Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, November 02, 1905, Image 3

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11m. Emma Fleissner , 1412 Sixth
ve. , Seattle , Wash. . Worthy TreasurCJ :
. . . . . . .ns . of Temperance , writes :
"I suffered over two years with Ir.
I'egalar and painful periods. iHy heartt
was In a very precarious condltJon and
I \VllS anxious to find something to I'e
store my hCllm , and strcngth.
"I was very glad to try Perunn. aml
elighted to filld that it was doing me
00l1. I continued to Ub it II. little over
three month ! ; amI Iound my troublcs
"I consider It a splcndld mcdlclm I
and sllall never \VliIlOut It , taking 0'1
dose occasionally when I feel run-do\Vr.
and tired. "
Our fill's contain thousands of testi.
menials which DI' . Hartma.n . lllis reo
eived from grateful , happy womeD
who becn restored t.o health bj
his remedy. l'eruno. .
Beautify Your
Walls and Ceilings !
J\ ) \ ) S'J \
_ 'J\ :
A Rock Cement 11 b'n : t\u \ :
tints. Docs not rub or senlo. Destroys dls-
eMO germs aud vermin. No wnshlng of
"nl18 after once applied. Any ono e n
brush It on-mix with cold water. other
finishes. bcnrlng lanclful nllmes lld mixed
with either hot or cold water , do not tJu cementln propert ) ' of
Alnbnstlne. They are stuck on with gltte ,
or other nnlmnl matter , which rots ,
1'eedillg' disease l-'erll18 , rubbing ,
scaling nUll spoil1nlwallR , clothing -
ing , etc. Such I lnlshes must bo washed
off every year-eolpcllslro : , tllthywork. Buy
Alo.baRtlnoonlyfn the llound po.clc-
ages , Ilropel'l ) ' labclClI. Tint card ,
pretty wall and co1l1ng dcslgn , . . lIInts on
Decorating" and ( JUr artists' sorvlces In
mnking color pinus , rl' . .
Ornod Rapids , Mich. , or 105 Waler St. . N. y.
600,000 In Uso.
Ten Times
AU Others Combined ,
In. $ t 0 , - pu Cow
Em , h.r of Un
om all
GrillI , 81ltlnl 8JlllmJ. :
IJ\ \ $5.pir Cow
om III
Imllllln , 8lparalort.e ( .
Sud I. , uw C'al. , . , .
Can& to lito , 74 c n . .t ,
r I ;
0' " . . . . . . . . .rll. . 'ft. IJ\rAL , .0. " " ,
' J' rt01fflna-
'wer _
fa co. JSHBR ' !
MAKtll $ 01" "
Wf : WON THI :
'h' ' . . . . .
( O , .IC . " " " "
. U .eOTON 'aICA' .
t jl : jl . tot v ; . : :1JJ <
f co . LIMInG" . . . . . .
, . , .
lj.s/f. R\\
Every houselteeper should know
that It they will buy Defiance CoM
'Vater Starch for laundry use they
will SI1\'O not only time , because 1l
. . never stlclts to the Iron , hut berause
J1 each paelm/o / contains 16 oZ.-one full
, . pound-whllo nil other Cold Water
Starches are put 1I1 In % .pound pack.
ages , and the price Is the same , 10
cents. 'fhen aaln ! heeause Defiance
" Starch Is free from all Injurious chern-
" lcals , If 'our grocer tries to sell ) 'OU
, " 0' ' 1.oz. : ! paclmge It Is heel1l1se ho has
. , ' 1 a stocle on hand which he wishes to
" ; . . dlsposo of before he puts In Defiance.
He lcnows that Defiance Starch has
printed on every par1mge In large let
ters nnd figllres " ] 6 ozs , " Demnnd De-
finnce nnd SI\VO mIlch time nnd money
nnd the nnnoyance of the Iron stick
mg. Del1anco never stlclls I
- - - - " -
'WIUtollt good henlth life la not
worth living. Slcldy , l1ee\'lsh chll.
dren are a source of endless trouhlo
nnd nnxlety to their parents , yet the
children's condition Is frequently duo
to their parenls' Ignorance or thought.
lCFlsncss , or both.
To malte children healthy nnd to
keep them In thnt condition It Is nee-
eSBal' ) to feed them Ilroper fool1 Itnd
to see thnt they get plenty of exer.
clso nnd fresh air. Ment Is "cry lInd
for children. It should he avoided
end food rich In phosphnles , stich ns
l'II1sbury's Vilos , should be gl ven In
Its plnce.
This food Is trtlh' the "meat of the
wheat. " ' It Is made hy the world's
greatest millers and Il Is free frotn
nrtlficlnl coloring or adulteration , It
Is not espcclnlly a child's food. Your
whole famll ' will enjoy Ulis common
sense cereal. It l11alls : : a wholesome ,
suhstantlal lIrealtCast or nn appetizIng -
Ing dessert and can bo I1reparcd In
one hundrel1 different wn 'B.
