Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 17, 1905, Image 1

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' L\bt taa 11 socle\1 , , . . .
111' ; ' " " 1
Stt\to \ ,
. . . . ' .
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; J I
; I
V'I' ,
' . T. lIarllllnl Galli : "The Anll'rlcJn
J . IIi'Olllellk\II he hlllllbllllllcI" We "hollhl .
dlRUkro 10 " . .lIe\'e III 'Ihe trllth IIr thl" a" .
" . .rtlnll. Yet the pcllple a11l1ll"t prove 1101
I truth In their trea t lIIen t ortm ' 1'1'111111' IIptC :
tacle "ehIlH" . The rural , URlrlcl" el\ ; '
, , . . ,
clall ) ' are nlle,1 wllb tlll''e IIocall.,1
, 'UoCIOI or. " "Occull"t ! ! " allli "Outlclall'l"
who makl ! a IIII0d IIvllllt' II ) ' 111I110141111 ( 1111 J
. the crellllllty or hlllllalllt ) ' . 'l'he"l ! ' 1IIacI'R
: ueallll'lIb talker" . : allll can cOllvllice : lny
one whu wllllfive ear. that th..IIRtelier 1'1
un the vrorll'U of bllndne" " . I ha'e l.eopl < 1 J
vlllit 'lIe allno"t weelll ) ' , who ha'epald $3
$10. and ohell ' . ror , ' '
lu . morl' ilia" " " : an\
located . .r llMh for SOc to $1
t-M. : J
.4It e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. .z m m
M M mm S SmM
, . - - , _ .
- -
For Sale.
A block , fine residence location ,
will trade for li ve stoete.
Broken'Bow Abstract Company.
C. Moore , abstracting. 2t1
'f I'nsurance that insures.
38tf R. G. MOO1ut.
, . . . Wagon boxes for sale , at cost.
Buy your f rm and city property -
erty of H. W. Blair. 37tf
Ice Cream , candy , cigars. an d
, , tobacco at Mike Scan Ions. .
I Reneau & Leonard , real estate.
' ir' List your farm and city prop- I
l Jr erty. with B. W. Blair. 37tf
W ANTlw-Man and wife capable -
ble of r'lnning 21 stock farm"
We always bave money to loan
on farms. R. G. Moore 111 . Apple
Block. 35tf
Ur. Leach the dentist will re
fund money if work is not satis-
factory. tf
I -i Taken Up-'wo pi u's. ' { 'he
' \ owner is requef > ted to pr ve property -
erty and pay cost. J. SPAIN. 7-11
I I For bargains in real estate sec
! Bowman & Anderson. just west
" of the S curity State ank. . 10tf
. Wanted-Oil salesman at once
I to canvass the farming and threshing -
ing trade. Fine opportunity for
a good man. Address the Har- ,
. rey Oil ' Co. , Cle\'elan < l' ' , Ohio. ,
'l'he officers of the Broken Bow
State Banle endeavor to promote
( 'h ' interest of their customers
along whatever lUles it is practical -
tical for them to do so. I-tf
. Peale Sheppard & Co. have Just ,
received a fine lot of men's boy'
and childrens ready made c1o\h- \
ing. ' 1'hose interested will fiml
, it to their int rest to call and see
' " , them before purchasing. We are
prepared to please in quality and
j' prices. 48lf
f . ,
- -
[ : : : IN : : : J
- "
Leland I-4ewis has secured thl'
school at Anselmo.
Mrs. Joy 'I'horpe went to Elk
Creek last Ii'ridito , see her
mother , who is very sick.
. WiiI is Cad well and wife rct rn-
cd Murday mornidg frum their
visit to Denver and oth r -
ing points in Colorado. . .
Leslie Clay of Ansley , who had
been attcnding the camp meeting
at , Lincoln came up on 4 L l'riday ;
morning rdurning to Ansley the
same day on 44.
H. E. O'Neill of Omaha , ar-
rh'ed in the city last weele alHl is
spcnding his time in recreation
and inlooldng over his banking
interests of tHe count ) ' , in which
he is largely interested. .
M. r . Cannon atHi wire : are rejoicing -
joicing over the arrivel of a son
in their home on the 15th. Grand
Pa Cannon sa's he i a ten'poun-
der and he thinks he is one.of the
fincst boys in Brolen Bow.
