Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 12, 1905, Image 4

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    ' " " - ' - '
: ; - : . . . . " " 1. ; : : ; - : , . . . . - " ' , - . . _ _
- . . .
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- : ; : ;
< < t1oter < 60. 1tfPublitau
- - - ' . _ - . . . . - - - . . . . . - - . . . . -
1'1I1J1I.b\,1I < < nelr "IIII'811r.7 . \ ; IIO COUht ) : : It" ,
i. , M. Ut\utltn : , \ ; " , . Jdltur :
, _ .
- - - " -
i\er , d DUb ; pootnmc al lIroho Un" , Neb. .
It ' ( lOo3QtlGIIU matllS' ror Ull1ullhloo through
'bo U. 1MI'UI. .
- ' ; iiir ; ; 7r J-
ODoYnar.tnM'lInce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'IJI \ )
, - - . . . . . .
\ . " " . : U.WI t1100. , I"ourlll " ' . . . .
. _ . . . . , . .
- - - ' - - - ' - - - - - - - - -
-i VBH'l'j'ltNU HATgM.
( lue COhllUU , " r wOlllh , ' 1 00. OOutU Co.-
IUDD or 01'11' ( h & ' 00 ' } olnr ruillmn , r
lIIonth , III W f/l tban qrlll'J cnlbUlII ; r1
COlit. pur IDUbJct \ month
Oarl1 , all I t PIKO 60 coltte per luolo , o'
LoCJlled'OIUotDIlII O' 1,81 1\ \ II tlut. I tor
" \Ju. \ Notion ' " cburch rIII , tloJ.ldble. & . . . ' " '
IIIlJllt. I' hurlS UlUUI' ) cl1l"ll'd uOIjbI" " r u.
' oloh IIOUC.t 80'1 't'enlatlon ! , ono-b"If rllI. .
W'ltlll1l ( IlJtlC ' frolt b.U prlcr lur QblltQlLg
lI.t of IJI ' ' ' ' 'lJt ,
DOl&UI nnt1co rrco , b"U prlco for obll.hlDg I
obUalU'F coUtU , scd CliNe 01 thnlllte ,
Lo 1II Ol\l'oo.t tutt , pruldcd h , I' 'tJte. : at
Nebrllilto , _ _
1Tliursday , , October 12.1905 ,
Republican Ticket.
S1'A TE.
lo'ur Suprotmu JudJ.-
Cbarle IJ. IattoD ,
. 'or Uuluulty HelleuU-
V. J. L 'rfrI ,
1-'lellrkk II. A Ioholl.
Fur Jull/e-
A. IL lIuIIIlbrelhoken \ Uow ,
} . 'ur Clerk- ' ,
Jo , . I'fllman , IIroken Uun' ,
lo'or TH'3 uror-
J. C. 1'3\"enee , Genrllel'n : ,
For Sbcrlff- . ' .
J. s. Smllh. . Call3na ) ' .
lo'or Helftller of D eds
' ' . ' UrellltD lIu , , ' ,
Juhn \\'oudt , . ,
} o'or Superlnlend.n ( - t.
II , M. Plncknt ) ' . Wu nllle ,
Fur Sune'or- .
1E , \3n.\nt\\"crp , Lodl . ,
' '
lo'or Coroncr -
Dr. 1,11 , Morrow , Mcrna.
. TOWNSllIP. ,
For Justice of Ule Peace-
. C. G'StlJ\\'lud.
} . 'or { ler 1-
A. 1 > . lJanlfs ,
For TrC38Uft'r - . .
J. S. Molyneux. .
lo'or CUl1slablc-
L , E , Cole ,
District Numher 1-
1A. . A , " 'alchor ,
District Number2-
Number2W. . W , lJlshop ,
Dlstrl.t NnDlber J- .
. JI. . . A , " , ells ,
District Number -
, 0 , C. J.llcl : . un.
District Numher 5- '
5W , JCI\ , ' .
Dlltrlct NUlllber ( , -
.r , G , lIu'c <
District NLlluhcr 7-
7I. I. , Cusbman ,
The rcpublicAns of NehraskA , in con-
\'entioll Asscmhlcd , congratulate the clti-
: zens of ollr common cOllntry upon the
continllellllll general pl'O pcrity of the
We hearti1) ' c11l10rs thc wise alhnini ! .
tration of 0111' grent learler 'fhcol\ore \
Rooscvelt. We join in tLte " , orld chorus
of pf i e : wcotllCll to him tht' jusll ) '
cllrtlcd thle of pCRCClllnkel' . We h luti1) '
cnl\orse \ IIntl support hi ! ; rOiitioll und ef.
forts to SCCUI e ullcqllute 111111 eTect'e /
control of corporutioll \ ' cngaged in
interstate COU1l11erce.