Every good grocer w111 supply JOU
with PlIIsllur "s Vltos. Large Imcle.
ago-enough to malO tweh'e 110unds
of strength.lIulldlng food , Hic , noclry
Mountain Territory , Oc. Ask ) 'our
grocer allout It
Failure Before Success.
The child creeps before It wnlks ;
the lIalle lisps and stutters before It
tnlles. It Is as Imposslblo for 0. mat' .
to scale the heights of success nt a
single bound as It Is for the young
bird to leap Into mldnlr at the first
attempt without pnsslng BII cel'\8funy '
through several necessary stages of
The Modern Gladiator.
People struggle with their wits now ,
not with cold steel. TIle gladIator of
today Is really an intellectual , and
his arena Is the Forllm and the Stoclt
Exchange , the Hnll of Science nnd
tne race courso-In short , .where brain
Is pl ted against brain , mother wit
against mother wlt.-The Academy.
Every houseltoeper should know
that If they will buy Defiance Cold
Water Starch for laundrr use they
will save not only time , because It
never sticks to the Iron , but because
each package contains 16 oZ.-one full
pound-while aU other Cold Water
Starches , are put up Inpound ; paelt-
ages , and the price Is the sarno , 10
cents. Then again because Defiance
Starch Is free from all Injurious chem-
Icals. It YQur grocer trios to sell you
a 12.oz. paclmgo It Is because ho has
a stock on hand which he wlshe to
dispose of before he puts In Defiance ,
He knows that Defiance Starch has
printed on every paclmge In large let.
ters and figures " 1 6 o s. " Demand De.
fiance and save much time nnd money
and the annoyance of the Iron stick.
Ing. Defiance never stlcl.s.
Peculiar Chinese MedicInes.
A Chinese medicine boo Ie , dntlng
back to the Wing dynasty (15Gs.t6H ( )
contains no lees than 28,739 receipts.
Mnterlals of the MaterIa Medica SI.
nensls consists of vegetables , miner.
als and articles belonging to the nnl.
mal Itlngdom , such , for Instance. as
dragons' teeth , cen tlpedes , scorpions ,
Spanish 1IIes , roachoo , beetles , lad.
poles , etc.
Whistling Disliked by Sailors. .
Whistling Is thought very nnlt1clty
by sailors , as It Is supposed to ralso
an unfavorable wind. This superstl.
tlon Is , perhaps , to be traced to the
practice of whistling for winds , com.
mon to many nations In days gone by.
A whistling woman Is a sure sign tea
a sailor of coming disaster , wreclmge
and so on.
Samples of Enthusiasm.
Michael Angelo was so tilled with
enthusiasm In his art , so afraid that
money might taint his brush , that ho
refused to accept Iln ' pay. whatever
for his masteqlleres In the Vatican
and St. Peter's , Napoleon's enthu ,
slasm banished the word "imposslhle"
from his dictionary.
Alasl Vanishing Man ,
Man , lIl < e the oojllm , I softly , If not
silently , fading away. Ono hesitates
to say that. he may one day be as ox.
tinct as the dodo , but at aU events we
are told that he will he literally nowhere -
where as compared with lllO woman
of the futuro.-London Lady's PIcto.
People Will Drink Coffee When It
"Does Such Things. "
" 1 began to use Postum hecause the. .
oM kind of coffee ha so poisoned my i
whold system that I was on the 110lnt
of brealdng down , and the doctor
warned me that I must quit It.
My chief nllment wal ! nervousness
and heart trouble ,
Auy unexpected nolso would cause
mo the most painful palpitation , malte
me taint and weak.
"I ha heard of Postum and began
to drlnle It when I left off the old cof-
fee. It began to help mo just ns soon
as the old eITects of tbe other kind of I
correa passed away. It did not stimulate - !
ulate me for a whtle , and then leave
me weak and nervous as coffee used
to do. Instead of that It built up m '
strength and supplied a constant vlglr
to my system which I can alwa 's rely -
ly on. It en allIes me to do the bls'
gest Idnd of a day's worle without
getting tired. AU the heart troullle ,
etc. , has passed awa ) ' .
"I give It freely to 011 my children ,
Crom the ) 'oungest to the oldest , and
It keeps them all healthy and hearty , "
NAme given by Poslurn Co. , Dattle
Crook , Mich.
'rhero's a reason.
Read t . little book. "The nod to
Wellville , " III pkgs.
, - - - - -
Indillpfnabic Requisite In Compound-
Iflg of Some preecrlptlon. .
It Is of course true that some pro-
prlctnr : ' . medicines contain alcohol and
nearly nil liquid Uledlelnes prescrllle/l
by physlclnns contain It , No honest
man will defend the sale of Intod.
cants under the guise ef medicine : but
eYcr ) ' honest 1I111n should protcst
atalnst a s 'stem of wholesale dcnun.
clatlon horn of maUce , or Ignorance
of phar1l1nccutlcal Ilrlnclples , n11l1 fos ,
tered by selfish Interests. It Is ns.
sumed thnt alcohol Is the cause of In.
temperance : lIut there Is a grent difference -
ference lie tween nlcohol and whlsk ' .
