Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 05, 1905, Image 6

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" - , . , . . < " '
New Trcaty Forms An Effectlvc Safe.
guard Against Renewal of Disturbances -
ances- That Was the Object In En.
t rlng Into Alliance.
J.ONDON-'ho ) I'xt of the now
1Ereoment h'two11 Gr'at Brltnlll allil
Ja"an , whlc h was signed h ) ' Lonl
LaIHHlowlIH. the Brll/sh / fOl'olgn Rocro.
: ar3' , allli Baroll lIa3'IIHhl , the .TIIIHIIIOSO
IlIlnlslol' 10 Gr'nt Britain , on AII lIst.
12 , waH Isslll'll h ) ' the Forolgn 01110
late 'flleslla3' o\'enlng , 'I'ho nlOn1l'nlolls
doclIlI1ent Is a hrl'f one , ( , OIl1II1'slnJ ! ;
less than 800 words , Inclllllln eight
, \cllrl08 nnll a prl\lI1hle , Accol1lpan-
Ing the ngl'ool1ll'nt 18 a loUer frol1l
Llml J.anadowno to the Brll/sh / amhas-
(1allors at St. l'l'll'shurg anll ParIs for
t I'I\lIsll1lsalon 10 Iho HlIsslan and
I"ronch ! { overlllncnts rospol'llvely , In
which the forolgn socrolnry courteously -
teously rovlows lho agreel1lent and
( arefuI1Y J ) ( > lnts out that the now do-
fonslvo alIIanco Is lIot Intended as n
menace , hut ralhor as n guaranto ) of
nnd IlroSJlOrlty In Iho fal' east , In whIch
ul1 conntrlos may IlI\rl/cllI1to. / )
I 'fho main fentures of the now ngroe-
I mellt have nlrelfly heen forecnstod III
the Assoclnted Press 11IsJlatchos from
1ondon atlll PIII'IS. ' ) 'ho ) lllhy nrtlclos
r the omclal text , however , hrln/ / ; out
forcoful1y the tremcndous II1IJlol'tanco
of hoth countries or this nlllnnco , which
Tlractlcal1y mnl\Cs Great Britain .Ta)1I\n )
11I\(1 \ ( JnJlan Oreat Britain for the pur-
) Ioses of defenses "In the regions of
east Asia anll India. " ' ) 'hls Incluslvo i
of IndIa spoclfically as a poInt at. . .
which any aggrosslon hy u foreign.
power will call for the assistance of i
.Tamn ) finds milch favor with the press
of Leaden , the morning 11I\lorS ) In long
laIHlatory artlclos welcoming uio now
uncI moro extenslvo al1lanco of the
two Inslliar Idnldoms west and east as
giving Immedlato rellof from the dan-
gerolls thunder cloud which so many
years has hung over the Indian tron-
Baron Hayashi , who was Intervlewod
hy the Associated Press after the publication -
lication of the agreement , said :
' } 'ho now treaty forms an offoctlvo
safeguard ngalnst the renewal of dls-
turhances In the far oust. That Is Its .
ohject. Wo cannot say that n permanent -
nent peace has heen socurod-that Is
too milch to ho slIre of-hilt wo can
uvor that tranquility has heon aRsltI'ed
for a long time to come , ' ) 'hls applies
llot only to Great BrItain and Jal1u ) ,
hilt also to all powers In that part of
the world : In fnct , to all who have
heen Interested In maintaining the
stalus quo.
Large Section ofButte , , Montana ,
Swept Away. I
llUTE , iIONT-Flre , enllslng a loss
estlmatell at ahout $1,000,000 , SlInday
con811mmell the entire hllslness pOl'-
tlon of Dlltto b'lng hetween the Scho-
dalll hloclt and Honshaw alloy , on the
sOllth sldo of WeRt Parlt street , and
destroyed ono.half of ImhUallbrnry.
1ES ; 1\lOlNES , la-WIth his tomilio
crushed In from n heav3' hlow from
some blunt Instrllmont , the ho y of
l"ranlt Callahan of Peosta , who has
been missIng for some time , was found
hI the Dos 1\Iolnes rlvor eight miles
south of this cIty. The hody was l en-
Ufiell hy Ilnperb fOllnd In the pocltcts ,
'fho poclcots had heen cut open and
his watch nnd money wtJro missIng.
The discovery followln/ / ; closely upon
the mystery attendIng the death of
George R. Griswold , the InHlIranco , man
whoso bo ' was tound In the rlvor re-
conUy , has crented n sensation here ,
, .
