Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 14, 1905, Image 1

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    . " '
, . . . . ' ' , G . . . . . . - . ' - . . , iff' , " " . , , f : '
. . . , , . , ! ' _
, , " , ' , . " ,1\ ' " . . 1 " . . " . . . , , , ,
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, 'fT".T"li
Blfttu 11I11L l.rfttlllll \ : : : oolcty .
, , - . " . .
. .
: VOL. Y ) < II. BROKEN BOW , , , , , _
- - - - - -
. .
I . { ,
I' . ' 1' . lIarlllllll Falll : " 'rhe Alllt'rlcall
l'et'I.le IIII10 ho hllllllllll.lCell" W , '
"hnllM dl..llke In h III11'o ( II Ih. . Irllih of
Ihl. . a erll , , " . Yel Iho 1''llle :1111I..1 II" t'"lh 111 their.trc:1ll11elltoftrI\ "
clllll' Rl'cCI:1c1c p"hll"r . 'r-IIl ! rllralIIR-
trlcl" e..ecl:1ll . . ' ' fillel . . ,
" : ) :11' ' with tlle"l ! )0
calli' " " [ ) nclor . " "OcclIlI IR" : HilI "Op.
tlclall " wh. . make IlToollI"h.I' . h } ' 111I'
I IIII..hlll' ' 011 Ihe crell1ll1\ hlllll:1I1II ) " .
. . 'rhese qllack ! ! art' all ' ! I'lllalkerM. \ . allll
C:111 convlllc an ) ' lle .wllll wllll'2fo t' I' .
that tbt'lI..lclicr In UII Ihe vence IIf hllllll.
. ! eSR. I have lIt'o..le . vtR I lIIe allll1l8t
I . -
. " : z : : ; : : l : : & : & ; Ii
! : :
< . ,
For Sale.
, A block. fine residence location ,
. will trade for live 5tock.
. ' JAJ\IHS Ll D\\'IClI.
' . - - - " . , . . - '
" Broken Bow Abstract Company.
r , r
J . C" 1'J
: . . . ' , Insurance that insures.
, . 38tf I . G. Io01m.
Dr. Leach , Dentist. As near
) , painless as possible.
Wagon boxes for saJe , at cost.
, See J. S. SQuIHns.
- - - - - - ' - - -
We alwa\'s . have money to loan
/ - I
on fal'ms. H. G. Moore 111 , Apple\
' \
lllock. - - , - , j 35tf
li'or harg-ains in ret : ] estate see
Bowman & Andcrson , just west
of the Security State Bank. 10lf
- - - -
Dr. Christenscn is the Cnly
- ' in Custer
g-raduatc ph.sician ,
count ) ' , who g1\'es specla ] attention -
tion to the eyc , car , nose , throat
and the : tccuI'ate , fitting of glasses.
- - - - -
BIWI JtN Bow , Nebr. , Aug. 18.
} I)05.1'0 whom it ma v COIIl ern : I
As my wife , Emma j. Shiplc ) '
has left mc and our ollicst chilli
[ 4aura without cause or provi-
cation , I will not be responsible
for any debts or contracts she
may maJ < e. J. P. SlIIl'I.HY. 4t
II' An iuteresting list of Souther ; )
California propert ) ' to be exchan-
I ged for property in other states ,
, together with \'iews , and descriptions -
criptions of San Diego , the most
delightful residencc spot in !
Amcrica , mailcd for stamp. .
WII.I.IS CADWHI.I. , Co. Lt'd , '
Brolcn Bow , Nehr.
Notice to Huntera.
All parties are hereb notified
not to hunt on my premises without -
out pernl1ssion , under penalty of
the law. FHANKVItI5S1 Nlumlm.
- - - - - - -
Ice Cream , candy , cig-a rs and
tobacco at MiJ < e Scanlons.
I eneau & Leonard , real estate.
List ) 'our farm amI' . city property -
erty with il. W. Blair. 3 tf
- - - ' - -
WANTltD-1\1an and wife capable -
ble of r'uming ' a stock farm.
j-tf Juss GANDY-
I40ts For Sale in Groal' ad-
dition. ecnre them now as tbev
will ad'a nce in price.
