Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 19, 1905, Image 6

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    - - ' _ I - , " " " .JI )
-E -
Committees That Will Have a New
Head-The Chief Executive Wants
to Inow Where His Friends Are In
Upper House.
WASnr GTON - Chn1rmnllshlp of
nt lenst thlrl" RCllnlo ClJllllllltteell , reg.
IIlnr nn/1I1 / scl ct. will he chnnJ ; < ) (1 ( when
the 1'lrtr'lIlnth congrcsfI lI1e'tll In Un-
CeI\lIH \ r. A ! r'elUl ) ' mUll ) ' of the mem.
lIerf : oC tilt' Ullpel' IIrnuch oC con I'eRS
hn\ ' ! ! lI < > cn cnsllllg nhout to nsrertnln
whnt othel' l11 < 'mllol'lI dl'lIr'o ! In the
wn ) ' oC cOlnn llIee Chll"/11I1I1Rhlpfl / , HI )
eRut the ' ' tl\l IIcl\'Rntage oC the
) mil ) \ < o \
) ( I\owcIlgo \ ) thus gnlnoll Cor theh' OWII
IlorHolIlI1 use. ' ! 'hcso ! nllIh'lcs. ) RO Car
In nch'ance oC the meetlllg of COllgI'OilS ,
) II1VO hnll a tcnllCll'r to Cm'UR the RIIOl.
light 011 Ihe rconlllllzalioll of the SOli'
nto cO/llIl1I11cl' / , fOl' It Is gl'llCl'lIlI"con'
cCllc < < 1 tlrnt In the UPllel' hody will como
the suprcmo flgh t for m11l1) ' of the
Ilrlncllllcs for which the Ilrosident II"
revocabl ) ' IJtlllllls ,
AI ! to these InllIll'1ell ) regnl'dlllg
chnh'l\I/UlshllB \ / ) , nllil chIef commltteo
Illnccs , the IlreRlrlcllt , It Is ullderRtood ,
hns hncl full I/Iowledge. / 11I111 appre.
clutlng thnt there Is It Rlrollg mInor.
It ) ' In the senllto ngnlnRt many of the
quesllons he will IIiRcusB In hili forth.
comIng mesllnge , he hilS , UH quietI ) .
us the senutol's , heen lool < ln ! ; nCler
( 'hnlrmallshtls ! wit h n view to helping
his 'RIde when lIw hutlIo royal Is on.
Ono thIng Heems certnln when the
curtnln rolls 1111 on the Prot.nlnth
< : ongrefls , that President Hoose\'elt wl11
Iwow where his fl'lentlS' are , anll by
the sume I'casonlng will Iwow whm'o
to ) IUt his flngel' on his ollllOnents.
'Phe fact that the ) I1'eRlllent hus nl.
I reatly commencecl to Inqllire from his
Ronntorlal vIsitors all to Iho 1I1alleup
of commlttces In the Uplel' ! holly has
11IrcctcII the attention to the Inrgo
1II11II11el' of chalrmanRhfllfl to be flllcl ) ,
largcl' than In any Jlre\'lous congress
IIlnce the last Cll'\'l'lullIl atlmlnlstm.
ton. !
OF 250,000 MEN
LONDON-Tho Dally ChronIcle
announces that Arnolll Fbl'Atel' , secre.
tary of state for wnr , Is wCl/'l\lng / out
with an army council now scheme to
OHnnlzc a "national nl'my , " of a
million of 1111)1to \ he con1)l0scII ) of
milItia a 11I1 fHllllementel1 hy regulars
a/HI volunleel's a\'l\lIalllo fOl' foreign
service , The Ilrojort. the ) JnllCr BaYR ,
Inclu es the hulllllng of harmclls
throughout the cOllntl'Y ! OI' the new
forCQ with AJleclal llellOts. .
Buys Land for a Colony.
SAN ANTONIO. Tex.-S , B. llnm.
tlllgo of Sl. LoulH. acllng for enslern
) Jal'lIcs , closell It. tleal with ox.Senator
A. H. Kerr of t hili ell ) ' fOI' HOOO IIcres
of lanll In McMullen cOllnty , on the
Nueces rh'er.
Japs Get 1,866 and Turn Over G4,00C
Russians ,
Sl. Petersb'lrg-RuRsln on Saturlla
agreed to the Jallllneso III'oposllIon te
cxoh.\n ) II'lsonerH of war. where' ) )
1,8GIi Jallauose Ilrlsoners In RIHts111. wll
bo Ilell\'erell al some ) lolnt on the west
ern fl'OnUl11' of Hussln. nnll ( jIOOO Rus
slanu will. ho dellveretl I1.t the 1I0rts 0
Kobe , NIInslllll ! anll Yoltohoml1
whence they will bo conveyell tl
Vlnlllvostole In ten RussIan translort )
now Internell lit Shunghal anll SnhiOl
and two or three other shlJls whlcl
are being Bout from Ollessa ,
< ansas.Colorado Case.
