Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 07, 1905, Image 3

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' . Miss Clementina. Gonzales , IIotell'ro--
vincia , Guatemala , C. A. , in n. recent
letter fl'om 247 Clc\'eland Ave. , Chicago ,
Ill. , writes :
" 1 took for a worn-out can-
. . dJtJon. 1 was so run down that 1 could
" " IJOt sleep at nlgiltwd no appctlte and
' , . " . , fclt tlrcd In tile nwrlJlng.
: . : , , ' " 1 trIed many tonics , but Pcrona
' " , , r was the only tlJlng wIJJC/J hclped me In
r : , ' 1 the least. Aftcr Ihad takcn but a IU111
't 1. ; ; : , , botile 1 fclt muc/J bctter. 1 continued
I" : ' 'fA. : " Its use for tlJrce weeks and 1 was com-
'I r 1 pletely restored to health , and was
ill' able to take up my studies whlc1J llwd
" 41 , ) ' been forced to drop. There Is nothing
f . , ; ; . . , bettcr tlJan Peruna to bul/d up the
! . ' ' - system.Clementlna Oonzmes.
'I' y : . Address The Peruna l\Iedicine Co"
' .
, \ : ; of Columbus , 01110 , for instructive free
" , " ' .
' literature on catarrh.
/ 4 ( ,
. 'w 1
, . , .
. i ' , '
. ,
y - . , .
f .
: ,
, ; . ,
; : I
" The name and address of your
shoo dealer and 150 to cover
I I cost of mailing , etc. , will secure
I ono df the handsome rolled
( ) gold pins illustrated above.
" ( Enameled in colors and will
wear for years. These pins
were secured by thousands of
. World's Fair visitors.
Only a few hundred left.
Write Quick.
I 5110fi CO. 5T. bOUI3
Follow the Flap'
( Low
, . ! Round
- Trips
South and Southeast , one fare pluR
. $ O
4 St , Louis , 1110. , dally. . . . . . . . . . . . 18,50
Richmond. Va" Sept. 8th to
. 11th , Inclusive . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Ja.75
Philadelphia , Fa. , Sept. 14 th
. ' , . to 16th , Inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . 32,7ii.
Long limits , stopovers and other
features orrered In connection with
the above rates.
All Agents. can sell 'ou through
tlcltets and route you 'Vabash.
. All tickets reading over the Wabash -
bash from Chicago cast are optional -
tional with passenger via Lalte or
Rail , either or both directions.
Call at Wfibash City office , 1601
. , Farnam St. or write and let me
give you al1 Information. maps , descriptive -
scriptive matter. folders , etc.
G. A. P. D. 'Wabash R. R. , Omaha ,
J. . ( O NS
. INfORMA nON fAl [ [ :
. . In Elegant New College BuildIng ,
66xIJ2 : feet , four StorIes IIIgh
All d.rartment. enlargoo. two new onr. addrd. .4u ,
J I dltorlurn and Oymna lllm. Srle did eour. . In
. JlIIln..o , bhort.-hl\nd , T l1ewrltlng and Teh'gralhy.
: r.I.7zr ; Jt I ! , : . : : n ; : ' 111) . . d :
OII nOl'GlI ' OS ' . Omaha , Neb.
Your JoLJLJ r ur dlre t INUI } o'aclOry , l'eorta. 1U.
nnd Wood Frames , 1".5 nnd up. Write
us before 'ou buy. " 'e 6I1\'e 'ou
_ jf'lI1oney. Also Pumps nnd Wlud
Mills. BECKMAN BROS. . DOl MoluOI. Iowa.
When answerIng advertisements
please mention t ls paper.
\ J , w. N. U. Omaha. , No. 35-1905.
, < -
. . , "
. , . . .
I _
1Ionry Wnllter , nn old solider nml
barber of McCoot ) , committed sulcldo
h ) ' shooting h1111 sotr. 110 hntl been
drinking hen"II ) ' .
The llh'slcs buildIng or the stnto
university will bo rontly for oCCUlmnC ) '
two months. The stone tops for
the laboralor ) ' tables hnve arrIved nllli
will bo plnced as 800n as the piping
nnd wirIng of the tnbles is nnished.
A ) 'oung son of l\1. Henderson or "N"
town , Seward county , nccldeiltnll ) ' shot
himself with a 22caliber rifle , the
chnrgo taking effect In his thigh nnll
pnssing down\\\artl. The ) Jhysicians
say the wound Is not neces"sariY fatal.
