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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1905)
, ' . _ . . . . . . _ . , - - t1 t " . , : , _ . . . .u. _ uu : I ! t : : : : : : .3 : : - = = : , ] < ; , ( 'I , . 1 ; ' " I hn t 111"/1. \\'lIh Ihllli hI I , flIIIIIIIU' " 1 > 11111 lit .JIIIII' , , I .1 IIlIoI'IIUlIl ' 11' ' ' : ' ' n"pl"lull'lIl 11 f ! \VIWI'II " , Unlln..1 II. " .114 . , 11111' " 1111 lilli' IIlIIlIn , ' . , . Anll "VI" ' " 111I1 1111 111\1' ' ' III\\ ' tTrl ! , , t .t , Whth' . : ! ' I.IIIA 1'11'11"11 fI'l'lI"1'I ' IInli rnll ! ! . , , ' " 'ullNI fI\I'1' , , ) ' (1 14111,11 "N' I IIIJ.h. : tlo.lmillh / , ' II' . . : II"IIPI' . \\11 III ! , ' ' " . ; \11) ' , " " " 1 Y " , It I 11111 .110111 < " ' " 'I'OC . A rill \\111' ' II 1:11'1" Ihlll \III Ih. .111 " IIIII ( , UJ ( ' IIIrll' ' " Ihll I' 111If.7.III1U IIIYI'I. ' ' Alltl 111./ 10111 < J.IIII ) ' h , ' 11I'JIII1 ! , Lot " or. . 1'11I11. ' tn hh' 1 ! III' 111111' , : 'I'h ) ' ) 'NI ' ; L'II , 0 1.11I',1 , , I I < hllll lint I"HI' ! . . - " , ! I"IIII 1'101'101' ' , - - . . . . . . . - - . . . . . . . - - - - . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . . I - . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . - . . . - - - - - - - . . ; ; : : - : : : : : : ' - " - . . . . _ - = = : - _ - . . . - - . ' - - . - . - - . - - - . , ' - - . . . ' = , - . ' . - - - - : : - - , - = -p-- = T- = " ; ' " - ' - - ' , , - ? : ' " : : ; - . . , . t- . . ' ; -'iT-\ ; - . - . - - - ; ' ' 4'r' , ' ' - - . . " " . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , ' .c . . . _ . . . . _ . _ . . . . " " " - . , , : : : : ( _ _ : " . - . - - _ - . . . . . . . ' 1' . , . ' , . . . _ ' " . ? ' - 'oo ( , , < < - - / ' . " . J ' . . . . . . . . . . - " ' :1. - / ' - . , , . . . . , .J. . . - : - - - . . ; , . . " ' - ; { ! 'f'r ' 1IID [ [ WRONfi 8ARINfi 6Y J. C ' PLUMMER-- ( Conyrhht 1J05 ! hy DIIII ) ' Story Pub , Co , ) \1 " Sc\'cn lIa8 III all oIJOn,1Jt1at 011 that I ! tropical scar , Sovell daya oflllIlmtI \ ! J Hun , hlll'lIllIg and charI'llI ! ; our throattl until the mlserahlo plltanco of wlltel' , . ( we hnd allowed oUl'lwlves had lI'rllated rather than satisfied and now that was gene , Seven da's oC hlscult soahtll . with sea water , w\llch \ made our tOI' . 1./ ; / rlblo thirst lIIoru unhenrahlt ! , and nil , i aroulld us that ) leacoCul 11(111 , Whell I ; thought oC the awful storm In which , the Iris had foundered anll 100lOd at , ; ' the calm ocean I thought of lilY aisleI' I of 3'cars ego , She lllw Iho sea woult ! hav her slorms of allger nnd ct' ) ' nnd brealt her toys alld then go to sloop with just such a 5mllll on her face as the 5el1 were then. It was an mid thought for an old sea dog fuca to face wllh death , uut then I cXllect my IIIlnd was wandering 011 account of the thll'st nnd heat , Four of us had lelliled In the heat the night the Lmrlt wellt dowlI alld there were only two 1I0W. Ono had jumllod overheard III delirlulII IIlId the olhor was curled up dead In the I hwarls ono mornln . 1\11' , Paulo , the male , and I were , 10Ct to ! 1I0 U } ' thlt'st If no other way. "It 100liS cool down there , " croalell the male , stllrlng Into the sen , "No . . wonder Hans jnmllell Into It , "For God's salie , Mr. Pahlo , don't get to thlnl\lng of that , " I cried , Cor I had a borror of d'lng alone In that \Iont , Queer , Isn't It , lhut 11. JUan al. ways wants sOll1ouody around when ho is d'lnS' . "I'vo thought of It man } ' a time , Dou , " said ho , "and when I wasn't in n fix lIIeo this , I've b n tired of living these fifteen years , " lIe spoleo In n calm wa ) ' , but I thought he was losing his mind and shuddercd