J. N. Smith of Ask Creek , who
was a sociai caller at tbi office
Monday reports that his winter
wheat averaged 3 bushels to the
acre. He got ( ,4 L bushels machine -
ine measure off of 20 acres. It
tests 62 pounds to the bushel.
, .
Mayor Applc , C. H. Holcomb ,
J. G. . Haeberle , A. E. Anderson
and J. G. Leming- returned from I
Dcad wood , . where they had been
looking over their mining pros-
pects. 'l'hey are \'ery fa\'orably
impressed with the new develop"
ments. .
IF. M. . Cu.rric informs us that
/ ' - " "
his I u'orse 'sale Sa urday was
quite a success. He sold all the
horses hc put upfor sa.l at priccs
that left him a fair prot t for his
investment. 'l'he sale amounted
to o\'cr $3000 , and the cash receipts -
ceipts were lOOO.
Among the number of those
that went to Ansley last Friday
from' here to attend the camp
meeting were Mrs. G. II. 'l'horpe
and daughter Lucelc , Mrs. W. B.
Aqlcy and daughter , Mrs. C. U.
Cox , l cv. Chamuerlain and wifc ,
l . G. Moore , Will.McCandlts3 . :
and I ev. Geo. P. 'I'rites.
lnatitute Clolel.
On Frida , ) ' August 11 , closed
one of the most successful sessions -
sions of the. 'reacher's Iustiulte
e\'er held in this county. 'I'he
a flernoon was g'cn up to an
address b ' Prof. Groner
, ) on Agriculture -
culture science f llow d hy far -
wcll addresses by the instructors.
In behalf of the teachers and
facttlly , Prol Monroe presented
Sup ! . 14ewis with a mttsic cabinet -
inet , tablc and rug as a toleen of
the high esteem in which he is
held and the appreciation of qe
treatment received at his hand.
One who wa there.
_ un. _ . _ _ _
I' . .
I , There's Trouble Ahead
. - . . . - - - . - ' - - - . - . - - - . - . - . , , - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . .
- - - - - -
for anrone who deliberately or unconsciously neglects -
lects the eyesight. Cracked or ill-adjusted glasses -
! ses are oitcn worse than none at all-which IS
certainly very all. Careful and scientific exam.r
ination of the eyes anti tbc fitting of the proper
glasses when needed is our specialty. Prescriptions -
tions filled. .
- - . . - - - _ _ _ . . _ , , . 0- , - . . . - . - , . . _ . _
; - - - - - "
Optician Druggist and Jeweler.
. .
. ,
- - - - -
- - - ' - - - - - -
" C E : ; Fl.RV.A. . r. . . E ]
Ii\t ORPRJtS for nursery stock of all kinds liolicted. We hallll1e
. only snch'arittea
\ that hnve heel1 proven 1\lloptCllto
, Cnster connty. Send for price list , our prices arc reasonahle.
. Gr. . : PEa. : . X1'JS.
A Snap.
We ha\'e just recch'ctlilnother
car of American lIog fcncin ! on I
which we will hc IIhle to ma\e \
1'cr ) ' low prke for the next
30 da's. Don 'tmiss this it will I
sa\'c ) 'on monc ) ' . I
Harvest now 011.
G \'c us ) 'our order for Deer.
ing nindcrsRIlI11\Iowerl. : Don't ,
delay too long , } 'OU ma ) ' not get
one if yon wuit too 10n
Twine at 10 cIs.e
In the Internntional Side
Deli\'cr ) ' stock we hll\'C the bcst
RIIII slrongest string ontllc market -
ket , it will IIp ) 'on gooll to see
it : Dent miss this before ) 'OU
Kevstone and
AClne 'Mowers
At tbe flow Price of $36.00 : I
G. W.
. . Apple.
. - - . . . . . . .
Wesley Mottinger of Elton ,
made this on ce a-friendly call
Ju ge Gutterson returned JCs-
terday morning fr rn a husiness
trip to Deadwood , S. D.
1 . N. Bishop of Gates , was a
city visitor 'l'hursday. TIe n 'ade
this o11ice a friend 1) ' call.
