Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 17, 1905, Image 2

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    f- ' . , I , "
. .
.y D. M. AM..lftftV.
aaox.c aow. - . NJIlmAIX !
- -
I News in Brief I
Mrs. Nelllo Grant Sartorls nnd not
dnughter nro tourIng 1\Ialno In an nu.
Mra. Nelllo Grant Sartorls nml her
dnughter ere tourIng 1\Ialno In nn nu ,
Former Congressman Jolm Dough.
erty Is deall at his homo In I IIJort ) ' ,
1\10. , ageel 48 yeara ,
Edmund J. Jnmes will bo Instnlled
president of the UnIversity of illInoIs
during the thIrd weole In Octoher.
An nttempt wns mndo to assasslnnto
1\1. Stolyplne , the governor of Snrntoft ,
Russin , while ho was drivIng. Three
fihot ! ! were fired nt him , but wIthout
SImon Gl1m onhom ! , worth $11i,000 , .
000 , nnd ono of the wenlthlest men In of ColO1'ado , al ono lhllo conducted -
_ od n 1Itt10 shop tor t.ho sale of em-
brolderl'R nnd Inces In Phllndelphln.
At VaMostn , Gn. , sentence of death
was IJ sBed upon J. G. Rawlings , Mil.
ton Hawllngs and Jesse Hawllngs.
The date of oxecuUon Is September
William Cl1mhaclc , tormor lIeuton-
nnt governor of Indlann , nnd well
well Icnown as nn nuthor , pollticinn
and lecturer , dIed nt hlB llOmo lu
lrIeensburg. :
Germany nnd others powers , hoforo
ncceptlng Invltntlon to IJI1rtlclpation
In the conference over Morocco , dO :
mand advance Information regarding
the programme.
J. Howard Larcomhe , the ono-tlmo
associate of the railroad Itng ! , Tom
; . , Z Scott , amI of Andrew Carnegie , the
Iron master , Is n clorle In the pension
, office at Washington.
r1 The Unltel1 Stntes manngement of
1. the State Flro Insurance company of
t. . Llvorpool will 1.10 transferred to Jas.
i 1 H. Drewster , and now will bo mnn-
I { . : aged from Hnrtford , Conn.
'rho Kentuclty Slate Donrd of
' . ' ,1 Hea1Lh Im.1 Ileciliod not to estabilsh
a quarantlno ngalnst southern clLies
In the yellow fever zone until the alt- .
: uatlon becomes more serious. I
: . '
Lnnd haa been purchnsod In ChI-
, cngo for a new passenger depot to
; talm the plnco of the Dearhorn street
, , station , the hUlldlng nnd termInals
to cost about $1liOOOOO to $2,000,000.
Simon Guggenheim , worth $1IiOOO-
: . 000 , nnll ono of the wealthl.est . men In
" the stnto of Colorado , nt ono tlmo
conducted n IIttlo shop for the sale ot"
ombrolderles and InceB In Phlladol-
; Allan Howard , for 'enrs a business
man of San I"ranclsco , devoting him.
Belf chiefly to the loaning of money ,
Is an ahsconder. lIe hurried to Hon.
duras several days ago from New Or-
A pollco canvass of the voting lists
of Phllndclphla develoPQd ncarlY 32-
' / 000 bogus names on the registry. A
\ sUbsequent canvnss by unofficlnl people -
ple produced a total of 70,000 spoole
. .
AI1vlces received from Nome , by the I
sten.mer Ohio , state that the people
of Nome ! \.rO up In arms against tha
government officials and their alleged
nctlons In filIng upon valuable minIng
The monthly statement Issued by
the dlroctor of the mint shows that
the tolnl coin ago oxecutCll nt the.
mints of the United States durIng
July , 1905 , was $75,000 In sliver half
At St. . LouIs whlJo In the nct of
trImmIng n coffin In a coffin.malt1ng
cstabllshment , George Disch , aged 49
years , an employo , wns sUlll1onl )
strlcltcn ti"'ad nnd t011111ed over Into
the coffin.