again at the Idea of being alone In the uoat. "I've novel' spoleen or It to a mortal hofore , " ho continued , loohlng down into the water , "and I don't Imow wh } ' 1'111 golnto / do It now unless 11. man don't want too much uallast when he's going to dlo , I'm n 'I''no man and sailed In the North Sea tmdo , 'l'hat was fifteen 'ears ago , and I used to 10ue ) at 11. small cottVO ! near Newcastle and dream auout 11 vln there some day with a certain girl. You Fee ) 'on Wa\'o where It curls , what a docp hlue it Is ? WolI , her e 'es were just lIIie that , and blame mo If nnyono could laDle Into thorn and lie 10 hOl' , We were not engaged , hut when one nl ht I told her how I loved hel' and bhe sllpPod her lIand Into mine and I loolied Into her e'eB and didn't want any ether answer. God , what a 11I1.lI\1) \ ' niGht that was ! "I aloOlI well with the COllllllln ) ' and hall 11I ' mato's certificate , so It was enl ) ' walt for n vacancy and then I'd be first ofllcer and wo could marry. "Just then n Cellow named Jn cl , IDates , 11. distant rolatlve o [ the fnmll ) ' , Icame to 11\0 with them , and he and lDess hccame as thlcle as uees , 'rhey Iseemed to have sarno sccret together , nnd would whlspor and tnll , In n way , which made me grit m ) ' teeth , Of Icourso I got hulYy nnd sta'ed awa ) ' Cor awhllo , hut I couldn't stand It. and Icamo sllnltlng LlI1clt lIIio whlppod Idog to Its owner , onfy to have another dose of mlsory. Dess was pleasant tome mo and civil , but when I hegan to tnlk about Dates sl1o'd laugh and bo as close as an oyster. She was vor ) ' dear . I . it r' " t" 1 . : " I t "It looks cool down there , " croaked the mate. to mo , but many II night when I pnced the brldgo with a Gorman ocean gale battorlng my ftl'co I cUl'sed lieI' aud Dates In my blttorness , "Things were In this bad shape .when just as I came bacl ; Cram a Va ) " ugo they sent Cor mo Cram the com. pany's office and In n hnlt hour I was mate of ono or the tidiest steamboats tbllt floated on the T'no , 'I'wo months ugo I'd made a course Cor lho open country and shouted at the top of m ) ' volco to heave over the jo ) ' that was In mo and now 1 was ns sloomr as II fog banle. Wb t was UIO good or II' , ' , Ins , I U ked m'selt' ! \ . "After I'd thollght awhile I made tlI my minri to gu 10 Hcm ; anll tell her 01 my ' ) Jr nlOlon ! 011I1 nloh IWI' lint It marry JIIe , It WIIS 110 gael ! humlnJ ! In the rlggln a I was doing , so I slarled for her hOllse , I had turned n corner when I baw BesH IInrl Hlltef cUUlllIS lowllds mo nnd I stepped uucli Into a duorwlIY so they'd IJlUS : ! JIIe , COI It wasn't safe for me to hll0 met Bains the wny I was fe'lIng , 'rile } were tnllelnnlld / laughln/ / ; together nnd wetlt Into CL jewclfJr's store near where I was stundlnI1y / nnd II ) ' the > ' cluno out , Hess 1001il:1g : as happy I Dripped him by the shirt and held him back , : as n lurlt and then a thought came over mo that turned my hlood to lco. I wellt Into the shop and JIIado out I wanted to buy Bomo jowelry. " 'What did that fcllow bur ? ' I aSleed , trj'lng to seem careless ; 'the j'oung man nnd the girl who just wont out ? ' "Tho shopmnn smlrliOd , " 'The old Itory , ' he 5:1111 ; 'a wedding I'lng , and she had a time IIndlng aile to I\t \ her linger , Pretly gul , wusn't sho' ! ' "I wont out In a hurr ) ' , leaving the mun stnrlng aileI' me , 1\Iy last sail was hlowlI uff the 'nrds nnd I was shl11wreclied. It was drag out a 1\0 \ wllh 110 good In It 01' l.ill : lI1yself , ami , as I said , Bob , I'vo often thonght of tt , " " 'Voll , " I said , "dld he lI1atT ) ' her ? " not thnt. I cared n 111001l11n' lilt for 11. man stan'lng