Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 31, 1905, Image 7

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    r "
All Up-to-Date Housekeepers
ulle Dcnnnco Cotd Water Btarch , be-
ca.uso It Is better , nnd , oz. mal'O at It
tor lnmo money.
Gas Light for
Country Homes.
I Small country homes , nil well S
, largo ones , may bo lIghtel by the
I best light ImowD - ACETYLENB
t GAS-it is easier on the eycs than
. nny other il1uminant , cheaper than
" lterosene , as convenient ns city gas ,
brIghter thn.n electricity and safer
than any.
No ill-sme1l1ng lamps to clenn , nnd
no chhnne..ys or mantels to breale.
For light cooking it is convenient
and cheap.
ACETYLENE is made in the bnae-
ment nnd piped to 0.11 roomsan.d out-
buildings. Complete plant costs no
morc than 0. hot nil'
, Y
: r : :
' ' " '
, . 'I'I' J. ' ' : ,
, i111 ' il ,
t , r' , II 'II ' ,
. Automatic
i < lenerators the gna. They perfect in
construction , reliable , safe and
Our booklet , U After Sunset , " tells
more o.bout ACETYLENE-sent frco
on request.
' . " Deniers or others interested in the
so.leof ACETYLENEo.pparatus write
us for selling pln.n on PILOT Generators -
ators o.nd supplies-it is 0. paying
proposition for reliable workers.
r Acetylene Apparatus Mfg. Co. ,
157 Michigan Avenue , . ' . CHICAGO , ILL.
1t , = 1 J Thompson's EYI Wat"
w. N. U. Omaha. No. 34-1905.
_ . ,
- - - -
Trailing Dresses Barred.
The Ituthorltles or Nordho.uson , Snx.
ony , hnvo forbhldon the use of the
streets to any' person wenrlng an ar-
Uclo of ress that sweeps the pnv "
mont. 01fenders are to bo fined 30
Lewis' IISlnglo Dtmlor" straight Go clgnr.
Made ot rlpo , mellow tobacco , so rich In
quality tbat. lUany who lOl'mOlly : smoked
100 cIgars now molto I..owls' "Slu1:18
Binder. " Lewis' Factory , Poorl" , I1l.
Englishman's Hartth Criticism.
.An Elgltshmnn says that the people
of the United Stntts ! are nerv "raclted ,
bald.henlled , grny.hended , catarrhnJ
lcoplo , who do not lmow how to 11vo.
1 > lso's Cure Is the best medlclno wo over used
tor nll nlteetlons ot tbo throat Bnd 1ungs.-WJ.r. .
O. INDBLJT : , Vnnburcn , Ind. , Feb. 10 , tooo.
Few SuIcides In London.
London hn.s tower suicides than any
other grent co.plta1. Whllo ParIs has
400 suicides per million per yeo.r , Lon.
don has only ninety.
FREE-52'111\ copyright. book. "Advice t < >
VlcUms Great Whlto Plague ( Tuborculosl ! . ) "
Drs. Vnn IIummcll , Of ( 14th St. , Denver , Co10.
The Really Strong Mind.
. liTho mind that is parallel with tht
IDwS at nature w1ll bo in the current
f events , and strong with their
Why It Is the Best
Is bccause mndo by an entirely durer.
ent process. , Defiance Starch Is unlike -
like any other , better and one-third
more tor 10 cents.
"You're just 0. poem , Bess. " I snid
And I was right , you seo.
; r know the way she tossed her head
She was a verso to mo.
HJ > J'lIpcpda TornulUtctl 1\10 for ' 1'eaJ'lll. Dr.
a1'I < fK..nedl' . . 'a1'orlto , ell red m. . . . 11. . . 0.
. . Douibeny ; , 1111I1'11I. . N. J. U..d 01'Or SO ; y. . . . . . 11.00.
ConsIder the Wasp.
"Tho wasp is , a disputatious crea
ture , to bo sure , " observed the professor
ser , "but it always carries its point. "
Two English CIties Keep Walls.
