Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 14, 1905, Image 4

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I Security State Bank
.t' ' . . .
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' . Announces the Installation of the , . .
, , . . .
" , ' , . "
. . . . in Connection with their S vings ; Department. :
- - . . . . - - - , _ , . _ - - _ . - . . _ - - _ . . . . - . . - - - - - - ' ; - - - - , - - -
- - . , . - . - . . - - -
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A deposit of One Dollar$1) : ( ) 01' more
bunk Pa'ss BooK is fIU'-
open YOllr uceonnt , { { -
nished showing the amuunt duly credited and
u. home Deposit Bank is.10aned you without
ehurge. ' ,
and place in it your tLU'plus ) : Money aijd Small
change. At certain intervals , or us often as
conYeni nt , bring yoilr I-Iome Bank to us.
'rhe contents are remove , counted and your
deposits earn ' .
. '
'l'he time to start , .y 'ur account is NOW.
'rhe as present U is within the reach
of al. hemember ie iS lOt what you EARN
but what you Save th t makes 'y.ou indepen-
dent. 'rhe f naricial fi'ffairs of every ri Ul and
woman are of the t nos.tJ. importance. t them
and in thiR spirit ! we inv te all to "this.hank. . .
' \Ve wnnt nn account with everyone in Broken -
ken Bow and 'vicinity.
NOTICt In event of your being unable
to visit the h nk , telephoue OJ' write to us
and one of the' representatives of the Security
State Bank wnl , call npon you.
. " ' 'f
- - -
' 11
. .
rhe presencp. of this bank in your house is eql1iva-
lent to hnving a brancH of onr savings department always - .
ways at hand. You don't miss what you drop in and ' "
what comes out surp1' ses you. , 'ro remov the usual if
the money , the slot in the bank is so constructed that
moneys once dropped in c nnot be , shaken out. 'rile
system is of
to eVel'y salaried individual Hnd working man and
woman. It encourages and develops . thrift and
Strictly . . . a HOITle Institution ,
. EVERY person connected in
any way with this bank ,
either as : officer , director , stockholder -
holder or employe , is an old
resident of and land owner in
Custer county.
- -
. . -
W. A. GEORGE , . . res1dent.
JULES HAUl\IONT , - V-President.
JOS. PIGMAN , . . . . . - Cashier.
- - . .
W. A. GnoRg . JOHN E. l'tt\'I\RS.
< <
, , .
, SeQU rity State 'I ? nk. , . . . . , ' . . , Capital $ . . ' 5,000J
- " "
- - - - - - -J . . lL.
u ter o. 'jte ubUc It
l'ull1l8hell every 'rhuellay at the Connty Moat.
u. I. , UISUmmy. . . Editor
Rl\t rl"llIt the \08101Oco lit UrukoD Uow. Nob. .
at 8111'OIlIl."I II tualtur fltr tran IIII"loli througb
tllil 1I. . Malia.
- - - -
8IJ\I \ nHII rIllN 1'1110& :
tltlc Y"a , In "dvl\lIru . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1110
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1"n"I' III ( } 1I L r Uluck. 1I'0urtb " " 0. " ' ' ' '
. .
- - -
- - -
0110 rolliUln , per monlh , ' 7 00. 0110. half co.-
amn I'or lD"mthJ 'I I ) ) QUllrter column. l'Of
nlUn { h , .W l. M than qnurter colu\lIII , c.o .
COllt luch lusr rnonth
Uar Jlcr on Ilrdt laKU , 60 cOll18 Ilor IlIeb , "or
1.cnI811vIlrU ln r. C" " plJr 11110 IJllch to'U'f.
111111. ,
Nutlt\o dlllrrh falr8 , 8ocll\hl and 1I'oualn. '
m lIt. whuru 1II0ll0f I CUtlfjlIlt , ollllhair rtlhltl ,
oolut'Iouru. . Ailil 'e8nlutlon , ollo'balf ratua.
, ' . Wo.IlIulllJuUOOI\ , ) " , h..1r . Ilflcl' for & "II1I1IUlolJ
lI t of I'r , , ul .
lIol\tb lIollouhl'o / , hl\lr lflc. ! . for IIUb\l \ hlllj !
ohltuary notlcos , fI",1 Ctu.l of thanks.
1.e aIIIUUco at r"L'S Ir..hlvd bJ . 'Mulea of
Nl'brlllla ,
, .
77- 2'l1sday. : . September 14 , 1905.
. . One of the most important im-
[ provemen ts nceded in Broken
Bow at the present time is an
. dcctric light plant.
It is within the possibilities of
, ' . the city ) 'et this fall to put in the
plant if the -matter is properly
. . .
- - - - - - !
' 1'he nomination of II. M.
Pinckney of WCBter\'ille , for
superintendent of schools , is re-
ganled as a good strolee for the
advancement of the school interests -
; . , . ests of Custcr count ) ' . Mr.
" ' ; ' " Pinckne ) ' , until his adve 1t to the I
\ , \ ' , 1linistr , ) ' ! 1Umbcr , of ) 'cars .a.g'o , !