for a rlnl. : o [ water Isn't Interested In love : ; tOl'les , uut I thought as long as ho was tallilug ho wouldn't jump ovol'hoard , "I don't Iwow , " he answered ; "Ulat night I left Newcastle , nnd as I have no relntives an ha\'o never seen a Newcastle 1II1pel' I'vo never heard. but o [ course ho did , What Lid ho want a weddln/ / ; ring for , else ? " " 'rhe woman Isn't launched thut. I'd ItilL m'selr , Cor or oven 1050 a meal on account of , " I said , crossly , "I'vo been Imoclclng nuout. the world qulto 11. bit anrl have seen all sorts , " said Mr. Pnblo , "but I'vo never seen eyes IIIw she had and novel' spolw to a woman slnco unless I was oullged to , I hated to como to Europe on the Iris , enl ) ' I had promlse1 the slclpper. " Ho wnB 1001clnJ ; Or the port qual" tor where the blue sli ) ' came down Into the blue sea , . "Bates Is a sullor.mnn , " continued Pablo , "and I'vo IOIlCd11 : \ II1Nt him some daj' , The Lord h& gooll to III III IC I do , What's that just a\ove \ ) the horizon ? " " 'Vhr , " 1 screeched , "It's II sail anll bearing our wa ) ' ; 'man , WC'I Po sa ved , " and I began to sing , or I PoX peel crOllle , Cor my throat wali 111' ) ' liS powrler , Pablo said nothing , IJllt IWIJt loolilng ever I he sea hS If h dllln' , care II utt o [ spun j'arn tr the F.IIII Sfw us or 110 , but I 3'elperl , though the vessel waE miles l4\va ) ' and jerleell mj' arms hI the nIl' frantically , The bark bor ( fiteadlly down on us and 11resentl hailed. Then silo lowered a uoat and toole us aboard. for wo were too weal , to row , A hlg broadshouldored man staal' ' at the gangwar anfl as Pablo set hll ores on him he utt red an awful curse whipped Ol\t \ his Imlfo and mate f lunge at him. I gripped him br thl ! > hlrt and hold him hacl ; , " fy God ! " exclaimed the man , "It I Isn't Tom Hohner ; or his ghost Why whero'vo you ueon this fift en rears ? ' " \l's \ dnmnod small matter to ) ' 01 where I'vo heen , " growled Paulo , wltl me hanging on lO hts shirt tall , "Ma'bo not , " I'eplled the man , cool Iy ; "uut thero'ij a woman In Newcas tic who's been waiting lirt' en ) 'enl' : Cor a mnn namell 'rom Holmes , and thlnl. : Il's a blood ) ' big malleI' to hor. ' "Who's waltlns for me ? " cronlee4 Pahlo , "W1I1' , Bess Devon IB , " What nre ) 'OU tallelng about ? asltcd PnblGj "didn't I liee 'OU bu } ' thl . . I wPodlllng rln for hm. . . , . . . . ' , " . ' : , " ' : ' r : ' , ' ' ' " , ' , : . : 'i " . : " " ' , , , " " f' , - 'II' ' 111I1 h'\d Jlltl latll'nco I ( tll \ n ( Rnd { 'I lI11wn on' th ( ' hllndlo so Cllllcl < , " 1'0 , , . (1,1 rl'lr ( ' , " )011'11 have fOlln,1 , oul lilt BCSM wnM II I ! I III II11I0 to rlln on II h n rid I lovcr ! . II WaR II dead I'rpl IIn,1 , I'Iho rlnl'crt not l'vcn tlll It 'I YOII , I I'll W ) ' 01 ( glaring lit us when : ( ' IInRl'l'l1 YIIII In Newcastle thnt oven , n 111111 when 'Oll were missing I "u'fllled Ilt till' whole hllHlncss , 'Veil , : ( ' 8S 114 walth. . for ) ' 011 , I1nrl I don't now how 3'011 ft'pl uhollt It. " Mr , Ilohn B , 1114 I ollght to call him , nn to Bates and HllnhlR / o rills nround 1111 end I helluvcd hc crlcd , lJUt I wali aldnJ ; cJown ,11 tot IJt grog then anti 111ght. hu\'o heen mistaken. At any Ill ! ! the ImrIe was hound for J..lvtJrpool \till I nl'vesaw IL man so anxious to : tl to 1I00't as Mr , Holmes , late Mr , 'ahlo , - - - - - - - FOUND IT HARD TO GET REST. Homan Had Multiplicity of Reasons ( or Insomnia. The woman who hoaslA that she 1I1\'Cr sleop8 well has IIIan ) ' r asons at 'tcr ' . .tongul'R ! cnll , and nobody dareR IIsllllto tholll. There Is ono woman In 'Jart h'ular who hall no family , nnll WUlulf1 hur 1ICo In traveling and visit. 