' .r -.M _ _ _ .A. . . . . . . , ; , . . . : . ; . . . . . : _ . ii " .
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.y D , M , AMS.KnRV ,
. . " ,
I News in Brief J
Severe shocles of earthqualO wore
1"0cnUy'felt In Vonezuela.
The first state fair of Wyol11lnl ; Is
to ho held In the early d/l's / of Octoher.
Ross J. Alexnnder , aEed 70 , Indian
commissioner under Clevelruul , IR
.Tay Williams , Ron oC It. P. Wllllaml !
of St. Edward , Neh. , died at Pannma
of yellow fever.
OI < 1nhonm.lndlan 'ferrltory hnnl'el's
hnve estahllsl1C11 11. rate of 10 lIer cenl.
: ; on colllect/olls. /
' { The ChlclIEOllIwaulce : \ & Sf. Palll
Railroad cOl11lmny prOJloses to Cllt ollt
Sunday excnrslon trains. I
Mr. nnllIrs. : \ . W. .T. Brynn hnve stnrt. 1
011 on their tour of the wOI'I.l . , to bo nh.
sent n 'enr or more.
Justice William .J. Gnynor decllnCll
to accept the fllslon nomination for
ma'or of New Yorle city.
Rlchnrd Olnoy , 11. memher oC Presl.
dent Clevol nd's cahlnot , celebrated
, his sovontleth blrthdny on Frlclay.
Hov. Dr. I"'rank W. Grant Gnnsanltls
; , bns accepted n. chair In the Chicago
Thoologlcal seminary , which has been
estl\bllshed ; C8peclally for him.
John D. Roc efeller , who IIp.to.date
has contributed $ HD4DD21.D1 to the
University of Chicago , will maleo his
I tblrd visit to that Institution next
\ Juno.
Dr. Julius Goebel , who recently was
dismissed from StanCord university , Is
to bo head of the department of the
. Germanic language at Harvard m l.
Justin McCarthy says that his three
objects In lIfo have been attained.
: They were : To wrlto booles , to bo 11.
member ( If Parliament and to IIvo In
The Japanese minister , Mr. Talm.
hlra , expects to'sall for homo In Japan
In n. few weeles to join Mme. Talmhlrn. ,
: who hass been over there for nearly
two years.
A verdlet of $100,000 against the city
of Chicago was given the Panhandle
rail read In n. damage suit brought be.
cause of the burning of 11. number of
freight cars.
The explosion of a Iasollno stove boo
Jng used by n. veterinary surgeon In
, the Stu. > bs IIvor ' stable startel n. fire
whleh caused loss of $76,000 at Ed.
wnrdsvllle , Ill.
At Springfield , 0. , heirs of the late
ElIzn. Meharry JeCfors found $10I D5 ,
pearly all In gold In a llttlo old blacle
trunle In the attic of tbo family homo
of Mrs. JeCfors.
John Dalzell , of Ponnsylvanla , sen.
lor ropresentatlvo from AlIeEhen ) '
county 111 congress says he Is not In
favor of any tarIrr rovlslon at the
coming session of con ress.
The secretary of the Interior has or.
dored the withdrawal from entry oC
300,000 acres of land In the Hoswell ,
N. M. , land district on account of the
Carlsbad. Irrigation project.
Yonlehler R. Do Marees van SWill ,
doren , the Netherlancls minister to UIl'
Unltod states hns returnell to hln
post after an ahsence of se\'OI'al
months In his natl\'o country. .
' 1'ho Canadian fisheries commlflsloJ )
will hold a joint session with the fiRb.
cries commlssloll of the state of WashIngton -
. Ington to take up returns 111 Pacific
I. coast fishery. The meeting will OIJen
on November D.
; The Dagblad has commenced a.l\'o.
Jatlng tno 03tnbllshment of n. Norwe
tln.ll ropubllc and expresses the ollln ,
lon , that In any case the people Dlust
be consulted before a now constltu.
tlon Is determlnell upon.
