\ r ) U. S. SENATOR TOWN ! ! i j _ . Credits Doan's Kidney Pills with a Gratifying Cure. ; Ilon. Charles A. Towne , ex.U. 8. Senator from 1\IInnesota , brilliant . c\tor , clever business mnn , brainy 111\\ ' . yer , whoso national promlnenco made him a formldablo candidate for the presidential nomination In 1904 , writes ua the following : Gentlemen : I - am glad to en. dorso Do an' , Kllney ! Pills. , The rom 0 d y if w n. s roc 0 m. : mended to mo Il few months ago when 1 Will' . . , feeling mlsera. blo : had severe 1) a Ins In the bac1e : was rest. less and Ian. guld : had a dull healacho ! and neu. ralglc pains In the limbs and was otherwlso distressed. A few boxes of the pllls effectua11y routel ! my aUment and I am glad to aclmowlodge the benefit I derived. ( SIgned ) CHARLES A. TOWNE. Foster.Mllburn Co. , Butyalo , N. Y. For sale by al1 dealers. Price , 60 cents per box. ' A man seldom maltcs his money last If his father made It fist. REMEDIES USED'BY MILLION $ Truth About the Popular "Proprietary Medicines. " The recent campaign agaInst the 11se of proprietary medicInes , conduct. ed In the cohunns of The Ladles' Homo Journal and Collier's Weekl ' . has evoked an answer from the Com. mltteo on Legislation of the ProprIo. tary Association. The committee says : , "In consIderIng the question raised : by recent attacles upon proprietary medicInes , every reasonable man w1ll admIt that there Is a wIde and legltl. mate field for the manufacture anI ! sale of medicInes already prepared for general use and easily obtalnabla at a11 times and ever 'where. . . . As a matter of fact these medIcInes are not patented at a11 , and the popu. lar use of the word 'patent' In connection - tion with them Is n mIsnomer. Any pharmacist wlI1 te11 'ou that practl. ca11y the enl ' ' 11I\tent' medIcines In use to-day are those which are manu. factured either by foreign or domestic pharmaceutical houses , and whIch are now almost exclusively dIspensed b , ph 'slclans or desIgnated b ' them In their prescriptions. "The medicines which are now the subject of wholesale atlaclt b ) ' 1\lr. Bok and Editor Hapgood are the old- fashioned family remelles ! properly ! ' dC3cribed as 'proprietary medicines. ' Ther are the favorite remedies among millions of IJeople all over the country - try ; and , notwithstanding the can- , ( < stant effort of some ph 'slcillns to ere- . ate prejudice against them , no ono ever yet heard of. any of the millions , of users of 'such remedies asking for . legIslation or other action adverse to them. " Ho who praises men and flatters women has man ' friends. FRENZI D ADVERTISING. In these da 's of frenzied advertls. Ing. It Is hard for all of us to tell the real thing , and It naturally follows that the safest way Is to pin our : . . . . ( faith to those articles and products , which are baclee and guaranteed by the oldest and most reliable concerns. The Pillsbury Company at 1\lInne. apolls , with a world wldo reputation tor DEST quallt ) ' , guarantees to 'OU that In bu 'lng their Ileal ! brea.ldast food , "Pillsbury's VITOS-the Meat of the Wheat. " 'ou actually purchase a , product which Is free from ImpurIties , : and at the same time a most economl. cal food , It Is truly the white heart at I , the wheat Iernel , sterilized , nothing added , nothing talen awar : no flavor. Ing. no cooldng , and a. tv.'o pound paek. ago will make 'ou twelve pounds of delicious whlto fool ! . Figure the economy ot this. If you are looking for the best , and are willing to accept the