Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 12, 1905, Image 3

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    - - -
' . .
. .
Relented Term of Reproach ,
t In Russin , It. seem' , the women .
. . .
, count. , It. a. Idnd oC disgrace not. to mnr.
ry , A ) 'oung HUBsian girl , who hnll
nomet. . a. man she cnred Cor speclnl.
Iy , wns reproached Cor her obstinacy
by her mother , 'who In n fit. oC anger
called her an "old maltl. " The girl
was so hurt. by this remnrlt that. she
r n away and entered a cloister ,
Alas for Mrs , Lo.
A Washington dispatch says : "The
Indlnn Is worldng. " Yes , poor squnw.
- - - - - -
, ' . " " . . , , -
Novel Realter's PlaInt.
1" some ono wll' write n high Burl.
It ) . novll that. . wll no read as It the
\lthor were deter'ttlnod to show how
much he Imows about. SOI'\'nnts thl'J
world would be more 111\0 n place
worth living In Ce. ' these who try to
keep pace wllh Ulernture.-J.1xchango ,
Ae of Obedience ,
The Archhlshol ) oC Canterbury re.
cently said In n 11\Ibllc address : "Tho
child who has not. learned obedlenco
at..the nge of t.wo never learns It. "
. . If Send a Poslal for---
II ,
Book of Presenls
W Protect
, " The Heallh
. , . . . of your families by insisting on
: Pure Food. , When it comes to
Baking Powder , it means a saving
I of health and money if you use the
standard article of purity and dfi-
ciency-the wonderful
\ . .J
w ' "
An absolutely pure baking powder
- , scitntifical1ycombined. 25 ounces
for 25 cents. Your grocer refunds
your money : if you are not sat-
isfied. Don't accept a substitute -
tute 1 They are impure and a menace -
ace : to health. : Ask for K C ,
, ! ' the standard of q a1ity.
- > . "
' -
: . : '
' : ( '
' - , -
" '
"hr' ; co.
. "
. . . . . , & - = n"
. . , . " - W.I I. . . . C tI E aJ T L K
: : : , .j " " , The most successful hunters shoot 'Winchester "
: : U New Rival" Factory Loaded Shotgun .
. , V Shells , blue in' color , because they can kill
' '
> f'- . . . . . . . , . . . more game with them. Try them and you
. . . '
> : will find that they are sure fire , give good
pattern and penetration and are satisfactory
. . _ . - : ; in every way. Order Factory Loaded U New
f : _ . . . ' - ! Rival" Shells. Don't accept any substitute.
1 : : : . . : ALL D E ALE R SSE L L THE M
to our handRome new building , the most complete. and mOllt modern retail
building In the west. A visit to Omaha Is not complete without 'ou spend
It portion of your time looltlng through this fine new Itttlldlng , whIch Is
completely filled with all the lutellt Ideas In Furniture , RUgH , Curpets and
. Draperies.
( .
. ' Orchard & Withelnl Carpet Co.
Non' A'I' .11.1 , .110 , 418 S , )0'1'11 S'r. , 0\1\ : _ \ ,
[ QCID ) lJ11ltW lrn lj ] [ gr@ ) w
mm rr :
J1 rk < [ F
are a deli ht to the refined woman every'
where , , In order 10 get Ihjs result se that
the malerial is good , that . it is cut in the
latest fashion aud use
[ Q@ff ) t lll1l@ @
@ ) W@1J
In the laundry. All three things are import'
ant , but the last is ausolutely necessary ,
No matter how fine the material or how
daintily made , bad starch and poor laundry
work will spoil the effect and ruin the
clothes. DEFIANCE STARCH is pure ,
will not rot the clothes nor cause them te
crack. It s lIs at 10c a sixleen ounce pack ,
age everywhere. Other slarches , much in.
ferior. 5011 at 100 for twelve ounce pack.
age. Insist on getting DEFIANCE
STARCH and be sure of results.