1 ' ; : was 'dcnhhed With cducatlOnal
work and is a man of high standing -
ing and abilit ) ' . lIis election to
the supcrinte11l1cnc ) ' means much
for the bettcrment of th < < ! schools
in this cou n -Chrouicl .Ci ti-
- ,
The republican cOl1\'ention certainly -
tainly dirl an act of justice in
nominating Humphre ) ' for count -
t ) ' judge. l 'or ycars the repuhli-
can party has not had a 'more
lo'al nor an abler supporter than
he , ' W c h.l\'c . donc lots of husi-
I _ _ - : : - : : - _ - _ _ _ _
, ,
. "
ft .
F. W.
, _ .
t ,
l' ( " West Side Square ,
Droken Bow ,
' '
A uers
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
quiets tickling throats , hacking -
ing coughs , 'pain in the lungs. :
It relieves congestion , sub-
dues inHammation. It henls ,
strengtl1t ns. YOUI' doctor will
explain this to you. He knows
all about this cough medicine.
. .
Wo IIMVO . ' ' '
me.t A'ICf'S ; ! Jhcrrr I'cctoralill
ollr 'Oll\lIy \ 1M 2vcnro for tlltont n\lll IIIIIK
trcul.tle . Mn.16 'II'IIK ' 110 1II\111elllo el\IIRI.II ,
lIIH . A. 1'ulEno"Ietoll " , . \IIUII ,
. . . . . . ,
r. O".flI.OO. r ( , . AYZRCO. .
All A , " . 'III- _ _ _ ' . . . " . . _ for - - to..II. - T1 111. v- . . .
Weak Throats
Ayor'a Pills greatly old rocovory.
Purely vogotnblo. . fontly laxatlvo.
. I
ness with Humphrey and ha\'e
never found him n error on any
poillt of law , and his incis'e
log-ic both as a spealeel' and in the
press has C\'l'r been ready in the
nceds of his party.-Wcster\
Corrcsponden tin Ch ron icle-CI ti
zcn. '
. , , .
- - - - - - - - -
'rhc nomince for sheriff , John
Smith of Callaway , is a goodman
man'l'hc writer had thc plea-
Sllre of tirst mcetingMr. . Smith
dnring the camp meeting at Ans-
le ' , and wa favorably impressed
with him. 'l'he republicans of
Callawav , who advanced his
candida y in the convcntion , are
loud in thcir praise of him. A
man , fearless , honest , anxious to
uphold thc law , is what is needed
in the malec-up of a sherin' and
Mr. Smith lms thesc qualitica-
t ions.-Chronicle-Citizen.
- - - ' - - -
Andrew Allen was born in
f4isIlcsleea , County ll'crma nagh ,
Irelal1l1 , and < < lied Septcmber 12 ,
11)05 , at his residencc three miles
north of Westcrlle , in his ft7th
In 1871 he was married to
Sarah Ann li'assctt in his nati\'e
town in Ireland , where he res lt-
cd until 1878 with his wife aud
two eldest children at which time
he emigrated to New Yorlc cit ) "
wherc , after remaining a f w
months , he remo\'ed to fAncotn ,
Ntbras1ca , und res tlell there
abOl\t t ve years.
In 1884 Mr. ancl bis
, ,
where he has contil1l pusly .res d-
d ever sincc. lIe leaves a widow
ilnd six children , Mattie ; .George ,
Margaret , Lena , Andrew and
William. .
His daughter Mattie'is principal -
pal of the "Belmont in
f4incoln where she 1as held a
position as teachel 1n the city ;
schools for five yea s. and where ,
she also teaches 111' the State
Univcrsity , having : grad.uate'd
from that institution in 1900.
His son Gcorge is a railroad co
tracto and is now il(1ing a
extension of the Santa l 'e systetn
in New Mexico. Maggie : and ,
f-4ena are succcssful Custer
county teachers , the former hav-
i recently accepted a posi'tion
as assistant principal in the
"Belmont School" in Lincoh1 ,
w herc her sister Mattie. is princi-
pal. 'rhe two , younger : boys ,
Andrew and Witliam , live at
homc and have been engaged . , n
carrying on the worle of the home
farm of 8S0 acres on Clear Creek ,
being ( \ne of the choicest ft rms .
in the count ) ' .
Mr. Allen has for many years
been in feehle health having
suffercd much from , asthm ; ,
terminating in an a"ttack p' ,
pncumonia from which he died.
lIis condition' was not though.t
serious until with a day or t\vo
of Ue , time whcn the end came. ,
lIe has been a cons ! stent metti-
ber of the Methodi3t church fr tl1
early boyhood and has fre'qucnth
held theY position of supednte .
'cnt of the Sahbath School. 1\t
his death he was a c'ass leader
of thc Westen'i1\e \ church. ' , '
Mr. Allen has lived. a quiet ,
co sist nt life. beloved bytis \
neighbors and fnends. He leave
his whidow and children in com.
fortable circumstances , IllS esta (
being \'alued at about $25,000 ,
The cnd of his life was as peace
ful a till calm as the close of < J
summer da ) ' .