Yorle and Chester are the lnst Eng.
lish citle ! ! to preserve tholr surround.
ing wans intact.
Defiance Starch
should be In every houReh01l1 , none so.
good , besides 4 oz. more tor 10 cents
than an ) ' other brand ot cold water
Nothing except what fiows from the
heart can render even external man.
ners pleasing.-Dlalr.
Cabbages were Introduced Into Eng.
land in the sixteenth century.
( . J
: . . . . . -
[ ) i ) D1lftW ! } @ 1r IPJ ! } [ ) r@ $ W
SUlmm ( 1r
- . Sk ( n1
are a delight to the refined woman every-
where. In order to get this result see that
the material is good. that it is cut in thll
latest fasbion and use
' " IDJ @ff 1r11 @ ( )
in the laundry. All three tblngs arc Important -
ant , but the last is absolutely necessary.
No matter how fine tbe material or how
daintily made , bad starch and poor laundry
work will spoil the effect and ruin the
clolhes. DEFIANCE STARCH is pure ,
" will not rot the clothes nor cause them to
crack. It sells at 10e a sixleen ounce package -
age everywhere. Otherstarches , much in.
ferior , sell at 10e for twelve ounce pack.
age. Insist on getting DEFIANCB
STARCH and be sure of results.
[ Q@ffO ) < IDD11@ @ ( ) Ir@1h1
L @ @m < IDD11
o nuu llh1 l s 1M @J liD rr a $ \ } ( Sr
. , " , ) I..4w . . .a : , . " _ . . A' . , . : . . It- " ' 1 ! . . . .r. , ; > 1' , ( , " " ' . . . , . . , ! 10. . . ' . . . "Vk.u.I'K'0"1" " " ; , ; ' . ' , " " - " , , , " ' " 'o , . .J _ . . - '
( Star on map marks approdm : to locality ' .1 which the Amerlcil - was crushcti.
by Ice late In 1003. )
After having been cut oft tram tho' '
world in the Arctic since July , 1903 ,
thirty.soven members of the Fiala-
Ziegler pOlnr expedition bo.vo b en
rescued by the steamer Terra Nova.
and landed at Hennlgsaag , Norwny.
All the members of the crew of the
ship America , which was crashed In
the ice early In the winter of 1903-4 ,
h .ve returned in good health in spite
of their harrowing experience. with
the exception of one Norwoglan saIlor ,
who died from no.tural causes.
The members of the Flalo. arctic
expedition have arrived in Norwo.y.
and it is announced by the trustees of
the Ziegler estate that 110 mal'O exp "
dltlons will bo sent out In the name
of Ziegler. The return of the members -
bers of the Flnlll expedition , ther "
fore , wUl mean the end of the worle
begun by the Baldwin expedition in
The first Ziegler oxpedltlon. under
command of Evelyn B. Baldwin , saIled
World's Store May Not Suffice for the
Demands Made Upon It.
The amount of Iron ores sUll avaIlable -
able Is very great. doubtless many
Umes , perhaps twenty.fold , as great
as has been won to use. Yet already
in the continent of Europe the fields
long In servIce are beginning to be ex-
hausted. Great Britain has practi.
cally consumed Its store. which 0. century -
tury ngo seemed ample. PracticallY
all the supply for Its furnaces is now
The supply tram the Mediterranean ,
that promised to bo laoxhDustlblo , can
not endure for many decades to come.
The same is the condition of. the are
districts of central Europe. At the
rate ot the Increaslag demand they
0.1'0 not likely to meet the demnnds
of 100 years. There romnln oxtenslvo
deposits of rich ores in the Scandlnn.
ylan penlns lo. and in fields of the
confines of Belgium and Franco which
hnve hnrdly begun to be dro.wn upon.
yet it Is evident that at nn 'thlng 11110
the present rate ot increase in the
consumption ot meta'1llc iron in Europe -
rope the sources of supply 11.1'0 not
llkely to endure tor a century.
