9- _ , - - - KIDNEY TROUBLE I DUE TO CATARRH. fi' " : \ , I I The Curative Power of PE-RU-NA in Kidney Disease the Talk of the Continent. , lcholas .T , Hertz , l\cm1 > erof Ancient Order of Worlumm , Capitol Lodge , No , 140 , Pearl Street llotel , Albany , N , y" writes : "A few months ago I contracted II. heavy cold which settled in my lddneys , a.nd each time I was exposed to inclement - ent weather the trouble was aggravated until finally I was unable to work , ' 'If. "Mter trying many of the advertised - tised remedies for kidney trouble , I finally took Peruna. ' 'f uIn a week the intense pains in my back were much relieved and in four weeks I was able to take up my work again. "I still continued to1 < ; e Peruna for anot1lCr month and at the end of that time 1 wn.s perfectly well , " 1 now talm n dose or two when I hnve 'been exposed and find that it is splendid to keep me well , II Hundreds of Cures. Dr. IIartmnn Is constantly in l'ecelpt of testimonials from people who have been c\1red of chronic and complicated kidney disease by Peruna. POl' free medical advicc , address Dr. Hartman , President of ' 1'he IIartman Sanitarium , Columbus , Ohio , LEWlS'SINGLE ' BINDER , , STRAIGHT5 CIGAR " 'lL ' 7.000.000 ,7 : four jobber , or direct troln tactory , Peoria , Ill , 4 . You Uave No Right to Suffer From Constipation , Bowel and Siomach Troublo. Q. What Is the beginning of slcltness A , Constlpntlon. Q , Whnt Is Constlpatlon7 A. I"allure of the bowels to enrry err tbe 'l\'a te matter which lie ! ! In the alimentary onnal wbere It l1ecn's and polsomrthe cntlre system. Eveutunlly tbo results nre denth under the nnme or homo other dls ( > le , Note the dentbs tromypholll fever nml IIppelllllcltls , stomacb IInd bowel trouble at tbo lrl' ent time. Q. Wbat causes Constlpntlon ? A. Xcglect to respond to the cnll of Datura \ promptly. Lack of exerclbe.otces lve brnln worl ( . Mental emotion un Improper diet , Q. Wbntare , the rebults of neglected Constl. pntlon ? A. Constipation cnuses more ! \ulTerlnl : thnn nny othl'r dlhease , It causes rheumnllsm. colds , fevers. stomncb , bowel , kltlney , lunl { nnd hcart troubles. ete. It Is the one dbense thnt htnrts 1111 others. IIJlhle tlon. dyspepsln , dlnrrhea , loss ot 1 < 1 ( > 0)1 ) and IStrenllth IIro Its fiymptom-plles ! , nppendlcltl' ! nnlll1htula , nre cnubed by Constlpn. tlon. Its con equence ; ! lire known to nil phy , hlclnn , but tew bulTerers realize their condition until It 1'1 too InteVomen become confirmed Invalids as result of Constlpntlon. Q. Do physlclnns recognize this ? A. Yes , 'l'he first question your doctor n'lils you Is "are you constlpated " Tbat Isthe becret. Q. Canlt becured ? A , YeR , with proper trentment. The common error Is to resort to physic ; ! . such as pills , ImltR , minerai wntl'r , calStor oil , InjectlonH. etc" every one of whlcb Is Injurious , 'l'hcy wcnken nnd Increase the mnludy. You lenow this by your own experience , q , bat then"sbould be done to cure It ! A. G tn bottle of Mull''IGrape Tonie ntonce , Mull's Grape ' 1'onlc will posltlvcly cure Constl. patlon nnd Stomnch 'l'rouble In the shortes spncoor tlmc. Nootber reml'dy hns berore been known to oure Constllliltion positively and per- mnnently , r Q. Wbnt Is Mull's crnpo 'l'onlo r , , A. It Is a Compound with 40 r cent of the ' . juice of Concord Orllpel. 