We bellcvc strictly in the ptinciple of
cquolit } ' before the RSllprlil:11 to the
ti tlSportlltiou hlllilHS , 1111I1 , ' tlllrefore
IleiuAlI1immellinte \ rclief through the cn. .
fO ' elllent of 'x'Jstitl law I" ur th 'OUI l1
01 cnl\Atory \ legislation frolll the pay-
lit nt of re'Jntes ' to fl\\'orite shiJlpcr-l : , nnl1
utflawfltl 81111 wrougful I\iscrilllinotious \
IJttween comulllll lies lIuII i'nllh'icluals ,
both in thc stllte1mlll ill the liatillu ,
. .1Vllh . ullholtll\le(1 ( cOllfilence ( in the , in-
te rit ) . ullll st-ttesmallship , o ( Presidellt
Roosc\'cll , we heartily appfO\e : his re-
ceilt utterances ill which's : "I he ,
1Ie'"c thllt corporation \ : ! 'cnlllged ; , in
interstate commercc should be under the
s ' pen'ision of the nAtionAl government.
I'do not helicvc ill tAking steps hustely
orit ! it Utay be that all thAt is necessary
in the illlU\el\iote \ fnture is 10 pass All
iuterstntc COIIIII\elcc \ IJi11 couferring IIpOIl
soUle hrund ( il the cxcc , \ 'eO'cru : -
Ulellt the powl'r tlf l'ITccti\'c Rction 10
rcIII , etl ) ' the nbuse : ! ill conneltion with
r.iAilway trunsporilltillll , "
' . We request 11I111 dellllllltl of our ) .
'eDtot'es in cOIIrc ! j I\tl\'e : UII' " IIn-
'nolliolls cooperatioll wilh l'ttshleitt
Roe evelt Atoll ) ; tlhSC lIues , to the ttfd
; . , hat corporBt rnpac l ) ' , ' rtion u lt ]
Itbus s mo ) ' IJ suh < < lUtfl 1111" oholished ,
' ' ' , n\ \ the bovclelgnt } . of' the pebple o\'er
. corporatlous full ) ' , \Iromptly \ UIIII Ier ,
.manently establish ! : ! .
Be1ieviu that the uearer thc contt'QJ
of pub1ic IIITairs CUll he hrolight to the
, people , the betler tlte'nsult : will , l.e , we
, htCIAre oursetves in fu\'ol' of \ "irect
prhnor } ' law governillg the nOllllnntiim
uf 1111 pulJic } omcers , :
We cotllmel1l1 the erollomitil : : ! administration -
tration ofl stote offices by' repllb1ican
officials ,
We bellev thnt thc gh'ing of free
" trllllSpOl'totioll 111)011 raihva's i:1 dctrlmen.
Iul to the interelits of the pcople , and re.
cOUlmend that U law he enucted by the
legisloture of thie ; state to prohihlt It.
With a professional passtaker
lit the head of their ticket the
tusionists willuot h able to fool
tbe people th s J'car with their
lromices. ; -
Custer county r pubhcans have
a good ticket this yearj but , the ) '
are especially fortunate in theh
selection for sheriff. J. S. Smith ,
the nominee , is one of the finesl
men in Custer county and wouIcI
fill the office with credit.-Cozat
. . -w ,
- - - - - -
. . tj F. W. HAYES. I
I Jeweler and O tician I
; West Side Square ,
\ ; Broken Bow.
Ncbraskuo !
' . .
. ,
l .
"t , 4
, . \ I
- . . . _ -
. ,
. . . .
.t > . _ A. ' " '
- -
- - -
I A 'ers
I To be surc. you ore ( ! rowlnlI
old. 10 aut WJIY let cverybodY
see I it , In your gray hair ?
Keep your hair :1r-k : 3ml rich
nnd postpone age. If YOll wl1\ \
flair Vigor
only lIse A ycr' H ulr Vigor ,
your gray hair' will soon have
nIl the deep , rich color' of
youth. Sold for eo years.
" I otn 1101t1Vllr W fUrl hl "IJ I have
11 tllick IIlu , . . , IleHI 01 1'lIlt IlIdr wlilch It II
'lfonler' . el.ttr ont' w/oo / .it. It. . IIJ nl./ln
Ir i 1IIIIr It. It , 011 due 10 Aiet" flAIflvnr '
: ' 1r.5 II 11 Ill : ; , lit lJecld11111' ; , '
fl.V a Lottill. J C .4 i'En CO
, \ drnullU \ ' ' ' 'fP'1 , ; 'tlnll
_ _ _ lOr I ID ' ' ' 'U ; ' (
White Hair
. . - -
'l'he re-e1e tion'of I , g. Va'n-
.A nt wcrp for county ur\'eyor
goen w\t.hout \ que tioll , because
of his ndthful tenices : in the
past and' for the further reason
I he is the only candidate before
the people who can fill tbe office
. . . .
