Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 19, 1905, Image 1
I.I\rllrll\1l \ oolot , ) lllhl Ul t . . - - ' " - ; LJS'TER ( JOUNTY 'EPUBLICAN. 8 TAllLI lIED 1882. TIlE OFFICIAL PAPER OF CUSTER COUN'ry. LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY PAPER IN TIlE , COUNTY. , VOL. lXIV. BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURDSAY , OCTORER 19 , 1905--EIGHT PAGES. NO. 19 , - . . " , , , , , , " " " " " " > : > ! MI ! - -I \ ii i i & A NICKLE. . \ nlcklu 'MII't fi'c ccntR , whln Olll' ! 1M MP , ' klllj ( u ( clock , , : It will take twelltv lIe Yllur nlckleN tlllJUV olle or nur4-wlth I . all alulII alld gnaralltee "throwlI III. " Our nkkle alarlll clock at a dllllar lIIakeR ( : lCeR at the t"r traRh Mold In ' . "ollie storlN ( or le4 111 II II e ) ' , Our ! ! , Ioe > l nol hav"I'nrl p\r1InIlRllulac\c \ thlll o a. . till. 'rill ! ,11f ( rence III th. ! IIrlce IN III the ellleI ( , alld In the fHll".equent price o ( . keelllnl ( It Iflllnl ! ' . Ollr "tay IIUCkl , and thll'fI worth cllnshlerllllC. 'I ! d I M s i I ' . ss gm BUSINESS POINTERS. i Mm m m . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This office for neat job wor . . . . J. C. Moore , abstracting. 2tf - Insurance that insures. 38tf H. G. MooRI\ . Buy , your farm and city - prop" erty of B. W. Blair. 37tf Let , us ue ) 'our printer. 'I'he I g'ood kind of printing only. I I , Dr. Headrick gives special at- tcntion to the car , nose , throat and catarrh. Hereafter Hapgood's headquarters - quarters will be at McComas' drug store. Order.s for painting or paper hanging may be left t her . 19-20 . - \Vtl11tcd-Oil salesman at once to cat1\'ass the farming- and threshing - ing trade. Finc.opportunity for a g-ood man. Address the I1ar- ycy Oil Co. , Cleveland , Ohio. Don't Go Blind. Dr. T. H. Stern , who will be at the New Commercial IIotel , November I ) , 10 and II , 11)05 , says he will make no charges if Schapero's Actinic Lcnses do not . ; . . . cUJ'e Jour cye trouble for all time ( " , ' f , to come. If you are one of the "t manj' sutTerers of eye diseases ' don't dQlay your visit to Dr. ' 1' . 'I II. Stern. Hours I ) to 12 and 1 , to 5. . . . . . . No other society or life insurance - . ance com pan ) ' in the world excels . : . . the Modern \Voodman Society. \ In a day. a week or a month from " ' , ' \ ' now if you die without .insurance : it may mean penury for your I . ' " , family : 'rhink seriously of this. You should at once mal application - \ cation for membership in the .j Modern Woodman of America . b fore accident or sickness prevents - . vents JOU passing the exanuna- ' , . ' , tion. For further information : ; 'c'T . . > . . , : , : - : see J . C. Cross , Dist. Deput ) ' . ; . . . . . . I. 0 no Doctor Leach , Dentist. Dr. T. L. Farnsworth , dentist. - - --I List your farm and city property - erty with B. W. lllair. 37tf . . Ice Cream , candy. cig-ars ami tobacco at Mike Scanlons. For bargains in real estate ee Bowman & Anderson , just west of the Security State Bank. 10tf Lots l.'or ule in's ad- dition. cnre thcm now as the V - will advance in price. . P. G HOAT. . . . - - rOR SAI.H-Elevcn and hal f lots , 50x140 feet. Good fram house , good barn , good well and 100 bearing fruit trees. J nqulrc at thi's office. 17tr Ii'oR SAI.It-Eight brood sows. They are thoroughbred Uuroc Jersey and high grade Poland China. Also fifty head of shoats. Enquire at this ffice. 17tr ESTAy-Taken up , a year1ing heifer , at my ranch eight. miles south of Broken Bow. 'rhe owner - ner is required to prove property nd pay expenses. 