Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 19, 1905, Image 4
" .4' -.r- MII\1ftI..1 > J ' ' ' ' ' ; . . . . < < tt ltr UIo. JepubUran l'ulJlIhl'd U'6'rhUr ( IA' " ' Lho COOIIL ' lIoa' , ' : _ _ _ _ _ .u _ _ . ' _ _ _ .u _ _ _ _ ) _ _ ( ) . M. , UlsummEllltfJr . . - - - - BIILer"c1nl LhellollollleoaL Drukell Unw , Neb. , alloooul..ulllU mAJlor rllr Lraoomlulou LbrulIgh _ . Lbo U. . _ : i _ , _ IAIII. _ _ u _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tllllltlUIUI'TIUN l'UIUK lIuo VII. ' In 6lvllfleo . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . 'I no . . _ _ _ . . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ h _ . . . . . . , " ' . IIllICk , iuurll. , " , " " ! I-"I\I tl'II Vn.I < ! ! " - . . . - . . . . . . . . ' , ' , AUVRH1'IHINU It\'rlt " OII ! rolnlliu , lit r munlb , ' 7 00 , Uno.h.lf co. . limo I'r WUIILh , 'OJ 'louler cuiIlWO , Iter I 1I10nh , fW W M Ihan tlllnl r colnlllO , 611 tIlIlL , . . Illeh Iltr lUon'h Oar J.r on fllli I'AI'O. ' : tJIJ coull pur 111010. . .or monlb Local edverll.luK 1\ ! ' U e Ier 11.11 , deli I .ur IIIIU , N'lIlt04l of church 1.ltt , ocl"bh : "nd unhlflalll. mml' ' 1'bero ! nUllO , It Clluflft" uuo."ull fHUI. :4"u'61hullCI ' ) ' .nll 'I"IIIII"O , on baJr rew. . 'W ' 'hlllllC ' roUe , , " Irue. , . ! , ' for ublhblng Ilel ul " " . . . . . lIoal \ 1111110111 hell , lu 1I rlofUI JJllbllet.luK gtlltutlly lIollel'I , od Cllflt. uf IbAok. LegallioUCo..t rII ' Jlruldcd b ) "Allllo , I N ubra. . . . . . - - - - - 'rhursday , Octobcr IIJ , 1905. . , . - - - - - Republican Ticket. ' ' . ' ' . H'1'\1'1 : I'ur SUJIU.'III. . JII.II/ < ! - Charlr. . n. 1.1'lIulI , L'ur Ullit "fIll ) ' H"'u'ul > 4- v. J. I\'funl. "rrlrlck U. , \ hlJUII. ( ' 011 WI' \ ' . l'ur JIIIIII"- JIIIIII"H. . 111111Ilhr < < ' . ) ' , IIrok..ullmv. 1.'orCIt'rk- , . JII . I'hlllllII. : Ih"k"11 111111' , ' ' . . . 'or 'J..a LIr.'r- . . ' . . . . . . . J. I : I'atrll. . Ot'orll.'IUII'II. 'ur ShrrllT - J. S , 1'1llIlIh , CaJlawa ) ' . I"ur Hl'II'I..lur 01 lIl..c1H- Juhn T. WooII. . . . UIIII'u HOII' , I I'ur Superlllll'.ul"/lI- . . 11. JII.I'IIICkllr.I"'lIlr , I.'or Hlln.t''or- \0' \ . , . \'aIlAIlIWl'fI' . I.ulll , , . ' "r Cnt"lItr- IIr. J. 11. MnrlOlI' , Merll : ! . ' 1'0NS IIII' , "ur " JU llce IIC Ih. . J'l'al'- 1.O'Schwll..l. : . " "r ( Itrk- A. II.Jallllq / , I or 'l'reahurrr- : J. S. Mnl'ueux. J J.'orCun laIIJe- J..Colo' " : . f HO.\ O\'Iusmk : : H , . lHHlrlcl NllmlJl'r 1- . , 1A. . , \ . Walcher. 11I lIlct NUlllh..r - , W. W.lII huJl , lIl lrlcl Numb..r .1- _ ; .1I , . A.'l'lIi , tH ! rlcl : Nllmoor"- I. ( o. " : .t"ehuu : , lll.lIlel Number 5- I'li ' W , J.Cla ) ' . ; IIt.trlcl Numb..r G- 9 J. O.Juyet' / , I UISlllct Nurnb.r 'i" I . I. . Cn.hmall , J. - ' ' " "" in" on Drea . Y tool 'r" 'rhe effort to i\'i e the count . \ ' . hi called ofT. We have tricd to t treat the matter lairly , and ha\'c t recognized that everyone had a i , right to think as he pleascd in f : tbe matter. If the majority of -the people of the county want : i le county divided ; they should t. have the opportunit ) . to divide. . ] f the majority want the county , as it is , then they should have it . We helieve in the te t of ' : majorities , but we want to say , right now that we d tcst mere : sgitation for selfish alld personal cnd\ ! , and abovc all , the public shoul express its contempt for any man who thinks he is bigger than c\'er'hody , and assumes to direct public interests without being solicited.