" . .I . 1t t : reST R COUNTY RfPU LlCM I By D. M. AMSBHnnY. _ nOKEN BOW. . . NE IlA JCA , . , - . 11 ws in Brief The Shnh of PersIa , before leavin ! ; st. PetcrBhllr , 110nntell $2j00 [ for the , rollef of the Husslnn wOlllllled. The new Sahlo Islnnd station of the I I MarconI wireless telegralJh company fs now In slIcc < Jssflll operntlon , A homb was thrown at the commls- 510ller of ] Iollco of Dlolostak , Hussln. TllO cOll1mlssloner was wounded , It Is eXIJected thllt Maxim Gorley , the allthor , will bo candldato for clectlon to the ' 1ssemhly In Hussla. Seven athl < " Ic organizations of the JIlwhllo west will contlHJto for hanoI's at the swllllll1lng races to bo held ! n Mllwaul < co Selltcmber 29. The sligar srlHllento , which was or. ganlzed In Mexico sovcrnl months ago , fs now estlmutcII to have ] II'actlcnlly cornered soven.olghths of the exlstlnt ; lupply. At Dllrnslde , Miss. , on the Pearl river , the last spllto was drlvon to connect - nect the north and sOllth divisions of the Mobllo , Jacleson & Kansas City railroad. Four children , ranging In ago from 6 to 11 years , daughters ot Peter atubblofleld , railroad porter , were burned to death In their homo near noli a , Mo. Secretary Hostor's annual report was issued in full Friday. Ho puts the cotton crop for lJO.I.j ! [ at 13iQiSSIi ! ! bales , nn Increase ot 3ij.Iill ! ! ! over that of 1J03.4. ! The grlo rallroal1 has placed an or. del' for the construction of 3 , OO steel underfram box CnJ'S of SOOOO pounds papaclty and American Hallway association - ciation 11Imonslons. ' 1'ho } rench authorities are not yet taldng onergotlc measures In the matter - ter of the Venezuelan authorities closIng - Ing all the offices of the l"rench cable Qompany exceIltlng the LI1. Guayra. ot- dce. dce.Tho The aggregate value of all assesser } roperty in Now Yorle state for 1J04-1 ! ; o $7,73SlG , Q.to. The amount ot $7 , . 51,4C C ,02C Is represented In renl os- tnto and $7iSSJ3,605 ! ! In personal prop- erty.At At Algonac , 1\l1cll. , whllo trying to Ia.vo the Ufo of ono ot his employos trlbo had grasped n "llvo wlro , " Mana.- ser Alex II. Howio of the Howlo RoofIng - Ing company ot Detroit was hlmsclf Idlled. M. Philippe Dunau-Varllla , the firat minister to the United States from the republlc ot Panama , and Mmo. Varlll were guests at dlnnor Friday I1lght ot President an Mra. neose- rett. rett.Tho The Panamn. canal commission received - ceived II. dispatch from Chief Engineer pto\'ens denying the rumor that R teneral congestion of freight oxlsts on o Isthmus of Pana'mn. as a. result ot ianltnry regulations. The fear of an epidemic ot typhoid rover In Columbia , 1\10" Is causln ! ; lX1uch alarm among the city omclnls nd the nuthoritles of the Missouri .tato . unlvorslty , there being fifty'nlno typhoid cases In the city. Whcn IJlaced under nrreSlt at' his omo In St. ClHlrles. Mo" Edward M. Belby seized a bottle at carbollc acid nd WlU1 the words , "You'll novoI' put luo Into jail , " dl'llnle the I1cld and fell dYing nt the omcers' feet. All the Norwegian pnpers express regret that It will bo Imposslblo to ward to President Roosevelt the Nobel - bol peace prlzo this year , owing to the requlremonts tlmt candidates for the prlJe be nominated before February. The municipal council of Vlennn. proposes to perpetuate the memory ot President Roosevelt's In ' success 1'0- .torlng peace by re-namlng 11. street I ) rhoodoro Roosevelt strasso and ea- 1 bUng the thnnles of the city ot Vlonna. I Auditing and passenger officials ot Ibe Santa Fe at Topekn. rldlculo the Itntoment to the effect tlHlt there Is . . General conspiracy on the part ot lomo telegraph operntors In Colorado to defraud the company out of thou- I .ands at donars. Lord Charlcs Deresford , commanl1. Ing the Drltlsh Mediterranean fieet , M created 11. sensation In the fleet . .t Malla. bay by ordering the prosecution - tion of an engineer commander for allowing - lowing the bearings of machinery ot his