. 's. P. GHOA
Buy your farm and city - prop-
crty of B. W. lllair. 37tf
_ _ _ u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
, . t"t1't"J"t1ttt't1Jt' " ' " " ' ' t1tt't1Jl1'j3tf'ttJt1tt1'tt't"tttttttttt'tt1t11 ' ' ' ' ' " , '
' .
, - - . - - -
I During Fair. look
- _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . . . . . _ L- < . _ . . _ - - - - - - - L _ _ -
- -
- - - - - -
- . - -
: : : : : Our stock of Suits , SI < rts , Coats and Jackcts cannot - : : : : : : :
, = = be duplicated in the city , and our prices will bc cu to suit :3
r I . . . { : : : : : : your poc1clbool.s. An immense displa ) ' of picce goods , : : : :
r . ' \ = = some of the richest palt rns o\'er exhihilcd in Brokcu Bow. = =
: : : : : Our Notion Dcpartment is complete , including a 'full line : : : : :
= = os Dress 'I'riul111ings. Of conrse you ] mow we arc the = :
, I' = = leaders in Stylish Millinery of e\'ery description , including : : : : :
, = = some beautilul and artistic . = =
- _ -
I -
' 1. : : = Exquisite rcaLions of Paris modestes. A l rst class trim- = =
= = mcr from the ca t has bce ! ) procnred and we wIll spare no : : :
. ! : - : ; : : pains to . p'ease you in style , tit and finish. Childrem. . ' caps , : - : : :
: : : : a hr \ Iltne. : : : : :
_ - - _ _ . _ _ . _ . _ _ r.n- _ _ _ . _ _ - _ -
I _ _ _ _ ,
= = : : : :
- . -
- -
- -
I E : First Doo. North of P.O. , Broken Bow. = =
" H1UUU1111111U1UHU1UluUU1F lU1UUl1U1UnlUl1UUllU1U1U
( /
- : - -
i t \ I : , ' , m . . . . . * * ' , Q. .
I. . : . ' BOWMAN & ANDERSO'N.
f. ; '
: . arc dealers in Heal Estate of all Idnds.
, , Wg WcwiIl buy o'r scll. ' Don't fail to see
. ' ; us before you huy.or sell. We do
you geol ! . CoJ1 cllOns malic anc1111sur-
) .J : ance writtcn. Farms , renled and taxes paW. See :
f ' \ g us for farm loans.Gome in and see us. !
, :
' . '
Ci , ' " , ' ' ; ; ; ' : ' ' : " I' ; ' ' ' : ; ' " ' ; ; " " ' ' , ? ' " ; 'D' "i
. . - . . . . . . . ' . . . . - - -
' ' ' -
- .
J Tl ! re'S . Ire u bJ . "Ah e cl
for anyone wh1 dcliheratel ) ' or unconsciollsly neg--
] ects thc .eycslght. Crac cd or ill-adjusted glasses -
ses arc 01 ten worse than none .It all-which IS
crt inl ) ' very bad. Careful and scientilic exam-
ulahon of the cyes a d thc' of the proper
g.asse.whcn . ] . needed IS our specIally. . Prescrip-
t'ons h11ed.
; -
. \
Optician Drug-gist and Jeweer. ]
- 'J
r : : : ii : : : : : m I
- - -
Chas. f-l. Dowen was a ocial
caller at this ollice Monlla ' ,
J as. 14indlc ) ' and II. D. An-
drcws of Anselmo , were city vsi-
tors Friday.
. John Pernie , superintcndent of
the county poor farm was , l husi-
ness caller at this ollicc Saturday.
Neb Knudsen of Turner Val-
Ie , : , was a city visitor Saturday.
1l ( ! madc this ollice a welcomc
ca11. . .