-Sargent I4cader. 'l'he pcac agreement entered into by Russia and Japan at Portsmouth has been ratified by the rulers of hoth tbese countries . , .3peaking of republican omcials J turning back their passcs , we are , ! remindcd that time and again the populists conventions denounced - nounced passes hut their omcials dung to them , anti advised the voters that it was policy to "for- age on the enemy-Sargent I4ca er. It is interesting to note that the newspapers of the county that has editorial space for sale i re supporting II. J. Shinn , the fusion candidate from county judge , 'J'hey are the Argosy of Ansley and the Mason. City Star. ' 1'he voters of Custer ounty will do well to steer clear of a cand iII i- II ate who is not willing to stat1l1 nn his own merits. , , ! I4css than three weeks remains I Iclore election , yet one who is , lIot elirectlv interested cun hurel. ! ly realtze ihere is to he an clec. f , \Ion , jucJgiug from the lacle of I' . , , agitation. E\en : the great pop ha faileI to creat program ( t\ Ii Tipple upon the placid horizon. \ We predict that the people .have 1\ decided to let well cnough alone and will on clection cia ) ' quictly cast their ballots for the continu- , po' f , t : . W. HAYES , , Jeweler and O tician ' West Side Square , t- ; , ' . I Broken Bow , : , , ' : . " . Nebraska. . ' t , , \ " f . " ' . . . . - - - - ; . ' ' I 'A Jlers , Doctors first prescribed A ycr's Cherry Peclorul over 60 years ngo. Th y use It I today mort : than ever. They Cherry Pectoral rely upon It for colds , coughs , bronchiris , consumption. They will tell you how it heals inflnmed lungs. "I hart R'P.11 tJ 1I OUV" tor thTee yeaTi 'rllc..1 utul ! I'f'll.hcrry'CC"H ' ; I My.uru IUIIII . we'/o SCIJU lIuled 111111 Illy cunh : drol'IIo" ' , . " . IiWA M r.I ! , I'CARL IIYD ! : , Gnlhrlo Cenlre , Ja. 2. 11" fo1'10" . J ! - vim ( ' 0 , . All , lr"t.I. , ' , , , w 11. hAl. , ( fa r Old C'oug11s Ono Ayor's Pili at bodthYlo Insures n natural netlon next morning. atlcc of pro.-perity , and President I oo"\e\'ells \ acllllitli lralion hy \'oling' the repttulkan ticket straight. Jobn T. Wooed for ne"l.ter of Deeds" We fecI it our cluty to call attention - tention to the republican candidate - date for register of elcecl ! ! , JOhll , ' 1' . Woocl. Mr. Wood is a ) "OUIlg' , lIIall of sterlingIlu1litics ; who has until the past threc years n'sid , el in this locality ancl we mig-ht'say is a l\lasotl City ilia 1/ / . During' his residence herc hc cOllllucted himself ill all hOllcst malineI' ancl is a young man of ahilit \ " honcs- " ty allll intcM'rit ) ' . He "has had Ihrec ycars experience as deputy I reg-ister ancl is compctent . to fill the otlice to which he a"pin s. We are Rure our voters will make. . . no mistake in voting for Mr. Wood for .register of elecds. Let us get out' and hustle for John 'I' . ' Wood not only uecause he is a I Mason City man uut hecausc he I is able and competent and will ! treat all thc patrons of that omce in a kind , courteous and busincss like manncr. Vote for John' ! , . Wood regardless of party-he is