'n , Shu therefol'o has nn opportunity to test 11.11 sorts of places , "I can't sleep In Now York on nc. OIlnt oC the elovalell trains that run within 11. hlock of Cousin James' Iwuse , " she explained to a Crlend ono day , "nnd In Philadelphia there Is 1n oloctrlc light thnt shines from the ( 'orner right on my bedroom wall , and' I novoI' wish to hnve hllnds closed. "In Doston my rrlends IIvo on n street through which the milk 'corts como very early. "In Waahlngton , at the Duncans' , thcro's n dog , anll he's lIahle to bark at any tlmu , , 80 I le ep oXI1ecling to heor hhp , even when he doesn't. In Duffalo , at Henr"s , there's n euclo clocl , thut l.eeps : waiting mo up , When-I'm' with the Sallsburys I just lie and IIs1 n to the s a boomln and spluahlng all night long , And at dear Anna's , ' or course , there are babies. " I "I should thlnl , } 'ou'd love to go out 10 the Henderson's , " said the sym- palhetlc friend. "night In the woods , and. no farm animals , IIko hens , or anything to disturb you , " " 'I'ho Hendersons' ! " and the sufferer Cram Insomnia raised her eyes to henven , "My dear , I tried It' once , and Iho quiet was so CearCul ! I never closed my eyes till da'lIght-Youth's ! ComiJIlnlon. Causes ( or Stupidity In Children. The teucher should bo n close O ' server of his pupils , and should lmow when they are failing In uodlly starn. Ina as well as when the ) ' are not lteop. Ing UII their scholarship record , Man ' children have defective JO'c , sight , and suffer Cor want of properly adjusted glasses , Tholl' astigmatism , mj'oplu , or some ether error reCra . . tlon , does not cause sorlous dlscomCort \lnlll the e'o strain required to accom. modate the \"Islon for eloso work brings on headache , Il't'ltaullity of tern. l1er and dlge tlvo disorders , which so often perplex even the physician , who falls to loolt In the right direction Cor the causes of these dlsordors. Often IIttlo consideration Is shown the stllpld members of n class , The rlull ho ) ' OJ' girl Is nlways expected to bo at the foot , yet the calise of the dullness ma ) ' he on1) ' natural timidity duc to Imperfect hearing , mouth. ul'cathln , the r sult oC enlarg d ton. sl1s , nasal catnrrh , 01' growths In the nose , all oC which conditions can cas , lIy ho rellevel1. The health would be moro vlgorolls , anll the normal actlv. Ity of lho brain would he manlf sted III Increased aullity to acqllire Imowi. edge , How Monkeys Sleep. "Loolt at them , " said lhe heeper softly , "A pretty sight , Isn't It ? . . The rays or the lant rn did not awalten the multitude o [ monkeys asleep In the great cage , They lay In a hun. dred altitudes. Here a slumuerlng mother heM her slmnherillg baby In her arms ; there a ! ormldaulo male lay by hlmsolt In a cleared space ; a fat monleey In n corner snored , Not ono of the o 1110nlwys slept on his bncle. "Do you see ? " I > ald the le per. "They 110 on theil' sides , on their ! : tomachs , l'ver } ' which way , hut thre ) Isn'l one alylng on his hacl" There never Is , No uwnley cver was found sleeping on hIs bncl. : , Sometimes as I conslrler their Int lilgenco nnll their munlfold virtues It seems to m that thl' Cact Ihat lO'Iuleys : never sleep on their Iwcls is th chief dicrerenco be. , twcen them flr:1 : hllmnn beings , " - - - - - - - - A Dre m of Opul"nce , \\'I'Y ( , 1 multimillionaire I'd hnve n 101 IIr thln1'Q ! : :11"omp : 'Inll splf-l dol' Fhoul.1 compar \\'lIh cnl'lh's 111 " ! : ! I ( lflt"nl 1lnls III tJlllld II HilI" , , ' CIHIII'I. . . ! . 