( g ) @ D11@ @ Ir@
I @ @mlPJ D11W
r @ ffi i ] 1 l1hJ 1 l. 1M @IIDO" l Ik a ,
" ' "
. - - '
.u 'ttrt
. ' : ;
> > FOR \VOMEN , ? ,
J ,
f their with l11a peculiar to _
I sex used AS A douche is marvelous y .uc-
Ce&sful. Thorou\hlycleanses. \ kills disease germst
.topa dischArges , heals 1nUarnrnatiOll and loc < u
aoreneu ,
J'utlue Is In powder form to be dllsohed In pure
water , and Is far more c\eanslnl \ : , healing , Eermicld.ll
&ad economical thau liquid antiseptics tor all
} < 'or Ale at drugllsts ; , ro ccntl a Lolt ,
Trial Dox and Dook 01 In.tructlons Pree.
\ tlE n. PAXTON COMI'AHr OOaTOU. M" . . . .
) I
"follow the fla "
Nome Visitors
J \ i\ [ xcursion
November 30th
To mlln ) ' points In Illinois , Indiana ,
Ohio , Kentucky , Western Pennsylvan-
III , N..w Yorl [ and " 'ellt Virginia , at
GH1 A'1'I.Y IU DUCED fiA'1'ES.-
ThE' " 'A BASIl has solid road-bed ,
rock ballast , anti new equipment. Re-
ellnlng chair cara ( SgA'I'H 1"H1-I : , )
Fur ratl's , maps uad all Inforll1atlon
call at Wabash City OUlce , 1601 J"ar-
nam St. or aJdrcss '
Jl.\ltlt\ : , lOnltl S
0 , A. p , D. , " 'uu. H , H. . Omaha , 'Neb ,
FOR FARMERS , lJuTtheehup
SCALES . .t and beet , 8tn.1 tor prlr. .
Ohlcaro Bcrol. eo" ellleaco , III
II , = I : = } Thompsen's EYI Watl'
w. N. U. Omaha. No. 40-1905
I -
Dath Attendant Says He Finds r-all. '
Ing Very Common. I
I Absent.mlnlled men have their CallIng - '
, Ing accentuated when the ) ' get to the
bathing pavilions nt the benches. I
The ) ' arc alwn's leaving their I\e's
In the bathhouse doors and then for.
getting the number. You 60 them on
the bench with their bathing suits on
wrong side out-hired suits with the
big whlle hlentificntlon tng sowed on
the shoulder. Sovernl times this sea.
Bon men have wnllted Into t.he
wearing their new straw hats , nnd It.
Is nlmost a dall ) ' occurrence for men
to Corget. to remove their nose glasses
unUl n big wa'e snvcs them the troub.
A case or absent.mlndedness sel 11
benchCul oC IJeople to laughing ) 'esto1"
da ) ' at. Brighton Deach. A , ; ood.loolt.
Ing ) 'oung JUan strolled out. oC the pay.
ilIon , down the runway to 'the sands.
lie was smoltlng n cigar nnd wen ring
n red swimmIng suit , Also hD wore
his shoes and socls-the latter held
up b ) ' the garters usualb' WOI'Iby
men. He was perfectly oblivious or
the shoes nnd soclts , lie stood smolt. !
Ing nnd watching the wnves fOI' a few
mlnut s , then tossell away his cigar !
nnd walled straight Into the water. I
He was l\Oeo deep before he discover.
cd his shocs , Then he made a breal ,
for his bathhouse , FWeen minutes he emerged. I > arefooted nnd with
n sheepish look on his face ,
"That.'s nothing for nbsJlt.mlnded ) ,
ness , " said a' bath attendant. "Wh ) ' , !
I've had to stop lots of men who start.
eel out to the water without. thlnldng
to put. on their I > athlng sults.-Drool , .
I'n Eagle.
Diminutive Bostonian's Stage Arrest
of Famous Tamagno.
After reading of the death of Tam.
:1gno : , a Harvard "grad" last. evening
related an experience he had w th the
famous tenor when a freshman.
"With some of the other I > oys In my
cInes , " he said , "I used to go to the the.
nters and act as 'supe. ' 'Ve useel to
think It. was great. sport. Well , one
night. half n dozen of us were to go on
as soldiers In 'II Trovatore. ' In which
Tomagno was singing. I waS ) told
that. at. a certain cue I was to go on
the stage , art'est. the tenor and lelld
him off to prison , I was pretty well
coached and full of seU.confidence ,
but. when I got. my cue nnd saw the
singer I almost decided to. let. him' go
on with his singing and not. undertal\O
to arrest. him. I am nothing of n Hercules -
cules and t.he burl ) ' tenor 100l\Od as
though ho could lick mo with ono
hand , However , I weut. after him , and
what. a fight hQ put up !
