Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 12, 1905, Image 6
, . , ; " : i . - " ' . - . . . . - . . . . - . . . . - , . ' , " . , . . , , . . ' " f'\ ' ' ' ' ' \ : ' . , I , ( I- ICUSTfR ( OU n RfPUBLlOO By D. M. AMSIEnnY. JROKEN DOW. - . NJDDRAIJCA. . . . . . . . L ene1'a1 News I In the balllo with four footpads nt orkeley , Cal. , Pollcomnn John J. Lo .lrango shot and 1 < llIed ono of the four. When the Icing of Slnm hns on his full regalia he Is supposed to repro- lint Iln oullay of moro limn $1,000,000. The Intornatlonnl Union of Drhlge- men anll structural Iron \VorltOro , at Phlhulelphln , elerted F. 1\1. Ryan of Chlcngo presldent. WIlliam .T. Hussey , the noted ns. lronol'\1er of I lclc observator ) ' , Ilns ac- oeptod the chaIr of astronomy In the . UniversIty of Michigan. Herbert O. Barber , ono of the allogC ( } " 'recleors of the Commorclnl banlc at Camhrldgo , 0" wa , ' ! ncqultted by n jury la the common plens court. Advlces from the south seas Ineludo dotalls of n dlsnstroufl t'llhoon nml tI. dal wnvo In lho Marshall group , caus. Ing the loss of about 120 IIvos. The wonderful mnnslon hullt by Sen. ator Clarlc of Montantl In Firth avenue , New York Is nCllrlnl ; complotlon. The total cost will 110 about $5,000,000. Intense oxcltement oxlsts over the .llIasslnatlon at midnight Tuesday night of Andrew Carne , a wenlthy coal Jnlnc-owner , who lived near Gallup , N. M. M.A A momorlal tablet to Jeanne d'Arc . . to be placed In the dungeon wllleh I. said to have been the prison of that tall' captlvo In the tower of the Chao tGau d'Eu. Mrs. Harry 1\1. L'1.wson , or Sedalla , } , fo" Is the youngest grandmother In. MlsRourl. She Is 3.1 years 0111 , has been mnrrl d three lImeB and - dl. vorced lwlco. The mayor of Hull , England , an. nounces that negotiations nro begun with an Amorlcan company for the .Itnllllshment at Hull or a factory employing - ploying 1.000 hnnds. , . The honorar ) ' degree of Doctor of L'1.wS was C'.onforred hy Columllia IInl. . I verslty on Daron Komurn. and Sergltls i Wille , the son lor peace plenlpoten. tlarles of .Talmn and Russia. The Carneglo technical school at Pttsburg anmtnces the appoint. ment of Henry Hornsbostel , Ph. D. , tea a profossorohlp la nrchltectural prnc. tlce In the School of Applied Science. Acting Secretnry Oliver has ordered the ost.nhllshment. of post schools for the Instruction of chlltlren of omcers , enllstell men and civIl employes nt poa.ts where there 11.1'0 now no school facilities near. The dccennlal census just completed IIhows the pOllt1latlon of Kansas , as enrol1ell by the nssessors In Mnrch , 19ofi , to ho 1,543,618. nn Increase of 209,80.1 over the population ns shown by the census of 1805 , Sophomores n.nd freshmen of Colum. bin waged a fierce battle nt'tho Bronx casino , on the orcaFllon of the sopho. moro smoleer , at which cnptlvo fresh. men were forced to furnlRh the enter. tnlll1nent. Soverel men were Injurod. General Peter C , Haines , ono of the memhers of the Pannmn. canal com , mission , wns not nblo to accompany the hoard to Pnnamn. by reason or hie Injuries recelvell from 11. fa11 In the bath tub nt his apartments In Wash. Ington. W. r . Dnrllng has resigned as chler engineer of the Rocle Islaml railroad Iystom. ! ! It Is understood that ho In. tends accepting a position recently of. fered as en lneer of 11. company thnt Intends buIlding rallroa i In Lhe PItI1. IpplneB. The , New Yore ] Subwny lavern , the IInloon which was opened with prayer by Dlshop Potter a year ago , was closed last weelc. 'Tho owner 10clcOO up Its doors , snylng that the temper. . , anco saloon hnd not been a paying In. 