Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 24, 1905, Image 1

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    Statu Ulftt LUJfl\tir.11 10010\ ; ' .
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1' , ' 1' . lI3r.IUIU 1:3"1 : " 'rhel1Irrlc3n
. I' < 'tlpte II" " In bt ! humbulflfl'I" J
hou"l dl lIke In h tlt"'e III th. ! Irulh IIf
, tlll aS Prtlon. Yet th , ' " 1'01,1" all11o 1
) pruve It 'I trulb lu tlwlrl1eall11elllll [ Irav.
I elinlC I1peclacle . . " ,1 < IIl'r ! ! , 'l'Lw rural dls.
Irlcl ! ! l"'peclalh' ar" nlle,1 with these so.
called "Doclors. " "OccullSall.1 \ ! " 011-
IIclan\ ! " who nl3kl' ' 1'00,111\1111 . ( hy 1111'
pO'llnll' 011 Ihe creJullt\ hUll1anlty.
These Quacks are all ICllb tlkl'r : . amI
can convlllce all } ' olle who wIIl1l'2't ! ear.
that tbe listener 10011 the verlCl' IIf blilld.
ness , I have pl'lIlIle vl'llt l11e alll1o'll J i
I wel'kl } ' . who hav ! ! pall.1 \ III0. \ . allit 0'1. ,
en mllrl' , for II'la'l'le. . an } ' localel del tl'r
, o.'d . '
. i : ; i
. . , . . . . " . . . , . . . . . . .
m :
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. . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - -
For Sale.
A block , fine resid nce location ,
will trade for livc stock.
'l'his office for ncat job work.
t' -Broken Bow Abstract Company.
J. C. Moore , abstracting. 2tJ
Insurance that insurcs.
38tf R G. MOOIm.
Dr. 14each , Dentist. As near ! '
painless as possible. .
" . Wagon boxcs for salc. at cost.
See J. S. SQUlRF.S.
Buy your farm and citr prop.
erty of B. W. lllair. 37t
3 Ice Cream , candy , cigars an d
: . tobacco at Mike Scan Ions.
Reneau & Leonard , real estate.
List your farm and city prop.
erty with B. W. Blair. 37tf
W ANTnD-Man and wife capa-
blc of rlmning a stock farm. JF.SS GANDY.
We alwa's ha\'e tIloqcy to loan
on farms. R. G. Moon In Apple
. . . ' / 'Block. 35tf
\ - Tak- p-'l'wo pigs. 1'he
owner is rClu tcd to pro\'C prop-
ertyandpaycost. J. l'AIN. 7.11
Ii'or bargains in rcal estatc see
Bowman & Andcrson , just wcst
of the ecurity tat ank. f
, Lots For Sale i'n Groat's ad-
dition. Secure them now as thcy
will act \'ancc in pricc.
S. P. GROA1' .
Wanted-Oil salcsman at oncc
to canvass the farming and threshing -
ing trade. Fine opportuuity for
\ a good man. Address thc Har-
yey Oil Co. , Clcvcland , Ohio.
i Pealc Sheppard & Co. havc Just
r recehed a fine lot of men's boy's
I and childrens ready made cloth-
I ing. Those interested will find
' it to their interest to call and see
i them before purchasing. We ar
t'l IJrepared to please in quality and
! I prices. . 4Stf
: = i ii : : : :
. -
1 ; ' . 11. Youllg returncd 'I'uesday
fro'11 ' a two \vecls trip cast. .
Jud Kay wcnt to Ansley yes.
terday to look aflcr his political
J. F. Wescott of Comstock , has
his delegation back of his candidacy -
dacy for Couuty tremmrcr.
' 1' . W. Edwards and wife went
to Ansclmo 'l'ue ay morning to
visit their niece a few day .
Mrs. W. S. Amsbcrry and
brother andl i1lie Amsberry went
to Dunning 'l'uesday morning on
a few days \'isit.
