Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 19, 1905, Image 5

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, r' I . ' ' . .
. . ' '
, . . . . _ _ , . . , , , - , _ , , , " ' - " "m. . ' . _ _ e - . . _ - - - . - . - - . _ . . . ' - _ . - - . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . - . " " " " "
t . .
The ' . . .
' : :
. .
A . '
Food ValueA
of a Soda Cracler
You have hearrl that some foods furnish fat ,
other foods make muscle , and still others arc
tissue building and heat forming.
You know that most foods have one or more
of these clements , but do you know that no
food contains them all in such properly balanced
proportions as a good soda cracker ?
The United States Government report shows
that soda crackers contain less water , are richer
in the muscle and filt clements , and have a much
higher per cent of the tissue building and heat .
forming properties than any article of food made
from flour.
That is why U needa Biscuit should
form an important part of every meal. They
represent the superlative of the soda cracker , all
their goodness and nourishment being brought
. from the oven to you in a package that is proof
agains air , moisture and dust-the price being
too small to mention.
, .
, - , -
- - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - . . .
tf- - Ullr
Sclloo1 BooS ]
. . . . _
: ' - - - - - ANI )
1 8c1001 Supplies i
i : Ji ( 'nl''Y ) the most ( ' , omplete line of
\ I
' \ sehool books in the ( 'ity , nnd 011I'
tnhlet assortment this YPU1' is bettel'
t.han ever.Ve ran sUIly [ you in
, .
: ' t'\"l'ything.
" J. S. J. F. BAISCH
. . .
' ; , A"ccesliors to J. C. Haltuerlo.
. . .JI
- - -
. : : J
. . . _ - - - - , - . . . _ - _ . - - - - . - - -
- - -
: liar gains in 1 arn1 Land and l\anches
J ' Write for list with prices and terms of sale.
: or' If you ha\'c land for sale list it with me.
; ' . Correspondence with non-resident land owners solicited
I JAMES LED WiG II , - - Broken Bow , \ch.
- -
- -
, W. ' 1' . h at1Jsley of 1-4011 , was a
welcomc visitor at 'this oflice
! , yesterday.
Pat Hiley of New Helena , was :
II : ' a city visitor } 'cgtcrday. He
made this oflicc a welcome caB. I I
Dr. C. Pickett returned yesterday -
day frolll 1-4incoln , where he has
been for e\'cral day , as one of
I the faculty of the Medical Insti-
] % lcr W. A. ddwil1 of 1-4in-
' coIn , Nehraska , will preach at
' the Christian church Sunday
t' , morning at 11 a. 111. and 7:30 : p.
m. PutJlic cordially invited.
S'rltAYIW OH S'fOIHN--From
the hitching- rack opposite the
. post otlicc , a brown horsc , with
whitt , ! > trip in facc. Had on hal-
1\ . tcr alill hridlc. Inlormation
t .Itllllug' to reco\'eq' will bc , ap-
' ' { = : . : : . : rr.- _ _ - - _ - - - - -
_ , . . . . . . f tH'cI JI "lleu ur. : . . . . . . . .
l'rln.1el'lI rf\l \ , till. 11- ( \ ' .
, . .
i .
, J. r. . BRENIZEI , Ufeac , l
1' ] ' 1111' ! " ; ' : IIlch alill < ' ; cOlch 'rnpp",1 Shnl't JIlin
C.H tI 1' . 1\1) ' lu' ; 411 CII\I' . Will COlli
: .It "art Oil hr..ol,1I1 ! all.1 ' 1l1all\ ) ' with : \11) ' . I' I 0
CIII.urn. I\h , ' ' 'p..ral'lIhaH lalllthl III. . Ihal II
, " " 't ! uu.1 Hall facIIIIII , hr.11111 ( calli. . mm.1 h ,
c. . , . . .Icfl. . " tlliH H IIlh..e. I mll'"cI II
rD' ' ' . ' th . " h"r4 Ih.1" " " Clf : III'lhhll
- ' " ral l'llllllh. . 11. R. I 11Im h\7.25I'ullq ' Hultabl ,
) fur Ihlh , a 1111 U"XI Yl'ar' . . . .rtlo . . . l\Iy CClWI
Iben w..hrb fWIII I OIJ II ) ou.ll'ouudR. COnll' : Iud ' IIf' '
. , 01.
- ' - - - - - - - ' - - - - , - .
predated. WI\I. HO.\M.