thc right man for the right place , -Mason City Star , As the Star b a nonpartisan paper this should bc regardcd by all fair minded mrn a ! . a strong endorscment for the republican candidate ior register of decds , Mr , Wood for a number of ycars was a resident of Iason City and vicinitJ and as thc editor of thc Star grcw up there he knows the scntiment of thc community which he represcnts. Mr. Wood , notwithstal1'ling he is th republican candidate and .as uch has much at stake in his own successs , he has not hcen out of his office a day since his nomination to solicit support , but instead , remains at his IHst of dut ) . as register of dceds. Such men , who havc been triell in the bal1ance and ha\'c proven true to their constituents are those who the public shoulel ele- light to honor and in his case we fecI confident thcy will do it. "We nccd to rally. the old guard of populism in Cu : ; ter this fall , and success is ours.eacon. " . "Yes , that is a longing , remin isccn t sigh. ilu t the "old gl\fl" : got tircd of Beal and li'u'3ion and won't rally.-Sargent I4eader. The editor of the Sargcnt Lea. dcr speal < s from experience and we predict the rcsult of the vote this fall will ful1y verify the statement. - - - - - John S. Smith , Republic n Candidate for Sheriff , John S. Smith , the republican nomiuce for sherilr of Custer county , was born in southcastcrn Ohio , September 22 , ISh1 , where he resided ulltil eightcen ycars of agc , at which time hc came wesl. locating- McClean count - t . , l11inois. Here he rcsided until - til the fall of 1R83 , when he callie to Nchraska , locating in 1Iall county. A ftcI' r mainin\l \ thc\ ' ( ' 'for one ycar he returncI\ \ nll1o , where he enterell sc1lool. 1n the fal1 of 18H7 he returned to Hall coun \ ' , Nehraska , and in Deccm- hcr ot that ) 'car was unitcd in marriage to gmnJa J .Afilcrbaugh. In the spring of 1 ' )3 , he , togcth- er with his family , came o Cus- cou n ty , loca t i n in Ca la WII ) ' , where they h.we SUlCI' re lIded. At the agl' of fifteen years Mr , : Smith wus cOII\'ertcd .tllli hecamc I a member of the l\lethodisl : church , and has since heen illl : act \'e me.nber. . His family wa I of a re1igiou disposition , hh : brother , who visited him about OJ : year ago , being enc of the lead. ling Metho ist ministers of Ohio , : Mr. Smith is also' a , member of I I the Masonic , Modcrn Woodman . I . and Workman orders , 1 ) cmg enl : : : of the leading memhers in cach , I lIe is the posscssor of a eliplo. : ma from the Zanes\'i11e Busines , , . I College of aneH'ille ! , Ohio , showing hlln to ue it graduatl' ill lJool < lwlping ! , thl'r'ror ( the HC- . COUlits of the omct' , shoul(1 he he eICl'teel , will h kl'pt tll'atl ' nuel l'orrcctly , I IJtlril ! his twe1\'c .rears' , r si- lIencc III Callaway , Mr , SmIth h as proven hi msl' If to be II Icaller I aUlOng h.s fellow men. Ill' now , ; th ( > office of constable for Dclight township , ha\'ing hcen eh'clcd to that pO\ition ! It number of t"ue , allll al\\'a\'spollingUlon thall his party \'ot'l. . 