Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 14, 1905, Image 5

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    . .
\ .
I , ' . . , . . , . , . . . . . , . . . . . . . -
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! If : : - : ,
, f
'I School )300k8 ,
- . AND
Scllool Supplies
, t , '
. , \ r 1D eal'l'Y the most. completcIine of
' \ HclHlOI books in tlw city , and OUl'
tnhlet. . UHROI't.ment this'yeur 'is b ttel'
r tlll\11 \ ( -n' 'I' . 'Ve . eUll stlI1ply you in
eV"I'yt hillg' .
! l. " "
: . J. S. a. J. F. BAISCH
. . .
t3 coos ers to J. O. Hncuerle.
I L . . . - .J I
L : " --.I
' - - -
.j r f/ ; - - - _ . _ ,
I : ' , . . Hargains in Flrl11 ; : Land and Ranches .
I . : ; . : . Write for list with prices and terms of sale. '
: / . . _ . If you have land for sale list it with me.
\ . ' : iJi . . . . " Correspondence with non-resident land wnerssolicited .
\ 1/ . J A vll S LED\VjG H - - Broken tlO\V , Neb I
" t ,
' - . , .
" I - ! f , , ' An imm.ense crowd is ttend-I
. : , ; : ; Jng the fair today.
. . . . . . . '
J.t. ; . ; , F..H. Young was a passenger .
, j . : : to LlUcoln.yesterday.
. : . \ Sam Clayton returned the first
" . of-th.e wcek from Denyer.
' Geo. Palmcr was a business
visitor to Omaha ye terda'y.
. '
Orvis Pike of Walworth , ritade I
I this office a elcome call yester-
Emery Chapin and wife returned -
ed M9pday f om their visit to
D. V. ThomsQn came up from
Ansley Wednesday . morning to
attend the fair.
John of Dale is
I'- Downey , among
. : i ' - : { he numb r' from that locality
H : . " . aHendiDg the fair.
' '
' . : " 'Jas. Wood and wife are among
. . ; , ; : . , the number from Meriia attending . -
' . ing tbe county f ir.
I . .j ; : ' David Heller and \ .i.fe return :
' . : 'i ed Wednesday mor01ng' from
' 'their visit to Denvcr.
, ' " . . .A. H. Humphrey made a busi-
i k ' 1ess tfip' ro : r ; 1 ' 5 : sl "ftl. : j ;
t \ C. . . . ' returmng th.1s mormng.
ft. W. D. Grant returned yesterday -
: , , day from Kearney , where he
went to do furnace work.
. .
( F. M. Sharp and wife came
J ' . , duw.n from Dunning W ( ne da ) '
. - rl10qling to attcnd the fair. .
. . ' ,
' { ; ' C. O. Lind , who has bcen visiting -
, , ; . ing in Colorado for se\'eral weelcs
'Ji\ : ! . returncd home ycsterday morn-
f ; ing.
' ' ' ' .
r' ; ' } :3. L. and W. T. Cannon went
, - to Lincoln \Vednesday morning
to the republican state conven-
, . . . ' .
' : . , J. H. Edminsten stopped O\'er I
' , : f' yesterday-morning between trains
" : i ' , tJn his way from 'rhedford' to
: ; ; . - Lincoh1. "
i : : < Edison ahner and wife came
, down from 1\1 erna yesterday
t morning to talee in the fair aDd
, \ ' sit relativcs.
. . . . ; . , Ii' . J. 'rJllam of 'Hound Valley ,
. . was a passeug'er to Lincoln
. . . ' , - < . ) 'e terday , delegate to the fepub- !
. - : : Hcan state con\'ention. .
. fl' : .
, ? , lIon. M. L. Fries of Arcadia ,
. is in the citY' .1ttending thl'
: : , County Fair. 'I'he RRPUIIIICAN
; " ackaowlddges a friendly call. .
/ . : Mrs. Irene Wagner , who It" , : ! >
. , ! t. been in the city for sera )
, . . , it months left yestcrday mornang
. l ) . for her home at Hocldord , J1l.
, . '
" . ' .
: , B. C. Empfield of Anselmo ,
; $ ' . passed through the city yester-
' . .f , day or. his way to 1-4incoln as
t' .t1' . del. ' .ttc to the repu blican state
, . ( , : uuventio : . .