Methods of Western Life Company
, to Be Looked Into.
CIIICAGO , Ill. - Attorney Genernl
William H. Stedman , wh repl'esents
the Ileopio of IllInois , hall orderell an
Invontlgatlon Into the nITnlrs of the
'Vestel'll Lifo In emnIty company , and
lnlly Insist on quo warl'1nto proceed ,
'Ings to detormlno whether the com ,
lJl\uy has heen pUl'sulng wrong busl ,
ness motho s.
i Awaits Consul's Report.
Loishmann Is awaiting the result 01
- Consul Gonerul Dlcldnson's Inquiry
, Into the naturalization of Vartnnlan
nnll Afllrlnn hoforo taldng turtho !
stQPs. In the course of his oxamlna. .
Uon Yartanlan admitted to 1\11' . Dicit.
Iuson that ho had been dlspatche
uy the rovolutlonary ommlttoo te
IUurdor Apllt Undjluu , a 111'Qmlnont AI'
monlnn , who was shot and 1 < 111011 Au
gll8t G In the Gnlata quartoI' of thlE
elty , atHl added that Afarll1l1 was hiE
Nebraska Man Holde the Place.
INUlANAPOlIS-At , Frhln3' morn .
h 's sessIon of the National Hura.
. Letter Can'lers' assocll1t1on n m tlol
to have President Cllnnlnlham of Neb
ras\tn \ , retaIn his oUlco for ono 3'el11
longer WIlS carried b ) ' u largo majorIty
As result It Is Ilosslbio that oholll
ten states that are unfrlemUy to Ut (
project will out of th\ association am' '
start a rival organIzation. It Is relatel' '
. : tllllt a commltteo 0lread3' has been ap
volnted by Cunningham's ollponent !
to draw UII n constitution tor the lIra
- -
Prepared for Rate Regulation In Can.
Dress ,
WASIIINO'I'ON-Allhough Presl.
( Ienl Hoosovelt has decIded not to
cl1ll IIn exlra sosslon of congremJ for
the onarlmcnt of I'I1l1road rate legis.
latlon , this Is hy no means an Indication -
tion lhat ho has IIlInnllonell his Inton-
tlon to enlloavor 10 SCCUI'O such loglsla-
tlon. i
QUllo to the cOlIll'llr ) ' , ho wlllllilhero
to his delerlllination to hrlnallout /
so III 0 Icglsll1t1on which will sll'cluthen
lho lIOWl'rS of the Inlerntato commerce
l'ommlsslon In the regulation of tIlles.
WIlh lhlB unll In vlow ho has decided
to devolo lho groaler Imrt of the next .
lIIossngo to congrOf\S to this subject ,
IInll If action 11:1 : dl'lu3'ec1 ho will enll
In n series of apoclal messages Ul'glng
lhe ImpOl'lullr ( ' of IlohlsOlllothhl / / ; .
] \1' [ . Hoosovelt will I'elurn to Wash.
Inglon SOJltell1her ao , 110 has Invltod
a numhor of Renators and representa. I
tIves to co III 0 hol'o I\I\I \ ( confer with
him on thl" sUhject. HOIJ\'esOIltatlvo \
Townsend of l\lIchlgnn , ono oC the au.
thors of the I sch.'fownsond 1'I\to regu.
latlon ; hill , wIll 110 In WashIngton
October 1 , hy InvIlat.ldn of the ) lresl.
donl , for the )1111')1080 ) ) of Illscussin/ / ;
the recommenllatlons Mr. Hoosevelt
will maleo on this question.
'rho Ilresidont will follow his usual
cURtom oC listening to the suggestions -
tions of these ho wIll call here to talle
over thlB Important qucstlon , alld after
hu hus 1Illlllu 1111 hIs mind what ShOUld
bo done , ho will emholy ( his recom-
mondatlons In hIs message. ,
In doclarlng to refrain from calling
an extra Resslon or congress for the I
sleclfie ) Inll'lOSo ) of enactln/ / ; railroad
! 'ILlo ICllslatlon , some of the loading
politicians are convinced thnt the
) Iresldont has thrown uwny his trump
cal'll. If an exlra sosslon had been
called the eyes oC the countl.y woulel
bQ focussed on' this question , und congress -
gress would have llOen more lIItClY to
do something than at a regular . ses ,
slon. By waiting for the regular session -
sion , these memhors of the senalo who
1\1'0 friendly to the railroads will ho
enabled to engage In "log roiling" and
sIdetrack the railroad rate bill.