The best-placed 11eld for the production -
tion of iron in North America , or ,
save that In northern China , in the
world , Is In the centro.l section of the
MlsslssiIJpl vaney. mainly between the
grent riv r nnd the Appalachian SYE-
tem of mountains and northward beyond -
yond the great Inkes to the headwaters -
waters of the streams fiowlng Into
Hudson's bay , the physIcal conditions
on the whole being favoro.ble for the
cheap production of the metal and Its
ready transportation to the prlnclpnl
markets. It I a question , however , it
the store wIIl supply tM demands
of the future.
Jewesa Wife of Russ Diplomat.
In selorlIng : a wire M. Do Witte ,
Russin'/\ chief representative In the
peace nogotlatlons , choo ! a Jewess.
one of the rnce which has been trent.
cd so cruellv In his country. Mme.
De Witte wall C < n > merly the wife of a
subordinate omclnl , but she sccured a
divorce and has been very happy in
her second mn.rrlage In spite of the
( act that she has never been received
at court. She also has been ignored
by the leading socloty women in St.
Petersburg. notwithstanding the high
position her husband has held.
" - , . , . - - .
In 1901 for the l ranz Joser archlpela. .
go , north of Nova Zembln , i1l. the boa
'llef that the Innd of thnt group approached -
preached nenror the polo than any
other land of the north polDr region.
Penry , on the other hand. boHoved
that the northern portion or Green.
land wns nearer the pole than nn '
other land , and all his explorations
have been conducted from the Greenland -
land canst. '
The Baldwin expedItion of 1901 was
oqulpped to reach the pole. Bnldwlu's
plan was to e tabllsh 0. base on the
northermost lnnd of the Franz Josef
archipelago , spend his first winter
there , and malw 0. dash for the polo In
the spring Cram RUdolf Land. Bahl-
win wus not o.blo to get farther north
in the Call ot 1901 than Camp Ziegler ,
80 degrees and 23 minutes north , nnd
ho did not malto the dash to the polo.
Disappointed over results , Mr. Zleg-
Jer organized another expedition , under -
der cOlllmand of Anthony Flaln , who
hnd been 0. member of the Baldwin
expedition. It was expected that Fin"
In , talting advantage of his experience
In the Baldwin oxpeditlon. would saIl
directly to the point' ' whore the stores
had been left by Baldwin and lese no
time in malting 0. dush to the pole ,
It now appenrs that before the t1mo
fixed for the dash to the polo Fiala's
ship was crushed In the Ice , In Schlitz
bay , and thnt lor over 0. year the memo
bers of the expedition were held 1rl- !
oners by the arctic climate , 8\Jbslstlng
on stores left by previous expelUtions ,
unUl rescued by the Ziegler rellof expedition -
pedition under Wllllnm S. Chatup.
which left Norway In May.
The Bo.ldwin expedition faUed of its
main object because of the Ice that
blocked all the channels of Fran ? J "
set Land. The Flaln. expedltloIfallod \
to do Its appointed dash north because
its vessel was crushed by Ice. Menn-
time Commander Peary Is proceodlng
in 0. specially constructed v'ssel for. .
the waters of northern Greenland ,
tram which bo oxpeets to worle his
way to the northernmost point over
reached by any vessel and then crOBS
the ice to the pole.
Immenoe EmpIre Recently Added to
King Edward's Domains.
By recent' arbitration an area of
300,000 square mUes. considerably
larger than France , has been added to
the British empire , and yet the world
at largo has hardly heard of the
EJvel t. Barotsl , the territory In ques
t1on , Is In Central Africa , lying so th
of the Congo Free State and west 01
Northern Rhodesia. Its Importance
rests on the fact that through It run
the upper waters of the Zambosi river ,
hero navigable although tar above the
Vlctorlo. falls. The rival claimant wa
Portugal , and the arbltrntcr was the
Idng of LewanIlm , the native
ruler ot Barotsl , was a picturesque
guest at the coronation of Edward
VII. . and ho has loug been under 0
sort of seml.protectorato by the BrIt.