, , , . _ , . - _
' f'.u . . . .
- : . . f" " . - - - ' ,
, " " : , ' : ' . . . , . A"Itt ! . . . . J1. . , .O - = & 1 U . : . . . . . . .
, ; : . ' . . ' " r''I' , . , . II. 1' ' ' . J-"I" .
. , , ' ! , J :
" 'fl'
" . . . . '
. , " ' .
. .
. , ! ,
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. . .
' " ' '
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' . , , . ' ' ; ' , ' . . _ . ' . : . I"t. . , . . . . . .
. . . "
. . d' . .
.t , ' . 1---- - ' . I . ' ' J
' , , ' . . , - . . - : f . : ; " . . " ; . , ' . . .
r' . . I , . . ; . . , . . / < " , " , ' ' ' 'Ii , . ' " \ . . . , .
t - . ' : ' .h ) : " . , . . ' .1\.0 . \
\ , ' 1 , .
\ ' "
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. : , " ' .
. , r . . , . . , /11. : . , f , '
. t " ' . . _
" j , . " : ; . - ' .
. 0
. "y" . .
: ' J. r. . BRENIZER : tsrreae.f \
. ' _ } lure colch : " , ,1 colch TIIIIII..t RI.nrl flfl1
. . . . . . , .
If' C.IIII. Illy h"nluumber. 40 COW" Will com.
01. . . . . . par" lulm'edlnll : " , ,1 quail ! ) ' with any " , . . . .I of
. " : ' Chlcallo , My "xl"'rlenc. , hall laullhl III" Ihal to
IClu'lCood lIallllfacllon. bre.lIull caltll" OIn..1 be
rtt h. . . I" 11'1. . "II II Uf'I ' . ,
e' I " 'II"ct 10
. . . . _ .
r..I..lhn. ' , , "r. Ihe "tl" ' " of anl"hhlll
. , ,18eo1ln the U. S. r now \71"25 Lull" IIUII\\bl" \
fllr . thl" . and next ) ur' " . . . .nlct' . My ' 1OWII
" . .lib tram 1400 10 : ! < 1I0unh. COWl' . aii ! . ! . , e
\bf ,
_ - v-
I a ' Armour and wife left this
morUlng' for Ann Arbor , .Mich. ;
where Mr. Armour will complete
his course in law the ensuing
Miss Marv Ho11al1t1sworth came
dow'n from hrownlee W dnesday
'morning to . visit rel tives. lIer .
younger sISter , 'F ' lorence , accompanied -
panied her.
'I't.e carni val company did not
arrive in the city until yesterday. ,
'rh y were , under contract for the
week at this 'place ' but wcre deh Jed -
ed by the trams.
R. R. Barnard , editor of the
L up Valley Queen , \ as in the
city yesterday on his w y to Lin.
coin to attend the ' . republican ,
state convention.
, J. R. Dean was called Mondav
night to Wcstervillc by Andre\v
Allen , who was dangerously ill.
But before he arr'ed there Mr. .
Allen had passed : away.
. S. Smith' of'CaIla'way : , cameO
Or yesterday af ernoon to attend -
tend the COUnty faIr He reports
t11ree inches of rain in the vicip-
"itY'Qf'Callaway"l'u sday nigh1.
Rev. I obt. Hodges came 'in
TL'i sUay from Colorado , where
he has been for several months.
After stopping at the Fair for a
day he went to Merna to visit
his daughter.
Dr. W. E. 'ralbot .appeared on
the s reets yesterday morning
supporte ( Iv. ? crutchcs , .as the result -
sult of ruhng a lmclnng- horse
Tuesda\ " , from which the cords
of one f his limbs were strained.
A heavy rain visited this
vicinity last night and a strong
wind pre\'ailed for a short time.
By morning the c1o ds had passed
away and the sun came 01H bright .
with every prospcct . for a fine da ) ' I
for the fair.
Claude Gusner , head c1erl { of
John Wall's sture at Arcadia ,
made this' ofi ce a social ca'li '
} 'cs\e'rday \ in com pan ) ' ; with J. ' ' .
Wood. Mr. Gusn r 1S 1 COUSIt1
of Mrs. Wood. lIe and his wife
will ! 'pcnd the week here aiHl1
\ ' sit the fair.