An armlstlco wlll 1.10 declared by the
pence plenlpotentlnrles as soon as
their credentlnls nro approvell at the
openIng of the conference , nccordlng
to Almar Snto , Dnron Komurn.'s
GO\\Jrnor Decltbam of Kontucly hns
honored rt l' uIRltion of the governor
of California. for W. H. Buchumm ,
under nrrest In Loulsvl1lo and wnnted
In Redlands county , CalifornIa , on a
charge of ( orgery. - .
The members of the ParIs munlcl-
pnl government have accepted an invitation -
vitation to vIsIt London In October ns
guests of the London county council.
DurIng the vIsIt they wlll hold n spe-
clnl busIness meoting.
The French government BOmo tlmo
ago expressed a wIsh that the bones
of French soldlors who died while
prisoners In the Frnnco-Prusslan war
should bo returned to France. Emperor -
peror Wllllnm has ordered that this
be done.
T. 1\1. Casey , cashIer of the dotunct
Snlmon & Snlmon banle ot Clinton ,
Mo" who has been out under a $8,000
bond tor torgery , wns arrested undOl'
four charges of rocolvlng deposIts
when the bnnle was Insolvent. The
doposlts aggregate $4,200.
Promler Dalfour gave II. luncheon In
the House of Commons In honor of
Senntor LOdge of 1\tassacl1Usotts.
Isabel Cowan , a prett . 1 [ i.year-old
gIrl In Now Yorle CIty , tearIng anger
of her taster moUlel' , lived two months
In the llU l\c \ parIs , subsIsting on
stray bits ot bread.
Whent vnlues docllnod on clenrlng
. weather northwest nnd Improved
northwestern crop prospects.
Secretary 'raft and hIs party were
guests of Gooneral Terauchl , Japaneoo
mInIster ot war , n.t a luncheon find
garden party In the famous arsena' '
JtardDl1 In Tolcl .
_ J
Commercial Enterprlscs are MakIng
Heavy Drains on This Famous Show.
Place-Its Tremendcul Electrical
Power the Inducement.
Nlagarn Falls , August 7-Thl1 :
\'olumo of water being diverted
from the historic Nlagarn Falla ls. .
reachIng such proportions that the
people at the Slate are tryIng to pass
laws which will prevent the posslbll.
Ity at n practical wIping out of thIs
subllmo natuml spectnele.
Wnter sufficient to develop nearly
tlvo hundred thousand horsepowllf
continuously , twellly-four hours pel
day , for Industrial IJllrposes , Is now
beIng talen from Iho river above th
I.'alls , nnd further developments re.
qulring marc water are conlomplated.
Prohahly Ihe largest user ot the
electrIcity 11roduced hy the waters of
the mIghty rIver Is the concern whleh
by the five or six thousand degree
hent . of the electrlo turnaco brings
1I111e .and'colte Into unwilling unIon ,
thereby producIng whnt Is Imown as
Cnlclum Cnrhlde.
Dry calcIum carbldo is lIteless as
so much brolwn rock , but In contact
wIth water It springs Into activity nnd
hegets abundantly the gns Acet'lene.
The light rcsulUllg from the Ignition
of ncotyleno Is the nenrest nppronch
to sunlight Imown.
'fhcGO facts , though of comparatively -
tively r.ecent discovery , were soon
seized by men with an eye to the commercIal -
mercIal posslhlllties and to-day cal.
clum carbldo Is I.wlng shipped every.
where and used for dispelling dnrk-
ness In buildIngs of nl1 descrIptions ,
from the ordInary barn of the tarmer
to the country vl1la ot the weaHhy , ns
won as tor lighting the streets of n
largo numhor ot towns. Acetylene
can bo eaullY nnd cheaply InstaHed , I ,
and the manufnc "ro nnd sale of
acetylene generalors has become n
business ot recognIzed standing , has
nBstlmed largo proportions nnd Is
steadily growIng.