The ro\'olutlonlsts at Sabastopol effected -
focted the escape from IJrlson of n
student named Felclmall , who Is al.
loged to 11llvo been ono of the orrral1
Izers of the mutiny on the battleship
, Knlaz Potemlclno last June.
I I The party which will SUPIJOrt Dls.
. 1 trlct Attorney .Jeromo In his Indopene !
t ont campaign In Now York for ro.olec.
I tlon will bo Imowll as the " .Jeromc'
I nominators" nnll the 111\I'ly emhlom
will he a sollli blacle square.
The Interstate Tunnell Hallway com.
pany of Now YOJ'le was Incorporaled
with a capital of $7,500,000 to COli
atruct and oIJerato a tunnel rl\lIroa.l .
under the waters of the Hudson 1'1\01
between Now Yorlc CItJ' and New .11"
, , se ) ' . .
'rho department of commC'rco ntH'
labor Issued an order remo\'ln Ell.
ward DoItz and Charles W. Slo\'Cnl'OI1
Chlneso Inspectors In the emlgrn ticI'
service. The ' were charged with liS
slstlng 111 smmu11I11 ; foul' ChIlU\11Jpr
Into the Unltell States.
Following similar attnclcs on t h ,
Homan Catholic cometerlC8 at Oconl'
, Falls Peshtlgo and Dlrch Crcelt1111
' dn.ls have gene throuh ; , St. .Tosolh ) 'f'
. i ' , and St. Anno's oometerles at Escanahll ,
1\Ilch. anel demollshell the crosses on
over 200 monuments , causlns dam ,
ages estllnated at $4,000.
A painting of .John G. Carllslo hilI'
been received b ) ' the I entucley IIIstor
lcal soclot . nnd placed In the hlstorl
cal rooms at Franlefort.
Further slight shoclts of cI\rthtunltr ! (
and vlolont storms exten.lIng m'ur the
I whole of Calahrla , Itnl ) ' , added to the
distress of the strlclcoJl IJopulation.
The Sons of Veterans organlzatiOll
Is galnlus In stJ'ength , there ha\'lu
'been ' 5,000 members added the pasl
vas year.
Rev. Paul Mathews of Clnclnnotl , O.
was elected tshop ! coaljutor of the
MUwa\lleeo Episcopal dloceso on the
la\xteenlb ballot.
. ,
G:1G : for Lighting Formerly ConfIned to
CIties nnd Large Towns , now In
General Usc In the Country.
The satisfactory IIJhtlns ot subur.
ban anll country hOJllca requires that
the means used sball bo convonlent ,
safe , economical and furnish a b..ll.
lIant , penotrafng ! , eTnlgellt ! light.
Everybody admits that these are
not the characterlatlcs of the candle
or Iccroseno lamp , which , formerly ,
were the only feaslblo means of pro- ,
duclng light for domestic use In the i
rural districts.
li'or generations there was n. crying
need , a yenrnlng for somethlns bettor ,
which was not sntlaned. A few yearn
ago deliverance Clllno In the shape of
the chomlcal comllollllll , Calcium Car.
bldo , from wblch , by the slmplo ap.
plication of walcr , the gas Acetylene
Is derived. Acetylene meets all tbo
requlroments fully and admirably and
In being generally used.
Common limo and carbon In the
term of coleo or cOllI are the rn.w mn.
torlalfJ which , fused In nn Intensely
hellted furnnce , maleo Calcium Cn.1'-
bide , and there la no dl lculty In ob-
talnlns It In any part of the country.
The machlno Into which the Cn.l. I
clum Carbldo ) H rtllln from whlcb i
the Acetylene Is distributed througb ;
tbo building to bo lighted , Is but lIttle
In.rger than n. thirty-gallon mille : can ,
and of the same general form. It In
cllslly and cheaply Installed , olther In
the cellar or In an out.bulldlng.
The light trom burning AcetylV'l1o
Is exquisite , and lighting experts agree
that It surpasses all ether known Illu.
mlnants. It does not taint tbo air nor
strain the eyes and Is not objection.
nble In any respect. Every up.to-dato
rural resldenco should bo oqulpped
wltb Acetylene light.