'I'he gooll work don h ) ' hi III in Uti , ; om cc I urollg h t Ollt hio ; excellcllt CJualili. C.ttIOIlO ; as all officer of thc la'w , and lti fricllds saw ill him the maldllg of a good hcritT , allll bv h a I'll wOI'le pCJsuaded It i III to llIake the TiUC , Ill ! h\ \ also a IIlCmhl'r of U e villag'c board , which position hc has held for several tennR , and has prO\'en himself to be a worth ) ' alld wide awake memher of that august bed r. Ill' is the owner of an excellent farm at thc edge of this d t ) ' , where he resideR , and where he makes his living- from the products of thc soil the sallie as allr other farmer. ; I'aking it as a whole , hc iR one of thc best-if not the best--who has ever lJecn tendcrld ! a nomination - tion to any ofl ce in CURter coun. ty. Honcsty , energy anll detcr- mination is stamped upon hi face , and shollld ht : be c1cl'ted , Custer count. " will , e ahle to claim the bc t shcriff 111 th statc of Nehraska. 'l'hc { Juccn ug- g-est . that ) 'OU cast YOllr hallot for John S. Smith for heritr and forever feel .prollel of the nohle act YOIl ha\'e doncr.oup Vallt'y ( . Jlw 'n. . I . . . . ! - - - - - - . Elloll Polilics. . - - ( C'"lIlIInnlcaII'IU "The ( Iucstion of the election of . a supcrvisor frolll this district is. the pl'incipal topic of cot1\'ersa- . tion in Garliel.I township. 'l'hc \'otrrs h a vc become ti red of the present incllmbent and a very I lrge majority of them arc anx- . i us that he should be perman- cnth. retircI ] , In fact had the date of the caucus bcen published - ed . o the votcrs had generally . known the datc it was to ha\'e. becn held thl'Y would ha\'c turn ell out enmass.and pre\'entee1 him from ecuring a delegation from' ' his homc precinct. As it was he gathered a 'fcw of his hosom friends and held the caucus aUll named the cleleg-ation in his own. . interest. With a delcgation. . thus secured and another hosol11 fricnd in thc pcrson of John Sanelcrson , who represented n ne votes in Berwyn township , it wa , ; ; easy to gct tltl' nomination. This man , reenwalt , has Hcn'cd the cou n ty as su pen'isor for two tcrms. 'l'his is long cnough for the ordinary man. uut as he is morc than the ordinary , whcn it com s to liguring in t 1c Standard Bridge Co. , his consti- tucnts are getting very weary. 'l'heo should ther be 'another term for him his old supporters feel thcre would not be cnough old bridges in thc township to fence the rest of his farm with oak boards and the Stalillard Bridge Co. , would have to help out our "gtatcsman" or his farm could not be fenced. L 'urther thatl that his constituents are not penurious a 1111 arc perfectly willing to c ntribute their share pf the cxpense to provicle for thc neecly of the county , hut whcn the county must keep ahle hodied families h ) ' the d01.enj that arc amply able to prolle their own g ocerics , coal and shocs , from Qne lone IH'ccinct , ' we think it ig time for a change. If there is an'onc in the district that is not thoroughly convinccel that I\lr. Grccnwalt has not already had hold of the public tete too loug , all we ask of any such is to visit his ranch and see material with which his corral1s are. made aud his garden is fenced. 