Soldiers as Beeer Testers.
The ' ( oHowlng order WIUJ Issued to n
: ompany of garrison artll1ery at Alia-
bn.bnd , IndIa : "Tho ( oHowlng N. C.
D.'s and mon will report then selves
:0 : the qunrtormastor.serg ant tomor-
: ow , Juno 1. at' 9 a. m. , for the pur-
ese of testing beer nt tbo supply and
trnnsport go-down. TheSoe N. O. O.'s
md men will bo hold strictly resllonsl-
) l IUltl liable for the beer selected ,
md will have to pay for lUly beer that
hnvo to bo "
nay . . returned.
Contents of Fish's Stomach.
A female pllte , thirty-two IneheI In
ongth , whIch , vo.s caught on Barlon
3road , Norfone , England , sarno tlmo
IgO , when opened wns found to can-
nln tw roaches , measuring seven
nches o.nd four inches respectively ;
: wo plecees of wire , nch eIght inches
eng : two stool spanners , two leeys , ,
vhlch were tied together : II. portion
) f a Baw , a frngment of Iron , Md a
) Ieco of a spal\ner.
Beautiful Savages ?
Women moro nearly attaIn the stat-
Ire of men among savnges than
'mong cIvilized races. Our nthlotlc
roung Indies , with freo-swlnglng
, Imbs nnd beautiful , clear , penetrnrt-
Ing voIces , ns Mr. H. G. wens do-
.crlbes thorn , ma ) ' , nftor all bo II. ra-
Sound OB a Dollar.
Monticello , MInn. . Aug. 7th.-1\Ir. J. !
W. Moore of this place stands as a livIng - I
Ing proof of the fact that Drlgbt's Dls.
enso , even In the last stages , may be
perfectly nnd permanently cured by
Uodd's KIdney Pills.
Mr. Moore says : "In 1898 three
reljlutablo physIcIans nfter n careful
examination told mo thnt 1 would die
wIth Drlght's Dlsenso Inside of a year.
My feet and nnlcles nnd legs wera
badly swollen I could
; hnrdly stand I
on my feet and had given up all hopes
of getting curell when. a traveling
lIalesman told 1110 thnt ho himself had
been cured of Bright's Disease two
rears betore.
"Ho snid ho had talten to hiS belt
and expected to dlo with It , but that
ho had been cured by n remedy called
Dodd's Kidney PlIIs.
"I commenced talelng them nt once
ILnd 1 nm thanlful to say thnt they
saved my lito. After a short treat.
ment 1 was completely restored to
good health nnd I am now ns sound nl
a dollar. "
Metaphysclans cnn unsettle tblngs
but they can ereet nothIng. They cnn
pull down a church , but they cannot
build II. bovel.-Cecll.
To the housewife who has not yet
become ncqunlnted with the new thlngl
at everydny UMe In the marltct nnd
who Is reasonnbly sntlsl1ed with the
ol.d , we woultl sug est that II. trial 01
Defiance Cold 'Water Starch be madf
at once. Not alone because It Is guur.
anteed by the manufacturers to be su
perlor to any othcr brand , but because
each 100 paclmge contains 16 ozs.
while all the other ktnds contain bul
12 ozs. It Is safe to suy thnt th la(1)
who once uscs Defiance Starch w1l1 use
no other. Quality and qUI\I1Uty must
Duy whnt thou hnst no need of anll
ere long thou shalt 8ell th ) ' necossar-
- '
f3 .OO 1I0r M. r..owls' "Slnglo A ; dor. "
stmlght 50 clgal' . cot : : ! the doalel' some
lUore than ether , lie clh'1U'S , but the higher
prlco enables this faotory t9 IIS0 hlhor !
grada tobacco. Lewis' li1\ctory , 1)oorlul1l.
The pnth to perdition Is lubrlcatot1
wUb. smooth tnlle.
Try m" jUtJt once and I nm lum tc
comQ 1lJllln. De1ance Stkrch.