- - - - - - - - -
Judge L tton , the rcpublican
nominee for Justice of tbe Supreme -
preme Court , pledged his hearty
approval of the plank in the republican -
publican platform against fre.e
passes. If you want 'a man on
t he supreme bench wbo' will in-
terpet the IMV in justice to all
classes , , 'ote for Judge Letton.
- - - - -
'rhe ollly forward mo\'cments
for the control of corporations
has been made br the republican
national and state administra-
tioll. The on 1) ' incr ase in railroad -
road assessment in Nebraska has
been made bj' republican officials.
D.o fhe'oters want to change for
the euipty promises of the pops
who ha\'e heen tried am } found
- - - - -
The { 'eople of Custer county
are not the class tbat can e
fooled into 'qtjng for a mere lad
for county superintendent of
schools , who has h d no experience -
ience outside. of a Iountry ( lis-
trict for a man of mature years
and an educator of H. I. Piilc1-
ne"s , experienc ( ' . 'rhey cau IIOt
aO'ord to tale chances in so im- '
portan t a ma Her. '
Alvin Daily , the populist candidate -
didate for count ) ' clerIc , came Ot1t
in the Beacon last week with a
s'mp..thetic appeal to the 'loters
for support. But as he begs par-
( Ion ( or t be egot ism c presscil it
should be granted. "But in doing'
sp tlll1U : } Ilic will ha'e . doite its : ;
full duty to our ' genial friend :
Daill' and can d'ivide' honors by
casting their ballot for Joe Pig-
man , whose efficiency no one
< J uest ions. .
- - - - -
A. I , Humphrey's economka1 , :
record as count ) ' att' rney is a
safe guarantee to the l'uhlit : of
the conRcr\'ath'c manuer in which
the county judJc's ' ofiice will be
conducted ill case o'f his ele tiol1 '
'rbere will he no occasion to feat
that he will worl , an ) ' grafts on'
the county. li'urther than th t
the connty ne\'er had a mo'c , .
faitbful sen' nt. The count ) ' .
ho.ard fouud him present at'cry
sc'ssiou read > ' to gi\ . , , tlch. , 'egat '
ad\ice as nnghtue require" : '
- -
I.'usion promises on corporation
questions will uot forgotten
with the people of Nebraska.
When they were In power in this
state t hey accepted e'ery corporation -
tion favor , rode Oil free passes ,
visited pleasure resorts in special
canl. Not one wa ever lnowu
to returll his pas 011 de III allli , ( If
the pubI l . 'l'heir taxation boar"
neveri ncreased t he railroad lua-
tion oue dollar , Will the people
entrust them with iJOwer again
; . in county or state ?
- - " - - - -
'rhere i's no question in the
minds of those who had the good
fortune to do business with Joe
Pigman , while he was deputy
connty clerk , but that be is 'the
man wbo hold be elected county
clerk. Ilis thorough knowledge
of the business , his abilitr to di -
patch the work , his affiahle and
t straight forward manner of Ileal-
, ing with everhod ) ' , commends
\ him to tbe public. 'rltere shoul11
be no question about the certanty
of his election.
W noticed in -publi:4hcd -
J account of the last board pro-
ceedings that the populist hoarel
i allowed the populist count ) ' attorney -
torney $40 for clerk hin' , hut we
did not see any 11cductioll fOl' ! \ alI -
I ar ) ' the month he Rpellt ou the
Pacit1c Coast. Ecouomy in public -
I lic luattcI'S is a'ery nice thing
for the othet' fdlowa to :
. " . . . . . . /
I' ,
_ _ L
iu the cYCq or'dlc "reformer" but
it i9 whcn the ' hn.\'c
a : Hraug r ) . \
the I'UWCI' . 1t will he in ordtr t ( )
ha ve anot her fee f.ur clerk h ir
whill' . the pop tli\t'\ , ! 'tun. their I
_ _ _ ' ' ;
- - - - - -
' "Why Tax. . arC ! Hiaher. ! ' . ' . . J
Under tbe above aption t.he
Deacon gi\'l's a Hir ! f' fig'un''i'
which iuclud ' the : Negi\tcr ! : uf
Deed , claiming , that it" o.t nore
to run the county republi.
can admiuiiUation ! , of 190.4 , . than
it did umler populi..t rnl . . ' } n 9.9 '
The Bea ' ( Jn has ; \ .SJecjal afu- !
tu e in u1i cOIIStqulIg tfgur ' \ ,
cspeciall.\ ' , during . c rupaigns'l
and tlJi case i' oU ili'point. .