'l'hese are hut a few iteltls of the nlanY that m igh t hl mentioncil . s rca ous why hi h mt. prccinct will \'olE' without rcgard to part ) linl' ' ' for hi. , p 'rmancnt I' ! tiwmenl. Nri. lhl'r salt or liquids can s\\.c : \ him , [ Ie won't get twcnty'ote in Garliclll townRhip. Our eyes ha\'c lot ! their calCR which ollce hI i nlled me , a nel we propose to'ote for a ilia II whosc charactcr and husincss elualitications will bt' an honor to his consliuents ill the per' nn of H. H. W'kh nf Rerwyn. - A POl'l1J.I n' . TlteMorlon - ; MOlllll1lent. In Nehraska Cit v , Octnber 2 , a 1II0nument will he l n\'cilcd to the mcmor ) ' of J. Sterling l\lor- ton , secretary of agriculture during - ing the second administration of , President Cleveland , aUll founder ( 'If rbor day. 'l'he treeless I statc , which wag the homc of Sccretary Morton , apprcciates in a manncr not shared hy people . where naturc has prO\'ilJell a I forest supply , the \'alue and sig- nificancr of Arhor IIa ) ' . Tll q fUl't is witncs eel in the very IlI'a u if ll a nera ppropria tcllOnu. / . I mcnt that will hl ! unveilcel , aiul in the history of the effort by . I which flllll\S \ Wl're collected for the . purposc. I 'l'he re ull ii ! a monument the ' of which was to l'omhinl' i lligni.ty'with simplicit\ ' lId im- I preSfil\'CneSfi , thlls t.\'PIf\ ' ng- the the character of lilt. ' "Rag-l' of A rhoI' LOllge. " . . - - - - - - - - - - Tit" nelluhlican State Platform 1. I ndorscs the administration - tion of Hoo.e\1l ! all(1 supportq his erforls to ' ' rontroll'oqOr'ttion-l ! cngaged in illterstate commcrce. 2 , DematteIs immediate rdid through existing' la ws or legislation - tion from rebates alld discrimilla- t iOlls. 3.-Ellllor ses the dccla rationof I oose\'elt that corporations engaged - gag-ed in interstate comlUcree should he uncler the supervision of some branch of the cxecllth'e go\'erumenl. -t.-Demands that Nebraska representatives in congress SIlP- port the policy of UIl ! presidellt in the corrcction of corporate abuses. 5.-Declares for the c1irect primary - mary system. h.-Commcnds the economical administration of tatc ot ices by republican ollicials. " 7.-Dec1ares agaillst the free pass system , and J'commet1l1s 'a law to prohibit it. l\lr. al\d \ J\lrs. Porter al'e 'the ' prollll parents of a haby that ar- ri\'ec1 in their hOllle the first of the wl'ek. Supervisors' Proceedings. HI'kOIl I ow , Oel. 111111. I ! II-Ifi- ! IOO : II. III , rl'hu enuIII ) ' ll\rlllJ1eL in luljoll 'I1- fill HfJHHiOIl 111 , the ( ! OU 1'1. ho lHU { ) ( 'I. 10 , 1IOf ! ) , ! IIIIIII. : III. Pl'm\OlIllLllllllnHwe 'iug 10.-011 1'1\11 : Arthlll' , 'l'ho 'pc , Gl'eOuwlIlt , Ji'on. imorc , Fanelli , Morrie ! . . Honel committee lIIulo ! the follow- , it1g l'Oport : ! UOl\d dl\mage claim of ADlII1. I Warncek , ou w R\\.t. Sec : iii-I.17. ! ) : . Wo l'econunoncl the ( llnim reject cd ror the renson thnt , the cll\im WI\8 1\110wod when rOl\d WIlH Irdd oul. UOl\lldl\lImge eluim of a. e. Hol'- bel'l , Iwi IIW.\ \ 11\\\ \ 110Hce. , \ . :10.20- : 21. 21.WI' WI' l'ee'onlluOIHl Ihnl. llw 1lailll ! ho ul10wed f 01' $ ( jj. ( :10 : , 10 ho 10I'll ngainHlrol\l di8triet .1 , Victorino Head ( ll\lIlage cll\im of 'l\h'fI. Oeo. DuC ! . W 0 rccommond I hnt the cll\im ho rojeotoa f01' thu reason thl\t GeOl'go Duos Rig-neel petition. UOl\ll petition of .Toseph'Sloul , e nl , 10 elllm o 1'OIUin \ I.o\\'n . H , I . ho gmnt OIl. W 0 r'C01ll1ll01111 thnt I ho followi IIg I'lll.i IIIH h nllowell.- A. J. VIIIIAII1\\'I'/l / wOl'k 011 n'col'Il ! ' ! . . : JU uu A'.I. VllnA nIWI'I'wOl'k / on l'I'col'II ! ' ! . . 