WASHINGTON-In the SUlrem ) .
court of the United States tomorr01
Atlo rn e ) ' Geuornl Coleml1l1 of Kansl1
will enter n motion fOl' the advanc
Juont . of the Kansas-Colorndo IrrlSI
tlo.caso OU lho Ilocltet so as to II
sure a hearing dm'lng thl1ll1'esent 10r1
of court , and the moUOlt wIll be 1\1
1agonlzel } by Colorado's represent
The case Invol\'os lho l'lght of tl
POOllo In Colol' llo to control the e
tlro water SUlllly ( of the Arkansl
rlvor. The lesthnonr talten In t1
case covcrs SGIiI ) tYHwrIHon ) Ill\go
but under the order of the court It
1J0lng abstraclelI.
I .
i , . . ' pres .nt PortraIt of Chase.
, SPRINGFILED , 111.-An 011 I10rtrll
of 8nlm0l1 P. Chase of Ohio , for mal
YOnrR a member of the supreme cou
f nie , Unilod Slall's , was present ,
" by II. member of the bar of southo
I1IlnolR to the UnIted States clrcl
l\IId lHatrlct court 'for the southern II
lrlct or IllinoIs on Sal1mlay , Ihe cel
mony taltlng ( Ilace In the court roe
Govoraor Deneen made Iho llreseu' '
lion slleech , and was followell br S <
ator Foralccr of OhIo , who deliver
nlnddress on "Salmon Portln
Chase. "
Japanese Loss In the War.
VIC'l'OIUA , II. C-Oll1clal rotm
of the casualties of lho .Tapnnese UI'I
throughout the war show , IG,180 1111 ;
10,970 dIed of wouudsIHI 1 ,300 III
of dlsense , a total or 72"l O llead.
Pension Agent for Iowa ,
W ASIIINGTON-Tho Ilresldent I
appolntell 'V. V. Wilcox of lawn ,
ho pensIon agent at DI'S MoInes ,
lo succeed DI' . A. H. Thompson , \ '
uIlOlntod ( to tempornrll ) ' 1111 the
cuney causel. ! I1v. Ih" rArent death
.P , Clnrl80n.
_ . . . 'A'.III.AI . . . .
" " : J
_ _ _ _ . , _ _ , . _
FIGHT ovtr'"EAD , ' : "
John Urnck ShN'l , Sh'tl'r Brother
and Brother.ln.Law al Hasting ! ) .
HASTINGS-Over tile Ileaci hOtly of
himllther / , .John Uudnele shot hi ! ; Sill'
tel' , hlH hrothel' alld hIs brother.ln.lnw
at nn curl ) ' hour Sundnr mornlnK ,
MIs ! I'ranels Uudllell. nged 2 was Rhot
III the right halul. .Juroh lldnol. ,
ugell 2 , 8hot nhoTe the rhht c'e anll
mil ) ' dIe , Peter SlIIeull wns Rhot
through the left IUllg , throllgh the
nhelmllen , In the legt thIgh nnll through
the left flhoulelel' , Ho Is IIOt expected
to l1vo throughout the nIght.
'rho tl'ugedy occurred In the Ilenth
( 'hamher at the homo of Mr , " .d Mrfl.
Polcl' Srnenl1 , 13I O gast Second street ,
whl'I'Otrs. : . 1\1111' ) ' Bllclnol < , agell G2 ,
< < 11011 nt 10:10 : : 1wt : IIlght. , Iohll IIII.
lIeli hus heell Jlla'oll IIlIder nrrest nnll
Is 1I0W In the cOllllt3' jail.
'I'he t rnged ) ' wall Iho clllmillation of
n famll ) ' IlIl1rrel ) that hnfl exlstell Cor
so\'er\1 ! 'elll'I ! , 'rho Budnok fnmlly
nre PolIsh.Fronch and the ) ' have rellitl.
ell In Hastlngll Cor twonl ) ' ) ' ( 'nrs , .Tollli
Bllflnol , . who commilloll the dONi , Is
11. slonemasoll h ) ' trndo , Ho Is [ j ( )
years old alld n hacheIOl' .
W ASIIING'I'ON-Tho fltate Ilepnrt-
m'lIt hus heell Informed hy MInIster
Beapllre , at Dllenos A 'res , thnt the
h111 regardIng Amerlcnn Impol'tntlons ,
moro Imrtlclllnrly Amel'lcnll ngrlcul.
tural hT'plements , has heen nmendell
nncl sent to It committee , nllll Its ac-
( : optl1nce mny ho eXIl.ocled In Gle nenr
futlll'e , 'I'he h111 nllmlts nil Amorlcan
ngrlcllllul'lli mnchlnes anll Ilnrts ot
mnchlnery fl'eo of dulr In the Argen.
tlno HOlIIbllc ) , hut the IllIty w111 bo collected -
lected fl'om all accessories such liS
boiling" wrench ell , ashestos , 011 canB ,
helt hooles , washm's , melal pIns , nutll ,
chnlnR , pulleys , stenm pacl < lng , evea.
ors , saws , ctllTlage Ilolecs nnll I11ters.