1:1 : , , : It In which I ! lchllJlT1 Imelt : l'tI own n fllrf'slrd ' ! Inl ( ' \\'hrl' : shnll1 n'H ttlt , 1'\1 hn" ! ' n pn\ ' roll tull or "amn Ot lollc ! ' I 1I0000er Imw , Anll 1lclur ! ' bPI In II1.MOItrame. . . Which I woult ! s'Iloll1 "Iew , I'd hulhl II II' ' "lIlacroq " wllh rClOIl1'1 \VhcII' I ml hl \ \ IlIurH , And ! irlt \ lIell'lIh IIloom. \\'I'lth ' tlltll ' " 1110 unkno\\'n , A lot r cell ! : , . ! t 1'\1 r'nt \\'ho " l'I..Ct"I ! ' I II 1101 hEd An'l IlIrm " 'S 1,111 f.II II fill 1It'IH , \\'lIh Lool. " I'tI 'I"er y'IHI " , walee t , ( 1I11an111,1 , : IIIjhl IInd da ) ' . I'd nu , r. 111) ' 1,1111' " 1011111' \Vh"I'I' 11111':1'11 \ \'Iuhl hours & da ) ' ) 'd loll 11. " I"'lIly.tolll' - \\'ulooldnjlon SIal' , - - - - - - Lese MaJtsty a Heinous Crime , 0110 1111I1111'011 nnd t\\ ' nt.lIvo pam. " gl'ah8 } of the Germnn 5talulo lIool. : aI' ' ' de"oled to d\tailing how I1no or IlI1prlsonll1'nt mny Ieer."ned by thut most h ( > ulous ( .C ' : l'lml'8 , lezl3 maJest ) ' , Words or action , prlvato or public , are lIallle to he c\u.llenged \ , nnlt there Is nothing-In Itl\\ - 10Ir'l'nt \ one Ol' " two people tallilu tOjNher denotlnc. Inlhp 011101' :01' plnklr g IlIsr sl1 ( > ct , fulor \ 11) ( ' wlQlder or the mall..11 f1st , , . , . ' - . { , , ' , ' , " . " " , . . ' , " , ' , , , ; , . . . . .w. . . . ! . , . I { . . . . S , . ' ' - " ' . 7'- _ _ Amerlcal Where nJhthUIIII's , kllllC 1111 nhht lOll\ \ : , I.ct rlrt' , RIIII poesy , ! lnd SOIlI ( from l'lumhllnl ; CrAI ( IInd clINtie call 'Iomnncl' to 11ft her /jlorloull flail Wovell ni wild and 9UIJU , ! pl'aml- i't'l everywhere till : mUlllc ! lef'lml lIullt 11"1)1' tlar'c ' nnl1 cruel dreps Where fcellng fnlnts alld funcy Rlee'1a ' , fh'rc , Ir chance "hllrts ut IInhl fall down And I1lrllce the jewt'l ot " "w crown. JI' 10ul'h to somelhln hulr sulJllme 0\ II/'ro greater Ihun his time , : > 1' Hlill the brnw Iof some white Iitleelt , 51111 1Iacker sink thl ! Iults hetwech. Where , " ' "f1/IEr ) ' with 1,10011 , Itlld tears. 1'111) slntr ( , / Immemorial years nee climbed I rmn nut 11111lIether n'ght ' 1'11I mCNj stllggcrell 10 Ihe light ! J thou upon tlmp's topmosl crpst , J'hou vlrln ! Spirit flf tI" , W.ll , How hlll'I'Y , . ) t IIflllrt from Iltl ) e fly IIhh 1111111 ; slorms 1t11l1 tumhllng'stAS- rhe foamlllj ; ' , fepuratlll 1llIln- Ics In th , ' lI ht Ihy dcnr lIumaln ! lIer < " In thn shallow lie the Iallt , t 5C tll1 ! 10nmlllJ : full' uII,1 vUIII. , flliler lol'Y IIHIIH1 thel ! throwlI I'hall all Ihe wniling wnl'ld hHI ; known. IVhal wInged ' 1I11OIIt 'llee IIcct. " 'hilt T'I'II ; > 'crs ! hO/H'5 / 1".uUrlll Ihy rct . 'Ilon the mountnlnt , IhlltlllnJ ; sholl. Thuu Inll'st m"I > of Grd ! -lIarllet Prescott SpurTurd In the RcaJer ( , - - - As the Elephant Kneels EmJ ! Iii u ete- I ) h a 11 t leDeeUn/ / : . tI W ll rolt ask. , Whnt Is olld about " -J , thatT We haTc , : . : = ; " _ often seen cle- ; " , . ; 11hnnts lenoe [ In " " . circus , Suppose 3'OU have. D [ d ) 'Oll ever notice anY'thlng ' 'Peculiar In tbe position or Imow that the elepbant Is about the ani ) " animal that Iweels as human oelngs do-that Is with lhe hlnrl legs lrelched out behind them , so thut hl' ) ' actually lIJcl1 on their knees ! lo : > t other animals draw their legs III underncath lbem , 11Im a. horse or .ow lying down. - - Phantom Doves , - - man who had been at work In n .h3 fnctOl y In Malna set a hen one \ .Juy. Ho was tolll that ho eggs were ' /nnlullls / , " anli he c"wars was fond of Ul IHIIIS , "It don't talie scarcely noth. Ing 10 Il'ed ' ( 'Ill , " sal he , "anll I'm lUuch obllge.1I to 'Oll , " Alld the young lelll" : : ! III the ! ! allle roonl III lIle shoe rlll.l.ory. wbo gave Idm lhe egs , smiled nmon ; . : theIIH , ! vi , The ggli hllcllCl : anll then lhe devoled