statements ot the largest and most respected of firms , whoso products are the 'ard , , sUck by which all competitors measure - ure theIr lines , 'ou will not hooltate. Ask your grocer to-da ' for "P1lls. bury's VITOS-tho Meat ot the Wheat. " Put up onh' In two pound alrtlght , paclmges , Prlco 15 cents. I Some men never mal\O a mlstalee 1 because they never maim a. movo. rl o's Cure for Consumption Is nn InfnllIble I mc lclne for coushs nn cold , - N.V. . SAMUEL , 1 \ , Ocean Groyc , N. J.Peb. lilooo. . , . \ Love and pain are seldom far apart. Smokers find LewIs' "Slnglo Binder" Btraight fie cigar better quullt ' than most 100 brands. Lowls' l"aetol' ' , Peoria , Ill. Sanctification Is salvation from self , S I , , ' . . . . . . . . . - [ t Curcs Colds. CoUllh ! ! , Sere ThroM ( 'roup ) Influcnza. Whoopln" Coulh , Urollchlts : nud ' " Allthmn , A oortnln cure for Con < ; umptlon In fir- ! nage < ; , unlt UHuro rellcr In nlh'allcellslngt'f > , l'H I at unco. You will ell the excellent enect I\flfl takinll the tlrst dO f1. Sohlly ! df'lIlerli c"erl Whero. Lario boltlua : : centli anll W ccnl.8. I I I ! L . - - PRETTY FLOWER CLOCK. - Tlmtplece In the Garden That. . Teaches Lessons In Nature. 1ho chlldron's grnnlfather ! mallo them II. wonlorful ! clocle. It wns out in ! the garden , nnd by It every ono could : toll the tlmo of dny. Of what. do ) 'ou ! suppose ho made It. ? Flowers , and i this Is the way ho did It. ' First , says the Washington Star , ho mndo 0. great. fiower bell anI ! divided It Into twelve pnrts. The divisions were marled out b ) ' rows or box plants , nnd In the center was 0. post three feet high. This post had two I hnnds on It , but ot course , these were only tor show. A sun dial on the post told the tlmo tmly In caRO any of the lItUo flowers got. out of. order. As some plants open only nt night the twelve divisions of the clocle were divided Into parts. On ono sldo were night , on the other duy bloomers. At. .1 In the morning goatsbeard and blue chlclOry opened. The petnls of the chicory w ro 0. bright bluo. They grew lighter In color Ulltll they wore nearly while. The children cnl1ed the flowers "l\lIss-go-to-bed-at-noon , " as 12 o'clocle founl ! 0.11 . their petals closed. At 6 o'clock the morning glory and poppy opened their eyes. At 6 the yel10w harle.weed nnd dan. deUons. At. 7 o'cloclc the wnter mles were In al1 their glory and It the day was fine S o'clock found the pimpernel with Its red eyes wldo open. At 9 . marigold. . and tulips spread out. At 10 Stnrs of Bethlehem were at their best , for nt 11 they were tound nil shut. up. At 12 o'cloclc the lazy passion - sion flowers awolce nnd sweet peas ! then trlumphnntl ' unfurled Ulolr mnny-colored banners. At 2 daisies were the brIghtest and nt 4 o'clocle In the afternoon the flower approprl. ately nnmed four-o'cloclt wus rendy to show UseU. At 5 o'clocle the "beauty of the night" awakes and at 6 the evening primrose was. bloomIng ils 10vcUest. At. 7 the white lychnls ( only n nIght bloomer ) opened and Inter stll1 the nIght prImroses put out their white bloom. At 2 o'clock In the morning the pur. pie convolvulus awolee and wondered It the sun had. . forgotten to get up. VITAL STATISTICS OF RUSSIA. Facts About the Empire of the Czaf Are Interesting. Final reSlllts of the Russian censm of 1897 are stili appearing at Intervals , Among the latest figures published by the statistical department : ire as follows - lows : 'l'he total population of the Russian empire ( excluding Finland ) all May 10 , 1897 , was 126.5S6,52 . Of these 87.123,604 were members of the 'orthodox church. Old believers Rnl ! other sections numbered 2,204.596 ; Mohammedans , 13,906.972 : Roman catholics , 11,407.994 : Jews , 5,215,805 : protestants ( Lutherans ) , 3.572,653. A division of this population on the basis of classes gives the followIng re. suits : Hereditar ' nobles , 1,220,169 : nobles for life , or by virtue of office , 630,119 : prIests of all Christian de- nominations. 