vessel to become hot. At the prellmlnary hearing ot For- srtho , Mont. , ot C. W. Dallo ) ' , Harry I G. Wright , Luther Turret and J. W. Selvldgo , well known citizens ot Ros\3- i I I bud county , on n charge of defrauding the state out ot several thousand do1- Jars by a. system of alleged frnudulent bounty .arrants , Dalloy and Selvldgo ) Vcro held for trial. . All records for the tonnage of ves- Bels clea.rlng from the district ot Chi- , eago 111. ono month were broleen In August , when 1,20S ships ot nIl kinds , with a registered tonnage of 1,2S9J53 ! tons , departed. During the same period - riod 1,202 vessels , with 0. tonnage of 1,2Sa302 tons , arrived. I nev. W. J. Dnwson , the London evangelIst , arrived In Doston to begin a second revlv 11 tour of this country. Sir Walter George P'1l1llmore , jUdge of the King's Dench division ot the : Engllsh high court of justlco , wus elected president ot tbt. Intornatlonal Jaw conference. I Germany Is engaged In n Imrd 1ght ! tQ put down cholera , which continues to spread In western Prussia. . Amerl- fCans take precautions. I Tipping servants or corporation purchasing - chasing agents for the purpose of In. tluonclng trade Is made n r.rlme under NQW York's latest luw. " 1 ! f"--- ' - : - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . , . ---o.t : : , . . . . , , , , , ' . _ " ' _ - - I WOMAN FF-'EnINGB. Wenk , Irrcgular , nacked with PaIns- MQde Well and aa Pounds HeavIer. Mrs. ] . W. Wright ot 112 Main St. , Iaverhlll , Mass. , says : "In 1898 I was I liIuf1'erlng 110 with aharD nnlnR In thn ; - - - - - - - - - - smail at the back nnd had such tre- Quon t dlzZJ' spells that I could sel\rco1y got about the house. The urinary as. ; : snges were also qui t 0 Irregulnr. Monthly IIorioda were so distress- "II' ' . Ing I d I' 0 a d e d their aJVto Ch. This was my condl- lion for Cour years. Doan's Kidney Pills helped mo right away when I began with them , and three boxes cured mo permanently. " J.'oster-Mllburn Co. , BUf1'nlo , N. Y. For sale by all dealers. l > rlco , 60 cents IIer box. Making Children "Show Off. " Hero Is something with which few mothers wUl agree , and yet it Is the opinion of ono of the leading physl. clans of Now Yorle. Sa's this au. thorlty : "It Is cruel for mothers to try to maleo their children bo smart nnd show oCt before IJeopo ] when they are little. Ahovo all things lot a child bo stupid-not only stupid , but ugly It It Is allowed to bo atupld and ugly when it Is IIttlo nnd growing It wllJ hl1.vo II. much bettor chance of becom Ing bright and beautlCul. Llttlo minds are overtaxed by heing made to mem. orlzo verses to say beCoro people , b , being taught this , thnt and the other thing Cor showing oft. ChlIdren should bo left to grow up just whal they are-liltlo animals. " - Good IIouselceoplng. The Stranger Needed a KnIfe. "I was trl\vellng some months ago In the mountains of North CarolIna , " said Mr. J. p. Dlcleens of Doston , "and stopped Ilt the Jog cabin of a tarmer' to , get n. lIttle rest and 11. blto to eat. The farmers' wlfo was a ] clnd-hoartec ! soul and sot about getting mo a. din , ner with most hearty hospitality. AI the table ono of her child ron , a ln of 12 , sahl to her .In 1\ loud tone : 'Maw , glvo the stranger n. Imlle. ' HI mother answered that she had given mo ono , which was true , but again the youngster piped up : 'Maw , I tell you to glvo him a ] mHo ; don't you 800 he Is eatln' his greens with a fork ? ' " - Washington Post. Cure to Stay Cured. Wapello , Iowa , Sopt. 11th ( Speclo.1) ) -ono ot the most remarkable cures over recorded In Louisa County 11 that at Mro. Mlnnlo Hart ot this placo. Mrs. > Hart was In bed for eight months and when she was nblo to sit u sh was nil drawn up on ono side and could not walk across the room. Dodd's Kidney PlUs cured her. Speak. Ing of her cure , Mrs. Hart B YSf "Yes , Dodd's Kidney Pilla cured me atter I was In bed tor eight month and I knOIY the cure was complete tor that