Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 21, 1905, Image 1

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    ' , " , . 7J11F ; " I'y . "
' . , , , . . ' . , ! Q.f" ' ! . ' ! "
. . ,
Librarian t.le'
Il 'e Hilt ,
t.- '
UOUNTY : - <
- -
, - , -
- -
I I . -
)1i )
I '
. .
. \ " , , , , , " , , , , , : , , , . " " \ .
1I\ll'aklilit IIf CIOCI < H : II will .akw"I1' "
I ot ) 'our IIkklt'H 10 I'IIV ' " bllr'wl.h
I I all alarlll alul Irlllr.lllll'l' " .lImwlI III. "
, 0111' IIleldl' alarlll clllek at a IInllar
I makes fael'I' 111 ( ' \lilliI' tra , II floill III
SOl lilt' o.orll. fill' It. . . . IIIl11ler , 0111 > 1 , llIe'\
. not 1101MUft , .1111011111 allLll casl' a Ihln
, alliin. 'rill' Lllffl'll'm : " III Ille I.rlce I III
.he . : llIck. :111I1111 : thl' lIh't'1I1l'1I1lrlcl' IIf
kl'l'.lnlr. II It II I IIII' . 0111' Htal' 11'111,1. aliLl
Iha"IIrtll clIlI hl..rhllr.
, - . - . - - - . - - - - - . . - _ - - - - - - - - -
For Sale.
A block. fine residence location , . . .
will tradc for livc stock.
JAI\IH5 I HD\\'lcn. \
. .
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - -
Brokcn Bow Abstract Company.
. J. C. Moore , abstracting. 2U
Insurance that insures.
3Rt ( H. G. MOOlnt.
Dr. Leach , Dentist. As ncar
painless us possiblc.
: \Vagon hexes for sale , at cost.
I -
I Lct us hc your print cr. ' : 'l'hc
\ good kind oT printing ont\ ' . . . _
t . For Sale.
'IlJi Good heating stO\'C , iron bcd
stead , spring-s and two matresses.
! \1 HS. D. W. ' 1'1I0M50N" .
Heal ty Block , o\'er
ISH Lee's drug storc.
Notice to Hunters.
All parties arc herchv notif cll
not to hunt on 111) ' prclilises without -
out permission , under pcnultyof
the law. FHANK WHI5sImHIU > I.H. :
' 'I
i 'l'his officc for neat job work.
. . . .
/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
, Farm Loansl
I Wc arc preparcd to closc loan
, on improved farms on short notice -
ice , at specially low ratcs.
HHNHAU & r HONAH ) ) ,
( , -H Broken liow.
t For Sale.
t Fifty hcad of spring cal\'cs for
' salc , aqout half of cithcr scx , at
my furm sc\'cn miles north of
: Broken Bow. Ult' GIW. S\ll'rll. :
- - - _ . _ - -
Good uilding Locaticn For Sale.
H YOlt wunt one of the fincst
and mo t con\'cnicnt residcnt
location , (0 thc busincss l'"rtion
of the city , on which to huild a
r'sidence , call at t he l ItI'UJlI.ICAN
omcc for particulars. It consists
. . three lots including" thc corncr. tf
Rencau & Lconard , real cstatc.
. : I
Buy ) 'our farm and city prop-
ert ) ' of U. W. lllair. 37lf
r ist your farm allll' city prop-
crt } ' with B , W. Blair. 37tf
Ice Crcam , canel } ' , cig-ars and
tobacco ut l\li1ce Scanlons.
Dr. Barncs ut the Grand Central -
tralIonda ) ' the 2nd of October.
\\Te alwavs ha\'e monev to loan
un farms.R - G , Moore-Ill Apple
mock. 35tf
Dr. Hilrnes of Omaha , eye
speciaiisl , will be at the Grand
Ccn.lral , , Mouday , O.tobcr : : ! ,
- . . - - . . . - . - - -
li'or barg-ain1 ! in real estatc sec
Bowman & Anderson ; just wcst
of thc Secl X St tc Bank _ -
[ ots ll'or Sale in Groat' ad-
dition. 8ecure them now as they
will advance in price.