Fretl Cortlson was brought. before
Count.y Judge King at. Ponder UPOll
the charge of Incest with his 12-year.
old daughtor. Ho wllved hearing and
was bound ever to dIstrict court. in
$1,600 bonds , which ho failed to fur.
The Johnson county fair will bo hold
at. Tecumsch September 12 , 13 , 14 and
15. The premium list Is a lnrgo one
and the races promlso to bo cellent.
The agricultural oxhibit. will bo an in.
toresting ono , ns will also the live stock
A messnge hns been received by Mr.
August Johnson , n fnrmer living be.
t.ween Yort ) and Dradshaw , thnt. his
son , Carl Johnson. ' had been drowned
In Oregon. There were no particular .
The remains will be burled In Ne ,
Charles T. Dowmnl,1 was blown to.
t.ho ceiling by an explosion of machln.
ory in the vll1nt of the Lincoln Uphol.
storing compnny July :1 : last. IIo _ suel
tho' c mpnny for dnmages antI it. an.
swered by snring that. nccording to
the most rellnble inspection 010 ma.
chinery was all right. . The defect. was
not to bo seen , hence It. Is not. liable.
The nineteenth annunl reunion and
picnIc of the old settlers' association
of Cuming county was held in the Riv-
orsldo parlt In thnt city. Each succeed.
ing year demonstrates the incrensln
popularity or this annual gathering. , n
spite of the threatenlng , cloudy weath.
er some thousnnds of Cumlng county
citizens gathered to celebrate this da-- : ' .
Bids for the construction of 0. residence -
dence and bnrn and granary for the
state experiment. substation at. North
Platte will bo advertised for in II. few
days. Superlnten"dent. of Construction
Chow ins of the State university has
completed the paIns. The call for a
house the cost of which probably wl11
be $3,600 , and a barn and granary at.
$2,200. .
Mrs. Hnrriet 1\1. Steele has brought
suit in the district. court. of Otoo county -
ty ngalnst. the Missouri PacIfic Rnll-
way company for $5,000 damages for
the death of her husband , John S.
Steele , who was a. watchma.n . at. the
Missouri Paeinc crossing at Weeping
'Water. Steele was IdJ1ed by a. tram
while he was stnnding on the railroad
A. S. Gregerelt , who raises beets for
, the sugar factory in Dodge county , returned -
turned from an inspection trip through
Colorado , 'Vyomlng and western Ne.
braslm. The trip was made for the
purpose of gnlning familiarity with the
beet raising Industrr In these sections.
Mr. Gregerelt. got. some pointers that
he will use In the cultivation of the
crop hero.
For the first. tlmo for about. eight.
'ears S ward county's general fund
warrants are beIng registered for lack
of funds. This Is owing partly to the
failure of a railroad to pay Its taxes
and partly because county oxponlll-
tures are a. little heavier than they
used to be. As a. result. the county
board has this year made a. hea.vler
levy t.han before.
Tlw body or the unidentified negro
who was murdered In orfolk when
ho aslted for a. drlnl , was sent. to Lln.
coIn , where it will bo gIven , accordinr : ;
to the state law , to a medlcnl collego.
for dissection. No friends claimed tIe
body and thIs nction was required. No
trace or the murderer has been founl1
and the chances are fast dlmlnisblnr : ;
for ever catching him.
The Johnson county teachors' institute -
tute , just closed , Is saId to have been
the most Interesting meeting of the
ldnd over held in the county. Ninety.
eIght. teachers enroJ1ed dUl'lng the ses.
slon. County Superintendent D. E.
Dill has shown marked ability in the
government of the schools of the coun.
ty the past. two years and the county
teachers' assocIation , by resolution , at
the close of the institute , commemlell
his worl\ : and unanImously Indorsed
him for reelection this faJ1.
A couple of grafters , claiming to be
from Plattsmouth , have heen tr'lng o
swindle the Carmel'S along the Iowa
bottoms. Their graft is a patent medl.
cine which they clnlm will cure rheu.
matlsm in any form , and also numerous -
ous other ilIs to which the fiesh Is
hell' . To substantlato their claims the
) 'oung men produced testimonlall ! con.
tlnlng the signatures of a number ot
I > lattsmouth people. The "medIcine , "
it II ! suld , Is mostly water , with n lit.
tlo coloring mntter , and net the graft.
ers considerable profit on encn sale.