American Will Give Professor Behrlno
. $50,000 For It. .
NEW YOHK-Prof. Dehrlng's an.
nouncement to the Internathna ( Tu.
herculosls congress In Pal'ls of a euro
for consumption hus llI'oused wide.
IIpreall' InterosIn Amerlcn , BUYS to.
( lay's Herald. The full reports "nil
comments , whIch have he en fully
cabled from Pal'l II , have Interested ono
oC Now Yorl's wenlthlest nnll best
Imown cltl7.clHl , whoso nnme Is wIth.
hold for the IJrCSl'nt. Ho has author.
Ized the Herald to announce that ho
will contl'lhute $ ! OOOO to a funll to
Ilresent Prof. Dehrlng If ho w111 nt
once nnnounce to lhe wO/11I / hIs treat-
mellt and 1I0t wllholll It for n year ,
'I'he only quallflcatloh to this offer
Is that the trontment I1\UHt be pro.
nounced n SUCCORS by n prominent committee -
mittee of IlhyslchmR , of whIch the
1I0nol"s Ilh'slclan Is to he a memher.
About 2,250,000 Admissions to the
Show at Portland.
} 'OR'rLAND , Ol'e.-Thls weele w111
mlU'le the close of the LewIs anll Clarl.
oXllosltlon after a successful career
I not autlclpaled by e\'en the most en.
thuslastlc supporters of the project.
Defore the closing dny Is over the
fair will have recortlod pl'llctlcally 2"
250,000 ndmlllsions , whIch , consIder.
Ing the fact thnt the comhlned poPlf
latlon of the 0111 Oregon territory If
- hnrdly equnl to that number , Is al
most phenomenal.
CHARI.EbTON-Lel ) Loeb , 68 yeaI'I
01" , ono of the wealthIest mon II
Charleston , rotlrell merchant an. .
owner of ever two hundrell pieces 0
.0 real estate , dressed for brealCast Uti
, v mornIng and then telling hIs wIfe ha
, ho would be "down In mInute ,
stolpe" ) IntD a bath room an sent
Illstol hullet Into hl8 braIn. He wa
the largest ownOl' of renl estate I
Chl1rloston. The jur ) ' of Inquest gav
11' "melancholia" ns the excuse for th
a. deed ,
10 AppoInted AssIstant Engineer.
n. WASHINGTON-John G. Sulllva
lS hns heen atlpolnted assIstant chIef 01
Ie glneer of the IsthmIan canal comml
s , slon , accol'lling to II. notlco receIved t ,
10 day from ChIef EngIneer Stevens t
Taft GoIng to Panama.
lIt WASHINGTON - Secrotar ) ' 'I'a
1Y will sail on naval vessel from No
rt Orleans for Pnnama about Novembl
od 1. He goes to loole nfter the cnn
rn 81tuatlon as It now exIsts In the Wt
lit of con8tructlon nl1l1 proparatlon. .I
Is. the conference with the proslder
re' when It was Ilechiell to leave the a
m. ministration of the cnnal to the 80Cl
la. tal'y of war , Secretnry Taft made
m. Illnln that I ( ho was to have the 1
ed slonsllllllt ) . for the cunal ho would
/lIl supreme In Its commalul nnd the '
would lIe 110 Intermelliarr ,
Decision Against A. 0 , U. W ,
' } 'OPEKA , KAN.-In the CIISO of t
cd , grand ledge of the Ancl nt Order
lOll United W01'I(111en of I ansas agal !
.Tano I1luhlocl. , whlow of .John HI
docl. , the snpremo court tollny h4
that fl'lltel'l1nl Insurnnc < ' < H'ller CI
11111 not h ) ' the ndoptlon of n h 'la w I
to elul'll1l ; that no Ilel'son shull lIe I
la" mlltl111 01' retl1lnell as 1\ mom her w
\'fi3 \ Is engugo(1 ( In the Imlo of IntoxlcaU
"a' IIquOl's mal\O volll the bcnoflclal' ) ' c
n. th\cato of such a member unless s
elal fiction Is tallen In hIs case.
, . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Conspirators Are Caught and Give the
Details of the CommissIon of the
Crime-Causes Leading Up to the
WILMING'I'ON , N , C.-IIer declts
111111 cnllln ! ! Blllotehcll with blood frol11
the Cenrful hutchery IImldshlll curly
'ruesdll ) ' mornIng off the North Caro.