't' , vestment. - Tl o apprnlsmont , at over $16,000,000 of the estate of the late Adrlnn Isolln , or Now Rochelle. N. Y. , wus filed at the surrol"nt3'S office In Whlto Pln.tns. The apllI'alsemont sllowed U,407OOO of real estate and $14,925,906 or POl" lonnl property. ' The munlclpa1lty , the bon.rd of trade I and the oxcltnngos of Odessa , have ' ' lent telogrnms or welcome to I\f. Wltto thnnldng him for securing peace and , expressing the hope that ho wl1l ron. . der his country "many more services In this hard time. " Vi Wl1Ilnm Krolder , of LogansJlQrt , ' Ind. , given up for dend , wns sUddenly t' rovlved by the screams or his wlfo as . ! .ho entered 11Is chamber and sn.w Ills I : appnrently Ufeless form. Now 1e will cot wol1 , but his wlfo Is In n. crltlcn.l " condition from the sllocc. ' 1 Announcement Is mndo that the Chi. cage & Northwestern rnllway will , t I push to Immedlato complotlon the 1I0W line under construction from Cns , er , W'o. , west to Lnndor and the \"lnll ' river ro.cervatlon , where l.liOO , . 000 acres of pullllc land will bo thrown open to homestead settlement next . , .Tune. BUI'III\I's ral ed the llomo or a red. eral jUdge In Chlcngo and err with $ ' 1fiOO worth of property. 'IJxamlnation : of the teeth or the body found In the rh'er nt Des Moines roves It to be that of George Grls , weld the InRuranco man , who h thought to have } committed sulcldo. On account of dlphthorla at the Na.val academy at Annn.polls , the lenvJ of the member which would have tor , , mlnated on Septembcr 30 has been ; extended unUJ Saturday , October 1. In the meantime Bancroft hall , the mid. Fr .blpmen'lI headquarter , wll1 be there eughly fUJIllated. . i , . - - Platinum WedlllnJ. [ In the villa02 / VorJux , near Chao . 10nSnonc , I"rllnco " , n couple , ago ono hundred and ninety rosllectlvoly , have just celebrated the sevonty.firth annl\'ersllry of their wedding , which they called their "lIlntlnll1" wedding. "Dutch" TreAt. The momhers oC the London Sto lc I xchango IlrollOso to 110 away among themselves with the bad practlco at "standln ! ; the drlnls. " Each man Is to pay for his own. LOSS OF APPETITE Cold Sweats , Twitching NorvcD and Weakness Cured by Dr. Williams' i PInk Pili : ; . NRturO Il1tnlshe every InfrncUon of her Inws , nllll cnroles huhlts ousHy lend to the conllltloll "oHCt'llIell by : Mr. WII. lIam BI'OWlIl' , oC No. 1011) ) Lillcolu HI-rcet , St. Juscph , : Mo.II' ! . 13I'IIWIIO 18 IlII ex. pOl't lillller lu the oltlploy oC UIO NntlollnJ Blscnlt Co. lIe givc/i the fullowillg' 110' OOllllt oC n Ir 'hl cxpol'lellco : "Iu the Hprlll of JUU2 , " ho , ; nrA , II whllo I was I'cguln1'1y wnrJdll1 { Ilt lilY trllllc , I gl'ew pnllluwhllt cl\roles , . . iu lilY Imbits of eul IlIg IIlul Ilrilllcl11 g , uull flllully { uulIIl t hut lilY npllotlto wus fickJe,1hul : tllstO Jlulurod In my 1II0nth , lilY lItJ1.VCS twHchml 111111 were heyonlllllY cOllt1'lll , my JdllnoYH were ont of orller IUlll cultl SWcntH wuultl bWlllc out over IllY holly lit OIIel thllCFl. Pel'hlllH ) , while /ltoml 11I1Ie. ing with f omo OliO , this trolllblillg of the 1I11111f1 , IlIlI1 IlI'ofnRo fweat ; , lll ; ' , mill ( I. fovero chill woulll fjci o 1110. I hc ( lUno nlar1l1ct1 nt my cUIIIllUon Ilnll , luwillg rend nu oUIIOl'Homollt of DI' . 'VillluIIIH' Pink Pith ! , I ut 1\ hex ulIIl hegl\u to I1S0 thom. 'l'hey 1101pol11110 ut ouco. Artor I hnd used 0110 hex the twit.chlul { of the 1101'veH , the trouble with the Htomuch nlld the collI swcuts stopped 111111 hll " 0 110t reuPPlLrocl , nllll my nppotito is goo I\ . I hr\Vo tnlclnll my f1' ouds thnt Dr. Wit- Ihulls' Pink Pills cl1l'cdmo ! LillI I l'ucom- 111 0 IIlI thcm to evcrybolly. " Dr. 'VIl1IIL1lls' Pilllc Pll1s cnroll 1\1' . DI'owno becauRe nothinf { cnn strclI thuu the nerves except Koot ! rich , rcd hluOlI- nnll Dl' . Wi1llnllls' Pilllc Pi1lnctually / mnko new hlood. Thov dOli 't act all the howels. 'rhoy don't bother with mcre symptoms. 