Nobraslm Clt ) ' was visited by mil.
lions of small cricltots the other night
and the buildings along Centrala.venue
were blacl\ : with them. Where they
come from or where they go no onlJ
can teJ1. They were about all gone
next. morning.
11'ranl , lams , the horseman , nrrlvocI
In St. Paul from Europe with hIs annual
importation of llelglan stalIlons l1fl
coach horses. The transportation
from Now Yorlt was mnde h ) ' means
of a. speclnJ1y ehnrtered Wells.Fargo
express traIn conslstiug of five largl2
cars , and the trip was made in sixty
hours. .
- .
ShowIng Made by the State Bal1k of
Gothenburg ,
LINCOLN-Doposltors In the fallett
State Dnnk of Gothenburg hnvo been
) mld In fuJ1 , nnd the recolvor or tho.
Institution is ready to bo tUsclmrged.
'rho final. relJOrt of the receiver , who
was appointed .Tnnun.ry D , ID02 , was
received b ) ' Socrotnr ) ' Ro'so of the
stRtO banldng depnrtment ntHl 1ms
been appro"ed. The showing Is consIdered -
sIdered remarlmblo , as il is soldol11
that failed bnnls IJ ) ' out. all that lIn.s
been put. Into them.
The Gothenburg institution is the
fourth of ton banlts fallotl slnco lDOt
that has 11aid out. The members of
the state bnnldng board nro pleased
with the showing as n tlelllonstraUon
of the worltlngs of the now bnnltlng
law. Previous to the onnctment of
this law and the aplJolntment. of -
rotary Royso but. few banIs ever soc-1
11I01'0 thnn O per cent to depositors
after falluro. Under the new lnw re.
celvers , a.lthough appoInted by the
district. courts , arc under the supervision -
vision of t.he banltlng department , and
must report regulnrly to it. The 1'0'
ceivers ma ) ' bo dischnrged on nppll.
cntion of the banldng delJ rthlent. to
the courts.
'LINCOLN-Tho ' grand assessment.
roll hus been comlJII d by the force
In the auditor's office , and It shows
the total nssessed vnluation of the
state for lp06 is $304,470DG1 , agaInst.
$2D4,77D,244 for lllst ) 'ear. A lIttle
moro than $1,000.000 of this Increns. )
only Is due to the Increased assess ,
ment. of railroads. The assessment
roll shows that. the average value of
real estate per acre , improved and .uu-
Improved , has decrensed , though the
total assessment is increased ovm'bt ]
FIned for Shootlna ChIcken.
Deputy Game 'Varden Smlth.lms 1'0'
pOlted to the state game nnd fish commission -
mission the arrest. and fining of John
Gallas , resIding near LoUlJ City. Gal.
Ins was out. hunting for prairie chicl-
en when the deputy wnrden caml )
nlongo In a buggy nnd hailed the Int.
tel' for a ride. Aner riding for several -
eral minutes Gallas became conl1dell'
tlal and exhibited to the warden n
prairIe chicken he hnd killed , also
tendering the Informntion that the
bIrds were plentiful In the vicln\ty. \
:10 : was fined $ G.7 .
No Conflict Over Insane.
NORFOLK-Dr. Alden , superIntend.
ent. of the state insane hospital here ,
denies the report. froll1 Lincoln that
there is n conflict. between hImself
and Dr. Greene of the Lincoln hospi.
tal , over the quota of women patients
which shall be brought t.o Norfolk.
Ho says that. this matter is to he fixed
by the state board , when they return
from the Portlnnd fair , nnd that. the
superintendents have nothing to do
WIln It.
Horsell Pump Water to DrInk.
LINCOLN - Horses belonging to
farmers In the county have hnd to
pump water for themselves the last.
tree weelts. There has been too little -
tle wind to run the pumps and the
farmers have been obliged to resort
to original methods , Some have gasoline -
line motors. Others rigged up horse
power and made their nnimals earn
theIr own drinks. According to Section -
tion Director Loveland of the UnitOll
States Weather station the wind of
the month bas been far below normal.
LINCOI..N-1\1rs. W. F. Cody i3 in
favor of t.he strict. epforcement of the
state game and fish laws , and wH ! assist -
sist the state department of fIsh :1:111 :
game culture to apprehend violators
of the game laws. On comDilllnt of
Irs. Cody. Chief Grt1OYarden . . .ar.
tl'r ho arrested Geor fJ Huntiufilon.
Clarence Vroman and "Dust" Van
Dorne oforth Platte for hunting on
1\1rs. Cody's rancb without permls.
slon. The trlnl will be at. North
Platte some time thIs weelt.
