,
err. .
Pttticoat Embroidery.
In petticoats moro Interestln wa's
of IntroduelnJ : ; emhroldel'Y have heen
Invented , The richest of the petll ,
coats Is a masJ : of real \'alencl nnes-
I 1IIlI'row widths used , hut quanlltles 01
It. 'rho flollnco Is vcry lull , ahd the
Illce InsCl'tlon strips It all the way
round , with e\'el' ) ' thlrll and fourth
I'OW separated , not lIIw the rest , wIth
nal'row strips of materlnl , , but with
lon triangles of It. each embrold.
ered with three poUm dots. A ! JIg
ono Is In the widest I1nrt , a smaller
0110 above , and ahove that one still
smaller. ALJovo the flounce pollm
dots arc Introduced the same wa-
In Rlzes , the ! argest just above the
joining' of the flounces.
- - - -
Freck for a Little Girl.
Frocl , of rO'al .blue vollo for little
girl from S 10 11 'eal's old. The full
hlouso Is galhered nt the top and fin.
Ished with a little ruffle of the mater.
Ii'll. The ) 'olw forms straps In front ,
nnd 11I\0 the box llalt ) , Is finished with
an edge of taffeta oC the same shade.
RellR of taffeta form the stral)8 ) , which
are fastened with buttons of the ma.
'fhe gulmpe , or plnstron , Is of whlto
emhroidered linen and the girdle Is of
red , or tan , leather. The full sleeves
arc shirred at the elbows and finished
with ruffles of the materlnl. The stlrt !
is'shlrred at the top and finished with
a ruffle set on wlth 0. mtle heading.
- -
That AII' of Smartness.
It Is an nstonlshlng fact that many
women otherwise careful in regard to
their appearance will fasten stock or
gulmpe carelessly In the baolt and
go about serenely content In that the
front vIew of theIr toilet leaves noth.
I Ing to bo l1eslred , says the New Yor ! ,
Sun. Plain waists of the sheerest
lawn , upon which are adjusted fine
chomlsetles and sleeves , , arc made for
wear under blouse bodices cut down
at the neele and fashioned with the
loose , cnl1l11w sm up the outside. With
a fine lace and muslin chemlsette and
sleeve arrangemellt of this sort , ever
the cheapest of cotton frocls may at
taln an all' of smartness.
Tapestry Girdles Are Chic.
You mny embroider onu yours ell
at' cheese a quaint design In the
shops. One of the finest tapestry glr
dIes of the year was In old ivory color.
Il was worlwd in the finejt of cro s
stitch embroldorr. In the middle 01
the bad : there wns applle
a big tapestry pans ) ' . In the
front a pansy buclle fastened the glr.
dIe. It Is very much the thing to tak (
one of these girdles and pass It
through a 1..ouls XV. coat of silk and
velvet In such a manner that it holds
the coat snug In the bael" 'l'he front11
tly open , showing the lovely yost un.
- - - -
Veal TerrapIn ( Old Creole Recipe ) .
One pound of lean veal , quarter
pounl1 of vral liver , teaspoonful 01
onion julco anll four clavI's , Cover
with water and boll nntll tender
When cold -cut liver and meat into
small pieces. Thlcltcn the water the
were balled In with a tablespoonful of
butter , lolled In the same quantity 01
! Jrownell'fiour. Pour this gravy OVCI
the meat and add two hal'd-bolled
eggs , cut fine , anll a wino glass 01
sherry with red pepper and salt tll
taste. Heat and serve In a chafin ! = ,
- - -
For Autumn Wear.
Gowns for autumn wear show more
simplicity , hoth In maltO and trim
mlng , but light colors are still fayor-
, anll mnn ) ' of the tol1ets arnngell for
cd , and man ) ' of the tollots arranged
for trayellng are oC tweed and nome ,
sJun In yer ) ' light' mixtures , and slm
111) ' relieved with a collar and cuffs
of yolvet In a bright , contrasting
tone , or strapped with sill , of a deeper
- - -
In Japanese Leathe
Japanese leather , 11Ite ever.thlng
else Japanese , Is steadll ) ' gaining In
fayor , and 1)01110 of the IJretllest belts
111111 haJs now seen are made of It
Formerl ) ' enl ) ' leather' stamped In
dal'l , colors wo.s usell for these artl
cles , hut now some of the most effect.
