f-- - . . . . - - ' - : - . - i. . . . . - " 'r I Royal' Baking Powder is indispensable I to finest cookery and to the comfort : \ and convenience of rnodern housekeep- I i ing. Royal Baking Powder 111akcs hot brc'ads , cakcs and pastry wholesome. Perfcctly leavens without fermentation. ualities that arc peculiar to it alone. - . ROYAL ( lAKING POWDER co. , NEW YORK , WINFIELD SCOTT HADDIX GUII.TY. The Jury Say , it wa , Murder in Ihe _ Second Degree , Senlenced 10 the Penilenl l\ry for Twelve Yean. 'l'he jury in the Haddix murder trial that occupied the time of the district court from 'l'ue ! day morning of lagt week ufltil 10:10 : Haturday night , hroug-ht in their I verdict last Sundaaftcrnoon. . lilulillg' Winlielll S , laddix , uilLy I , or murder in the gecond dl gree for th ( ' Idllinl ! oflel \ ' n Butler Jlear Masoll City the 16th of last April. 'rhe case was olle of which there was considerahle ! peculu.- tioll as to tlll probable \'erdict of \ the jury , 'rhe evidence disclosed - ed t hat there had heen had blood between th ( ' two mcn for sOllie ti me and t ha t both 11111\ \ prepared for the final ending of the matter - ter un that occasion , Butler had armed himself with a revolver and sling shot with the a\'owed purpose of traveling over the road through Haddix's land that Haddix ! l > aid he shouldnol , lIe succeeded in passin over the road as he w'nt to a nelg'h- hors after his 1t11l1 another Iirl. But on his return he found Had- dix at the west gat to resist his entrance. But few words passed until shooting' commen cd. ' 1'he cvid ncce wa not conclnsive as to who tired the lirst shot , as the . four shots that were e changed between the two determined mcn were vcry close tOg'ctlwr. lIa < l , dix USCIa shot gun and but one of hihots ! ! took elTect. 'j'he re\'olver in thc hands of Buller showed two empty chamberi ! and that , I wo other cartridge ! had becn snapped. which was conclusive - sive that he hal } g-otlen In his worl ( as rapidly as possible , but pro\'ed to be a poor marlsmau. 'l'hat thc shooting was premed i- atecl on thc part of both loohs vcry plansiblc and the j111'j' ed- dently so though , as far as Had- dix IS concerned at least. It was thoug-ht hy a geol } many , who hcard thc tl' al that the circumstances - cumstances which led uJ > to the dccd wou1l1 be ta\en \ 1I1to consideration - sideration by the jur ) ' and a light verdict woulll he found. Not a few thought Haddix was not thc aggressor a tll should bc found not guilty. I\lanslaughter was as much as somc of the attorneys of the state expected. But the decision of the jury settles enc question and that it is a serious thing to take human life in Custcr count ) ' . It is not a ' ma'ttcr mercly of hig'h priced al1l1 able lawyers that determines thc ven1ict of a jur ) ' in Cu ter count ) ' and that thc