588.947 ; honorable cltl. zens , 342,927 ; merchants , 281,179 : bur. gesses. 13,386,392 : peasnn ts. 96,891,648 : Cossacks , 2.928,842 : foreigners , 8,297" 965. Illiterates numbered 99,070,436 (79 ( per cent ) : literates , 26,569.585. Stu. dents at the universities' and other In. stltutlons for higher education num' bered 104,321. Scrap of History. Here Is n. story that comes from the Wenona fire department. Pat was a recent importation , but Instead ot landing a job on th' foorce he got an assignment as a teamster. Unaccustomed to the ways at thIs country , he was continually getting Into trouble with his wagon , owing principally to the fact that he Insisted upon turning to the left Instead at the right. At last these occurrences became so numerous that the stable boss In- Cormed hIm ho would give him just one more trial. Pat had been away from the barns , after this warning , only n short tlmo wben word came that his outfit had been badl ' demolished again and the I'oport was confirmed later by Pat him. self. self."Didn't "Didn't I tell 'ou alwa 's to turn to the right ? " asleed the boss. " 'Vell , ser , " saId Pat , "I did turn to the right whin I met the fire engine , but fwhat good did It do ? Right aftller thlm was a gang of drunlcon painters wid a wagon load of ladders an' they run rlgbt Into me , sorl" Sea Song. A wct sheet and a fiowlng sca , A wind that follows fllst And fills the while ! lnd rustling sail And bcnds the rl1Jllut mast : Anll bPIHR the gallant mast. my bars , Whllc11m \ the ( lIglo free Awnv the good ship filcs. and leaves OhI England on the lec. . o for n foft ! and gentle wlndl I hcard a fair ono cry : Dut glvo to mo the snorln breeze Anl1 whlto waves heaving high : And whlto waves heaving hlih. my 10. ' 1'he gool1 ship tight nud freo- The world of waters Is our homo , And merry men are wc. Thero's tempest In } 'on horned moon , And lightning In } 'on cloud ; Dllt hnrlt the mu I ( ' , I1'nrlnersl ' } 'ho wind 13 piping loud : The wlnlI Is IllPlnlt loud. my bars , The IIshtn ng tlashes frr-o- Whllo the hollow oalt our palaeo Is. Our heritage the sen. -Aloxander Cunningham. Miss Morgan a Type. 1\IIss Anna Morgan , daughter at J. PIerpont Morgan , Is healthy , happy and hearty young American woman , devoted to outdoor sports , especla1Jy riding , driving , golt nnd tennis. lIer greatest chum Is 1\IIss Florence Rhett , to whom her father pn 's a handsome snlary for looking atter his charita. ble Interests. Miss Rhott also 1001s after a good deal of the pl'nctlcnl housekeeping fa" MrOi. Mr..l1n. coon BLOOD FOR BAD ftheumatlam .nd Other Blood DI. . eaan ara Cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. uIn the lend mine" I wns I\t work on my kn . " ith illY elbows prcI\ell ! ! ngnillst " rock " 't llI , III dumpueRR null extrelllE' ' ' of oold , " ! laId Mr. J. G. Menkel , of 2075 Jack ou aveuno , Dubuque , 10wl\ , ill do. IOrlbiliff his exptlrlel1co to reporter , "aad it is 1I0t ImrprlHIIIJ : thnt 1 CUll' trl\otM. rbeumnthnu. l or three ; ) 'Cl\l'S I bl\d attnoks afTlotiuK the joints