IIl1a cOllsI , the , Co\ll'.maHtecl \ schooner
Hurry A. Herwlnfl , of l'hllndelphla.
wns towed Into SouthlJort 'rhursclll ) '
by Wllmlllgton lugs , Ahoal'll WorD the i
" 1'11.0 cI'ew oC the Now Yorle schoonol'
Blnncho J I. KIng , who were wuntcd liS .
wltncssell nglllnst the three negroes
shncl < led and brought to the CnlJO i
I'ear Iualallllne tnL1on on WedneJIlay
chargell wllh mutiny nqd murder ,
At the "rellmlnur ) ' hl estlgnUon he-
fore United States Commlssslonel's
ColIICj WilmIngton nnd PInner of
Southpol't , Iho men wlto hoarded the
Bel'\vlnd told the Htory of conlllUons
on the vessel I\S they Cound them nnd
tllo three prIsoners were Introducc(1 ( at
theIr own request , They gave theIr
names ns Rohert Sn.wyel' , IIeury Scott
nnd Arthur Adams , nil negroes und
under 40 rOl\l'S of nge.
Saw'Cnml Adams e1111110)'ed counsel -
sel IInd hoth charged that Scott did
the 1 < llIIng of the fI\'e men , with the
excelltlon of CaptaIn Rumlll , who clls.
I1llpearecl hefore dnrhreak Tuesllay
morning In manner of whIch the ) '
lmow nothIng , I ach saId ho SI\.W
Scott shoot the mate on the leo sille
of the shl" an < < 1 tllI'ow his lIody over.
board , Then he 1\111 ell the engineer
und wcnt down the companionway.
Vehy Roon they heard shots below decle
In the glllley and a short while thore-
nCler Scott came UII agaIn , hearIng
the hody of the cool" a small white
man , In hlA arms , delOsltlng ) hIs hur. .
den oVC/ ' the rail. . The ) ' aClerwnrd :
bound Scott nnd were steerIng the ves.
Hel I1S best thl' ' could until oVOl'hauled
by the Blnncho H. KIng ,
Scott sa's all the senmen , fOl\l' \
negroes formell n. conslllrac ) ' soon , af.
tel' leavIng "Ioblle Selltemher 23 , fC'el.
Ing ont rngecl because of short rations ,
110 said that he 1lIell no one exce"t
Colwley , the seaman found on deck ,
:1I1d that he 1\llIed hIm In ' '
Col\Cley , he c'almed SeIr'defense'l
n. stlcl. al111 shot at hIm while he was
lIonnd , lIe IIltemlted ) no ex"lanulion I
of wlty he h:1I1 : been lIo\\nd except that
hIs comlJllnlons wantoll to get rill of
hIm aCler the trouble , Ho sail' he
saw Col\Cley shoot the mate and saw
Adams 1,111 the englnecl' . lIe docs not
Imow how the cool. was lellIed. I1S
the shootIng was 1I0ne lIelow the
W ASlIINGTON-NC\\'f ; thnt the
merchants of ChIna , wlto have been
prosecuting the hoycolt agaInst AmerIcan -
Ican goods hnve dec1coll ) to temlorar- )
11) ' suspend thnt movement to nwnlt
Ilosslble action of the United Slates
congress In softenIng the oxcluslon
I laws Is contalnell In official dlsJlatehes
I'ecolved today from Pel < 1ng , The In.
formation comes from the merchants'
guild of thnt Jllnce , and Is to the effect
I that thIs course has lIeen decldell UJlon
by merchants throughout the empire.
The nctlon follows the ndvlce of the
ChInese government In the matter
whIch was gl\'en us II. consequence of
the nttllude of PresIdent Roosevelt ,
Hyde Will Testify to Insurance , .
NEW YORK-Charos ) E. Hughes , ,
counsel to the leglslntlve Insurancu
" Inquiry , nnll Samuel Untermerer , coun'
sel to James H. Hyde , had a confer ,
once In 1\11' . Hugbes' office today. While
nelthor law 'er would dIscuss the mat.
tor It Is salll as a resull of the meetln
Hyde prollably will a 111'1'11 I' voluntarll )
ns [ \ wItness lIefore the In"eRlI lltlOl'
commIttee. although It Is l1l\Cly ho wll
110t be summonell In the ImmelllaLE
. Hughes has gene on record nA re
. fusing to "romlse H'do anr s"ecla
Immunlt ) ' or Ill'1vlleges ns Il wltnes :
0and It Is understood that when he ap ,
learS to testtry he will stand on thl
same footing as others ,
HIli Buys Chicago Terminal ,
CHICAGO - Burlington pnssenge
w traIns soon will hegln to nrrl"e an' '
or depart' from the Grand Central pa !
ger station , nccordll1g to the He < ; ort
1Y Hornhl. Flnanclal control of the Ch
U cngo TermInal Tl'ansfer Rnllroall con
It , pan ' has bcon secured by Jllmes ;
, dHIll and hIs 11l11es for the henofit c
' .