'l'hey 11rlvo from the hloo the CfLnso of 1l1lllJl1ia ! , illdlgr > 3tioll , ller. vons disorclO1'H , gOlloml ' 'fcnlmcHs ILl 111 the trouhlH of growill girl , ; nl1l1 W011l01l. The pills are gn/Lml1toecl to o fl'co 11'0111 opinteR or IlIml1fnl ( hngs. 801 < < 1 hy nil druJtgiRtR : , or h ' Ih < ) Dr. WlllinlllR 2J.edioiuo OOIUIIUIIY , Sclll.lUoctndy , N. Y. , Yo have never yet seen a pretty girl with a swell figure who didn't try to find out if she was being rub. bered at. . Important to Mothcra. F.xnmlno cnrctully every bottle ot CABTOm\ . " ! Clte nud pure remedy tor lutants lIud elllltlrclI , and 8CO tllat It - - IJcnrs the " " , _ ' . Siguntnro or , In Use For OVer : In Yl'urs , ' 1I0 Kind You JIIlVO Always 11oUlbt. Had Found a New Pleasure. A now asphalt sldewl1l1 , hnd heen laid In front of hlH homo , and little EItner was etermlned to " , vak ] Ullon It whllo It was stili sort. His 1110ther ex , plalned why ho should not do so , hut the tomptatlon was too great , and at last he was brought In In dlsgraco , . "Mamma , " sohbed Elmer , In dlsap , polntment. "You don't lenow how nice It Is to walle out there : It's jURt 111\0 chewing gum with ) ' 0\11' \ heels . ! " -Tho Houseleeol1er. CatchIng Tropical Flsheto. In the Dermudn Islands some of the gorgeous tropical fishes found In the clear waters of that groull are caught for aquariums by the \1S0 of a long- handled dhmet equIpped with n per. cussl n cap. Tltls cap Is exploded by means of an electric storage bat. tery , cnrrled by the fisherman , Ir that name Implies , who seels out and stuns the finy be utles , whem the fishc.s nose the cap about In their curl. oslty He Had a PedIgree. . A ce.rtaln little glrl became possess. ed , 011 on one day , of a hahy brother 11.1111 a 1)\11)11) ) ' . The Intlll ) " was of val. uablo colllo stacIe. A week passed and the IntPP ) ' had heen named "Scott , " whlo the bally was stili1nnamed. . The minister , 11l\ppenlng to meet the IIttlo girl on the roM one nfternoon , asleed Itor how It was that the 11t1I1PY had n name and the hahy had none. "Why Scott Itas n pedlgreo" said she , NOTICED IT. A Voune Lady from New Jersey Put Her Wits to Work. "Coffee gRVO mo terrlblo spells of Indlgelltlon : whIch , coming on ever ) ' weolc or so , made I11r IIfo wretched until some one told mo that the colIee I drank was to blame. That seemed nonsense , but I noticed these attacks used to come on shortl ) ' after eating and were accompanied br snch ex. cruclatlng l1al11s In the lIlt of the stomacIt thnt I could anI ) ' find re. lIeC br loosening 111Y clothing and lying down. "If circumstances mndo It Impos , slblo Cor me to 110 down I spent hours In great miser ) ' . "I refused to r all ) ' hellevo It was the calIco until finallr I thought a' ' trial would at least do no harm , so 1 quit colTee In 1901 and began on Pos , I tU111. l\Iy troubles lert entirely and convinced mo of the cause. I "PostUtn brought no discomfort , nor did Indigestion follow Its \1se. I hnvo I had no return of the trouble slnco I I beglln to drlnlc Postum. It has built mo up , restorell 111Y health and glvo , me a new Interest In tlco. It eel' . talnJy 18 a joy to bo woU ngaln. " . Name gh'en by Postum Co" Battle Creek , I\Ilch. Read the little boole , "The Road to Wel1vUlo. " In each plec. II : DESPAIRING WOMAN. Weak , Nervous Dnd Wretched from Wattlng Kidney T.roubles. Mrs. lIonry A. Renmor , Main and Garst sts" South Dend , Ind" says : _ " \"I > n T hl > ann . . . . - - - - - " . . - tI sin g Don. n'a Jfdnoy 1'11I8 I was so weale I could hardly drng myself acrOSR the roe m. I was wretched n. n d , nervous , nnd ad : baclUlche , b ear. Ingdown p a I n , Iteadacho , dlzz ness and w nle r . . - . . . . eyes. Dropsy set In Knd bloating or the chest cholted lIIe nnd threatened the henrt. I had IIttlo hope , but to my untold surprise , Doan's Kidney Pills brought mo rellet nnd saved my life. I shall never forget - get It. " Sold by dealers. [ j0 centA a box. Fostor.Mllburn Co. . Duffi110. N. Y. . . - - - - - - - - - GossIp Going Out. It Is no longer considered good form to say a word against anyone. An lII natured criticIsm Is a social blun. der. Gossip , too , Is reaHy going "out of fashion. 