Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 28, 1905, Image 1

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    - - - - . -
. . ' . ' . . . ' " " > : YC'7 , ; ; ; ' < " " " " " 'r -
' , - " 10 Ulet _ . ' , . ,
\ . . , H toU Llbtl\tJIIII . .
II 1" 0. ; eel C r F
. . . . ,
ES'l'ABLISIlED 1882. TIlE OFFICIAL PAPER OF CUSTER COUN'l'Y. LARGEST CIRCULA'rION OIi' ANY PAPEH IN 'rilE COUN'ry. . . . : - : : . - : - : . - _ : : : : - -
. ' " - +
, . .
- - - - ' ' " " - . - -
I .
_ . _
- - - - - - - -
T . \ nl klu I n't 11\11 ( , Int ! . whcn 111111 I. . .
: : rpeoadnlf ) 01 cluck. . : II . . 'III \ aklWllIt \
. . III ) 'Ollf nlckll' to hllv 11I10' nl Clnr wllh
3tlalarm allli Ifnarantl'1 ! "tllluwn III. "
Ollr nickI < ' alarm CI ck at a Ilullar
lIIakl' facl ) athl ! IlIur tra b nl < l III
. ! \om. ' . .tOtlA fur 1"11lIIon ) ' . Ollr. . .lu4
not lIavl' "oft plnloll ! ! :11I11 a ca 1 ! aq thin
a till. Thl ! .Ilfr..r n. ' " In tll" prkl ! I. . In
till' clllcl < . anl In the 1I1J "tlllent JlrI e"f
kClphlit II 110 I II ! : . Ollr ! < lay luo < l. a 11I1
tbat'A wortb conqhlcrlnlf.
y. m
! 2
' _ _ M _ _ _ _ _ U" ' _ ' ' , " -
- - - - - - - . . - - -
For Sale.
A block , fine residence location ,
. . . will trade for Ih'e stod < .
. . . - , - - - ' - - ' , _ . . - '
Broken Bow Abstract Company.
"J. C. Moore , abstracting. 2tf
Insurance that insure .
38tf H. G. l\IoOIm.
Wagon boxes for salc , at cost.
ee J : S. SQUIIU ! \ .
- . -
Buy' your farm anl city property -
erty of U.V. . Blair. , . . . . } : FtJ . .
I-4et us be your printer. . 'i'he
. . . . . . . . '
, '
Idnd of
gooll printing 0I1) ! ;
. . .
' " , . , ,
For Sulc. t' " l
! \ "
. G09d 1.1ea jlg _ s iron bc ( ]
' - stead , pring-s and two l11atr ses ,
1\lHs. D. W. 'l"noMSON' ,
Healty Block , O\'er
, ISH I-4ce's drug tore.
' ; Notice to Hunters.
, ! All parties are herehv notif c ( :
not to hunt on my pret 1iscs with.
out pernw\siot1 , under penalty 0
the law. FlfANK 'VHI sHNNlmIH .
This office for neat job work.
- - - - - - - - -
- -
- -
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
. " Fftrm Loansl
We are pn > pared to close loan !
, on improv d farms on short not
ice , at specially low rates.
( , -If' rol ( ( n Bow.
For Sale.
Fifty head of spring cal\'es fo
! \ale , about half of either sex , ' a
my farm cven miles north 0
llrolcn Bow. JHf : Gl\o. S\TI'rn :
Good Building Locl\ticn For Sale.
lf you want one of the tincs
and most cOn\'cnient residcn
. location , to thc business PMtio
of the city , on which to huild
residcnc , call at the RHI'UIH.ICA1
oft ce for particulars. It consist
- . three lots including the corner. t
_ _ u _ u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _
Doctor Leach , Dentist. :
- . . . . . . . : . . - - - - - . - I
Heneau & Leonard , real estate.
. -I
I4ist ) 'our farm aud city proP-I
erty with B. W. 1air. 37t , [
Icc Cream , aullr , cig-ars aUll
tobacco at Mike Scanlons.