onlj' fafe plan to escbae the pcnitentian' is to'e ) within the bounds of the law. The families of both parties are entitlcd to alH1 have the I s'mpathy of thc public , yet that docs not rcplacc the fathcr" , who for tri\'al matters , enc has met (1eath and the other must go to the penitcntiary. It goes with. out saj'ingthe lawycrs for the defendant did all thcy could for their client but th y hq < l a hard case at bcst" U pan the ot hcr hand the attorneys for thc statc made the 1I10St of what c\'idence t he ' had a nd won. ' ! he qucstion of a new trial was talcn up Monday afternoon hy Judge Sullivan and was not finally sC'tlled untit ten o'clock at night. 'l'he judgc o\'errnllecl thc motion and then gavc Haddix llis sentence. ' 1'he sentcnce is twelve years in the state penitcn- tia\'y at hard labor every da ) ' in the : ycar , Sunday cxcepted , and to paj' the cost of the prosecution. Under the verdict of the jury - , . - - - , Len } 'ears was the Icast the court could have g'en him. 'j'he jury had requested thc court to excrcise clemellcy in . . , , . . , . " I _ _ " . . " . .v , . . . . " " . . . . . . . . " 1Ir.T- , . ' -I' " v-- that Jive thirty miles north-enst ' of Brokcn Bow , and others that live forty miles south-west that read and are regular patrons of the Rm'UIIIICAN. . But they not onlyad.vertised in the RnpUUII- CAN lmt in sevcral of the other papers of the county. 'l'hey advertisl'd they had for sale thc hest hand of horseg evcr shipped into Custcr county and the } li'ople knowing the. rcputa- tion of Messers Currie and Prettyman had confidence in the statclllcnt and many people wcre inter.csted in seeing them. After seeing the horses they concccdcd the statement to be true and naturally were tempted to iuvest. It was the advertise- mcnt that drew the crowd and the quality of the horses that sold llH'm , What Messers Currie & Prettyman did by liberal ad- \'ertising others can in their fl > . specth'c lincs of business if they have the goods to back their statelllcnt. 'fheir advertising probably dId not cost them to rxceed $100 , whilc their profits _ reached probably - ably $2,000. Lomax. HntTOR RttI'UDI.lcAN-On : the 281h eluy of ) ulle , Mrs. Woody und I honrdcl { Ihe trmll for Iowa. Aftcr Rpenllillg u few weeks we aguin hourdelllhe twin for lIedforil , Inl1iollu. Arter viilin ! ! al Bed. forel IIIIlIIllI1I1) ' olher tOWIIS in the old nutive slate , we hude farewell to III/lilY fric\1lls al\ll WCllt to Dam'ille , Ill. , a d again returned to Iowa , anll stayed olle week atlll then we startcI\ for lour , home in Nehraska which is nollhe worst place on Ihe curth. We got hOllle n the 1St : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . ; : : - " " ' = ' - - . : : ; . - :250 : MEN WANTED' I . _ - , . W g h.t\'e : . .100 IICIl S of potutoc : . allel 300 acr < : s of sugar heels which we will IJcgill har\'Cstillg SCfllcmhcr 25th , 11\111 will wallt 150 mcn to' assist in harvcsling these crops.Vuges for lealllsters , f.2 per dllY. Potato pickers , .Ie pcr sack. Our Cl'Op is'ery heu\'y allli pickers cun easily muke froUl 3 to $4 per day. lIoard , $3 50 per week , . W also \\/1111 / A'I' ONC100 / tcuulstcrs for construclion work on ollr big Cllllul. Wages"2 per clay. Boanl , $4.50 pcr wce , . 