Ish. The arbitration , however , splits
his dominions In'two , the ether sec-
tlon passing to Portugal , and it re.
mains to bo seen how the dusley mono
arch wUl talto this curtalhneat of his
tribal authority. The Barotsl race arc
bravo , and , thanles to French mission.
ary effort , well advanced along the
paths of civilization.
, Costly BeautifyIng Process.
Hero are some of the stemn included
In 0. bill sent to n bareness In Paris by
her masseuse : "To beautlfYln ; mad.
am's visage , three sltUngs a week
during ono month. $ CO ; ono month' ! !
massage of throat , $ GO ; ono bath of
trlplo oflluvla for benutlCylng the
limbs , $10 ; one bottle of liquid whlto
for the complexion. $2 ; one month's
c.ntl-wrlnldo treatment , $20 ; ono
month's ditto for figure. $ GO ; two
more .monthE of same , $80 : second
bath of trlplo efiuvla , $10 ; third ditto ,
$40 ; two marc months' nnU.wrlnkle
treatment , $40. "
Beneath Gardener's DIgnity.
They have 0. story In New York or
an Englhdl gardener who was hrought
over by OlIO of the newly rich. 'l'ho
employer had several unmarried
daughters and the gardener was told
to devote most of his time to the ten.
nls lawn. 11& Is a gardener of the
old school and bet01'o long becl\11IP
disgusted on noticing how many'oU11-
men came to tennis and tea. Ho resigned -
signed his position and on being asleed
for 0. reason said : "Well. sir , this is
n lt 'orUculturo I'm doln' . It's merQ
'usbandry. "
. . . , ' , . . . . . . . , . - . . . . _ , . . , . - - ' , ' C"r / . , , : , , , . . - ' - . ' - " . - - - - -
. . . . -
; : ;
A Time \Vhen Won1cn Arc Susceptible to lUany
Dread Diseases-Intelligent WOInen Prepare
for It. T\vo Relate their Experience.
The Ilchnt } ootl\o"lfi \
the most critlCI\1 l1C1'lull
ot woml1n'.I cxll\h'l1ce ,
nnll . " unxlety lolt by
wOlUcn DB it nonr
Is uot without reason.
E\.CI' ' woltmn wile
ncgll'ots the en.l'O of 11l'r
lumllh nt this tlmo In. . ; nlul pnln.
When her s 'Btcm Is In
n. ( lcrn.ngccl comlltlon ,
or aho is lredlsposcd to
npoplexy , or COIII cIIUon
.ot I\U ' orgnn , the teu. .
deno - is nt this porlod
llleoly to become neUvo
-o.nd with n host ot nervous -
vous irrItntions , Uln.tcO
lito n. burllon. At this
thno. o.lso , cnnCOl.S n.nd
tumors 0.1'0 1001'0 lInblo
to form nnl begin tholr
destruotivo worle ,
Such wn.rnlilg sJ'mp. .
toms as sense at suffocation -
cation , hot HaRhes , lumll-
nehes bnelcnohes , drellli
ot hnpondlug' e\'ll , timidity -
ity , sounds in the cars , -
pl11pitntlon at the heat't ,
spn.rlc8 be fore the eyes ,
irrogulnrlUes , couRt11)n-
tlou , vl'lbblo appotlte ,
wel\lcness nml Inqulo-
tudo , and :1lzzlnes9 : , are
promptly hcellCll by In. .
tel1lgontwomen whonro
appron.chlng the period
iu Ufo when womlm's grent chnngo oxpected.
These Rymptoll1s nro nIl just son1l\ny
cn.lls from nnturo l/Jr help. 1'ho ncrves
0.1'0 crying' out for nSlilstanco mHl the
cry should be heol1ellin ti11le.