. . . .
- - - - -
- -
, . . . . . , . . _ " " ' _ . . . UKWW" " ' "
. . . - . . .
Whllo other Southern cmen and
communIties go Into spasms of frIght
when yellow feyer breaks out In Now
Orleans , the Crescent City Itself re.
mnlnB quI at , writes James 8. Evnns In
the Chlcngo American. Epfcomlcs
do not frIghten her peoplo. Aniong the
old famlllos of her po.rlRhes , the
germs of such scourges ns now exIst
In thnt Innd of sunshlno tbro\V Into
panic newcomers and the foolish wen\e
only , Old.tlmers do not have fits.
FrIght , as they Icnow , kJIIs moro pea.
plo than the tover docR.
In one of the epIdemIcs t.horo 3ust
after I had become n. reporter on the
1'lca'nne , I met dnlly at Fnbacher's
restnurant the Into Lesllo Dab , a nnt-
Ive , nnd Harold FrIsbie , who recently
had como from Dos ton. When the dIsease -
ease wns at Ita heIght. al1l1 the rattle
. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . _ _ ' -Y . , v . . . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . - - - " '
.gUy hall , t New Orlcilna. - , r'rench QlAart1ao _ of Cresre'nt Cltv. .
- -
of bearses over cohblcstones s me-
times drowned our conversation. Frls-
bie would sUddenly burst Into tears
nt the sIght of a coffin.
Ho could not. , get away , for al1
nues of escape hnd b en closod. .An
ho could do was to remaIn and suffer
-spend sleepless nIghts In antIcipation -
tion of nn attack. One day Bob was
mIssing. InquIry told that he had the
tever. Ho took care of hImself , nnd
In a fortnlsbt wns out on the streets
The three of us were stnndlng In
Bayonne street , near Canal , ono after.
noon when of a sudden Frlsblo turned
paie. In a moment more ho was shiv-
orlng. Bob escorted hIm to 0. 'seat In
a drug store and cal1ed II. cab. Dilt be.
taro ho could reach his rooms hln
sIghtless eyes were . . .fnr apart and hi's
lips were pulseless. He had dIed In
twenty mInutes from sheer frIght.
This Is just nn In.stance of what tel"
1'01' will do.
Now Orleans Is quarantIned by nl1
the Southern St tes now. Ono cannot
go In or como out by rnll on this sldo
of the river without passing through
MIssissippI. That state , ns Is usual
In yellow fever pnnlcs , loses Us snnlty.
People go wUd. All trnflJc Is suspended -
ed ; railroads cannot aul pnssengers
for local poInts out of Now Orleansj
dirt roads nro guarded by armed constables -
stables ; the feeble and slcle are left to
take care at themselves tha best they
can. ,
In such epIdemIcs the of
deaths duo o ether causes tbo.n yel.
low foyer Is Infinltoly greater than It
every door 'In New Orlenns were
thrown open and every yellow fever
suepoct Invited to wnne Insldo nnd sit
The fever Itself , to bo sure , Is not
hnrmless. Dut It may bo rendered
nearly so by clean surroundIngs. In
Sagua Ill. Grande , Cuba , 0. superIntendent -
ent of n Bugar plantation by tbo name
of Hugentabler told me that In six.
teen years ho had never lost n case of
yellow fever. The remedy was II. half
tumbler of castor all n.nd the juIce of
two lemons drunk down the Instant
ono telt the chill coming. Then the
patient was Itept In clean beds and fed
on drlnls contaInIng no nstrlngents.
In forty.elght hours the danger was
In the infected district of New Or.
leans , around Iho French marleet , the
sun's rays go strnlght Into the filth
piles. The Itnllan quarters are provo
erblal ! ) ' unclean. Arabians , Turls ,
the poor l rench , negroes nnd ArcadIans -
Ians lIve together In rags and seem
to grow tnt. The streets are nnrrow ,
the houses old , vegetation rank , water
's ' stagnant everywhere , the sewers
r above ground , cisterns are open ,
fruits 0.1'0 . permitted to rot In the sun ,
mosquitoes swarm 1\ : nil directions.