'frue wit Is a girt , not an attainment. 'rhose who tlse It aright never ylold to the temptation of BayIng - Ing anything thut can wound another In order to exhibIt thelr # own clover. ness.-Exchango. Decidedly New. The servnnt handed Mr. IIlgItmoro n letter. It was from IIarold , the eldest son , who was at collego. "An'thlng now In It 1" aslccd I\Irs. Highmore. "Yes , " said the father or the family , In an agitated voice , as ho glanced over the letter. 110 doesn't asle mo for any money this tlmo. " A Metropolitan Market. It has many stories. l\Ien Call and men win here. It requires good common - mon sense Ilnd an Interest In the sub. ject to win. One man told mo that ho got to his 111aco early and thought of nothing but his business during the day.-Earl 1\1. Pratt. Curcd Her Rheumatism. Deep Valley , Pa" Oct. 2d.-Spo. clal.-Thero Is deep Interest In Green county over the cure of the IIttlo daughter of I. N. Whllllcy or Rheuma. tlsm. She was n great sulIerer for five or six years and nothing seemed to do her any good till she tried Dodd's Kidney Pills. She began to Improve almost nt once and now she Is cured and can run and playas other children do. 1\11' . Whlplccy says : "I am Indeed thanl < ful for what Dodd's Jfdney Pills have done for my daughtel1 : the ) ' snved her from being a crlpplo perhaps for life. " Dodd's Jfdnoy Pills hnve proved that Rheumatism Is one of the results of dlseasod Kidneys. Rheumntlsm .Is caused by Uric Acid In the blood. If the 1\ldne's : are right there can bo no Uric AcId In the blood and conse- quentl ) ' no Rheumatism. Dodd's Kid. ney Pills mae the Kldners rlghl. There Is something peculiar about the man who taltes lJJ Interest In haseball. Ho may bo a person of sue ) lerlor Intelllgenco. BABV ONE SOLID SORE. Could Not Shut Eycs to Sleep-Spent $100 on Doctors-Baby Grew Worse-Cured by Cutlcura for 5. "A scab formed on my baby's face , sprendlng unU1 It completely covered Iter from head to foot , followed by blIs , having forty on Iter head at onetime time , 'and more on her body. Then her skin started to dry up and It be. came so bad she could not shut her eyes to sleep. Ono month's treatment with Cuticura Soap nnd Ointment made. a complete curo. Doctors and medicines had cost over $100 , with baby growing worse. Then we , spent less than $5 for Cutlcl1ra and cured her. ( Signed ) I\Irs. G. H. TUCleer , Jr" 335 Greenficld Ave" Milwauleee , Wls. ' . Poor humnnlty : the mother does not ] enow half the tlmo wheT ( ' the chil , dren are , and Ule ) ' do not l'l1vw where she -Is the other half. Medicines Have Stood Teat of TIme. "Tho leading proprletar ) ' medlclnel : that have stood the tcst of time are or lenown thernpeutlc value , " lIays a medical authorlt ) ' . "Tlte ) ' are prepar. ed In laborntol'Ie8 of tlte highest crade , under the care of sldlled pharmacists - macists , and the ) ' are mnde from ap' proved formulas which , In many In. stnnccs , have been the especln.l . pride and specific of some successful physl , clan. They have been trIed In the crucible or pUblic opinion and the ) ' have been found satisfactory 'by the people. for otherwise the people wouhl dlscontlnuo using Ulem. " The mnn who Is anxious to scrallo an acqualntanco usually deslros to gen n stop further and sltln him. or whnt tlse are frlenlls1 In pros. perlty , a nan has no use for them : In advorslty , they hnvo no use for him , Don't do things In a haUhearted way. If a thing Is worth doing at nU , It Is worth doing well. A good many of the ( lIfficultles we complain of are ( lImcultles cause wo complain. I A civil answer 111alces ruor friends' ' than n. gruff ono , and n sl11l1o succeeds where n frown fl\lIs. You cnt not eXIICct " : he world to have n good opinion of ) 'ou unleu ) "ou sot the oxamplo. Thoma JoM BarMrdo r = m' ND fW 'rOBE W 8F.J"fuJ I 1 m\lv//mIIIIllWI&fj / \ / / YI/IIIIII/ ! / / /I/lIlII/1JI/I' / / / I ' ' ' . . . . N LONDON there has just died n n man lenown to gen. . ul n e Ilhllanthro. 