1'0lato allli heel har\'l sl wllllustuntil about NO\'emucr Ib , nnel work 011 thc cUllnl willlnsl all winler. ' -State T land Co. , Scotts Blufl : N ch. ' \ . 'Ij - " ' = Wk1 - . _ - = _ .L' - - - - . passing sentence. ' [ 'his he did as he might have madc it a sl'n- tcnce for lifc. But as Haddix is now lifty-one years old it may prove a l fe scntcnce to him. li'rom what we heard of the case the Ihtl'uU1.ICAN ig of the opinion that both the vcrdict alld scntclicc arc too se\'er by a bou t tcn ycars. I A Big Hone Sale. 'l'he Curric & Prett\'man horse sale held in this citj' 'last Saturday - day a Hernoon was l he grea test success ever attain\1 in the .hor e sale husincss in the city. 'rhcy lIot only had the crowd hut thcy had as line a lot of horses a were ever broug'ht to this marlet olT of the rangc. . 'i'hey were I1nhrohen and ranged in age I rom two to six years old aud were in line flcsh. 'l'eams sold as high as $255. A IHllnher of teams sold for o\'er ' . . .O 0 . I In Ih'c hours thcy sold 125 head , the aggregatc amounting to $10,000. This phenomenal Sl1ccess isduc principally to one featurc and that was their extens'c ah'er- tisillg. We saw mcn at the sale _ _ _ _ _ n _ - - - - - - - - > - - - Iluy of Septemher hail and hearty. Founel some very mluahle lellers to he unswcrc , so 1 wrile this that the people ma ) ' know why I hu\'e 110t answeree\ \ the lettcrs , 1 found one from our editor SIUlill lowed $3 to the HCPI' tICAN , for which I all\ glad I ) ' ! > clllling in this lelter , hopilll { all delinquenl : ! will take example. W. ' 1' . Woou\ ' . ' - = reaml Creamll Craamlll Bring ) 'our cream to me. I will guarantec my work as first class in evcry way in handling ) ' 0111' cream upon every day except Sunday. BltA1\HIClt CI < HAII1 S'l'A'l'ION , 13-14 R G. Ihtl'TS , Mgr. Legal Notices. . LICO L AOVKI&TIMICME'I'l'S. All Rlhorll.uml'1I11 under 'hi , head will he clllU1611 lor lit leval rail II , via : $1,00 I , r qD&rO lur ! I'ML IIiMllrllun , aud Oc Ilor 'qDaro lor &laeb IUll lqnlllt In."rtloll. ) " .qulre" l Lon IInoa or tracllon tbereot. I.I nA1. NO'l'C , " : . ' 1'u Juhll I. . Urltl ) . , -lIruIY. hi. . wlfi' , fin'l ti"Ul ! 1II1IIl ! ulIllIIOWII , 1. . lIllIry I.I0vtl , nrRt Irll Ir.lIl1 ulllclIOWII.l.lortl , hi" wife , IIr"l Iru" 1IIlIn : ! IIlIklloWlI , 10w1 1\1orllrall" I ilill 1'.1 II ) ' , Juhll IIoe , trill ! 1II1\Il ! IIlIkllmvlI. holll..r uf th" I1Il1rl- 11':1 lit ! tXi'CIlIt'II hy l rllt ! 