Many n. man who Is his own master
would lIleo to be worlclng for sarno
ether fellow.
Insist on Getting It.
Some grocers say they don't Iteep
Defiance Starch. 'I'hIH II ! beausc ! they
hn.ve n stoclt on hanl1 oC other brands
contalnlnJ ; only 12 oz. In n pn.clmge ,
which they won't be aule to sell first ,
because Defiance contains 16 oz. tor
the same muney.
See Virtue In Sliver Rings.
Sliver rings are worn by laborers In
certain European countries , the own.
ors holng firmly. convinced that such
a rIng Is a sure protection against fits.
This Iden. has probably arisen trom the
fact" that merCl ry , commonly called
qulclsllver , was formerly used as Q ,
remedy for epilepsy , and by an orro-
neC1Us process of reasonlns sllvor has
been credited with shnllar virtues.
Black Sea Once Inland Lake.
The Dlacle Sea , acconllng to ehron-
Jcles mentioned hy Strabo Ilnd others ,
was once an Inland lalce , connected
with the Caspian , till some catastro.
pho forced Its outlet Into the basin of
the Medltorranean , cutting err communication -
munication with Its eastern sister
laleo , which , Indeed , has gradually
shrunk , over since , but , for awhllo
may have 1I0011ed Its shore lands tar
nnd near.
Blood.Curdling Cry for Beans.
A wild man who recently terrorized
the resillents of l\toullrlo. li'la. , and
who was described as n. "tall , ape.1I1ce
creature , hideous , with long , bristly
hair , and gl\'lng forth wild , blood.
curdllns cries. " proved to be , when
captured , a Dos ton slmplo lIfo en.
thuslast who was trying Innocently to
get close to mother nature.-Atln.nta
A mnn might glvo his wlfo moro
spondlng mone ' If she wouldn't spend
so much of It on things for him tbat
ho doesn't want.
It Is not neCC8sar yto doubt a. mn.n'a
moUves If you Imow ho has not the
ability to act UlloOn them.
The Supply Comes From Food.
If wo gel powcr from food , why not
strlvo to get .all the power wo CIUl.
That Is only 110sslblo hy use of skU.
! ully selected food that exactly fits
Lbo requirements of the body.
Poor fuel mlllees 11. IJOOr fire and n
poor fire 15 not a good steam pro-
"l rom not Imowlng how to select
the rIght food to fit mJ' needs , I suf.
tered grlovo1Jsh' for a long Umo from
stomach troubles , " \Hltes n. lady from
n. lIttle town In Missouri.
"It seemed us If I wol1111 no\'er bo
able to nnd out the sort of food that
was best for mc. Hardly anything
that I could cat w J\Jld \ stn.y on my
atomach. g\\ry uttellllt , gn.vo mo
henrl.burn anI ! HUed 111 ' stomach with
gas. I gel thlnncr nnd thinner until
I lIterall ) ' became u 1I\'lng slteleton
and In tlmo was cOlllpelled to lcoep
to my bed.
"A few monlha ngo I was Ilersuaded
to trr Gralle-Nlltl ! food , and It had
, sUCh gOOd oft'ect { rolll the \'ory begin.
nlng that I have Iept up Its use ever
slnco. I wns slIrpl'lsed at the el\so
with which I dlgestcII It. It IJroved
to o jusl what I necded. All my un ,
pwasn.nt S'I11PloIll8. the henrt.burn , th
I , Inllated feollng which ga\'o IDO sc
much pain disappeared. My weigh' '
\ gradually Increased fl'om DS to 11 (
I 1bs. , my HglJI'o rounded out , m
: strenJth cal110 bucl" C1IIII I am no"
'ablo ' to do 111) ' housoworlt and cnjo
'It. . The GrllpeNnts fee ( Ud It. " Naml
1 glren by postum Co. , llattlo Creek
\ Mich.
l A tt1l d .ys' trial will show an'on
I lomo facts about"food. .
I "TPAr" ' . A. r Il. "
A new telephone comlllln ) ' Is seele.