Dr. Barnes at thc' Granll Ceu-
tral , Ionday the 2nd of Octoher.
_ _ _ - .
Wc alwav1 have tI10U y to loan
011 fnnll1. 'H. lit Moorc-1I1 Appl
mock. ' 3St f
Onc good OtIC year old Jersey .
male hog for sa1e cheap h ) '
H.17 W. J. W AN'l'Z ,
Dr. Bani s of Omaha , eye
speciai st , will he at thc' Grand
Central , Monday , O.tober 2.
I ' -i r lJaf . ' i ; ; ; f ll cst-t ; e
Bowman & Andcrsol1 , just west
of the Security State , anl < . 10tf
- - ' - - - - - - - - -
Lots li'or Sale in Groat'g ad-
( lition. Hecure them now as thev' .
will advance in price.
) : : ) . P. GIWAT.
Want \1-0i1 salesman at once
to canvass t he farm i ng andt hresh-
ing tracle. Fine opportunity for
a goodman. Addres } the liar.
re ) ' Oil Co. , Cleyclancl , Ohio.
MO\'J\D-1\lrs M. 1-4' Miller has
mo\'ed her dress malting cs-
tablishmcnt to thewest room of
the old court housc buil(1 ng- ,
where her patrons arc requested
to call \"hen needing worl , in her
Ii ne. _
- - - - - - - - - - -
BHOKHN BoNebr. . , 4lJg. 18.
1905.-1'0 whom it may concern :
As my wifc , Emma J. Shipley
has left tile and our ( ldest child
l aura without ' caUSe or prod-
catioll , r will not'be espnnsib1e
for all ) ' Ilehts or contracts she
t } ' . J , P. SHI1'I.HY. .It
: I .
An intcn stillg list of Southern
: " California prol' rt ) . to be 'cxchan.
.ged for property in other Btates ,
, tg-ether ) with \ ' cws , and d S'
' riptionsof 'Sau .Di go , the mu : > 1
I delightfulrestdenc ' : -Hl'ot - .
, America , mailed for stamp.
'VU.I.I CAD\\'m.I" Co. fA 'd.
Broken Bow , Nebr ,
- - - - -
For S.le.
A stock farm ot one section 01
. lanel , all under fence , H.O . acrc
f I unrh.'r cllltivation with impro\'c ,
. ments balance pa-.ture , hay land
and limber , three miles north a\1l \
_ half mile ast or Walworth , fOI
Sl2 an acre. Half caRh and , hal.
time to suit .
: I anee on purchaser.
_ G. Gun.H ,
tf Walworth , Neb.
Threshing Machinery.
- 'l'he Geiser Mfg. Co. peer1cs
machinery for sale. Parties con
r templaling pu"chasing' will (11
t well to sec me ,
f S. 1\1. DOHHIS , Ag-ent.
UctJ Poll ulls.
.T as. Bog-g-s of Wcissert , ha
t three tille l tl Poll rcgist ( rci
t Imlls that he will ( lispose of a
n reasonahle prices 'I'hey < Ire ful
a brothers , deep rc\1. One is t\\1
N' Jcars ultl alld the other two twill
s arc yearling : > . 'l'heir sire weigh
f cd } lIOO when four years old.
. _ , . [
- - - - -
. _ _ _ _
! il ' C } . e : . t : . , , ' ; l } Ii , ; G.t--ti : : = : ' . : : : .t ( , : : : , \i \ ; : : ; ; : ' i "O- : , ' " i ; , e- ; " ' .
' are deah > rs in Beal Estate of all Idndr. .
I Wg We will bu ) ' or sell. Don't fail to see
q ' . liS before JOu buy or el1. We can do
. . \I , you goolt. l ( ) Il diem nade anll insnr-
. . . . ance wriltclJ. Farms rcnted a\1l1 \ taxe paid. . 8ee
us 1'01' farm loans. Come in :11111 f > ce us.
. . "
v '
. . \ BOWM AN & ; ANDERSO .
I\ . . . . . , . . . .