1t exert' ! n pecullnr strenjttbenlnR , henlln Inl1uence upon the Intes. Unes , fiO that they ClIO do their worll unnlded , The process Is rndulII but I < ure. It Is not a physlo. but It Cures Con'ltlpntlon. Dysentery , Stomach nnd 1I0wel ' 1'rouble. Hnvlmr a rich. trulty rnpo flnvor. It I ! ' ! plea ant to take , As n tonlo I Is ulI quulIed , III urlnJ. : the sytem ! ' against dlsense. It strengthens and builds up Wilsto tissue , Q. Where cnn 1IIull's Grnpe Tonlc.be hnd A. Your drugll t ! ; ell ! ; It , The dollar bottle contnlnQ nearly tbl'ee times tbo 5O.cont size. Ooed lor AIUng Children and Nunlng Motben. A trre bottle to ull who l ) ve never uied n becuube wo know It wtll cure ) 'ou. 124 FREE BOTTLE. 10145 Send tbls'coupon with your nnmo amI ad. dress and 'our dru lllst's nnme. for n rree bottle of 1IIull' $ Grupo Tonie for Stomnch nnd Dowels , to JlIUI.VS GItAI'I TONIC CO , . 148 'I'hlr , . Avenuc , Hock hland , Illinois - l ; , Gire Full .Addrm and Il'rUt Plainly. , ' ! l The $ l.O ( ) bottle contnln' ! nenrly three Urnes tbe We slzo. At drul1 stores , Tbe RODuine hns 11 dnte nnd numberstnmpe\ the label-take no other trom your druggist , 4J , I.ook for this brand on harness , I collars. baddIes , hOt'se blun1ccts , lap robes , ete , : \rado by Harpham Bros. Co. , Lincoln , Neb. Drop u. a card and will mall you a souvenIr. W. N. U. Omaha. No. 41--1905 . [ The Bov Reared by Hand. An olr ! farmer In Nemahn. county rOe marks t bat a homegrown , hand. spanlwd , lInre.footed nUll hanl.fiatell cOllntrr ' .bO . ) ' maltl'1 ! a much better fighter in the battle : ; oC lICe than docs the pampered , hlgh'l'ollared , cr < ! ns < ! d. trollsered ) 'ollth oC our towns ani cltl < ! s whoso clothes have alwa's b < ! en dusted wilh a whlsl broom Instead ot a shingle.-l\allsas Cil ) ' Journal. Collision Logic. Il has been su gested that the ex. cellent showing mnde by steel cars In c01llslon is due to the fact thnt the w'ooden cars In the train with thom acted ad cushIons and lessened the force of shocl , . PreservIng Fish ScaleG. : The discover ) ' of the mcthod of preserving - serving fish scales hns led to a con. sidernllio export trade from Russia i The scales arc used for the malting' ' of artificial pearls and sImilar ar- ticles. Monkeys Help In Tea Packing , Chinese monltC's for years past have assisted the natives in tea paclt- Ing. Their lallor Is cheap , for they are moro than contented with l > llyment In the shape of sundry luscious mor. sels. Collie Follows Automobile. A collie that had pursued Us mas- tcr's automobile eIghty miles , unknown - known to the driver , was found , exhausted - hausted , the other da ) ' , near Rainbow - bow , a Cheshire ( England ) village. Peanut Like the Potato. The peanut is a root 1)lant , that Is , the buds , after blossoming , bend down enter the earth , and become the nuts , The nuts , there Core , are dug out of the earth like potatoes. Forests In Finland , Findland has a larger percentage or wooded area , In comparIson to Us total surface , than any other European country. It leads with 61.s per cent. Dairies In South Africa. The growth of agricultural co.op- orative societies in South Africa opens good opportunities for selUng ma. chines used in the dairy Industry. FARMS FOR REN'l' on SAI.E ON CROP payments. J. MULHALL , Sioux City , Ia. How soon a man The called his girl saucy , calls his " .fe sassy ! When You Buy Starch buy Defiance and I'et the best , 16 oz. for 10 cents , Once used , always used. WUh some men swearing err is p ontinuous performance. , WOMEN'S NEGLECT SUFFERING THE SURE PENAL TV Health Thu Lost Is Restored by Lydll E. Plnkham'sTcgetablc Compound. - - How many women do you 1m ow who are perfectly well and strong' ? We hear every day the same story over and over again , . . 