JesSie and 1\Iamie Apple r -
turne 'Saturll y nigl t ( OIlV
Mason City where they had' been
\'isiting se\'eral days. .
Rev. P. J. Spraler and'Rev. S.
II. Aycrs will holll a tcnt meeting -
ing in Mathews grove at New
Helena begining August 24. All
are cordially invited.
J. S. Smith of Callaway , wife
and children passed through the
city Saturday 011 their wa , ) ' to
Ausley to spend a w ek at tl e
Apworth I4cague camp mecting.
1\1r. Smi t h made this ollice a
social c ll.
Miss Sadic Whitchead , Mesdames -
dames W. S. and D. 1\1. Ams-
berry of Bwl < p'11 Bow an 'J.1\1.
Ll'odge of Ortello , went to Mason
Cit , ) ' Frida. } to attend the Sun
da , ) ' School conntion of the
south-east quarter last Ii'riday.
Hev. E. Ii' . Jordan of Sioux
li'alls , S. D" presidcnt o'f the
Baptist college of that place waS
a city visitor ) 'esterday. Ue had
been to Grand Island atul was on
his way to South Dalwta. He
left here this niorning on the
west bound , train.
'I'he Orgollian of PorUanll , puh-
Iished unday a.t , PorUanll , Oregon -
gen , g'es quite an extcll\ivc :
write up of thc Nebraslea exhibit
at the' Lewis & Clark cxposition.
Nebraslca is credited with having
thc hest exhibit of an ) ' tate east
of the mOl1otains and that more
, people from N bta : k have.regis-
tered than from any other state
cast of the mountains. O\'er
3600 ha\'c rcs-istered from this
Franl ( Searson of Georgetown ,
returned fast : -aturday from a
two week's'isit in the \cinit ) '
of Aurora , Illinois. lIe report ! ' !
the crop prospects poor there from
the lack of raln. lIe says the
people there are hecoming vcr ) '
lUuch interested in Nebraska ,
since hearing of the big crops.
He thinks that a large class of
renters there w.110 are paying $ (1.
00 and $8.00 an acre reut for land
would greatl ) . iU1prove their
Circumstances b , ) ' coming to Central -
tral Nebraska , where they can
buy land with the rent they pay
there in two years.
Jasper 'Vallace of West Union , '
was a cit ) . \'hitor Saturda , ) ' -
maining ov r Sunda ) ' .
Mrs. 8 , II. Heed of Arnold and
son were city \'isitr 1I'ridI : ' .
'l'he l nI'Unr.IcAN acknowlcllges a
s cial call from Mrs. Reed.
I The race track OIl the fair
grounds is now in excelh llt con-
flilio.n and a large numbcr uf hor-
are in training for the coming
fa i r.
. Supt. J. G. W. Lcwis and his
brother Garland went to T-4exing-- J
'ton ycsterday to sp nd a week at
the session there
this and next week.
1'hc count ) . fair , this year , will
h\ve : , the strougest attractions
cvcr : 'aeen in Central or Weste1'n
Nebraslm. If there is anything
"u w you are sure to see it at the
'fhe school exhibit at the
count ) . fair , tlus year , will he a
Very strong one ; a numL.lCr of
schools'.ve alread\ ' sent in ex-
1ibits which- were 'arranged before -
fore the close of the spring term.
Frank Pre more of Walworth ,
al a welcome calleratthisot1ice
Monda , ) ' . He reports that his
father who was here a few weelt'\
go for medical treatment is very
f luch improved in health and i
now ablc to work. , ,
, U. \Villiams amI wife of
Tabor , .Iowa , hag bcen in' the vicinity -
cinity for the past weelc visiling
thcir daug-hter , Mrs. W. G. Mc-
Wllia1U { just ea t of town. 'l'he , ) '
Idt this morning for Sheridan -
dan , Wyoming , to visit a son who
residt.s ill that \icinity.