CilI .p. , . , : ; : - ' ' ' ' 9'Jk ; ' : I " ' ' : b : a:1 a : -J . ' ,
- - - ' _ . _ . . . . _
- - -
- -
. . M' _
: : : : : .
. I 11cll1 S tI YT.
J' . - [ ; ; l' ; ' 1,1 , , ; I , ; , ; : : : : : ; ; , : . , : r ; " ; ; d-
tinn ! > . Wlthuut illl/U' / t r ) ' \\t' CllllllOt kct'III1P with Ih
' tl'st ulld 1II0sl oPl'w\'clllltetholls of prcsint 1/11) / ' IIIcdicinc.
No douht you hovc 1I0ticcil the hreeze ! > tlf 1uluHtl } ' lhut i
ulwlI's prl. t'llt III our . .tort' . 0111' large \'olltIllC of trrulc is
what cnllhlcs 1111 to give 60 lItuch value fill' 60 litlle 1II1I11l'V. .
l'rt' : > criplions cOIII ! > ountlcll hy registcfl'll tlt'tlg ist enl ) ' .
, . .
Druggist and Jeweler.
, . I
J '
. . . - ! -
: : : : : { : : : :
' ' burwell is in
1'hos. Noble of ,
tIe } city visiting with his parents.
Adolph Ellingson of Round
Yalle ) ' , was a welcome caller at
this oft ce Friday.
.John Wehling and \\ife ! were
city \'isitor Saturday. 'rhis
omce aclinowledges a friendly
N. B. Predmore of West Union ,
was in the ci ty li'ridaJ' attend i ng-
the board meeting of the Soldiers I
Helier. , i
1..A. AUlsberry of Ma on was.
in..the city l\Ionc ay , in connection
WI th thc. telephone business.
' ' ' social
'l'his officc'acknowlellges a
Dr. G. W. Kirlcpatrick , who
has been visitingin 'Oklahoma
for se\'eral months arr'ed in the
city Haturday mornIng to look
after hi It.n l interests In this
count ) ' . ,
Emery Chapin sold \lis \ household -
hold go ds on the street Satur-
da ) ' afternoon preparatory to
leaving for li't. Collins , Colorado.
He und famil.r left for Ft. Collins
the fin of the week.
Henry Serks : of Milburn , and
Charlotte It'uller of Anselmo , were
married at the residence of Re\ ' .
T'agarden in this city last Mon :
day evening. 'l'hey will resi e
on the farm near New Helena.
J. E. Neth \lcKinley , called
! \Ionda\ and had his name enrolled -
led for'the RmUl1I.ICAN. g\l. is
one of the fellows whu knows a
goud thing when hc ser.s it and
tloes not let the little matter of
politicH keep him from enjoying
life as he goes along.
.At high noon last S'tttc1ay"Rcv. '
Jes e H. 'I\'aganleu pronouuced
I thc words which united Wm : W.
Davidson an Nellie Alice urn
in ma t ri mon ) ' . 'rhe ceremony
was performcd at the home of
t he bride's parents cle\'en miles
I outh of Broken Bow where' the
) OUI1g' couple will reside. Qu te
a large gathering of friel1cJi : of
the contracting- parties witnl'ssej
the marriage \.ow.
'l'he Alliance Grip h tRUS' !
pend d puhlication. ' , he 'gril
, was , started nea rly t weny ) 'ean
ago by F. 1\1. Broome. Mr ,
Brooltl is engagcd in land ofiic (
practice which has rctcntly : oc.
cup l'd so much of his time thai
lw could not attend to thl > busi ,
ness of t he newspaper. I He sol ( :
the plnnt to the proprietors 01
, the other two newspapei's at Al
Hancc. ' 1'he material' sub
scription list will he did d" he
S t wcen them. 1\1 r. Br mc. madl
- a good paper of the Pr.ii > an (
his strong- editorials will hc miss
cfl b ) ' xchanges.