of 1111 llkiM. kllMS 1\1111 olbuws. My 1\1I1\1es I\ud klleOli bocl\lIIO 81) I > wollol1 I cOllltl , 50ar0ely wl\lk 011 11110\011 Jro\llltI nllll 1\ little pressnro fl'UII1 1\ sttll1eUIIler illY feet would cnuse UIU so lIIuch pl\llI thl\t I would nenrly siuk 110WII. 1 wns uftcn obliged to lie in bell fm' "evornl tIl\Ys nt 1\ time. My frielldll whu Wen ! . .itnilnl'iy troubled were ettill 110 rulil'f fl'om doctors antI I did 1I0t feel ellcolll'ngml to throw 1I101l0Y I\wny for lIuthillJt. Dy obl\lIoe 1 rend tbo 1 > 1ol'Y of Uobul't Yntell , at tbe Klaner MI\llUfnctll1'l1l Co. , of D\l.buque , who hUll 1vcr. ) ' lUl CUHO of rhoumRUsm. I decided to try Dr. Wil. limos' Pink Pilla for Pulu People , the remedy be Imd used. In tht'oo 01' fOllr weeks nter beginuing to UIO the pi11i' ! , I was much bettor 1\1111 in 19:1l'co : monthH I was woll. 'rho 8wellill of the joints I\nd the tolldcrllCsH ! ! ; \ ! ( ' , I could worle atoadil ) ' nnd for ci \ It ; ) 'Cllt.s I 11l\vo bl\d no retut'U of tbo troll hie. My whole fanli1) ' believe ill Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Both my Bon9 u thom. 'Vo consider thom household roUlc y thl\t \VO are auro I\bout. " Whnt Dr.Willil\ms' Pink Pills dill for Mr. Mcnlcel they MO doing for huntIreds of others. Evcry dose ! lellds KiLlloplllJ ; through the volnll , purolItron , ricb , red blood thnt striltollstral ht at the cause of IIll 111 health. 'rho llllW blood rest < > ros rcgulnrity. alld brncellllll tbo orlILllR for their speoial tMkll. Got the lInllino Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I\t your drllg' irtB' or direct from the Dr. WilIinUl5 'Modi. cine Co. , Schenectady , N.Y. 1\1ost people are overstocl\Cd with good intentions. Ask Your Dealer for Allon's Foot.El\so A powder. It rostb the feet. Cures Swollen. Sore Hot , Cnllous , AchIng Swcatln Pcet nnd : ingrowing Nalls. At nil DruggIst ! ! nUll Shoo 8torcs25 cents. Accept no 8ub tltuto. Sample nm { led 1'HEE. Address , Allcn S. Olmsted , LeRoy , N. Y. People who advertise tholr troubles never dear off their Btocle. FARl\lS FOl HENT OR SALE ON CROP paymcnts , J. MULHALL. 810ux Clly , la. Mo.ny hands want light worlt. Try me just once and I am sure to come a1aln. Defiance Stareh. Don't bo ungrateful. . costs one-third the price of powder anywhere near K C quality , and makes better , purer , more healthful baking. 25 ounces for 25c. A n < l poslal for" Dook of l'rcs uls. " JAQUES MFG. CO. Chl ngo , III. , It alltlete4 , ,1&11 L Thompson's EVI Wate. . lOre ef'l. UII r I When answering advertisements olease mention this paper. - - He OUDht to Know. The Into John W. Mnckey wc.a at. tending to business nt. the grent nom. stocle mine ono day when a pnrt ) . of tourists apllrouched nntI askOll If ho know of n guldo who woulil take them around. Evlllently none of thorn knew him.lackey ! offered to escort them , anti dill so , expl\\lnlng the l'S' tor ' of gold and silver quartz mining. When they had emerged the visitors thanled the guide. Amottg thom wns Andrew D. White , recently nmbussa. dor to Germany , nnd at that time presldont of Cornell university. "Hero , my man. taleo this , " ho , : mld. "Yom explanation of the worlcing of the mlno has been slngulnrly clenr and In. forming , " "Well , It ought to be , " replied the guide , as ho slillped the half ( lollnr In his o\'ernlls pocket , "I dug 'em aml I own 'em. " She Was Used. "I hear 'ou hnvo n lIttle sister at ) 'our house , " snltl a Chicago grocer to 1\ small boy. "Yes , sir , " said .Tohnn ' . "Do 'ou I1Iee