bantam raiser hung over the "chic liS" In rapture. The ) ' \\Il the most awful specimens Df Imntnms , though , that he eV r saw. They WEre the lanl.est : allll most In. Hgl'.iflcant and naleedest and fuzziest hlrds ho c\'er mot In all his existence. "Seems to me , " 111'0f ( red he , the next lilt ) ' , hl he stooll at his worle , "that them's IIIlghly queer uantams , Ildnd , of thlnlt thoy'ro some lIew hreed- somethin ; ; SOl t of original , you Imow , Such things docs happen , " 'rhe bo's , In th shop I'greed , without much urg. lng , to como 1111 and see them , They came in ones allll twos and threes and squads , unrl filled the hen houlo and ! locl.erl : hll ! . prf.mises , and aHer the } ' h allot / ; there they gave the hen fanci r the \ottom \ ) of the Illot , They hall given a seltlng o [ dove's eggs , - - A bioI UIIttr , . . ( one. So far 01.1) ' one siano has been dls. co\'rrr:1I In Lho wOl'ld which actually Coretells changes In the weatber , a 1111 It:1 : . founll In Finland many yeat's ago uy , HI eoplorer , 'fhls slone , which Is Icnown It ; " Ile emalilllr , IS mottled with wldlo .IIot : ; . IJllt just btfore an IIPJlroachln rainstorm It tllrns ab , b llltp.l } hlatk : 'fe ) hemalwlr Is c m. po.p.rl ! ' . of ( Inv , ror : . ! : salt and nItre , Whp/I / thf' utmo5phere I Ilry the Ralt II , th Htolle shows Itself 111 spots of white on thp surfacc , IJllt when rain I , ; fxpectF..I th salt. ahsOrblD1 : the moloturp. . tnrns blacli , and tllU : ' acts it : > a hal'ometer , Where I < affJr Children LI"e. . . IRLS and boys , dD mil thlnl , ) 'OU could 'i,1' In house lilco Ills ? Yet such a I II t a f s t. I c Ie s 't.atched wilh grass ' ' ; all Ihe homo lltnrl rpds of Kamr -'hlldrln of Soulh ' \Crlca ever Imow Th. . halo In the sld , PI'V'S for door , - . "Indow anll ehlm. . - z : : ; . . . . . . . - - , 10) ' all In onl' , al'lIl , . < ) : : : lft'n It IS so ! ! mall _ _ 'n'l ! , he children ha\/ ? t. , creel' tn side In these hilts , which : .e1'0 uetween t n ant ! thirty feet In olamett'r a big lire IS IHlllt on'thp. earth 11001' , tltld sometlmos nearly Carl } ' pEopl 811el1 around It. The anI ) ' ad\'antage o [ such It hOllle Is that II can he hullt In a lIay No on nel'll bother Willi : Hchl- tects or fear builders' 51 rllecs As 'ou can Imaglno , th children ol such homes 5ucror nUlu } ' harshlps ; uut , stnce ther Imow nOlhlng heltel' , the ) ' are merry anll hllpPY nnd bave many games favorlto amusement III to uulld smnll huts , just as In Amer. Ica : girls have doll houses and bo's tents , Th r ulso molll to's , out of wood and mull , Doth Lars nnd jlrls jump rope In < : essantl ) ' , weaving tbe lulI1plng ropes themselvcs , The young Kaf1lr Is \ ' ry ronll of talitng snuff , Even the babies SIH ! ZQ I their 11001' little heads noarl ) ' 01Y from It , Girls as w11 ns hors are tOl'rlhe ! fighlers , and wh n Ih ( ' ) ' quurrel , nct much 11I0 Utile willI heasts , 11lOu b . . , : . ' . / : ' . ' , . . " 17 ; - - . . . ono might think their great love of su' ar would sweeten t.hclr lsposltlons. If n lnfllr child can get sugar In no other way he w\l1 \ ateal It. In one thing , though , the Knfllr boy sets a good examph to Polly Evans' bo's- he Is very thrlny and early In lICe boo gins to save. As there are no lafllr dlmo savlng& hanks , u boy hurles hlR wealth In the Jungle t\l1 \ he has enough to huy a cow. When bo buys Cram six to a dozen cows be can marry. "I Washington's Signature , Tn writing his slgnaturo Washington put his pen to the paper five times , l'"lrat ' he wrote the G. W. In' ono can. necl d line ; scond he raised his hand and made the small 0 between the up. \1er \ Ilart or