If a sullstltuto for alcohol could bo
found for use In the manufncturo of
medicines , Its discoverer would render
a crent service to the profession of
pharD1ac ' and the science or medicine -
cine , for alcohol Is a very oxpcl\slvo
Ingredient and a cheaper sullsUtuto
would be gladl - accepted. Unfortunately -
ately the word nlcohol , In the mlnd13
of mnny people Is assoclnted exclu-
sh'ely with bar.rooms , drunlteD11eSS
and all forms of degrndatlon nnd vice.
This Is duo to n Inclt of knowledge
b ) ' the general public of the fact thnt
alcohol Is an Indisponsnllle requlslle
In drugs , tinctures and lIuld extracts ,
AU fluid extracls and tinctures on the
druggists' shelves contain from 20 to
90 per cent of alcohol ; antI of aU
liquid medicines prescribed by phY'
slclans more than 75 per cent contnln
It In ] arge proportions.
Alcohol Is required to preserve or.
ganlc substances from dllterlorlltlon
and from freezing , ! lnd It Is also re'
qulred to dissolve substances not solu.
blo In water , while It contrIbutes to
their preservation when dissolved.
Diluted alcohol Is largely employed In
fluid extracts ; and whenever n. creater
strength of alcohol Is required as a
solvent ( for extractInr ; medicinal principles -
ciples ) the medlclno IS of such n chnr-
acter as to preclude a Inrge dosage ;
anl1 for this reason preparations. even
It containing 50 per cent or more at
alcohol , are practically less IntoxIcatIng -
Ing than beer. In such cases tbo
character of the medicinal constituents
1.1 such as to nllsolutely forbid the
taking of the mlJdlclne In any way
except In very small doses anl1 nt
stated Intervals only. To assume that
any great number of proprietary med'
lclne9 are used as beverage9 1& the
verIest absurdlty.-Exchanco.
Famous Bow Bells.
There are no church bells In Eng.
land more famed than Dow Dells.
They set limits to the boundnrles of
Cockneydom. AmerIcans regard 0.11
Londoners as cockneys. Dut anI )
these born within hearing of Dow
Dells call claim the distinction wblch
Is supposed to confer on Its possessor
peculiar prIvileges of speech , partlc.
ularly where ftsplnatel ! nre conceme {
Western Life I demnlty CD.
The POllcy1olderR' Committee At No. 7 .JaekRon
Dlvd. . ChlcAjru , will jrh'e cumrlele tllformetloll > > huul
Ihe elrendlturl' : of ,20(1.000 of comrAny fund. a.
t'ommlulun. to Mr , HORenfe"l for Ihe rurchnR" 01
Ilre In8ur"nce CnmrRny ( If P"lInRylvanlR bllstneSl
made un or ahollt I.'ebruary 2\lb. ) l'il . and Iht1 , ' :1' :
t'endl1ure of r2oo.l100 on fo"plell1ber 2I11h , 1005. tll rill'
ehue 8\I ( 1 .bnrrl of It/lek III the Serurlty l.tre Hlld
Annully CompAny. ( rar ' "Rluo 110 rer Ihftre. ) Ir
1IIooltoo , Mr , HOlenfehl Rnll Ir. MOllre , Iho Ixeeu
Ih'o Commlllee , ale uo , , cited by JUt ! ! : " J\ohl.alll tc
.holY cause why Ihey Rbould nut lie t'unl.h",1 , fOI
cunlernt't 10 maklnlr lI'e ' laot InnMartiun. Mal"
Inquiry at once , UJmVEY D. mCltS , CbainDroO
Enough for a Bath.
Shoulll an American , an English
man , a Frenchman , nn Austrian , II
G rman , an italian and a Russian sll
down to a tahle together and ordcl
drinks In a quantity that would sho\\
the relative consumption of these he' . '
erages hy their respective peollies
Borne would get enough for 0. hnth
while others would obtain only 0. fe\\
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that Contain Mercury ,
aR mercury wll1 surely dCltroy Ihe len.e of .mell
and cOlnplelely deruujo the wllllo ! oy"lelll "Icn ,
enlerlng It throu.:11 . : Ihe lUurouo surlacel. Hllcl1
artlele1 Rhlluld never " 0 excert 011 rreoerlr'
Utlll8 . from reput"ble pb8IcIIlU6. Ulho dRml1 e 'he ,
" .11I dll 18 lell folll 10 the K. ) ( I you can r"ol"ly de.
rIve frolllihem. 11,111'8 Calarrh Cure , IIIAnufaeIUt'd
by F. J. Cheney & Cu" T"ledu , 0" cunlal/II no Dler-
cury. ftnd0 \ , aken Inlernally. BeltnK dlreell ) ' ur"n
Ihe bluud Rnd mucnul Rurf > > ce. of Ibc Ryolern , I
buylnl : Uall'H Call1rrb Cure he euro you Jet Ihe
l'euull1e , 1t Is takro lot.'rually nnll mRde In 'loltdu.
Oh\l \ , . II ) ' F J , Chef"'y ' " ell , T.'lIrnnnlllls free.