. P. GIWA'l"
li'ouND-'l'wo blankets on Wcd-
ne day betwecn Broken Bow ami
McKinley. Owner can ha\'e
S llne by calling at Chris Jew l1's
i Uni u Val1cy.
\Yanted-Oil salesman at once
t canvass lhe farming and threshing -
ing trade. Fine opportuuity for
a brood man. Addrcss the lIar'
yey Oil Cu. , Clcvcland , Ohio.
BHOKltN Bow , Nebr. , Aug. 18.
11J05-1'o whom it '
- ma \ concern :
As 111\ ' wife , Emma j. Shipley
has left mc and our oldc t child
[ 4aura without causc or provi-
cation , I will not bc responsiblc
for any debts or contracts she
may mal < c. J. P. SIIIl'r.HY. 4t
An interesting list of Southern
California property to bc exchan-
gcd for property in other states ,
I togcther with \ ' cws and des-
cri.ptions of San Diego , the most
dclig'htful resi cnce spot in
A m rica , mailcd for stamp.
\VH.I.18 CADwm.r" Co. rA'd ,
Broken Bow , Nebr.
. - . . -
For Snle.
A stock farm 01 enc scction of
land , all under fence , HIO acres
u nller Cltl t'a tion wi th i m pro\'e-
ments balance pasture , hay land
and timuer , thrce miles north and
half milc c st or Walworth , for
$12 an acrc. IIalf cash and balance -
ance on timc to suit purchascr.
tf , Neb.
Warning to Hunten ,
I will prosecute all hunting ,
trespassers on land owned hy me.
All of section 24 , cxccpt s0 scl.f
nel.f sc1 ! and sel.f nel.f , ey. ; and
s ' sw 13-17-22 , all of 18except
sel.f and nel.f 19-17-21. Also on
m ) ' ranch south of Broken Bow.
13-15 .T , G. lomIZltl .
Threshing Machinery.
'I'hc Gciser Mfg. Co. pcerless
mae1tincry for salc. Parties con-
tcmplating pUo'chasing will do
wcB tu see mc.
S. M. DOH HIS , Agent.
. .
- - - - - - - - - -
Dead Letter Li.t.
For wcck ending Septcmher tf ) ,
11)05 :
Mrs. Mary Autun , Ous Burton ,
Vranl { Cristcn , l\Irs , Udle Gray.
U. C. Gilbert.
. - - - . - -
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
, I . ' fJJ ,
i are dealers in Hcal Estatc of all l < nds ,
Wg Wc wi11 buy or scll. Don't fail to see ' \
I ' us before ) 'OU huy or scll. We can do
. ) 'ou good. l'ol1cct ions madc and i nsu r-
I. , ' \
\ . t ' ancc Wrltlen. 'arms " rentee 1 ant 1 taxes pau ' 1 , S ee , \ \
" " " us for farm loans. Come in and scc us.
Ci " ' : ; J , , . . Fj : ; : J-.I' : ' : " " " " ' ' : J" " " 1 ! " " " " ' " " ' 1I' ' ' 1HI J
- - - -
- - - : : : :
J' III ell.l S { I' ' ) ,
i NI 1 8'l'RYs . , ! nl'ed.t'l , in Ihe COlltpt11l1linl ( If pr srrip.
tlUII. . . \ \ IIlwlltllHlllstl ) ' \\I call1lot keep III' wllh Ihe
latest alllllltoslupproIIIIIClhols ( of prcsellt dAr lItellkinc.
No Iioullt ) ' 011 ha\'l noticc.l Ihe IIreclcs of itulustry that is
always prt'scnt at Clu.r I1torc. Our lurgc'olullte of tmlle is
\ hat c 1I1111cs tiS to gl\'c so nlllch'nluc . fur so liltle lItonc } ' .
I rc ! > crtplions colltpolllule.1 . lIy reglstcrcll11ruggisl enl } ' .
Druggist anel Jewclcr.
. . . . . . . . . . -
[ = : fE i : : : : !
'l'he count ) ' hoard acljourncd
until October 10.