1 W. IIrl"lollo th" Iowa 1\1nrllnllrt ! COlllllall ) ' IlIlh" "UI1I IIf tJ\I.I allil IlIIhltr IIf Ih" 1I111r11llIl"CX"Cllled b ) ' I rlle"l W. I1I1hl0111l Ihl' Ill\\'a Mllrhnllrl ! CIIlIIlallY III Ih. . 1I111 IIf $ 'H. II. . . . hOlllh tahl IllIarllr ( Sl } O III S"Ctioll thlrl-lwlI (3 ( ) IIIWII"hll' IHIlell (15) ( ) rIIIIt ! dllhlti'll II ! ! ) CII Ilr COIIIIIV , Nlbra"ka ! : \011 , alullIeh : III )11\1 will lak"lIollc" Ihal UII - - . X M M , . , : " I J 1\1. BATES , successor to l ock well & Arm- . ' strong , has employed 1-1. E. Cole. formerly i with. W. J. Woods. as Undertaker and Embalmer I and am prepared to g'c first clasH work. My stock of undertaldng goods is of high quality S and I am prepared to suit you in quality and i price. I havc a line hear e and am preparcd 'to " g'e the best accol11odations to city or country i customers. Prices ric-ht. See me before giving your order. I . . . _ _ . _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - ' ' .U' " . . : : : . J. M. Bates. jl s NORTH SID . . , . _ _ _ _ _ I. . . . . . - --/1. ' .1 . . ' . . . 'ft " . " " , 'l I _ _ I M"I. . ' , ff. ' . . ' " "t.\ ' . . . . . . . . ; ; ' ) Jr"Vf'I.ttl'I. " . . . . " - " - - - 0" . . . . - - _ . . . . - . c' -.J" . - . - ' ----01-- - - I , Our , Cutomers Interest I IS OUR FIRST " I . . : ; ; " i THOUGHT. ' . , , Come antI see for yourself.Ve'n show you. You re coming to the fair. Make it part of your trip to look ov'r the LARGES'f stock of 11'urniture in the . county. See : Here's where I./I'l'TLE MONEY g'oes' FAR. We knock 'cm all Ot on CARPET PRICES and GOOD GOODS , and we K EP 'em knocked out on l PRICES on MA TTINGS. We have 'em a-going on curtains of all si7.ls and col- ors. .They can't bcgin to } ( eep up with our stock of IHON BEDS , Springs and ) fattresses. Bed Room Suits-the opposition knocked pIT its "pins" by our BIG LINE . Got the "Famous Summit" Ma- OF SUITS and [ -lOW PRICES. Sewing - chine. too , best on earth , take a look. Prices don't ! li unt to much these da.\'s , . ( some on't ) but we want things that are up to date 111 QUALITY AND PIHCE. Our Undertaking and ElulJaln1ing DepartJnent , is C0111plete \ , Rockwell & Ko'nkel. . , : , i A'r " " . J. 'VOOD01.1) H "AND. ' \ : - ' . . \ t . ! . . . . . - Ihe bl da ) ' of Sl'Plelllber.I9J5 , Cbarleq E. Glb. i 0011. plailltiff. filed bl pelilion In Ihe UlRlrlc1 COllrt of CUqll'r CUUIIIY , Nebraqka , a\allllll YOU Ibe obkcl and prnyer c ( whlcb are to furecloql ! a cerlalnlax RallCL'rllt1cale IMMUt11 ! 1111 Ihe 2\llh da ) ' of ) " "bruary.190I. for the taxes of ! ! ' } to 1M'Incillsh'e III the Mil " 1 of 11I1" hllllclr < " < 1 MlVell dollars alld tWl'nly-nve cents 1$1117.25) ) and thl' , Qllboeqlll'lI1 lax for the 'ear IIJOU III Iht ! SIII1I of g.