Hold hv Drujr.III. . : . I'rlce , 7Se. I'er bullie.
Take hsll'sl"alUlly 1'1118 for cuullipatiun.
Do Am4sements Amuse
Happiness Is always unconsclom
( watch chlldrcn and puppies at plaJo
and you will be convinced of the facl )
but amusements , ns a rule , renl10r
their pnrtlclpants oven more Irritable
nnll self.consclous-L.'ldy VIolet Gre'
vllle In the Graphic.
Important to Mothers.
EnmIno careruny every bottle or C STOm \ .
a eafe and pnre rem ed , ' lor Inlants and clllllln'n.
and ee tllat It
- .
Bears the - . -f'-
Sigilalare 0 : # Jtf'
In UIO 1'01 Over :10 Years.
'l'he Klnll You 1111'0 Always Dought.
Mosquitoes and Flies.
One of t.ho facts established within
a few years Is that mosquitoes arc the
: leadllest of nil creatures. A writer
In the Lancet ndduces evldenco which
Indicates that flies , too , cause thou.
sandI ! of deaths , especially of Infants
every summer , by contaminating fee
with dlarrhenl germs.
Odd Rents.ln Brlt : ,
The English delight In Cld , ! rents
but the oddest Is a tenancy at Drook
house , In Yorkshire , where the rent.'I. '
Is o snowball In June and a ree
rose In December. 'fhe rose Is easll ) !
arranged nnd the' snowball IB no"
made of IIhaved Ico.
It doesn't take the nverage mat
long to tell all he really knows , but
be nevtlr cets through telling whal
be thinks ho know B. . Uhlcago News.
Dr. Wllllnms' Pn ; J Renlly Cure I
IndlgoDtion Instend of Merely
Rellovlno Sympton1n.
' . of l'CIIIl'lliell whlrh
There ot'o 1'I"tlt ) hy
ro\lu\'o \ fot' thu tllIIO hCIlt'tllltl'lI
r tcnll \ ,
)1alll ) nllil 1I11I \ thu IIIIIIII\I'h ; 1111I1 l'lIl1 I
Slllllthl)1' lIl'l'119 , f1'1IlIIIIIIIII ; ' 1\1111 IIl1hll'o
ortlllclni tltWI. } Ylln CIIII hUlllor 'ollr
MOllm"h b ' Ivlll it JlrcllI osl\(1 ! ( f'lIlIl.
I3nt wholl ' 1I11 tl\l.o 'ollr lIUX ! ; 1II0ul 1111
rOllr tt'ut\hle 1I0gillB IIfl'osh.
rrhcto 111 01l1 ' nllO ollslhle Ihhl to 110.
I1''II thulI the Htlll1mch IlIIII 110 nwny
with Iho lIcl'l''sil ' fot' 1I1'1IJ.t1l 111111 n1"tl.
Hclnl fO\lI ( . 'l'hu 1I1'St. relllcll ) ' tVtH' f01l1l11
flit' this IHU'IIIISU Islhu Olll ! thnt WII'I III1CII
b ' B. 1 < : . Slroll , of Ollliluvillu , l1ulll ) '
cmtll t - , ' 1'01111.
"I.'en' " 'I'IIl'II , " ho Illttos ; , II I Bt\lTerrll
Rrclttl ) " fi'lllll hllllJl > tilI. 1 tl'll'IlIIII\IIY
ditl'lll'lm" l'l'IIIClliol ! 111111 HOIIIO l r tl1l1l11
wOlllel n'\lu\'o \ lllU Cm' II 111110 , hilt Ihu
trot\hlu 1I1wlI 's calllU hnl'hllllt ' flilt
illollths II O 1 hllll 1111 t\lIl1slInll , ) ' IIOVl'l'O .
whllu J tril'll ' ' I
nltllol < , IIlItl U\'UI''ylhlll .1
hllil O\'lt' ! l1C1mlllC , I COIIIIII I hilt IIlIlIlI u !
the orllllllll' ' l'elllCllicl ! WUlIl11 rCl10h thu
ime'ult ) " this tillle.
. . Ollllllll ' 1 fl'llIl III II Melli phis pnpl'r
how Dr. WilIlnlllll'l'illl < Pills 111111 nm'l111L !
MichlJ.t1t1l WUlIIIUI , II Hllll'et'l1r fl'OIll chl'ulliu
rl 'flpepsln ( lC n lIIust tluhllo1'1t In'll. 1
tholl trll'll the ml1110 1'ulIIl'lly IIlIel It.
] It'll\'ed just , ns liucclJl1l1ful 111 111) " Clll1lJ. I
took (111) ' three bOXClI , 111111 WitS CI1\'C(1. \ ( I
Imvo 1I0t hlliitho slilJtest ! SYlllptouHI ot
illtllJestloll I1ll1rc.