Alroad ) ' thero' are IndIcations that
the railroad companIes 11roposo to
maim a strong fight against onlarglng
the powers of the Interstate commerce
commissIon. Since the ac1journment ot
the last congress tho. railroads 1mvo
malntalnell Itterar ) ' hureaus and
through thel11 have currIed 011 a "cam-
paign of olucatlon. ( " They have made
consldel'l1blo ) II'OlreSS from their stand.
) Iolnt. IIow well they have succoo ed
Is shown when It Is stated that the
) Iresldont himself Is now In douht as I
to exactl ) ' what form the legislation
should tl1lm hy culling hIs llarty asso.
clates Into confOl'ence.
. .
SEOUlr-Prlnco YI , the omperor's
cousin , acte(1 as host at an open all'
garden' ) lI\rty given at the old East
p ) uco In honor of 1\IIss Allco Hoose-
velt. All of the omclals of no to of
Korea were present. The wooded
paths l\Iul colored pwlllons : wore decorated -
orated wIth Amorlcan and Korean
lIa s. Prlnco YI toasted Presldont
Roosevelt and 1\lInlster 1\lorgan toast-
ell the emIOI'er of Korea.
Later Miss Hoosovolt wo present
Ilt n athorlng under the ausilicos of
the Korean Chrlstlun Women's mIs-
slotls and was gIven a Koreau Dlblo
and Il1'ayor hoolc. From the ehallol
the assemhlago Ilroceoded to n garden
Imrty given In honor of Miss Roosevelt -
volt and her party hy Amorlcan missionarIes -
sionarIes In KOI'ean distrIcts. AU denominations -
nominations WOl'O present , being In
attomlanco at the nnnual conference
at Seoul.
PIlILADEIPHIA , Pa.-Tho sover-
olgn grand lad go of 01111 Follows do-
clded , uy a vote of 1-15 to 138 , to maleo
no chatJlo In the funeral sorvlco , The
prollosed amenlhnent to oxclllllo aU
porsolls who are on gaged In the liquor
uuslnoss wns tabled.
The constitution was changed so
that In case of deaUI of any omcor ,
the sovereIgn grnnd ledge shnll ha vo
llowor to fill the n ancy for the rest
of the term , It was also amemlod so
that the gmnd Ifoverelgn , In hIs supervisIon -
visIon 0 _ the ol'der , can decldo snch
questions as muy ho Pllt uoforo hIm
uy the grand lodgo.
Paname Desires Immigrants. .
PANAMA-It Is roportell that Presl.
, llent An1l1110r and the canal commls.
slon are emloavorlng to attract Span.
I Ish hnmlgrnnts from the famlno
strlclten 11lstrlcts of Gallca , Many are
cons\clored \ to uo the best worlmen In
Bryan Salls for the Orient.
SAN I"HANCISCO , Cal.-Among the
llUssengors on the IInor Manchurll1 ,
which sallod today for ChIna an
3amn ) , "Ia lIonolulll , were \V. J. Dr'au
a&d falull ) ' .
Will Not Build to Coast.
MlIWAUImg , Wls-Hoswell MUl.
er , chairman of the hoard of directors
of the Chicago , 1\l\1wanl\Oo \ & St. Paul
railroad , emlhatlcaIl3' ) Illmies thut the I
. Illrectors will take action authorizing
the oxtonslon of tholr lInes to the Pa.
clllc , Coast.
Odd Fellows Chose Toronto.
PlIlJADI IPIIIA - The soverolgn
! grand ledge of Odd l"ollo vs aolectell
Tpronto , Cnnada. as the next lllaco of ,
In Retoponse to an Address the Envoy
Says He Succeeded Decause of
Amerlc 1n Sympathy and That He
Was True to the Emperor.
1- ,
ST. PWl'lmSBUnO-l\1. Wltto aI'-
rlvoll here 'l'hursrlay and was al'corded
a very hellrty rocclltlon hy a largo
crowd of oll1clals und other ! ! . In n
brIef speech relllYJlg ! to a welcoming
address 1\1. Wltto Rhowed clearly that
ho was Ileopb' tOllched h ) ' the welcome
with whit'h ho was rel'elvcl1. .