For instanct : tbe Beacoll 5an1.the
office of 1 egi5ter of Deeds cost
tbe county in 1901 , when unJer ,
pop uper\'ision , enl ) ' S ,887.51 , I
and that in 11,104 , when under the
control of republicans , it Gost the
county tJ.s , ( , . 3. "r.e . : . Uetcor.
further says that "you can .Ilqt
explain this' ( lifTerenre by ! ia "ing
that the \'olutt1 of husiues1 ! iq
gle t r IIOW thai ! th n" " . "W n :
the tatemellt tnu : the Beacoll
would have WOIl itn case and
wo\,11 \ < 1 be .cn\ill \ d to , furthe ' 'coil-
, idhation au a campaignet. Unfortunate -
fortunate ) ' . for. the e coiJ , 'the"
records of the H gister of Deeds ;
are ' 1till exi.tence" ; 'and. 'irc'
, pen 'to the pub.1ic' f : . \ , g 'g.Q ;
hon , The facts are th'at tl1e
\'olume of business has. bc'n
greater'under repub1i'c i adm ft
istration'thal ! it was when a
p pulist w.tis in" control ; bl not- .
wiUistand iug that' undcrr pubi } , ;
can dministration t , has 'cost-t"b\ \ : :
county a less per cent to' do' , the
business of t he office and und r
repuhlican sud.ervisioll the ofl ce
has turned o\'er to the counh""a :
surplus 111 excess of he 'exp nse
more than three 'times. gr ater
than did the populi'St a' ministration -
tion in the same length of. time.
'l'o verifr our state'mcnt' we
here append- statement compiled -
ed from the records , including
the dates from 1898 to 1904 ,
which we challenge our popl.1list ;
fric ds to shr.ce , sfull ) ' contradict :
IttOI' > I'IiR or DJr.II R1iCORD , )
' ' ' . . ' ' ' '
\'l'II' ; , 'l'.Ial 1'ollil 1'ot l
{ l' ' ' , " "pl'iheq , "XL "qS
IS" , ! iS1 30) Ut'Su ' -t1.5 80
I&'rl . . ,1 4 fl 'Iu ; : r,3. > ! .o . 8540
1'10 :117105 : 2 9765 2jt.-tO
t < JtJ1 :1 : ( , ( " 55 2 ' 1)7 51 t.67 04
' 1'ol..IHt il ) lIi 8' i'w , : i11it :
' , l'he abo\'e i'l arl' itemized. , .ac-
coun t of earning's and expenses of.
the l egi ! > ter of Deeds offite ! h"
der populist control , takeu frolll
records in the count\ ' clerks offiQe.
Yon will obsen'e that' for ea h
$100 ear'ned there was an , expense
of $83 to run tile ollice. )
. tl' ' ' ' 'Olai ' '
' 'l'u131
\ ; 1'01:11 !
. . . . . . . . . .
r"l' ' ' , .x 1It'1I " ' " t-x. : '
t" " ) f 6S7 ! IS $ Z 'WI 25 11 7\JJ ! is
IIJOJ 4 li 7 U5 . /14 4 , 2 81
1404 4 41J 85 3.S3tJ 4.5 ! l77 4 ( !
1')115'-3 tjr"t : :2' : } 71f . ! 4107 , , , , 1 711 Hu
ltj IlH 45 m"oH 'i (
1'I1Stth 'Ir. I lJ'u ( lU 773 ! jt ) XU.
iI9'2Ji : 5 'f1271 64 f65 6 ill
I'allillul' ur e CeS" fre. . IIf umet ! ) .t'J.r' .
l'klt lur Ir311icrlhlilit nnw rlcl1 III"
IIt'x"'I1IHllllfl ! 17. Iii allli I , . . . .1. . . . . . Jj6' . I ( )
' 1'ulal reI' ' ! ; .aru..J atJovu l'XpeU ei IIurO - - , P
lUll republican allml 11 lratioll. . . . . . . $6 ! s'lJ iii.
Above the official report '
the years 1902 , lCJ03 , . 1904 f01'
from J armar ) ' :5 , 1 Y05 , . o Octohe
5 , ,11)0'5 , ancl tl 1th , IJilart r i'o
, tlll ' ' , p.r , I.W , \III1.lte\I" \ \ , , ? ho-.y : i
farKe'1I1 , rea e.ln bltStll S . .Car
: fully uotr , that dl1ril1g , r.ep l.b1i-
can admini tiati ) IJl , 'that , for et h
$100 earned , t.hc"fie'lse ; { ! Qf : tlIll- : .