'e. the Burlington , whIch fOl' n long 11m
hns found the UnIon jltatlon too grea
o- ly crowlled to give rt sufllclent001
o for Its traIns , The change In stallon
'ro , w111 bo mudo as soon liS the arrnh
of the terll\lnl1l \ COII\)1nn \ ) ' I\ro ndjustel
- - - - - - - -
Cattle Dealers Denounced ,
. . ' '
ho - h'lUlsllort
tlon of cattle WIIS dlseussed al Wc
o f
J\e811a \ "s n1l'ellng of the Amerlcu
1St 1hunano ( ) rlet ) ' In I1nnual ! ! csslon , ' 1'1
HI. sullject wall brlluHhl IwCol'o the cOl1\'e
31d tlon In a 111I1101' renll h ) ' Jan1 < 's Brow
111' llrosllient of th" ' 1'lIlello IIUml\110 I !
liecleh' . : \Ih. Brown cleclal'ell thnt Cf
1111. tIe Ilealers nlr'ly consh\er \ the COI
'ho fort of the stoC'l , lImIng trans)1ortalll )
iI1 ! ; to nHl1'lwt and nHsl'rtccl ' that the al
01'mals RurrO/'ed / cl'\ll\lI \ ' 'from neglel
pc11rs. . Mar ' P. l.amh of Los Angell
Cnl. was among the s\leahers ,
. ; ; ; ' : : : - - - 'iiii y"i' = , - n , - ' > -j
Present Arrangement for Feeding Em.
ployes Is Found Sufficient ,
PANA\lA-'rhe : last nctlon of the
I'nnnrn canal commlHslon before sail.
Illg frcHn Colon Cor Now YOI'k was the
nnnllhnent of the contl'act nwarded
to .J , , , . Mnrltel of Omaha for feedIng
/11111 cnrlng COl' the omployes of the
cll/lIll. The rellson for thlH nctlon Is
Chief Engll100d Stevens , through the
denrtment of tnuterlals nnd supplies
unller l\lossrs. JncleHon and Smith , Is
hal1ll11ng the commissarIes successful.
Iy , rendorlng unnecessnr ' the arrange.
ment wIth : \11' , "Iarlwl. Pretests made
b ) ' the ell1)lloyos ) IIgnlnst the nrrnngo.
ment , It Is helle\'cd nlso Inl1uenced
the decIsIon ,
The contract with : \ 11'tarl01 : wus
to run lIve 'rars , IInll It wns eslltllatcd
thllt It would Involve $ I OOOOOOO ,
HudgIns & Dllmlls , ono of the other
lIrmfl hltldlnl ; for the rontrnct , pro-
tOllted agaInst the award to "II' . 1\1111'-
lcel , alleging fuvorltlsm and charging
thnt the lalter WIIS enahled through
IL leak In thc IIl1lco of Chalrmnn Shonts
to gnln Information I\.hout the olher
hltlders whIch ulcled him In bidding
successfull - . 'rho ( Irotest wns for.
warded to President Hoosevelt , who
referred It to Chairman Shonts for
re)1ort ) , and Inter dcclded thnt the contract -
tract would stalllI.
BERLIN-Thero Is much evIdence
to show that Germnny's meat famIne
Is growing worse , Reports from all
Imrls of the countl'y mnlw montlon of
the measures that are lIelng tnl\On to
ahato the famlnc , At EIsenach a con.
ference of the munIcIpal authorIties
In thnt regIon decIded to estnbllsh
regll\nr \ rabhlt marl\Cts and In the
"Iunlch lIuhllc marltels nlso Imbllc
rablt stnlls l1tt"e heen oJened. (
Since horse lIe3h has risen In prIce
nnd dog flesh Is no longer olltnlnablc
a numhor of munlclpalllles began buy ,
carloads of sea fish lit the coast
towns and selling them at cost to
citizens , ThIs expedIent was 1I1'st
adopted at Sollngen , but has now
spread -"al'lous 'Vestphnllan cities ,
to Posen and even to Da"arlan towns ,
President Roosevelt Would Like to See
It Eliminated.
WASIIINGTON-Pl'esldent Roose.
velt entertaIned nt lunrheon , Dr , D ,
n , Nichols and W. ' 1' , Rold of Har\'l1rd ,
Arthur T. Hll ebrand and John D , FIfe
of PrInceton and "Taltol' Camp IInd
" ( I' , Owslo ) ' of Yale , ' } 'he six guests of
the presIdent constitute the athletic
ndvlsers of the resllectlve , colleges
'rhe llresldent desll'cd to consider
with them particularly the morale of
the game of foot ball , with a "Iew to
elimInating much of Its , brutnllty If
) Iosslhlo , A general dIscussIon oi col.
lege athletics was hud , but the tall ,
rentored arouud the game of foot
hall , It Is IHlp 'd lIy 'tho presIdent
that , with the co-operation oC the col.
lege anthol'ltles and the athletic advls-
el'S. the rules of Ihe game may be so
amende(1 ( I1.S practically to do away
with much of the brutallly whIch
mal\Os the' game ohjectlonable to'
many ) JOollle , It Is understood thnt no
deflulte conclusions were reached , In.
decI ! , n"ne was eXllected , the Idea of
the presIdent beIng slmly ) to start the
hnll rolling In the IlIl'ertlon of I\ . modIfication -
fication of the rules of the game ,
WashIngton-President Roosevelt
has recolved further Indorsement 01
his attlalllle toward the ennctment of
railroad rate legIslation from the bIg
lumber Interests of the country. Louis
I DlII , preslllenl , nnd Rohert W HIgbIe ,
a memller of the National Wholesale
Lumher Dealers' assocIation , an
! George Gar ner nnd Silas Gardner
- representing the Central Yellow Pln <
association of 1\l1sslsslppl , told th (
r prmllflent that theIr nssoclatlons ap
proved heartily or his courHO In th <
rate legIslation question.