"I l\Oew that we were supposed to
hnve a sham st.ruggle . , but. I hadn't
expected him to t.hrash around the
wa ) ' he did. I thought. ho was going
to wlpo up the stage with me.
"Tho perspiration I > egan to pour
over my grease pnlnt. and I was
I > reathlng Ilretty hard before he 1lnal'
I- allowed hlmselr to be overcome
and led awn ) ' to jail. When we
reached the wings 'fnmngno 1001\Ctl nt
me and laughed heartll ) . , 'Well , well ,
young mlln , ' ho said , slapplnc ; mo on
t.he bac1e , ' ) 'OU licked me , didn't. ) 'ou ?
Keep on , we will malc n. fighter of
) ' 011 ) 'ct.Dos ton Record.
In memory I orten 1001 [ ,
Across the lapse or 'ears ,
' 1'0 where , stili hanging on their hoole ,
I see n1 ' rather's shears.
0. . . . those were hours ror woe unmatched
\Vhon he these blades would spread
And leave all stiff and Rtubbly patched
j\ly would-be curl ) ' head.
And when beyond the bilnl [ of } 'outh
' 1'0 Infallcy 1 Iloer , '
'TIM IJllrd-'ou will torglve the tru th-
' 1'0 checle a t Ising tear :
Fo\ " now I see a RUmler , warm
As t\"Om n toot tresh 'anled ,
And feel again the passion storm
1 felt when I was spanltcd.
And as my recldesR vision spceds ,
1 see n schoolhouao door. . .
And some ono. who , tor his mlsde.eds ,
Standll out upon the floor.
nd thon. ah me , I eo ngaln
'l'hn t t'uler , deftly planned.
' 1'0 brilltorth / hunks ami junls c f pain
l rom my grlme-Imuclcled hand.
nut worst of all those vlctures dl ear
'rhat follow childhood II wake ,
Iu that homo cOlijurecl )10tlon ) quec ,
I toole for stomachache ,
And novet' mind where memory Icnds
Or how my thousht. ! I steer ,
I secm to tnste those "punlcln seeds"
'rhe ) ' stewed tor me ( 'ach 'ear.
-Drooklyn 1lfc.
Expurg ted.
The handle of the umbrella In 'lues.
tr ! > n was t.ho head and neclt of : \ dog
l1arved In " { oed , and t.he bab ) ' b"long
lug to the woman In the next. . scat
ON'lS trying to bite t.he dog's hea Iocr.
"Pardon me , madam , " said t.hEpro. .
fossor , leaning forward , "I > ut de. ) 'ou
kl ow why the dog talies' that. treat. . .
I ment. so quieti ) ' ? "
"No. sir , I do not. "
"Decause , madam , when tll\ dog
was made the bark was talten off. '
She stared at. him In Indlgnall sur.
pl'isc , but the professor. serene In the
I knowledge that. ho 'and shed some
mlre useful Information , continued to
b'am genlall- t.he bal > y and hi puft
at. his unlighted clgar-Chlcago TrllJ.
Fatal Equality.
'rhe drawbaclts to 80elal Cqu1111ty
come out. In domestic service. if they
appear at all ,
A. correspondent. reports tbls can.
versatlon bet.ween . an American lad ) '
IIV.lg ! In Manila and one of her .1.111.
pin a servants.
" ! lamar , " said she , "wby Is It. that. .
) 'OU worled so well for t.he Spallia ' .1'1 . ,
Ilnr ! did it. for so little ? They treD t.1'11
) 'OU very badly , and I treat. ) 'oU well.
They pllid you only t.wo poser a
: mUlth , and you ask twent.y.tlve . of me.
I don't. understand It. . .
" h. senora , " said Ramar , "the
I Spaniards wera our superiors. You
. : AmerlcanB are OUI' qullisWcekl ) '
, , I Scotsman.
Dlcycle Thief Is Impaled.
A Paris blc'clo thlt1C who hntl stolen
. . blt''clo belongln ( ; to 1M , Marcel
I1runartl , was hUlmlcd on n 1lI0chnllial
polgnnrd which I the oWller hod con.
t1alot1 In the soddle oC the ll1 chlne
Cor sitch emorgcncles ,
Mnldng Interested Suggestion.