Ing to Het a franchise In Omaha.
Sheridan county hnll n most success.
ful fnlr , hoth In exhlhlta nnd attend.
'rho members of the Te umseh Ad.
vent Christian church have called m.
der .T. .J. Schamherg ot Lincoln to the
} lUfltornte.
The IHlasenHer ttaln on the Dloom.
fIeld branch oC the Omnha rallrollcl was
wreclccd near BloomfIehl , two lIerllOns
receiving Injuries In the acchlent.
Ex.Chlef of I'ollco O. Schoonover ,
of Nehraslm City , charJ ed with false
Imprisonment and usurpation of office ,
has IJOen aCf1ultted by the jury In the
district court of otoo county.
' 1'ho hoys anll girls engaged In the
corn growing contest helng held by
the state department of education nre
to ho entertained alT a corn banquet
In Lincoln early In December.
C. A. Gleason , for the last two years
pastor of the Conlreg'ational church
In West Point hns Revered his relations
with hll ! congregation IInd has accept.
cd a call to the church at I alrmont ,
this state.
The grocery store of Doll Dros. ,
Deatrlce , wns closed hy creditors , the
amounl of their liabilities helns $2,50.
The Rtocle will Involco ahout $1,300
and the outstanding accounts will
reach $750.
Pat Cn.vanaugh , a well lmown , horsc.
man of Verdlgree , was probably fn.
tally Injured In a race on the Crelgh.
ton track during the progres : : ! of the
count ' fair thero. He was thrown
from his horso.
The specln.l commltteo of the south.
cast Nobraslm conference , which was
hen.rlng the evidence In the Hov. F. P.
Dllllccmore ense. at Falls CIty , re'
turned Il vordlct of gulItr , which expels
him from Its church.
Prof. W. C. T. Adams , Ph. D. , late
dean of the normal department of Upper -
per Iowa university , has been elected
to the chair of IJsychology and peda.
gogy In Dellevue college In place of
Prof. HanllaIls , resigned.
At Gene\'a the Erades In the school
have become so crowded that the
schoot bOllrd has secured the l"'reewlIl
DalJtlst church for n. 1I0rtion of the
l"'lflh grade and have had It seated and
fUl'lllsl1ed for this IHlfllose. .
.Tames .Tones of Gl'eely count ' . who
last winter shlplled a number of prn.lrle
chlclcons and quail In a barrel of sauer.
leruut , which later was confiscated
by the state fish and game commls.
slo'ner , has heen fined $25 and costs.
The firat now corn has been brought
to this marltel. It was In the car ald
of excellent QuaJltr. It sold to a local
feed dealer for 35 cents IJer bushel.
Taldng eighty lJOIJIHls for a bushel , the
yield was Rlxty.fi\'e bushels to lhe.
The Tecumseh \1I ! I tar ) ' band has
been enllIgell br the manllgement of
the Omahn. Ale.Sar.Den festl\'al to liar-
tlclpate In the 11al'ades In the metrop.
oIls during the carnlva ! . 'rhe dates
on which the band will allpear are Oct.
. . and 5.
The Cooper & Ilnn electric light
Illant of IIumholdt was IJllt out of hus.
Iness hy an accident to the machinery ,
In which the engineer , Will H. Lon-
nelto , had a narrow escapC' from
dC'ath or sel'lolIs Injll1'r. The fiy wheel
The farmers of Avoc\ : . and vicinity ;
at a recent meeting , dlscUSRel ( the
project of organizing a farmer's ele-
vatOJ' COl11ll1\n ' . It was decided to
hulld an elo\'ator at on co for handling
the gmln prolucts ( of those Interested
In the Iroject.
AIljlltant General Culver has withdrawn -
drawn his claim filed with Auditor
Searle for $2.10 fo expenses of himself
IInd rillo team to Sea GlI't. General
Culver will get the money from the
gCl\\ral government.
.Tlllh e E. F. Perleln' ! of Tecumseh ,
haR heon IIllpolnted by the state board
of I\\alth as local roglstrar of'ltlll
statistics for 'I'ecul11seh .and vlclnltr ,
IJIHlnr a new law 11I\ssed by the Illst
IC'I"I < ; I1turo [ requiring the regestratlon
oC all deaths In the state of Nehraslm.