When ho loft St , PelOl'shllr/ / .1111y
a smull delegation of officials accom-
panlod him to Iho rallrond station to
hId him fnrowoll. There was no public -
lic demonltrutlon whatever , Today
there wpre Roven or eight tlmos as
many omclals des ) > lto the "ery enrly
hOllr of the traIn's arrival and an en-
thllslastlc crowd of IiOO to GOO people
wus present. Among the ofllclals
) Iresont were Baron Noldeenel'll / Rec-
rotary of the congreRs of ministers :
Oeneral Dnrnova , adjlltant to the mln-
Istor of the anlerlor : 1\1. Wyshno- .
gmdsl < ) ' , formerly finance minister and I
now 11Ireclor of the Inlernatlonal Com-
mercl111 IJIlnl < : 1\1. Kohelto , prlv3cOlin -
cilloI' and chairman of the press reform -
form commlRlon ! , allll many other
prominent olllclnlR who hall heen 1\1.
WItte's former colleaglles or subordl-
nnles. ' ) 'he cl'Owd had collected near
where 1\1 ( Wlllo wOllld descend from
the traIn and when ho Ilppearell they
brolco Ollt Into long and loud cleers ,
to which 1\1. Wltto _ hewed aclmow-
lOdgement. 'fho Sllol < osmnn then advanced -
vanced and read tIle alldross of welcome -
come , all the mean whllo standing i
' 1'ho address rend :
"You have accompllshod : rour difficult -
cult task and the nation Is grateful
to ) 'ou. YOII have gIven the credit for
3'our success to Emperor Nicholas ,
Presldont Roosevelt , Emperor William
anll to the press. You have forgotten
only yourself. 'Vo , however , fully ap-
preclato your service to your country.
The tree you planted at the Washington -
ton homestead at Mount Vernon will
servo as a tel < cn of the unIon hetwoen
the two nations , You have done much.
For ourselves and for these who arq
absent wo wl1\ \ once moro shout a
henrty hurrah. "
When the cheer had IlIed away M.
Wltto. who seemed deeply moved hy
the sIncerity of the welcome ad\mced
a few stells and delivered his reply.
Ho said :
"I was so IIttlo ) Irepared for this
kind or roceltlon ) that I must aslt your
pardon for my words , I have pOl'-
formed my duty well , hecauso I have
strictly ohoyed his majest3"s Instructions -
tions , uecause elrcumstances favored
me , uecauso 'the world Is weary of
this hloody war , becallso all classes of
Amerlcnn Roclety from President
Hoosevelt down were In sympathy
wIth mo and your CIlUSO , and uecallso
I was trllo to my country and you and
your Interests. "
'Lecturer at Harvard Dies.
WEST OSSIPPE , N , H.-Dr. Ja . R ,
Chndwlck , or Doston , was found dead
SIInda3' just olltslclo his summer resl.
dence at Chocorua , N. II" several
miles from here , hy ono of hIs 8er-
"auts. It Is SUPllosed' that he fell
from the Illazza roof of hIs cottage
durIng the nIght. It Is thought that
Dr. Chadwlct ) hecamo 111 anll lost his
balance whllo malting his war across
the roof to outaln all' ,
WASlIlNGTON-The worlt of civil.
Ian Ilh3'slclans In exam In/ / ; recruits of
the al'lny has proved so unsatlsfaclory
that tllch' services will ho entlrelr Ills. ,
Ilenscll wIth In that capaclt3' after Sep-
temlter 30 nexl. 'fhls decision Is contained -
tained In general ol'llel's Isslled at the
war department todIl3' . The fees to
civilian physicians for this worlt hns
nveraled $ GOOOO annunll3' , Com-
IIlalnts from urm3' olllecl's of the had
phrsical conditIon of recruIts have
been Increash111111 / the govcrnment
hl1s heen Jlllt to great eXICnse in
equipment and transllortntlon for men
enterIng the 8ervlro who have to he
condomnoll and 11ischarged hefore tllc3'
llI1vo rendered nny servlco uecau\o \ of
glaring IIh3'slcal defects.
Englneertt Sail for Panama.
NI W YORK-'fho honl'll of consultIng -
Ing englnoers and several memhers of
the Panama Canal commission sallell
on ' 1'hurlldar for Colon on the steamship -
ship lIavnna , Tholl' purIOSO ) IR to Inspect -
spoct the work Iready done on the
canal and also Its proposed route , In
order to reJlort to the commIssion the
llOst Itlnd of canal to build. In Iho
Imrty were Theodore P. Shonts. halr-
man of the 1'0mmlsRlon ; R < 'ur All-
mlrnl 1\1. ' 1' , Endicott , Colonel I rnst
nt1l1 D.1. . Harrodd , al1 of the canal
Car Line Hearing Is Set.