1 do not feel well ; I am BO tired all the time I " . /lIli.JJ KaleMcOona/d I Mor than 1l1(01y 'ou speak the same words 'ourself , and no doubt you feel ft1.r from well. 'I'he cause maybe easily traced to some derung'ement of the female - male organs which manifests itsel in deprcssion of spirits. reluctance to go an 'whcre or do anything' , backache , bearing.down pnil1s : lIatuleney , nervousness - ousness , sleeplcsslwssleucorrh a. ' .rhese symptoms are but warnings that there is dlUlger ahead , and unless heeded a life of suffering' or n serioul operation is the inev tn ble result. The ne\'er-fn iIlng' remedy for all these symptoms is I.ydia E. Pinlham's Veg. etable Compound , Miss Kate McDonald , of Woodbridge , N , J. , writl's : Donr Mrs. } } Lllkhnm : "I thlllk that \\Qll1m : nnturnlly dislikes to make her troullies known to the public , but restored hoolth hUR IIIl'ant lIIuch to lIIe Umt I canllot 1Ielp from t011ln millo for the sakQ of other 6utferln ! ; WOllll'n , " For n Ion ! ; tllllo I Rul"ercd untol < 1 nlony with a uteriuo troublu mul .lrrtJularlties ! , \ \ 1IIch mllllo mo n ph'RI'ul wreck , nnd no ono t1l0ulht I would 1'lIt'ovor , lIut Lydia E. Pink. bam' ! ' ! Vl'otublo ! Compound h/l. < j entirelY' cured mo. und mlllio JIll ! well a1l1itrCII ! ; , Ilnd I fl.'el It my ( Int ' to tl'11ot1l0r slltferlllg women " 'hnt u splen < 1it IIIl" lit'lno it Is , " If you arc ill , don't hl'itate ! to get" bottle of I , 'dllK 1'lnl < lllll11's Vl'gcta- L ble Compound at OIH'LJ , nnd write to 1\1r \ , > Pinlchnm , Lynn , : \Ins , forspcciul ! . -it is free and always helpful. CURES CONSTIPATIOU Relief that comes from the use of pl11s or other catlmrt Ls is bctter thal1 suffering from the results of constipation , but relief and cure com incd may be bad at the sam ! ) price and more promptly , for Lane's Family Medicine is n cure for constipation. nnd the beadache. bact-acbe , b.dcache . nnd geneml debility thllt . : omo from constipation stop when the bowtls do their proper work. : Sold by nIl dealers tit 2SC. and Soc. . , , - - - - - - - CONGRESSMA GOULDEN Finds Quick Relief from Dladder Trou. bles Through Doan's Kidney Pills. lion. Joscph A. Gouldcn , l\tcmller of Congrcss rppn'scntlng the 18th D\s. \ I , : I I I trlct of New York , also trustce of the Soldiers' 1I0mo at nnth , N. y" wrltell : Gcntlemen : As many of m ) ' friends hnve used Donn'a lldne ) ' Pills and have lIeen cured or kldne ) ' ami 1I1ndder troullles , I feel it my dut ) ' to recommend - mend the medicine. l"rom personnl experience I know Doan's lldne ) ' Pills will cure inflammation - mation of the Llndder. having experi. cnced relief the second da ) ' oC using the ml'dlclno. ( Signed ) J. A. GOUl.DEN. &Jld b ) ' all denIers , 60 cents n bux. Foster-Mllhurn Co. , Durrnlo , N , Y. 'Tis Hard to Reform. A crool" who had ml1rrlnd and trle to settle down and lea.l . nil honest lite , was riding In a street cnr when he felt a slight tug at hIs stud. Without turn. ing his head he loolwd down and saw a busy hand tryIng to worl ( it out of his shirt front. lIe at once worltcd his rIght hand behil1(1 his lI1'cl , nnd toolt the other fellow's wntch. When ho had It securely in his poclet ho turned around and said : "Sa ) ' , Dill , 1 was in the same line myself not lone ago.