111 IfII1H II 11111/1/111 / / 1I18tS and those Ileopio at reason whose gospel Is the gospel of worlcs as "Tho Father of N 0 bed y's Chll. dren. " With the passing of Ills tamp of lire , the mnn who as founder and director of philanthropic Instl. tutlons by which nearly sixty thou. Hanel orllhan waifs have been rescued , tralnell and ena. bled to give good accou 1t of them. selves In lire , ond. ed his , stewardship and entered Into eternal resl. De. cause this man has lIve , useful citizens have been raltcd out of the gutters nnd slums of London , and man ) ' of the theories con. cernlng original sin nnd total deprav. It ) ' have been severely punctpred. His uHl11o--Thomas John Barnardo-Is graven upon the hearts of thousands , uplifted because he lived and ) vorked , and the world haR been bettered be. cause of him and his efforts. . - Darn In Ireland In 1845 , Thomas John Barnardo was of Spanish de- scent. A Protestant and nonconform. 1st , his ( 'ducatlon was obtained In prl. vate schools , and at an age when the sons of fathers begin to form In their own minds Idens as to tholr future , he decided to become a ml1 > slonnry. It was his ulUmate Intention - tention to SII01)l his lire In China , and , desiring to equip himself the better - ter for work abroad , he weut. to Lon. don , where he began the study of med. Iclne and upon the receipt of his de. gree continued his studies In the hos , pltnls of London , Edlnhmgh nnd Paris , It was during his student da's nt the London hospital In Whltechapel rend that ho determined upon Itls career. How weU he fulfilled Itls mls. slon Is now written In the history of the world's good deeds. Ills first term In the London hospl. tal was lu that gloom ) ' , eventful and ominous ) 'ear 18 6 , a period of politi- cnl agitation , commercial dlsturuance -It was In May thnt the stoppage of th ( : great discount establishment of Overend & Gurue ) ' produced such con- stel'11atlon-and an outbrea { of cItol- era , duo to Impurities In the water suppl ' , Nolther the political situation nor the commercial depression engrossed - grossed ) 'O\111g Darnardo , He gave evidence this carly of the phllanthrop- fc stuff within hint , and although com. I parallvely inexperleHtced , volunteered lor the cholera service. He was gladly - ly accePted , for volunteers were few. The virulence of the mysterious mal- 1\C1) ' In Turl\Cy I1n Egnt In 1865 had crented a feeling of despair 111 the minds of medical l11en and laity aUlte. Euglan had lenown It In 1832 , when the deaths numbered 14,807 , and duro Ing the second visitation In 1847 the mortality In London alolH was 14,47 ! ! , wh11e In the Idngdom tlte list reached 55,181. The authorities were at their wlts' end and the situation was horrible - rible : IHlt Darnardo did not .hesitate. Of his llersonal security ho seemed nev.el' to think and made a house to house visitation of the East End poor , others refusIng the service on the ground that lt would be going Into the jaw of death. When the scourge was over Dr. Bar- nllrdo'ent hack to the hospital and dissecting room , His work In the poot' quarters had given him a new vi ow of IICo , ho\\'evel' , and he made up his mind that It was his dut ) ' to contribute sOl11ethln toward helping tllose who 1I111)oarell ) unahle to help themselvcs , As n heglnnlng he estab , IIshed a Hag'g'l'd School In the ver ) ' center of slJulllld Stepney. to which Ito de\'oted two nights each weelt and all of Sunday , Of this worh : he said 301l1e time bol'ol'e his death : "I was II ) 'oung medical student when 111) ' attention was dlrectCll hy the condition of 11 single little street 111'11b , of Wh0111 I had then no Imowl- edge , to the necessities of the destl. tute