When a girl begins to lIorRunde n
) 'oltng tJlall thnt ho oltght. to econo.
mlzo she Itsually menlls that. ho shoulll
stop sllcndlng uloncy for cl l\rs nnd
Stl.VO up to buy a diamond ring.
Insist on Getting It.
Some ' ' the ' (1n't.
groceI'll sn ) ( keell
Dcfinncc Slarch , 'l'hl I bUl'auRe the ) '
hnve n slocle on hanll'of other brnttltfl
rontnlllllljt enl ) ' 1 : : 01. , III a Jlndcnlte.
whll'h lhey won't be ahle tu Aell f1rRt ,
becnuse Defianeo conlailis 16 01. , Cor
the HII1110 motH' ) ' .
Do 'ou wnnl 16 07. . InAtenll or 12 oz.
for I'lIl11e 11I0IH ) ' ? 'l'hen hu ' De1luncc
Slnt'ch , HClUlrclI ( tit > l'unlllng.
1'al th , hope ntHl chllrlt1 Cherish
the Ilnt. , Ilrcach the seconll ntHl bo
silent. as to the Inst.
I.owls' ClSlnJrle lllllller" ktrl\lght lill cll"l\r ,
Prlco to dl'alers mlopel' ( ( 111. 'I'he ) ' cost
sOUJo moro tlmn othct. t't'l\I\l ( ! ! , lmt 110 more
thana r,00l1 fie cI at. should cost. Lowls'
'actor ) ' , Peol'la , Ill.
Ie all donl\O's hall long enrs It.
.would be necosslu'y to change t.ho
st'le of I1ltlScullno h adgenl' .
FAHlIS : Fen 1mN'l' on SAII ON cnop
puyments. J. MULIlAI.l. , I:510ux : City , Iu.
mches tal\O wings , but. thcy are
seldom homing pigeons ,
Ask Your Dealer for Allan's Foot.Ease
A pO\vder , It resh the teot , Curcs Swollen ,
Sore Hot , Callous. Ael1lng Swoatla l"fl't
o.ud UFrowlnlf Nalls. Atah Druggl&t .1\111l
Shoe 2 cents. Accept no substitute.
Sample ma led l"UEli : . Address , Alleu S.
Olmste , LeRoy , N. Y.
A sugar-conted compliment. Is often
hard to swallow ,
PIso'n Cure canaot 110 too 1IIs11ly spelern of as
n couCh curc-J , W. O'lIIUGN. 3 ' 2 ' 1'hlrl1 Avo.
N. , Mlnneupolls , Mlnu. , JUII. 6 , 1000.
When n mnn Is hot..headed he Is
111toly to get wlulled nil over ,
Jllr . " 11I I"w' " "thtIlJt fiTI'II I ) .
For ehlhtren teethJn , 80rtens the ItIllUI , reducea IDo
nrommaUon , ana'sl.lo , cures wInd coUll. 2508 tUc\ '
Men are ever foranltlns .
when she Is nbout. to smllo.
All Up-to-Date Housekeepers
use Defiance Cold 'Vater Starch , be.
cnuse it Is bellm' , nndI oz , more of it
for same mone ' .
' .rho real Nemesis cans Itself by the
"Wllllt.-I.l\l1ght.-I1ave-Dono. "
name of - - - .
Why It Is the Best
III because mnde b ' nn entirely differ-
ent. } 1roc-ess. Dcflance Stnrch Is un-
111m 'nny other , better und one-third
more Cor 10 cenls
Don't. be ashamed If ) 'ou are poor
Povel'ty Js no disgrace. . . . . .
Defiance Starcll
IIhould be In ever ' hOUiCh 1l1 , none 110
good , besldclI 4 oz. more for 10 cents
than nny olher b\'IUl of col water
stnrch ,
Don't. bo selfish. Don't. I1vo for your.
self alone ,
Interesting to Students.
The schools and colleges are now
open tor the fall term. and there will
bo man ) ' selfrellant youns men and
women who w1l1 bo loollng for a good
way to earn t.helr expcnses. The Four.