And yet that part of New Orleans Is
the most historic nnd heroIc of the
mnny quaint nncl Inlerestlng corners
of that remnrlmblo city. The ! \.rchl-
techno , the thoroughfares , the gnr.
dons , the language , the toad , all Is
French. The people 11..0 among tbem-
selves. They arc as foreIgn to the
Amorlcan part .ot New Orlenns ns
Drocltton , Mass. , Is. None of them
gets beyond the Cann.l street line In
the Engllsh-spenltlng sections. They
lIve In Creole fashIons , 1110 In the unl.
versal way. They do not Imow , never
will know , It seems , that cleanlln-ess
Is next to gOl1llness.
The strlc1\On dIstrict Is In the heart
_ .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - c ; nt - . : Y-S-b lety.- - - - -
In ohl 1\IonfJelicr there still fiour-
Ishes a I\1ulul\l benefit friendly so.
clety , under the tltlo of st. Palth ,
which has an unhrolen history datIng -
Ing bncle to nbout 1220. Statute hooles
laUng ! to 1G02 are stili presorvell ,
nnd they are lwlleved to be but 1'0-
lroductlona of stntutcs In f'reo a
century 01' two earlier , whIch w ro
bU1'l\od during the civil , wnr of the
sixteenth centur ) ' . During all these
centurlos the soclet ) . bas never trolled
Its members In cas" of slclmells , In.
jury , or Infirmity
Jack.on Sq"arc , 8cen of LOIII.tan. Tra' . ' r.
l JkIII.P.NJIo ; ; ; \ Ir/ . . . . -.r-.J' " . . . . . " 'l12"JY " _ , " " In . . -'tr- . :
- ' -
. .
" -
of the Mafia regIon. Vcndettas'lmve
gone on for centurIes.VoodooIsm Is
as populnr ns ever It was In the olden
times of Cadiz n.nd Tangiers. Male ne
goes nnd Italians and French continuo
to wear rIngs In theIr ears , amolee' -
garettes , eat garlic , drInk brandIes ,
play cards , visIt voodoo priests and
read strange boolts. The old cathedral -
ral Is In theIr midst. Jaclson Square
-a bIt of green and attrnctlvo wood ,
the river front and the forests of the
Ingoons behind them , are theIr places !
. of recreation. On St. Peter's street , I
where there 0.1'0 cases of fever , two
houses stand that were constructed
when Nnpoleon was at Elba. They
were built that the Emperor mIght
como there and live. Loyal Frenchmen -
men organIzed to rescue him , and
brIng hIm to New Orleans. But the
scheme fell through. The two houses
were bought that he mIght his
choIce. Doth still stand. In them are
garlic , spaghetti , peppers , dried fish ,
cognnc nnd nbslnthe glasses. The
buildIngs are painted yellow , and rats
as bIg as dogs have nests beneath
theIr fioorlng.
In 1888 a sporadIc case of fever ap.
peared at Jaclson , Miss. In twenty
hours there were five persons only left
at the cnpltal. These were the steward -
ard nt the Edwards Hotel , II. man
name"d Julian , manager of the Western -
ern Union : the agent of the l111nois
Centrnl railroad , Dr. John Hunter nnd
the watchmo.n nt the Stnto Treasur.
er's office , Policemen and sherlrrs ran
lIke the balance.
Wh9n 1 got off , a traIn on the day
following at 11 water tank two miles
south and wnlled bacle I could not see
II. living soul as I loolwd up brand
Capital street. Houses , wIth doors
wide open , were empty. The people
left In box cars , on foot , In ox wagons ,
In drays-every means of transportn-
tlon were employed.
They coult ! not travel east. Towns
In that direction had guards nt the Intersection -
tersection of every road. They were
armed nnd would shoot at the least
provocation. Vlelsburg to the west
was quarnntlned ; New Orlenns to the
south ; MemphIs t the north. ChI-
cngo , Cincinnati ant ! Now York caught
the half-crazed refugees and toole are
of them.