17-21 W. E. OWHNS. - - Dr. Headricks practice is limited - ed to cbronic disease . Consul- fation and examination free. Will \'iwtt Broken Bow on Wednesday - nesday , October 25th , at the Grand Central Hotel. ' On Saturday , November 4th , i905 , I will sell at Broken Bow. to be } Iighest bidder , w thout reserve , bout HIS cattle and 34 horses. See sale bills and defin- it.e announcement next week. J. H. PRETTYMAN. Good Building Locaticn For Sale. H JOu want one of tbe finest and most. convenient resident lo ation. to tbe bus'iness portion of the city. on which to build a residence , call at the RHI'UBI.Ic.'AN office r r partic ulars. It consists three lots including the corner. tf Voter. ! I I Don't wear glasses any longer. : Go and see Dr. Stern , the German - man Eye Specialist , who says tbat anyone who wears Schapero's A tinic Lenses 90 days can put their spectacles a way forever. At New Commercidl Hotel Nov. . 9 , 10 an 11. 'Eye Glaue. and Spectacle. tbing of the past , since the invention of Schapiro's Actinic Lenses. Dr. Stern and his two assistants will tell you why it is needless to wear glasses for reading - ing or any other purpose. Dr. : : ) tern will be at the New Commercial - mercial Hot l , Broken Bow , Nebraska - braska , November I ) , 10 and II , 1905. DAPTJs'r CUtJRCIi. Servicesl next Sunday in the Baptist church ot 11 a. m. and 17:30 : p. m. The subject in the morning will be "Declension. " In the evening the pastor will pre'ach a special sermon on an lInportent subject , vi ? : "God's TriQunal. " Bright and beart ) ' services. 1'erJone made wel- I come. A. M. Levack. , , * * * * , : , ; BOWMAN & ANDERSON. $ I ' " , ' 0' i are dealers in HeaT Estate of all kinds. . n , , , WE We wi11 buy or sell. Don't fail to see . ' . us before you buy or sell. We can do \ . you good. Col1ections made an l insur- ' 1- ( ance wntten. Ii'arms rented an.d taxes paul. See ' K' us for farm loans. Come in and see us. ' . 'Ii 1. , ( . ? , BOWMAN & ANDERSOt . i . . . . . " I , ' ' : ; ' " " ' ' ! J' . ' ' ' - " - ' : ' ' ' : ; 1. ' 1JI.tJ . - - . - ' ' ' , . 1\ ' IllCll1stI'Y. , "i IN J ) ( ' 8TH. Y ineetll'll ! in the cOlllpounding of prescrip. tion ! ! . Without industr ) ' w cannot keeup with Ihe lalest RllIl most approvcllmtlholls of kee\ \ R ) ' lIIedlclne. No douhl yon have noticcil the hreezes of industry that Is always presenl at our 'lore. Our large yohttne of trade Is what cnahlcs us to gh'e so much value for so little 1II0n < < : y. prcscrlpllons cOlllpo\lllllcd h ) ' registered druggist oul ) ' . , ED. McCOMAS Druggist and Jeweler. . . . : . . . . : : - - - : : : : : : : : : : : I . I Mrs. Ama Foote of Unnning. a r ved in the city 'l'ues 1 a ) ' on a VISit. Ben Becheler and wife or Cal- laway , were city.'isitors . 'l' tes- day. 'l'hey remained over night aud attended the opera. JV. J. Clay and daug-hters. E.ther and Myrtle , visited Ans- ley Monday. 'l'he girl .will reo m. . n a few days to visit relat'es. . I 'rhe PorthulIl g : < position closed - I ed last Saturday night. ' . 'he i stock hohler will receive' a divi- deud of from 30 to 40 per ccnt on their stock. W. W. Bishop and P. L. Met- calf , accompanied by their wives left last 'l'hursday on a weeks visit to Brown county. 'l'hey went with team and wagon. Miss Marion 'l'itus of I 'remont , is here visiting the Mis es Zeda and Zin Grant , whom she has not seen for sixteen years. She e'x- pects to start a tailoriss school In the near future. I. N. Marquis , who sold his ranch interests to WiI1 Frey has moved to tbe city. He has not fully determinetI just what he will do yet but is thinking of going - ing to some live western town and go into the hardware busi- ness. ness.G. R. Russom of Custer Center , I is planning to uuihl a large frame house yet this fall. The dimensions - sions are 30x44. 18 foot posts for the main building , and two ad- itions , one 16x20 th other 14x20. C. A. Chapin will ha\'e charge of the work. II. H. McCorlcel. a former resident of this city , spent the latter part of last week here renewing - newing old acquaintances. Mr. McCorkel has been located at Salt Lalee for the past six : years. He is traveling for a wholesale house at Kansas City. . During their demonstration sale last week the firm of l ock- well & Konkel sold fifteen Majestic - jestic ranges , thus breaking the record in the number of sales effected - fected in the same lcngth oftime in Droken Bow. It is a record over which th'y they arc justifiably - ably proud. 