Track News. the great. illustrated
monthly magazlno of travel nnd edu.
cation , appeals to Intcllltcnt. readers ,
and students w1l1 find It easy to secure -
cure subscriptions for it , The terms
t.o persons soliciting subscriptions are
extremely IIbm'al , and offer n very gen.
erous margin of profit. . . It. w1l1 PIlY
anyone Interested to write to the pul > .
Usher , George II. DnnlelB , 7 East. 42d
.treet. New Yorlt , for full particulars. I
No man knows enough to entitle
him t.o conceit. .
When offercd something else
instead of
Kemp's Balsam
stop and consi er : "Am I sure
to get something as good as t.his
best cough cure ?
If not sure. what oed reason
is there for for taking chances in n
matter that may have n dircct
bearing on my own or my family's
health ? "
Sold by all dealers at 25C. and SOC.
. . .
. " . .
" , ,
Vellow Emblem of MIf1fortun. .
Among the anclonls ) ' ( 'lIow WM the I
emblem of r.lor ) ' nnd forhmo , hilt. now
It. hns bel'n grnlll1alb' chnng d to slnnt ! I
Cor IlIfitlollty nnll mlsCortune : thus , III
the Mldilio Ages , Ihe cloors oC trl\llors
w < ; < Jro smeared with the ) 'ollB oC egss ,
Coin of thn Gnuls ,
A ourlouR colll uscll hy the Oallls ,
I\bolll 1,000 ) 'onrs ngoVaR 8hapell1l1\O
n horseshoe or the capital letter U ,
ant ! wns ahout. n I1Ual'll'r oC nil Inch
thlclt anll t.wo IncheB acrOBS.
All wothen worle : BOmO in their
homes , BOUlO in chllrch.111ll1 sorno In
the whirl of society , And In stores ,
mills and shops t.ens of thollsnlllls 111'0
on the nover-censlug lrell. tnlll , oll.rnlng
t1 elr dll.U . ' bread.
All nre subject to the Bll.mO physicnl
lnws : nn Butrer n1llm from the SILml'
physlcnl cllstur\mnco , und the nature of
their duties , in many cases , quielc1j'
drifts t.hem Int.o trlU hOl'rora of ull
Idnds of female complaints , ovnrlnn
troubles , uleerntlon , fa11lng and dls.
placements of t.he womb , leucorrhron ,
or perhnps irregtlnrlty ! or suppression
of . , monthly porlo s , " ctLtlslng 4ack-
nche , ncrvousness , Irritn.blllty an
lassitude ,
Women \vho stancl on thclr feet nil
day nre more HUHccptlblc to thello
troubles than others.
They cspeclll.lly requlro an Invlgorat.
lng , sustaining melllelue which will
strengthen the female organlstn nnd
enlLble t.hem to bcnr cnsl1y t.he flLtigUCS
of the dny , to sleep well at llght , and
to rlso refreshed nnd checrful ,
IIow dlstrcssing to 6ee \voman
IItruggllng to earn livelihood or pcr-
form her housohohl duties when her
Iltlclc nJ1l1 head m'o aching , she Is so
tirell she ctm hardly llrag lL out or
stnnd up , ul1tl evel'y lIlovoltlen t eanses
pain , the origin of which Is duo to
1 > 0l11e dernngOlllout of t.he [ emulu 01' .
gnnstr. ! .
l\Iil > s F. OrsoroC 14 Warren ton St.reet ,
Lvdla E. ( tinkham's V < : letl1ble Compound Succds ( : : Where Others FaUJ
Until Mull"s Tonic Was Brought
to America. . the Following
Wa.s Incurable.
DO 000 11001110 clio yearly from the results
or doustillation IInll Stomach 'l'roubles IInd
their attending ilia. Nine In every ton
Imvo It. Many 11ou't Imow It , amI a good
many who 110 Imow it neglect It uutll It
Is too lato. SOUIO got so ball they think !
it III \ ' amI then they resort to tltfJ !
IIh'slc or pili mhlt , where the real trouble
begins. You IInd I IUlow that 1 > lIIs 11IId
Physic maleo us worse , wo ho omo u shlvo
to them , and finally they lese thoh' power
ancI Ilaral'sis or the Intestines occurs , and
then slow death.