Y. J. Stcdre\'s home south 0
t he sou t h side'school house wa
considerahly damaged last Sun
day night by fire. Mrs. Stedr } '
who spends Saturday and Sunc\a \ :
on the farm and thc school day
in till ! cit ) ' , to accommodate he
children , had returned to th ,
city. She retllled ami 1ightel
her lamp. While going'to :
ncighbors for a few minut s h
left the light hurning. It iSSUIJ
posed she fillel the lamp witl
j gasoline instea(1 of carosinc. A
any rate the lamp exploc1cd ani
x : set' the house on lire. 'i'he flame
, , were shoolin1r out at the roof he
'j b .
" fore the liremen coulcl '
j arn\'c an
considerablc damagc was ustaill
IJ ; etl. 'J'he Jnterior of the hous
was prlcticall ) ' ruined. W
unlertaml : thcre wag \'cry litll
insllrance 011 th lmildinf. !
II . II . . 'll11refl ' " In hurmng 0
his wheat stubhle Monday l
Ii ! ) the..J re get awa\ ' from him. 0
- his farm nort 1-cast of towt
'i'he wind was blowing quit
. . hard at the time and it tOuk har
worl < by , himself and nei gh hOl
to stop It before it reached Wit
Barl'ettB and Nine ! \lcComa
wheat stacks. 'l'he tire passe
o\'cr 1\lr. Squires' north medo
and burned for him se\'en riel
of hay containing about se\'cnt' '
five ton of line hay. nad ti
lire reachell the whca t stack tl
loss would ha\'e been much grea
cr as there were\'e
Rtaclcs in the yard , worth 32.001
Mr. Squires feels so grateful tlti
the wheat waR not burned th :
he does not coni\idar hi ! > 101m t
I hav00 ; or mom , anythinj
n had firc guards plowed aroul
I the stubble field but this was nl
Isufficien t. ,
Hohert li'erritonofNew Helena ,
was in the cit ) , Friday making
proof on his homestead.
Herb Watts has bought the
news and bool ( store of Marquis
Bra. . . , in the post ol1 ce lobby.
Jas. Boggs of Weissert wa. . a
citf'lsitor Monday. 'l'he Rep-
ubiican acknowledges a friendly
'l'he ladies of the Baptist
church will sef\'C dinncr and supper -
per election da ) ' . Particulars
John Mulvane.r of Mason Cit.\ ' ,
was a ci tv'isi tor I. . rid aa , tteudJ J
it1/r / a of the Sohlies l e1ief com-
mittee. .
J. B. Oshourne of Wk Creek ,
was a city \ ' sitior ) 'estenlay.
TIe made the HHl'UnrIcA omce
a business ca11.
Secretary of the 'l'reasury
Shaw announces that he will
lea\'e the cahinet February 1st.
lIe will he a candidate for presi-
.T. C. Haney has accepted a
position with the Western Union
Telegraph Co. , as operator at
E\lgl mont , S. D. , aud entered
upon his duties s mch last weel , .
, N. J. Ottun-of l ound Valley , I
who has heen sick 1I10st of the
summcr is in the cit ) ' taking
treatment at the City Hospital.
His trouble is catarrh of the
. ; Joe Pigman an wife : who ,
have been visiting in Colorado /
for the past three weeks , for Mrs. '
' 1
Pi"man's heil1th returned home
Saturda ) ' . Mrs. Pigman is vcr\ " '
much imprm'ed in health. , '
J. W. Rohinson of l ddy\'i11e , < .
has hought Nels I-4ce'g farm ju l ' . '
east uf town for which 'he ' paid ,
$100 an acrc , Sll , 1 00. He. is to '
gt possl s..ion the tirst of March.
1 t is a fin place and a good in-
\'e tment.
We note in thJaI1 ( > \'illl' . ( II. )
Bannl'r that II. 1\1. U'tIwllel' ( ' , ar-
riyed there two hUlIrtUII , \ lat to
ltcnll the funeral\ \ , fatlter ;
who left here on tlh'l th tO \ ' : it
his parents. His L\t1H > r died on
the 13th amI was'l , > ars olcl.