II. g. Bangs : wife and mother ,
II and ] l's.V. . . 'l'albot 'returncd
1\Jondav night irom thcir visit to
Mrs. D. M. Amsberry returned
1\1onday froUl Dunning where she
pcn t a wee 1 < visiti ng er
Arl1 ur nangs and wife rcturn-
ed Sunday from Denver , \.jhcrc
they went to the G. A. l . .en-
ca m pmen t.
l\1isses Hiatt and IIic uuan returned -
turned Sunday froni DCI1\'er'
whcre they welit to the G. A. l .
enca m pmen t. , .
J. E. Myers of Georgetown ,
came up Tucsday'on hivay to
Lincoln to attend the republican
5tatc cOl1vcnt un.
Mrs. J. E. Cavence of George- I
to\vn , relurned last Ij\riday morning -
ing from aisit , of sc\'crai wceks
at her old holU in Iowa.
Ole Johnson of Hound Valley ,
ret.urned from Del1\'cr Salurday
morning w'here he allen'ded the
National G. A. R. Encampment.
. l\1rs. Anna Walton and daughter -
ter , lrs. .Spcaks , returned the
tirst of the wcek from Lincoln ,
wherc they attended thc State
l"a i r. .
l\1r. BaverhotT r , who r'turncd
the first f the week from [ 4in-
coIn where he attended the Stale
Ii'air , made thifffice a fricndly
il1ll\1ol1da ) ' .
J. S. Baisch and \\'ire of Madison -
son , arrivell in the city 1\1ond\ \ ) '
morning to 51'clul a week visiting
lheir hoys and' many other old
fricldB they have hcre.
The cou n ty e1i vision ists ha ve
not been vcry successful in sccur-
inp " signers to' their division
scheme. and arc nuw taUdng of
putting otT the contcst untilnC'xt
, II. M. Brownell of Gatc , le1ft
vesterday morning for Jancs\'ille ,
Iowa , to sec his father and moth.
er , who a'rc reported dangerously
ill , His fathc'r is 87' ' ycan old
h is mot her 71.
Jas. McWilliam , ; and son ,
Leslie , came down from th lack
Hills Saturday morning. l\1r.
McWillianH. says , he has come tc
slay. 14cslie will visit a couplc
of wceJs hcfore he returns.
Jas. ' { 'unncr , formerl\ ' pension
conlin issioner WIS C le tcd 'com.
mander of thc Graiid Army of
lhe l epublic , at Dcn\'cr last Fri.
day. 'j'hc next encampment wi I :
be he1c1 al Minneapolis , 1\1inn.
Joe Hcming-ton an P ter "eel " <
wcre up from Gcorgetown 'l'ueg.
day. Jr. l enllngton found
Jo\'ernmcnt land soulh-\\'e t 01
Ii Dunn ng' ncar the : l"ootc rancl ]
on which hc has tiled homcstcae :
. '
: papers.
John Kommers of f4ancast'cl
[ connty , was a city visil'or Satur.
clay. lie has honght the W. K
l 1\Jiller farm just kouth-west 01
tt Ansle ) ' to which Iw will mo\'c
( i ncxt March. He paid S47 al
acre for thc laud. 1\11' . Millel
homesteaded the land about 2 :
\ years afro. .
! 1. n. Sands and wife , who rc
cent1\ ' returned from Porllane
- and ether points of in\crcst or
thc Pacilic Coast feel p rfcct1)
satist ed now with Cusler county
Ir. Sands says he saw somc fiUt
country while gonr , but did nu
see any place bcth > , 0 ( >
portllnities are olTercd for a pee
man than in Custer count ) ' .
l\1esscrs George Birrell , cashie
of the Kinsman National BanI
of 'Ohio , Andrew Morford , An ,
drew Birrell , Wm. Clark , Johl
Carr and ] larr ) ' l"obes of Kins
man , Ohio , have been in the cit
for se\'eral ela 's , the g-lIcsts of It
; . 1Currie. . ' 1 hev are all inter
estcd in the Ada-ms ranch soutl
of town. . 'l'hey re very highlj
pleased with their property ani
fa\'orabl ' witl
very \ ) iltlprcdsed
the country.