Ive helts are of whlto leather stamped
In golll and the most dellcato colors
In a lleslgn that Is distinctly Jnranese ,
ntHI the bags of this materlnl arc VOl' ) '
- - -
Broiled Sweetbreads.
SIIIlt the sWl'ethread after blng
hol1el ! . Senson with salt anll ) JeJper ) ,
ru\J \ thlcl I ) ' with butter. and sprllJllo
with lIour. Droll aveI' a mthor quick
fll'e , lUl'ulnl ; ' coniitanilr , Cool , about
ten mlnut and ' '
s MH'10 ' 11th cream
sa uce.
. .
' .
, ,
' -
. . . . - . . . . .
- -
Recommended by
Prominent Physician $
and CheI ists
. ,
: ,
{ '
. \ ,
, .
Perfect in Quality
Economical in Use
Moderate in Price
PIllsbury's Vitos
is the best nnd most economical -
nomical breakfast food you
cun buy.
The Meat of the Wheat.
II Is white '
Ita COlor proves lis purity
Ita maker auaranlees Ita qllalllr :
Tw o
pounds ! Mountain
In every Territory
package 20a
. Ask your grocer
Natural Lightning Conductors.
The Lombardy poplar tree , It is saltl.
forms 0. splendid natural lightnIng
conductor , Its great height and lack
of spreading hranches enabling it to
conduct a lightnIng strole straight iF
downwards. No house near which
one of these trees has been reared
has as yet been known to , suffer from
tlte severest storm.
Pull for Peace.
Wnsted energy Is an enemy of
wealth. Poor tools and abused earn.
estness make trouble , nnd trouble Is
also mnde ! Jy dishonesty before good
tools nnl1 un respected kindness. Every
thlnlter should also be a worker In tb&
Interest of renl wisdom between man
nd m ln. CondItions might be hetter
for everybody on earth-Earl 1\1.
Goethe declared that "That man who
seems to care little whther he
cbarms or attracts wo ncn is ho wbo
seruces" ; but Cresterfield laid it
down as a first principle that "Ho who
fiatters womcn mO:1t pleases them
est , and they are most In love wIth
him they thlnlt Is most In love with
them. ' I
Good News for All.
Bradford , Tenn. . Oct. 23d.-Spe- : . .
elal.-Sclentlflc research shows Kid.
ney Trouble to ho the father of so
many diseases t1l1lt news of a discovery -
ery of n aure cure tor It cannot fnll
to be welcomed all over the country.
And nccordlng to 1\11' . J. p. DavIs of f
tbls place Just uch a cure Is found In
Dodd's 1ldney P111s. 1\11' . Davis says : .
"Dodd's Kidney P111s are all that is
clahned for them. They have done me
maI'o good than anything I have ever
\aken. I had lJdney Trouble very
. ad and after taldng a few boxes of
i Dodd's lJdney Pills I am completely
cured. I cannot praise tltem too I
much. "
Kidney Complaint develops Into I
Drlgbt's Disease. Dropsy , Diabetes , ' , .
Rheumatism und other painful - and , ' Ii
fatal diseases. The safeguard Is to ' !
cure 3'our Iddne's with Dodd's Kidney -
Pills when they show the first symp. ; \
tom of dlseaso. '
_ _ _ I I "
A man who Insists on having overy. "
thing his way will have trouble tltrust : ,
1111011 111m. '
! .
't'hero Is somothlng Inel" ! , : ; In the I
lIfo when tbe funeral wrlteB "Flnla"j. I . \
over It j.
r.'n t1\e man wllo hammera the
ch\l\'ch down who complains m06t , that
Ju does not rlso.