-ven dollanl al1d I\HIIU'lehrhl c"IIIM ( 7.21 ! ) alld tlil' Mllb""quellllaxryr t e'ear 1901 III IL MUIII ( If Rlx dollarM alld I1t'/III1" / CllItq ( : f6.G9. un Ihe .oulh eaMt (1IIaUt. . ( "eX ) of "cclloll thlrt.lwn { 31 } IlIwn"hlp } 'lfll't'lI , (15) ( ) , rallile t\\IItten \ ( I ! ! ) CURler counlY , Nebraqka , alld IIpon which 1'1 IIOIY dill ! thl ! Hllm u ( ulle humlred nlllb'"lue dollar" 1$1'19.00.1 I' A 1"0 to forclo.e a certalll lax Hale cerllflcale I.qued Oil the 211d day 0' NO\'l'l1Iber. 190.1 , for & 1 , , , laXtq for the ) 'ear 1902.II\'tI1l1 ' RItI1l of Rlx dollar" ; Intl IIlneu..flve celllM ( $ (1.95) ) alld the MubseQUell1 lax for 11111 ) 'lar 11)03 h ! l e MIII1I of Rlx dollarR ( iJ.OO ) and Ihe sub.eljUellllax for the } 'car 1904 III the RUlli of tell dollarR alld IWlIIU.'e Cl'lIlq ( $10.25) ) on the Roulh.t'a.t Quarter ( lo ( ) of Reel 1011 Ihlrl-Iwo (32) ( ) tOWllqhlp tlfttell ItS ) rallll'l' elICh- 11' ' ' " ( lH ) III Cu lr County. Nl'hrat ka. alld IIpOIi which l ald tax eertlficall ! ; 1/111 / qllb eQuenllaxeR Lhem 1M dlle Ihll RUlli 'of ' twclIl"Reven dollarR :111I1 : lxly.l\ve \ eelllq ( $2i.65. ) The plalllli ff praYR for ; \ decre" of forl'cloRure alld Ihat "aid pft'IIII"I .1 > " 50ld to Ratl'Iy ! tb" aCllollnt foulldlo Ite due aud forequllable rlIef. Ynu alld . .ach of ) 'OU , are rellllired 10 allqw..r RIld , pelilioll nil or bfore l'oIorlllay , the rd cia ) ' nf/Oclober.I / < Jl'5. ' ( ; . A. ROlliNSON. 11 " ' , Krarnt ! ) ' , Nbra"ka. H.li ' > J\Uorlle ) ' tor plailltiff. 'I " Unll..il Slar ! III.allll ; omcl' . . l Uroktn Uow. Nehr.a "a , Septemberi , 1905 , r Nnllcc I" hcnb ) ' Illvl1I thaI Ihe follnwllllC- nalll"d hullr hui.1lled : lIotle" of bls Inlellllnll 10 make filla' ' prnof III RUl'purl of hiM clall1l. alld that Halll proof will bll C113de I.ltore RelllRler alld Rl'celver al lJroken Bnw. NebraRka. nil OCloblr 21. 1' . , 'Iz : lU NRY I. . WII.I.IAI'oIS , l'oIerna'Icbra"ka. ' . for Ihe w2 swo ( Seclloll 2. aod t , , } lIeX "lclloll 3 , towlIRhll' tH , N. rallll'C 21 wt'I. U" nllll" : " till ! followhllr wlln" " eR 10 prllhlt eOllllnuolI1I rl'Aldnce UIOII atHl culli. vat 1011 of Raid laml. vlz : Ollvlr G. Sl1IlIh of ' 1\1erlla. Nebraqka : Wllllalll 1'01. IIIRhol > n ! Uro. ken Uow. Nlbraska : Jallies Bnwle ) ' of l'oIlrna , NebraRka : , " 'reil 'V. IlIcklllan of l'oIlrna , N" . braMka. JAMKS WIIITRIlHAV , ' W R w , Unltl'd Slaleq I. lId Oftlee. l . ; lIroken 1I0w. NebraRka. S" 1tlIIbtr 9.1905. f ' . Nollc" I" htr"hy Illvt1I Ihat Ihe followltlll'- . nallleil sltlllr haM l1Ieilnnllce nf hlR 11I1"mlulI io lIIIkl' : IIl1alIroof In lIuPl'Orl of hl clallll. alld that "alii.roo ( will 1IItde belorl ! Regl"tlr ,11111 Rccllv..r at lIrokell lJow. NtbraHka , 011 OCILh"rO.1905. : vlz : william A , Sturdtvant. HOllntl Vall ! ! ) ' . Ntbraqka , fnr the n" II RCllolI 3J ) , ' 1'owlI.hll' 19. N. Hall\l'II19 wesl and No. 3314 St ! ( ne f Sclllln3O , TuwnShll' I' ) N. Rallgl ! 