1'h is ol ice is in recei pt ( ) I'a
communication on " 'l'he LalHl of
Promi e" by C. S. ] ' : ckrosh , formerly -
merly of Jerusalem , which will
app . the l HI'UBrICAN next
Mrs. 1-4. A. Parmenter , who
has been at Se\'i11c , Ohio , for
several months , at the bedsidc of
her sick brother , returned home
vestmlay : morning. Her hrother
, vas in pro\'ing somc when shc
started Monday.
Mrs. A. J. Mac ) ' , formcrl ) '
teacher in thc Broken Row
school , arrivcd in the city thi
morning on a visit. She is 011
her way frolll Iowa to Alliancc ,
_ _ _ _ ' _ _ . _ _ _ _ n.
The Advo Grocery !
- - : ; : - a : -
sent : Oil a Specialt I' .
' J
- r ( Bright ! It- m :
Sa fel ! t\\ .
Nu Smcll ! ! I IlJ {
. . No Hmol ( ( ' ! I ! !
Call at the store and .
get a coupon good for ' -
' ' , \1
half gallon , 'l'ry a
I i Cd.
_ _
Our can goods are all
, labeled "Advo ] xtra , " - ' .
i the bcst the market af-
'i' fonls. We havc a fine
line of .Staplc and ] anc ) ' n-f.1
$ j GrocerIes. Call and see \I IIi
Ii 10.\
e t { ! ' 1"
where Prof. lacy holtls a position -
tion in tIll' city schoo ! ! . ; .
' ' ' thcir
'l'h ( ' IJighlanders
regular mccting last 'l'uesday
night were fa\'ored with refrc h-
ments at the dosc of the seion ! !
whkh had been pro\'ided 11) ' t le
ladics. A pleasant allll Roclal
timc waR enjoyed h ) ' all preRenl.
'l'he Ii r ! snow 0 f the ReaSQn
fl'lI herc last night. 'l'hen' was
enough to l"O\'Cr the gro\lul
11\1 t t racc : : > of it was \'i i hIe. 'l'ht' .
I wind is now from the north-weht !
aud snow IIt > g'an falling- about 10
o'dock thi a. m" with fair pros"
pects of a wintry day.
Hug-h Kenno'cr of South na-
Kota , who , with his family , is in
the city with the view of rcmain-
ing ( w r wltlter was \ frit > , nl ) } , ) '
call1'r at this otliee to-day. He
wyg the people that went from
here > there arc doingwe > 1l : Inti
I the , ) ' all like the country.
"I emale Masonery" is till' title
of an amuRing TIallow'een t'nter-
taillment to he gi\'en by the
[ , ady's Guild , at the 'Opera
House. 'rhc co t u Illes wi 11 he
rich , unique and original , while
thc whole a IT air is a t70lltinual
Legitimate , wholesome mirth is
gootl at any time and this play is
c\'erllowing with it.
I\J AHHtluAt the residence of
J. ' 1' . Wood in Brokcn Bow ; OcL
18 , 11)05 , Frel1 .T. F'ranl < lin and
I\I iss Grcce Belle Whisman , hoth
of Mason City. HeAlleu Cham.
berlain ollici tion. These young
people are both fa\'orahly 1m own
Mr Franklin is young and pros"
perous farmer of J' lk Creek , and
l\1iss Whisman is a daughter of
' 1' . J. Whisman or' same place ,
'l'heir many frienll ! > wish thcm a
long' and llappy life. ,
MrR. J. Jt . Holcomb is exprctell
to arri'c herc tomorrow from In.
clian 'l'erritory to meet the reo
mains of her hushanll that will
arri\'c here Sunday from Seattle ,
Since going to press with the
I article in refercnce to Josepl !
rJo1cumb's accidcntal dcath a1
Seattlc , further information ha !
been reeeh'ed here stating thaj
'I he was struck about n00n hy
l , working train and that hc Ih'ec
three hourq after. His moth 1
anel Fred Can'erViiI acCOmpal1)
the remainft here for burial. Nc
arrangcments for the funcral will
hc made until his willow arri\'e
from Indian 'l'erritory.