'I'he Chase-Lister Co. , opened a three nights engaq-ement at the Opera House last Monday night and dclighted the theatre-going public in each of their plays. Manager Great bas thus far been fortunate in s'curing' a high c1ass opera talent and is being- highly commended for his efforts and success. . Will Frev , who has been making - ing his borne at DeQueen , Ark. , ! for sev'ral years , where bas had charge of tbe Dierks railroad and other business , has returned. and taken charge of his ranch south of town. He bougbt J. N. Mar- quis' interest in the stock and grain and will hereafter look after the business in person. The I I I'UDt.ICAN extends a welcome - come to Mr. 11'rey and family. J. E. Holcomb Accidently Killed At Seattle. Joseph E. Holcomb , who \tntil a year ago had been a resiaent of this vicinity was run over on the railroad in Seattle , Washing- ton. 'l uesda and Idlled. His remalUs will be shipped from there today , to this city for burial. 'l'he sad news of this accident was telegraphed to his brottier , C. II. Holcomb of this city , yesterday - terday morning. 'l'he deceased bad heen a resident - dent of this vicinity fifteen or twenty years. prior to a } 'ear or more ago when he sold out and moved with his family to Oklahoma - homa , where he lucated. lIe was probably at Seattle visitin [ { his mother and sister , Mrs. T-4. R Kirkpatricl < . lIe was a man Unt yersa1ly respected - spected by a1l who knew him. lIe carried insurance 111 the M. B. A. amI Woodman. In the former he carried $1,000 and in the latter - ter 2OOO. Good Oah. John 'Veh1ing of the West ' 1'able , informs us that be had thirty-four acres of oats that had stooel in the shock three months which averaged 87.1 j bush { > ls to the acre. If an'one in Custer I county can beat that let us hear from bim. It would seem as though win- tel' is fast approadlil1g. J. L.Valker of Walworth , was a city visitor Monday. John Sargent of Garefild town. hip. was a welcome ca11er at this ofi ce TuculaJ. ! F. II. Young-returned Tuesday morninll from Anselmo , where hl' hall been looking after his bank interests. S. I { . Warrick of Allian ' . : ; pen t. M.ond ay and 'l'uesday ill the city In oharge of the Brot.n \ ! Bow State Ban' ' ' , while .I. 1. Kimberli"g made hi regular visit to Merna to 1001 < after their bank interests. High School Commercial Cour.c. At a meeting of the school t > oanl Moneayeveningoflast } week it was decided to add a commercial - al and normal course to the Urole- en Bow schools. Sincelthe discon- tinuanc..e of the Business and Normal college it has been quite freclj' suggested that something to take its place ough t to be established - tablished in our city , and after considerable investigation and studj' the school board has decid. ed to supply the want by thlding a commercial and normal course to the pubJic school. The commercial course will be opened November 6 , under the instruction - struction of Mr. Chester E. HutT of Central City , a very competent teacher and the course wi1l be open to al1 pupils of the Broken Bow ( listrict who have passed the 8th grade , but no pupils who are at present attending- school in any grade above 'the 8th. will ue allowed to enter the comUlercial course until the ueginning of the next school year. The norm"al course will not be put in , it is thought , until the beginning of the next school year. Being a part of the pubJic school system and under the jur- isdi'ction of , he s hoot board , tbese , new departmenl . wilt b a p rmancnt as any of lh other /rades / in the pulJlk schull ! , and it will place wIthin the rC tch of every boy and girl the opporlul" ity to take an up tn-Ll.tte , uusiness or normal course rig-Itt at 'home. 1'here will be