NolY Constlpotlon end 6tomooh Trouble
ere Just liS ouroble Oil IIny other dlsoosol
wo have proved tl11s fully hy ourlna ever
10,000 the lost two yoors. Many of th090
were the most chronlo. sorlous. oompll-
coted klneJ In whloh all other romeeJles Dnd
eJectors hod foiled Dnd hOIlO dlspolroeJ of ,
but aur treotmont cured them qulokly onu
to otay curoeJ.
1.11' , 'l'holl11180n , of Peoria , who had suf-
tered all his ! lte and had given tll ) hOllO ,
was cured by 24 bottles , Dr. DUI , of : : ; t ,
Louis , whoso health had been bl'Oken
down , claims that several bottles cured
him , that it Is n splendlcl medlclno for
Stomach and llo\ols , and the best on01'lt1
tonic he ever naw , Dr. lIedrle1cL of Kansas
City , who had constipation so uadly that
he vergcd upon nervous collapse , says to
his creat. surprise utter tr'lnlf evorythlng
else wus cured by Mull's Grape 'l'onle , hu
suys It Is the best thing tor Stomuch und
llowels anll kindred Ills , that has como to
his attontlon In his protesIlonal ! : cut'eer.
Mrs , Alcoba , oC Chlcllgo , who was a cou-
th'med Invalid tor years , aCtor taltlng a
thol'Ou h course or Mull's Grape 'l'onlo
says she was o.blo . to leave her b < : l1 uCter
the third bottle , and Is now enjoying good
health. She bad tried evorythlng that
CIUUO to her lIotice. Mr. Crow , or St.
Louis , had l1yspopsla , liver and bowel trou.
blo tor ! I , yeurs , which ho contraeted dur-
lug thu Civil War. 110 said he novel' coulll
Itet. anything that o\'on afforl1ed him rellof ,
but that. a short treatment or Mull's GI'apo
'l'onlo completely cured him. 110 I'ccom'
mended it. to old sol lors so lIIany of whom
sutlor with thu same complaint , Mr.
McCurdy , of 'J'roy , Ohio , was one of the
greatest sutTo\'ors that ever came to our
attontlon. ' 1'hero apparently wasn't an
organ oC his body Crco ftOOIll dlse3so : I.lvnr
'l'roublo , Stowaeh IIIHI Hll1noj : 'l'roublo ,
terrlblo piles that lcopt him In aeouy ,
" ,
. , o H _ , " . _ _ _ ,
- -
Gentle Japan.
In Jl\pnn 1\11 nnhnnls I'Iccm ' to be
Inmo nnll npproat'h man without Coaf !
the bOls don't. IIUng , the 6nn1tOl ! preserve -
serve their venom , the dogs blto not.
It. loolts ns H the spirit or klndnes8
anll tolerntlon which cllRlIIlgulsho9 the
mco hns been extClHlell ta lhe brute ,
crcnt.lon-North Chinn llernltt.
Pnys for Mlxlnu Drews. .
Per sellin ! ; heer llrow t1 In Amstot\
dam ns Munich beer , n Ijonllon saloon-
keelJer was finell $60 and costs.
Their Hard Struggle Made Easier-Interesting Statements , \
ments by a Young Lady in Boston ,
and One in Nashville. Tenn. $ II ' , t
; i
' \
" '
, - ,
Olton , toUsVom n how to Il.vold suoll
sllftering ; aha :
Dear Mrs. Plnkllllm- :
"I 8ufoloOiI 111180ry for snvcral YOlrsTitb
Irrogullll" lIIonstrulltiou. My bael ( ncIHJl ; I
h\l hearing clown pains , ami frequent hORtI. . .
n.ches ; I coulit not slOl'p nml coulll Imrclly
IIrt\'t I\rOUlIl ! . I conRulle(1 ( tJvo physlclon.
without rtJllor , nnll M 1Inqt rMort , I trll'd.
Iyl1ft\ .l'lnkhtLut'HVegotllblo COl11poltlHIl\nd
to my slIrllrl.c , oVlry I\elle mltl p\lnlQtt : me
I gl\lnoli wnpounllu\ud , tlmln put'loct. hllalt.h , "
Miss Penrl Aclcers of 327 North Sum-
mol' 8treot , Nashville , 'l'enn. , writ.ell :
Dear Mrs. Plnkham- :
II I slIl1'oroll with pulnful perlols , 'OTO
blLckacho , bearlng.down pains , pnlns acrosl
the nhllomlJll ; WIlS very norvotlJ nnd Irrlta.
ble nud iny h-oll lo row' worse every month.