Horses arf > hplng shl11lJellin for the
Omahn. IJOJ'so show , whleh will be held
at the Audltorillm during the weele
of October D , an.l . e\\ry Indication
Ilolnts to ono oC the mORt RUCCCSRfll1
horse shows which nn\- town haR ( wer
hpl. . ! . ' 1'he Initial sh \ \ ; of the asso-
ciation. holl1 last fall , carried cff the
palm of all firMt sbows nnl1 from the
IlI'esent Inl1lcatlons Ihls show will fol.
low rl ht In Its walce. 'l'he ring' has
hel'a hulJt anl1 the local horse' ! are
helug' ! ! I\'en tholr l1ally till'll III the tan
bllrlt a \ "Ita to acclIstom them to the
shol't hlrn ! ! 1\1111 to Iho IJ OIII ( ) wbo
stanll 1\1'0111111 the rail a 11I1 by Iholr
1II'\81'1H'0 frighten tho. horscs. All of
tl1C' 111 < 'turesqllo featureR Imowll to
hOl'SI > shows wllI he on the IJrOrllm ! at
the Omllbn. Rhow. ' 1'anl1el1ls. 1'01111
fOIlI'S. ( 'oaeh fOllrs , RIIIlw tellms. coclt
honeR. the jump ( > rs anl1 the hllnt
c11l1l8. not to mentloll the cowbo's , are
Rome of the Intcrestlng featllrcs of the
RUl'yors In the OJ1l1Jloy of the Oroat
I NOI'tlwl'll ha\'o Iot as fCII' ellsl as gIlt.
horn with the IIno the ) ' are running
from 1"I'oll\ont to Omuha.
'I'hrouh ! tI 1) lt1l1l1ne8' ! of Miss Flor'
mlco Inle , of Hocle .counl ) ' , the "Orass
Willow. " wbo ntlractoll so milch at.
tentlon at the stnto filII' . has hecomo
the IlrOIJert : of the stnlo' norm III
school nt Pel'll. 'rho tlress wns mllllo
hy l\tlss Florence Zlnlt anti her slstor ,
Dossle , who Is allonl1lll ! ; the normal ,
and contains slxtJ'.thrJ lelnlls oC
Hocle county ( ; l'I\SHeS \ wo\'en with nr.
tlstlc slelll Into the form of an ox.
qulslto dress.
Executive Committee Session Called
for OmJha October 5.
SII LTON- . A. I1mtetler : , president -
dent of the State ARsoclation of Com.
merclal Cluhs , has called the executive
committee of thnt organization to
meet In Omaha at the Commercial
cluh rooms Oetober 6. The question
of the next annllal meetlllof / the as.
Roclatlon to be held In I"ehruar ' will
bo talecn III ) at that tlmo and the place
for the meeting selectel ! . The com.
mlttee will bo pleased to hear from
any clubs that woultl 1IIee to entertain
the next fltato meetlnv . If YOll can.
uot meet the committee In person ,
write to the secretary , \V. G. Hirons ,
Pierce , Neh.
gach commercial club organization
of the state can join the state asso.
clatlon by pn.ylng an annual fee of
$2 , except organlzatlonfl III cltlos 01'
moro than 7,000 population sha1l pay
$10 In annual dlles. J ach club will
be entitled to two votes In the asso.
clatlon meeting , but can send as many
tlelegates as It desires.
The memhershlp of the execlltlvo
committee of the state association Is
as follows : President , M. A. Hostetler ,
Shelton ; vice presidents , W. A. Green.
wald of Falls City , 1'1. ' .T. McVann of
Omaha , J. T. Hanson , of Fremont , H.
A. Graff of Seward , George F. Mil. '
bourn of Mln ten , G. n. Dnrr of L'3xlng.
ton ; secretary , W. G. Hirons of
Plerco ; treasurer , O. O. Snyder ,
NORFOLK-Totla ' for the first tlmo
since the mllred at Sacremento , Mrs.