Frank Drapcr of Oconto , was
a business callcr at t1ti omcc
'l'hc HHI UnrICAN" acknowledgc
a social call from Oeo. Po1trick of
Mason Ci t.\ ' last I.'rida. , ' ,
Ueo. Patrick of Mason City ,
camc up Friday rcturning Satur-
e1..y. 'l'his ot1 ce acknowledges a
social call.
11ugh Mc Iillian of Dunning ,
madc lhis oni.c a friend' ' " call
t\Ionday and had his name CJtroll-
cd for the l tl'UnrICAN.
14. 1 . Pic1ett h a ! ; bough t J. ' ( \
! \lcLcan' residence .
thc south-west part of the city.
Ile is to get pos es ! > ion the lir t
of October.
Ii'armcfs report that their corn
is badly blown down .and that
it will not be possible to sow
small grain in thc corn fields
without han'esting tbe corn. I .
Mrs. Ed. Day of Anselmo , this omcc a business call
Saturday. Jler nine mouths old
boy was awarded the pri7e ; at the
count ) ' fair fol' being the' , best
looking baby bo ) ' ,
This locality was \'isitec1 with
a cold rain fr m the UUItl.1 : west
lhat was a vivid reminder of approaching -
preaching fall. A ve -light
frost followed Monday I11ght . but
no visible effccts resulted.
Oeo , Papineau , who was home
last week attending the Fair , informs -
forms us that he is now .building
a house for Con li'lcslllitan in
Dale Valley , the samc" ! ? Iie of
John Wchelings.' ; the
Weheling house was bdng plas-
Ner Hartley allli n.V. . Geor e
returned ! \Jonday from thcir visit
to Delver , where thc } ' a'dcnded
the O. A. .l . encampment. They
report ha\'ing enjo\'cd their tnp
\'cry much. Mr. Hartley foun
some old acquail1tences there and
staid a weel , longer than , he had
intended visiting with th .m.
M iss 1"los ic Poor was' married
last ' 1'ucsday evening at tll't ; : bome
of hcr parents in this city to
Carl S. Geischart of l andHburg ,
California , I ev , Allen Chamber.
lain ol1iciating. The many
fricnds 01 thc bride will join the
l Hl'uIUIC"N in extending best
wisheR to the bride in her new
relations. 'rhc groom is a stranger -
ger to us but his wisdom is shown
hy his choice of a li fe partner.
- - - - = - -
A Fortunate ManFred . .
Fred Arthur is the m st fort u-
nate man that wc ha\'c hcard of
that invcsted in thc lcitchcn cabi.
nct territory deal. IIe hatt
se\'cral countics to his crcdit and
he em ploycd Sa m ' 1'homas to as.
sist him in the canvas of his ,
territory. 'I'hc cOlll1lies were in
the souih.we t part of tl.1c statc ,
In two wces work Mr. 'l'hctnas ,
isposel ) of LctwecII twent-fh'e
an'd thirty cabincts und- sold thc
rig-ht of thrce of his lnties for
ShOO to other parties. , 'Of course
this oes not male Ir. Arthur
whole , hut another dtal1ile that
olle willlca\'e him with a sllrpluf ,
- - - - - - - -
. Harold IIngh Bertran was horn
in New Cast It" W'omiug , .fanu-
, a.ry (10 181)and \ dlcd. at his home
: threc miles north of roken Bow ,
: Nchraslca , Septemher H. 1'105 ' ,
, age H years , 8 months and
, day .
I The der.eas d was the ollle ! > t
: child of Ii" A. and Sophia Her.
: tran. For more than a year he
ha' been under the doctor's care ,
i resu1tin from an ahc ( m of tilt
lung. 111Iarch of thii'ear . an
operation was resortt'li .to witll
hopt's of ohtaining relief , hUI
this wai ! only tcmporary. All
that wafi possible for 100'il\ \
parents and skilled ph'sician
could not arrC l lhe dread discast
and he was finally relie\'ed h )
I t is bard to sce one so young
callcel away , hut < ; od knows hes1
and fortunate arc the parcnt
and friends , who can say In thCl1
sorrow , "thc r40rd's will bc donc. '
'l'he parcnts have the sincere
sympathy of thcir many friend !
lof , this vicinitv in thcir g-rea1
bercavcmcnt ,
I 'l'he funeral was held Satunla ,
in the ! \J. Io : . church of the cit ) ;
l e\ ' , Allen Chamberlain preach ,
, ing tbe sermon.