WASlIlNGTON - Hearing In the
llrlyato car IIno Inqulrr Instlluted hy
the Interstate Commerce commissIon
will hegln In this clt3' on October 1 S
nUl1 llrohahly will continuo for 11101'0
tban 1\ \\001 , . The cases are Illrected
among ethers , agaInst the St. Louis ,
Iron Mountain & Soutbern , Knnsas
Cltr Southern , Atchison , Topelcn &
Santn } "o , Southern Paclfie anll HI. .
Louis & San Francisco raHwa's , tll
Armour Car Llne8 , Amorlcan Hefrlg.
Qrntnr J1IRUlltch ,
Cuban Minister Receives Some D taJl
of the Affair.
W ASIIINOTON-Senor Qnel'lnda , the ,
Cuban mInIster , recolvell the followlnl ;
11I8)1ta'h ) from Secrolary of Sll1to '
O'1'arrlll , gIving an omcllli vel'slon of 'I
the trouhlo nt Clenfuegos ,
'roday , wvlle the chlof of ) llIec was
carryln/ / ; ont an order of the court to
examlno the premises of lho Hotel 10.
SUIRIl , at ClenfuegoR , where gnrlquo
Vl11uellllas a nwmher of l'OngroRs , wns
stopplnVllluendas / fil'ed on the
rhlef of llOlIl'e , who dlell shorth' afterward -
ward , Immediately In the same place
the 1I01lco answered the aggression , I
holng attacl\Cd at the same tlmo hy
those who nccomlI\nlod ) VlllneHllalJ , i
'rho latter and another Il1IlIvlllual 11Ied
anll two wounded pNsons were arret. !
ed. 'fhroe pollccmen were seriously
woundel1. ' ) 'ho rural glllll'l ! proccedell
to mal < o an examination' of the ) Irem.
Ises and to help the police , ' finding
ammunition nnll drnamlto homhs In the
hotel where Vllluendas lives. ' ) 'ho
rural guard Is doing servlco In the
town anll order Is ful1y established ,
The government has mallo measures
so that the elections' to ho held tomor.
row will talto pace ) wllh strict logal-
Ily throughout the republic.
WASHINGTON-Tho department of
stale ha's roceh'ed a note from the
French charge d'affaires InvIting this
government to a congress on oceano-
rnllhy whIch ia to bo hold with the
{ 'olonlal eXllosltlon In that city In 190G.
It Is the desIre of Charles Hose , the
( 'om missioner general of the exposition -
tion , to secure for this con gross the
1'0-0)leration ) of those lleoplo In the
UnIted States who have made specIal
slud3' of the hranch of physIcal geog-
ralhY ) which relates to the ocean and
Its phenomena , and the department of
state has ueen asl < ed to extend to
such students an Invitation to contrlb-
ute the results of theIr researches and
to tale lJUrt In the congress ,
Such Is Claim by Iowa Central Railroad -
road at Hearing.
CHICAGO-Passenger servlco on the
Town Central rallrond , as far as operatIng -
ratIng expensts are concerned , costs
the railroad cOl11panr loss than to
handle cattle and other 11vo stock shipments -
ments , accordIng to J. 1\1. Tlttomor ,
freight mannger or the 1\lInne-
allOlls & St. Paul and the Iowa Central -
tral Hallway companies , 1\11' , Tlttemor
gave the Information heforo Federal
JUIl o S. II. Bethea , who Is hearing
the ca ; cs of the Interstate commerce
commIssIon p galnst elghteon railroad
companies on questions of alleged dls.
crImInation of frolght rates ,
"The rates on live stocl , from Mis.
souI'I river ) lOlnts to ChIcago are more
thnn just to the shipper and less than
just to the carrier" declored the wIt-
ncss. , " 1\Iost of this tralllc Is what
wo call pIck-up and our coml1l\ny must
provllio at vnrlous stations at a great
expense for the reception of the cat-
110. It costs us maI'o to recelvo and
care for the live stock than for the
same SOl'-'O for ) mssengers , If ) 'Ou
will , We provlclo scales and scale
houses , wlnlml11s to PUI111 > water , pa-o
the 3'ards with vitrified urick , and build
hlllllllngs which withstand the cold and
heat allw. ! "
Express Gratitude for Protection . of
the Police at Clenfuegos.