1'he tOil Ie t1'l'lItlllelll. Im1l n 80UIII1 prill.
ciple n ! ! its haslM. alltllllluIU11111t IIlIcceH ill
nctultl URe. MlIltitullcs of l'nSl'1I Ilml hl1ll
, h'fil'll all othel' J'el11mliell hllvo hl'lJlIlm1'I'(1 (
\Iv Dr. WiIlinlllll' Pillk Pills. 'rho pilla
, , ( \tunlly 111111(0 1I0W bloOlllllltl fltriltOnt the
l'oot ( If nIl tliHclIseH CI1I11'CII hy hac 1 hlulII1.
1'III'contnill 110 hlll'l11ful I til11ullllltll or
Opil'-tell. E\'rr ) ' t1'lpoptiu Rhmlll ( 1'1'1111 ,
. . Whitt , 10 J':1t ; : , IUlll IIIIw tll l IIt. " WIO \
thfl Dr. WllJilllllH 1\It1ellolnll Co. , SclJuuoo.
& . :1dy : , N. Y. , fur n free copy.
Eighty Per Ceut.
U by n single stJ'oltQ nIl mnrrlago
tics 1I0W In mc'lstence were struck 01T
or tleelared l1legal , elght.tenths of all
couples would he remnrrled within
fOI'ty-elght hours , alld seven.tentha
could not be ltept asullder with hn 'o'
nets. Eighty per cent of all marrlnges
nre a Iuccess ! from a hlologle poillt
( If vlew.-Dr. Woods Ilutchlnson In
Contempornry Hevlew.
Doctors In a Race.
An attraction of the Inst North
Georgia lair WaS 0. "doctors' race. "
The physicians w'11O toolc ltart in the
contest hnd their horses sta\Jled und
were themselves ulldrcssell and In lied
whell the cnll for thorn was ' 1uade.
'Whon the bell rang they had to dress
nnd hitch their horses and drive ono
mile to a certnln plnce.
Llfe.Savlng Pigs.
A coasllng steamer WIlS wreclted
near Sydney. The captain tied lifelines -
lines to some pigs which formed Il rt
of the cargo. These on beln ; thrown
overboard , qulcldy swam asho1'o , tale-
Ing' the lines with them. Communi.
cation being thus estallllsheli , ever ) '
person on board was rescued.
flennanentl . , cllr d. No nh ornervonlneRunU'
FITS IIrRtll"y.suoe of IIr. Kllno'oll r llt Nerve lIe.tor-
rr , Renll fnr I"UIU ; ' ; : : .IIO Irlt.1 bollio " "lIlr"AliRe.
1 > KLUit : . LW. . UJI Arch ttreetl'hIlAllolphlal' "
Nye Regretted Sense of Humor.
It Is related thnt. Dill N'e often
spolw , late in his lifo , of his gift of
r.'lro humor as Il curse. Ills fun palled
upon him while hIs readers were still
roaring. 1I0 saw himself IlS 0. buffoon ,
! \ clown , amusing the rablllo-aud the
Idea was not sweet to him.
You never hellr nny one camplnln
! lbout "Defiance Storch. " 'l'hcrc II ! nUlle
to equal It In quality and qUllntlty , 16
: lUnces , 10 cents. 'l''y It now IInci save
your money.
Few man amount to much until
.hey have fallen In love n few times
Lnd have been thrown dOWII.
When what you cat makes you
uncomCortable tt is doing you very
little good beyond barely kceplng
you alive. DIgclitIve tnblets are
worse than us le5S , for they wiU in
time deprive the stomach of all
power to digest food. 'l'he stoml\ch
must be tone up-strengthened.
The herb tonic-laxative ,
'Lane's Family
wUJ do the work quickly and pleas-
Sold by all dealcrs at : : ISC. and SOC.
$5 to $20 an Acre
to 115 for ulllmprovl'IJ , ROIl " : lo' tor
Improv'd , We IIIIVO a larl : " lI t of the flllest
land tlloro IK , It II ! l < > caio < lllI till. ' SOl1ll1wI'Ht-
mu part of NobrnHka , wllere ) ' 011 " ' " 11 r.lllu
COI'l1 , IIHaHn , 1111 klndH or mllllfrlltn , wlniltr
whon& anI ! 111kind. \ . . Of fruit. 'fhe b"Kt kind
of w/ller and 1110 1I01lllhlt'Ht all-yenr.uroulltl
cllmllio ) 'OU 1'111111 0 In. The Hall hi a .1t"'I' .
dark 101lm. no sllnel. mostly nlllovel , close 10
tOWII8IICllools llnel rallrolldH. WIIYIW f'r-
ther ant wh'm ) ' 011 CIIII buy ! food lanllin Nebraska -
braska tllnt II ! cloHe 10 n 1:001tIal ket , fill'
108s mane ) ' IlInn oIlier Illacos. 8110cllll lOW
rntuH to look ever tllo . lllnd. Wrlle nH fill' mc ,
cl1rlon ralt'K nn.1 r.'O , 1II1lr > of : S"l.JnKIII1.
11"11111:8 II ; Jlt'y.lon. 11 1J 10'111"1I:1111 : St , .
Omaha , or Oxford , : -obra8Ia.