was three years ago and I have not been down since. In four weeks from the ttmo I started taldng them I was able to malco my garden. Nobody - body can Imow how thankful I am to . bo cured or how much I feel I ewe I to Dodd's Kidney Pills. " This case aenln points out how much the general health depend.s on the KIdneys. Cure the Kidneys with , Dodd's mdney Pills and nlne-tenthl of the sUf1'ering the human I m1Jy Is hell' to , 'W1I1 disappear. A Graceful CarrIage. A graceful carriage Is n.s necessary to good henlth as to good 1001es. I'or fo.ln exercises wlll do much for the woman who hasn't nlwnys culttvated the habit of standing nnd walkln ! ! correctly , sa's the Drooklyn Tlmeg A great nld In the development of a good position Is to ralso the crowlI ot the head as high as posslblo and then try to mnko the chest meet the chin. This wlll malco n graceful car. rillgo smaller stomach , a fuller chest and moro II/ng vower. To reach elthor above the head as far as pus. slblo or to the { ) r.or without bending the Imees wlll dCl1reaso the size 0' the wnlst anll round It ; also fl1lln the hollow In front of the arms. The blggoat willow In the state Is at Norrldgowocle. It measures twenty. three feet In circumference at the base nnd has a ponderous svreadlng top. Its largest diameter Is n lIttle moro than eight feot. The ago ot the tree Is about 100 years. The tradition Is that n man traveling from Now Hamp. shlro on horseback stopped to giTo the horse water there and stucle hs ! whip. which was n sm ll willow t.wlg , rn the ground nnd gorgot to take It. You never henr anyone complain about "Defiance Starch. " There Is none to e < 1ual It In quality and quantity , 16 ounces , 10 cents. Try It now and save your money. . When death , the grent reconciler , has como , It Is novel' our tenderness that wo repent of , but our soverlty.- George Eliot. I am Bure Plso's Cure tor Cons tlOD sand Dl1l1te three yoors ngo.-Mns. Tnoll. ItOmmtll , IAple S reet , Norwich , N. Y. . Fcb. 17. 1000. The chlet end of man Is to make both ends meet. FITS mlanenU , . red. N fltt 01' nelTOQn.ne. . IInC da , ' . uoe or Dr.IUlne' . O..aC lIe".l o. fl' . Bead ror 1"IUtl' ; . ' .00 Crlal bottle ADd CIM" " , pU. . U. JU.uI. . LtIL , 8U Sueet , l'AlIa4.lpIWo , I" Do sure you 11.1'0 . right , anti then take Ilnother loole. FARMS pen RENT on BATE ON CROP paymenl.8. J. MULUALL , Sioux C1&J : , IL Don't measure a man's slncerltJr br : the of his handshn.ke. " . . . . . , . . ' , If . . , . . , . . . , ' . . . . AAQ T WORLD Yo 1\Ir. C. J. Gll den of Dos ton , 1\fass" who , with his wife , Is makln ! ; a tour of the world In 11 motor car. belloves Ulat already ho has seen moro ot the : world and strange peoples than any ; other Individual man living. So far ho has travelell maI'o than 2i,100 ! miles , anll has visited thirty-four countries. 110 has driven along the most northern road on the earth , and UIO most SOli thorn road. In Australia anll Now Zealand he has driven where the road would have been hotter had there beell 110 road at all. Dut ho Is already convinced that the worll ] was made for motoring , and thnt the pns- tlmo of the Immodlato future wUl be motoring around the world. "For pleasure there Is nothing on earth 111\0 it , " salll Mr. Glidden , In a recent Intervnew. "For educa(1ng n' man as to what the world Is 111m and what Its peoples are doing nothing could Oflual It. " Mr. Glidden has taught two Idngs how to drlvo a motor car , and has left behind him n longing for the now vehlclo wherever ho' has been. 1Ie Is looldng forward to the tlmo when the world will be laid down with special motor car tracles , railed IIko the rail- wars , and every man will bo his own train. "I1ardlr anything has surprised me more , " he said , "than seeing' the us- tOllndlng rapldlly with which tile motor car Is maldng Ils way In the world. It Is evol''where. Mine was the first to bo seen In FIji. Perhaps I shall find n. few places In Africa where ono has not been before. Dut already the motor car Is everywhere , and everywhere It Is being wanted. "When I landed In Fiji the natives were very scared at first , and declared that 'tho father of all the devils' had fallen among them. I bellevo that' In FIji the motor car will now alwa's be known by a natlvo nnme , meaning ' 811'0 of Satan. ' Dut after I had taken ICing Rutu Kadevu Levu Roko Tul Talleon for the first rldo and then given him n. taste ot speed , he wanted - ed to Imow whether I could go at sixty miles an hour , and was quite ! dlso.ppolnted hecause I couldn't. "R. K. Lovu R. T. 