-New York Sun. The Duncanson Mnll Order Real Es. tate Co. of Omnha , has advertising contracts with 4,480 Wecld ' Papers that cover the United States. Their ads reach l"IV l\lILI.ION families that rel1resent the cream of the hu'lng world. They Crequentl ) ' get 100 lIuy- ers for a single piece of propert ) ' . i Such extensive advertising finds a cash I buyer quick. Their harge Is only one. half the ordlnar ) ' commission. G(1Od men are always in emand , at good salary , List ) 'our prolerty ) today , Soldiers Cultivate Gardens. Soldiers In Franco are allowed to cultivate gardens in an ) ' spare round aloout barracls , and to help out their rations b ) ' growing vegetables. : llrR , Wlnlllo11" ( ) othlnl : Syrup. For cbndren teetbIDj [ . sorteDa Iho guma , reduccR fD. lI&mmllllon , allaysl'aldcurca wind collu. a botUe. Cabby's Windfall. A London callman found n dend cat on one of the scats of his vehicle. lIe was nbout to throw the corpse Into the gutter when a constallie stoppell him. "You can't leave that In the Atreet , " I said the officer. "nut If I can't , " said the cabman , "what can I do wilh it ? " "Talw It , " said the constable , "to Scotlnnd Yard , and If it is not claimed within three months it becomes ) 'our propert ) ' . " The Ideal Woman. The Ideal woman , If she ever C'ouhl e1:1st : , would he I ! . bore , a 11I'g ) , a hOllO' less dowdy , and would UtHloubtetily be at loggerheads with all her frlelolds and relntlons.-World , Liberal Offer , An adyel.tlsement In a German newspaper contains this tempting off. cr. "An 'hody who ClmIrove that my tapioca Is damaging to henlth will at once receive three I1I1clwts gratis. " His Receipt "In Full. " A German being required to give a rerelpt In full , after much mental effort - fort , produced the followln ( ; : "I Ish full , 1 wants no more money-John Swaclhammer. No man can help feeling sorry for a ! ) relty girl who marries some other fellow while he Is still In the bachelor class. n sometimes happens that a mnn lies when ho smiles and says nothing. 1\1oney talls , hut the wise hanlc t l- ler docsi't tell all he hears , The whirling dervish would be lost in the whirl of society. The miser can lweI > most things easier than friends. It's a prell ) ' bright cnndle that Is alwa's Ul1 to snult. Gossh > and Ice cream sl100ns open many feminine mouths. "GOLD GOLD. " "Good " He "But , , Says , Comfort Det ter. " "Food that fits Is better than a gold mine , " sa 's a grateful nllln , "Before I commenced to use Grape. Nuts food no mnn on earth ever hnd a worse Infliction from catarrh of the stomach than 1 had for years. "I could eat nothing hut the very lightest food and even that gave mo great dlst ress. "I went throuqh the cl\talo \ lIe of prepared foolls hut found them all ( ( 'y.cept Grape.NutB ) more or less In- dl ( 'sl\be. \ ) generating gas In tbe stom. ach ( which In tUI'D produceLl headache - ache and vnrlous other Im lls and aches ) nnLl otherwlso unuvallablo for m ) ' use , "Grape.Nuts fooLl I hn\'o found casll ) ' digested and nsslmllatl'd , und It has renewed m ) ' hpalth and vlqor ' 1nd made me n well man lignin , The cntanh of the stomnch has dlsnp. ; , ( 'ar'd entlrel ) ' with nil its attenlIllnt Ills. thanl,8 to Grnpe.Nuts , which now Is m ) ' almost sole food. I want no other , " Name given ur POQtum Co. , Dattlo Creek , Mich. Ten da"s trial tells the story. Tbero's II. reason. . - - - - . . : DROVE EMPEROR FROM CAPITAL , III.Used Peasant' Almost Sehed : Crowr' of Hungary. George Dosza WaS a Szeldor , ot peasant of Szelcelf'fohl , n dIstrict of Hungnr ) ' . 