thnt 1" was queried. "I wish It WI\S n. boy , " said Johnn ' , "so I couitl play marbles with him , an' II scbnll. " " 'V ell , " saId the storckeel ) ' er , "why don't ) 'OU exclll\ttgo 'our lit. tlo sister for a boy ? " Johnny renccted for a minute , then ho said rather sor. rowfully : "We can't now. Il'a too late. We'vo used her four ( lnys. " When Your Grocer Says he does not have De'ancc Starch , you may be surt' ho Is nfrahl to Icep It until his stock of 12 oz. paclmges are ( ! old. Denance Starch Is not only het. tel' than nny other Cold \Vator Starch. hut contains IG oz. to the paelmle IIIIlI sells fOl' same money n8 12 oz. brands. Crushed. "Why am I 1I1eo a pin ? " asked Mr. Jones , triumphantly , of his wife. He eXIJcctod she was 'going to say , "De. calise you are to shnrp , " and ho wns simply paralyzed when she replied : "Borauso If you sbould get lost it wouldn't be worth whllo to spend tlmo lool\ln , ; for you. " ' 1'0 the housewife who hns not yet become acquainted with the now things of everyday use In the mlll'ltet , nUl } who Is reasonably BaUsned with the old. we would suggest that n tl'lal at Denance Cold wuter Starch be made nt once. Not nlone because It Is gUllr- anteed by the manufaetUl'el's to be su- pcrlor to any uther brand , but becl.lIsl ! each 10e paelmge. cuntalns IG OZB. . while all the other Idnds contain bllt 12 OZB. It Is safe to suy thut the la ) ' \ \ ho once ulles Denunce 8111'ch will use no olher. Quality and quantity mllst win. . - CASTO RIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the . . Signature . Promotes Digestion.Chccrrul" nCBS 11l\c1 nest.Contalns neither' ' , . Pjliunt.Morphino nor Jl1incral . of NO'J.'N..U1CO' 'Ic. I . . . " , , . oI'Olllb.ftWilELrmJ/ER 'Ji:1/.flJl. 1 : : ; , . 1 II. S,11t- , . . i tr . I " / tr1tI1lJ n. JJ rI1JM" " . . . . ' .rr..J.- , , rfmliJ , . . _ I JW' Jlli . , ' ' ' U S e Apcrfccl ncm dy forConsUp.1' non , Sour SlpmnchDinrrhoca t " 'orlnsConvulsionsFeverish. ncss ltmt Loss OF SLEEH F 0 r 0 V a r j Thirty Years , , TCOPV WAAPP CASTO RIA . . . THI alNTAUfII .a" ANY. NIW ya" " em. I AN OPENING FOR YOUII There 19 nn opcnlng for you In the Southwclt ; so Is thl1ro for nn enereetlc , wlde.nwillco mllll. 'l'ho 80llthwcst 18 In need of NO'rllING hilt oncrltctlo mon to develop IlR wOllllerful rosollrccs. There nro vnst IIreR' ! or ' 1IIImllroYCIInnd In In lllu Tcrrltory , OIc1l1bomlfIDII'roxns , IIlong the IIno or the M. IC. & ' 1' . Hlillwo.y only wRltlllg for 1II0n IIIto you to rnllko them yield the wOlillerful crops of which tIJoy uro cRpRblo. 'I'hcro IIro hunllrell or toWII ! ! whcro ncw bUslliessel AUE AC1'UALLY NI1 mED. ' 1'0 IIIl1lto thl'm liucccsRful , ) 'OU hRYO ullly 10 cstllbllsl1 thcm IIlII\ use orlllnilry busincss jUllg. mcut In conl1uctlng thelll. 'l'hero uro for 1II\11 \ ! ! IIIHI IIIrlnufllcturlug II antHtllnll1l AtorO'l.lIowRllllllors , lumber Yllr s IIn < 1l11l1ny other bTllnches of trallo. 'l'he 011 nnllltlllllchls of ICIlIISI\.Imlllln 'l'crrltory IIlIIl OIc1l1holl1lnru lIeIV 111111 orrcr womlol'ful oPllortunltle ! ! for dCYol. opmcnt. " ' 0 IIro In 110SSo ! ! lon of 1111 sort ! ! of InformRton ! , Vlllllilblo I\lIko to tbo Investor I\lIIl hUlllcReellCr. If you 111'0 Interestell , tell UR whllt } 'OU Wlilit. 110\ , . much you bllvo to In\'cRt IInd wo will 1I001IIy furnlHh the InformRtlon , Wrllo to.IIIY for copy or ollr boolt. " 'l'ho Com. Inll Country. " It's rreo. Addrcss GEORGE MORTON. O. P. & T. A. . Dox 911 . . ST. LOUIS. 