'ralleon , the Idng of the Fijians , Is a fine specimen at n modern Idn . Ho Is doing his best for his people. His father was a cannibal. Ho himself Is 1man ot mOJlt pOllshNf and up-todate manners , and ho Is gifted wllh excellent common - mon sense. Ho still wears the hal'o logs and lIttle whlie apron of his country , but above them ho has Ellro- pean dress , and 110 docs not do his hall' In the grotesque natlvo fashion. Ho mot mo In an English check jacleot and waistcoat and cap to match , with whlto apron and bare legs underneath. G"or the Instruction of his people he ot mo to take many of them for -Ides. "Ono old aristocrat whom I drove 'bout admitted to have presided at 10 fewer than fort-soven human 'oasts In his earller ) 'ears. He looled t. He was not good at arithmetic , nd there were no doubt many other estlvas ] on human dishes which ho III not count In with the forty-soven. .vhenover his mind went bncle to hose occasions , ) .ou couli ! see th .t o was rovlvlng pleasant memories dth ovldont relish. He liked riding t1 my car , but I bellevo ho would ave lilted better to see mo nicely Jastlng. Dut cannibalism Is out ot \shlon now In I-'IH , and Is only In- JI . . In on the sly ; the authorities tV. } pracUeallr put an end to It. "I h vo just loft a dllTorent sort ot onarch , the Sultan of Jnva. Ho only 'sombles the ruler of the Fijians In 10 length ot his name. All I have of Is'S. p. J. 1\1. 'Toean Soesoehoeman < \we Boewono Soermrta ] Adlnlgrant. ' ut that , I bellevo , Is only whnt ho Is Illed tor short. Ho did write the hol of It for mo on a beautiful pllo- Iro.ph of himself with which ho pre- ntod me. Dy wrlUng In 1very 'aU and cramped hand ho just man- ; ed to get It all In In six lines. Each no Is twelve Inches long , and there s no waste of room by having spaces Jotw013n the names. "Dut the Sultnn of Jav has plenty : ) t spare limo on his hands. Ho can alToI'd to hn.vo n nnmo lIIeo that. Ho manages most of the alTalrs which are In any way Involved with the religious - ligious Ideas of his people ; but the Dutch do most of the other work tor him. him."Wo "Wo arrived at Sola , the cllpltal , on . . Friday nnd Ills Maj ty sent a. prince to meet mo , nnd express his royal regrets that the day being the Mohammedan Sundny ho could not see mo until Saturday , but wo could visit the palace. Our reception by him wn.s I one ot the most wonderful ceremonies , ever conceived. The palace of the Kraton stands In walled-Ia grounds four miles square. Out ot thollo grounds the Sultall Tery rarely goes. Until ft. couple of years use bo Ilad novel' selin the sea , which Is only fifty miles away. The Queen bad never teen even the streets untll lle crossed them on her wed cling day. The buildIngs - Ings of the palace consist almost entirely - tirely ot columns covered with 1m- 'menso roofs , and with great ornamentations - tations In gold and sliver. "At the gates wo were received by the ) lrlnco commandant of the natlvo army. In the Inner court wo were welcomed by a chorus of glrs ] chanting - ing , and a band ) Iaylng ] on the pecu- 11ftI' Javanese Instruments , which sound 1II0 rubbing the finger on gl\sses. ] On the fioor sat 2,000 ro'al attaches and servants. Mrs. Glidden and the wife of the commandant wer put on the rlgI1t of the Sultan's chair ; I and the Dutch Assistant Resident on the left. HIs l\lajest ) . entered with a slow , and stately step , followed by mlnfsters and servants , crouching down on their heelll , and waddllng ! tlong In that comical attitude as If 11.11 were doing a cobbler's dance. "Ills Majesty shool { hands cordially , and aslted mllny questions through the Assistant Rosldent. Then 'ho had the car brought into his presence , and oxamlned It. Ho aslted the price , and on ] enrnlng It , sent at once for his treasurer , who cnme In crouching on his heels. In the roral presence only whites are allowed to stand upright. 