7 r.u J. " ' . lcl"ilt'lI , COlli. 011 I'oad. , . . . , . . . . 2 II ) O. H. ' 1'1101'/11' / COlli , wOI'k" . . . . . . . , . . . . . . a Uti J O ! ' ! . j.'I'1I111101'1' com , wOI'I , . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ; Wo rOl'01llllle1ll1 tllnl I ho 1'onll po. . t.itionod for h ) ' 1\11\1'1. BoolH , ell : ll , . ho { 1'I\1I I ell .Tns. Fnloltl : : . : : , J ( f , , II . 'I' IIHI' : , j ' C 011I. l\IOtioll ml\do u1ll1 cl\l'\'ill to nc- ( 'opt nnd adopl I ho 1'eporl. . . Molion made I\Ild ( , I\1'rid Ihll.l. . tlw oulltJ' ( 'lo1'k he I\na is hOl'oh ) ' in- Htrl1ctcd to H01ll1 the ( ' 0) ) > ) ' 'of the 10UHO of the road on the I'ighl of wny I . . of the U. P. n. H. Co. for ( 'OI'I'CO ti CHI. .1 Motion IIIl\do a1111 ( ,1\I'\'iell , I1UlI. I ho II I I , . ' . - . , : ; of- Hohit- : : ' : offllt"I' Hohitto ll1wl'l Hltlll II. . . ( . , ' . I I.J 21 ; , J'WiUI' 'l'J ( 'd , ht" H ! 'lit/Ii'll. / . a , II. 'l'llol'P" ' IIppoinlt1el.nH'e'om- : /iliUm' / III 1'lIlIfl'l' wilh tllwnHhil' hOlm \ ill I't'WlI'l I t ( ) pCti tioV 10 ( 'IJlLug'n 1"1I1111 "h.t rd : hOlIlHlll1' eH , re- \1111'1 \ IIH fnl IIWH : To Ihl' 1l01l1ll'nhlIJ BO/lnl / ( If StlIH- ! \ ' HOI'H : . 1'0111' l'Ollllllill1 ! 011 Iltl11i'iHioll \ 01' I'on.11iHII' . \ I.tH oJ' 1I1'0hll l30w ' 1'0 W II hi"1'1 \ Il'O III 1111' III I I h e. roll II wi II ( { l'hl\lIlI.'H , lo.wil : ' 1'111\1. . l'Olllll1iHtl'id , , ' 0. I he di\'irll'll 1111 H"I " ! . Ii II I' , ' WH'\I HI'II ! ilIIH Hi IlIIe 1 , 1B IIlIrI : ! I 17 ILIIII UO , Its 1l11I\ \ 1 ! ) , 'I' , 1H , H , II. Alto t ht ! 1Ii\'iHlolI 01'I'olul 11iHt1' ct No , 011 Ihl ! l"lIr.Hf''tiOIl lillu I'I1I1U' . illl Ihl'ough Ht'nliollH II 11\111 7 111111 . 1 H , ' 1' . 17 , H. 20 , IlIIItlmlthu \ 1I000th hilif of WlllLI iR JlOW diHll'ilt No. ] . hu de igllut , l I\H 1'0\11 [ di HI l' el. . " . \ , " /lud / 1111 ! Honlh IIf\lf oJ' No. IIlH l'eJ\ll diHh'irl. "B , " IlUrl thul. . the p\Hl : hall of whut iH IIOW road diHtl' r'l N ( I. , ho df'HigllullCluH ! 1'01111 lliHI1'icl No. I , ullell1w'CJHt - IIde'IlH / rliHlri ( l No.2 Ilull thllt , Iltl' ethel' 1'01111 lliHh'inlH 1'0. IIIl\ill UH Ihuy 111'0 Ill. . the IH'tHHJI1l I lIIl ! H PHI'I'l'tfll HIlIIIIIUt'll . , U. II. TJlOHI'I- : I\lotiOlI IlIfule 1111I1 el\l'l'ie' II ( ) ai' eo"l , 111.1Iulopt ! . till ! ) ' ( 'I > OI't. I Hl'itlgo l'ollllllittol111110 t11CJ 1'01 lowilll 1'CPOI' ! . ' : \ \ ' u 1'IW 0 III lilt' 11I1 . I hl\l. lite follow. 11Ig' I'lailllH hI' IIl1owe,1 Uti 1'0110\\1-1 , ( I.wit. : ' .J. ' 1' . AItlluColli \ III it 11'0 \\I'k..s 'i'iU A. Fonda . , cUIIII/liltel ! wOI.le. . . . . . . . . . 2 r.u lIl'o elt.t'ell\\'ult , eOIIlIl/jllt'u / work. . . HI 00 lI. 11. ' 1'1I01't ) ( ' , cOIl/lllilt"1 ! work. . . , . . 1:1 : ( j ( ) 1'.1'1. ( Ja'jl''ol'k ! OIlIH.itl ! : . ! . . . . . . . . . . 100 O. I , . 'l'ur'lwl' LUlllhel'Jo" ( JIlt'I'ehall'l ! :10j5 : / I II , A. Vammnt , 1'I'pair'llIa.lH'illteH" . l tJ U i FI'lIlIk l1allllllllllll , hlacl'lIIitlltlla.- ! ! . . . 00 .Iuhll Hlllllh'I'SUII'Ol'b : Oil hl'hhru. . . 1200 ( ho. UHl . : NI\\I'I' , B. P. nlOICHll'I , . } COlli. A. li'oN D.