W ASlIlNGTON-Tho Cubnn minister -
ter recolved the ( ollowlng dIspatches
from hIs government at lIavana :
' ) 'he memhers of the executlvo bonrll
or the lIheralllartr at Clenfuogos have
adlll'essed a communication to the
ma3'or , who Is a moderate , asldng him
to eXlreSS their gratitude to the mu-
nlcl)1I\1 ) authorIties and cuslomhollso
functlonnries for the war theIr lives
were prolectOI ! durIng the occuren o
l"rlday , whIch caused the deaUl of the
hrnvo chIef of lJOllcevltlle doIng his
'fltero hns heon no 11Islurhancos
sInce the locnl one at Clenfuegos ,
There Is ) Il'rfect order throu hout the
relIIhllc ) r.nd the overnment hus amllo )
means to guard It.
The elections for the hoards were
held 3'esterday with strict legality and
without a - - 11Isorllor , In almost all
the honrdo the moderates won.
Complaint of 011 Company.
WASmGTON = : - ComJllalnt was
filed with the Interstate commerce
commission oflarshalltown : , Ia. .
) Irotestlnagnlnst / oxlstlng freight
rates on ' 011 thlpped ; In less than car
lots ,
Arranging Moroccan Agree"ent. !
PAnIS-\r. : Hovoll , r.CIJ1'osontln the
I"rench govl'l'I1l11ent. and Dr , Hasen , thor
r ) ) lresontatl\'e of Germanr , conferred
at the foreIgn olnce , armngln/ / ; the final
dotalls of the : \Ioroccan agreemln.
FIJure ! up the Fire Loss.
nUTTIIontA : careful estlmato
of the loss of the recent Ifre ) lla'os It
at $ GOOOOO , with Insurance of $500,000 ,
; \
'fhe S3'mons Dr3' Goolls cOlUllUnr Is
the heavl'st loser , wIth a lOR ! ! of :1hout :
$300,000 fully Insurell.
Raises the Quarantine ,
i\IONTGO\mRY : , Ala-'ho ) state of
Alahama rulsell the quarantlno eRtah-
, lIshel1 a few dnrs ago agaInst Jacl.son ,
I Mlts. , at the tlmo when a suslllclouB
ease of Illness was relOrted ) from
tI" "
F10ht Takes Place as Train Speeds
Through Central IIl1nolo - Belief
That Purpose of Strano ! ) M3n on the
Car Was Robbery.
DLOI1NOTON : , m.-Ono of the
most deslOrato ) encounters that ever
huppened on a Wnhaslt railroad traIn
took place hetwoen John E. H'an , 3G O
Slxt3'.fourlh place , ChIcago , n mossen-
rer on tl'llin No , 13 , duo In Decatur at
3 : 13 III the 1I10rnlng , and Edward C.
Gre'no , GI01 South State street , Chicago -
cage , a fonner OXlross ) messenger and
later emplo 'el1 wIth p , S , Dotz & Co"
Hammond , hill. Both mon are SOl'-
louHI3' injured and cannot JIve , each
havIng received three hul10ts In the
fight In the car whIch lasted for mllos.
Greene sars that ho got on the express -
press cllr n l"ortr-soventh street , Chi-
rafo , IntendIng to go to his Itomo at
Plttslleld , to visit relatives. Ho was
an old frlond of Hyan and the latter
ho claims , permlUed him to rIde. lIe
claIms that ho asslstod Hyan on the
trl ) > with the ex ) > ress matter and thaL
the two began drlnltlng. Jolces led tea
a quarrel and Greene sa's ; both drew
guns at the same time.
H3'an clahns that the shooting begnn
west of Demont , whllo Greene avers
that the firRt shot was fired before the
traIn reached Cerra Oordo , Ryan
c1ahus that ho dId notseo Greene
in the car until the traIn reached Cerro
Gordo and ho belloved thllt Greene
jumped In fol' the IlIIrposo of rouhery.
The mon clinched and hoth with revolvers -
volvers 11rawn rol1ed about on the car
fioor. The men then separated and
each sought shelter In the car , while
waiting for the other to appear In
order to shoot. Just I\s the train was
nearIng Decatur uolh men fired and
both went down , but wore on their
feet In n. short tlmo and the duel con-
tinued. When the trnln neared Decatur -
catur , Greene opened n door and
jumped from the car. He was unable
to run and was found an hour later
by trle pollee. Ryan says that be he-
Heved roubery was the motlvo when
ho shot.
Greene has an ugly buUet wound In
the breast , another In the right lung ,
whllo a third 111111 lodged In the fleshy
part of the abdomen.