'rho Sultan told his treasurer the cost or the car , anll asl < cd If there was enough moner In the treasury at the moment to provldo that sum. Without loolclng up , the treasurer made 1cal - culntlon , and replied 'thnt the unhappy treasury of his most ) llous Majest ) . , might his fathers bo over blest , did not at the moment contain so largo a sum. " 'rho Sultan waR very sad. Dut ho Is always sad. He has twenty-one wives and twenty-eIght children. Dut. his Queen , the No.1 wife , Is childless. I took Bomo of the sons for short rides , and then nine ot the princesses , all of whol1l were about eighteen years ot nge , entortalned us b ) ' dancing the court dance , a beautiful movement , which they leept up continuously for an hour nnd 1halt. . Later , Mrs. Glid- den was recelvell by the Queen. In - - the ovenlng , the Sultan obtained courage - ago enough to go for 11. ride. "My car will probably never have an odder load. To hnlJreSs mo with a sufficient feeling of responsibility , the King placed In the car his Queen , ono of his daughters , two other wives , the Assistant Resident , aud the Royal Umbrella - brella Dearer. The umbrella is the sign of ranle In Java. The Sultan's Is gold. Aristocrat ranle Is marlwd by stripes on the top of. the umbrella. 'Go slowly , ' said the King , 'and leeep to the center of the road. ' I wasn't sorry to go slowly , for I knew that If an.thlng happened on that rldo I should never get out of the Island allvo. Java Is a glorious place for the tourist. Dutch engineers ha\"o made splendid roads. There are excellent hotels , and the cost Isn't moro than $2.50 11. day.-Montreal Herald. I A Backslider. "Hollo , Franlt ; I haven't seen you for n month , " shouted M . PrudeI' , as ho hurrlod across the street to greet his friend. I'vo been most anxious to see ) 'ou. Do you recall that story you told me Inst Christmas ? Well , I'vo forgotten It completely. I want you to glvo mo just a hint , nnd I'll recollect. " "Certainly , " answered , Pruder's friend , wrinkling his forehead In an endeavor to conjure the desired story. "Yes ; I have It now ; but , but , " the friend hesitated ; "I heard ) : ou joned : th\ church few weeks ago. " "Oh , drawled PrudeI' . sndly , "It's that kind of a story. Is It ? " and , with a tow perfunctory remarks about the weather , ho hurried about his busl- ness.-Cleveland Leader. PersIa's National Anthem. Porsla Is an ancIent country , as the world goes. . It has ancient monu- ments. . It has a literature In several ages. Dut ono of Its Institutions , Its national anthem , Is comically modern. S\3veral French bandmasters were In perslo. thirty or torty ) 'ears ago , or. ganlzlng mllltar ' bands. 'l'ho sbl1h WIlS ahout to start for Europe , and It occurred to him that ho ought to have a national I1nthem. Summoning M. Lemaire , the l"rench military mUliIlc master of Tehel'an , the afternoon U fore his departure , the monarch , with an instinct moro hnperlal tllnn musl. cal , ordered him to have "Persian" national anthem composed and plll- ed before him by the imperial . nd next morning. There was night " " , ark for ever'body concerned In Teheran that night , but next morning the "na- tional anthem" wns duly played and upproved , and it Is the "national an- them" stili.1Lemnlre [ is now a Per- siU/1 genera ] , and lI\S In Teheran. New Yorle Tribune. SAVED INK FOR HiM. Boston Business Man Was Not Pleased with New Invention. Some years ago , when the new