Hungarian Program Hangs Fire.
VIENNA-General Dnron Fejervary
the HungarIan premlem , hnd anothel
IntervIew wIth the 1.lng-omperor to
. da ) ' , but It Is reported that hIs ma
" josty has not reached [ \ decIsIon con
cernlnl : a mInIsterIal program.
Americans Get a FranchIse.
MExtCO CITY-Messrs , Scully
Perry and Newell , AmerIcans , havi
ncqulred fOl' the sum of $2,500,000 I
group of mInIng claims sItuated In th ,
state of Durango , The first parmen
$1,400,000 has heen placed wIth tlll
national banI. nt MexIco.
Superintendent of Three noads.
: \tARSHALI.AON , IA-D. 'r. No <
nnn hnA lIeon made general superlr
tondont of the Minneapolis & S !
LouIs , lown Central and Des : \Iolnes I
Fort DillIe rnll/'Ol1dR ,
Says Cubi ) Is Tranquil.
WASIIIl'G'I'ON-Senator : Qllosadl
II. the Cuban mlnlstor , had n long tal
LI1 with Secretar - Hoot Satlll'llay nt th
10 IItl1to dOllarllllenl l'eSlectlng ) Cuban n
is' fah's In Aeneral and espoclallr the 1"
n , cent C'lbnn ell'ctlonstlnlstel' : Que
o. nlln saId thllt cllllll1lllJns were rOllorte
It. to bo " 01' ) ' 11/'OIIIIsing at presont.
JI1 "David HarUl" " Netted $125,000.
III. SYHACUSI , N , Y-"Dn\111 Ilnl'\lIn \
ct. the no\'ol wrlttNI h ) ' the late l dwl\1
s , No'cs Woscott of thIs clt ' , netted U
Qllthor's ostalo nhollt St'Iionn
, " . . . - .
Says He Will Read Carefully the Au.
thorlzed That Have Been Cltetl and
Notify Attorneys When His DecIsIon
ICI Ready.
CIIICAGO-'I'ho heurlnr ; of argu.
ments on the demurrOl's to the indict.
mont returnetl hy the Cederal grand
jlll' ' nglnst flvo of the hlr ; pacldng
coucel'ns and seventeen of theIr em.
plo 'es W/IS / closed Inte Wednesday af.
ternoonlnd / If .Tullge Humphrey , be.
fon' whom the arguments were made ,
retalps his ) II'esent Imlresslon ) of the
< 'use olle.hllif of the I/Hlletmonts chargIng -
Ing the Imcltel's wllh conspIracy In re'
stl'l1lnt of trade will he sustnlned and
the remaInIng counts o\'el'l'uled. When
It wns unnouuced thnt the case had
heen closecl JUdge Humllhrey RaId :
"As It now 1001s to the court the odd ,
nU\llll'ed \ counts are sufficIent. 'rho
nrJument has been so clear thut this
Is my present ImpressIon ,
"I will CalthCull ) ' read the aul.horl.
ties cltell hr either sIde of the case.
When I am read ) ' to render my decl.
slon In the cnse I will notifY the Ills.
trlct nttorney anll nllomey for thl : ! de.
feudnnts , "
' 1'he odd numherell Indictments
whIch mar he consIdered sufficient by
.tho court charge conspIracy among
the defendants In restraInt of trade.
The even lIumhel'ed count II cbarge I\ .
, monopoly. 'I'ho lIrst count In the In.
dlctment Is not to he cOl1shlered In the
decisIon of .Judge I1umllhro ' , as to
this count the ( mcllel's lire to plead
not guilty and go to trlnl Immediately.
Bdwnrd ' 1'lIden , presIdent of the ChI.
cngo Doard of Eucatlon nnd head of
the Nntlonal Pnclln company and
I..llIbr , "lcNel111 & Llhll ) ' , has been
sOI'\'ed with a suhlloena to appenr as
a wllness In the trlnl of the pacleers ,
theil' ngents and IIttorneys , who were .
IndIcted on ( 'harge of conspIracy to
monopolize the meat business , '
NEW YOnK-TefCerson p , Raplee ,
a weathly New Yorle bllnlcor and busIness -
ness associate of , Tny Gould , Commodore -
dore Vanderbilt a111 \ John P. BlaIr ,
went to thp 11001' house hel'e Tuesday.