Trains had not stopped going Into
N(1W Orl(1nns. Dllt comIng thIs way
_ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ .n _ . _ u
the car door ! ! are 10cltel and no one
may dIsembark south of the . OhIo
river. The rlsle of trying It Is too
great. Shot guns , in the hands of
recltless m.en gleam terrIbly hi the
l1ght of the sun and In the soft shadows -
ows of the stars at night. '
Meantime New Orleans Is building
sewers , netting cisterns and destroy.
lng , the best way Imown to sclenco ,
the pestilential mosquito. Some day
there w1l1 be no further need for
nlarm. Really there Is little cause for
o.larm now.
Years Have Been Plenty , Though
Users of Whisky and TobaccC ?
Two men far beyond the scriptural
lIml" of ngo contradict In a 'startllng i .
wa .IO'Ie claim of total abstainers ns.
to ha } ts. Charles Goldsmith , II. res-
Ide t nen. ' Baltimore , will be 90 years
I . old In Ocl..oer , but he often walks five
'miles ' or more wIthout fatigue. Ho
says thnt the reason for hIs unusual
i vigor Is tbat sin co n boy he has been
: an Inveterate smoleer. He has never
smelted cIgars or cigarettes , but cherIshes -
Ishes nn old corncob pIpe , which he
calls hIs Ufe preserver. 1\11' . Goldsmith -
smith has been accustomed to drinkIng -
Ing nlcohollc drlnls , but always with
moderation , nnd ho thInks they are
tieneficlal If used moderately. Brooklyn -
lyn Is the homo of Josiah Zeitlin , who
lately celebrated hIs 100th bIrthday.
To these desirous to reach hIs nge hIs
nnsWlr"ls : "Drink II. lot , and drlnle reg'-
ularly. 1 wm d' beendead twenty
years ago had 1 follow.ed the doct r's
n.dvlco and stopped drlnlc1ng whIsky
and beer. Don't give doctors a chance
. to work on you nnd you wllll1ve all the
! longer. " With an his senses In 1'0-
mo.rko.bly . fine order , the old man steps
ns briskly o.s one IIttlo more' than halt
hIs age. In the courSe of II. day ho
tnkes II. dozen drInks of whls-
Iy nnd beer , meanwhile smoking many
clgare ttes.Exchn.nge. .
Lowell's Generous Benefactor.
The Lowell , Mass. , general hospItal
has receIved trom Fred rlck FannIng
Ayer of New York a gift of $50,00'0.
ThIs mnltO $200,000 whIch Mr. Ayer
hns gIven to the hospital. He has
given , to Institutions In Lowell more
than $500.000.
. - . - ' - ' - - - - - -
= - - c , , f
I Clty- : I
. . . . . . . . . qUarc a " ' - d - Stntuc - - . . . - - - of - - - - - - lIn - - - -
Larcest White SapphlN
What Is bellevell to be the largest
white sallphlro ever discovered has
just been hrought to Derlln by M.
I I1cllpmer , n. Germnn engineer , who
has resl ell for many ) 'cnrs In Dmzll ,
whore ho possesses severnl mlncs. Dc-
toro cutting the stone weighed 1,250
Imrats , but a fiaw caused the clea\'ago
ot ' \ pluco weighIng 400 Imrnts. 'l'hls
pIe co will. produce n cut siano of 100
Imratfl. Thnt cut from the larger
pleco tlghs 418 knrats , Is two Inches
long and one Inch. nnd 0. half wille nd
, - . . , . . . .