. o
C. W. Marquiss and wife came :
down fron Cambria , Wyoming' :
yester .ay morning to attend the
fidr'isit with relath'es.
Mr. Iarquis sa's they will have
their fair at New Castlc , bcgin
ing the 22nd and he cxpects' to
return in t'ime for it.
Dan Murphy , assistant superintendent -
intendent of the B. & M. . dicd
this morning at peall wood. IIc
. .
- . . . . . . . . - - -
; 'The , Ad vo "
tj Grocery t
- A ni 11 Grade CaraIi
' sene Oil a Specialty. '
Brigh t ! .
Shfl' ! !
No Smell ! ! !
. No Smoke ! ! ! ! t
Call at tile Eitore and /J
. t get a coupon good for .
half gallon. Try a r.
can at d he convinced.
_ _ = , - ,
Our can goods are all
labeled " , Ach'o Extra. " -
. the best the market af-
fords. We ha\'e a fine
line of Staple and Fancy .
Gr9ceries. Call and sce : ' \
tp ftE
. . .
- . . - - ' -
. : , : ' - . . " , - ; : : :
'was formerly road.master of this
dh'ision aud was very popular
with his as'.iociates. Itis remains
will be gl1 pped here tomorrow
nd buried br his former wife in I
the Catholic Cemetery I
Emery Chapin and wife , who
returued from Colorado Monday ,
were so favorably impressed with
tbe conditions there they havc
cleddccl to sell their property and
rcturn to Colorado. They were
at Fort Collins while gone and .
\'isited with H. J. Edington and I
wife formerly of this county. :
lJeech I , IIinnman. one of the
pioneers of North PiqUe , and
g'enerally known in t b . state in
the early clays died at his home
Sunday m rniug. He waQ a
nat \'c of Pennsylvania and was
born in 1829. In 187S'he was a
candidate for district judge on
the democratic ticket hut was
defeated .by Judge Gnslin.
The Gounty Fair.
'I'he Caunty" ( , 'air opened ' ] 'ues-
day under ver.v favrable weath-
cr , but 'I'uesday naght a heavy
rain , visitcd the surrounding
country and the forcnoon Wed-
nesda remaiuccl cloudy and
threatening with an' occasional
shower which prevented the
crowds from coming that otherwise -
wise would.
Yet there was a fair.1y good at.
tendance in the afterl10 n to wit-
ncss th ra cs and the xhibits of
ca ttle , horses , hog : ; , g ain , ponl-
tr ) ' , vegetables and fil e arts that
were 011 exhlb1tion.
'l'he display in fine arts iscry
much improved o\'er last yca\ ' ,
both in quality am ! quantity.
Each class is wen representcd.
We were not able to' secure the
names of the exhibitors in this
class , but the exhibitors as well
as the superint ndents.of . the
several classes In th bne arts
hall are entitled to ue credit for
not only exhibits but for the fine ment in the display.
In the stock department there
are some fine horses and colts ,
but in this class the names of the
exhibitors could be sccured' only
in a fe\v cases. AmongJhe m l11-
ber w re a fine yearling .and a
mare ana colt belong1cg t9 Ralpb
Johnson and a fine colt " "nd.mare
belonging to I. . Re Q u.
J. U. 'rierne } ' of Anslev , and J.
G. Brenizer of Broken B w , were
the only exhibitors iri the cattle
show'csterday. They > Oth ha { ]
some tine. cattle on , e bi tiou.
: Mr. 'l iernev had 'clevcn ead and
Mr. Hreniier fifteen he c1 , ' " A-
lIlong tlie numL r Mr. Brenizer had
those on which he' took premiums
at the state fa'ir. His cattle are
in fine hape and those 'that saw
them were not surprlscd that
they ranked at the sCate fair
among the .best herds in the
'l'here are a large number 01
hogs on exhibition. The predominating -
dominating breed is the P& . > lan
China , yet there are several pens
of Duroc Jcrscys. Among' thl'
exhibitors of hogs ar J. B. 'Tier.
ney of Ans'e ) ' , O. G. McConnell
of Callaway , J. E. Woo of Bro. !
ken Bow , Ii' . G. Perldns . of Her.
wYl1 , S G. Payton of ' allawa ) ' , .