waifs and strays of London. l\1y acquRlntllnco with that boy about fort ) ' ) 'ears ago led to n careful Im'es , tlgatlon of the gl'ent Enst End prob. le111. I begun In a small way , Imowlng nobod ) ' , to do m ) ' worlt : had one 11001' IIttlo chap In my own lodging for two 01' three weelts , then two or three more , and then as I plcleed' up mOl'e children I put the111 In lOdgings. I had at one tlmo as man ) ' as fifty chll , dren , ] odglng them all about me , send- . them to the C0l111110n day school during the da ) ' and Irovhllng for their wants through help Crom Crlends and some of 111y fellow students , and , of course , what I could spare myself. "Tho first regular home came In 1868. It was a s111all nnd vel' ) ' poor nffnlr : such a 1'I1111shncl'le , brol\On- down place. Wo whltowashed the walls 1\1111 sCl'ubhecl the fioors our. selves , I sent 111Y firut lItt1e bo ) ' to Canadn In 1867 , 60 as far haclt as thnt year I began Canalllan emigration 11111 ] continued to send occasional parties until 1882 , when I started organized el11lgratlon on a Inrgo scale. Close upon 60,000 children have been res. cued ! from the streots. These hnvo heen educated ancl trained and placed I r _ I I I ; - ' ' i1 , Hlff'lf/ / - " r ; : , , , , . , . .a ? .77./CJ.O'VCY. V . .tR out In lire. Ever'body Icuows the char , 'nctcrlstlc features that malcc OUI work unique. 1\1 est orphanages and Institutions have certain rules for the ndmlsslon of candIdates. Ours Is only that a child must bo destitute. We search for them ; we don't walt for them to come to us. Wo have a vnr'lng number of oXllOrt men and women always at work searching the common lOdging houses , the streets nnd lanes of squnlld parts of the great cities of England , and In most of the towns we have places where the doors are always open , Our Idea beIng that In e\'er ) ' great center of popula. tion there shoulll be a door open nt which the feeblest IIttlo Imock or cry I of a waif can be heard. None e\'er re. fused If destitute ; It does not matter whht creed , sex , age , countr ) ' , Ian. guage or what physical condition. They come to me deaf , dumb , blind , crIppled , maimed for life , with their features horribly distorted , at times often with the hand of death upon them , so that I Imow they can be with us but a sl10rt time. Our doors nre never closed aga\nst \ any little children. "The question of money never en , terB , I mean to' say tIt at we accept a child whether there Is nny money at hand aI' not. I recel\'o chlldron when I have not a penny at hand. Funds erne no funds , about eight cases are admitted - ted e\'er ) ' twenty.four honrs , and I aI , ways have abont 5,000 chlldreu under m ) ' care. And m ' bo's aud girls have done well In the world , too. Some of m ' girls Ita vo marrIed 1100'sons of very superior ranlts of lire. I have boys who are clergymen , nonconformist mlnhters : , lawyers , doctors. One has reached parliament. 'rhe rank and l1Ie of m ) ' boys 111'0 mechanics and Inborers. Of carpenters , blaclsmlths , prInters , matmal\Crs , tinsmiths mid other trades I have an Immense num- bor. And would ) 'OU ellove It , less than 3 per cent of nil the boys nnd girls of mine have gone to the bad ? " A Christian whose Christianity was not of the ready made sort was Dr. Darnardo. He called hlmse1t "An humble servant of the Lord , " and he practiced all his preaching , He would not be called a fop-there was too much of the sturdy manliness nbout him-hut he dressed as well as any man In London. His manners were agreeable and his pelsonallt : ) . attractive - tive , and ) 'et , night and day , 110 spent his entire time gathering up the 11\1- man drHtwood of tlto slums , and from this material carving men and women. 