L ' (1tn E. linlcham's Vcgotablo Compound -
pound wns rropnrell to meet the needs
of womn.n s IJystom' nt this trJ'h1g'
period of her lilo. It invlgorn.teR I1nll
strengthens the female organism nml
builds up thowoaluJ11ed nervous s 'stln ,
It hus cnrrICll thousn.nds of women
sn.oly through this eriBls.
For pecial ntlvlco regn.rdinR' thlaim-
portant perioll w011len art' Invited to
wrlto to Mrs. linlclm11l nt Lynn , ? IInss. ,
D.t1ll it wtll bo lurnished o.bsolutoly lreo
of charge.
Rend what L . (1t1E. . Plnlchn.m's Com-
pounll did for Mrs. lIylnnd o.nd Mrs.
1IInlc10 : . .
Dear Mr . Pinkho\m- :
"I hm1 heon sulfcring wllh tnlllng ot the
womh tor yours /11111 WIIS J11\S.qlng through the
Cbnngootl.lCo. My womh WIIB hrlllly 8wol-
Jon ; my tomnch wusloro ; IllIu ) dluy sI0118 ,
sick bonctncbOR , nJIII wes VOl' " norvous.
I Lydhl E. Pinkham's VC It : blc Com ound Succeeds Where Others Fan , I
The name and address of your
shoo deal or and 15c to cover
costofml1i11nlf. etc. . wlllsecuro
ana of the handsome rolled
gold pin : } Illustrated above.
Enameled In colors 'nnd will
wear for years. These pins
were secured by thousands of
World's Fair visitors.
Only a few hundred left.
Write Quick.
5IiOILCO. 51. J.OUI3 ;
nil' the flag'
. LORound Trips
South n.nd Southenst , ono tare pluR
St. 1.0'1111' , 1\10. , dnlly. . . . . . . . . 16.60
Richmond. Vn. , Bopt. 8lh to
11lh , Incluslvo . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33.75
PhllOllelphln. I'a. . Supt. 14th
to 16lh , Illcluslvo ; . . . . . . . . . . 32.71i
Long IImlls. slopoverR nnd otltOI'
tealuroB orrered In connection wtth
the nuove raleR.
All Agents can sell you throngh
tlclots nnd roulo YOIl 'Vnhnllh.
All tlelcols rending 0\01' the Wn-
bnsh trom Chl ago CliNt nro 011-
tlonn1 with pnaaonltcr via Lnlc or
Rnll. either or holh dlrectloll .
Cull nl 'Vllhnah City office , 1601
Farnnm St. or write nnd let me
glvo you nli Informntlon. mnps , de-
scrlptlvo matter. toldora , elc.
G. A. 1 > . D. 'Vahnah R. R. . Omaha ,
troublcd with Ills peculiar to " ' .t. _ " -
thclr scx uscd lIS a. douche Is marvcous y .uc-
cculal. ThorouChlyclcanscs. kills disease
ctops dlschargea , heall 1nfiaUllIlatioa germll
lorencss. .
l'ullnc Is In powder lorm to be dissolved In pure
water , and Is far more cleanslns : , healing. Jermul.u : : ; !
and economlcal : than liquid anlbepllcs for all
1"01' calc at drurr.1su , ( , f ) cenls a box.
TrIal Dox and Dook ollnslructlonrs Prec.
"Jllr : R. PilATO" COIolI''I' DOOTON.'UIIIO.
wester" Invtstmtnt and liuaranly Co. . Om ha NI br.
Tl'cum l'h. 271'm. hOlol , tnrnl lJ'd. IIIn''ru. flO.-
000 ; , ; ' : .tolilthny.fJ.voo , Iloop- '
fir , barber IIhOI' . howl II . .11m' , 101 UOOO Iloop'I : 'I
taclory. 101.13.0-0. bult ellsh. 'IIlIIIIUII , tUHlu" .
1'111I1 aud cOliroctiOIl" " ) ' IfOO. Crall : . 1'001 ' hull ,
lilliCh , U'lngroolllll. liW. Huulll Ollllll".bnkury ,
conrucllollcry , rl barn , 1I.0uO. OVlllolJlllCO A.