- -
Jacob Cl n wson retUt'nCll Su u- I
da ) ' from hi vi it to } ) cl1\'cr.
J llllge Ho tet1cr ac1 jourl1cd
court Mond'a ) ' night without date.
Herb Watts and wife of Beatrice -
trice , are . in the city visiting re-
laths. .
I d. McComas is having a new
walk laid on the west side of bi
drug store.
Will. Warren and wife of An-
selmo , came clown Wcdncsda\
aftetlll the.County Fair.
'V. S. Mattie ) ' of Ansley , was
a city visitor Saturday morning.
'rhe HI\I'l'UI.lCAN acknowlcdges it
fricndly cl111.
E. Crawford of Corydon , Iowa ,
arrived in the city ) 'esterdity
morn ng to visit his daughter ,
Mrs. .G. ' 1' . l obinson.
'V 11. Cline and wife returncd
Saturday morning' from D nver
wher the ) ' \'iHited the G. A. H ,
. ; , '
nal10pa I encampment.
P. 'A. W..1ton and wife returned -
ed Si , nday morning from DCl1\ler.
'l'hey ; report having cnjoyed a
splendid time while gonc.
J. S. Smith , the next sheriff of
Custer county , was a city visitor
Saturday. 'l'hc Hm'umlcAN : ac-
Imowledges a welcome call.
W. P. I ogers and wife return-
cd Sllllliay from their visit to
Portland , Oregon , where thcy
have been gonc fOl'sc\'cral weeks.
Jo1 n 14ong'fellow and 'Veslcy ,
'l'homits left Monday morning "
for Portland , Oregon. 'I'hcy cx-
pect to be gone three or four
' 1' . J. W.Joc1 of Mason City , who
spent the week in town altend-
ing cOlin a a wilnc ' 'in thc
Ha dix trial relurncll homc
Saturday morning.
1\Jiss % itln Grant wcnt to'An -
sclmo Salnrday to commence her
school , which isixtl'cn ! miles
w t of Anselmo. ht ! ha ! an
eikht ) 1onIIHI hmn t h.'re.
I r. A. Diclwon ot Sf roltl hllrg ,
formerl01' \ CrllawIwa ; : a
fricndl ) : cal1 r at this ollicc
ycsterday. Hc inform , ; u , > that
he willmo\'e back to ClI lcr ncxt
spri ng.
Hcn. , . M , Pincleney , the re-
puJican canc1ielalc 101' county
superintendcnt was a city \'isitor
last Saturday. ] JI remcmhcred
the J Hl'UIII.ICAN um c with asocial
social call.
Sl'eral of thc BrtI\l'11 now
panics lhat visil ( > ll D.tI\'cr last
weele I III prove'11 the opporlllllily
to vbit thc sig-hts ill that \'icilf-
ity inehllling 111l Georgetown ,
Loop and Pilcs P al. .
Patrick Orlrkc , who was Ih'-
ing with his SI/I / Will. south of
lown , was hUrlcd in llll Catho1i
cemctcryVest of lh city , 'l'ues-
dar. We did notlcarn the par- '
ti ulars of his dealh.
W. J. Wallace of Wc t Union ,
was in thc city ; ' ) aturc1ay. He
purchased betwccn tw.ntr and
lhirty horses at t hl : Curric l
Prcttyman sale , which Ill > will / L
, up for the eastern uHlrId.
'l'he countboanl contled
'l'uesda y i tI al1jotlrned session to I
check up the count \ . otlices that
was deferrcd at the" J Illy session
011 accounl of the hastc of th
mcmbers of thc hoard to J el
home to look after thcir 1l1n'c : > t.
r J. D. 'l'royer'of 1\1ilford , Neb. ,
made this ul1icc a hURiness call
. \'l [ ercla ) ' . Mr. 'l'royer _ is a hro-
lhcr of J. D. 'l'roycr of Callawa\ ' .