J. F. llr\'sol1 of Georgctown ,
was a busiitcss callcr at this onice
) 'esterday.
Chas. Klump of the Wcst
'rabIe , was i1. wclcomc caller at
this ot1ice Baturda ) ' .
LOlli Noetzcl , rcprescntatiy
of the Amcrican 'I'ype iI'oul1c1ry ,
spcnt Ionday in the city.
Miss Ihnna l dmunds Icft
aturda ) ' for Crete , where shc
will attenll collcge the ensuing'
l\I rs , Mary Brown has sold her
reieh ! uce property in t hc sou t h-
west part of town to I aac l mer-
son. consideration $ ( ,50.
Wm. Anderson , editor of thc
Mason Ci ty Sta 1' , accom pan ied
h ) ' . his wife , was in the citli'ri -
day attending the county 'fair.
? \In . W. S. Amsbcrry and hcr
brother , Minor Wilson , who ha\ '
bcen visiting herc seycral wceks
rcturned to Gillctt , . Wyoming ,
last Saturday.
Miss Ruby Cannon , who has
been here for scveral months
with hcr father , W. ' 1' . Cannon ,
left 'I'ucsday for bcr home at
Wceping W tcr , Nebraska.
Miss J ottie Zimmcrman of
Ansley was.n city visitor ) 'ester-
da ) ' . She lIlforms us that shc
bas decided to hegin teaching
again this fal1. She has a school
south-west of Anslcy.
g , C. Housc sold twenty-fi\'c
acr s of' ' thc Stcveh Wilcox pro-
pert ) ' , just elst of town , a few
days ago to W P. Henman. We
understand that thc price was
beher tnan ' : ' 100 an acre.
' . .a'a'lor Fiick rcturned yestcr-
day morning from Okl homa
City where' hc bas hccn for the
past three wecks visiting his
s ns , Gt'orge and Waltcr. He
reports ha\ ' enjoyed his visit
vcry much.
, A. G. Meyer of na'th ' Creek ,
"U'raska , who hah ' n il , the
city se\'cral IIII\\th. . Il't ! 'l'lIcse.l.\ !
lIIorning for home. While here
he invested in four ellarters of
Custcr county real I"Hute in elif-
fercnt localities. J [ l'Xlhcls . to
rcturn next spring anel.locale on
one of the farms 11CIIIght south-
cast of town.
1'loyd ; Wil1ctt of .Anselmo , was
befOic the hoarel of in..anity ycs-
terday for examinatioll ; lie is a
young man I'J ) 'ear olel. lIc
wa" kic1cll by a horse a ) 'car ag-o
la t Jllne , which i. . Ill'licved to bc
thl' CIII"e : of hi. . tt'Uuhle. It is
prohable hc will he taken lu a
f4incoln ! 1unitarium for trcatmcnt
rather than : tn in anc as'lum ,
His fathel' wellt to [ il1coll1 ) 'e -
tcrday with the view of malcing
arrangemcnts to that elTcct if Dr.
Green thinks it best.
MarrlPlle Llcen.e. .
'l'hc past six wceks has 110t
hel'n vcr } ' prolilie in ltItrriag-cs : ,
as will he Rccn 1 rom the folluw-
ing list takcn frolll lhe marriage
record in JUllge AI"ItI'ursoflice :
Name and residcnce. Ag-t" ' .