Attorney Evan anll D.111lc -
Carty of 'l'hedforcl. Wl'rc in the
) city 'l'uesday invl'stig-ating , the
cement hlock as a huillling Ina- ,
'terial. 'l'hcdfonl i , K'ing to
, lmild a school hou e ancl the ce-
1 lCnt hock : is heingconsillered. .
, Mr . Harr ) ' JIl'nlll > r on of
Chcyenne , is ln the city \ ' iting
wit h her si ter 1\1 rs. Doddg , who
holds the posi tion of clerk in the '
U. S. land oftice. Mrs. IIcnder-
_ son is the socicty editor of the ,
Che\enne Leader , anll her hus-
I > < ln < l is state examiner of Wyo.
J. 1-4. Wlllil\n ; < ; , wllo recently
returned from 1 nd ianna and 10- '
cated near An < ; elmo , where he
hought , was down in this part of ,
s the county reccnlly a1(1 ( bought
twelve head of milch cows of C.
, H. Jeffords for which he paid
$300. Mr. Willia\lls \ is located
only ahout live miles from town
and will sell crl'am in CtllHJ'ction
with farming.
A number of the church nh'm-
a bers and friends of l ev. and l\lrs.
1-4e\'ack gave them a pleasant
surprise Monday 11ight in the
way of a pound party. 'l'herc'
were between thirty a 1111 forty
present , all loaded , , 'ith provis-
IOns. 'J'he approaching storm
pre\'ented a number \'rom \ attendIng -
Ing and shortencd the stay of
those that elid attend , hut a'C1' \ '
pleasant hour was spent in
sociaJ way by all.
gel. Penn was captureel at
North Platl ' 1'\lesILty \ ni , ht alld
will be returned to the li'rcmont
jail at once. Penn i. , the \'oung
man who was tlllIg ! the .mail
I. out of Oconto fllr traudulent pur-
PO'il'S : , working a "green goods"
scheme and was captured by the
Unil < . .t ) States aut horities , lIe
was tricd hefore J udg'c lungcr
ih Omaha , and sl'ntenced to one
) 'car ill th Dodg'e county j.1i1.
After sen'illg It short time , he
Cf ca peel a CI\U pIe of weeks iI/.fO. /
' - 'ruesday ni lJt a gang of hoboes
IC were roundt'tup \ III North Plattc
II ! yard , and i'e i Bowers. whet
t- ' was present ro : ni d Pcnn ,
! n who was an iamltc of the state
O. penitentiary whl'n Bowers ! Vas
1 t depu t ) ' warden. Pen n h ad a
: it number of blank checlcs on his
Df i perRon aml was e\'itl ntly prepar- I
II IlnU' to (10 a little work 111 the I
III forger ; . ' line. I'here was are-
Dt war of $25 off rec1 for his cap-
, ture.-Hub ,
- . , .
r- - "
rUhtning Feed Grinder Exhibition !
At our place of husine s we ; wiIl serve a } i'HEE I-4UNCH tote . .
to all who ca.ll , using flour ground by this fal1lous grinder
from which we will mal\C hot calces , and sen'e them with
butter , syrup and hot colTee. I4alies and all are invited. 'l'his
is it grinder , not a crusher. Hemember the date : -
' Fri. Snt Oct.ober IH 20 una 2 ]
ThuJ' . , . . , . , I
C .i n
, , , .
1I"'r " r"t "
" h.'LIIh"'ulh"'J1U' ' ! ' : : : ! ' uu.I:1 : : : : ' I ll \i"'I:1b.'iJI \ ' : : . ! ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ! ' ' ' ' ' '
rlllilbu" 'iJII''JJL':1
Do You Want a Horne in One of The I
Besl Towns In. The West ?
YOli. Want a BJrgai 1
l-ll l ( I YOU A I l .
I havc for sale the following' dc cribcll propert ) ' in : - .
Brolen Bow , ehr.
1-8 Hoom 1 ! / stmy frame dwelling- with 70 feet of porch ,
hartl , well , cistert. ' and city watcr in the hou c , all lt ndg : .
: of shruhher ) ' , fnut anll shade trees , ground II0xi 12 feet \
. with 1)0 feet of ccment sidewalk , one of the hest , homes
, in the cit\ . , one hlock from lIte square.