thl ! G , and W , and the two dotsj third , his hand and arm were placed in IL Ilosltlon to wrlto allhlng , these six lellers oce\pylng \ a breadth of almost exactly one and three-quar. terse Inches , This Is about al ! much of the arc of a clrclo ( of which the center is ; ; the elbow plvoled on the table ) as 'one with II. forearm of averago'length I can cause to colneldo with the tan. gent. or tlte straight IIno across the 1l:1pel"'hlch : lho lower part of the let. tel's Callow , unless unusual effort Is mnde , and a grcat deal maI'o move. ment bo given to the fingers , 'fhe g ends In a cnl'ved flourish , of which the convex sldo Is turned upward below the right cenler oC the name , Fourth , he wrote tbe final ton ; IIflh , he added the very Ilecullar flourish above the right center of Ihe name , with the ob. ject of'dottin ! ; the I and crossing the t at the same strol.e : , ' - - - Don'ts for Boys nnd Girls. Don't do anything halfway. Worlt that is worlhy your allentlon Is worlhy your IJest clYlrts , Don't fnil to'male the most or 3'our possihllitios , God helps him who belps himself , Don't b ungrateful Cor kindness reo celvetl from olhers , Only an Ingrate I : : ! car > aIJl of such mcann ss , Don't hirl. : your duty , no matter how 1104\\1 the taslt , hut perform It I readlly anll with wililngnoss , I Don't 111' ignorallt. o [ tbe usages of ' good sodety Don't slu.dlt your own position In the worlll In'u ! > t- time cnvyinJ ; these who ma ? he more fa'ored than 3'our. self , lIrelSS will romp to Iht ; ' her or girl who st.rives enrnesrly with a high purpose in vlpw Indian Children. We Americans shoulll know a great deal about Indians , for we occupy their land , Days IIIC Indian storlos wel1 enough , and girls 111\0 to loole at In , dlan plctums ; but lJOw many of you know that an Indian uauy's IIrst year Is sp nt strapped \I1 In 11. tight little cradle ? After Ihe little lIoy Indian I 11. year oM he soon learns to wall ; , and ho no sooner walls than he mounts II StiCli or brnnch of tree and pretend : : he Is I fdlng hors'hacl" ' A little Indian gt'IIH ! scarcel ) ' out 01 her cl'Odlp L.fore she heglns carrying a dolly on her bncli just as hel' mamma used 10 carry her , She Illnys le eI11nb house , nnll constructs a cute 1Ittle wig. wnm'h1l her little brothel' plays nt fi5111111 : nnd hllnlin , Besides playing- , thest : Indian chlldrcn lenl'l1 all sort ! ! of . . , . . --v"--- - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ useful I hlngs , 'l'hey Clre.tllu . ht to b8 ' I Ilolite , hand ) ' anti good. Perhaps these ) red chlldron could teach tiS lessons In , politeness , COI' they are taught never " ' , to tall , to older 11ersonH whllo tbo elders arc engaged In conversatioD. Do : ' 011 : why nn Indlnn Is so , nllractlve to children ? Not uecnuse or his darlt skin and lIlaclt hall' , but on' account of the paint marks on his Cace and his gaily bedecked bead Dnd body. Every paint marli of an Indian's face Is a sign with a definlto meaning wblch other Indians may read , When an In' \tJu " ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I THE SIMPLEST MOUSE TRAP , , I I : \ . , a I The , HomeMade Mouse Trap Ready for the Quarry : j' J"1 " At some time 3.01t lIIay want n mouse tl'all in a hurry and flnd that you ha\'e none about the house , or at least none lha t\\'Ill worl" Of course ) Olt can go out and IIlty on , bitt 3'011 can male one jllst as easily. and pOl" I haps hy so doln earn a bit of IlocliOt 11I0no ) ' from 'Olll' lamntR , All 'OIJ nc ll Is an old bottle with a mouth 01' openlJJ In thl' ncele nboltt on11111 ol1l'.halr Il1chcs In dlametor I'I'"Ice this In the ) Jmlon ! ! shown