MASON , FENWICK & LAWRENCE , Pattnt Lawytrs ,
Woshlngton. D. C. . Estobllshod 1061.
BeDd for our 43rd Annlveflary free Hooklet , Ihow.
101 : tIInltraUonl or Mc'halllcsl M.vementR. Heier.
ence.lIradlreel Rn.1 thOlllftndR or 03lhned clleuw.
CowwuDlcallonl conAdonllal. Wrllo u. to-dS1.
Coney Island Souvenir Post Cards.
Ix ht1MIIUfUI culored .ceuc. lur : l5c. Cone ) ' ISlond
Poalol COrtt co. . Cone ) ' Inland , N. V. I
DEFl NOE Cold Water Starch I
makelluuntlry : , vork 1pll' , HUre. I oz. l'k : : , IOc. II I I
- -
, "
- . - -
Char.1cterlstlc3 of Iore < lnll.
The people of loren nt'o tlmht end
lWlll'crul , the men tall , with high rore.
hratIs , Rtrnlht ! nosea , antI 1racoul ! ,
Inlloll'nt l'lIt'rlnl" ! Iho woml'n Shl11.t ,
RClllat , n1\(1 \ as ugly 1\9 \ thell' I01'tIs arc
Hope for Them-and Him.
A ml\ll ha ! ! ml\lle gl'lat Ilrt1 al !
\\'hl.'l1 ho has Icarlll'll thnt some of tlw
llcol11o who lloll't ngrl'e wllh nil his
oplnlollR mn ' , nrtl'r all , bo IH\rtl ) .
rlght.-Somel'vlllo Joul'lInl.
After 30.
'Yhl1o she II ! 11111101' thlrt ) . a womall
ma ) ' Hot comfort out of the thollht !
thnt she Is ) 'oullger than she looltB
After that hOl' enl ' hope la toloolt
'olll1ger thnn she Is ,
The Better P < art of Valor.
' 1'hl' cournge or 01\0'S convictions IR
nil excellent thing , but It shoulll never
be nllowll to hecomo ulI'olteli from
the dlscl'eUon of onc's rellson.-Pllcle.
Born < In American CItizen.
A SOli hl11'11 to American 111trents
while trn\'ellng In n cOllntl' ) ' Is
IIn Amcrlrlln cltlzolI , nllll nl ! sllch Is
ellglblo to the lIrcslliellc ' .
Isn't He a Nice Man , Lad.les.
Arter all , n pretty lIahy doesll't neell
a \lrlz ( ' . A lIrett . lll\h ) ' Is a lIrlze. AntI
all' hnhlcl ! ure pretty.-North Allams' '
' 1'ho llonalty In Germany for ntllllter.
aUng fooll la six months .In prison
mHI 1fillo of 1,500 Dlnrks.
Ono IJotmll of wash ell wool produces
on nn nvernge a ) 'nrl1 of cloth 30 In.
More Flexible and Lasting ,
won't hnlte out or blowout : hy uBln
Del1t\tJce Stt\l"ch .ou ohtn In hottl1r re-
aults lImll I10sslhle with Itll ) ' othm'
hl'lI1l1l , uncl one-third more lor lIallle
MIIIIY n man who owns nn alltomo-
bile ought to be pushing a wheolbar-
DefinnC'C Starch IR.Hual'l\ntccl -
\ ( blg-geAt
nnd IHHl ul' lIIOnL'y reCunl1ed. 16
ounces , 10 cent II. 'l'I'y It now.
A good ostrich Is worth $300.
. ,
. . . . _ n _
D"ngnrfJ nnd Pt\n ! of'l'hIB Critical PerlOtW
AvoIded by the Use of Lydln E. Plnk.o
ham' . Vellotnblo Compound.
- - -
now ml\ny , . , . .
ml'lI I'callzo tha'
till' most crltlia ) ;
IIt'rlml In 1WO -
Ilum's existence
III the chall e of
IIrlJ , IUIlI that the
IIl1xlet , } ' felt. by. .
woml'n 1\8 thl.
t\UIlJ \ drawA near
111 uot. wlthou
renson ?
If her R 'stell1 Is In IL dCI'augcll condition -
tion , or she IH IIrel1lsposed to npoplexy !
or cOIIJfesUOIl of IIU ) ' organ , It is nt.thl.
tlmo'Weely to blJeol11o IIOtiVO nnd. witht
n host. of norvouli Irrita.tlons , muleo 11/ .
a. burlIlm.
At. thill tlmc , I\lso ellncer ! ! nml tumor.
ere 11101'0 lIahle to be/fln / , thulr dCHtr'U
tlro wurk. Hueh w t'IIiug'lIIptOIll9 n.
a. sense of BulTocUtlllll , hot. tlushes. dzooj !
zll1ess , hcuduche. dreud of "
.1\11 , II 0 I\1H19 \ III the el\r8. timidly , pl\l-l
pHutioll of the hl'nrt , sparles beforei
the c\es , , Irl'lJ ulurltlc9 , .