110 was without cant. lIe tallted liS little as possible of his worlc. He did things. . The great work ' of Dr. Darnardo , now Imown wherever men of benevo. lence IInd charity old their ( ( 'lIows , did not doveloll without trials and trlbu , lations. A Protestant Irishman , a nonconformist , he was at the first denounced - nounced h ) ' the Ch111' h of R0111e and the Church of I nglllnl1. 110 appeared many times I\S a defendant. In the COUl'ts anll socalled Christian socle. ties fought him until finall ) ' he was obliged to entol' a suit for libel In or. del' to vindicate himself and Ieep his work from failure. This. cost him $40,000 and much anguish of spirit , but It won the dny , fot' It brought to his asslstanco n late chief justlco 01 England , who heliled him with money al1l1 Infiuence. Now that he Is gone , Catholics , Protestnnts , mon and worn , en or all sccts , are oITerlng trlhutes to his momory. and Quccn Alexandrn herself , a I111tron of his soclet ) ' , Ie evincing a deep IlOrsonal Interest In Its affnlrs. In Canada and the United States there are twenty thousand men and women , Indnstrlous , law-abiding , GOdfearlng. They ere graduates 01 the schools which Dr. Bnrnardo found # ecl and watched 0\01' with uncenslng vigil , patient care and unlllmlnlshlng S'mll1\th ) ' . And the ) ' lenow , better than ethers cnn , that the world 11'1 poorer because out of It has llOen talt , en "tho fntltel' 'of uobody's children. " -Henr ) ' Darrett Cl1nl1111el'lIn In Chi. cage Record.Bornll ! . Oper" Singer Wins Decoration. . M11111 Gadsld sang' the three Drnn : hlldes In an opera festl\'al recentl ) ' In l\1ul1lch with such elTect that Prlncl Regent Lultlloltl hestowell ullOn her KIng Ludwig's Order of Art and ' encl ! . sC1'1 . . , . " . . . ' . , . . . . . . . , " l , , To I < eep Hands In Condition. Rub the hands wHh dry snIt after . . . . ' ha\'lng hud them In water for n lengtJr. . - ' ot tlmo ; nfterwnrd rl1lso thorn ant ! , . ! ' L wi PI ) dr ) ' . If this Is done dally aftor'5 : the house-worle Is finls ted It will Iteop "N.tI the I1nnllo smooth , clean nnd white. " "i"\ . , ' . " \ ; . . . . . . Tiny Elephant 10 Dined. " " ; " "Jumbo Junior , " a tiny elephant . > : 4 thnt Is now the pet of London , wnB . , "dined" by "some fair Amorlcans" 'at ' n restaurant anti afterwords "enter- tained the company with favorite nlrs on the mouth organ. " . SAYS AMERICANS ARE LEARNINC j. 'It. HOW TO EAT. . . - . In Amorlca , entlng Is becoming 'i moro of a fine art as well ds n I ' . ' Pastlmo and accomplishment every . , ! day. Americans are Jearnlng how to I cat. They ha\'o passed the stage of . : civilization where anything and every. : , : , thing will go and are becoming par. " , - lIcular eaters. : : ' Nothing hut the white heart or tho' . wheat herry ( Pillsbury's Vltos ) Is :1 : NOW good enough tor those who have tried this cereal hrealefnst 'food. It 'Is . . , . . ! the most economical and It Is Ilctually . : ' the "l\1eat of the Wheat"-Stel'lIIzed- \ : . . nothJng added-nothing taken awa1' : " . pure white In color , It sen'es an ap , . petlzlng brealfnst dish , made In UIC " " greatest mills , of the best wheat , and . " , by the oldest miller , PILLSDURY. " . ' This Is ) 'our guarantee. . . Put up only In two'pound , nlrtlght , ' . ; - ' paclcages. : Loole Jor tIte words , "Meat of th " . . . . . Wheat. " " . , A paclcage will make ) 'OU twelve : , : ' : , , - pounds of Substnntlal family food and " -J : : can be purchased at 'our grocel's. . . . . . . . . . . Price 15c. Rocl , ) ' Mountnln territory ' . . , ' , , 20c. . d . : : . . . . . - ' ' " Ase ] him - _ , , * ; .t > He will gladly fIll 'our order because - . - : " , ' : ( cause he Imows he sells rou satlsfac. : . . ; . tlon. , ; r " ' 7' ' . " . , Mike Guilivan. , . ! \ . ; r. : , : There are eight l11en In the vicinity . . . . ' , . ' . of Solomon . who 11.1'0 named : \I1k : . , . . Sullivan. distinguish them they \10 . . ; are lenown as 1\lIIee Pete , 1\1l1te Dat , " ' . , . " ' . Smoky Bat , Prairie 1\lIItO , l\fllco Dan , . , : : ' ; . Corner 1\1IIe , Wild IIIto , Big' ? l1IIcc , ' : : ; : " Little 1\lIke.