Rel l tl\Vafl ( Wateeham of Dcn-
mark , Lee Count ) ' , Iowa , who i
'loolling.ovcr the , ti lds..oL..Merua.
and Arnold with thc view of 10 :
catillg as pastor was in the city
) 'csterday on his way to Arnold. .
where he will preach in the Bap-I
tist chur h next Sunday mor ting I
aud .
evcnUlg. I
Judge C. L. Gulterson went tolD
D adwood the tirst of the wee Ie
to look o\'cr the min1l1g' flrospccts
in whkh there is conshlerahle
excitcUI\nt just now. 'l'he H.Jt-
PUIHJCAN hopes that ollr citiz\1H ! ;
who arc interested may reaJize
their highi'st anticipations in
thcir investments.
J. A. Haney of Mason City ,
fowa , arr'ed in the city yesterday -
day morning on a visit with his
brother J. C. IIaney , day operator
at the . & 1\1. depot anll his ptr- :
en ts at Ansclmo. He is associ. .
ated with a merc'andlc firm of
Mason Cit.r antI has not seen his
relatives here for five years.
M iJs ! 1\1 inn ie Sti nman of Calla-
way , who was attending the
'l'eachers Institute made thisoOicc
a business all last 'l'hursday
morning. Miss Stiuman is one
of Broken Bow's high school
graduatc's and is a fine ctlOlar
and sl1ccessful1eacher. She will
teach near h mc the ellsuing
A land conte : > t occupied se\'eral
days of the U. S. T4and OOice of
this city last week. It was a
case in which George Iteady of
l\Iilburn , had contcsted the ad-
I ditiunal homestead of Wright
Rankin in Blaine county. Mr.
fankin having had a homcstead
of H.O acres undcr the ohl law
sought to increase his land inter. .
ests by filing on three quartem
"f " go\'ermnent land adjoinillg his
original homestead , in compliance -
ance with the prov ! lions of thr
Kinlcaid section homestead law .
A number of witnesses on both
sides were e at11inect to ascertain
the true status of.the case , At this
writing the local otl1cials have
, not passed upod the case but let
'I the decision be as UHt ) ' , the probabilities -
. abilities are that the case will
be carried up to Washington for
final judgmcnt.
- - - _ , - _ _ _ . -0/ " . , \
Wheat Drills.
- . . - . , -
- "
- -
hn\'o jn l ; 1'1'e'e < 1 n rm' of ! .King 5
UonU'OI' .Jl'illH , nhm n elu' 01' t.he .
HucklH' Rtnto : Low-clown PI'ORR DiRe'
nl'ill. , 1. bonglit UteRO ( hi lis d i l'lJet
fl'om t.1w factOI'Y : and nnn soil t.hom for-
nh01lt : the pl'iee t.l\l . \ othoa' : denlol's hllY
them for. .
10 Disc low-down Drill $65.00
And gllnl'l\lltl' \ ( it : to : qP one 01' thllWRt , : .
chills mudo. 1
. . , . . . . . .
- - - - - - - - - - -
' "
- -
C .i n
. "ur'I" ' . I
. ' - i Ull --iaI
Dr. Pennington Resents the Implicl1tion.
Dr. Pcnnington authorizes 1I
to state that he h nova \ ' is rcs-
ponsible for hi mimc appcaring
in the llcacon last wcel ( as a candidate -
didate for Cor > I1er on the populist -
list ticlcet. lIe resents the implication -
plication that he is a populist
as he docs not afliliate with tha t
party and further he is not a candidate -
didate for Coroncr on an , ) ' ticleet.
For Sale. .
'l'he II ucmon t 1\1 an c'l 1 ar1l1.
Georgctown , Ncbrasler. .
'One hundred aerc ! ' , bounded on
South l ast by the South 140up
.lUroe " , , _ Spritfg Mc . dow , , well
wo . ded ;
I igh t roomcd hou e , a 11 ou t
buildingH , stuhling 1'0 ( ' 8 h rscs ,
Ahundant water Ulld wind-mill.
[ 'ruit hearing trees , etc.
1)-10 H. IL HUN'I' .
Threshing Mllchinery.
' { 'he Geiser 1\1 f g. Co. peerless
1l1ach i ner ) ' for salc. Pa rUes con-
tcmplating pu'chasing will do
well to sce me.
S. M. DOIWIS , Agent.
Lct liS he ) ' 0\11' p1' 11 tcr. 'I'he
good kind of printillg only.