\'arln lo applJtlte. wClllmN\S alllllnqui
ct\Hlo Itre IIrol11ptly heech'tl by Intem
CI\t. WOlllell who 111'0 npproachlng t11 _
pm'iod of life when womnn's grcn"
clmll o ItJn ' tIC expected.
1''llia g , 111111ehl1111'11 Vegeta.ble Com.
poulld Is t.ho wtlrItl's rlJalest reined"
lor women at this t\'yin porlod , I\Ulf
may be rdlccl uJllln to O\' 11.11 Ilia.
trcsR llg S'lIIptOIllS nnll carr.v them
safely through to 0. healthy BUll hl\pP1'
old age.
L 'llla. E. Plnlellam's Vegetahle Co
pound Invlgornll'8 111111 8tl'on thcns the
fenl lo orgalllsm , nml bllllds up the
wC lecncrl uervous system us no other
mcdiclno can ,
Mrl ! A , O. TIylnnd. of Choster-
town , Md. , III II. lotter'to Mrs. Pink"
barn , Ra 's :
DlII\r Mnt. Plnkhnm- :
. . 1 Imd bl'on 6ulfcrln ! ; with fl1mng of the
wOlllb for } "lJ.1l'S and WIIS putonlng through tbl
clUln oof lIfo. My w01l1b WI1M bl\IlYB\volion. (
1 luul n gUOII rlont of MlrCllt'l'S. I\lU \ ) 8paU. .
hl'l1l1nchcl ! , nlul wus very nOrl'OIli. ! I wrot.
'OIt Cor Rllvl < 'o I1ntl C01l11111'11 1'0 < I trentmen'
with 1.111B. / . l'lnkhnnJ'r1 Vl'jtlltnhlo Com-
p01l1ul n.q YOII .lIroch.'t ! , nnl , I Rill hnppy to sa ) "
thnt nll thoHO dlstrc ln sY1l1pt01ll ! ! loft me ,
Rnd 1 bAve S l'cl flttMy tlirough the chnn
of life n we \1 \ 1 WOI1I1lI1. "
Per spcela.ll\llvlce . regarding this b
porlnnt pel'lod women [ 11'0 invited to
write to Irs , I'lnlehltl11 for advIee. U
is free and alwn'yli helplul.
Cut It oUI'ilnko It to your roccr : hoVIII slvo you / \ \Vlgr.lo
SUel' lrll cu. Wo wlIl slvo ono free 10 ovcry wowan
In Amerlcn 10 convlnco her It Is Iho best end
1II0st convcnlent form of : ; - ' . .
' , , , ot'll'll'0 \ . th
_ 0"\0'0' " . . CROCERa
. . . - ' , . , . wl\1 \ .
. . , . \1' o\e. \ \OO' WO rodl'om 1111. lit
. \ . , , \110 \ O IJ- e. . " through rllur jnhb-r. or
Wont frccze , break , . . , " " .ft . \t.C'II' - - Iroet , tor Il. fnco value or 60 If re.
\ - \ ' } : ' " - el'l\'od ht 10nln I'ftlmont for. . 50 W al.
sp III nor spo t c I , ) tl les. u . _ tlUrk.orlnhnltt'nlmenUoraJOo.Uck.
Once uscll nlwnys used. fr. 1101 no 000 OIl . , . . . " . . . - , , ' . tI. n.dh. . . ' ,
" Is 'ound Ho.t. The blue is
. . . . , , never
VJ1"frl is.,4PI insldo , never outside.
Beware of Imitations _
! Ji '
: . r..TOCUREnEGRIP .lN ONE DAY t / tI , Ii a'TI.GOIP mlE
.NJH RIPINE { $ ! ; P."f P. Pw
" " . . . 'ItO'Q" : 'A . ) , , t\ n , . : . . o t :
\.I' ' 1/\,1 [ ULF ! ORH .h"d f : . , ' It. fnllfllryuurMUSlonUAJlt.IFl'l',110S"l'C1JJlE. :
- - - " ' - l".Ir.DicmcrM.D.Mauulaoturcr,8JJJ'luuI1cldM .
I1EW ,' 6LE
tour JOLJLJor or IIlre1 HOIII t..elory. l'cort. . 111.
Means a pro.
d u c t I ve capacity -
pacity In dollars -
. lars of 0 vcr
$16 per acre.
'rills on IBUd wblch b/ul / cost the farmer notb.
Ing lIut the prlco 01 till In ! : It , tellli ! Ls own
'J'bl ! CanadlBn Government give ! ! absolutely
Ireo to every settler 100 acres 01 Buch Innd.
Lands adjoining cnn bo purchased at Irom f6
to $10 Iler acre Irom railroad nnd otber corpor.
atlons ,
Already 176,000 Inrmer ! ! Irom the United
SLates bave mOOe their bomcs In Cunnd .
Par " ' ' ' "
pBmphlet 'I'wentleth Century ( 'nnndn"
, .nl1 allinrormatlon opply to Supt. ollrnmlgrn.-
tlon. O&tawa , CanBtla , or to loll owing nULhorlzcll
CauBdlon Government Agent-\V. V. Hennclt ,
SOl Now York 1.110 Uulltllng , Omabn , NollrlLHku.