'n 111 { , t hC , 'Qni'c . wasf.,5 I , . . , , 1 'l alc.e . .
a11'\ : Into , lons(1 : ratlou , tliat nu"
de.r rc pu blica \ :111.i1 , i i ist p til'n
t Iltdtead , clerk rtccj\c ( ! $1P per
Ulohth ,1110falaq. . . 'au'll , fpr the
l st t.w , ' , \ 'eHg.lep1't ; ) ; ' . ! 1aHirr : ;
\ , Va''rnlsed . $300Ipcr"'y . 1' . . : . .
t The expen : : ! \ ot . . .the 9thcr
ofliccg. , if carefully.tabulated , we
l "C n . dlubt.v.Hld ua Ice as
fa\'arahl afihowiug , " ' . , . :
A'9 : ma tt 'fif 'f.a-ct t he' g'rea : t
xpensc of the couni.\ ' : the : : 1)a < ; t
rear has heen incllrJ'cll , by the
populist counts lIoard "an ; } then !
i ; where iI radical chaug-e should
cIIIi111e fo\ \ ' the htn f l of the
taxpaycr .
1IlIlIIlhr..y Itll Ecunomical OHic r.
111 the campaign las't fall , when
A. I . lIumphn y was' candidate
fOl' county attorney , we had 'ot-
casion' to cOUlp re his recordl as
ounty attorney with that of his
predecessor , We republish it for
t , enefit of thc public. The
bills tiled and allowed as extras
by H is predecessor in 1901 and
1902 , were as follows : : ' '
1901 cr..UMB.
u. LOS , clerk "Ire , C , CulOi : , . . . , . . . . , i 3 , ' O (
No , iG , cl.rk IIlrt' , C. Car109. . . . . . . . . 17
No , 1007. Cltek lIlre , C , Carloa , . . . . . , . . O ( ) o.
1902c1:11& : ,
No. 1371 , cIIII , Ime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .t IH\ :
No 1t 4.lIeleCI'I'e worll. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 85 '
No 1372 , clerk IlIrt' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 (
NIJ. ! I ) , cll'blrt \ : . . . . . " : ; 0 ,
No. 131J , cierI ! h"e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 O
No. lU1.3. cll'rIlIrt' \ , 1:14. Ieonanl , . . . . 51 ( W
No. 8 : : . 'clerl ! hlrt : , 1:101. 1,1'0113111. , o 0. .
No 1.,2 ( , cierI. : blre. hi. [ . . .onarll , , U l L'
'fotil : , . . . . . . , . . . . . .i5SJ I ,
'I'his extra cl rk hin amoullt !
to lUore thau half a\ ! much a !
the cOUllt ) ' : lttorneY'H : ) alary 1'01
OIW YC 1r. . t\lr. Humphrey llil' '
lIot make hI ! > orhcc co t tht : coun.
ty in extra , to excecI1 en dollar !
during hifo term of t wn y ar
In effecting compromises betw el
litigant'i ! ' , which he did in \'erj
i nst auce where poslible : , he St'Ct :
. , , ' . . . .
. t' , "
: . . , . .1 J _ _ '
t lie people of the cOlthty not Of1 ! ,
Inrgt : ! 1umuf / lUoneY4' . hut n\B.n- \ ! .
tain cI hctter o.rder utH1 good
f cling ill coltl.1nunitie where
In w u i ls would h a vc engendercil ,
arid created strHc.
( Mr. Humphr y has special
qUl1 ifi 'tjol1 for s Ulin'g .cliff r- '
cncc\out ! or- 'court'and' woi\ld \
U1 \ ' c an . idcal jUIIge . in t h , .par-
ticular. I " , . . .
, Another \ ' rY' trong recommendation -
mendation J\J \ ( him for count )
ju < Jg . ' tS'b , .abi1ity as ) a & .
) 'er. ' Casesbrought ; u for 1iim
would' bave ; to. 're ! ) upou , their
legal ineri t ! . . ra wyers ; co nd not
mislead him fi to what Ute , l w i
lsand bi.s rulings w mld st hd the
test of t e Supre'me Cou.rt , 9ho"ld
any of the ases be carned up.