19 weill. lIe name. . ; tbe follow lilt Wltlll ! " ! ! o ; to prove IJlw cOlllllluolI re ldluce IIJIIII alltl culIl. "a.tlull of "aid land. vlz : I.'rallk Wltll\a 01 HnUIIII ValllY. Nebra"ka : Amel AlldrRUII of Broken 1I01v. NlbrlRka , : Albrl Alldr"nll of Urnkl'lI Uow. Nebralka : I.aeharla G. YOUIIII' of Urnkl'lI Uow. NebraRku. 4-I'J JAMRS W. ITIWEAIJ , Reglsl"r. . . NO'rICE 01" AI'I'O IT mN10' ' " ' AD1\1IN. IS'J'RA'rOH. COUIU ) ' eOllrl. l'uMerCnuUIY. Nebra.a. . " 'l'n ' the lItlrH , lI"xt of Kill atHl creclllurR of fjarah I. . nlllkl\ileCa ttI. ' " YOIl ar" ber"b ) ' IInllllld Ihal Johll n IlIkllY , ' IUqbalid uf "alii dCI'aMl'II , ha fil11 hi" pelilioll ! II hald CIIUrt. ; IMklnll' ' Ihal he ma ) ' b. . appolllietl . \d/llI I"lralor IIf the " "tal" uf : ! Ioamh I. . III II k- " decaed. Said matl"r hall h"i'll htt fnr 2"Y for StIII.Hnl. ; 1'105 , at IU n'clm'k a. III. I th , , ' OllllcnUrI room. III Urokell Uow. Ne. braka , whell alllllllr""letl parlltR ilia ) ' al'plar ami bl ! I..ard. 1 > ale.llh"I2'llh da ) ' of AIIIl , 1905 , 12.14 iSHAL ) J. A , AHMOUK , COIIIIJlldlrt ! . , t Uliltetl Slaies I.alld Oilier. . l lIrokell Uow. N..hr. AuII' . lit. l1J05. f Nollce I" herlby Illvell Ihal tll" fnlllllVhl1l' naliltilrilllIer has IIItd nullc" of hl8 IlIlelillon In mall ! lIual I.roof In RUPl'nrt of hb claim. ami thaI Hald Ilroof will he iliad" h"te.r" HeallRler ami H..celvnr al lIrukeu 1I0w , Ne- bra"ka. UII 8..pl. 2 . 1905. , 'Iz : HOIIKHT J. 1'AHHI'roH New U"lelia. N"hraMka. for thl ! NJ RW-4 ! weco 211 allli wJ. IIW jtC. 35 'I' . I' ) N. R 21W , 11" name" Ih" fllllowllIlI'VltlleM e" III I'rn'e hili COlllhlUOIIR r"shh lIc" 111'011 allli clIlIl\'alloll 'of ' Maid Ian" , , 'Iz : Haro' Coffmall , o ( N"w lIlltnl : , NbraRka : Jam" " CufflllJ ; II , of New Helena , "hraMka ; "torlle'1'emplr. of Brokell 1I0w , NebraMka : : lIellO' Williams , uf Merna. Nebr. JAUKS WIUTKURAV , U H I NOTICE ) , 'OH I'UUI.ICATION. ( lSOIA'J.\ED 'I'HAC'r. ) olle" Is II"r""v 11'1ell that III pursuallce of InslrccllolIR from Ihe ComnIIHSlolI"r , uf the n"eral I.alltl Ollic. , . ulI""r alltllllrily veRlII III hIm h ) ' hectloIl2 S5. U. 8. HeStal..aRalllellll. . l.tI by the acl uf Co II II' rt'R" aplHm'eil 1"lbrlao' 26 , Ib'J5. we wllll'tllce'd to otTer at Ilubllc sal" Oil Ibe 2. th da ) ' III Stplemher. n"I. al 2 u'clock f' . III. allhlK omee , Iht ! fullowhllllraelo ! lallil , to'WI"'IW " 'hIY hec. 19 'rUN , IHIIW. An ) ' and all \'rIlOIl8 clalmhllC ld\'erhely Ih" above tleserlbt.'I1 lantlK ar" atl'lsed 10 tilt ! IIelr clalwtl In this olliee 011 or bdor" Ihe cia ) ' 1bo\'e designated lor the commtlIcemrnt ! of said sal" . olher1st' thtlr rlghls will tn. forfdletl. W. " , nKR N. HtII'I..ter. . At.