110 WaS n quiet , lawabld. ing mnn , notallio ollly for hIs great strength nnd tall stnture. One dn ) ' , however , I1n Austrian noble - blo thought fit to deco ) ' awny Crom her flthcr's ! house Doszn's only daughter , a I11nhlon of 14. The distracted - tracted ! 1arent sought the nbductor far and ncar , but. fnllln to find him , journe'ell to Vienna and laId his caSO IIl'roro the emperor. 'rho latter enl ) ' Inu hetl. Whereupon the } ) casant returned to his own vII. la e and pnsted Ulon the door of bl little cabin n formnl declnrntlon or war agnlust hIs soverolgn , A month later ho was marching on Vlenua at the head of a huge , but utHHsclpllned and iIl'cqlllpped arm ) ' . At first the lucc ! was all on hIs sldo. Ho defeated the regular troops in fj number oC pHchell bntLIes , carrIed by assault several large nnd strongly fortified - tified towns nnd was actuallr wHhln slgbt of the capHal , whence the om. ! ) eror had nlread ) ' fied , when ho wns lIetra'od Into ambush through the treachery of a guide. The misfortune constituted the be , ginnIng of the end. The built of his : followers fell aWIlY from him and wore , hunted through the mountains and wooda 111(0 wild ben.sts. Altogether , It Is snid , that over 160,000 oC them were put to the sword. The "Jacl , Cado of Hungary , " bav. ing been taken prisoner , was seated on an iron throne , beneath which a hue ! fire had prevlousl ) ' been kindled , crowned with a redhot iron crown , and his fiesh torn from hIs bones with red.hot plncers.-Exchango. A Revised Version. John Alden hnd just concluded his eloquent I > ralses of Cnpt. Miles Stand- ish and waited anxiously for Priscil- la's answer. Coyly she regarded him for an instant , theu , blushing , she Inquired - quired : "Why don't ) 'ou speak f r ) 'ourself , John ? " "Great Scotl ! " ejaculated the young puritan , "whnt do ) 'ou SllppOSO I am ? I nin't worldn' no IIoch nor WHzhoft game-I'm runnln' a straight , legitimate - mate matrimonial bureau , that's what I am. I'll go straight back to Cap. Standish and tell him that If ho wants that female bun1w.steerer at the old man Mullin's house , he'll have to get somebody else to do the job. I'm through ! " And , jamming on his hat , ho rushed forth , banging the door bohlnd him , while Priscllln wept bitterly-Detrolt News , Sawyer's Description of His House. Some ) 'ears ago a church convent tlon was lIeng ! held in Calais , Me. , and the church members were to on. tertaln the visitors. A visiting divine was notified that he would be hOSlllt- ably cared fOl' with 1.lI1uel ' 1' , Snw , ) 'er. Not lenowlng where Mr. Saw. yor lived , ho was directed to the harness - ness store of Saw'er & IIalllday , As it happened , when he went In ho met Mr , Saw-cr and , withont 1m owing him , asled If he could direct him , to Lemuel ' 1' . Saw'er's residence. 1\11' , Sa w'or replied : "Oh , ) 'es ; go down Main street until ) 'OU como to Church avenue ; tUI'll to the right , go up the avenne , and ) 'ou can't miss it ; ) 'ou can't miss it , as it has a lIriclt underpinning and two mortgages on it. " Conditional Piety. Two Scotch fishermen , Jamie and Sandr , belated and befogged on a rOllgh watm' , were In some trepidation lest they should never get ash ere again. At last Jamie said : "Sand ) ' , I'm st < ! ering. nnd I thlnl 'ou'd lIeUer put up a lilt of pra'er. " "I don't lenow how , " said