- - - - - -
- - - -
- -
Touts Are Dlsappearlt'tJ ,
I " "ho racelracle tent has seen hI ! !
hest day , " said a man who goes ro
the races occnslonnlly. "A few yea1'l
ngo , every tlmo I \ - nt to the tracll
I'd surely meet fi\'o or sIx outs whe
\Voulll size mo up fClr nn ( 'nsy marlc ,
ImowluJ ; full well that J wns not 0
regular. I ha\'o b "n to the races sov
eral times tbls senson nnd not once
ha\'o I hoen npproacbed. I rnther
mIss these .
gooll.thlng finders , for
they cortnlnly ndl'lod " 0 my enjoyment
-they were Rune. cageI' and chea.tUl
11 aNI "
. . . . . , . . . _ " " . . . - . . _ - - - - - . . _ - -
, . . . : '
I" " ' . - - - - . - - ; '
, , ' { J''f
, - " \ " : ' ' ' . 't. :
. 1
A woman sees a hat or bonnet InI
mlllll.1cr's window. It Is In the lates . . "
style , so she determines to have thai
hat-or one just like It , / . . , ! !
No use tb try to dissuade her-she " : . ' ;
wnnts that kind of a hat ! No otbe.c- " "
will suit her. ,
There she displays her w1ll power
nd probablY docs the same wltb .
everything she buys tor hersel ! or her
family. 8ho makes , as It were , a fern. . . .
Inlne "declaro.tlon . ot Independence. .
Is it not surprising , theretore , to fine !
Borne few women who still o.lIo\V . thell' "
grocers to choose for them In Imporl-
ant matters 111m foodstutfs ?
In spUe of the fact that grocers as . . . ; , " .
rule have long ago realized the ncces.z
sUy of entering to their customer . _ _
rather than their own desires , ther $ , - ; - . '
are still a few of the other kind left. . .
who show a marked Inclination to persuade - .t j.
suade customers to take whllt they do
not ask for , or desire.
TaIte Lion Cartee , for Instance , the
leader at 0.11 package cortees , an estn.b.
lIshed favorite for over twenty-five " .
years In millions ot homes , on o.'ccount .
ot Its absolutely pure o.nd . unlorm.
quaUty. ' .
Wouldn't you thing It Imposslbla
that a single grocer cnn still exist who . . . , : ' , '
. . .
. would oppose such an Invincible argument - , " '
ment ot merit , by tl'ylng to persunda. ' .
a.customer to buy loose coffee In pret- . , " ' . ; '
erence to :1.lon : ; Coffee ? 8"
Loose coffee has no standard quaUtr . ' :
-nobody can guarante. , that It Is > ' : ' ! , f" . :
even clean. . . . . , . . _ . . . .
Of course , real1y Independent ane ! ' : - . ;
Intelligent women Imow this , and s : . . - '
do up-to-date grocers , but I ! women ' .
were as particular about coffee as . . .
about hats , no kind ot rrrocer could 1 > & ; . . , . . . . \
without Lion Corree. ' \ : : ; ; ! '
. .
The ordinary load for 0. camel If ) " ; /
[ rom nIne to ten hundred pounds ; ; ,
Important to Mothers. . . - . ' " . .
Examine carcfully evcry bottl ot CASTORfA. '
a Bafo And Buro remedy tor Infants nod chll ren. ,
and Bee that It
- -
Slgnatnre Denrstho ot # Jf'-.I----
In Use For Ovcr 30 Ycars. ' .
The Kind You UIlVO Always Bought. ' .
Mnny fatal blunders are due to that n' - : .
' " ' '
belief that frIendly advice 'was not. l' .
entlrely disinterested. " . ; '
. ,
, . j . . : : . . : " , ; ; , -
When Your Grocer Says , : I" "
"J "
he docs not have Defiance Starch , yo . :
may be sure he Is o.frnld to Iteep It . ; . . "
unUl. his stacie ot 12 oz , paclmgcs aro- . - ' . . : " " : , , ' "
sold. Defiance Starch Is not only bet- - ' . : w .
tel' than any other Cold Water Starch , . ' . " , JJ
but contains 16 oz. to the paclmge anll ! ' . ; .
sells for same money as 12 01. , brands . , . , . : . \
. .