Mr. and Mrs. John Low ( ' , whe
I ! n'I''ntly ! > old their fl'-\illt'I\lt \ \ :
, I propcrty to n. Uuyle of Wal
; worth. Jeft yesterday \ \ tll thcil
hflll'H'holl } good" fOi t\'rna ! ,
, wltt'n' tht'y will ! ilop temrMl ! ) ,
\lntil th'ir Ilaul-fht'r , I4ulu. lin
' ! I ishl' ! ' h'r Hl'IIOO\ \ ' 'I'hey lIlcn e
) pect to locate at Br clg < , port
t\ ! rl , . Lowl' lrt1ered ! tIll' If HI'UIIII
j CAN cnt to her new adllress , re
marking she flid not want tf
leave Broken Bow it pop. M r
) and Mr ! > . T-4owe wcrc mongou
'J ' I most hig-hl , ) ' respected citi en
The ) ' were most estimable neigh
, I bors and it is with regret we ! , ( 'j
them lea\'c Hroken liow. 'l'IH
) h'st wishes of their many fricntl
j go with them.
. ,
. , . , r. > ,
. . . . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . _ r. : . : F"r : : : : : :
Mftrrlell ,
I-4ltlll1tlt-LlU.IING-At the M.
g. church , Monda ) ' e\'l'ning , October -
tober H" at 8 o'c1oc1c , Ho ' Wa\'ue
Lcibcc of Gcnc50 ( ' , Ill' , liss
Hclcn A. Leming- Broken Bow.
l eJ. . H. 'feagardcn ofiiciating ,
as istcd h" HcChamherlain. .
'l'ht. hritle i ol1e of Brolc'n
Bow' popular \lung 1altit'H wllo
lias rown up [ n our midst. SIIe
is thc daughtcr of 1\1r. .uHl MrR.
.1. G. I4 mingof thi. . cit\ , .
'l'he groom i a strnn "I' to u ! >
hut Wl' untlt'rstaIHl tllat he is a
YOl1ng' man of f nl reputation tInll
IS engagcll in the ShOl' hl1siness
at Ut'nc'sco , lllilloi . His falher
is a capitaligt.
'l'IIe bride was eleg-ant ! I ) ' arrayed -
rayed in tal1'eta silk trimnH d in
lrt h point lace and carried
bride's roses. 'l'ltc g-room wore
the : onvcntional blacl .
Preceding thc ceremony Miss
Ahhie 1-4anyton ! mng' " 0 Proml c
Me ! " whkh was followed with a
wedlling march entitled " 1-4och-
engrns" which was I la'ell hy
.1. Mn . I4angson. l ol1uwlnl-f them
e\'s. Teaganl'n 011111 Chamhcl'-
lain cntered , who were followed
h ' the g-rnom and hCRt mau , Clyde
hlli , from the oppositc door.
The third to cnter was the maid
of honor , l\1iss Alice T-4c1I1ing , the
twin sis er of the bride. She
worc a crcam silk mullc , trimmed
in cmbro idecl ch'ffon , carrying'
pink ro ! > cs. It'ollowing hcr wa
l\Iarion ! 40max carr'lI1g the wl'd.
ing' ring' on a branch or rO ! es ,
who wa followed by thc bridc
on thc arm of her fatlH'r , .T. G.
'l"hc IIshers wert Mis'eg ! Olive
Pickett. J dith l-4ol11ax , .lean
Cal.l.lpbell , all carr'ying pink car-
After thc ceremony a sllppcr
aud reception for thc bridal part ) '
was g-i\'t'n at thc home of the
hridc' parents.
'l'he contracting partics were
thc rccipcnts of ahollt scventy-
five line and \'alllable prcsents.
'l'he church was han somcly
tlecorarell for the occasion I il
white , pink and grecn.
Therc wer enc hundrecl anll
twcnty-live in\ ' ted gueRts.
Mr : and Mrs. 1-4cihce leavc to"
_ L , _ _ _ _ . _ ' .
. . . ,
. : . . . : : . r'/- ; ; -
I day 011 42 for their future holltc
in ncncsco. l11inn ! ,
I Shc ; ; S : '
' '
W. 1' . of , 111'-
rivcd in the cit\ , last li'riday
lIIorning to visit "his daughter ,
1\lr8. W. U. Purccll. He is on
his wa. ) ' to Salltiago , California ,
to spenll the winter. lIe was
there la t year anll Hlcals ) : very
highly or SantiaJ.'o ; 1'1) ( ' wintl'r
qllartl'rg. t\1J' . hcrr is in hiH
eighticth Jcal' allli is still trong
ant ! act \'t' .
'Phis Wt at1l'r hring-s rClllinlll'l'R
of last wintcl"H coal hill.