st'IQ of economy Inle wells came into use , ono for hlacle IlIle was placed on the public desle In front of the cashier's cage at John C. Palgo's office on Ktl by street , Doston , says a wrlt ( > r in the Herald at that city. It was 1\11' . Paige's habit to wear a IIght.colored low-cut vest , showing 0 very broad and expansive white shirl front. One morning ufter a holiday Mr Paige was near the cashier's place and had a. paper. brought to him to sign. Ho naturally turned to the public desle to do so , and there , as It hap. pened , the enemy was waiting. Dur. Ing the Interval of nonuse the Ink had hardened and the plunger valve was "stuel\ , " and when "John C. " hastily anti with some force plunged his pen Into the mouth of the valve the Inle shot upward nnd all o\'er the whlto vest und shirt front. "What's this ? " screamed "John C. , " In his high falsetto voice ; "what's this thing for ? " "To save Inle , " replied the cashier. "It does , It does , until I come nlong , and then It shoots It aU over me. " Mothers With Courage. Mothers with courage frequently have moro courage than they themselves - selves know. She who Is truly s-m- pathetic Is ever too courageous to desert a surrerlng mortal. A woman of character Is never II. coward. Walt until some danger threatens another and observe how - ' - " " - l ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Glidden. qUlcly ] self . Is forgotten. In terrible accident , after the flrst natural Ceel- Ing of revuslon ] , she easily Ignores the effect of UIO shocking scene upon herself In her absorbing elTorts to render aSlllstnnce : and comfort. And there are many such women , sa's the Washington Star. The children of a courageous mother are to be congratulated. When Samuel Is carrIed Into the hou , In- jUfed and bleeding , she does not distract - tract from him the attention his con- dltlo/1 demands by failing Into a. fit of hysterics and leaving the real worle of help to some neighbor or kindly stranger. Fewer BabIes In England. In the Drltlsh House of Lords the other day the Bishop of Rlpon advised further Investigation Into the causes of the declining birth rate which , ho said , was failing moro rapidly among the educated and upper classes than among the IIlIterato. Parliament was bound to asle whether there was not some sinister meaning behind it all. "If It Is true , " added the blslrop , "that wo belong to II. race which Is slowly saclenlng ] Its speed and diminishing Its output , how much moro It behooves us to taee ] care ot the precious little lives Intrusted to us. " The Duke of Devonshlro sugtested ; that an anthropometric survey of the population might be InsUluted.ew York Times. Prays for "Judgess. " A county court jUdge at Drlstol , Engand. ] remarked recently : "It there were n cotll\Ly court judgess In Drls- tal as well as a county court judge. one of the greatest troubles ot my lICe would pails away. I feel convinced that It there were some lady sitting In my place , In n. wig or without one , she \Vould not bo taken In so treely. I ) copiously and so hopelessl ) ' as I aID by the ladles. " . . . . ' . " . oJ _ . Caillme' ' . Baking : . , Po , der wonderful powder of rart'l morlt and unrlv led etrongth. .tl I ) ' Shrewd FatherlnLaw. Very original was the Idea of a bar. Ier who , on his daughter becoming ! : ngaged to his asristant , dorormlncll tr ) regulate her dowry by ho' sweet. I.eart's . ability. A certain tum was nccord'ngly sel asldo , from which nI Cine waR deducted every tlwo the nanco chanced t cut a customer. . . . hen vletUnc ] a raz : > r. This had the erred. Dt putting him upon his mettle , and , nls relutatlon ) as an easy sh ver soon 90 Increased the shov's clientele thJ.t his ' ' I on dnughter's marrlago Flgaro's extra talclngs moro than compensated ror the money ho was called upon to dlsburso. InsIst on Getting It. Some grocers say they don't Iteep ! Defiance Starch. ' . ' 'I.'hls Is because the have n. stock on hand of other brand : ! ontnlnlnr ; only 12 oz. in a package , which they won't bo able to sell first , because Defiance contains 16 oz. fet the same money. l Do you wnnt 16 oz. Instead of 12 oZc for same money ? ' .rhen ! buy Defiance Starch. Requires no . cooking. Don't court trouble unless yoo want ; to marry It. DISFIGURED BY ECZEMA. Wonderful Chantle In a Night-In a Month Face Was Clear as Ever -Another Cure by Cutlcura. - . "I had eczema on the taco lor fiVE ) months , during which time I was In the care ot physicians. 