The world isn't any worse than it . . " : : . . , '
- -
was when you were young. Yo 'vOo : r-
. ' - , , '
merely got onto It. . :
, '
FAItMS FOR RENT OR SAI.E ON CRO ' . . . . . . . '
payments. J. MULHALL , Sioux City , Ia. \ , : - - :
. ' , . - . : '
. :
. ; : ,
"Shoddy. " . . ! : ' , . , r , . ,
"Shoddy" Is a term that may meant' , , : . : : ; . . ; .
severn ! thIngs. A pIece of goods has : ' " : ' : ' : "
shoddY In It when the matel'lnl se > , . : : r ; 'i"
used -Is scrap materIal from the best - . : ' # ; ; . " ' ; .
tn.110r shop , pulled to pIeces , twlstelt , , , : . : ( . ; "
anew Into a new yarn and woven Into. ' . . . / ; - '
i\ . new cloth. Also a pIece of goods Is > 'i ' ) .
shoddy when it Is made from th&2" : ; ' 'i
poorest of old woolens plucleed te > . , . ' ,
fibers n.nd made over'Into a cloth that.
w111 hardly hold together.
The Truth of It.
Says a GeorgIa philosopher : "You
can't outrun lightning , you can't growl
as loud ns thunder , and you' can.t .
make the sun stand still when th9. . ' .
gas Is out , so there's no sense at aU . .
In spendIng two-thirds of your lIf& ' .
: worrying nbout It.-Atlanta Constltu- . .
I tion. ' :
I , ;
All Chips of One Blo k. (
Mr. S. Sparkes , who has just dlecl . .
at Uffculme , Devon , England , was
Manager of II. local woolen factory for . ,
sIxty years. HIs father and grand. r
fnthor were with the same firm befor9
Mm , n.nd hIs son has now succeedecl
him. . _ .
\ r
While pursuIng 0. mouse , Mme. Do- . : ' .
latour of Paris broke through the floor " . . : ; :
of her room nnd found In the hole a. " . - . , \
brass box conto.lnlng gold coins of th9 - : ' . ; ;
va 1 ue a f $1 , 000 . . . . . . . t . , , fJ : i- J . '
" ; : " '
. ' -
Technleallties nre whnt the lawyars . _ : ' - , * : .
fight < ? ver when the evidence Is lImit- . - . ' : ; , ( ; _ '
ed. ' '
. 'r "
. " ' " "
'f :
- : , : , } ; ; ' 1 ,
- . , .
Ij- :
C d
ompoun. ' . , ? f ' ; ; , . .
' -r ; 1F . : . '
Interesti . : .
, : . ; : : . : 7 , : ' :
, ' ; ; \
. .
comes ! - < > life when the body f cls ' ' b' ; .
the dehclous glow of health '
. , vigor . . \
and . ,
. 1- .
. ' . , ; ; : :
" ' '
That 'Sense " _ t' "
. . . '
, .
of vigor In the and easy- , . .
poise of the nerves comes when.
the improper foods al'e cut. on , , . : . - , . ; "
and predigested , : "
. , )
, , , . .
. ,
G ( tt. .
rape /f't. .
" '
" '
. : .
' , " . '
j ; "
N t ' : , - . * ' "
u s - _ . , ;
. . "
' ,
take their place. . . ' ,
I , : , ; , ( .
' . , . .
If it has talcen yon years' to MIn. 1.
down dou'texpecfono mouthful of' . : :
this -reat food to tlriug' 'ou back . ' . ,
( for It is uot II. stimulant- a. . , ' , , ' . . : . .
' .
Rebuilder. ) _ ' ,
" , .
10 days' trial shows such big ro < ' ' \ , " .
suIts that one l : ticlcs to it. ' ' - ' . '
: ; - -I't.
"There' Re"son " . . / , . . . . .
. a
" . " , '
'Y' '
, .t ,
Get the little boo1c , liThe Road t : . :
We1lvllln , " In each phil - # '
: . - ; ; ; ! '
= .