1\1rs. Dadd recently from the
Philippine Islands , arrivcd here
last Friday and has acccpted a
clerkship in the land ofiice.
' 1' . II. BayerhotTcr of Custer
township , who has bcen west for
everal months was a city visitol'
Monday. lIe returncd home last
Dr. A. R Downing of Mcrn a ,
was a city visitor 'l'uesday. He
informs us that he expects to go
to Chicago in a short time to take
a post graduate course in medi.
cinl' .
Re\ ' . Pope , pastor of the Gran
Island Baptist church was a city
\ ' sitor ye ter < 1a ) ; . lIe has just
returned frolll a month's vacation
and was here looldug after land
business in which he is interes.
J. E. Ca'enee of Georg-etown ,
was in the city Monday looking
after his poliJical interests. Ile
was given the prilcgc of nam.
ing the delegation of his town-
shIp. He is a candidate for
County treasurer.
Mrs , J. A. Amsberry and
daughtcr Ncllie , Geo. an < 1 Dug
Runyan , and J. O. Jackson of
Mason City , came up Saturday
njght to attend the dclication of
t'hc Bapti8 : _ c"hnrch at Bethel
Union Sund y afternoon. 'rhc\ , . '
returned home Monday on 44.
E. II. Conger , cmba sador to
Mcxico from Iowa , who pcrf rm.
ed uch'aluable sen'icc in the
China trouble a f w years ag-o ,
has tendered his resignation to
thc President to take elfect October -
tober 18. It is g-encrall y be.
lie\'cd that D. E. 'l'hol11pson of
Lincoln , who is now emuassador
to Hrmdl will be Mr. Congcr's
J. S. Smith of Callaway , was
a city \'isitor Monlla ) ' . He was
on his way hOllle from Anslc ) ' ,
where he had becn t he past weclc
attcnding the : camp meeting ,
Mr. Smith informed us that he
had received word from home
that harmony prevailed in the
repuhlican primal' ) ' last Saturday
and that he had b en givcn the
.solil delegation for shedir.
'I'he Christian Endea\'or so.
ciel ' of the
Prcsbyterian church
, . . I
wll1mcet 111 the HlSlneS9 college
next ullda\ ' evening at7 o'clode.
1\1 rs. Dr. Bart holomc w wil1lead
the meeting , suhject , , .t\1ission
Work Among Womer. . t\Irs.
Dadel will give a talk about thc
needs of Missionary work among
the womcn of the Philippine Is.
lands. Mrs. Dadd has ucen a
teachcr there for somctime past
and is able to g'c us interesting
information along that line.
E\'eryuody invited to attcnd.
" -
- - - - -
- - - -
\.l \ Tl .l. ' . ' . _ _ .Trouble\heacl \
I for anrone who deliberately or unconsciously neglects -
( lects the cycsight. Cracked or ill-adjusted , glasses -
\ ses are oiteu wur:1C than nonc at all-willch IS
, certainly vcry Lad. Careful allil scientil c exam.
I ination of thc eye hull thc tiltlUg' of the proper
glasses . . . . .hen ncedell is our spcdalt ) ' . Prescrip-
\ tons ; tilled.
f .
\ ' I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _
'I ' ' . , ' ' " ' . ' -
Optician Druggist and Jeweler.
- - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ . _ h _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- - - - - - - - - - - . .
Ca : : EI.EI.V.A. : . . I. . . . E :
! OHIH-RS : for lIurMl'ry hlllck . of all kln < llllillllcle.l. W. . l1allllll ! only
Huch varlUeH that ha , . bt-l'n ' . .
pro\'eu atol'll'd ! to CUNI..r COli lit ' . I
, . )
Se"l for tlrlcl ! IIht. our 1"ICI'M arl ! rt. lMollabl. . . 1 will hI ! al tbe
COUIlt } ' fair allt ! will take orderll for nun.ur ) " Slock.
Gr. PW. : J ? E ] FI. . : t1'a" S II
. ' - - - - - - ' -
i J. M. l\imberlil1g was a Merna.