\"o E. Klm'NAHD. Heceh'lr. - - - Unile'SlaleR I.antl Olliee. l lIroken Uuw. Ntbr. . A UIrUht i. 1905. I Nolle" IR IItreb ) ' IClvt1I Ihal the lollowlllll' ' IIUlII' : 1 s"llIer haK metl nollct' of hi" Inlelllolllo lIIak" I1l1al praof In SIII.pon of hi" clall\l. and Ihal "ahl..roof wllllte ilia" " ltde r" Hell'l"ler al\Ll Hecdvlral IIroklllllow. Ntbr. . UII Sel'l. 21.1905'Iz : Grac" M. PraLel" , forlll..rl ) ' nralt1 M , ) , 'orn..y fnr th" H. ) , : . 3lH . weill J. Nw H ul S..tlon 17 , ' 1'1 ' , N. ranlre 21 w"sl. Jle nallllH Ib followlnll' wltlle"Sl'R 10 ptove hl8 contllluOIIS rt ldtlIce UIIOII aUlI clIllI'alloli uf Kahllantl , vlz : Jubll S. l.yolI , of M"rna. Ne. bralika : Jobn Car"y. of Merna. Nlbraska : Rob- erl J. KtlIe ) ' , uf ! lIerua , Nebraska : Warrell S , WeIiK. of ! lIerlla , N braska. JA1o ! S WIIITIUlKA\I. Reglsler. Unltetl Slale I.atlll Onic" . lIroken ) Juw. Nebr. AUIf. ll,1"\J5 , Nulle" 18 hreb ) II'lveu Ihat Ih" following nawld lietller bas I1lecl nollc" of bls lul"lIllolI 10 wake linal proof lu t Upport of blli claim. and . - , Ihat Maltl proof wllllte ma"e hefure Reglqler and Receiver al Urokell ) Jow. Ntb. ! . on Seplelllbe 'l5 ' , 11))5. vlz : IIl1l1ry SIlrkM , of Mllbllrll. Nehr for Ille homeKlead elllry Nu. 1 : ( ' ( ' , Se Sec. 19. T.20. N. R. 21 W. III ! name" the followlllll' wltlle"e to irovehlR cOllllnuou. reMhlellc" UpOII alld cultlvatloll of 'laid lall" . vi ? : ' _ AI viII Dally. of Mllhurn. Nehraqka : TbomaR GllIlllall. of 1\lIIhurn , Ntbraska : Calvlll 8111dl'r of 1\1l1burll , Nebraqka : Carl E.llowman , 01 New , 11ehmi : , Nehr. JAMEVIUTEIIRAI. . 11-14 RelClsllr. I.IWAI. NOTICE. . III 111l ! DI'ilrlCI court of tbe 121h Judlcl1 'dl ' lrlcl of Nebraska. IIeld III alld for C\.RIlt- , COli IllY. Vella Ledwlch.Ialntlff. . TH. Tll'otlore 1' . ! WorRle ) ' and ElfaVurRle ) ' , wife 0 [ 'rheo"ol" I P. WorRley. William A. WorRley alld 1\1t" . I William \\'orsl"y bl wle. C. E. Wo"lworth anti 1\1r" . O. , " : . Wou"\IIorlh hl wlf" . "efentlalll" . Said def"lIdanlK will tak" nOlle" thaI on Ih" 281h day nf Ailit. 1'J05 , 1).lIa Ledwlch thIS plain. tiff file" her \Ietilion III the 1 > IRlricI cOllrt of said COllnl ) ' . tbe ohJlcI all" pra'er of wblcb are to Qlliel th" tllh ! In her 10 Ihe lalld lI..r"ln after d"scrlbl ! " , whtreaq un Ihe21s1 "ay o ( May I 'I , - - the firlll of Slark ami Mo her G'led Ibelr petll- 1011111 Hal" cOllrt 10 forrclose a , 'ertalll 1\Iorlllall" deed eXI'cliled b ) ' 11lralll 1\1. Urownell and wife conTl'ylllIhe norlh-we"lquarler of Mecllun II. In towlIsblt > IS , nonhof rallile 20. WI'At of the Glh p III. . Ihat herta ler on Iht ! 