H3'an was ! lhot. In the left jaw , behInd -
hInd the left ear and In the left shoulder -
der , the wounds all having ueen Inflicted -
flicted durIng the few moments that
they stood up f'Om hehlnd theIr shelter -
ter In the car ueforo reaching Deca-
tur. Doth of the men 0.1'0 in different .
hospitals. ,
The officials or none of the trainmen
wore aware of the terrlblo fight that
was beIng waged on the train until
It reached Decatur , when the car door
was seen open and the trnlnment found
Ryan lu a pool of ulood on the floor.
PAHIS-Infol'l1l1\tlon obtalnod from
a well Informed source Is to the effect
that Dr , Hosen. the German minister
to Morocco , and 1\1. Hevoll , representIng -
Ing l"rnnco reached a complete agreement -
ment on all the dIsputed points of the
: \loroccan question In the course of
theIr conferenro todar. Doth parties
are entirely satisfied with the arrange-
ment. ? remler Houvler and Prlnco
von Hadolln , the German amuassndor
to Franco , mot at the foreign office
after the negotiators had reached an
accord and conversed most cordlal1y.
Activity of Engineer on Canal Work
PANAMA-Tho work of John F.
Stevens , the chlof englneor of the Panama -
ama canal , anll general manager of the
Panama rallroall Is hellnnlng to show
favorahle results. The correspondent
of the Asso'll1ted Press visited Lo
Doca where lhe worl , has ueen pushed
forward slnro the arrIval of Mr.
Stovena and the InC-fcnsc of lho dockage -
ago frwlllties. Mr. Slovens Informed
the COrrQSIlOndent that the new 1,900
foot doclt at La Boca will bo finIshed
Seillemher 30 , that the doclt at Cristo-
hal will ho cOI11)lleled ) hy the mldlUo of
Oetoher and that the worle on the railroad -
road to ho connected with the canal
zone Is advancIng satisfactorlIy.
Witte Reaches Herlln.
DERI.IN-1\1. \ Witte , accompanied by
his daulhter , 1\Ime. l\IarrclI1tlno , wito
of the secretar3- the RussIan lega-
ton at Brussels arrlyed at the Pots.
Ilam railroad station Sunday ovenlng
anll was received uy the staff of the
Husslan omuassy. lIe proceeded hn-
melllately to the Hotel Drlstol , where
ho will re ldo until Tuesda ) ' , when ho
will go to HoUlnten , one of Emperor
Wl11lam's hunting seats near the Rus-
s\an \ frontier , where ho will have an
audlenco with hIs majest3' .
Assuml : ' a" Alarmist Tone.
St. Petershurg-Tho Noyoo Vromra ,
commenting on the Anglo-Japnnese
treatr , assumes an alarl11lst tone , expressing -
pressing dlssntlsfactlon with the
treatr. which , It Sl13'S , Is Ilolltical Interests -
terests In AsIa , and especlaUy alalnst
Hussln , which Itas most oxtenslvo In-
terosls there , The terms of the treaty ,
are \'err hrond , and ma3' uo Interpreted
h3'tho signatories as they desire , whllo
the artlclo concernIng the Indian trOll-
tier Is elastic enough to fit Great Drlt-
Qln'jI ; lIullnn nolll'V
" . " ,
, J
" . .
. . . .
- - -
President Putting In Time on the , . . ,
Document. " " I
' ' Hoosevolt
OYS'1' It BAY-President
will complolo Is summer sojourn at
Sagamore Hili and return 10 Wushlng- .
ton next Saturda3' . The Ilresldcnt and
! \Irs. Hoosevolt and their famlb' , Sec.
retary and 1\Irs. Loeb 111111 memhors of
the executlvo force will lewe : here Saturday -
urday on a slOoIal ) Lon/ / ; Island mil. .
lI'aln. They will go h ) ' heat from
Long Islaml CIty to Jers03' and thnco I :
hy the Penns'lvu1la railroad to Wash- i
Ington , roa'hln ! ! the capitol shortly )
nfter G o'cloclt. ' ) 1
' 1'ho prosldent Is devoting consIder- \
. I
able tlmo each da ) ' now to wOl'le on
hIs annual message to congre : : : : . For
some tlmo ho has been ass mhllng
data for the message , but since the
adjournment of the peace conel'rnco I
ho has been wrItIng the data Into defi- '
nlto form. 'rho message will not bo
completed until some tlmo enrly In
November , hecauso each member of
the cabInet will have to supply ma-
torlal for discussion with refercnco
to his department. The Information
will bo contnlnod In the annual 1'0-
ports of the cabinet officials , which
ha\'o not heon completed. I. . . .