He is engaged ( Iuite .extens \'c"ly
in raising bees and ha holh bee
and honey for sale , which hc ha.\
on cxhibition at the Count ) . Ii'air.
t\J r. 'l'ruver infonu 1 U'.1 that
_ he now 'has 17. . colonics allel
] , slarled in the. spring with hut
I forty-eight.
Rimoll Cameron , who has heen
. confined in th hogpltal for three
week if ! again able to be out alld
is'err much impro\'cil. lIe had
been ! \ltT \ rinl : for a j'ear or more
r with a rupture and he had reach-
cll that point that an operation
r was i nd ispensi ble. IIc well tin-
to the hospilal on the 22nd of
- August and was rcleascd on thc
11 11 th of Septemher. Mr. Camer-
- 011 expresses himself with being
very highly clateel o\'er the suc-
. ces of the operation and the
' - speed ) ' reco\'ery. 'I'he opera Lion
II ! was performed b ) ' Dr. C. f-l. Mnl-
. li . It vcrserious
ns. was a vcr\ as
:1 : well as delicate Ul1Il rtaldng alill
11 he accrcdits the Successful termination -
nation to the physician in charge.
: - - - - - ' -
. Tl illLU.L.Jr , Mj- ' - . - - - .
Wheat Drills
. . , . . . . . . _ _ . . _ _
r.------- - - - - -
. . . . . - . . - - . _ , - - - ,
hfiYO jn t I'ocoiyed n ( 'nl' of King
I Oonlter DrillR , nhm It enl' of the
Hnekol' Hh\te ; Low-/lown / PI'eRR : DisB
.Drill. .I. bong'ht ; t:1\BSO : \ drills < tired
ft'om tlw fnetol'Y n 11 < 1 e.n Il sld 1 them rOt. )
nhont the ll'ieo the ether dl'nlol's buy
them for. < .
10 Disc low-down Drill $65.00 i
And gUHl'nnteo it to b ( , one of the llst ) ( :
dt'ins mude. , ! "
, . . . . . . , . -.oItUIi.--- _ . .AM ,
. . . . . -
I C1II"r ! ! in. .
1II"r , , , , , ' : ,
1.- . . . . .
. . .
. _ . . .
- - - - !
1.r ' . ' : : : : : " ' " : : lI u' ' & .t/i UU .ubw.JIJ"'d'UI'Jb : : : ! ' ' ! : ' ' :
r W1\ \
: Do You Want a Horne 111 One of The
: j 8esl Towns In The West ?
Dc. ? r ; ; ' ' - ' 'fl ! ] . .1 .
\ ' : \ - ' , , ,
: , I IH'e _ Jr _ sale the following elcscl'ibcd prol crty in ;
" ! Br01.cll I..ow , ehr. . . - .
) 1-8 HOClIl1 1 , rRiOl'y : framc el\\'cllinJ with 70 feet of porcJ.l , (
; , hal'll , well , ci tCrl.1 anl\ \ cit . watqr in the hou e. ; ' \\1 \ \ Jdn fs \ , (
' ; ( If shrubbery , frUIt antI gll\lle : \ It : lf' ! , g-rouncl CJOx1.12 f ct" ' (
with 1)0 feel of ccment Rid walk , enc of die lui:1t : . homes' . . . . " . .
; , in the city , enc hlock froll ! thc slJuare. - . . 'J- ,
" 1Hoom ' hrick dwelling' wilh hath and hl1th fixh rca , nice
lawn and shadc trecs , city wutel' , two hlocks f1'olU square. \
j 1.:10 HO1I1 two BlOry fl'ame ,1m 1lling , almost ncw , nice 1:1\\cll ,
) ! fnut and shade trees , cIty water , two Iota of grOltllll , two ,
' ; hlocJ.s frolh Rquare. "
1-5 Hoom one ( or ) ' frallle el\\'clling , nicc lawl1 , plcnty of
: i shadc , city watcr , all in g'ood 1'cpair , two blocks wcst of ' , .
. Bowcn's storc , north side. ' ) .