20Ih tla ) ' of AuII' . lW. a decree waRenter"d lorl'cloQhlC'lIal" Mort. lI'all'e ' all" or"lrllllt a sale Ihereof 10 RaIlRf ) ' the a 111011 11 I Ilue ullder Raid "ecree. thaI thereafter Raid lall" wa" MOItI ulI"lr hald "ecrel ! t. , Raid Stark allil Moqher. whlcb Rale waq confirmeil by th" calirI. thai a mlqlake wa IIladl ! In Ihe cleRcrll'tloli of "aid land 111 th" I/ollce for service by puhllcatloll also In II" , nollce Illvell o. . tbe ! lale of Raid premIRI'R.11I IhlRthal Rahllalli' wa dt ! crlbell a..ltehlll Intownshlp Ie. . Ihe plalnllff berelll IlIlhe oWlwr of Raid lalltl an" I.rarllhe court 10 correct the descrlplloll III Ihe lIoliCe uf Merylc.lty 1"bllcallon alld IlIlhe 1I0tice of Ihe . . .J I Ral" of Raid lalld to reall tcnnl"hlp IS , RO that " " 'I' ' tbe deqcrilltion will read the lIorth-weRI nf f."C- tlon H. III tllWIIMh111 15. lIurlh of rallge 20. Wtql of th. . 61h ( I. Ill. . to curre"polld wllh the laCIR ami descrlplloll \IVelllll Ihe PllIlolI III ahl ca. . " uf Slark allil 1\1o hr ! , v . 1I1ralll 1\1. IIrowllell ! ! I al. a 1111 10 Quiet tht ! IIl1c III her by rea 5011 of 1lI0rl ! Ihall 10 ) 'ear8 ad""rHeln R s"lon. Yuu allil "ach of ) ' 011 are rllllIlrcil lu an..wer Raid petilion UII or befure Ih" 'Jlh day of OClober. 1905. 1IatlII this 281h ila ) ' of AIlItIlMI , 1905. I 12.15 1IELLA I.rU\\'Icui : Plailltiff. m smmm m m m M m . . m SEE - - - - - m I J. w. S OTT I < ' ( Soutll Side of Square ) ' ! . For old wheat flour'at reduced prices , Seeds of all kinds. Shelf 'Ware ' , queensware and second haud furniturc. It will pay von to I investigate our goods and get onr prices before - fore placing ) 'onr o.rder. i r m J W . TT South 8ide B B. , ' Square. m MM wS M * * mmm s s M m . . . _ . . . . ' - - . - 1 r . H. T. BRUCE . . CO. -SE'LLS- . Lumber , Lath , , Plaster , Lime , Hair Sash , Doors , and Storm Sash. . . . . iI . Everything first-class. See them. South Side , Broken Bow. . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CBEFI. : : FI. . " 'V.A. . La. E ; for IIl1r lry Rlock of all kllldR Rollell'd. . We halldle . only . ORDERS . , , . I I Ruch varlli" " Ihat hav" b. " " ( lru'ell adoPIl.tI 10 CII"I..r cnllllt ) . SllId fnrlrlce Ilht , uurlrlctR are rla""ahle , t will hi' al the I CouulY fair aUlI wllllak nnl"rll fllr nurser } ' Ktnck. FP : I : _ , ' . ) . I. f - II I Before You . . I ' . eo. : Ja.p1n.e : . , I Contractor and BuilJer. Estimates ' I . . Furnished free with plans and specifications. I , ' " " , 1 , . . tI U 1 1 1 _ I . - , r' ( D. _ _ . . _ _ . ' 0 - . , . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " ' ' " " ' " ' ' . " ' ' ' , " " . " ' ' \ Wo : : " - ' ' ' ' , : : .e : ' 'J1t'\"J"'I- : : I .trJ.e'I"4. : rJ" " ( : : : " l' ' ' ' ' ' . ' ! tJ\ : ; .r'iJfiJ : ; : y 1& .l fJ l iJ ; Y'S ; ; J J. . ll ! lf.d 1m : Ji.liil : . . . Wbeu desiring to figure ou a hill _ of Lumber call on the. . . . . . . . . . I C. L. Turner Lumber Co.I , We carry a full stock of Lumber. fI Sash , Doors , Mouldings , etc. ' ) Agents for the Nebraska Central Building & Loan Association. . I ( I I . m a ! s _ J , . . ( & . 3. . . ,