, / My pl ylchm ; Cl\l1O\l to hole mo Bud I
lIocillOlI to try IJyd11l. , 1'11Ikht\1I1 8 Vegotnblo
C0Il1110UlIl1. I BOOIl COll11l1 It WI\JI doing me . .
Ifood. All 111) ' J1allls ullcl ache , dlsappcared ,
nllll I loncr Coor , II
no : ; my mouthly perlodl
Lydln. E. plnlchnm's Vogotnble Com-
potlnilis the unfailing cnre for all t.hese
troubles , It strengthens the proper
muscles , nnd dlsplacoment with 0.11 Ita
hOl'l'ors will no moro erllsh j'OIl.
Btlc1mehu , dizziness , fainting , belLI'-
Ing down } mlnH , dlsordorec1 . ,
moodiness. dlslllce of friends and soclet.y
-all symptoms or the ono clLllso-w1l1
bu qulclcly cllJ1cllet1 ! , nu it will malco
yon Htrong alHl well.
Yon call t.oll t.ho stor.v of your au ! .
fering'1I t.o IL wonmn , an rcceive holp.
fnlllclvico frco of cost , Addrcss Mrs.
l'inlclltLl11 , L'UIl , , Mass. I
Dowels wOlllllnot act tor days , heart 1l.0tlOD .
b\ll : , emaclated'r ' run down unll complotelr
dlscouragod , 1 0 resorted to every Imowll
melius , doctors , romedles , baths , eto. , nll
no aVt\Il. lIe says : "Sooullftor 1 start
Mull's Grape 'l'onle my bowels bcgau to 0.0 .
rOllIll1rly , the pain leCt mo , nnd my goner
health built tll ) rapidly , 1 heartily recom.
mcnc1lt all IIn ubsolute cure to which I am
a living wltuoss. "
'l'hcllo are only a tow of the very worst.
cases or the thousan s cured by Mull's
Wo can euro you , no matter how bed oft
oneJ to provo It wo will Bend you wlthal" _
oost a Hottlo of Mull's Grope Tonlo end In-
otruotl0l19 how to use It. The dlgeBtive
orgons ere trnl1l.oly suhloot to the curo.
tlV ! ) power of Mull'o Grope Tonic.
There Is no 80hol > > 0 ahout thl8. but It
fair , squoro cholloe for you to teBt this
grond treotmont for yourself , In your own
homo without cost. ,
If you hnve Rhoumatlsm , St.omacb . ,
llowol , Kldnoy , Lunlf aud Heart ' 1'roubl ,
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rhootl , loss of slooll aUll stloongth , run down ,
Piles , appcnrilclt ilstula , bad blood , dlz : .
zlnoss , bad comp eden , oto" remember
they are the result of Constipation and
Mull's Grape Tonic will cure YOII , It Is
sl'leudhl 'l'onlo just us Dr. Dill st.ates ,
Everybody shollld use It. 'l'yphold fever
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need such 'ronlc , begin to-day ,
Don't wal& but send now tor this fre I
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dron and nursing mothers.
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Glv Full Addrtll an.d Wrl'ta / n1v ,
'l'ho ' 1.00 boUlo contains nearly thrco
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'I'ho enulno has a datu and number
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I woo't 8011 Aall.r. rh.I" " to a d8 18r who won't OUArante.
H. Call tor ) 'ollr unNCY n.\.UK Ii' 1'1' ) ) ON'T CUJtI' : .
Sl. W. Diemcr , M. D. , ManufaoturerSprlllUjleld , Mo.
Clor mar , , ol/da / brighter Ind 'uler ' corora thin an , , Iher " One tO Plcklge colon III IIbon. The , dre In cold waler bell r thin other dre. You
ell" cln d"
j aD , IIrmant .lIhout rlpplna aparL Wril , lorree ! lIolkl.t-1 . .1 , D , . . HINCh and Nut ela , . . MONROIE DRUG CO. . UnlonWllo. InJ MI. . " . " , " .
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