-Kansas City Journal. : ; . E'ery housel\Ceper should Imow " , that If they will bu ' efiance Gold - . ' Water Starch for ] 11\1I1dry use they , . will save not 0111) ' time , becauf1e It ' " " never stlcles to the Iron , ! Jut h rau3o ' each pncleage contains 1 G \-One full " , pound-while all Oth01' Cold Water Starehes are put up In % 'pound pacle- ages , nnd the price Is the mme , 10 cents. Then again because Defiance Slarch Is free from all Injurious chern. ' w Icnls. If ) 'our grocer trle to sell ) ' 011 - . , - : ; : a 12oz. paclmge It Is because he has ' . : . , - . a stocle on hand which he'Ishe : , to dispose of before ho puts In Defiunco , . - He knows that Defiance Starch has _ printed on ever ) ' paclmge 1' 1 largo let- teri ! nnd flgmes " 16 OZf . " Demand Defiance - fiance and save much time and money . - . and the annoynnce of the l1'on sliclc. - .1 Ing. Defiance , neve'1' stlelts. . Industrlcs of Milan. The province of I\1l1an Is one of U10 . Imllortant Industrial ceutnrs of Ital ! . It contaIns 300 sill , mills , glvln [ ; om. ' plo1110nt to 40,000 worlemen ; 20 ( } , - . cotton 111 ills , ' with 25,000 worlnnen , , . " , . and twenty woolen mlll , with 3,000 , " _ workmen. Hero Is Relief for Women. Mother Gl'ay , a I1m'so In New York , discovered - covered a plel\san t h orb rClI1ol111'or ' omen 'II ' \ : . - 1115 , ealled AUS'l'RALIAN.LB.U" . It Is 1ho " : , . enl - certain month I ) ' regl1btor. Cm'os 'I ( Y female weaknesses , Dac1meho , Kl ney ILIlll I Urinary troubles , At. all Dl'uv'lsts ! ; r by mall fiO ct8. Sample mailed PH E , Address , The Mother Gray Co. , LeTloy , N. Y. , ! \Iost people are sntlsfied with what ! they have. It's what they havell'tthut . : causes their dlsoatisf\ctlon , , : I Moral snaslon Is ul1 right In Its way , but there are times when It should bo bokd up , tltb . 8botgoo. I W. l. DOUClAS 53.50 & $3.00 SHOESkol1 w. L. Douglas $4.00 CII : Ed go Line cannot bo equallod at any price. . 'fI.\.DOUO ( , II IIHOl5 AL. ! . , I PRI 'i8 1 , I'i . . . . ( " { t , , S j . . $0 ' \I \ IIl'i .0VI 46"1t. 'oS'o ) . ; .f. oS' . ' -o - J'h'0 - ' , " 'L k ! 1.tablllhe < 1 3 ; ' li : ! ! July 0,1515 , W.L.DOUGLAS MAKES AND SELLS MORE MEN'S $ n.tJo SliDES TI/AN ANY OTI/ER MANurIiOTURER. $10 000 EI'tAIIUto nyonewhocan J d1lprove Ihll statement , 'v. L. DOUKla SJ.II0 .110es have b } ' their excellent - cellent style. cas } ' flttlnlr , Dud superlorwelrlne- ( quolltles , oChlned the lI&rStest .01&0 of any $3.150 shoo In the world. They ore lull as Rood as tho.o that co.t } 'ou $5,00 to $1.00 - the only dlfferenco Is the price. It 1 could toke you Into my factory ot IIrockto/I , lito. , . , the lurl/elt In the world under one roof lOa. Inmcn' . fine .hoe. , and show ' t'le , } 'ou C8re with , , hlch every pair d. 1)0uK'al ' .hocslJ ; ! you would reollza why W. I [ lou\tlo. \ $3,50 . , ( lU IIro tbo but \ . , 5hoe5 produce.1 h Iho \ \ orl.l. . . . _ If 1 could .how rOil the .t1l'crenC'o hetwcen the .hoe. made In mv Ictorond these of other maku , 'ou wouJ uMd r.lnnd " , hy Doullas $3.110 .hoes co.t mtro to milke , why they holJ their shape , fit beller , wrnr lonler , nnd are 01 Krenter Intrlu lc'alue than nny othcr $3.50 .hoe on the market to.d : ! ) ' . W. L. DoutJlslI st.Ol1tJ " 'mlo Shoell fore Man. $2.lJU. $2.00. Doy. ' Sohool" 0"01111 ShofJlI.$2.5U. $2. $1.7 6.I.lJU CAUTIQN.-.Inslst upon h\\'II1 ; : W.Ll l\II' ( _ . ' 1D.5 , Ihoes l' Ko no IlIlIsllllIle , ono ( { euUlu" wllhout hb 111\11I0 Ilhprlco 51111111'0.1 011 liollom. " ' . \NTEO. A Ihoo del\ler IIIoI'er11own wber - W. L. DO\llIns : Shoes rrl ! not .ohl. Fun'Uno ct ; . ( . aamples lellt tree for Inol'octloUUI'01lequo.t. . fa , . C91o , CI/It , uIIII ; the" 111"t / ; 11I.11' bra" " . Writ. tor I1hututfl < l ClllaJojt ot FoU BI'lu. . 'V. J. . DOUGLAS. Jh ocktou.Uaao. - , - -