Burling Ion Bulletin or nottOiI Trip nnt"a
CIt lngo : IIlItl 1'1'1111'1011 \ : ; alc 11\\ly : \ , l\ . '
l. IOllil ! IIIIrelurll ! , 011 : ; ale daily ,
l'orllIIU1 , ' 1'acollln IIIII ! cnll1e IIIIre. .
IlIt'II , on : ; nlc claily , f-.IS.oo. '
I'orllallli. 'fncoIIIInnc ! Seallle alII ! re.
lurll , OIlC'n ) ' viII California , fSH..lo , UII
! : jlle Hcplemher :26 : , 27 nllfl :2S. :
nll Fmltli-co : ; alII ! I.os AIIgcles III If 1
I'durll. $5S..lo. 011 : tlc Hcptt'mhcl' 6 ,
27 111111 : JR.
Hall hlillcisro IItltll.oq l\ngl'lcs IHlelc ,
IIITtt , $ . 'i2"lo , On 1lIt : , Octoher 2n nuet : J I.
HUll Frunc sco nnll II ) , ! Allgelt's ani I re-
I tit II , lIue WII ) ' \'Ia I'orllallt ! . t6,1.9o. On
slilc lkllll , , r 2l111nel 21 ,
Hall1.ake IIncl OJ.II'1I ( atlleluTtt , 1/11
sale elllll2.1) ; \ ) . .
COlly , W\'o. . 1I111l'k Iltlls : tUt ! 1101
SpJ' U : ; , H.n. - . , IIpl'ruxillll\lcly hull'wh't ;
all tlIlItJlIl'r ,
Iow nUl'.wn ) ' l"olollist mil's lo L'ltllror.
nill utll ! NOIlhw , . ; t , ephllthcr 15 to
Octnhel' J I.
Chenp hOlllc > : eck < , ts' I'IIh's ill tttllllY _ 11.
rcrtiolls , first 111111 thllt ! ' ' ' ' ( ' ! ' ctch
IIIOlllh ,
If ) ' 011 1:1111 nr wrlle liS it wl11 he npl\'I''I' :
ttlC tn Ill'itc'UII I\ho"t rute : ! , trallt ! mr"
\ ' cc , to ICtIr\ . ' yon II helth. 11I111 tn try
In make ) 'our trip II ( 'oilirurtnht ! ! OIlC ,
11. I" Oltllllll\ ! ' .
A cllt C , 11 , & Q. Hr.
- - - - : - _ , _ u'I
At The Old Standi
c. w. WAHL
_ 1'CCI ( "nH Tn
13. O. 1-1 U T TON.
, ,
City Shaving Parlor
' \ VI' , In lillI ) ' work Ihal 1M
, ,
' " ' : llIIlllIarall'
h'I' "all'OlI. . th. ! ' " 'ql "o "lhl. .
"I'I 11 : . , . YOllr" for III1 hll' ' ' ' ' ,
, ,
Custer Canyon Herd of Duroc Jersevs
Eight Miles West of Broken B
W Ii hurp : m 11111.1 ( ' pig'H , tops , sel'tNI'l'OIU ! our
sI'ing' ! ( 'I'OP of o\'el' OO pigs. 'J'lwy Hre
I'i'h ( in t.lw hlood of nUI' { ) ( ' ( I1HIlllgel' , OlplIwood
King , PI'itH'P Ji I'ick Hnd I'd Chit. ! ' , t.he IJPst bloods
in thp ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' Jot 1111\-
POlllttl' ) 1'IIl'Y aI'e It g'ood , gl'wthy ( ) , \ -
ng' extTtl ' ( ) ( hneks , fpct : lnd I ( g's , with hea\'y
hOItP , : lltd fOI' quality : tl' ( ' lIlH'x'elled. ( Jl11 : and ! : ; P (
t'lH'IU. 'I'hpy \\'ill slIit you. ) ! ( 'digTPp wit.h'PI'Y
pig' Hold. I ) I'irf's l'pl1sonnhlt' .
ll ES I & ; lVIO ItE H ( ) US [ , I1RO : mRIlW.
- -I
L u. . . _ .
- - -
uu. : : : ' IwJ.iU.lIIiJ.wUIIJJ1 : : : : : . : : b' IIuJuu : : : : IU I"uJI : Jlllu:1'JJllllllwtJIi.J. : : ! : : : : . " I I . : :
t Jb111
. Horse Sale at Mullen , Neb. ,
. . Saturday , October 21 , 1905.