( Mention tbla upor. )
troubled with ills peculiar to
their IU : used all a douche II marvelous y IUC-
ceufal. ; ThoroUlhlycleansCl , kl1lsdlseasc Iermsl
utops dilchAraCI ; , heals 11lfiammatJoll And , lOCAl
l'ullne Is In powder lorm 10 be dl.soiYed In pure
waler : , and I. far more cleanslnJ ( , huling , rerml ldU
and ecoDomlcallNn liquid anllaepticl for aU
I"or laIc al drugghll , c.o cenU a box.
Trial Del : and Dook of Inltructlons Pree.
'fItc R. PAXTbH COIU'AlU' 80UTON , MA. . . .
- .
"follow the fIJQ"
"orne Visitors I
November 37th
" 0 mlln ) ' points In Illinois , Indiana.
Ohio , 1 ( > Iltul'ly. Weslern pOIIIH'lvan. York IInd WOKt VIrginIa. at
GHIM'1'I.Y ImDUcl D HA'nS. :
' 1'111' W A IIAHII hus 11011t1 road.bcl1.
rlll.k 11011111111. IIno ntw 1'llulHnenl. ! He-
clllllnl ; ( Or ulr cllrs IIn : A'l'S 1"H8E , )
For raIl'S. ml1p ! ! IIn ull Intorllllltion
cull III \\"nll/II'11 . Clt ) . Olllce , ICtJl Far-
/lum St. or IItJdl./i/i
11.\1t1t\ . : \IIU S ,
0 , A. p , D. , Wall. It It. Omaha. Neb.
I -
\ . ( ' v , . I'i4ri""r.11 "tllhehev. .
\tAlES ' > I . .u ! ! ho..t ' ' ' ' 11'1 I , flrle- .
i . U Clltagv St.l. Co. . Ob'taov ; , 11
( I
' 3.50& $3&.Q SHOESU' ' &
w. L. Douglas $4.00 Ch : : : dgo Line
cannot bo equallod at any prlco.
, c.OOUOI J ;
ALJ , .
, I PRlla"
, II ! t
' : ; I :
. "
, \ : . " . . , I I
? "
, , illl i
. . , It ItOR/C )
' l4rm " '
.s0/.1 ,
. w./.OOl/ : ( /trs -
" , / . I :
' l.fs i1f11
' ! - Jti.1 Sy.i1f11
. I' " ' . Sy. O
< }
Ellablllhe <
. . . . . . . . . In Iy . 1&78.
MOllE MEIJ'a $8.nO sliDES TIIA.
$1 0 000 REWARD to a"yo" , who CII
, disprove Ihls.taleme"t.
W. L. noulrln $3.:10 : Ihou hRve by their " ' "
cellent style. elllY fIIUnsr , IInd '
qualities , achieved the Inrge.t an e , or any $3.15
shoe In the worlJ. They are lu.t as Rood . .
tlHI e Ihat cost you $5.00 to $1.00 - the oDly
dlllerence II the flrlce. II I could take you Inll
my lactory at Brockton , l\1ass. , the JarRnt I.
the world under olle reel maklnsr men'l llna.
.hlln , and , how YOII the care with which CVff
pair o. . lIonglu ahon' " you weuld realize
why W. 1 _ nou las $3.110 I toel ate tbo
ahoes produced In the world.
III could ahow you the dlllerenee between til.
Ihoel made In my rllclory and tho.e of othflf'
hlake. . ' you would IInderafond why
$3.50 Ihou cod more to hlake , why DOUlCi
their Ihape , fit better. wear 10nlCer. and are
Kreater Intrinsic value than IIDY uther $ J.
Ihoe on the market to-day.
W. L. DouoIn. StranD Mad. Shoo. "
Mon. $2.lJO. $2.00. Boy. ' Sehool
DreBs Shoaa.$2. O , $2. $1. 7lJ.I.lJ
CAUTIQN.-ln lit upon hllVI/lg W.L.Doue-
IIUI .hoe8. I'jike no IlIbRUtule. None lIr.nlll
without his nRme anti prIce .tarn etl 011 bOltom.
, v ANTI n. A shoetlealrr In every town "hlTlt
W. L. lJoIIlI1I8 SIIOM are 1101 80h ! . Full IIno oj
aawl'lel sellt free for InRpeeUon ul'on aequest.
Fgt Color E"t , ulld ; theIJ wl/1 not W g , bra" , .
Write for IllnRtrRled CatRlog of Fall Styl. .
'V. L. nOVOLAS. Urocktou , Baa. .
lIeat Your Building With
Ventilating Furnace
And ' \lve : 4 t\ per cu'
011 flht anlilnel ,
TboU llntlH III UbI ! . OU
"Diced. Sl'lId ror l eClta.
10luo Mnnuruclured aua
floill ! ly the
Bovte Grlndrr Ii FurD' "
Works , Waltrloo , IDWL
W. N. U. Omaha , No. 43-19OL