His remains were laid to res1
in the Westcr\'ille ccmctery or
Vetluc tlay September 13th au. (
wcre followed by a large con.
course of sorrowingfriends. . '
- - - - -
Electric UKhta.
Se\'eral years ago the
Broken Bow voted an annua lev )
of five mills on the asscsse (
valuation of the city t , create t
fund to put in an electric lighl
l 'rom the lcthcre has beel
created a funcl of $4107.60 am
the le\ ' ) ' for this year will in ,
crease that amount $900. 'l'hh
is practically $5,000 the city no"
has at its disposal for an electric
" . , . . . . _ 1 _ _ "
Since the city has purchased
the water-works plant the expense -
pense of putting in a light plant
would be considerable lcss than
when , the entire power would
: have l1ad to be provided. A
move was organized about-twelve
Iears ago to put in an electric
light plant and an expert came
-from Omaha to make estimates
I and help organize the company. I
I He estimated then that a plant
Sufficient for the requiremel1ts of
.the city , including 13 arc lights
ould be put infer , $7,000. Fully
$2,000 less.would be required now
M the plant wa buiJt in councc-
"lion " with tbe wat r-works plant
nd there , is . a. gcneral feeling
' mong our. t.f .ns that steps
' hould be taken .at once to put I
' , pl nt in so ; t ' to have it in
.Q eration. before the long winter
. Notice.
Congressman Kinkaid wishes
all residents of the Sixth Con-
- - - - - - - -
gressional , District , who desire I
garden seeds to be sent to them
next year , to notify him by postal -
tal card , soon. Address , O'Neill ,
Nebraska. I adopt this m de ,
with a view 'to enabling myself
to provide seeds for all who may
wish them , by avoiding sending
to so many who do not desir
them. 'l'banking you for your
'consideration , I remain.
Ver.v Truly Yours ,
11-13 M. P. KINKAID.
Dilolution Notice. ,
The firm of P ale. Sheppard
Co. has been dissolved , I' . 1-4.
Sheppa d retiring. J. N. Peale
i Co. will cOl1tinue the busi'ness aud
I ill . assume and pay all obI -
I ligatIons. J. N. PlALR&CO.l1-l1
Threlhinar Machinery.
'rhe Geiser Mfg. Co. peer ! ess
machinery for sale. Part es contemplating -
templating purchasing will do
well to see me. .
I S. M. DORRIS , .Agent. ,
' - < M
- . , ; J
For S I .
A stock farm ot one section of
land , all under fence , 160 acres
unlier cultivation with imprO\'e-
ments balance pasture , hay land
and timber , three miles north and
half mile east of Walworth , for
$12 an acre. Half cash and bal
ance on time to suit purchaser.
G. GUY.1"
tf Walworth , Neb.
'Warninar to Huntera.
I will prosecute all hunting , r
trespassers on land owned by me.
All of section 24 , except s seU
neU seJ4' and se neJf , e and
sy. sw 13-17-22 , all of 18except
se } and ne 19-17-21. Also 01
my ranch south of Broken .Bow. ,
13':15 J. G. BRRNIZRR. -
- - - -
Good 8uildinlf Locaticn For Sale.
H .fou want one of the finest
and most convenient resident
location , to the business pnrtion
of the city , on whid ) to build'
' , call at the RnpUDI.ICAN
. office for part.iculars. It consists
three lots including the corner tf
" , .
. 'standard C ttle CO.
. . Sutul'dny , . Sept. .2 , Saturday , Sept. 9 , Saturday. Sept. 16 , at' , ,
' I
, : r
T . Hecla - , Nebr. _ nu _ , _ on the B. , , , " .M. .h
On the above dates the Standard Cattle Co , will sell
by auction to the highest bidder for cash , the following
cattle : 650 yearlingsl heifers and steers , 500 to 600 cows
and calves ( calves unbl'andAd ) 250 two-year old heifers
and a large Ilumbm' of three-year old f4teers , three-year
old spayed heifer , two-yeur old steel's and two-year old
, heifersl numbering in ull 7,300 head.
I 'rhesB cnttle nre all dehorned and have been bred by
the Company on their Sand lIills Hunch from pure bred
Shorthorn und Hereford bulls and are of excellent qual-
it.y ,
At the same place a'nd date8 this company shall also
offer n. JHlllllwr of their saddle horses , wind mills , chinking -
ing tnnks und standing fences on their property.
' 1'he train from the east over the J3urlington leaving
Omnha at 11 :10 : p. m. arrives ut Hechl 10:30 : a. m. next
day and these sales will commence immediately after
the urrivnl of the train. ' Al'l'angements win be mad
for the accommodntion of buyers after each sale and parties -
ties are l'l\quested to have bank references foJ' pur. .
( 'huses mndl' . .
- -
( )
QW. E. HITE and - G. E TR.ACEWELLAuctioneers. - , . ' . . .