John M. locn. Bolis. . . , . . . . .31
Dellie 1-4aDuke , Brokcn Ihh\n :
l ichard Brockus , Sargcnt. . . . .23
Iara lknt1y , Sargent. , . . , . . . .20
Norman E. Boyd , Iowa. , . . . . . ,24
1\1 innie Hoots , Brokt n Bow. . . .22
Clarencc Doxsee , Mcrna. . . . . .23
Jcnnie Ne'I. , l\lerna. , . . . . . , . ,1H
Osmin Gtid well , Berwyn. . , . . .22
[ I'lorcnce Gcstwitc , IIcrw'n. . . . 19
Ol'car C. I4ec , Mason Cit v. . . . .21
Alice l\la ) ' Oleson , 'asoI1 ' Cily.21
Morris J , 'l'rego , Anselmo. . , . . 24
1\loretta Phina , Anselmo , . . . , . .23 .
John Ii' . Wilson , Mrrna. . . . . . . 24
M1I1nic Hermon , Winlerset , la--
I l ilY M. Armonr , Brokcn Bow. . 22
l . Ct'rtrude 1I all , Bruk n ow.20
A lh'rt McWilliam. ; , Broken Bo\\-
Ia"ll' Knapp , Mallscoul1tyIa.---
Thus. MOlltgollll'rv , O ( ) nto. . .2h
Anna 1\kUug-all , O.ontu. . . . . .22
I u fll' ' 1'HlcA IWl'lmo. . . . . . .40
JC lse Ii : . S\itt , A IIselmo. . . . . . : W
l ll11er l u"ingon , Dunning. . . . 211
Ella Ia ) ' .loneR , Dunning. . . . .1
Hall SchnerinJfL'r , Callawa\.5 . ( ,
1I I a r } ' l It 0 d l' S , Clint 0 n , III. . . . . -t .2
H. I. Hopwood , Pleasenton. . . .24
r Jcnnie V. JOIH'S. Millcr. . . , . . .IH
'I'hos. I inncrIl't'tecsc , Wyo. .38
Catherina Wood , Eddy\'i1le. . . . 2J (
Carl GesRchart , Hcncl hnrgCa1.22
l'l. > ssie M , Poor , Brokcn I < ow. . 17
William Davison , Brnlwn Bow.2 ( ,
, Nellie Burns , Brolwll Buw. . . . . 1'J
- Heo , Semler , Sargent. . . . . . . . .I'J
Mary Gunu , Sargcnt. , . . . . . , . . \e )
.Wheat Drills
. . . . - - " . . . - . - . . , { - - - - . _ . . . . , . . . . . . .
- _ 110 _ _ _
I hnYH jUt : t l'l'l'l1iyed n ( 'nl' of King' [ )
Uoulh'l' Drills , nlRo n ( 'HI' of the
Huckel' Htnto Low-clown Pl'ess .1 > i8 ( '
Dl'i II. l hought these < hi lis tl l' ( et ;
rl'om t.ho . rnntol'Y : nnd enn sell them 1'01'
a hout. the lwico tJw ; othel' dl'n ll'I'S huy
them 1'01' .
10 Disc lowmdown Drill $65.00 .
And g'UUl'UIIt'Pf' it. to 1) ) ( ' onl' or t.lll' . lWRt
ciJ'illH mulle.
- . - - . - _ n. . ' _ r
ClIIlr , , "J ' ! I'.i .i n
r' d
_ . _ d.I.
i ' - - ---.I.
' Jli.Ju.ul1l1il.JJ" : : " . . . : L.UuJI : : : : Ju.IL. " " : : : " ' \iu.lulll'dJhUJ1liu.UIlu..JLuJuIlUluuu.l.wd : : : : : ! , : : : : : : : : : : . , : : : : . : : : : . : . ! . . \
'fu 1\
Do You Want a Horne in One of The
- , 1 Best Towns.ln The West ? [ , : >
1)0 ) You \ Tant B
. ; a .lrgai ll ?
< , I-II RI YOU ARE. i , ,
\ , I ha\'c for sale the following' 11 scrihed property in : '
\ Broleu Bow , cbr. .
. . I-H H om'lY , : ; story framc dwelling with 70 fcet of porch , ' . .