- - -
An Era of Grut ) ' ,
. 'l'hcNew Yo k 'rimes se s
igus on ev rr hand these da s
01c.werflow : , : ng1 nUllual : ) pro'iHh [
By , 'l'he iUnitlhl State' ) , is tel
l an'e t. 1hiJ. ! : "yc .r : the. higgesl'op it h sev /trown / and'
, h lligg st. w a\ crop ip.its his- . ,
tory. , witTl enc e epti I ; , Our'
xpCilrts and import ! ) w1ll. break
all records , Imwi ration is
iea .hing a' uew l.1igh 'yatcr J"ark. ;
Oltnrouand stc'cl output 'WIU be ever known , and we
sb\\ll : \ to cb a new h1gh l vel. iii
co l productiUll ; It was an-
noul1ced tbe oth r day tbat postal -
al receipts for I ' )04.05 bad exceeded -
ed those for 1903-04 by $10,000-
000. The Postoffice Depart-
'ment. ' . money. order buslI ess
s owe4 " :1 g in for the yea.r of 20
: p'r c'el1t-in : 1,1I1erring' evidenJ :
< if widely d' , 'prosperitJ. '
' ow come D'it'n's.arid ' B1'3-dstreet's
: reports on comn rcia1 failures in
the United States for the t r t
-nine months of 1905 to testify to
ateadily " irnprong' tralle conlli
tions. . . , . '
. .
.In' . the. b t t.hre .oY'fQur ) 'ea.rfl
we ba\'e heard much "f lk of an
1ib in national prosperity. We
Ha\'e seen bere in New York two
pr three teni'PQt.ary' crashe'l in
: stocks-pani s _ - Qf the "rich
man's"'adc y.We ' have sufer-
t I not a .little from the overimu :
of o'enalued'secljritie < ; ; hut tl e5e
disturbanc s ha\'e been ephemeral -
al and wholly Oil the surface.
Industrial and commercial de-
\ ' lopment has not been' impeded
, . X the e "popgun" shock , , aud
t e conntry at large has gent :
head absorbed in it 'w'ork and
'indiffereut to le ha\'oc' played
'f'f lJ1 time to time with 'paper
-"alues. Gool1 times ha\'e not
f iI 'd.alld showno : signs of fail-
! ig. 011 thc : , on.trarYt . there is
e\'en"c\'idencel a tb next two I
or Uiree yearfi' 'w.ill"see a 11 a'rkitl
.acceleration iu our induslrial
rowth and a , gt : aer d'iffu's'ib'il
than ever of lI1 t dal pro perity.
- - -
Inflation Qf Currency.
. . On1a few "ears 'ago the popu-
1i ts were .dewa.ndiug' an in1)ation )
of the curr ncy , 'b 'ha.ving 't4e
governm I ! , p intr offi 'e s amp I
the p < 1per and scnd It bro ' (1 ca t
without re ard t its r de1Uption
( t atitres. 'Now. shice , hy .the
w.isc fUJlI con er ' ati"'e ( J.
tration' 'Of the : republic .11 party
, the per clpHu. : . rutio be n
lal'gcIJ' increl\l > e'd' .on th gold
b wh ct e ' is
. ; , : : erJ' , .dollar
th 100 ae.nt. , n : gee ! , : . hey < ! re
tfrlng' to cl un't.liiilory. 'I'here
i as'1m : h 'ditferel ce , u t\ve n'
- \ir pla .an \ h ' , . ' : cces1ftlI.lY ! :
- I - :
_ _ _ .
hrongh t aboul by rrpuh1icalJ ,
as there is .betwccn. , ; light . nl , '
darkness , 'rile dtf refC ) h -
tWee.n a . . table and unstaIJle cur-
'r'enc\ \ . . . 'l'hrnugh the methods
1'1dopttd hylie repnhtkan party
tbe' country has pro\perell ! , rc 1'
'v rues ha\'e incrcastd along wih
t increase of the the per capitE ! .
I't..i Lrprising to Wi hat any.
, who t u' 1ou5e ? tbe cause . f
money lntla l n , 1t ,1'1tbc , temen ,
. to , r t r to 111 .t qtie , ti , . p at l1 ;
' ' ' ' .
' : : _ . - ,
El clion Proclamation.
' .Gov. .Micl ) ' has 'issuell hit ;
pro'c1akuaHon d : Jig 'ril Q ay ,
.the h da > - of , No\'emh , r , 1905 ,
'el cttol1 day for tq 9tate. qf N - .
braska , , for the purpose. of eleC1-
ing , one Judge of the SupreUl
Court , two Regents for the Stat
Uni\'emity , one seuator from tlie
1st Senatorial Di"tr tt , to fi .
.vacancy , and ou reprcsentati\ '
.fro , the : 21st representative di1 !
trkt , t . fi.ll vacan r.