Charles Lodge of this city heard the
story of the lellllng of her son , John
Lodge. the former Norfolk man , later
11. wealthy race horse owner , who was
Rhot wltbout provocation on the race
track In the California city over a weelt
ago. Charles Ledge anti Sam Lodge ,
father and brother , have returned from
California. where they went to bury
the dead mun. An Intoxicated depu.
tlzel ] town marshal murllered John
Ledge becallse the o lcer believed
Lotlge had aplJIIed an epithet to him
which he resented.
One of Nebraska's O/d.Tlmers. /
NORFOLK-"Uncle Dill" Lament ,
said to ha\'e been the oldest among
Nebraslcn pioneers. Is dead at Nlo.
brara from disahlllt ) . Inchlent to old
age. His patent to land In Nebrnslm
bore the signature of President Andrew -
drew Jacleson and he came west when
the conntr ) ' was filled with Indians
and antelolJe. E\'ery hllslness hOllse
In Niobrara WIlS closed during the funeral -
eral of the old settler and his remains
were 'Iald to rest In Leau Qui COllrt
cemetery. n\ar that 111 ace. During his
last Illness Lament was cared for by
citizens of the city.
School Fund Being Inv'ected.
LICOLN-At the close of hllslness
\Vednesda ' Treasllrel' l\1'ortenson had
less thlln $100000 uninvested of the
permnnent s heel fund ha\'lns bought
lip a lot of state wnrrants. As the
taxes will not be coming In before
.Tanuar ) ' or February , there Is still a '
chance that the treasur ' will run low
and the buying of warrants will have
to be stopped.
Kills Wlf and Self.
NOm OLl\-Joseph : Bowe1l a Do.
hemlan farmer near Rogers , commit.
ter suicide b ' hanging after beating
out the hralns of his wife with a ham.
mer. She wlII die. They had quar.
reled o\'cr a division of property.
Laying of Corner Stone.
ST. PAUL-'l'he corner stone of the
new Prcshyterlan church. which Is
to replace the hulldlng llUrned last
February , ' was laid with apllroprlato
. Go'el'llorlIclccr has 1\)1)1olntell ) ) S.
I. . Nlt'hols of Beatrice anll lIon. Peter
.Jansen of , Jansen as mpmhcrl ! of the
delegation 10 represent this state at
the national conference on Immlgra.
tlon to be hell1 In New York city De.
cember G anti 7.
JINCOLN-W. .T. Bryan , Mrs.
BrYII II anll SOil anll l1augh tm' ha0
left for San Franelsco. from which
plnco tl1C'Y will Iitnrt on tholr tour of
the worhl. They stoll Hrst at JIIJIln ) ,
wwro thp party wllI he met hy a YOIiilg
.1alJHnesp who formerly mlIlIe > hla homo
with the BI'yan family , while ho at.
tenllcll the IInl\'ersHlty , hul who Is
now conlhlctlng a IJI'l\'ato school In
.1aIHin. 'I'hls 'Ollug mall will ho their
guldo through the Hewer ) ' Itlugclom.
. Nebraskan Injured In Denver.
nr NVI n , Colo.-Fred ShllllnH' . a
atmnger ! n this ell ) ' . who al'l'l\'ell hero
Il few days ago from Scotill. Neh. , was
nellrl ) ' Ie III ell b ) ' a at rl'et car. Shilling
WIlS onVellon streel und stelJlled hur.
rlellly to ono sldo whllo In the center
of the thorough faro In order to a\'olll
It slreet car. Br flO clolng. ho 1I1aced
hllnRelf dlrectlr In front of 11. car com
lug fl'om the OPlJOsito cllrectlon. Thl
cn.r strucl , him Rqul1rolJ' lIucl a blow
upon the hellll rendered him \lI1con.
sclous. Ho Is badh' hrulsoll aud In.
ternal Injuries mar de\'clolJ ,
. - - ,
Dlstresalng News ,
The Observer has T'celved ! the fol.
lowlnl ; : "Nottlo Smith a welllmowing
cotoed girl with whlto and coloed lIve
; )11 South College st she fell through a I
porch about 3 foot and n balf yester.
day n tow Icnch planl < tracl < ker n.
den.tb blow over the eye I am n lItlo
better today.-Columbus , S , C. , Ob.
Natural Friendships ,
Friends are discovered rather than
made , and there are peolle who are In
their own nature friends , only they do
not kuow ench other ; but certain
things , 1I1eo poetry , music and paint.
lng , nro IIko the Freomnson's slgn-
they reveal the uninitiated to each
other.-Mrs. Stowe. '
Had Monkeys Work for Him.
Durlns the rush to the gold fields of
Yukon an enterprising minor carried
! lvo Chinese monlcoys to help him In
gold washing. The monlcoys had been I .
used to severe cold and extremes of n
vigorous cllmato , and the gold search. i
or found hIs anlmnl workmen most
Jokes With Soldiers.
While some regiments of London vol.
unteers were engaged 111 a sham figbt
In tbo suburbs a man on Il coacb , pass.
Ing along a neighboring road , sounded
"Censo firing" on his bugle. The call
was passed along the IIne3 and the
bnttlo was suspended till tbe joke was
discovered. .
If the World Were Blrdles9.
A naturalist declares , man could
not Inhabit It after nine y ars' tlmo ,
In spite ot all the sprays nnd poisons
that could bo manufn.ctured for tbo
destruction of Insects. The Insects I
and slugs would simply eat all the
orchnrds and crops In tbn.t time.
By "Mother's Medicine Chest" and
Patent Prescriptions.
Commenting on attacks made by
certain eastern publications on some
of the best known and most valuable
of the world's. proprietary medicines ,
the Committee on Legislation of the
Proprietary Association says :
"All through tJI0 country districts ,
In every state of the unIon , 'ou will
find In tbo farm houses the old family
romedles , sometimes called 'patent
medicines , ' many of which have beeh
i In use In the same household tor gen'
erntlons. Among such people the old.
fashioned proprIetary medIcine , al.
ways at hand with full printed In.
structlons for use , Is ono of the neces.
sltIes of life.
"To tamllIes In the country many
miles from a doctor such remedies are
Invn.luablo. 'Mother's medlclno chest'
has ved many a life and met many
.a hreatenlns sickness n.t the thres.
hold and turned It out of doors. So
tar from constituting self-prescription ,
as Is often pretended , acquaintance
with n. 'patent medicine' often obvl.
ates the necessity of such a. step ; for
here Is a prescription already made
up , the effect of which Is well known.
One of the greatest advantages of
Buch medlclno Is that Its constant tor.
mula glvC8 It the character of a slnglo
drug , so far as uniformity of result Is
concerned. and the people who use It
know from experience just whJ1.'t they
can count on-"whlch Is more than cnn
be saId of many physIcians" prescrlp.
tlons frequentlJ. obtained at a. far
greater cost and trouble. "
Peculiarity of Somnambulism.
It Is a remarlmble fact that some
somilambullsts who may bo deaf to
the loudest noises wl11 percelvo even
a whisper from some ono person , with
whom alone the sleeper appear to bo
able to hold communication.
Valuable Stamp Collection.
Thomas Tapllns of London began
conectlng postage stamps when only
10 years old and now has n. collection
of about 100000 , whIch It Is estimated
Is worth $500,000.
The only busluess so far dlscovored
thllt Is not helped by rrlnters' Inle : Is
that of the bank robber. Economy
goes hand In hand with wlso spond.
lng , and talees opportunity at the right
You can be just as happ ' , even If
} 'ou are poor , as the man with mnn '
millions , and } .ou would bc , too , If he
didn't ha\'e the many millions.
Marrlago without lo\'o Is n. sllcrl.
lege , but marrlago with lo\'o and
nothIng else Is not appetizing as n.
sll'ady diet.
Shun the Eucalyptus.
No worm or Insect Is ever found
upon the ucah'ptus tree , nor In the
en.rth penetrated by Its roots.