Sundy. "If ye don't , I'll chuck ) 'e oyer. board , " said Jamie. Snndy began : "Oh , Lord , 1 novel' asl\Cd anything of Yo for fifteen years , and IC Yo'll only get us sufe baclt I'll never trouble Yo again , and- " "Whlsht , Sand ) ' ! " said Jamlo. "tbo boat's touched shore ; don't lie lIehold' en to anybody-Now YorlVorld. . One of Them. Thcre were three men silting together - gether on a seat of the open car , and after they had tnllwd politics for ten minuts ono of them ohserved : "Excuso me , but IlCre Is my card. " ' 1'ho otbcr two scnnnPII it and SaW that he was Dr. So.and.So , and then the second man producell his card. It showed that be wus Undertalcer So- and.So. Then the two loolced at the third man , who made no move to produce - duce a card , hut who presently saId : " 'Veil , I s'poso r sorter lIelong to the profession mysolf. " "Druggist 1" "No , I see to the grave.dlgglnc parL" Brown's President Lost a Point. President Nicholas Brown , for whom nrown university was named , WaS fond of quizzing omall ho's , Ono da ) ' while walldng In the streets of Provl. dence ho came Ullon n IIttio fellow who attracted bls notice. "How do ) 'ou do , my boy ? " snld the president. "What is ) 'our name ? " "My name is Harr ) ' , sir , " replied the child , " 11 a 1'1' ) ' , is it ? " returnell President Brown. "And did ) ' 011 Imow the evil one Is often cnlled OM IInrt. ) . . . . " \Vhy , no , sir , " anaworoll the boy "I thought ho was called Old Nick. " - - Subway Parlor Car. ' 1'he first parlor CIlI' hns mndo Its appearance on the New York subway , being IntflDded for the lr ctorate an IIItaU. - : . . - T - , _ , r. . _ . . . _ . - , - CASTO RIA . . . FOl'Infants and Childron. , " The Iind { You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Promotes Digc tionChccrru nC5S and Rest-Contains ncllhcr i ! ) pium.Morphine nor } . ( jucraL of Nor'NAnCOTXC. " . . . , , o.UJrSANillZll1'CNEIl 1J :1frf" & :1frf"I , , Aniot ! ,1Nd I n , , rf < tlJ- 1S'IiiJ , . ,11mn. AP = dY' : forConsllpn- U S e non , Sour StOtnl\chnlnrrhocn WormsConvutsions.t vcrish- ness l1nd Loss . . OF SLEEP. F 0 r 0 V e r 'F' ' r = Thirty-Years CASTO RIAj . . . 'Ofl OIHTaUII eOMP"n" HIIW : ' 0" Din. Compare ' ) rilisbury's Viles wllh other cereals &Utd you will Instnnlly rccognlze PILLSBURY PURITY : In the rich , while color , 011 8'j > > . { J , which Is actunlly the "Meat 01 the Whellt , " . . It Is the while henrt 01 the whcnt kernel. slerillzed. Nolhlna added : nothlna taken owny. ' . 1 Try this Common Sense Brcnldnst Food nnd you will never chance It . lu HCALTHFUL-SUDGTANTIAL-ECONOMICAL 2.POUND PACKAGE MAKES 12 POUNDS COOKED -Sec Ihc EconomJe' PRICE IS CErns. ROCKY MOUNTAIN TERRITORY , 20 CNTS : , . Asia Your Crorrr ToDIJY , PILLS UR. Y.WAsn URN FLOUI flLL CO. . Ltd. . Mlnnnpdll $ . HinD. ANTI..GRIPINE IS GUARANTEED TO CURE GRIP , DAD COLD , HEADACflE AND NEURALGIA. . , ' I won't ell Anll-Orh.lhO to tnaler who Vton'10uorn"teo 'It. eall ror ) 'our IUnNE n.\UC 1l1' 1'1' ) ) OS-T CUnEo . E. 'f' . DlcrncJ' , 111 , D. , MnuulaoturerSJ.rl , u/lcltl , Mo. HA VE YOU COWS ? If yotl have CrCll1il to scparnto Kood Cream Sepurator is the moot profitablu investment - vestment you cun pOlSibly : ! make. eluy mOl\ns dully waste of tlme , labor and product , DI LAVAL CREAM SEPARA'fORS Rave t10.