Back to the Prison.
Charles Olson , who after several
months liberty on parole from the
penltentlar ) ' , went wrong and forged
a check , was returned to the penitentiary -
tiary to start in again on l\IO \ remaining -
ing fourteen years or his sentonce.
Small Tornado In Holt.
NORFOI..K-A small tornado pass.
ed o\'er Holt county , Nebraslm , a few
miles from Atltlnson , demolishing
barns granarIes and fnrm buildings
In its pnth. No one was Itilled.
A Generous Gift.
'McCOOK-Tho generous gIrt. of
Major Albert Dnrnett to Red WlIlo.
county-a. splendId tower clocl-bas
just been installed In the tower of the
court. house In this city. The cloclt
cost over $500.
Has Leg Cut Off by TraIn.
BLAIR-John Schwartz , for seven
yenrs suporlntendent of hrldg-es of the
Mlssol1ri & Ohio railroad , was thrown
beneath the wheels of a freghl traIn
nt Do Seta nnd was so injured that. his
leg hAIl to be amputated
. , "
Railway Notcs.
- - -
Mr. J. P. SIllning , who for eovt'rnl
) 'cars pnst hns OOClIlJlel1 the position
'or ' Northwestern lJli.sRcnger agent or
the C. & 0. , bns been alJllolntotl GOIl'
ornl NorUlt'rn Agont. of the Dig 1-'our
na11'1\'a ) ' , with .houdQllnrtors at 238
I Clnrk street , ChIcago.
I , True Valuation.
I Todn ) ' ) 'ou nro worth In UIO scnlo of
I the world's wenlth nil these thing !
whIch ) 'ou have or control to ) 'OllI
own pence of mind nml nccorl1lng ! )
as you can mcasuro nsainnt thom the
mono ) ' thnt will or will not. bIlY.-
John A. lIowlluul.
Try One package.
It "Defiance Starch" lloes not pleaAe
'Oll , return It to 'our dealer. It II
doe9 'ou Iet one-third 11101'0 tor the
Rnme 111011 ( > ) ' . It wl\l \ R"'C ) ' 0\1 salls.
tactloll , anti will not stlclt to the Iroll
Dwell Too Much on SIckness.
" 1f'lJeoJlo would thlult less of dls.
cases and 11101'0 of henlth , " said Sir
Andrew Clnrk , "It. would bo 111uch bolo
tel' for tho111. "
The Bcst Results In StarchIng
can be obtalnell only b ' USIl1G' Defiance -
fiance Stnl'lh , bCHlleH ! Hotllng " oz.
morc for samc moneno cooldnG' re-
A womnn's voice seldom pro\'onts
her frain bellevln [ ; that. she can sing
When You Buy Starch
buy Dcllnnco anll cel the best , 1G oz
Cor 10 cents. Once used , alwn 's uset !
Whlsly in a bottle 111(1) ( ' bo n good
thing , but 'in , n man it's a. nulsanco.
Do Your Clothes Look Yellow ?
Then use Del1anco Starch , It will
Iteep them whltl.-lG oz. tor 10 cents.
Money has wings which should be
clilJPCtl 11) ' judicious ecouomy.
f'l'm1I\Mnt1y Cllrl' < l. NontoornCtTOllen o..rtcr .
FITS IIrot "l\tOIl'C or Ur. i'Une'etJrcaC NerfU IIcolor.
er. Re1 , r"r 1U'l : 8.00 : trl..llootUo . .lid trcI\Uo. .
Vito U , U. KLIN I , Lt\I. , US ! Ar b Street , l'l1l1adelll1l. , 1' "
- -
Quicl , sales and low prices UIO
Siamese twins of business.
"I 'Vcnt Homc to DI" from Omv , , ) Troub1t1.
. ! . J\Cdid ! \ ' 8.a vt.KI . : " ' ' : Ir te e'V
Your dictionary sbould not. contain
the word "fni1. "
Dellanc Stnrch Is l'ut up 16 ounce ! }
In a pnclmsc , 10 cents. One-thlr
morc starch Cor the Rnlne money.
The best. Idnd of luclt is the luclt C
saving mo'ney.
Thut m addressing -
ing Mrlf. Pink-
ham .y u are con-
f1l1ingyour private
IUs to n. wonmn-
a womnn whose experience -
ence with womon'/I.
diseases covers n. great ,
many years.