Sargent & Varney of Ansle } ' .
'rhe agricultural department
is well tilled with grain , vegetables -
tables and grasses. We were un-
aLle to sccure the name of all
the 'cxhihitors ill this depart nent.
Among" those whose n une'.1 we
wert able to get were : W. W.
Cowlcs , W. G. l\tcWilliamg , G.
O. Waters , 1-4. I . Hersh , W. A.
Hayward , Walter Bulf , Mrs. 1-4
1\1. IIulf , Frank Sjmmo.s . , , li'rallk
Weisenreider , Vincen'fStcclr ) ' , f-4'
B. IIaines , Grace lIaiti s , Phebit'
Rapp , Eme Rapppu a HdP\ \ ) ;
Wart ! II inllla II , lfrNtI1UIC \
Robertson , nella Yo ln'g. Willh
ancl ( ranlc Cadwell , Blanch
Y01ng ( , E. C. Booth , C. 11 , Ii'uller ,
J. A. tJutchi'E On , G. II. lIart ,
Mrs. J no. Monohan , A.rJ. Burns ,
S. E. Lantcrman and W' . W.
Oa v ison. , . '
Mrs. Cowl 's exhihit was not
onty exten ive but was ta ! tefull ) '
Mr. Silllmonfl had some of thl'
tallest broom corn we ever sav. .
He also had some finc celler\ ' and
larg-e green peppcrs in his exhibit
that was hard to beat.
In ' the poultry rlepartment th ( '
displ'ay was finp , but we were un-
.ahle to gct the nanu'1 ' of hut t(1 t
of the 'exhibitors. Chas. Mullins
had slime , fine clucks anil Max
Drake Rome line g'ame chickens.
'rhe weather remains favorable
as it i thi ' Wl'clnfsdav e\'ening
there i but little doubt but tht"
attendallce the next two c1H"
v'ill he l'arge anI ] a'cry succeas-
ful fair will be the hiitory ul
Peed and U lIry Ch nge.
Hickman & W\bb \ , prnprie.tor
of the Globe harn 110ught out
.Jas. Helmes in the GrandCentral
b Ifn. The new firel toqk pos-
ession of this harn the l tter
'part ' of la"lt week. 'rhe firm will
run both barns.
- -
- - . . -
p " " " . . . . . , . . . c.r- ; : .
The Globe IIotel1s be- ft ' ,
s iug papered aucl paiut- !
ed and newly furnished N
aud is in be ter shape ,
than evet before. It s I
' I
t he best'dollar-a-da ) ' ho-
8 tcl in the count } . . Wc R
: s I
want to sell or rcnt it , R
I ,
I S. P. I
? J
Kellenbarier' . Darn Durned.
Joe Kellenbarger's barn nea.r
Dale was struck by lightniug
last night and totally dcstroved ' ,
together with all its conte'nts.
'l'he barn was one of the largest
in the county , built only a few I .
Jcars ago. Ii'ortunately no stock I
was burncd. 'l'here werc but .on
cow and calf in the barn at the
time it took tire and the" were
ncar the door and were' gotten
out. 'rhe mow was full of hay
and the grainary containcd several -
al thousand bushels of grain.
Bis entire crop. of small grain
excepting a few oats , not thresh
ed was in the grainarics. All
bis harncss but enc set was des-
troyecl and considerable machin-
ery. 'l'here was no insurance.
The loss is estimated at he tween
$3,000 and $4,000. Mr , and Mrs.
Kellenbar er were in llroken Bow
1t the time , hang come down
to attend the couuty fair. . But
thc\ ' could not have savcll their
property hact" they been at home
as the barn burncd 111 about lir-
tccn minutes. 'l'he boys wcre at
home. but could do riot hing to
stop the lire.
, Government Land Inl'lector.
E. n. Nbwn , sp : ial , o\'ern-
rnent land iuspector has becn
prospecting for sc\'eral davs - past' '
north-west of here ill lhe- cattle
country with the \'lt W of a cert -
t "tning' where laliil i iJll'g'iilly
fenced and where l'I:1 : IIIS art : he-
ing held without c ' 1II1'Iring ' with
the law. 'I'he govl'rllmcllt has determined -
termined that all felllcs : on gov-
ernmcnt land shall hl' rell10vccland
where lallli is heillg held under the
KlI1kaid lIomcstend 1,1W without
actual residcnce h , : is r porting
t hem for cancella t iOIl.