Impvd. . ' A. J'lalnvlew. 11I11t lice. , 1I1I1'lIIl'n18 ,
118.700 Cruhcbton , 2.0A , IItJnr lown. willur , . A
OOIloACU Dlutrl , Ja. rUltaurnnl , complele. ' D
. .
II I , vroto yon for nllvlco nllil commoncecl
tl'l'l1.tmollt with J' 'llIf.E. . l'lnkbnm' Vego-
tnble Compolllld us 'OI1 dl ctotl , nllil I nll1
bnppy to 8ay U\I\t \ nil tllO O III tl'l.'NIlnFt . 8ym- }
toms loft mt ! RlIII J 1110 1)IHl'(18ltly tbrougb
the Chnllgl } ot I.Jro , a well womnll. 1 ( Un
rI'COmIllOJIIIIII : rour 11101llclll0 to n11 my
frlOlllls.Irs. . Anllio I G. llylnud , Choatol'-
town , Md.
Another 'Yomnn's Cnso. '
"Durlnlt ( 'hnn o ot IIro wonts cnnllot ex-
,111'1'8. , whnt I 8111tcl'l.'tl , My )1hY8111I1I ) 8nlll I
hn ! ! n cnnccroll conllitloll ot the wOlllh. Olllt
IlIny I rent I POlliO ot the tCllthncmlllls ot women
who hml hcn cuml h ) ' L 'IIIIJ . J > llIkbnm'lt
VegolAblo COlllpOtIJlIl , 111111 I dt'dll,1 to Iry . ,
mill to wrt ! ( ! ) .ou tor 61Ivll'O. Your medicine-
mnllo mo well wCHunn , RlIII nil my brul symp-
tolllS soon dlsnppInl"l"lL
"I mlvisoov\ry wOlllnn nt tbls pcrlocl otllto
toke your 1nl'11I'IIIO ntlll writ < ! you tor nd-
vico.-Mrs. Llzzlo lliulclo , 1:31\10111 : , Inl1.
Wlmt Lydln. B. 1'iulchnm'a Vcgetn.bltt
Compou11l1 did lor Mra. JIylnDll 11.1111
Mrs. JIIIIlclo it will do lor o.l1 ' womnl1 0
n.t this time ot lIf/ / ) .
It hns conqucred pn.ln , rcstorNl
health , anl1 prololllcdl11o In caSCR thn.t.
utterly II11.111od physlclutls.
"UMOnS "
. .
Instantly Relieved BliJ SpeadHl
'C red by Oaths with
Soap to cleanse the skin ,
gentle applications of Cuti-
cura Ointment to soothe and
heal , and mild doses of Cuti- . . ,
, cura Pills to cool the. blood.
A single Set , costing but One "
Dollar often cures.
Bold throu hulIl Ih. world , J'ullor DruC and Chem.
Corp.lIu.IOI1Ii J.I'rop , .
grS'DlIor"TIa. Oreat lJlllnor ew. . " l1a11t4J'rae.
. , . .
I ' . : \ ?
i 'If' . ,
( ) rAll un' , OPfNS
INfO 1\1 1ATION [ r' UIIIR 4
In [ leOilnt New College ulldlng.
( jjxli2 ( : fec' , fou" Stodes 1II0h
All depulm.nt. 1'.1/1'lIldlwo IIt'W I. ' ' ' ' . . .dI.d , . . , Au- I j
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
dliOllul. I\lId ' '
, . \ 0)1..11111I. , p' " . dill I nil. In
III1h' ' " " . horlhA/ltI.1' I'uwlIlnlf ' , . 0. . I T.It'lCraJlhy. ; .
. ' . . . , . . . ;
\nyono " 1111111t tur 1l'liI.I. .u wi I 1.0 .nt rrn , .
. . . .
'VIIIU LI.Gllnt "uchneno vr 1'.nllllln.IIII' , Addlu. .
nOlln"Ot 011 nnos . Omaha , Neb. . :