You cnn talle freely
to n. woman when it is
revolt1n to relate
YOUl' private troubles -
bles to n. man-
elildes n. man
docs not del'-
un - it
stnnd-simply ber A ,
( J
caURe he is a man
M n. 11 y women
suffer in Rilenee and , drift alon < < from
lllul to worse , knowing full well tllat
they ought to Imve Immediate assistance -
ance , but n. natuml modesty ln11els
them to shrinle from exposIng thorn-
soh-es to the qnestions amI 11robably
e't : minations of evcn thell' CnmBy
ph 'sician. It is unnecessary. Without
money or price 'Oll can consult a wo-
mnn whose lmowledge from actuul 03- ; :
perience is great.
Mrs. Plnl hnm's Standing Invitation ,
Women suffcring from uny form of
female wealmesliure Invitcd to promptly
communlcute with Mrs. Pinltham , ut
r"'Ylln , Mass. All letters are received ,
opened , rend amI answered by woml'n
ollly. A woman CUll freely tulle of her
private illneslf to n. womun i thus har.
been establlslwtl the eternal confideneo
bctwecnIrs. : ! \ . Pin1cham and the wOlllen
of Americn. which has 'nevcl' been
broken. Out of the vafit volume 01
experience which she has todraw from ,
it Is more than possible that she hils
gnined the very Imowledgo that will
help 'our cllse. She uslcs nothing in
return except YOUl' g'ood.will , aul hel'
udviee has rellevetl thouRnnds. Surely
any womnn , l'lcl1 or poor , Is very foolish
if she docs not talce I\dvnntnge of this
generous offer of llfislstunce.
If , yon are m , don't hesitate to get
bottle of rJ 'l1in B. Pinlchlllll'sVlJgetnble
CompouIHlutonee , antl write : ! \Irs. Pink.
ham , Lynn. lnss" for lipeeinl ad'Ice. .
When a ml'llicino has Lo.P.llliuccl'ssful
in restoring to hellith liO llIuny WOlllen ,
) 'OU cannot well say , without trying it ,
" 1 do not bell c\'o it will help me. "
troubled with Ills peculiar to ' "
chelr sex used liS A douche Is marvelou. y .uc-
' easful. Thorouchlycieanses , kills disease
'I ltoPS discharges , heals inilammatioll cermsl
I J'utlnc Is In powder lorm to e dl.solved In pure
, N3ler , nnd Is flt : more cI ansln , healing , ; ; ermI d.11
Ind economlcal : than liquid antlaeptlcs for all
I t'or Gale nt druJhts , c ( ) cent. a \lox. \
Trial DOl : and Dook 0' In.tructlons Pree.
I . . -
jjUH S WH Ht ALL mE. rAILS ,
IICf1t Collllh ! 1rup , 'J'Wotc. 000 < 1. UI'C
In tlmn. ola by drulIlCl.tL
. - .
4 t
, - " ' - . . . . ' . . .
. . ' . . . , , . , . . - . ' " . . ' . . . . . - . ' - _ . . , .
.lO''L' , ) J ! i''W' " 'i' " ofo1Il' " ' - " " ' ' ' ' 7
' ' "
" , , , , , , , " " " , , _ , , . " " , , , , For Infanta and Clllldron.
ItQiBJI ! : The Kind You Have
, . , , . . . , , . Always Bought
- .1m" " " ' ' ' ' ' ' " " t I
AgcllWe PrcpnrntionftJr As- ' '
51mltnt1n IhcFoodm\mC l1laI , I ,
IhcSlOIDl\clts \ tUuLDmls u1' B ears th e
Promotes DjgcstlonChccrru
nC5S lInd ncsl.Conlnlns ncllhcr
9plumlofor ( > hinc nor } 1incral. r. of
JSor'N.AUCO'l'IC. .
. . .
. , ,
/U.1 ' . ! WliEl.l'/TCBER "
: -
JIn I e INI. fA - , \ I n
f , J'r.l-
sr I . U S e
Apcnecl cm dy rorConstJpn.
non. Sour Stol1\l\chDinrrhoC
'VormsCol\vutsionsFc\'crjsh- ncss l\Iul Loss . . 0 F SLEEH F 0 r 0 V Q U r
Thirty Years
. . . , . . .
" .1 Oll'lTAUn ' eOMr.'IN. NIW " 0" orn.
. . . .
' : i-f " _ ' , ' ' . , - , - , . . . . . . , ' _ , '
Mull's Grape Tonic
A positive cure for
Until Mull's Grape Tonic came upon the American -
can l111Ukot there WlIS no cure for Constipation.