, . - - . . . , . - . . , " . , . , . " , - : - : : '
E : el' ) : ' npublkon. ( ( . C.usttr (
CJ l tsh : ld' . .b . : r , sl1h"rih , r' tell
flIt : ' I 1\l'UMI , c\.N ' throt'g' ! thi
campaign , in order to h } pos eden
on the po1itic . We endea\'or t
gi\'e only fact IJtI l gicj fa r
r asons for the txisteuce < lnd m i n.
tainance the. r pulrlican ' p rty in
power. : No republican , who is
worthy of the name. when be.
fully reali es tbe iwpor.tance o !
the repubhcan party being kept
in the supremacy wiU allow personal -
sonal or flimsy matters to infiu-
, ence him..toot Jgr , .any of the
fu ion crowd. The _ repiiblic t1
9minees may not aU be of vour
personal pr ferenr.e , but if they
r.epreseut a party principle whicb
you belie\'e ! ' 1hould prE'\ail ; yon
n only emphasi'l. thi : ; f ct by'
. \'oting for your party noruitiees. ,
A vote for the opposition is' a
\'ote to stiel1gt lit ; n t be ir 'posit ion
-'l'hig i < ; inconsistant. For
) 'eaI' ) , notwithstanding that there
bas beeu a majority of republicans -
cans in Cnster county , a populis't
heriff has beeu elected and most
of the time a populist count.r
board. Those two office with
I the office of county judg are ll e
' , \ only ones tbat prO\'ide a revrnue
for the support of th party nr-
gans. If the principle of the.
part ) ' are worth miantainil1g , lIQ
'greater mistake , can e Imide
than to vote again t the nominees -
nees of your part V , whose office
furnishes support for the Mews-
paper 'of Jour part ) ' nor ct.n : yOU
in an ) ' way help the OHPo'iiiion ! '
wore than than to vote for the
nomiue 's. who tall g' \ ' "to' 'tb
QPposition papers their greatest
support" Make ' l1re you
no mistake in this direction
gain , Vote for the repnuli
$ u candidates for ! 'npervisor ! ;
( or count ) ' judge and for sheriff.
'l'he people of Custer county
will make 110 mistake in cagting
their vote for J. S. Smith f
CaI1awa for sheriff. Mr. Smith
is ma.n Qf. high moral c.ha'ra ter
a christ ' " gentleman. .n is
a iuail ncited fM his conservatism
and moral courage. He i ! a man'
well to do , having made a uccess
of his own affair \alld ( 'an safel\ '
e lru' ted with the bu in ' ; of
theconnty. Hei i not one of
I t'ho e who , i money mad and
graspiug for e\'er.vthing iu his
reach. H , .elIjQYfi' ' f ing : ! , ) hers
'I Hrosper. 'He is d1 graft r' hut
I c n1entVifI.l..wha't . . } : le. ally .t
_ . . . . . .
L -
' " ' " ' ' . . ' .
, .
- . . . - - - "
: .
.Now I. the Tlnte To Sult.criLe , , j :
'I hc evc\j'I ; ' nre growing IOllg "j (
nt1 < 1e\'ery faniib' l.lo\lld \ he pro- . , ' ,
virl tl with reading' uult'r containing - , ,
taining the current news. . . ' 1'1I ' } "
" . , . .
" ,
Hl1I'WH.IC\N is the pap r to snp- "
p1y.this requirement. It is puh.
1i h d e\'er.v 'rhur d y nd rea h- .
es very pos offi e in 'Ule' 'couu\ ' . "
an , t te as. well _ a . " t1joiJ1 JI { " .
s ates.-.the $ ? m , . . 'Nee1i : it - i : ijubo , ' . . ,
hshetl. It' furn I he "t-be cum : ! J.t
news wl.He jt i , tiaws. 'fh& ! . . I :
cou'uty hO l ( : Jfc ' llingg : . 't . . : ' I
pubHshed.ill full. 1n p litlc .it" . : A \ ,
1:1 true to lt name. It is' fear. \ \ . . '
Ip. s 'ill l1eftlit : oC' th ' 'principle . . :
of the repllbHcaH 'party. Tho5 , ,
who uave the' 'be t. bargains .td-
\'erti c throllgh itR column . ,
'frequently th ' emu' : l1f ! Je\'eral _
years sub cription" : : n' be saved ,
by taking al\vantage \ of the :
opecial prices and b rgaini , ! uf- I
fer 11 u ) ' merchant. . . . nd other . '
No fami1\ ' can afford to bl. ! without -
out it reg tdleg'i : . nf qleir political -
cal \'It wA. . , It.0'li1 \ ' Cflstg $1. 00 u'
'ear. " . : , ' : " ' \ .
. . . . . . . , ti.tJBluNn ' : .P' .
. .