no hll t ion for pu' piles of the Broken Buw ctistrict. ! Jut a reason..hlc tllltitJlI fee will be charged for those outside of the district. It is l he intention of the board to make the cour f' in uoth commercial and normal ( h'partments as complete ancl thorough as pos"lule. so tbat graduates from ith'r , "viII have something to show for their time and money expeuded. For young men and young la. dies in the country who desire to prepare for business or teaching , this will afford a splendid opportunity - tunity to take an up to date business - ness or normal course of stully at a very moderate cost , and a special - cial effort will he made to accommodate - commodate and take care of all outside students who wish to avail themselv\s : ! of thioppor - tunit. ) ' . All inquiries relating to these courses should ue adclreH ed to f-4' II. Jewett. secretary of the school board. Ryno. Some of the people ; are still sowing wheat. Charlie Smith is up about An- selmo buying cattle. . . Grandma Luke has been on the sick list the last few days. L. II. McCal1 was in Omaha last week with a load of cattle. C. II. T4alulreth has stopped threshing to put in hb ful1 wheat. Mr. Berge and son Jim , left for Cairo , Nebraska , last Monda ) ' on a visit. M. ConIc ) ' moved to Oconto last week to engage 111 the real estate business School at Ash Creek st rted last Monday with Miss Ethe Beckwith in"charge. . 'l'here i to be a uaskct supper at the McCall sclJ'ool house next Friday night , October 20. Isaac lIavcs is back from his c1airu , north of Anselmo. IIe expects to retul'I1 soon to make more improvemcnts. Dead Letter Li.t. li'or week ending October 17 : John Curence , Arthur A. gvans , W. II. Jobnson , hank C. Keitl' , Tom Kines , Cora htthew ! , C. . M. Straight. . . - - . . . . . . li1rhtning Feed Grinder Exhibition ! I' I'i . . ( " - : t'wmlffi9ttInj ' At onr place of business we will serve a FREE LUNCH tote to al1 who catl , using Hour ground U ) . this. famous grinder from which we wil1 malec hot cakes , and sen'e them with butter. syrup and hot coffee. I-4IHlies and 1111 arc invited. This is a grinder , not a crusher. l ememhcr the dates- : Thul'o , Fri. , Sut. , October 19 , 20 nnd 21 C :1II"r , "J , ! r .i n I - . rrhe Genuine B1IClwlleat Flour AND , Pure Maple Syrup will Start the Day l ight IUHU t1I01hlll ! fn Invlgorntln , there I ! ! "othlll thnt willmuke T the hlllllllll race hnppler , henllhier , strollger lhllll 10ltllt tlhcltl Ollt right III thc IIInrninJ { IInll , 1111.1 thut cun he clolle 11) ' hll'llt ) 'Otlr calahlcli ofIS , A goO ! I Clip uf Chase & SUllhorn cntIee IIlIel a few 00l1. hot bllCkwhcRt cllkes , wIth sOllie P\trt \ : lIIa\1h \ syrllP , will starl thc 1111) ' tIght. GOl I El S. rI'EAS. COeOAS : " \ CI-IO OLITES. . . . . - : .0. . _ _ _ . . _ . - . .0.'H IIA VH , Kul'o COl'n r . . . . . . . . . .50 CtR ] ( ul'ome ] at. . . . . . . . . . . A5Uts 01,1 Ji'nshionecl 11011(1) ' nt,50 , CIS 'l'onl1t'RRo SOl'g'hul1l ' at. .50 Cts We nlso hll\'c thc lImc cOlllb allll extrnct honc ) ' . We will he plensc. . ' to have ) 'our opilliun Oil Ihc c gOOfIIi. J. C. BOWEN. I > > ure Old. TH .clt'r DI Villcaror . UROKEN Nurth flOW. Sille NF.IIR. MARK - S SmE m mm mEm i . . . . . . . . , - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . J M. BA'l'gs , successor to Rockwe11 & Arm- strong. has employcd 1-1. E. Cole. fotmerl : ) ' with W. J. Woods , as Undertaker and gmbalmer and am prepared to give lirst class work. My m . stock of undertaking goods is of high quaHty tl and 1 am prepared to suit ) 'OIJ in ( lUaHty and ! rl pricc. J ha\'e a line hear : > e ani1 am prepared 'to g-ive the hc t a.ccomodations to city or " ' untrv I customcrs. Priccs right. See mc before giving . your order. gj . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - m - . - . . . . - - - . i J. M. Bates. .NOR'rn SIDE. UI m m a mm m M I _ _ . . _ _ - Our Job Printinl ! is always the Good Kind