1.1 1-7 Hool1l 11' gtoq' frame \\'e11in , with bath , cit ) ' water , J
, nice shade , ground IOx112 feet , two hloclm from square.
\ 1-5 1 001l1 one storv framc dwelling , all in good rcpair , rcnt ! '
{ for SJO per 1II0itlh , Jess than one block from ] Hlhlic square. t
< All the abo\'c describell rCRillence propert ) ' will he sold fOl' I ,
I less than it wOll1l1 cost you to put thl illlpl'O\'Clllents on the \
\ g-rou Ull , for , halance in small payments. I also havd \
: for sale one 2-acre tract of land with houge , harn , wcll ; , \
, windmil1 and 15 to 20 acrCR of a1falfa , nice shade , one mile t
< from postol1ice. PricC ! ior any of the ahove propertic ! ' furnished - . t
nished at my ol1icc , northeaRt corner of puhlic sCluare. . t
j E. do rSH e S E
! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . .
1 " "InwrIr.II1H1r.r.lIlw"nI1nr.rpn , : ; ; ; ; : : T."rp:1i : : nn.IIIIr.r.'P ; ; : : : : , ; ; ; : yrr : : ; 'mr1J ' ; : : ; ; r.r'IIr.11P"n'r.rr.nnr.r.m ; ; , ' ' . ; : , . . : '
- - - , - - . - . - - _ . . _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ _
, . . _ _ ' , . : . . . . . _ ) , . : . ' _ , _ _ : - - . . ' : _ . . . . . - - _ - - : . ' _ ' . . , ,1 ' " . _ ' .
The War Clouds are
rft _
TIl I war betwecn hp ln al1l1 I u ! ) , > ia bas heen settlcd , anet
the - ClI.lcr It'air wil' I
1I0W g-reat ; COllnty be the next great
c\'cnt. A l jnin hallds a\Hl \ com to the greatcst fair al Bro-
Jwn Bow C\'C" " hclel ill Grand Old CII ler. Make CHII' store \ollr
headqllarlcr al1l1 h\\'c your mail com in ollr carc if yuu \ bh.
Come aile ! ha\'c a hig- old tilll . We will hc well supplied Wilh
good , pure , hcalthy ealahles , cooleel anel ul1cook lI. . .
. v _ _ , . . . . . . . , , _ _ ,
\ : \ / E } = 1 i.V I ] ? ( ) I 1.lJ NC I.r ; EON :
' , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
1'0\1",1 \ . hlll1l1"r : ' :111. " < : '
' , . : ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
\ '
; :
V".tl ' . .af I'r CUll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15\111' ' 25
I . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
hlck 1:1111.11 ' '
1I : < I"'r . ' : . In ' Il'c '
. . . . . . , . . . . .
1411",1 VI < 'lIlIa , hl'"f Hall"alW ' ' , . . 11t.1".III. . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . .1II\11I121Ic . . . . .
" " " 1"1' " .11I. .151 :
Call 111'11 StllIl' lieI' call. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . 1I'c '
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. ,
Han\lll" \ , 1'1' , C\II. . ; . .5. Ill. t311112.1 :
. . . . . . . . . .
Halllllllll'r ' :111. .III.I b.I\IlHt ! : l"C "
. . . . . . , .
. , . ,
. OY"'t'r" ' , . 1"1' ( ' :111. : , " . .111. . t21 111111 : : ! eI. :
. . .
O\lI'.S. \ :111 hIZ ' " " 11 It. " Olll't. III hulk.
LIIIIII',1 tltll k alld I'all ! ! III' C.III. .1 : . : I111120c
, , ,
- - -
---FRESH '
Ccler.rOrangc , I..cmons , a-
nanas , Peaches , Pcar and Ap-
ples. Pieldes allldl1lls. " , '
Yours for a geol ] lillie at the
, J. C. BOWEN . \
. 'I'nA III : r > : orth III
. ( !
I.III' ' ' CUel . I. " r , 'hu'lnr IIROKI"N _ 110'I I'I' ' .
M.\lU- :
. . . , . - . ' . . . . , > , . - - - .