II Wh ) ' not g-o' to the fair a Uti I
camp out. You can rent a tent
for $1.50.
W. ' 1' . Cannon and daug'hter
went to Auslc ) ' 'rucsday to at-
te 11d the Carn ivaI.
l1r. Hanna will COIlIC up from
Ansley with his delegation for
him f r Count ) ' treasurer.
'l'he Dixie Carnival ba11l1 will
be enc of the attractions at Uro-
. ( Bow during fair week.
A number of Brokeu How citi.
zeus accompanied the band and
ball team to Anslc ) ' 'l'ucsday.
'I'h" hand bo's and the base
ball team wcnt to Ansley 'rucs-
day morning to attend the car-
Miss Edith Ste\'ens return d
last wcckJrollI her visit to the
western coast. She reports ha\-
ing had a picnic while gone.
S. P. Great , wife and daughter -
ter returned last li'dday ! rom
their western trip. Mr : nroat
reports having enjoyed the trip
\'ery much. .
J. E. } 1'ord president of the
Broken Bow State Bank , arrived
in the cit ) , ' 1'uesday mornin.g
from Ch icago , to loole over lus
banking int rcsts.
We have that splendid Comedy
Company which we had last fall
for the whole of fair week. 'l'he
Arliugton's are e\'en better than
last Jcar. All new plays.
1\Irs. J. II. Kerr of Ansley ,
came up Saturday night.frm .
Ansley to attend the dedlcal10u
serce of the Bethel Union
church in the Holcomb settem ! 'nt
Sunda .
The school board at a recent
meeting decided to have two
session a d:1) ' for the primary
grade the ensuing year , instead
of one sessIOn as ha lIeen the
rule for the past two or three
years. .
Lute Sheppard of the tirm of
Peale.Shepard & Co. has sold hiB
interest to the lirm ant ! retires
from , business. He will go to
Iowa on a'isit for a while. lIe
has not vet determined just what
he will < o when he return9 , but
may remain in thc store s clerk.
Roy 140we who sustaincd a
brolcen leg in a wreck at .Bridge.
port came home last li'riday
morning. While hc was considerably -
ably bruised othcrwise bout thc
body his injuries are not considered -
ered senous. lIe is
along as well as could be cxpcc.
tell under the circumstances.
W. II. Ddilv who has hecn as.
sociated wi"th thc Callaway
Courier and Courier 'l'ribune for
the past two years has purchased
the : 'l'ribune and will assume -
sume control of his new purchase
Oct. 1. Mr. Daily is an exper-
icnccd newspaper man , and we
predict for him succes in his
new enterprise.
Mr. Collins of M1l1 County ,
Iowa who had been up in the
sand hills looking over the country -
try mac'c this ol1ice a frienlly
call Montlay in company with W.
G. r.lcWilliams , a former neigh-
bor.11' : . Collins was not favorably -
ably impressed with the sand
hills uut sp aks vcry favorably of
his il11prem ions of the lan < 1 in
this vicinity ,
Mrs. Willis Cad well and a number -
ber of young people of the Bap.
tist 8unday school went to the
South Loup Monday for a few
days outing. 'l'hey got there
just in time to get the benefit of
thc hcavy rain and wind storm
that \ ' sitcd that locality Monday
evening , but word was received
from them 'ruesday that they
wcnt through it without auy
damage except a good wetting.
I4cslic Wayne Kcttle , the
youngest child of Mr. and Mrs.
J. P. Kettle , died 'I'hurstay Aug.
17 , 1905 , aged 1 year 7 months
and 7 dtys. : Little Warne was a
bright little fellow ant ! the pride
of the homc. lIe was taken sick
suddenly and almost before loving -
ing hearts realized it he was gone.
His last act was an expression of
lov. , for his parents that willlollg
dwcll in their memory. The.r
I have the sympathy of a large
circle of friends and neighbors.