Mr. NixC\n is enl ) ' OIlC of about
twenty-li\'e spedal. . agrut who
are assigned tu Nehraslca for the
next. few week : ; . 'I'hl' ) ' have a
1 = s of all homest acl cllteries and
will make a perso.fal . examination
to asccrtam whether the law is
bcing complicd with by residing
Llpo"n and il11prong thcir claims.
In case those who ha\'e govern.
men t la 1111 f IIceel rcmovc the
fences at un e 110 act ion will be
filed against them. hll t in case
an ) ' do not thcy mJ ) ' cxp ( > ct a
\'isit from the U. S. l\l rshall
\'er ) ' shortly.
U. D. Conf Jrence.
. We note from the report nf the
U. B. conference held.1t Ha.tings
'dlat the following' apl'ui ' lit lII nts
j.f pastors have bCCII 1I1.1. . ! , ' for
this vicinity. Hev. f-4. I. . 1 l'lc\ ' ' ,
Urolccn Bow ; J. I . Stleet.
Hoosier ; S. Han'ey. Mcrna ; H.
Ii' . l\olTroth , f-4itchtdd ; ; W. C.
Miller , Gihpon.
. .
- ' , ' - . " \ ' ' - " . ' ' ' <
f' r.V1' ' . 7"
" '
, . . . . . - . . - . - . . . . . . . , . ' t. ' . " ; - - : - . .
! lAI'TrSl' Ut'RCIf. '
er\'Ic . . III the I\.ptist church 1I1'tl
I.orcl's elllY Itt I n , IIIlncl H 11. III. 'fhl'
1I11'jecl of th 1II0rnlllj.t 1111t1relS : will he :
"Comecflttlon. " AIIII of 1he e\'elllllj.t :
"Right wllh God , oJ A c'orlliul ItW llilhm
Is gl\'en to tlulC sen'Ics. :
A , 1. . I"\\'AC , Pastor.
- - - -
Eltray HOi.
'raken Up in Broken Bow , a
'Iarge male hog , eptember 7.
Th owner is required to prove
propcrtJ' , at1 ( pa } : cxpenses. li'or
p\1rl1culars \ 1UCl11re at the Hit-
I'UII1.ICAN ollicc. , 14-1 H
F'\rm Loftn"
We arc preparecl to close loan
ai provccl farms on short not-
he : , at specially low rates.
, JhtNItAU & . T4ltONAIW ,
( , -tf Brottcn ! low.
For Sale.
li'ift ) ' head of sprin cah'es for
sale , about half of either se , at
'my farm scven miles north of
Brokcn Bow. 13tr Glto. Sl\tl'l'U.
Notice to -Hunten.
All persons are hereby uoti tied
not to hunt on m } ' premises.
13-14 JOliN WJIIUtNG.
In order to accolUodatc :111 and
yet permit attendance at the Fair
the banks of the city will opcn
at 8 a. m. and clm.e at 1 p. m. ,
on Wednesday , Thursday amI
Ji'riday of next weelc.
Wanted-Oil salesman at once !
to canvass the farming andthr sh-
ing trade. , Fine opportunit ) , for
a good man. Address the lIar-
. y Oil Co. , Cle\'clanc ] , Ohio.
If you want to bu } ' or sell real
estate see Willis Cadwell Co.
Lt'd. , Broken Bow , Neb. 13-lt
Let us be your printer. 'rhe
# .rood kind of printing only.
- - . - - - . . . . , - . . . . - - - - . . - ,
At The Old Stand. I
c. w. WAHL
_ ' tlUCCltI 1I1t TII =
. O. 1-1 U T TON.
City Shavil1g Parlor
\.tv I Iin UIII" work thai I. .
. . , , , .
II. 1.1 allli Kllafan'
lee 11\lroll" : Ihe , , ! . . , IIo"HI\lle \
'Heq'Icl ! . Ynllff. for IIU81I1e8".0
. . .
- ' - - -
. .
CIIAS. , ' . WRIGII1" Broken How , Neh'
- - - - - -
Ban g s S t u d i 0 .
Awaflh',1 IIrtll , : \ \ cia ! ! ' !