Hallleo was ol1e of the best Imown
men along Broalwl1 ) ' In his day. Ills
futJl < 'r who waH Judge Raplee of Yates
countr , New Yorl" ) eft him a large
fortune , In 185 ( ; he ollened a banle-
Ing house at 137 llrollclway whIch was
capltallzell at $200,000 , and did 11
yearly huslness of $500,000 , which w s
a Inrge sum at that time , SInce 18G7 ,
when this hanl { made aU' assignment
aClol' some unlCol'Iu slleculntlon , 1\Ir.
Rallleo's fortune , nllhough Invested In
n new bnnldng venture , steadi ! ) ' dl.
mlnlshed . ,
Tapestries Worth $150,000. I
LONDON-Nino magnIficent tape5' i
tries presC/lted to the Drltlsh nation
by Baron DelongOl' of ParIs were open-
cd to public \'Iew at Hampton Court
lJalace Saturday , The tapestries represent -
resent the Camous Raphael cartoons ,
whch were originallY hung In Hampton -
ton Court , 13ut nfterward were removed -
moved to the South Kensington mus.
eum , The tallestrles are valued nt
Genftfal Randall Retires.
ST. LOUIS-Having reached the ago
limIt of G4 years Major Genernl George
Morton Randall , commander of the
northern divIsion of the United States
army. wIth headquartes In Sl. Louis ,
has retired from command.
DUBUQUE , IA-There Is very little
change in the conlHUon of ex.Speaker
, Davlll B , Henderson , nlthough hIs
dC'lIth ma ' come at any time. Tuesday -
day the ex-pealccl" ha an unusually
hal'll a ' , whIch ( eft 'him In [ \ greaUy
! weakened con itlon , Dr. J. S , Han.
cock , who recentl . took chnrgef hIs
case , Is of the opInIon that death may
come at an ' time al1l1 the patient may
, ) 'et live six months or more. A sud-
l' den nlsh of blood to the head might
ItllI him Instantly. TraIned nurses
_ are constantly with hIm , the ex-
sl1ealccr beIng In such a wenI. condition -
tion that be Is barel ) ' able to movo.
The Hague Peace Conference.
ST. pETERSBUR-Tho Russian
government has receIved a largo num.
bel' of roplles to the peace conference
InvItations , all of wblcb are favorabie ,
but contain no suggestions regnrdlng
the sulljects for discussIon. The announcement -
nouncement of the program nnd the
date for the meeting of the conference
will bo sent Ollt ns soon as all the
repIles nro recel\'ed , The tlmo of the
meeting will lIe fixed wlthollt greater
delay than necessary to permit all the
delegates to reach the Hague ,
Will Reappoint Tinsley.
W ARBING''ON-PI'eslrlont ( Hoose ,
:1 : ,
Ie vell Inlilcatell In ronversnllon wIth
10 rellresentullvcs Edwards of thl !
f. mevonth dIstrIct 1\1111 Bennett of thl !
o. NInth IlIstrlct of Kenlllrli ) ' that ho will
s. ronppolnt , lames n , 'rluse ) ) ' ns Unltell
! d Stales altOl'ne ' for the eastern distrIct
of 1C' ! , Ellwards presented
ll'cshlenttr : , Tlnsle '
to the ) . and l\Ir ,
llollnott Introdllcecl .1I1I11e DoerIng ,
, " whom ho dcslrell should lIe npllolnted ,
rtl The ) Iresllient saId he could see . nc
10 reason wh11' : , 'l'lnsle" should not .be
rcaplolntelI. (
< '
- -
eturns to the of HIs Former
O\IAIIA-Pat : CI'o\\'e of Icldnnplng
fame sehaclded to Detectlvo Helt.
fluid'ot the Ornnha detective dopart.
ment , IInd accompnuled by Chief De.
tectlye : J\Ilm 1I1'1'1\'ed In fJmaha from
Butte , Mont. , where ho was nrrested
IL weele ago. A crowd of 2OOD )101" )
sons had gathered to see the prlso'ner.
A large cordon of police opened nn ' ,
I\lsle from the plnlform of the traIn to. :
n )1ntrol ) wagon In the rellr oC the sta. J
lion , 111111 Crowe , between the two de- " " ,
tecllve : ! with a pntrolman wnlldng
a.lOnd 11/111 unother behInd , was
marched to the wugon , nmlclthe cheers
ot some and eXl'lnmatIons ' of others. ,
The exll'ml'lInul' ( ' Ill'ecaulions tnl\On
lJi Ihe 1I01lrl ) for lunliing Crowe safely
lJohlnd the bat's seell1ed harrIl ) ' neces.
snrr , 101' ho gave IIttlo heed to lhern ,
a 1111 1I1111al'enl1) ' had no wIsh to mal\O " "I ; '
his escalle , .n fact , he snld he was 11
; Iall to hI' lIudm' IIncst and once more '
In Omaha ,
In the lIatrol wagon five officers
' 1l1l1 lhree relortol's ( furnished com- .
Dany for the 1II'Isoner to the pollco J.