'rhe funeral scrvice was conducted -
ed from the U. B. church this
city b ) ' the pastor , RcL. . L.
, D. V. Jop1er has the backing
, of the. Kllfoil delegation for
'Count ' ) ' treasurer.
If there is allything new that
money can securc YOU will see it
at the County fairw this ycar.
! i''e thousand dollars is heing
cxpended in putting on the
Custer County fair this ) 'ear.
A heavy wind accompauicil the
rain on the South T40up Monda\ '
night. ' ! 'he rain fall was an incil
and a half.
A six feet cement walk is being
laid west from thc Sccurity hank
corner this weelc. Carlin's crew
of men are doing the worle.
Isaac Deardorf of Mason City ,
was a city \'isitor 'l'uesda ) ' morn-
ing. IIc rcport ! > thcy had a
heavy rain there Monda ) ' night.
S. P. Great has re-opeued the
Globe Hotcl and will remain in
charge until a desirable tennant
can bc secured. Ir. Great informs -
forms us that he will add a number -
ber impr9vements . and put thc
hotel 111 tint cla .s shape for the
public. .
Ray Armour returned Satur.
day from Ann Arbon , Michigan ,
whcre hc has been attending' law
school for the past two ycars.
During his \'acation he has been
caU\'assiug in Southern Indiana
and 111inois. He will return to
school auout the middle of Sep-
Notwithstanding the fact that
Broken Bow will he the gayest
town in the country during its
night carnival , an assurance is
given the people that thcre will
bc no rowdyism tolerated. 'rhe
throwing of rice , flour , corn meal
ctc. , will not be allowed. All ita
shows arc clean , rclined und.
moral , nOllc others will he toler.I I
atcd. . ,
llesidl's gi vi ng ver ) ' Ii bem }
terms t hc Hasting = , Busincs ! College -
lege will give one lII\ntll tria } to
auy dcsirin it ' ; ' , cl'rl.a l1l ) '
Recms lil ( a I\ery fa 11' ' , , " ( 1 lion.
'I'he school is rl'cglti l'd c\'I'r ) ' .
where as a lirst.cla s in..tilutioll ,
It i\ a rare opportunity' ' fo\ \ ' those !
intending to go to a Busin ss
College- One will ha\'c a chance
to test the merits of this SCIl.l01
hefore ath'ancing the wholc tuit.
A. 1 r. } i'erg-c\"on \ ! " from the
upl'rintelJlellt'.un tc at Alliance
arr1 ( ! in Brolcen Bow 'l'ue llay
to rcli\'c J. C lhllwy , Ia Y telc.
graph operator , wlJ'a l < ct for OJ
vacatiun of three weele's. IIc
witl'islt his pareltts at Anselmo :
for a wcelc ancl thcn accompany :
his brothcto \ Mason Cit y , Iowa ,
where hc will remain' another
week , anti fWIII there will .go to
Milton , Iowa , 10'isit a sistcr ,
Mr . P. E. I usscll. lie will thcn
go to Omaha ancl from there wc
trust hack to Urolcn Bow , hUl
onr fcars are that hc is looldng
for and has thc assunlnce of
"higger game. " .
Brolcn How Will Do II.
Broken Bow is ellth a , 'uri ngto
out do itself this year in lhc way
of entertaining j the l' 'tlpl ( ' at
night during thc fair wcd , . The
Dixie Carn'al Compan ) ' has been
secured through the assistance of
thc Imsiness mcn of the city , alltl
a mamll10th cal'n'al will be on
cach night during fair. weck.
This company carries upwards of
c\'enty.l ve people and will put
on a large .111mber of shows ,
platform acts and free attradions
during fair week. 'l'heir own
el ctric light plant will illumi.
nate the street with hundreds of
'l'hc big' program consisting of
splendid racing events , base ball
games and dozens of first class
attractions at the fair { , rounds
during the day and a higcarnival
up town at niJht will certainl } '
make the fair more attracti\'c
than e''er.
. Prof. Thomplon the lIigh Diver.