Ir. I . , . " - rJv.oN.'Jol ' q'j 1 q . ' ) , . , dlan puts on bls Cull W11r paint he deeles himself not enl ) ' with honor2 and distinctions won hy his own brav , cry , but also with the special honor& of his family or triue , Ho may pas. sess ono mal'lc of distinction only , 01 many. Sometimes bo will wear all his honors at. ono time. Then he fs a sight worth t'ravellng Car to sec. - - - The Great Wall o ( China. "China abounds In great walls , " rOe marlis a Pelt1n corres'pondent In 11 recent - cent . letter to Our Dltmb Animals : " \Val1ed cOllnlr ) ' , wullod cllles , walled villages , wallerI palaces and templeJ'i wall after wall and wall within wall. But the greatest of allls the great wall . of China , bltllt 213 ) 'ear8 boore OUI el'U" of great slaus of well.bewn slona lalrl jeg-ulal' ' , In coul'ses some twenty C et IJigh , and then topped out with , lal'ge , hlpul.hurned brick , the ramparts high IInd thlclt and castellated Cor use ( If arms , It was built 10 keep the wal' 111\0 Tartar : : !\'e teet high uy Carty f et thlcl' , 1.200 miles long. with room on top for six : horses to be ridden nbreast. For 1,400 yeal's It liept these hordes at bn ) ' , In the maIn ancl Is just as good and firm and ! ' > ll'Ong as when put In plnce , Ho\'f ono feels wh11e standing on this vas worl. : sCl'ullnlzlng its old masonry , It ! ; queer old cannon and ambitious sweep along lhe mounlaiu crest. In speech less awe wo strolled or ! ! at and gazed In sIlent wend l' , Twelve hundred miles of lhls gIg-anile worl. : , built on the rngged , craggy monntnln tops. vaulling o\'er gorges , spanning wild stl'eams , nelling the river archways with huge , hard bars or cop\1 \ r ; with ( louhle gates amI swinging doors and bars set lhlck with Iron armor-a wonder In the world , before whlcb the old-limo classic seven wonders. 011 gone now , save the great pj'ramlds. wel'o t03's , Broke ' . " Up 4'Happy Family. A bahy pig ouj ctetl to bell1l ; hugged by a mOnliOj' at a wild animal show at Coney Island n Cew daj's ago , and ull lhe monkoj"s tall ofr. The two be. loned : to the "hapilY famll ) ' " at the show. An season there have beer , thr e monlecys , 11. hairless dog and a pig In one cage , All have seemed tG be on the most friendly terms , but thE pig usnally has been the butt of all the jol , B which Skip , a mischievous monkey , could Invent. Skip's partlcu , lar Cancy was the curled stump 01 plgg"s tall , and ho had a. habit 01 st'aling up and giving it a sudden j rl < , Dllt the pig dIdn't mind ; he seemed to loolt on It as a frlendl , sign , The other day , 110wever , Skip rumed the natural dlgplty of the pig h ) ' putting his arms around Its neck Qulcl , us a flash the ) II ! ; snapped 81dp's tal1 , and that brolcc up tilE "hapll } ' ! amll ) ' , " - - - - The Talking Mynah , 'l'he hl1l mynah of India , 111\0 the par. rot 01' raven , Imitates human utter ances. 'rommy speals Hlndnstan and English , TOll1m ) ' Is ono of the Cea. tures of the London Zoo , The mynahs belongto the starling rather thnn tbG crow genus , The body Is blacl" leLs : ; ul'own , heale red , and they have brlghl I : r : 0 1 : : e J _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the Illustration , Inclined II ' } means 01 I brlclis or blocl.s : oC wood , Leading up , to the Iliouth or the boltlo place a f board or n picco of cardboard , nnt ! on the carduoard la ) ' a train or crumbs at r . eheos , Drop some larger hits In the ' . ' ' ' moulh of the uollie and lhe trap Is set , , 'rho mouse wl1l pnlor the bottle to ! get the hall ntHl will find thot It can , f ! nut cllmu out egan ! , as the slippery , ; laGs wI11\t""d no hold tor Its claws.