1\Iy face was i so disfigured I could not go out , and It ' was going lrom bad to worso. A friend recommended Cutlcura. The first night after I washed my face with Cutlcura Soap , and used CutlcurJ. Ointment and Resovent , It changed wonderfully. From that dny I was . nbe to go out , and In a month tho' ' ' AI ' 'I' ' treatment had removed 11.11 scales and scabs , and my tace 'Was as clear as ever. ( Signed ) T. J. Seth , 317 Staglr Street , Drooklyn , N. Y. " Grow Up with the Children. A busy woman once said thnt sht' never lenew how much she could Il ( ) compllsh until she became the com. I pan Ion at her young Bons. sharing , their sports and limiting her own working hours to theirs. Todny the1 are young men and she' looks like their sister , says the Brooklyn Times. There are otller young mothers oj' . grown men , and they are rather fol' ' , _ mldable rIvals to younger women. The sons unconsclousy ] maleo com parlsons , generally In favor of mother , It Is beautiful to "grow up" In ttlll ! fashion with one's children , to keo ; : pace with them in new studies and new though Is. something lIlco 11. see end ) 'outh. Wo are so qulcle to put away ) 'outnfuI things unless wo have some such Incentive to hold them. Handel In a Passion. Handel was once conducting ono 01 ' . . his own oratories , at Carlton , before , the Prince and rlncass ot Wales ntul a distinguished company. Certain maid ! of honor began to chatter , whereupoll Handel , throwing down his baton. viciously shook his fist at the fnlJ ones , reviling them In terribesound. ] Ing German. The Princess whispered : "Hush ! hush ! Handel Is In a. pas slon ! " And there was silence. Lamp Post Cellarette. A novel ceIlaretto has been tound In the shape of 11. lamp post , with a letter box attached. On the front 0' ' I I the letter box In place usually occu pled by the placard giving the hour. of collection , there Is 11. list of blbuoUJ ] deliveries , Including every thing from the morning cocMaIl to the night cnp I STRONGER THAN MEAT. A Judge's Opinion of Grape-Nuts. A gentleman who has acqulr a judicial turn of mind trom experleace on the bench out In the Sunflower State , writes a carefully considered opinion as to the value ot Grape-Nuta as tood. Ho says : "For the vast 5 years Grape-Nu hns been 11. prominent leaturo In our btll ot tare. ' 'Tho crisp food with tbo deUclouB , nutty llnvor becoulll an Ind pens tM blo neqooslty In my famlly' everydl1.1' ' lite. lite."It "It hn.s proved to be most healthful : and beneficial , and hns enabled us to IIracUcally nbollsh pastry and pies from Our t ble , tor the children prefer Grape-Nuts and do not crave rich and unwholesome food. "Gr1'Pe-Nuts keeIls UIS aU In perfect physic , , } condition-as a roventrre at disease It Is beyond value. I han en particularly Impressed by the beneQ. clal ef1'ects of Grapo-Nuts when used J . . by ladles who are troubled with lace , 1 blemishes. skin eruptions , eto. It . cears ] up th6 complexion wonderfu1l7 , I "As to Its nutr1Uv quaUUts , wy ex- ' , perlence Is that one small dls-h at I' \ Grapo-Nuts Is superior to a pound of meat tor breafast ] , which Is an Important - portant consideration for anyone. It satisfies the appetite and strengthens the pO".Gr of resisting fatle ' , while Its use Involves none of the disagreeable - } ; able consequences that sometimes fol- t low a meat breakt'ast. " Name gtvon by Postbm Co. , Dattle Crep.k , M. . . . . Thero'li a rCllS < ln. - - -