: lC 'r1\ ,
I. . ' , : counectlllJ'withth.i' ) : Rl\l'un- .
I.IC. " N we ha'e secured \ ; r " r'ea. " ' , . I
souable term with SOlJ1 ' 'f th
Ileqt metropolitan [ upers. Tbe ;
fol owiflg' r _ ! Ollu of tL b r-
I . . . . . . ;
. . . '
' .
ga t us : . " ' . \ . . . '
The RIU'llIIlCA-i ! aud Globe
D mocrat , ( semi-weekly ) , $1.65.
The REPUBLICAN. and Daily. :
News , Omaha , $1 30. . . . .
'rhe REPUBLICAN nd lnte.r. . : . : ' I
Ocean , ( weekly ) . $1.5. : > . , . , , , R 'PUiH.IC.tN . : , and . . Nationar. . y. . . . . ' . ' : ,
Dally 'Revle.w , . $ .1.60 , . , : : . . . I
Th REPUBI.ICAli and Kani ! . 1l' : ' " :
City Journal. ( weekly ) , $1.20. " . . . : i
The RJ\PIJBIICAN ; and Nebrask :
Farmer , $ r.55. - : .
We dt furn : h nearly all other
I p 1per ! ) and , maga.zines : . for les ! }
than the 'Addres5
: ill or(1ers to the CUf > T It COUN'ty
I gPUBI.ICAN , Brok ,11 , ow , Neti.
- - - - - -
. - - - . -
own anc wants no more. Such '
man i just tue . kind worthy of
pnblic trust.aud would be an : fJ" .
honol to tbe county. . - \ . F
Beginning. with the is1u ! of
St"ptember'22 " , 1905 , Tht > Awed-
cari gconomist is supplying read-
erR with a gerie : : : of cbartfi hi
. supplem ut form , ill stratilg in
convenient form fact and'con - ,
l1itions attending the phenoU1ezlal
progreof ! the United St tes , - .
fr m the f undation of the GO\-
ernruent to the close of tbe fiscal :
(1)05. 'rhe information and
\ data emb 1ied in tl1es . : r.t9
. are' o'arral1gcd as'tmake them . . _ L' '
useful for future reference. 3 ,
- " - - -
'l'h I1a tings paily 'rr lHU1e'
; is the latest venture iu the newi : : "
paper 'n lJ and is a hright and -
newsy publication. Hastings
aft'ords the he t Held for a republican -
lican daily of au ) ' countu town
in the state anti the publisher ,
Adam Dreede , is the man to sup
ply th need. Indee.d , . the , great
. wonller is that the need was' not
. /-se\T / bt years a o supplied. . '
I 'rhere fihould be 110 hesit "ftC'y1 " ,
with auy repuulican \'oting for
John Ca\'enee for couutv trea ur-
er. lie is a man of u que tion.
, abl ' ahility , a man of strht ; . '
, tegrity , a flrmer a.nd stock.rais .
'er , who has born the blunt of th
: La ttle low these mauy ) 'ear ! ' : , Hi
'' up the couuty and if I
every. Wtl . ) ' 1S'v . . rthy of , 'our cod. .
' . "
'fid ij . i < ; " " \
. '
" : ' , ' "
. " " " " . ; " 'I ' : : . . : : . ' : . . : . . ' , " . : 'o"L . . - , -
Ilf" : . . . . . , : . . , ; . . . ' . . _ , l . , - - _ - - - . . . - - . - . ' ' _ . . _ - ' _ ' - , . . . - - - " - - - - , - ,
: ' 1 ' < ! ; : Grat C9titeslC 1 lig -
I . . . _ , . _ , . ' . _ . - :
. . .
TXTI } { tt , IR Ittt
- -
f\T 0 U fire one of t.lll ! objects of nttuck hy the lattel'
.1 contestant for the next few months. Be pl'epfir d ,
. . Cet that Stove in Time ! . / .
. 'I ' ' " j/
E have the uGood Old" Hot--Blpst , the : b'amous "
J . W Hetort and several different makes of Oak StoV ( S .
l1 . I Low Down ! Low Downi ! i. iLower Down Yet
J !
! I I. , , I . AI'e our pl' ces , and g'ood is the gJ'nde of our gOOdR , As-
, ! . . ' II tonislunent t111fl sntisfactiol1 is t he result with the PUI'-
: dll1SPI' . IIuI'I'Y ! come fast , H-1 : they ( \l'e going' , going' , : . il ' , '
, I .
, ! go 1g , find wi11 soon be gOlW. " '
, ,
I - ' ' '
l :
1 r i R o'c o' k W. 0 . II . . & , , , . K 0 . n k e I.
! I AT W. \Voe",1 "I.n " ' 1'ANn. ,
. I I _ _ _ _ _ . - . - .l ,
I , .
_ .
t - - -
- - -