- per cow per 'enr every year of 11S0 over nil gravi y setting syst'm8 and $6.Ier cow o\'er all imituting SeplLl'IJ.tolll , They received the Orand , I'rizo or lIighest Award at St. Louie. Buying tTns11Y CIIBh.in-advanco sepa' raters la Ilonny wise , dollar foolish. Such mnchilll' quickly lOBC their cost instead of sllving it. It you haven't the ready cash DE LAVAL muchinoo may bu bought on such liberal terms that they actually 1Ja1l01' themselvcs. Send today for nllw cntalogue nnd name of ncarest local agent. THE DE LAVAL SEPARATOR CO. RAndulph & Canal 5ta. 74 Cortlandl 51rnl CHICAGO I NtW YORK MIXED FARMING WHEAT RAISING RANCHING three Jrent Ilursult ! ' ! hn ve ulaln hho\\ wonderrul rebults 011 tliO FREE HOMESTEAD LANDS OF' WES"rERN CANADA. Mngnillcent c1hllllte - fUl'mor ! ' ! plowing In t1Jelr 'blrt bleoveli III the ruldllle of November. "Allure bound to bo moro tllnn plell cl1 with tbe I1nal rebults of the Ilabt bl'Uhlln'1S lIarvest- I Bxtract. ConI , , vood. , vater , bny In nbunl1ancc-bchools , : cburcbcs , Inurllcts convcnlent. l This Is the era 01 $1,00 whcat. Apply tor Information to Superintendent 01 . Immhrnllon. Ottnll'lI. Canadu , or tu nuthorln'j CllnlllJlall Governmf'nt Agent-\\ . lIennett. iOl Ntw YlIrl , I.He Hulhllul : , Omat.a , : t'ebrablm , ( : Ilcnllllll thllS Imper. ) I PIT & I'ITLP.SS SCALP.S. For Stee\ , aud Woot ! IIrames , $25l1ud up. Write I UI before youll\1Y , We MVC you . . money. AlloO I'umps Rnd Wind 11111. . BECKIUH BROS. , 001 UglDOI , Ig. . . . . - W. L. DOUCLAS $3.50 & ' 3.00 SHOES tfERN w. L. Douglns $4.00 Cli Edge Llno cnnnot bo oqualled at nny prIce. " " DOUOl4J ' eHon AL. ! , . PRIC'is ' , : \ Ii . ' , 1:1 : , I " " ! \ , ( 1' ; I\j \ ! I ' . I : > ! . J I iTI' ' . "Iillill " . ' " , " 6n T II IN THt If WORLD " ti'lll ' : " "I " J ! 1i\n ! \ ! : , litil ' --4 _ . . r j gAlabllallel1 _ . . : " July,4.ISN. W.L.DDUGLAS MAKES AND SELLS MORE MEN'S tlH. O SIIOE8 TIIAN ANY OTHEfIMIIIJUFACTunER. $1 0 000 REWARD to anyone who can I J disprove Ihla .tatemenl. . , 'V. L. Dou ln $3.50 shoCl have by their cr. : cellent atyle. eosy flttlnc : , aud luperlorwearlnlf I qualltlu , achlevrd the larfe t sDle of IIny $3. 0 : ll1oe In the world. They ore luat liS Iood . . , those that COlt you $5.00 to $7,00the only dlffercnce 11 the price. If I could take you Into my factory ot ISroclton , J\10SI. , thc larltut 10 I thc world under ono roof I1IDklnlC men 'a fin. shoes , 81)(1 how you the Cllro with which evu ) ' pair of 1)0u llIs shoel I' you woult RaUzo why W. 1 _ . 1)0ulllI. $3,50 .IOCII IIro the , but ahoc.s prodllcellnthe world. If 1 cuuld Ihow ) ' 011 the difference between th. ' " II shoes made In my factory lIed these of othcr lIIoke , YOIl would understand why UouRlas $3.50 Ihoe cost 1II0re to make. why they hol4 their Ihope. fit better , wrar lon\cr. \ and lire 01 reater In\rlnslc \ , 'olue than ony other $3.50 \ Ihoe on the lIIarkd to.da ) ' . W _ L. Douglns SII'o" " Mndo 81,0118 101' . " Mo" . $2./j0 , $2.UO. Boy. ' School" . . lJI'estJ Shoc.$2.10 , $2 , $1. 76I.l O CAUTION.-Inslst II1'0n I"vl , , W.l.Dug , 111'1 slto"s. 'j'ako 1111 sull"tltnte. Oll" enuln. wlthont hh lIalllO nl1l1 I'rlc" llLlIIl'e,1 on bottOIn. " ' , \ 'Ioi1'I'II. A Kh. . " , ! caler Inevery town wberfS W , I. . lIonllluR SII1" ' nr" "o ohl. lnll 11110 of 1\lIIlles : ( eellt frt.t ) fur 11I l'u..tlnll " 1'011 IC'luest. Fast Color Eyelet. u3ed : " 'ell will 'lot w.ar braUIl. Wrlto tor 1II11"lrale.1 . ( 'lItalo ! ; ot lal1 Style. . 'V. L. I > OVGLAS. Dl'ocktou.l\Iuu , " I ' FOR FARMERS , Jluytbecbup. , l'OAlES iIt unci hr" ! . I'poll ! fur . > I \I Cblcogo 6 a1. Co. , prlCRt. \ I - . , i I I . - ' , 1