, , 1. ( , Hoom hrick dwelling- with hath anel , bath fixtures , nice \
lawn allli hade trees , city water , two hloclcs from slluare. ' \
: 1-10 I oem two stor\ ' frame huill1ing , almo t ltc\\ ' , nice lawn , \
fruit alld shall trees , c tJ' wat r , two lots of ground , two .
hloclcs from squarc. '
: 1-5 l oem one tory frame dwellinJr , nice lawn , plenty of ' . ,
i shade , city water , all ! n good rep ir , two hlocks wegt of . : .
< ' Bowen's store , north Hle. I ,
1-7 l oem 1 J stoq' fram < 1 welling , with bath , city water , .
nice "hade , gronnd 'JOx 112 feet , two hlocl , " f rnlll " ' 1"are.
. , 1,5 HoolII one story frame dwelling , " ,11 , in gooll r pair , rents
for $10 per month , less than one l > lock from puhlic square. l .
All the aho\'e descrih d rcsidence property will he sold for
less than it would cost you to } lut the impro\'ements on the
. g'rouuct , for part cash , balancc in smal } payments. J also ha\'e > \ . .
i for sale one 2ft-acre tract of land with housc , barn , well , \
winllmill'anll 15 to 20 acres of afalfa } , nice shade , one mile t
: from postollice. Prices for any of the above properties furnished - ' :
( nished at my ollice , northea t corner of public square. > \
Yours For Business ,
: tE. c. HOUSE '
. / .
' ; " , . .I""ur-an. : r.nmt : : : : ' : ; lmr.r.1T1 : : ; ym. : : nr.r.Titll111fr. : ; : " < !'lJi"I" : ; : ; : : : : . : : : : : : ! : . : : : , 'I"r.llli ; ; ; ! iI" ' , ' , : ' : >
T11e Best Place
whpl'p Y01l I'n n g't. ! t.ll ! ' hmt. ; . 'rhe hL' t. is none
IH too g'ood. \ \ ' 0 h1lY t Iw hp t. . t.hel'e i ancI ilwl'e-
fOl'P foWl ! tlw hl'Rt. OUI' ( tlSt.Otltel'H apP"PI'iatp " the
Ill'u It h rood 1)J'od I\'ts \ ! 11111)II'd ) ( hy t.h i HUH' ( . Vege-
tnbll's or all kind:4 , nnd ) \In \ ( ' hilt. . the IWHt handled.
_ _ . . . . . _ _ _ . _ . . . , . . . u . - - . . . _ , . -
Prep.Hefl' Lu fEll1f 'ns.
' , , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1'1111,1 , h.\l1I I"r 1'0111. 5
. , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . .
1'1111.,1 l : III c1U'1I plf C.III. : :110 :
' , , , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
\ 'a I Ilia f I'r 1':111. .IS a 1111 25
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
" " ' ' ' ' ' 11 taillah' p'r call. ' .1
, . . . . . . . . . . . .
, V""a , . , Sall.alll' , . . . . . pur , . C.lII. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Iu . , all" . . . : : oc
SI"IIk'.1 .r call ' .IC ;
. , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . .
C.IIIII" ' 101'111' Ikr call. IUc
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . .
Sa"III"11"'f C.lll. . .5,111.13 ; 11111 c.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
S.IIIIIIIIII"'f l.all. .IlI. Ili. ! 15.11111 ' : "C
, , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
III h'n . I'r call. w. . . U ami : : u : :
. . . . . . .
11111. : all HIli' hullICH. 011\.111 hlllk.
l.ltlllC,1 tlUrk : all" I'alill I"'f ClII..IjlIII12Ik :
CeleryOranges. Lemolls , Bananas -
nanas , Pcaches , Pears anll Ap-
ples. Picldcs al1 kinds.
leur. . U..l 'rHAn . . . . . . . : . " 'nt'KClr nHOKI North N S"I ! lOW , N : ! lH.
MAHK - -
, . . . . . . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -