Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 21, 1905, Image 6

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- - - - - -
Believes HIs Place In History Will Be
Determined by What He Can Defer
for the People-Banquet In Honor of
the Nebraskan.
( nIICAGo-"l wnnt to II1nlto m '
position IICrfectly clear , I wnnt to
fla ) ' to YOII thnt 1I0t only 11m I not nn.
nOllnclng 11 clIl\llIln \ ( ( ' ' , hilt I 11m not
Irmlttlng ) ) ( lnnOllncelllent of n '
cnc ) ' 11) ' nn ' one else for me , "
In these wonls Wlllll1m .Jennlngs
HI' 'nn adllllnisterell a ( ! hecl ( to the
enlhuslnsm which nt the , Jcffcrson
< ' 1uh hnnqnet glvcn lonlght In 1\11' .
1Ir'l1n's honor grl'ctcil the spccchcfI 1111.
, 'ollting ( his 1I01ll1nl1ton ! for the thlrll
time for Ilrcslllent.
'l'lwl'c hnll Iwen'l1rm word 1'1 of
] ll'IIlsc for 1\11' , III'ynn. pllrtlclllnrly
from former ConHI''fSmnn Ollie I'll.
.lnm < , s of Kcntllt'll ) ' nnd .Judge .Jllmell
H , I1'I11'vln of Covington , K ) ' " who hnll
cc'lllrell ) ullqllllllfiedl ) ' for 1\11' . BrYl1n
HII the dcmocrntlc nomlnce for IlrcHI.
clent In ] D08 , I1nll frolll 1\11' . Alexander
'I'roIlP of Now Hnvell , Conn" who dc-
( 'llll'clI thllt Bl'ynll wnli the IIl1lurnl anll
Icgltlmllto Icndcl' of the democrntlc
Jlllrt ) ' In the coming can1lJ1llgn. When
1\11' , Br 'an , who cnmo ] nst on the llro.
grnm roso' to respond to the tOllst ,
" ] ) emocrac ) ' verlius Centralization , "
he deferred for a few mOlllents en.
terlng UIJon his formnl I1lldress ulltll
ho had returned thnnlls for the words
of prnlso IIhowered upon him hy the
Rpenlters who ] JreCellell him and until I
] 10 had set hlmllelf right on the question -
tion of posElhlo cl1ndlllncy for the
Jlresilloncy. 1\11' . Br'nn Rnhl :
" 1 am 1I0t now tl cnnllldllto f r any
office. I hllvo nevcr said thnt I wOllld
nor ngllin he a calHlIdato for olllco ,
Il\1t I want to lIay now tlHlt tnll ( of
can ldncy for omce docs not affect mo
as it once did. I hellevo that mr IJlace
in history will ho c1otermlilOd not by
what the ] ICOllle nre able to do for me
1111t what I am able to do for the peo-
ple. ( Applnllso Hnd chcerll , ) I think
It Is now too Hoon to choose n call1ll.
date Cor } Jrosldcnt to mal < o the race
1hr e 'eara from now ; it Is too carly
to IJledgo olmwlves to any ono mnn. I
tJ'IISt that hefore the tlmo comes to
1111mo n. man for the next ] Iresldontlal
race light may be thrown IIpon 0111'
ll11rt"s pathwa ) ' , I1IHI that a man may
1 110 chosen who will bo hest able to defer
for the more than I have 'et .
' \Jecn \ ahle to do.
W\J1lrun \ .lennlngs llryan , soon to
leave for a tOil I' of the WOl'hl , received
a notable testimonial of elltcem at a
banquet glvlJn In his honor b ' the
.Teffol'Gon cl\lh \ at tholr rooms , Hun.
c101ph nnd Clarlt streets. Covers wore
lal Cor 300 guests and nmong them
were many prominent people.
PEKING-An Important e lct has
) ICen Issued In response to 'tho memorial -
rial of Yuan Shl KI and other prominent -
nent men , abolishing examinations for
the old system of degrees. Dy mcaus
of this s 'stom , eslahllshed from time
immemorial , China hns recr lted gov.
ernment oll1cers. 'l'he Idea of obtain.
ing by comllollUvo cxnmlnatlon the
best educated men Is essentlali ) ' good ,
1mt It has been rendered enUroi ) ' fu-
1lle by the Imowledlo demanded.
Hitherto the aspirant for honors was
requlre < I to bo proficient In the writIngs -
Ings of Confucius and other classics ,
the nb11lh' to compose essars In II. particular -
ticular form , consisting really of a
It1nd of literary jugglery. The learning -
ing so obtand : ! was entirely usele3s
for practical } Jl\I'1Joses. \ while the close
study required to attain the Mcessary
Imowledgo prevents attention to other
modcrn an more useful subjects.
Vessel Which Led Fleet Into Action In
Sea of Japan Partnally Destroyed.
TOKIQ-The Navy doparhnent an ,
nounces that the battleship 1\lIlmsa
has been estroyed by fire and the
explosion of Its magazlno causing the
loss of 69D Uves , Including men 01
other ships , who went to the rescue.
The flro started from an unlmown
, cause at midnight on Sunday. Defore
.the omcers could be rescued the fire
'reached the nft magazlno , which ox'
; lJloded , blowing a hole In the port sIde ,
; of the , -esso ] below the water line and
caused the ship to slnle.
Both Sides Willing to Yield.
LONDON-'fhe cOl'reSIJOllllent oj
the 'flmes at Karstad says he belleve
there is a disposition on both sides te
yield on the question of Ule demoll.
tlon of the fortifications and an arbl.
tratlon treat ' . Sweden , ho snys , dom
not want the historical fortresses de
mollshed , and that If Norway Is wlIJ.
Ing to demoUsh the modern forh
Sweden wlIl be read ' to conchl < lo a1l
arbitration treaty for the settlemonl
of all future dlfferonces , but not thosc
affecting the questions now under dis
Workmen Out at Warsaw ,
WARSAW. Husslan Polnnd-In con
sequence of the execution on I 'rldn
of Ivan Kaspshak , .a soclaUst leadcr
who was conllemned hy a court-mar
tlal for Inciting noli tical murdeds , al
the factories In Warsaw sh'uct ! tot1a '
Cossnc13 and infantry are IlIltrollln
the streets. A largo number of ar
rests were made In a theatcr at Lad :
] t st 1Ilght. An Indlvlduul In the gal
It > T ! ' flooded the house with revolu
touary ( < tocuments whereupon UII
1'0Hco surrounded the theater an < I ar
zested about 200 or the OC'C1un ntJl
. . . . . . . . , . , . - - . ,
New Commander of the Grilnd Army
I of the Republic. I
D8NV n--'I'I1l' thlrty.nlnth nnnunl
1I1l lonll ! lcnIllPIllJnt of the Granl I !
Al'ln ' of the Hellllhllc eledel1 omcera
on 1"l'Iday " IlS follows :
, , Tanner I
COllllllanderlnchlef , Jamcs ,
Now Yorle. I
Son lor vIce commllnderln-chler ,
Georgc W. Coole , Denvor.
.llInlor vice commander.ln.ehlef , Si.
Ills 11. 'l'owler , 1\tlnnenpolls.
Surgcon rencrnl , lIugo Phlllor , 'Vau.
IWAhl1 , Wis.
CIIIIIJlaln.ln.chler , Hov. I 'ather .T. 0 ,
Leal'y , ChIlIJIIIIIII , 1\1111.
\tlnneallolls wns chosen as the
IIlcetlllg } JIllcO for ] D06.
'I'he conteRt for commnnclor-In.chlet
was the most IntcreAtllI fenturo or
the SCIiSrunR Prldl1Y. Bellhlcs Corporal
'I'nnller , .H. B. Brown of ZaneRvlllo , 0"
Charles BllrrOWfl of Hllthorforll , N. J. ,
IlIIII ChnrleR O. Bllrton of NOVllda , Mo"
we1'O IJlacecJ In nomlnatloll , Burrows'
11I1IIIe wall InJlnelllntelY wlthllrawn. As
the roll cllII of departments proceellCtl
It became IlIIIJ/lrl'nl / from the nllmber
of dl'lJl1rtmclltll lIecoulllng 'fanner
thllt his eleclloll WIIS a certalntr. AI.
thollgh George Stano of Snn Francisco
WIlS 1I0t IInmod formally all a cllndl.
date , the Department of California nnd
Ne\'ndlL Cllst It II fiftecn votell for him ,
'l'he total vote for Tnllner was 417'1
Brown recelvell 187 , Ohio ILnll Penn.
s 'lvllnla giving him their full vote
anel Indlann n majority. 'fho only
lar e delegation that voted for Burton
WIIS thllt of 1\lIssoUl'I. His total wag
42 votes.
When the adjlltant general announc.
cd the result the convention wont
willi. 'l'ho oM veterans leapell from
their scats , ! ! houtlng and cheering
and throwing their hats In the all' . I I
. Amlll the din General Brown mount , .
ell the stngo and movoll to malto 'fan.
ner's election unanimous. 1\1essrs. I I
Durton nnll Stano bot.h secondell the
motion , which WIIS cal'l'led with a real
of Illlillnuse , Commandor-ln.ChleJ
King then alJllolnted the defeated comrades
rados a conJlnlUl'e to escort Corporal
'l'anner to the stage. Whllo the fOllI
were walltlng down the center als1a
the delegates mnlle n. Tush for 'l'annor
amI , JlfUng him Into tne nil' , carried
him b0l1l1y to the rostrum. The delegates -
gates then rose enmnsse and cheerej
for lIovcral mlnutcs.
DENVEH , Colo-An Intoresllng fell. '
tllre of the visit of the Nohraslm department
partment to the national encamp.
ment at the Alhan ' hotel wa'J the pro-
senlllUon to Past Department Com.
mmller : Harmon Dross of Lincoln J
a IJast department commander's badge.
'I'ho presentation address wns macJa
by C. E. Adams of Superior.
'Tho badge Is of gold , an Is stud.
lied with se\'en diamonds. The em.
hlem bears a cross amI a sword. The
cross enotes thnt 1\11' . Dross was de.
partment chaplain of Nobraslm for
three yenrs , and the sword slgnlfiol !
diat ho was a commissioned omcer In
the union army.
Woman's. Relief Corps.
'DENVER-Tho Woman's nelleJ
Corps of the Granll Arm ' of the Ro-
} 1\Ibllc \ elected the followlng omcers :
Senior vice president , 1\Irs. Julin. G.
Sine , Chicago ; jllnlor vice president. ,
Eunlco Munger , Oltlahomn. CIty , O.
' 1' . ; treasurer , Charlotte E. Wright.
Hartford , Conn. ; chaplain , Cathorlne
C. Kennedy , Denvor. Executive
board : Dr , Orpha Druce , Tamp3.
Fla. ; Sarah E. White , RoctvlUo ! , Ind. :
Florence S. Dabbltt , YJsllantl , Mich. ;
Marla E. Dean , Chattanooga , Tenn. ,
and 1\Irs. Allco W. Fuller , Clevelnnd ,
O. The encamJmcnt adjourned sine
OYSTER DA Y-Presldonl noos&-
velt Is In receipt of a telegraphic IJro.
test from Hudgins & Dumas and DaIro
& Company aalnst , the letting of a
contract br Chairman Shonts of the
Isthmlnn canal commlsssion to .T. E.
, 1\1arlwl , of Omnha , Nob" for the hotel
anll subsistence concessions In th
Pnnama canal zone. Chnlrman Shonts
awardell the contract to MarlO ] as the
successful ono of three bltlders. Hud.
, ; Ins & Dumas and Balfo & Company r
, helng the ether two. The protest te
i the ] Jresldont alleges that favoritism
was shown to 1\Iarleol.
SeIze CargrJ of Seal Skins.
VICTORIA , ' 8. C-Tho senlln
Hchooner Carmelcltn ! , now called the
Acapulco , arrh'cd ! ! 'In , ; the 1\Iexlca11
tlag. It came from ClnyoQuot beCl1\lSE
of orders Crom the VlctOl'la custom !
I ol11clals , her catch of 373 seal sldns It
Doring sea bolng under selzuro hero.
Kullkovsky Gels Life Sentence ,
1\I0SCOW-J\1. lu1llw\'sly , who , 011
July 11 last , assasshmteu Mnjor Gen. .
oral Count Shuvnlolt , Ilns heen sen.
tenced to imprisonment for Ufe.
rrMglng for Armistice.
GODZY ADINI , Manchurla-MajOl
r General OvanovslQ' , quartermastlJl
, gene-rnl 1.lnovltch'8 stnlt , has heen ap
. ] 101 r. tel plenipotentiary to meet Uu I
.iap& rOIJresontatlvcs and I\rrangE I
thl ! terms or 1m nl'Iulstice.
Sp nlsh RepublicaltD Gain ,
l\1Al'UID-'l'he results of the elce f
tlll1li IJl'ltl SUl1da ) ' are not 'ot dE'finlto '
RCllItlllron galnll are IndlcatIJri Th
[ ) 111cl1\l'.hll'ts ( hnve carrlelt Madrlll an
. 11,0 Icuubllcans have carried narc .
luna "hQ VI\IE'ncla
* , - - . . . * . . . . .
- ' - - - - - -
Charged With Plnln and Inexcusable
Violation of the Law and a Gross
Betrayal of the Trust Thilt Had ,
Been Repotoed In Him ,
INDIANAPOLIS-Dotectlves from
the hl < lIanaJlolls departmen t nt 1 : 30
thlll morning went to the homo of the
former auditor of stnte , aDvld E. Ster.
rlclc , wllh the InteutlNl of tnldng hlrh
to the Central police stntlon to have
served on hIm a warrant issued by
lho cOllnty prosecutor. On account of
reasons uot nt this tlmo clear' they
concluded not to bring him to the Central -
tral pollco station , hut will romaln on
guard at his homo ancI tOllay ho will
bo hrought in nnd ser\'ed wllh a warrant -
rant Issued hy the count ) . prosecutor
chnrglng Imhezzloment. .
I.'ollowlng three demands for his
resignation which was 1Iot forthcom.
ing at. noon. Governor .T. Frnn1e Han-
ley Issued an order taldng cognlzanco
of a vacancy In the oll1co of auditor
of state , at the Ramo lime appolnllng
Warren DIler ! of Wabash to succeed
David F. Sterrlcl ( , who was in effect
summarily removed. .
Later In lho da ' Mr. Sherrlcl ( forwarded -
warded his roslgnatlon to the gover-
nori' which WCl.1 Imme latelr nccepted.
Upon receipt of Mr ; Dlgler's acceptance -
anco ho wns notified to arrange Cor
his hand as soon as posslhlo In order
lhat ho might tal < o charge of the of-
11co at once. This was done and Mr.
Dlgler will become auditor of state lo-
morrow morning.
In the order which resuUel"- Ule
vIrtual removal of Sherrlcl ( , Governor
Hanloy charged that the auditor had .
been guilty of n. "plain and Inoxeus. ,
able violation of the law and a gross
betrayal of n pUblic trust" In InvestIng -
Ing and loaning fun s belonging to lhc
state to the amount of $145,000.
This sum , the governor alleges , was
misused , having 1 > een Investe for prl-
vato purposes.
No nrrests hll."o been made , but at
a conference between Governor Han-
ley aUll Charles Denedlct , IJrOseculing
attorney for Marlon countr , the chief
executlvo laid before lh9 } Jrosocullng
attorney g nernl certain evldenco
bearing on the case.
Chas. B. Letton of Jefferson County
Heads the Ticket.
I INaOI..N-In the republican state
convention hero Thnrsdn ' the foUow-
ing nominations were made :
For Justice of lhe Supreme Court-
Charles D. Letton of Jefferson county.
For Regenls of the State Univers.
ity-V , O. Lyford of Rlchnrdson
county and Fred H. Abbott of Platte
The platform Indorses the noose-
velt administration ; eclares for "ade-
quato anll effectlvo control" or Interstate -
state commerce against rebates nnd
frolght cllscrlmlnatlons and favor. con.
I forrlng U)1on ) some branch of lho executive -
cutive government the power of ef-
fectlvo action ; demands that Ne.
hrnslm congressmen co-oporale with
I the pro.ldent along these Unos ; de.
clares in favor of the direct primary
law ; commends the present stale ad.
I mlnlstrallon as economical and busl.
noss-1\1 \ < o. Anti-pass planl ( : "We bo-
1I0vo that the giving of free transportation -
tation upon railways Is detrimental to
the Interests of the people and recom-
moml that n. law bo enacted by the
] eglslature of this state to prohibit
\t. "
Loubet Will Visit Portugal.
PARIS-President Loubel has ac.
copted the Invitation of KIng Charles
to visit Portugal after his sojourn at
COUNCIl , DLUFl 'S , la.-Durllngton
fast fi 'C1' No.8 , leaving Omaha at 8
o'clocle Monday night for Chicago , ran
Into a string of frolght cars at the
Wabash crossing , In the eastern part
cf tbls city and I nglneer Nelson H ,
'Voods and Flremnn n. E. Hosler , both
of Crest on , In. . received burns from
wblch tho' died In a sbort time. The
train carries enl ) ' mall and n pas-
Sl'ngeI' were n board. The engine
was deme ill > bed.
Miss Money Will Be Sponsor.
nIHl\1INGIIAM , Ala.-A special to
) the News from JacIsoll , Miss. , saya
1 I thnt Governor Vardaman , having been
3 advised by the Jlav ' department that
3 the battleship Misalssillpi will bo
I ready for launching at Cramp's Bhlp-
rardB , Phlladellhla ) , Se)1tem1 ) > er 30 , hns
appolntod United States SeMtor II.
D. Money to talle his place as repro.
BontaUve of the Rtate , anI 1\IIss Ma1 > el
\ \ , granddnughter of Senator
- \\Ionoy \ , as sponsor. Governor Varda-
man wIU be unnblo to attend becnuso
of pressing business dutlea.
Norwegian Vice Consul il Victim.
P NSACQJ.Fla.Nino now cases
" nnd ono ( Ieath Is the ) 'ellow fever rec.
) ord for Pensacola Monda ' , conelud.
) Ing nt 6 p. m. Suspicious or douht-
I rul cases number aboul twelvo. The
denth was thal of A. Wo1fburg , vice
I consul of Norwa ' who
) , died today
after a hrlef Illness. He was taken III
. five days since and did nol cnll n phy.
slclan , the caBO helng located by In.
} spectors. A posl mortem ox ami nation
revealed that he hnd dlel of ycllow
favQr of thn mo t. mRlIvnnnt tvnQ
Requests Consulting EngIneers of Ca.
nal to Hurry Their Work.
WASIIINGTON-Upon the occnslo\1 \
ref the rccent visit of the memberll of
tl1e hoarel of consulting engineers of
the Isthmian canal at Oyster Day the
IlreshJent addressed to them n few re.
marlts which will he printed shortly
and presented to the dlfforent mem.
bel's. After hlddlng them welcome ho
urged thom to use nll the speed they
couid snfely mnko In coming to n
conclusion as to thu lJUlt : ! plan for
< Ilgglng the cnnal so that ho might
have ample tlmo for slud'lnA' the 1'0'
IJOrt before sCndlng It to congress.
1I0 did not express hlntsef ) In favor
of either a lock canal or a sea.level
canal and refrained from any technl.
cal observations , but urged the memo
hers to state their opinion without the
slightest hesitation an < I to send him
reports , not all ho should ] \\(0 \ \ to get
them , Imt as he ought to got them.
'l'he memhors of the board have nearly -
ly all returneel to Washington , but it
had not ) 'et been decided when the
next meotlng will ho held. 'l'hey will
for some days occupy tholl1selv S
studyIng the dllterent plnns and data
wUh which they have been provl e .
OSCEOLA , I a.-Dr. .T W. Leo oC st.
Louis , spealdng before the Methodist
church conference , took up the negro
question and declare that in their
forty years of freedom the blacle raeo
had faUen below the stnllon wherl )
240 : rears of slavery ha placed it.
Dr. Leo asserted that the npgro Is
4,000 'ears hehlnd the whlto man in
civilization. Caste , spirIt and race
prejudlco , he said , are right because
God has planted them In men's hearts.
'fho opinion was eXJ1'esse by Dr , Leo
that the negro sbould rejoice at the
mere privilege of living and , breathing
In this countrr. :
Mlnlsterlalists Secure MajorIty.
l\IADIUD-FuU results of the elec.
tlons show thnt the minlsterlallsts
have obtained 240 scats and lho op.
Ilosltion 167. Serious disorders are re.
IJOrte from Ferrol , while a number of
persons were Injured.
- - - - -
Secretary of Agriculture . at South
Dakota Fall' .
HURON , S. D.-Tho state fnlr
groun s wQro dell\t ! d to ay in the
)1resence ) f n hIlI'l'\Qnse ' \ Cl' w < 1 , ad.
dresses being made by Governor Elrod
and James , V , 'Vllson , secretary of
agrIculture. Secretar ' Wilson spol < o
directly to the farmlrs ) ! , complimenting
them upon the wonderful progress
made In the development oC lhe nsrl-
aulturnl resource of the new domaIn -
maIn and expressed surprlso to see
the marvelous agricultural products ,
stock and other exhlhlts , declaring
they surpassed many seen at similar
exhibitions In ohler States. He was
frequently InterruJted by applause and
at the c10se of his address three
rousing cheers were given for the
best secretnry of ngrlculturo this gov.
ornment has ever hnd.
BOSTON-Claiming that ho has
bcn ! < .nmaged to the extent of $3-
750,000 by the falure of Thomas W.
Lawson to lwcp an agreement with
him , Louis H _ Ram , of Urlquo , MexIco -
Ice , entered suIt ngalnst 1\Ir , Lawson
In the supreme court hore. He ro-
Quest3 that th defendant doUver to
him personnlly 7,600 shares of the
Law'on ! Company , of 1\Iexlco , and In
addition that be plnce in a safe do-
: lolt "atIlt' for ten years 22,500 share ! !
to bind the agreement on which the
sulL 15 based.
Kansas Yield This. . Year Estimated at
230UOO,000 Bushels.
WICHITA , Kas.-F. W. Fraslus , editor -
itor of the Southwestern Grain and
Flour Journal of this cltr , is autho-
hy for the statement that the Kansas
corn crop will reach 2:10,000,000 : bush.
cis. Only once In the history of the
state was there a larger crop of corn
than will he gathered this fall. That
was In 188 ! ! , when the yield of Kansas
was 270,000,000 bushels. Authorltlcs
all say that the present crop without
doubt Is the large"t over grown In
th' ) state , acreage considered.
. Filliing Off In Voters.
PIIII AD81 PIIIA , Pn-Tho totnl
numhor of voters In Philadelphia , ae.
cording to the September canvass , the
complete returns of which were an.
nounced toda ) ' , Is 33DjO ! ) ( , a decrease
of 36,819 , comlJllred with the canvass
made In Ma ' , prior to the gas lease
Monev to Move Crops.
NEW YORK-The suh.treasury
transferred $600,000 to San Francisco
for local banlts , presumably for crop
moving purposes.
Eight Die from Cholera.
W AnSA W-In the vlllago of Wy.
sock , government of Volh'tlla , on the
frontier of Husslnn Poland , a rafts.
man who returnee ! from PrUHllla mil ]
eight otbor llersons ] Ia vo Illeet tram
cholera. The vlllaRe has boon Iso.
Find of Spanish Gold , .
DETHOI'l' , Mlch.-A IIpoclnl to the
Tl'Ibuno from 'l'rnvcrso City lIa8 that
$1jOOOO [ In SIJnnlflh geM has heen un.
earthed on North l.'ox 1lIllInd , err Orand
" 'rev.n. . huv In T , UIlA MII'hlll'llJ'
. . , .
New Reinforcements Not To Be Dls.
patched to the Theater of War--
Where the Officers Will Meet to Ar.
range Details.
l..ONDON-Tho Japanese legation
gave out the text of the Russo.J'apa.
nose amlstlco protocol ns Co11ows :
1. A certain dlstanco as a zone of de.
mnrcatlon shnn be fixel } between the
fronts of the armies oC the lwo pow ,
01'11 in Manchurln. as well as In tbo
region of the Tumen river , Corell. . .
2. The naval force of ono of tbo bel.
IIgerents shall not bombard territory
belonging to or occupied by the otbor.
3. Maritime captures' will not bo
suspended hy the armistice.
4. DurIng the term or the nrmlstlco
new reinforcements shan not bo ls-
patched to the theater of war. These
which nre alread ' on their way there
shall not be dispatched north of Mul-
den on the part of the .Tapanoso or
south oC Harbin on the part of Russia.
5. 'fhe commanders oC lho nrmies
and the l1eolg of the two powers shaH
detormlne In common nccord the conditions -
ditions of the armlstlco In conformity
with the provisions above onumerated.
6. The two governments shaH order
tholr commanders Immediately after
the signature oC the treat ) ' of peace to
put the protocol Into execullon.
The protocol was signed by M.
Wltto , Daron Rosen , Daron Komura
and 1\1. Talmhlra. .
MUKDEN-Oeneral Fulmshlma , rep.
resenting Field Marshal Oy ma , and
the Russian commissioners met at
Shaboth , a stallon north oC Chanlung ,
at 10 o'elocl ( this morning. It prob. :
ably will tale several days to arrange
the details oC the armistice which they
are to prepnre.
AUBURN , N. Y.-necord.brealdng
celerIty was the unusunl feature In
the electrocution of Henry Manzer In
the death chambOl' at Auburn prison ,
The witnesses entered the room at
6 : 05 o'clocl , . Manzer was escorted
to the chair one minute Inter. In another -
other minute he hnd been pinioned In
the cbalt. and the mask had been
lIrawn over his face. State Execut-
tloner Davis Imme lately mndo can-
nQ.tlonE ! with tl fnta ] l.Qy , r , an 1,780
, 'olts c iu'S d through the victim for
thlrtr seconds.
Promoter Killed By Wife.
BUTTE , Mont.-Wl11lam Frost , n
mining Dromoter Crom Battle Creele ,
Neb. , was ldlled by bls wlCe after ho
ha tried to cut her throat with a
! Ozor. The woman blew his head from
his shoulders with two chnrges from a
ST. LOUIS.-Fredorlck Essen , receiver -
ceiver of the People's United Stales
bank , reported to Judge McElhinney
of the circuit court at Claylon , that
tbere was In the banl ( $233,536 credo
Ited to the special account of President
. G. Lewis which had been received
by 111m on subscriptions for capital
steel { , an which represents over-sub- I
seriptlons , received after a ] ] of the
capital stock had been taken. The
jUdge ordered that this bo returned
to the subscribers.
A $50,000,000 CONCESSION.
It Is Awarded to J. E , Markel of N .
braska ,
NEW YORK-Chalrm n Shonts of
the Pannma canal commission an.
nounced FrIday that he had awarded
a concession for feeding and houslnl ;
the greater part of the canal omployes
to J. E. Mnrltel of Omahn.
Fonowlng a monlh's visit to Pann-
mn , 1\11' . Markel hal ! worlwd out a com.
prehenslve schcme , which Includes
the early elltahllshment of ten hotels
along the canal and railroad , each of
them to accommodate from 160 to 260
laborers and twice ns many dineI'd.
These hotels , It Is declared , wl11 com.
pnro favorabi ) ' with the better clasl !
of commerclnl hotels In this country
and will be used chiefly by the higher
salaried employes , 'l'he tlveragu
rate for hoard and lOdging wl11 bo
about $36 a month.
Prospects of New Strike.
CHICAGO-FreIRht handlers sent
a request to twent-two rail rands fern
n conference with the cOlJJllI1ny man.
agel's by ] 0 a. m. Welillesday , at which
time It Is Ilroposed to submit demnnds
for a wage Incrense of approxlmatolY
10 per cent. ) f the request Is refused
It Is the plnn of the labor leaders to
submit to a referendum vote Immo-
dlately the question of c l1lng a gen-
eral slrllo of union freight handlors.
Whnt the rallronds wtU do Is a prob.
leDl , but It Is meely they wtU resist.
Death on the Elevilted ,
I W YOnK-'fon IJerSons were
I klllelnnd \ more than forty Injurorl
wt.c.n thb econd car of a Ninlh
Iv'nuo elevated train jumped the
t\'l\cl \ , anll fell frolU the structure to
tllO litn'et ! at the junction of thl ) SIXUl
an Nlnlh a\'onue lines nt PJrt-.thlr\
IJll < : ot Dnll Ninth avonno at 7 o'clocle
011 Sunday morning , The renr car ,
soatn , nnd aIsles and Platforms , which
wo'o thlcl < 1y pnclwtl with humanity ,
WAB turned 1OUom sldo up , Its roof
tor n err and It Hlood on end in the
. - (
ablnet Ministers Advised to Remilln
at Their Posts.
TOKJO-In nccordanco with ostab.
Ushed usnge , the cablnot ministers / '
have presented an olllcial stntement to '
the Mllmdo eXIJlnlnlng the necessity
of instituting martial law at the cap-
Itnl and al the sarno time asltlng the
Imperial jUdgment as lo whether they
should remala In oll1co or retlro. The I
emperor's repb' , which was made to.
ay , advises them to retain their 1'0-
speetlvo posts. ,
The special sosslon of the prlv ) ' d.
council Monda ) ' lasted for four hours.
No b1ll was presenle , only a report
from the cahlnet ministers , Premier
Kalsura maldng an oxtende state.
ment of the peace negotiations.
According to the constitution a
treaty with other powers must be submitted -
mitted to the council heforo ratifica-
tion. Il 1,8 U111IS\lal to hold a special
silting for slml1l ) ' malting a report on
lplomatle affairs before a treaty as-
RumeB a form rendy COI' rntlficatlon ,
an the silting today wlthoul a special -
ial btU was rather unexpocted.
Opposition political parties have appointed -
pointed an extenslvo commltteo to "
fUJ1y report on sufferings alleged lo
have been caused by the pollco during
lhe recent rIoting. The progresslvos
nnd their local hranches continuo to
press resolutions against the govern-
mont. The Shlbs branch condemns
the government's assumption of the
ewer to suspend newspapers , eclar-
Ing It to be whoJ1Y unconstitutional.
Quiet , however , preval1sln , Toldo.
WASHINGTON-Tho state department -
ment Is now Investlgntlng charges
made byIao Wood of Omaha , against
Robert J. Wynne , consul general at \
London , and J. 1\Iartln 1\UlIer , recently -
ly appolnte consul at Alx-la.ChapeJ1e , ,
Germany. The papers have been In
the hands of the stale department Cor
several weels. The exact character
of the charges is not Imown. The
fact that 1\Iao Wood had made direct
ehar es agnlnst 1\11' . Wynne was not
goneraJ1y 1(1own. . Consul l\r1ller denounces - .
nounces Mae 'Voods' charges as "silly
Cabricatlons , " . .
W ASHINOTON - Postal receipts' 't '
for the flfl ) ' largest cities In the ,
United Stntes , compiled by the third
assIstant posmaster general , agsregat- j
ed for the month of August $5,81D- ; ,
51 , agaln t $5,334J17 ! Cor the carre- ,
spending month in 1D04 , or an Increase -
crease of D.07 pOl' cent. The highest , , '
percentage of increase shown by nny J.I.t
city was at Portland. Ore. , where the : . . .
Lowls and ClarIe exposition raised the ,
receipts to $44D65 , an Increase at ,
54.05 per cent over the recelpls for
August , 1D04.
- ,
Asks $5,000 for Medical Attendance , \
on Late Ellen McKee. "
ST. LOUIS , ! \Io.-A claim against I
the eslate of the late Ellen J.IcKeo ,
amounting to $5,520 , Cor medical serv- l . .
Icea from Januar ) ' 2 to May 3 , 1D05 , ) S'
was med In the probate court today r
br Dr. W. . Fischel.
Among the lLems of the claim Is a
charge of 5,000 for ten days' servlco
during the last I11ness of Miss McKee , .
when Dr , Fischel accompanied her : I
from St. Loula tQ Ashcvl11e , N. C. , ,
where ahe died. .
Miss McKee left an estate worth' j. ; S'
several million dollars. The hearIng
Is set for September 14. ; , #
BOSTON-Advlces have been received -
ceived at the local Immigration office
that 600 Armenians have been gath.
ered at Harpoot allll fiOO at 1\Ialalla , ,
'l'urlwy , and thrown Illto IJrlson to ,
be deported to this countr ) ' . The '
prisoners , It II ! said , are all returned
Immigrants , some of them having
gone from the United Stutes as far
baele as 1898. When the IJrlsoners
reach the Unltod States It Is bollove < I
that the most "of them will have to bo .
deported , as few , probably hn.vo any
suhstan tlnl claims to resldenco in
this countn' .
Cholera Cases In PrussIa. 'S \
DERUN-An official bul10tln Issued . , . ,
Monday sn 's sixteen ( 'holera cases and I
six deaths were reported from noon
September 9 to noon SCIJtember 10 ,
an fifteen cases and six denUls from I
noon SelJtember 10 to noon today.
Death of Mrs. Hoffman ,
NEW YORK-Mrs. Sophia Curtis
Holtman , 84 'ears of age , a founder
of Sorosls mid of lho ChalJln Home
for the Aged , died hero. ,
General ! ! Meet September 13.
GODZV ADlNI-Il Is announced that
Generals O\'l1novsltl and I 'ulmshlma ,
ropresentlng General Llnevltch and
PIelrl Marshal Oyama , wnJ meet Sep.
temher 13 to estnbllsh a lIne of de-
marlmtlon between the two armies.
Names Folk For President.
SAT 'l' LAKE CITY-Gov , Joseph ,
W , 'Foll ( of 1\lIRsourl , wns recommend- } (
cd for the domocratlc nomination for I I.I
the lresldency ! by I'ormer Congressman - I
man Wlllnm II , Kin , ; nt a banQtlo'
EITOn : here J\1ol1lla ) ' nlht , :