Moro 1100plo would avoid getting
Into the fire If the ) ' had sense enough
to leeep out of the fr 'lng pan.
"Yes , " said the mother , "to throw
at Johnny. lIe's been In a puddle and
Is dirty and blaclc and horrid. "
Love Is n. banker who Indorses the
notes of courtshIp , and pays the
hon.vler drafts of matrlmon ' .
When some men have no better oc.
cUlmtion ther hunt up somethIng for
their wives to do.
IIow wonderfully dovelolJOcl must bo
the furnlturo mo\'er's bump of de.
structIvoness !
The 1111ce that lel11s alwa's slays
others besides the pacemal\ .
ThOt-6 Who Have Tried It
will \ISO no other. Jefianc ( > ( ' 0111 'Vater
Starch has no equal In QUlll1t1ty or
Qunllty-16 pz. Cor 10 cents. Othel'
brands contain onlv 1\1 \ oz
- -
411 . ,
. "
" . '
I NIVlr. LOSIS Itl Str.n lh
Same t '
. i
I alumet. . j
Powder ' l
Is MOlt Healthful , '
Whllesoml and ECln.micll !
Home VlsltorEl' ExcursIon
t 'ii e mlddlo states. The Wabash R.
R. will place on sale November 30tb.
very low round trip rates to mn.ny {
points In Illinois , IndIana , Ohio , Ken.
tuclty , Western Pennsylvanln. , New j
Yorle and West Vlrglnln. . , ' i
Tbls will bo a. . splendid opportunity
for those who wish to visit their old
homes and friends , to tal\O advantage
of , after the Harvest days are over. . ,
The Wabash between Omaha. . and ,
St. Louis has just recently been rocle
ballasted , and new heavy steel ra.lIs .
laid. All trains consist of the latest
up.to.dato equipment , thus maldng It . .
ft. plensuro to travel. "lIf
For all Informa.tlon . , such as rates ,
maps , tlme.tables , etc. , call at 'Va.
bash City Ollce , 1601 Farnam St. , or
address , HARRY E. MOORES ,
G. A. P. D. Wab. R. R.
Omaha , Neb. -1
FrIends are almost a.s sCllrce as urn.
brellas when they are needed.
Every houselcceper should lmow
thn.t If they will buy Defiance Cold
Water Starch for laundry use they ,
will sn.vo not only Ume , because It 1..1'
never sticks to the Iron , hut becnuso } . . . . . _
each paclcngo contains 16 oZ.-ono full - , ' Ii . ;
poundvhUe all other Cold Water
Starches are put Ull In % , .pound pack. .
ages , and the prlco Is the same , 10 ,1'
cents. Then Ilgaln because DeHanco
Starch 15 free from all Injurious chem.
Icals. If 'our grocer tries to sell you
a 12.oz. 'paclmge It Is because he has
a stocle on hand which ho wishes to ,
dlsposo of before he puts In Defiance.
Ho Imows that Defin.nce Starch has
prInted on every paclmge In large letters - . " ;
ters and figures to ] 6 ozs. " Demand De- \ . .
' 0 ,
fiance and sayo much tlmo and money f
nnel the anne 'ance of the Iron'stick. .
Ing. Defiance never stlcles.
Important to Mothers.
Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOnrA ,
a safe and lIure remedy for infants and chltdrrn ,
and lIeo that i
- - -
Dears the
Signatnre of .
In Use For Over 30 Years.
The KInd You IIavelwoys ! lauCht ,
Reverence gives rellotle.
" '
d 't1lf.ti $ N fUnB ? . . . ,
' l zB7 -i I ' 1
iJ f .M I ! ! l
comes to you as nature's f
food , direct from the best I
wheat fields of the world.
Actually the M eat of the
Wheat-nothing added
no thin& , taken away. , J , ' .
Two Honest Pounds
In Every Package.
Speak to Your Grocer
PltbburyWllhburn Flour ' /111I1 Co. . lid. \
Hlnnupolil.1100. / .
o _ .
. , !
. . - . \ .
' -
. - - - ' - -