\ , J\IOtiollllllHlo 111111 I'll l'I'i od 10 al'l'opl Ullll/l110pl / the 1"1)/11'1. , 'I'ht. ! tH'roll " " 'I "lid " . tax . e"IIII ( ! ! I Olllillillcu " ! I\du tlt follo\\- ill ! , ! raporl : ' .011 claim of O. I' ' Bltta ! ! , doubl ! : ' R'seJ8I11ent ! allowed , : ! IlO DOj on olaim of. A. D. , J ObOSOll , trrolleous 818888 ! meut I\lInwed , $502j on olliim 01 I mmma .J al1 ! ' ; errooeou8 Ilssessmenl , ! ordered to 1\\0001 tb. suid tltX ; 011 claim of trultees F'irHI BHP itlt ChUfC'l , trelurer orclpred to CHIII1 \ 1 lax 011 hurnh propert ) : 011 IIIltim of 81181i1l L 1\1. Brownelh , " 1- Wllellll i 'U8 eaa 1I1It aIlO\\'dd , t.W' ' ) ; 011 "l'pliclI.tioll ' of Mllry I l row(1 , to purellllac lux Sltlp , rl'jtotedj : ! 1111 "ppli- lIt1.tiulI of EIIIIIIU .lulIss , tretiBlIrt'r wril redempliun I ) rtifiuIe IIn said 1I.1t' , N o. m , 1\011 tl\l(6 ' relll t fOt I allle IL refunded I/lx. / : Poor farm , ( 'oJt . hOllse 1\1111 .iiil . 'upplies ( OIlHlliltell 1111\110 the f..1 ow- illg I'elorl. ( : _ . ; Oil tllailll of 'V 1 : . Penllinlol1 , , . for f'lIlIIigll.till , 1L1II\'ed ! , * 7 iiOj 11I1 . cll\im or \\r. B. PrlllllingwlI , 10" I lJutIer l\lary I\I pbPlioilLlI , I\lIlJwed , ! . i1 ; : ! ; on Blaim uf Snolt ( JOt p'rl\ulltry ' lor Septemher , ' $ ijl ) ; 1111 ol"im of I' ' ; I : \111110) ' , drlt'llge. : Hj nn l'l"in of .Jlltl. i Plroil' , MII\ry for : tf'ptfilllher : , $100 ; : . I on IIIl\im tlf WtiBItrtt : Light - ' " Pu I eo , ! PLS , : i ; 1 { I Ui. : I .J. T. Arthllr , ( : II , : J'lturpe , .J08 Jt'.nimore. l\hlioo .mule . I\lId ollrrie 10 RC- cept 1IIIIII\I1ol't Ihe ri'porl. I . .Judioiary cll\ill1 cOllllUillee made the fol1lm il'g ' r port on ( 'IRimj ! ! l F' , IIIHllft\ld , t lesllIantHo wed 1M l fSj ; 1' : K GII8n r , llIeals f Jr j IIr } ' , . . . - . .of . \ ' f Now' ' . The Time To Suh"dhe. 'rlt C\'Clllllgs lIe groWIIlong' / " and 'vl'ry family llCJltlel b pro. - \'i.leel with reaclingmatlt'r containing - taining thc current news , 'l'he l I1l'lTlITIC'AN is t he paper to su p- I ply this rcCuireIJlellt } : It is puh. lishcd e'Cf'I'hurgllay and reach- 1 CR c\'r. , ' p siomce in the OtI , t ) . and tatc as wdl as adJolntng- ! Hates the same week it is puh. lis Ill' II. 1t furn ishes t ht : ' curren t news wllilc it is news. 'rhe l OtllJthoanl proeeeelings arc , plthli hecin \ full. In politics it' , " i t rltc to i t lIa me. It is fea r- " ( l'SS ill ele'fcnte ' or th principles III' till' rcpuhli'cal ! party. 'l'hose who have the hcst. bargains .td- I \'crtise through it cohttllns , I b'n'qlll'ntly tht' cost of ! .cveral. I ) 'ear suhscription can bc saved 1 by taking advantage of tbe I special prices and bargains of- " J fereel hy merchants anel others. No famil\ ' can atTord to he without - I out regarcl1 ss of their political - cal \'iews. It oul ) ' costs $1.00 a \'car. ' . cr.UlIBlNO HATHS. In connection with thc l 1U'un- J.IC.\N we ha\'c securcd'ery rea- 1 'ionahlc tcrm with some of the J est metropolitan papers. 'rhe 1 fo\o\\'ing \ } are some of the bar- I gams : f 'rhc RHl'UUT.ICAN an Globe . . Democrat , ( emi-weckl ) ' ) , $1.,5. , 'l'hc RI\I'UIIT CAN anel Daily News , Omalla , 1 30. I 'rhe l HPUULlCAN an Inter Ocean , ( weekly ) , $1.55. I 'I'he R I'Unr.rcAN : and National I Daily l eview , $1.,0 , , . 'l'he HJ\l'UUT.ICAN and Kansas , City 'Journal , ( weekly ) , $1.20. 