.1j I
I TIIF. postpoJlmellt of Ihl' salt. of our horcs WIS illctahle to lulmil of I
clcl\ning' up oltr caltlc ill 1111 our pllslllres III II ! : uljacellt lerrilor ) ' ,
. 'rhis will hc our lillal talc ; 111111 nil her e'l or thl' lolllpnnY'tI willllhsollltely
I . - he clelincil up. This OJTl'rill 01 olle-hullclrcl ! IIIII ! twcuty heal ! eomJ > J' ses
-1 the t ps of our tllIhlle ; 111111 work hones . /111 < < 1 nlwitl \ . he olll to the Ittghesl .
hillI'r , ! for cnsh. TIll' horscs will ht. g'clI "I'rin.1 of rt'st h'fore the salt.
IIIII ! wittlw ill good ( 'ol\l1ilillll \ for work. 011 the /lho\'e .Intl . ! the COIttJ > lItI\ '
I .1 witt makc their fiual clcan up . hy sl'lIiJl : the rcmailldcr of their wagolls ,
1 IlIrttl' Hhuggit' ! ! : , atul the lib. .
r \ J""I C" c I f:1 , N C bra s k 11.
rl . . . . . , , , . . . , . . , .
' - , " "J1"Ir..nilillt.Jiil'll ln rfI1" ; ' iq ) rm-r. : ' i' r- rrr. . . ' : : r" r : ' ' 1rIr. ! ; : r.rn t It '
I , _ _ _ _ . , _ , . . _ _
H - - - n' - - - - - - - - - -
. .
. - - -
S T If >
[ , J. w. SCOTT
( fi
( < ) tll)1 ) ( ( ' 1)1' ( lll 'l'C' ' )
. .
\ . : Ir ole ! whc lt I1nll"r at n'tlllrt'd priCI'S. Sl'l'cls
- 5t > of illi k l1lls. Shelf war ( ' . IJIIl'CI1 ! > wun' and
) ' Rt'c"ond hand fllrnitmc. It will pay yon to
. I\ ! ' ! ! \ ' \ . . . . , . . , , lt ( ' ollr . Iroodo , ; and I CI'd : > onr IJrices be"
: I fore placing ) 'onr oreler. @
ol1th Hid\
: - - ; \ .
s . ' --1111\\ ( \
" - ' ' " - , . , , , . ' : : : : ! : - - . . . . .
' _ ' . ' h _ _ _ - . _ _ _ _ . _
5000 . Telegraphers
Alillualh' . 1111111 11. " II I1' , 'o ltlolI" crl"al,1
Ioy Hallroulallli : 'J'.II'.u.\JIh CIlIUI'\lIt : , . . \\11 I
11'.1111 Vl > UNO MEN 1\,1 LADIES IIr
10..1 : hab\t \ , III
Learn Telegraphy
And n. H. Aocounlh1atJ
\ \ ' " ( IIrIIl'Ih 7. cellI. nf Ih. . Ollt.alnr" .
1\11,1 Slatlo. . . , "I"III InlIll'rka. . 011. . " ' ' 1
. .ohllll'l a..t" . . . . larU't''I1 " ! oelll..h. . 'f..Kralth .
1"IWIlIM . IN THE WOHL D. 1'"lah\l..II.1 : \
I ) " . :1. . . a 11.1 'HhlllrM' " I' ) ' a II 10'11' ; ' hlle H .111 ,
II'H' Omelal. . .
\\'t' , ' J2:1J 11011.1 ' '
" "cllIe a 11I1'1'ery "ulI11 III III
fllrlll..h IIIItIr \ hrrIHI : II'"II ' " .I'IIIIC Il\Im
ftll IIIIda 1II01llh . III Rlall ! " " :1'11 : IIf Ihe Hllck \ '
! \I lal ' " f..olll f75 f1t:1llOlIlh Iii
1111 II II nr : III : : /llOlIlh
Sialt. . . w..I IIf 1111'u.klcM \ , Immodilltely
IIpon grntluntlon ,
llIllcIII. , . call elll" " al : IllY tllIlI' . No " : " 'a.
tlnll'l , I"ur filII Il.Irlhlllar. : . n'llanlhll ( : IllY
l.f IIlIr SChl"I. , . write o.Ih'cl III ullr 1'I..clllh't !
II 1\1 \ Ct. . at Ulllolllilall , O. CalalulI" " fit' ' ' . ,
The Morse School or Telegraphy ,
ClllclllllallOhh' . 1I1I1alu , N. Y.
, \lIllIla , nI' laCroHM'VI . .
'I'clarkalla. 'I'e , Hl1I 1.'rlIlcHco ! , CII ,
Ban g s' S t 11 cl i 0 .
AW\rII.,1 : fir..1 Ilrl c Inlll : M".Illcla'l'l
11. " . .hrlRka l'hntllll'rat > hl'I" , . . '
olall. . " I"i. ! Nt1I' 101 plCI"re lrallll !
11I.,1 < 11 1111 IPmIlIC'I ! 11I,11 : , In unl..r.
1.1\ : \ " " , " I'holllll'alh'l a 11I1 H'cnnIM.
MIchllle. ; . M."I . 1"1 1" lal\lIl\'lIl \ , ' 1\11. :
Registl"rcd O. I. r , I logs
L'lI Mi. ' 1' . WIUG 111' , Bro\cn : 110NI.h'
- - - . .
- - - -
Dr. N icodenl us.
, r ' ' '
etel'iuul'Y SUl'geon
and Dentist.
All t1iHea e of the cquil1l' family -
ily attendcl1 to ntHI Hatisfaction
guaranteccl. Will be in Brokcn
Bow on 'l'hursl1n ) ' of each week
I at 1 'inlen'H barn.
It 'Ua N r , NIUUI.A.ttU.A.
Palace Barber Shop
} tor firRt.chL'IS work , cal1nllhc l'ltlllce
IInrher hop , H\'cr'thiu Up.tIHlnte.
JHO DHAN. Proprlelor.
- .
tl0r-9 'y 8 u9ce1101'
A'l' IAW. I
'toomad 101111. ! tUAlLy Uloclr. Urolum lIuw. Neb.
O H. CONnAD , . ; .
. .
. . . . . .lIoAI.rln. . . . .
PUIDPI. Willd , ltIlITauk. \ . . Ifltlhl" " " , UlUllllne
8UIIIII\ll , litO. etc.
IIrollulI ; now , N l > r.ftlra.
. , .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
s.M. . UOIUU .
11I1. . . . . ' . . .
AI. khtll. ot work III our 111111 dl/lIl1 'rnw U ,
Iud III IInt-cla.It urdur , JW"lted tlhHI' "II lb.
cornur IIIIIIheIU\ \be "lll/lIr. / ! .
Urokllu lIow. . - . " " Nehr'lka.
, - tl"1 fJi--illlM1. .
. I'wa IJIHCk Pllrlh ot Orlll.1 OUlllr l 11011'1. I'.t.
tOllaK" lullcllo.l. I'rlcol ! reaMullahl. .
. . .
- - - -
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/JUhblr cillti . ddu , , " , 0 , K. OAUW I.l. .
: > "rokeu ! low , Nebrluka.
r oU. O. IJ , MUILKN8 , I ,
Physici n e Surgeo l.
. IUd tltalrWIIF ow w.B'nllu IIl1all ) ' tllecA I
f. ' ' " .Ideuce , Brc1'tun Y. R , chorch , on II11W" . .111. ,
, , t ureul. ' lIrokltD Uow. NpIJrulta. .
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! D H . U. , 0. & W. E. 1'A I. B01' .
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; : 011001 DV"r Uaellrlu' . Urug Ii.lorl ! ,
. rokfJu ! low. . . Ntlhrub.
J. 8NYD1CH. '
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l'eQS I\ t o ment.
- . clullII , uIlIlu encntllaw pral'llce. Ot. . ,
' '
Ikc : Ro liii > 4 111111' 5'1 awson lIIock WClOt
side pal'Urok.n : ow , Nehmska , J
I DR. C. B. JOB ,
nZih' ' nD ( J1n' ) IDOl' : ' DDn. . ,
C Ilhl'\ : ' 1\1111 r..iol .III.I. ClIlC hlll"k clltlh of
n tel . .1111 I \lIl g\ ! ' ; , : -tou' .
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DH , W. H , COr E , ' ,
niscao\'s uf all the lower allllllal ! ' lIeat. " .1
1.11. Olliee at Lee IIro9 , ( Irug stun' .
I 'l'hone 203 , Bruken Bow , Net. . \ "
ROSS G. MOORE , ' ' 1
i Attorney-at-Law. ' :
Utitll eltlu 111111101" IJroktJr. fhUrl' II .Ap .
, 11101:11 : UWh'R UI/III , N..lJr.d. ,