We believe the best way to convince you thllt Mull's Grape Tonic Is lL posItive -
tive cure Is to give you 11 bottle and prove it. Constipation indicates thllt your
Bowels or Intestines lire in a state of decay lInd death. Beware of physics-
Pills , otc. , they make you worse.
If you are affilcted use these free coupons tlt once while Ute offer is open
for yourself and give one ellch to your friends or neighbors who need it.
112 FREE COUPON , No. I.
Seml tIlls coupon wILli : yuur nnrno nnd n11.
11ress nml your llrUlllhlt's nnmo , ror 1rree
bottle or Mull's OtllllO 'ronlo , Stomach Tonic
and Constipation Cure.
Mult'e ' Grape Tanio co.40 / Third Avo. ,
Rock Island , III.
Glr Fu/l / Adllr , , , anll Writ l'laln/v. .
The $1.00 bottle contllins nCllrly tbreo
tlm09 the Wo &Ize. At drug storcs ,
112 FREE COUPOH , No.3.
Scml thin coupon with your nnrne oml nd. I
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Mull's Grape Tanio Co. . 140 TI11rd AVo. , I
Rook leland , III. I
GlfJ Full , dl/l/r , , , and 1rrll , 1'la/nl/l. / /
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' -Ioml ! this coullon with : your 11111110 nnll 011.
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Gl , Full Addrt , . and JJ'rll , 1'laEn/v.
Tbo ' 1.00 11Ottlo eontol"1 ' neArly three
tlmcs tbo Wo size. At druu storcs.
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Scml tills coullon with your nnmo nnl1 nil.
drells IIml your IIrullllIt's nnmo , ror 1rreo
buttlo DC Mull's Ornpo 'ronlc , Siomach Tonic
and Con tlpatlon Cure.
Mull's Grope Tonto Co. . 140 TI11rd Avo. ,
Rook leland , III.
GlfJ Jt'u/l / .Addre" and Writ l'laEnlv.
' 1'110 ' 1,00 bottle contAins ncarly three
tlmcs tbo Wc lilzo. At Ilrug RtoreB.
Nothing pleascs the eye so much a.s
a well mudo , dainty
Ih1 Irft
. W 1 '
( U ]
if properly laundered.
'o get the best rcsults it.
Is lleccs.3ury to use the
best lauudl'Y starch.
( ) @ff 1 U1l @ @
( ) Ir@
gives that finish to the
clothes that all Ia.dies
dcsire aud should obtain.
It il ! the delight of the
experienced laun ress.
OIlCO tried they will 'usa
no other. It is pure a.ud
is guaranteed not to injure -
jure t.he most deHcato
: fabric. It il ! aold by the
: . best grocers at 10e t\
, ; ! paclcngc. Each pa.clcngo
cont.ains 10 ounces.
Other starches , not nearly so good , seU
at the liame pricl' per paelcnge , but they
I contain only 12 ounces of starch. Con-
I fmlt YOUl' own interests. AsIc for
D1WIANCE STARCII , get it , and we
lolow 'ou willllover use any other.
@ @ C 1IJ1 ] @ @ } Ir@1h1 @ @IJ111)PJ ) ! ( lIJ1)W9 ) @m llh1 1i ! ! M@bJ. !
Of Great Interest to the
. Thoughtful and Economical Woman
We ha\'o Rolvcl the problcm or lIow you cnn drcss well 1111I1 stylish nt little cost. Ask to
see our bnndsomo ns ortmel1t or thq newest nnll most stylish dreslI ! ; oods wora by well.
dressed women lor this Jo'lIll und Wlnler sen on. Wo will send free upon request benuUrul
RarnpJo selection , showing the In test nml 1II0st P < JlIulnr IIIllterllllll. lIuy direct ,
rrom us nt wholrlale prien , which III Imn 14 II Irent slIvlnll to you , IIbout haU or the uSllnl re- "
tull price. It " ' ! II pay you to see uur selection or dress "oods , which wo hellli free \lpon request -
quest , Hundreillf or huiles In ) 'our local ty . .elect their IIl11terlllls lrorn us , bccauso tbey cuu
get them ror less than elbewMru. Wo cut auy IIlIIeunt or yaros de lrell , \
\ , 67 W.bMh Avenue , . CHICAGO
Whole..le Importers of Ladl. . ' Woole , " Exclutlvely
. , . '
, . ' ,
. . . , .
. . ' 0 ( . ,
. ' .