U. 'c\lraHka \ Ihlllullrallhcr'H AH"O'
clallun I'J ' 5. Nell' 1111 Illclllre fralile
1110111111111111. 1.'ralllo. lIIath , III unhH' .
. ' : dIHUIi 1'hulIlo"allhH :1111' ' Hec"r"M.
! IIaehh'clllwhl ' 1111 IIIHI\lIlIIeul I'lall.
- - - - - - - - -
5000 Telegraphers
I A II lIua I I ) ' . In till eh. . new IUHltloUH erl'\lI'.1
\ly \ Hallruall all" ' ' ' , 'I.rallh Cumllalll.'e
lCulUl hal.ItK , Iu
.I..earn . Telegra.phy
And R. R. Aooeuntlng-
We furulHh 75 per ceul. IIf Ihe Ollcralc r"
allil Alallou Aln'IIIK . III Alllerica. Our IIhl :
loehllolK are th. ! latln.tli excluMlve 'l'clclI'rallh
IIclwol" IN THE WOHL D. 1'lIlabIlHIII'II
20 'ycarll' : " , , ! "IIlur I'III ) ' all 'o'allllllC ' HalJ ,
\I'a ) ' O/1Ic1aIK. /
I We ex'Cllle a $2 ) lI"hllu , i\'ery 11111111'11110
furlilKh h\1II \ . .r her a . . . . ltlull Ilayllill fflllli
$ tO 10 : : Wa 111011111111 Hlall'K . .a 1 uf tile If..cky
l\I..lInlahIK.r frulll $ j5 lit $11I0 a 111011111 III
I HI"K w"HI..f Ille HII.klcK , ImmelJlntely
upon . urnd\JI1Uon. \
Slull..III" call Clllcrtt any Ihlll' . No'aca. .
IluliH. f..r fl\\lllafllcHlar'l \
\ fCllanlh\1l \ al' "
, .
.r Ol\f \ . S.ChuoiA wrlle 'Ilrl'cl In "Uf 1'1'\\111" "
IllIic..Hal Ulllch\lIall , U. Cat\h\IC111' ; ff"ll.
I hChQQl 01 Tal .bX
CIII 'I ' I h . r , . . Y.
Atlallla , Oa . , .
I.aCru M' ! Witl.
I ' exarkalla. ' 1'ex. Sail 1.'rancIHcu. C.II.
. .
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lu nH\MII"II tfAcle.r IlfI > fI ! ' ' ' 't. ' RI'Ad ! hll .11 , .
\1\vMII\l'lIlI'nl \ of 1I11'lIlx 1\ror..o Rchofll1 of
l'l'lrlfrnpliv. ' " Ihl1ul' Dlllllt'un how ra.lly
1)0111111 111\11 fir ladv ilia ) ' lelrn : tll'llra\lh ) ' alld
be 1I"\lf \ " lI\kl.\luli. \
. . . . - . . . .
Notice to Hunt.n.
All parties arc hereby notified
Itot to hunt on my premises without -
out perHussiol1 , uuder penalty of
This office for neat job work.
Uliltc.1 Ilh' : " Iallil omCI' .
Nurlh l'lallo. Nobr. Helll , U. lf1O .
Notlct ! III hereby Illv"'l Ihal Ihe fullolhilI'
IInllll.I Kutlh'r haR l1It'd I1I1t1CII IIf hili IlIlellllllll
(1IIIInk. ( . tlllallln'lIf 11111111111111'1 of hl'l
IImtl.n"I Ilwtlf will hn 111:11111flll'll : ! J. A. Armour
COIIIII ) ' JIIII. . . . . al hlR IIlIIc , ' nl Ihflkcli IIIIw. N. . . Oil OcllIl..r " , 1' 15 , vlu W A H N I Y C ,
II N\I ! AN. whll III.h11I11IIl''It'all ' cliitl. No.
1'151'1 ' lor Ih" 111"V" . ! ! wH I1W ' . Heclloll .I.S ,
"flwIIAhlt' 15 N. . Rallll'oU : W.