Prof. Dana 'l'hompson , 'the
most noted high d'er in Amer.
ica ha1 ! been contracted with to
be at Broken Bow during f"ir
week. Ill' leaps from a laddl.r
nincty feet high iuto a tank of
water fonr feet dcep , this is a
thrilling event. ' 1'he exhibition
takes place in front of the am-
patheatre each day of the fair.
I Exhihits have already been se.
cured for some of thc best of
I Custer County's blooded cattle.
You canuot atTord to miss the
County fafr this year. It will be
a humor.
, - - .
. - -
Wheat Drills
. .
. . . . _ - - . . . . . . - . . . _ r .L- _
IU1\'O jl1l't l'l'ceived n elH' of King' 5
I Coulter JrillR , nl80 It enr of , t.ho . .
Hunkm' Htnte .Low-down PI'eRs Dhw
.lhi II. .l boug-ht tl1PHl < hi Il d it'cd
fl'om t10 ; } fnctol'Y alHll n n w II t.hom . fet ,
I about the In'ice till' ether dlHdl'l's buy .
tlH.'IH for. . '
10 Disc low-down Drill "S65.00 J :
And gllnt'ant-eo it to : be one of tlw ; best
d I' lis HInde. , r )
. . . . . , . . . . . . , , .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r-
- - -
- - -
C I"J ! i n
:1It"r " , r . I
Lp -
' -
. -
An interesting list of Southern
Califoruil property to be cxchun.
'gcd for property in other stutes ,
together with vicw ami des.
criptions of San Dicgo the mmlt
del i gh tful rc\itlcnce ! spot in
; America , mailed for stamp.
Wn.I,18 CA1 > W1U.T. , Co. f4t'd ,
llrol\Cn now , Ncbr.
BIWKltN Bow , Nehr. , Aug. 18 ,
1905.-1'0 whom itmt : \ . conccrn :
As my wifc , gmlllll j. Slliph 'y
has left me and ol1r ollle t chilli
r4al1ra without cause or pro\'i-
cation , T will not he l' spom\ihle
( or any dchtg or contract she
muy male. J. P. SlII1'f.tty. "t
Dilolution Notice. . .
'rhe l l'm of Peale. Sheppard
Co. has bccn dissol\'cll , It. 14.
Sheppard retiring. J. N. Peale
Co. wilt continuc the husiness and
\ iIl ' . aSSl1lllC and pay all ob-
ligations. J. N.
Threlhinlf Machinery.
'l'he Geiser 1\1 f g. Co peerless'
mtch : i nery for sale. Partle con.
tel11platillg pu'cha : ing will do
well to ' . sec me.
S. M. DOHHIS , Agcnt.
- -
Lct ns he YOllr printer. 'l'hc
g-ooll Idiul of priEting' only.
1\1\ : ' 11I:111 mvo'q IIlh hhnRl'1f allil 1I1 falllily
tclllla II'rl 1rIIIt'flr . , . . .fc..lfllI , HO'lIllh" ; III ,
1.1:1\ : " : II\'rll"I'III1'1I1 flf Ih. , . . .1.1till' ! " ' ' : -'h..I..f . . .
'l\'IHI\lhy. ' III 1111..1"11' ' " :11,1 " 'arll h. . . . . . "a..II\ '
a } 'fllllllf lIIall fir ' 1 a II ) ' 1II:1 } ' ICoHn h''irrilph ' } ' : ,
hl' aH lIrltl : I II0Hlll0II ,
w _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ . . . : ! "
Registered O. I. C , UoU's
. . . .
CIIAS. 'J' . " 'RIG ! ! ' ! ' , llrokcn lIow , Neh.
- -
- . .
.r- -
. .
- . ,
- . , , , . . . .