3tatlon. A Inrge crowd followed the I
patrol wagon to the station , where
IInothel' crowd had gathered to wItness -
ness the retllrn of lhe prIsoner. Precautions -
cautions were ngaln tnl\On to prevent
friends Crom reaehlng the prIsoner ,
nnd he was hurrlell Into the captaIn's ' " ' "I"
office , where he was regIstered. OIl' , /
posHe hIs nnme was ( Ilaced the charge " , :
of shooting with Intent to lelll or wOllnd.
The I/'Isoner / shoole hands with ChIef
of Pollco Donnhuo , S\l \ clal Agent VI. of the UnIon PacIfic , and Benjn.
mln Keegnn , a lIfe.long Omaha frlond ,
Crowe wns not Inclined to tnlk of
hIs past , nnd reCllsed absolutely to
s\leak \ of hIs alleged connection. wIth
the 1.lllnallplng of Edlllll Cudahy. He
declared that much hnd been pllb.
IIshed of hIs alleged doings , confes.
slons and other matters whIch was
without foundation. Among these he
mentioned a confessIon , snld to have
been sIgned h ) ' him nt Butte , Impllcat-
Ing YOllng Cudah ; In a conspiracy In
connection with the lc1dnaplng.
Crowe took \lartlcular \ notice of the
crowd had gathered at the station
and remarled thnt It was II. fiatterlng I
welcome that Omaha was gIvIng to
one of Its lormer citIzens , , \
'i ,
Des Moines Next Year , and Colonel
Frost Commander.ln.Chlef ,
CHICAGO-At todu "s scsslon of the
Army of the Phl1l\lplnes \ , Colonel S !
A , Frost of Banston , III" was elected
commander-Inchlef , Colonel .T , 'V.'J
1'0))0 ) of the Unltell States volunteer
army was Colonel Frost's opponent for
the position.
Other officers elected ere : SenIor
vice commnnder , Captain H. A , Crow ,
of Tenth Pennsylvnnta volunteers :
IIl'st junior vice commander , Colonel
J C. Leper , } ; 'Ift.flrst Iowa volunteers ;
second junIor vtto : commander , Lieu-
t nant E , L. Hamilton , ThIrtieth
United States vol ntoerH ; third junIor
vIce commander , Captain Cbarles E.
1\Ietz , First "Unnesofl1 volunleers ; \
fourth jllnlor vice commander , Serf
gant Gcorge J. 'Velnhelmer , UnIted 'J' '
States volllnteer Infantr ) ' .
Des l\tolnes was chosen as the place 1
of the ne annual meeting.
: : t
TRINIDAD , Colo.-For forty : -'ears
masqueradIng as 11 man , Cbarles V.
Vanmnugh has lIeen dIscovered to bo
a woman , In that time she bas been a
cierI. , banl { cashier and a score of
sImilar thIngs , bllt for the \last \ twenty , .
ono years has been a sheep herder In
Las AnImas county.
Ftnel ) ' edllcated , nnd readIng and
writing half a dozen different Ian.
guages , she started out well equipped
for lICe , bllt was unable to get any.
thIng to do as a woman , so , at the age
of 43. she turned man. Her true sex
was dIscovered 'esterday by Dr. T. .T.
} orham , county physlelan , while ox.
aminlng her at the San Raphael hospital -
pital , where sbe had been sent for Ule
InfirmIties of old ago. She Is now 8-1 t
yo aI's old.
North Dakota Bank Robbed. '
ST. PAUl. , l\Ilnn.-A special from
Grand Forks , N , D" says : The safe
of the Dnnk of Hensel at Honsel. N.
D" was III own open lIy robber8 enrly
thIs mornIng and all the cash In It ,
$3,500 , taleen.
Treaty Soon to be Signed ,
WASHINGTON - The treaty of
peace between Rtlssla Ilnd Japan wtll J. .
hecomo cffectIvo upon Its approval
whhout waitIng the formal exchange
of ratifications at Wl\Shlngton. This
Information wns 1111(1I1rlt'l at the Japanese -
paneso legation on We nesday. ThIs
course has heen decided upon In order
that the s\leedlest \ posslblo tormlnn.
tlon of the war may 110 had. The
treat ) ' , It Is IInllerslooll , has passed
through the necessary ) ll'ellmlnary
stages of npII'oVIII ( In eacb cOllntry ,
- ; ( "
I' \
, ' Zealous In Land.Grabing.
I 'I WASHINGTON-A 110vel sohemo of
I lunll gl'ahhln has come to
I 'light In the McCool , lanel cllstrlct of
I Nellruslw , An enterprIsIng faUJCI' of
I a fnmly , hnvlng hlmsolf nCIl\lrell \ lItie
10 a pIcco of government Innd , con.
I elvell an origInal methoel of getting
, moro of the Innel for the fnmlly , His
, sl'hemo ' conslstecl In hnvlng hIs oldel' .
ehllelren allolll his YOl/ngel' / , U1I1S male , , . I
I , Ing them heads of fam1l1es nlld ol1glhle I
t to mallo homestenll entries , three of
I which were thus nClll/lreli. / I