III' Il\mCR Ihe fllllllwi II II' wlllll'lI"ell III rllve hlA
conlh.1101111 . ' ' 'K''I''IICo ' ! 111'011 :11111 : clI.1tlvallolillf
' : \ lIllallil.11 \
GII ) ' I : . Heh''r of IImklll ! 1I00v. Nehralka :
" 'M I.'rrt ! ! of llrukell lIow. N'braoka ; A. C.
Whllo IIf IIrukeli lillINebnillka : Uenry
1'hlllllall ( If Ilrflkllll 1I0w. N'hrollka.
1..19 nl OHIW I . " 'HKNCII. HelClMer.
. . _ . . . .
- - ' ' - - - - - - -
Dr. Nicoden1l1S.
, r ' ' SUI'
etcl'inul'Y en
- - -
nnll Dentist.
All diseascs of the equine family -
ily aUcl1tlcc ! t anct satisfaction
guaranteed. Will be in Brotten
Uow on 1'hursclay of each week
at li'inlen's barn.
. . "u.ItNr , J'C'U"t H'L"
Palace Barber Shop
1ror firAl.el R ! ! work , can nt the Palace
lIarher Shop. 1\\'er.tII1ul : e.
I.HO DHANI Proprl tot.
H 90'y 8 9Ccz.l1 l'
( ami II. lC"alUlotll. . lIrollon flow , Nub.
W A. 1'HOM P ON.
, CONTUAlTl'O/t. / . . UlJlLDUJI.
l'll\na and OIllIlIalua on .hortuollco.
I'rolloll Unw , NubraAIII.
. . . . . .nOIlIUI In. . . . .
I'lImlli. Wind , ' ! llId , 'rankl , 1I1111ngeOaeolluo
RnlllIel ! , 010. etc.
IIrokon nllW , Nebrlllli.
M. OOIUUt3 ,
.1..ljl& .
AI. klnlU of w rk In tJor 'llnu , Iauu prl1mrll ,
"lid III lIut.cla , " olllur. lIlht 1:111011 : 011 Iti.
corner .olllblllut UI tll" "quaro ,
OIV' 11ft A. TIUA. . .
Ilrollell lIow , . _ . . . N hruh.
. . .
'III ' ml IDp'
I'wo blocln lIorlh or tlraUlt Oenlt" ! 1l1J1.1. r.l.
I'IJIIIIKullollcl'ed. l'rlcIIB rouuollh ! " ,
' "II Uuroo J8r. , ) ' 1I11 'IItI"I"II.1 aoltl. is ' "I I : 11
nflh"r cillee. Aldru , . , ( I. 1 ( , 0UW JH.I. , '
Urokllil How , NI'hr"'II.
DHO. 1 , . L\tULLKNb ,
_ Pl ysicjaI.1 e"Su geOH.
! nd 1"trw. ) ' trom wo. , 1IIIIIIu Hllall , Illreio.
re hl"utll. IIrt ! WIlIL . . . K. church . , ou 11.1111' - , , f
, t "tuut. fW"'Urlllr..n lIt1w. N. " " . .
- - - -
Drum , , , tn "l1IthwI1MI CIIt'II" froltl\r , ' ' 'orlr '
" ,
DHH. , , It tJ & . w. , ' 1 At.Hl. . . .
O llo onr nallbllIII' . litul' li , , . .
Urokrl1 Uow , , ' , . . 4 Ni Ult. .
. .
Attorney aDd Ceuisellor at aWr
l'eaMlolls ( mil 1111 . . of . : O\.t"IIUIlf' ' ' '
c111111\9 \ , , ,1..1 . . II eltlrnlluw pntl'lice. t"
fice : Rooms 4 nutl 5 Ruwsotl Ulock. Wesl
stile pllrk , Ih krll lIuw , NdJlllska. .
DR. C. B. JOB ,
! l1) ) Imn 1l1Dnn. ! :
Office fUIII resilleuce one L1ock. f outh or
t } elSOI1 & George'liblole.
OH. W. U. COLg ,
V eteri na l'ia n.
Dist'ases of , ,1I1he lowt'r anlnl31 : , IIr'l' '
1'.1. . Ofiice III I , < , c Bros. Iinli ! slule.
. 'Phillie 203 , Broken now , Neb.
Attornc.alLaw ,
II III lIalAh , aud luan boI. . , 0/111 0 nPI'
1IIH'k , IIrnkl'n " "w , NI".k" ,
TIY The RepubUcan tor