: I At Th Old Sta1d.- ;
* } ,
: H : .
i u. . O. 1.1 U T TON.
t City Shaving Parlor
* } v I { ' \0 \ UII\ \ ) ' " , "rl , th:1lll1 :
'Ik\ . Ihn h'HI : lIl1lirllarlll'
" ' .I" " It'l' pllron. . Ihn luql 1'"HSlhlu
"cnlcl''lIl1r. . . f"r III1HIIIU..H.a
* >
. c. w. W A H L .
* } . J
We herchy Ilcgirc to cxprc g
our sincere thanle to the fri 1111H
who so Idl1ll1y assi"H d u in thc- ' . . . .
illllcss and bnrie1 of onr darling
little Wayue , ahm to the fricrllls
who conlt'iblltell the b auliful
, MH. and Mw ; . J. P. KW1"l'T.H.
Farm Loanal
We are prepared to clO ! C loans
on impro\'ed farms 011 ghort 110t-
icc , at spcciall } ' low rate : ; . , . ' -
JhtNl\AU & f41toNAHD ,
( , -t { llrolen'lIow.
For Sale.
A stocle farm 01 enc section of
lal1l1 , allllnc1cr fcnce , HO acres
lI11ler clllth'ation with impro\'c-
mCllts halaucu pa' tllr , hay lanl1
and till1h r , threc miles north al1l1
half milc east or Walworth , for
$12 an acrc. Half cash and hal-
; \l1CC on timc to suit purchaser.
G. GU\'I.H ,
If Walworth , Neb.
lVe } < ccp a full linc of lcgal
hlanJs. Come in when lleedinK
an'thilllr in this line.
- -
- - -
- - -
T the Houso.wivos
TIIH pil'klillJ-t sea"OIl is III hall.h YOllr gnal lIim III PllllillM
"Pllickl.s 1111I1 Iltccn'c" : , ill fllcl 1I11)'lhilll ill lhc fnlll
or v'gclllhic lillC , is lu huvc lhcm nicclcnt \ :11111 l'alul lhlc ,
J rO'VV ill ' 1' ' " OlJ Do ' 1'11 aL 'f
, -
II ) ' hll\ill ) 'onr Sliic'R 111111 , 'Ingl'gllr of liS. I'IRIU : ; Spicc'll1tlll .
PI , ' IU Vlllcgar will 110 lhat fur YUII , It will mlkl0111' : pick It's
1IIIIIIHcst-n'es \00 \ pCI' lcnL : hdler Ihan h ) ' hllyiug'l\IllIlecr.llcll .
Dpiec ! ) Ulli'jncgar. ! . Nol IJIII ) ' Ihal , bUI pure IIpicc'l : flill vincgar
orc t'hedler Ih.U ! IIlluhcraled good : ; . I' or htll1111 bu ) ' pure spi.
CISIII \ } \'inegur of us.
- - . ' , " - . . . . . - - . . , - - - , - -
Pure Ground Glovc ! " , p r } { Ih. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Cents
Pure Ground Allspice , p r H Ib , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Cents
Pure Ground i\1uHtanl , per J4lh. . . . . . , . . . . " . . . . . . . .10 Cents
Pure Ground Ginger , p r } { . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cents
P lre Uroul1ll Ci1Hl1l101l , per Ill. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Cents
Pure Ground : "ace , per 1 o . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . .10 Ccnts , :
Pl1r White t\lu' tard Seerl , per ; i lb. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . .10 Cents " ,
Pure Celer ) ' ei'd , per } { Ih , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Cent , i
Pure Pi ldlng Spices , per ) Ih. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Cents :
Ijure Piclding Vincgar , p r gallon. . , . . . , . . ' . . . . . . . . . ,10 Ccnts . ;
Pure Old Cidcr Vincgar , per gallun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Ccnts
Wo also have allldnlh , pur w\101c \ Piclding' Spices.
. - \ , ,
I '
J. C. BOWEN. '
. . . :
. .lIre 01. . 'l'HA . . . . III . . : . - Nnrlh RIln , '
"Int-Ilnr '
' .
- " - " . . - , . " .
, , . , . , .
, ,