1010. FOR WOMEN troubled with ills peculiar to . . . their se % used as a douche is marvelously sue. cessful. ThoroulhlY : cleanscs , kllls dlseaso ger"sl ! ItopS dlacharles : , beals inOammation an loCAl loreness. l'axtlne Is In powder form 10 be dissolved In pure waler , alld 15 far more cleanslnl : , liuJing. gerrulcll1a1 . and tConomlcallhan liquid anli6epllcs for all. TOILET AND WOMEN'S SPECIAL USES For ! lale at drusglals,1iO cenls a box. TrIal Dox and 1J00k o' Instructions Pree. "HI : R. . PAXTON CO - " N't _ ROSTON. . . .A.O. . W. L. DOUCLAS $3'fSO & 83.00 S HOES fPlIt w. L. Douglas $4.00 O , , dgo Line cannot bo oquallod at any prieD. \.DOtlat , , SHOts A\.1. . 1 II , I , PRI 'iis ' ; III , , I , " t" , ' : ' I' ' , \ 't ' I llt " " lilllilit , / efT . . 1Jfj : fo I IIJ'II ' 1:1 : .Wl .il' ' " 4iJ. - , . July 0.1878. \.L.DOUGLAS MANES AND SELL. MORE MEN'S $8. ' } SHOES THAN ANY OTI/ER MANUFACTURER. $1 0 000 REWARD 10 anyone who can . J disprove this atatoment. , V. I. . DonKI" , $3.50 aho a hnve by their es. cell nt I'tyle , usy flttlnlr , nd auperlorwenrlnc qnRlttlu , achle'ed the Inrltest In Ie of any $3.50 I'hoe 11\ the world. They are lust as Itood . . thole thnt cost you $5.00 to $1.00-the only dlllerence I" the prIce. If I conht toke you Into my factory at ( lrockton , Mnu. , the Inrgelt 10 the world under olle roof mnklnsc men's fin. IhoCI , nnd I'how you the care with which evcry pair 01 HonKlns .hoeal ! ! mode you would rcollu why W. L. non los $3.50 slOes are the bua ahoe8 prodnce" In the world. If I conld show you the dllf rence behvccn the Ihoes mode In my factory nnd those of other moku , you wonfd understand why Voultl. " $ .1.150 shoes cost mora to mnke. why they hold thclr shope. fit b tter , wcnr lonlter. and are 01 Kreater Intrinsic vnlne than any other $3.110 shoe on the market to-day. W. L. DOllo'nR StranD Mallo SIoe. 10 , . Mon. $2. O , $2.00. Dqy. ' Saloo/ . Dros. Shoo.$2. O , $2 , $1.7 , $ I. O CAUTIQN.-Inslst UJlOllllllvlnjt W.L.DoUK. 1M sho08. 1'/lko 110 IIlIb8t1tutO. None Itenuln. wlthollt hl8 111111I0 on < ll'rlco sl ILIII pod 011 boUom , 'VAN'l'I U. A shoo drJlllor Inovory town where W. L. l > ouIDA Shoos ere 1I0t 801tt. Itollllne of" " , , , 'uuJllos SOlit free for IlIlpection u/lOn tequelto 'I" FII.f Cola , . f"tlofll uud ; tho" will not Wofn , b.n"1/ . Wrlto tor IlhlRtrotel1 Cntolog of Fnn Stylo. 'V. L. nOUOLAS , Urocktou , 1I1"BI. W. N. U. Omaha. No. 38-1905. ' \ ; PUTNAM FADELESS DYES- 'I Color more good. brighter and lasler enlors than an , other dre. One 10e packaOft colors silk. wool and colton equall , well and Is guaranteed to glye lIerfct r"lull. . Ask dealer or we will , end pOll paid at 10e a package. Write lor free booklet-lI w to 010 , Dreach and Mix Colors. MONJlUlJ : JJJlUU VO. , UlllulIClllIe , MI..u ' . , Suffered 23 Years From Constipation and Stomach Trouble Wilbert Thompson never knew a welt day-be had been constipated alt his doctors life-many treated him , but alt failed to even help hlm- his health failed rapidly and on January 21 , 1903 , Mrs. Thompson asked us to suggest a treatment for her husband. We thought the case too serious and recommended that a . specialist be consultedbut he also failed to help the patient-NOW HE IS WELL. , Mull's Grape Tonic Cured Him Mrs , Thompson firRt wrote us II ! ! followR : "My hu Imnll. olcll 2:1. : surrcrs from lillllrp pdlnln ! his Rtomnch nnll liomutlrlleK tll1nltH It h , hlK hUlirt. J.uL lIIe klJUW lIy return lIIul1 WIJ t QaUhOS tbo pain , If you can. Mr. ' ' 'l'hoUlI' on hllH 1I'un trcall'fllJY f.Jypl'lIl doel rH , hut thl'Y