'l'he' HHl'UlII.ICA anNebrasla \ I II'armer , $1.55. ' We can furnish nearly all other 1 papers and magazines for less than the regular price. Address 1 all ordcrs to the CUSTER COUNTY f RI\PU1II.ICAN , Broken Bow , Neu. - - - - , - - - - - illowl'd for $32 [ , ; Ulerk Supreme ollrt. costl ! ill mIlU aWU" , aUowed for { (1O. ( Dr ; . A. Fonda , . I Geo. Greenwalt. . \ JO'ion made Bnd carried to accept . . .nd adopt the report. . Claims nommiUCl6 made the follow. il'g rll' , > rl : W 0 reeommellil Ihat Ihe following - ing CII\III1I1 he Rllowert : Oh . : \1 v tlOII , carl' of I orrl ! ! . . . ; " . . . fl2 00' O. II. 1"tII I muchf'r , 1II11111cai lJrvlre II 75 lIamllllllld& tIvHn , . ! ' ! 1If ) . for Hllpt. . 10 ! ! K A , 1I111111a , medll'al ( Jrvlcoi. : . . . . . . 120H W. It. 1'1'11111111.(1011 " " . . . . . . . li 00 I" " " " . . . . . . . : ! ! .1. ' 1' . rthllr , Hoarn . . WOI ) , . . . . . . . . . . . Il'l 4U . ' . \ ! ' ! , . . . . . . . . . . . 11 00 . . IYI'II & . 00. . mIlAo. . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : I 711 -r ' . 1J'onda. ! . Board work. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 0' ' ) ( . i I'd : 1\1 COlima ! ! , nlll . o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 . , Ii I .1. N. 1'1'111 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I : ! It ! II. B. nrlLI , , ' . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( \ 71J I' . I. . . . ll'tl.aJr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Mil . JII . I'ulilmor , ' . 11 H\td worl. . . . . . . . . . 11 50 . . .ql'onl'I'UIIWIl , . . . . . . . . .lIIrU .O.II.'l'horpl' , " . . . . . . . . . nUll " . " 11I0111' ) ' II fJ'II fOl' IllUMe ( ; 711 t. n , \ \ ' . CIIIIIIOII , worl ( 011 1\ 'rA bon ) , ! ! III [ 00 . . . , 11..1 I'lllllwr. , I r. , " ! I 00 .1. \ \ ' liliAS , Irlp to Iluor faHlIl. . . . . . . . 2011 ,1.0.V.I.ol'l , l\hll' ) ' furSeppoAtaKtllIU ; 00 . . . . "cieri , hlr" . . . . . . . . . . . :1.1:13 : : I . . Aillarv tor Cet. . . . . . . . .100 Otl I ' 1'1\\1111' 1"111'11,1'1.111 " : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hi 011 , \ \ ' nlll\'lIyl'xlI'l\dllll ; tlLX . . . . 2l un . . . . " " , . . . 10 00 . J . . . . " " . . . . . . 270U I. . . . . . I ' " . . . . . . 3 50 , . . ' . . ILlIlI'Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12.i Uti I G. 11. Thorp" , I Ben. P. Morris. : Mlltion mRde IlOll \rried to foncept , all" "dopt lhe r porl. t ] \Jotion madc aull Ben III 'ied to ad- . .i011rl1 until Tues ay , th6 : ! thh dllY of ! DI'IIHnber , \)05 \ ) , l\lolion nurle.l. . " - I I . ! . . WI. : : : : V O ! a" " ( ' 011 ( ' nl' I ' ( ' f . t , hy the latel' . . . . ( ' ' ' " t.'S ( tn II t 1'0" " tIll' ' 11' X t. 1'11' III 011 ths. H. . i" ' " pllI'ell. ' ) I I Cet that Stove in Time ! ) I WI ( hnnthp " ( loud old" ! lot. BllIRt , the 1.'nuHHIR Jptol' ( ' nnd H\\PI'HI din'el'pnt nakps of Oak tOY\S Low Down ! Low Down---Lower ! Down YetI I I ; \ 1'0111' ( \ { ) I'il'I'S , :111 : < 1 g'oud is t.hp gTHdo of 0111' g'ouds. 'AH ' _ tonishnllmt : nnd slIthd'n < 'f.ion iH t.lH' I'PRltlt , ith , the { JIII'- . dIl1H\I' ( . IIIII'I'Y ! { 'OIlH' fHst , I1S t lip ) ' 111'l' g'oing. , going' , going' , Hnd will Hoon Iw g'oUl' . ' ( . , I 1 ' I ! Rockwell ' & Konkol. I . . , . W. J. ' o. . . . . . . . . . . . MT. . " . . . . cW. - . . _ , ' . , ; ' I I . - - -