: harn , well , cistcrn an < 1 city watcr ill the hou c , all ki\1lh \
' \ ! ' or'Rhr.l1hher ) ' , fruit and Khatte trecf ; , gro11ndlOxI12. fl'ct ' : : ' "
J. with 1)0 feet of cement sidcwalk , one of th best homeH . . -
< in the citr , olle hlocl , from the square. '
1 1Hoom brick d wclling wilh hath alll\ hath fixtures , nic ' .
; lawn and shade trees , city watcr , two hlocls from slluarc. " -
' , ; . 1-10 Hoom two story frame huilding , almost ncw , nice lawn , \
fruit and shade trees , cit ) ' water , two lots of grounel , two t .
blocs ) from IIIIU' : . .
1-5 Hoom enc story fra mc d w'lli JIg , nice lawn , plcn ty of .
- . shade. city watcr , all in -
g-ood rcpair , two hloclc west of "
, Bowcn'r storc , north side.
! >
l- I oem 1 ' : storr framc dwelling , with bath , city watcr , . .
, nice shadc , gl'oundIJOx112 fect , two hloclH from slluarc. ,
i , 1-5 1 001l1 one story framc dwelling , all in g-ooel rcpair , rents . -
i. . for $10 per month , Icss than enc block fl'om puhlic square. : >
" , All the ahove descrihed resilIence propcrt ) ' will he solll for ' >
) ' . less than it woulll cost ) 'OU to put the impro\'cments on tht ! : .
. g-rouud , for part cash , balance in small paymcnts. I also hav ( ' : .
t for sale enc 2I-acre tract of land with housc , harn , wcll , ,
windmill allli 15 to 20 acrcs of alfalfa , nicc shacIc , ouc mile , -
" . from postol1icc. Prices for an ) ' of thc ahove propertics furnished - : -
. . . nished at 111) ' ollice , nrtheast corncr of public slluarc. _
Yours For Business.
i E. C. HOUSE [ .
" n nrr. : II1r.II"I.II.nrr.p . . r1r1ll11 ; : : , II m " 1itllm1r.r.1 : : : : : ; : : nl. , 1i"J1I1.rr.nnlf1lJf1ill11l11'111"'l/iI"n : : ' ! . : : : : : : ; : ! ! ; ; ' / ; ! ! ; r
- - . . _ .
- - -
- - -
, . ' - , , - - - .
- - . . . , - '
The Best Place
IH WIIPI'P YOII pnn gpt nIP lWHL The hrsl : iR BOlll'
too g'tod. \ \ ' < huy the l\Rt ) ; t here i and thel'l'-
1'00'l\ \ fpltlw ! \ bPHt. OUI' ( 'lIstomPI'f ! apPI'l"'ialp ( : tltl' !
IWIlI ! h rood ' ) ( ( ' hand ll"d hy this stOI'I. ( Y pge-
tnbJe or all kindH , and lWnl' hili' thp hest handled.
- . . . . - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . - . -
I Prepared Luncl.on } ( .
I ' , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
\1',1 \ lIam 1"1' 1'111. ; I :
' , . ' . . . . . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . ,
I 1'lItI"ll.'llIekl'lI , . . l"'rc.III. .2\ :
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
. \.alllla [ I" ' " I.all. .IfallI25 ;
' , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
hh'k"l1 1,1111.110' 1"1' "all. . .1 1'
' . . , . . . . , . .
\'I""lIa . H.lII allt' .11'1' ; 11I. III 011111 IC
. , . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . .
S . IIl.,1 . Io"t'l II' " ' . .111 . I foe
. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . ,
" " . Il' '
. . '
t . . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , ,
, ' ' " 5.111,11:111 < 12\ ) :
. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . ,
I " .111111I11 . . 1"1' . ' .1. .111 I ll , I .Il1ll 'I''r . . . . . . .Ieall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . III , U' . : lUlIO. : .
. , . . .
1110\1. . III "lI' ' " . Ie. tlln''h III hlille.
. , .
l 1I11.'II'"rk .11111 " .all' ' ' call. I : lIILI Ol :
Cclcrj'Orang-e , Lemolls. Bananas -
nanas , P acltes , Pears ,11111 Ap-
ples. \iclc1cs all kinds.
- -
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