IlILvu IIh'l'li hIm up , ' ' Wu IlromJltly IIdvlM'llllJllt n IIrst'clm ; ' 110 consultcd.0 ( luotO : "Wo want to Rell Mull's Grape 'ronlo , beelln-u wo know IL" ill cure o"lIhlllllll un. but 600. n buttle I no ubJect to UK when n hlJlnau IIfu I at stake , nnll If ) 'ollr Illlhharlll'li cnsu Is U lIerlou a yuu Rlatt ! . wo SUlIlebt ell ( 'lnlbUltl1 rellablo specialist. not Iho lI ver. tlHln ! ! kfllll.llroUlIJtly , " 4 t thu KalliO limo Imwlng ! thllt Mull Ii ( 1 rape ' } 'onlu 1'0111 < 1 do 110 IIl1rll1. wo oI"lhell Its . usn until JlhYHldlln coullI bu CIJlIsulll'd , Janul\rY : ! . th , Mrs. 'l'h"IIIJI on IVIOo that II ph ) ' lchm IUIII b'f'n con. hUllc,1. , HII l1inlnobel1 the Crl O nli b'lnl : chronlo c < , IIlIp" ' Ion IUIII d ) hll\I \ III , 11IH tn'lItlllen t Willi fullowcd fallh. fully. but there Willi no Iwret'llIlIlu Improvement In 101r. 'l'lIomphOn'i ! 11l'lIlth. 'rhcn ho began taldng Mull's Urul'o Tunlo IInll on SeltemlJor 3. 1\)03. \ ) we reeuh'c < l thu followlnIT letter from Mrtl , 'rhOUl\lbOn : "You will remember thot I wrote to you last Januory In regard to my hus- band's hoalth. It Is four months slnco ho quit takln Mull's Grape Tonic for constipation - tipation , which ho Buffered from 61nco birth. Ho took JUGt 24 bottles of It and la perfectly curod. Ho Is much otronger end hos galnod oonslderobly In flosh. I con- not thank you enough for Mull's Grape Tonic. 'It Is worth Its wolght In gold. ' Just " " < ' \ ' $12 ourod him and ho has spent hundreds of dollars with doctora who did him no , good. It did oil you clolmed It would. " , Very respectfully youro , MRS. W. Ii. THOMPSON , 801 MaIn Bt. , Poorla , III. Mr. TholIlp on stopp.d tllltln" Mull's Orupu'ronlo In June , llJO'J , 110 blls IIecn completely cllrell and bas MR. and MRS. WILBERT THOMPSON ' tllken no otltor medicine Blnce tbut < ll\te. Over two year IInd DO return of tbo dlsollse , shoul < l prove a . 801 Maln St. , Peoria , 111. permanent oure. MULL'S GRAPE ToNIC CURED HIM. IT WILL CURE YOU-BEGIN TO-DAY CONSTIPATION coursol\ndthatlsto aeh I\nd Bowel treat tbo CIIUbe. ne. troubles bl'causo It 12-1 Stomllch T rou bl os , I n dl gell tl on , D ) 'SPop- vivo allli 8lrenltben clcanhcstheJlloodllnll FREE COUPON 923 010 , Blood Polson , Skin Diseases , the bowels and Intes , lI1alOIi the Into . tines Send this coupon to Mull's ) ( 'l'onlo Co" U8 3rd AVO. Hoclt hlnnIll. , . , I\nd Bores , Sudden Bowel tines. Wo will provo practically no\ , . It recelvo un order on your drug ! : tit for u freu bottlu or Mu ! I'll Grape ' 1'onlo , Ulood Trouble , to JOU th't ( lt1 ull' s fccllHbo hlarycll con. 'l'owe IInll ContltIJation ! Curo. Dlorrhoo , Cholera , Etc. Grape ' 1'onlo cures dltlun un < I b r I n g 8 No ODC whosc bow. p.rtRClnrd unIt living Con t1J1"tlon IIntl nil tllem back to IIfe- My Name els are lIelilthy I\nd 1\0 , 1I0\Velli or IlIlCtilines these \errlblo Stom. nothIng ClbQ will. th'c contrnct' ! these Cheelt I1larrllea ami Address complalntsIDvurl. younro IIlibloto fulal WRITE FOR THIS FREE BOTTLETO-DAV abl1 thcy IIrc the reo blood Ilolson-aphHlo suIt of Constlpl\tlon makes you WorS6. Olty . Stnto Good for 1I111nl : children undnurslDi' mothers. whlcb ' ' mel\nidecayed , 'I'hore Isonlfone rhht : Wrllo ) ours anti ) our drugglsl' , name and addrul plalnl , on a , eparale piece 01 The $1.00 bottl. contain. nearly three timell1\9 much I\S the 50 cent sIze. paper and man al once Ih Ihl , coupon. 01U110N : Do net accepl NULL'S gRAPE TONIC unless It has I dale and number stamped with Indelible Ink en the lab.l. I