Three tOlllcs , hlghlr Important at . . . . ,
thIs tlmo to the Amol'lrnn POOlllo , will
bo discussed ur the pl'esltlont In his
mossago. They are the federnl regulation -
lation and supervIsion of life Insul't
ance , the relntlons hotween this country -
try and Venezuela and America's lu-
terest In the fiscal onfralrs of the government -
ernmont of San DomIngo. Other Important -
portant subjects naturally wlli be considered -
sidered , am'mg them the scandals dls-
elosed In the Departments of Agrlcul-
tUI'O nnd the Intcrlor : the work or the
Dopartmeut of Justice In the beef
cases : the regulation of .frolght rates :
the progress made In the construction
ot the Panama canal nnd the con { 'III-
310n of peace uotweon HUBsla and
Japan. . .
l\Iuch or the mattl'r for these dIscussions -
sions President Hoosevelt now has In
hrand , and the last da3's of his stay at
Sagamoro Hll1 are bolng devoted to the
preparation of that part of his message -
sago which will deal with them. Few
visItors have been receIved since the
adjournment of the peace conference ,
the president desiring to be as tree as
posslblo from Interruption while werk-
Ing on his mcssage.
ATLANTA. . Ga-Capt. G , 1\1. F. God-
frey , asslstaut surgeon In the United .
. States army , stationed at Fort 1\1c- \
Pherson , committed suicide by shooting -
ing himself through the hraln with an
army revolver at his resIdence at the
post. Captain Godfrey , WI\S n. son of
Cot E. S. Godfrer , commander of the
Ninth United States cavalr3' stationed
at Fort Hiler , Kas. Captain Godfr y
was 35 years of ag and a graduate of
West PoInt. 'I'he cause of the deed
Is not Imown , but Is attl'lbuted by hIs , . . .
urother officers at the post to tempo- - -
rar3- mental ahheratlon.
PEKIN-At the Peltln railway station -
tion Sunda3as a train carrying one of
the four missions ordered ahroad to
stud3' foreign politIcal methods was
leaving , a bomb was exploded Insldo
a private car , Idlllng four mInor officIals -
cIals and wounding over twentr other
per ons. The wounded Included , .
Prlnco Tsal , To'he , who heads the f
most ImJlortant of the mlsslOns , and
Wu Tlng Fang , former mInister to the
United States , both of whom received'
slight Injuries. The perpetrator of the
outrage , who was In the car , was ulown
to pIeces. . I
The alTaiI' has created a profound
sensation and causes apprehension regarding -
garding the safety of memberg of the
court and leadIng officials of the gov-
ermont. The government olllcials and ,
rntlways are strongly guarded.
MIIW AUKI E-A largo portion of
the remainIng as sots of the estate of .
I"rnnk G , .i.lgelow , the defaudtlng
bank pros\clont \ , were dIsposed of at }
IlIIhllc auction to the 111ghest hldder ,
uy the 'VlscOlIRln TI'1It. ( , olllIIlIIlY , truR- l' '
teo. The assets , whIch consists of' ,
stoclts and In minIng and In- (
dustrlal companies , hrought approxImately -
Imatoly ahout 30 IlCr cont. of their ap-
111'l\Ised value. With about threo-
fourths of the list disposed of allprox-
Imately $15GOOO was realized.
Nine New Cases of Cholera.
Derlln-Tho official uullotln IS'3ued
today announced that nine fresh cnses \ . .
of chol rn were reported between noon , . . . '
) 'estordar and noon tad a ) ' , and that I
two deaths occurred In the sarno pe- I
I rlod , malting the totals 3G cases and
eighty deaths.
Cholera Cases at Lodz.
LODZ-Threo now cases of cholera
were 11lficovered hero todn3- . These
hrlng the total number of cases already -
ready reported U ) > to 13. Ono case was
reported from Pahlnnlce , nenr ho're.
Kansas Wants . '
a Fair. IL' '
'rOPEKA , Kas.-A World's fall' In ' . !
111 ! ! In rel < , hl'lltlon of the admission of \
Kansas to the union was planned hero I
hy the Commercial club of TOIlelm , as- !
slstell h ) ' several promInent men from
dlff < 'rent pnrts of the state , It Is pro- !
) losed to expend In the neighborhood I
of $ , OOOOOO. I
Former Governor Dead.
Provlclonco , H , I.-Henr3' Howard , I.
formerl ) ' governor of Rhode Islnnd and J
a leading mauufncturer'r died at his
homo In lInrrrl8. acpd 7R VPQrs.
'ji. i.
_ 1