I''r : ) ' lI1allI''R It ' " hlll1ReH alll hlR fJmlly
IlIlIIaM"'r a tr.hwr "l"IIr , " "IIIII. He.llillon III .
Ilia ) ' : \llvl'fll "IIII'1I1111 the . .Ix Mllr'lll ! HchlllliR IIr
' 1''Io'ural'hv. IIIIhlM I'IRIII ! ! :11111 1\\1'11 \ . hilII' l'a II ) '
a ) 11111111 lIIallllr 1.lIly ilia ) ' Il'arll W"'II'fal.h ' alill
hI ! alRllri , I a 1"10111,11. ,
w _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ 0. _ _
Registered O. 1. C , Hogs
CIIAS. 1' . VRIGII'l" IlrokclI 1I0w , Ndl'
, "
t.At Th O d St nd
* >
i ? . L
' C H )
} . O. HUT TON' .
* > -
City Shaving Parlor
* } \VI ,10 nil\ \ ) ' WIllie thallR
J.L\ . till ! hlRI 1IIIIIlIIlran. :
Jf'.J' ' ' ' ' ' 1'Jlroll" Ihd 'I ! t 1' " Rlhll !
" 1r\'lc . Y"lIr. . rUl' IIn IIIl' . : : J
* >
c. W , WAHL.
* }
, - .
Farm LOl1nsl
We . , are preparcd . . to . close " - , . . . . , : . IO\l1R ; : . -
on unproved farll1'1 oil shurt' " 'nor- .
ice ; " t 'slcciall\O'I\v rate - " - - , : . . . . - .
HHNHAU 8 : f lt NAlm ,
( I-tf Brokcn Iow. !
- ,
f-4os'l'-\Vcdncsda ) ' fOl't. nool1 ,
:1 : , : > luewhel'c bctween titc Ilcl'ot
and Con Cannon's place , ladie'g
pOLkct hook , with chain hat lle ,
t onlainillg ahout S24. li'imfcr
will he r wardcd for Hs returll.
' ) .11 l\L1 S. P. 1 . f-40GUI .
For Sl1le.
A stocle farm 01 one section of
lanel , all \II\dcr \ fencc , H.O . acr g
IInlel' cllltivation with impro\'e-
men ! ! } halanCl pasturc , hay laml
al1l1 l mhcl' , thrce mile 1I0rth and
half milc east or Walworth , for
$12 an acrc. Half cash :1I111 : balance -
ance on time to SlIit pnrchascr.
U. GU\'I.H , . '
tf Walworth , "Neb.
\Ve lce.p : : a fl111 linc of le al
blanls. Comc in whcn IIceding
an'thing ill this line.
- -
lT oll'lth-e- ' US WI sl .
H l' 1'klin IICn"OIl is nt hanll. YOllr greatllilll ill 1'1Ittllll
TIf up Iickle : ! 1111I1 plclcrve ! , ; . ill fart 1\1'thlll \ ! : iu the fruit
\'cgelllhic IiIlC , is tll 1I:1\'C : thelll like , IIcal 1111,1 ,
. .IIo'vlVill ' ' \ ' ' < > ll lo - - 'l.'l1nL , ( f ,
I1y 11\1\ illJ { } 'Ollr Rpic. . . : ! IIIHI villgl'gar or WI , l'lItUU Spices 01111
l'URH VIll gllr will do tlllt : fur you. ItiII make } 'Olll' Iickt , , ! )
111111 prcs..n' : i 100 per CCllt heller thall by hll'ill ! 1"llIlterntccl
pplccsalHl gar. Not olll } ' thtt , but pur apice.'IIIII' 1 \ incgar
lIIe phcaper Ihull flllnlteratcli gootla. ' -01 hellith 1m } ' pure. : spi.
c ! and vinegar of n 1.
. _ 0 . " ' . _ . _ _ . . , _ . . _ , , _ . _ _ . . _ , _ . .
Pllre GroLJIul Gloves , per H Ih. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 C nts
Pure Grounll' J\l1 plLC , l'Lr M Ih. . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. . . .10 C nts
Pure Grol1nllustard \ : , pcr M Ih\ \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Cents
Purc Ground Ginger , , per M lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Ccnts
Pure Grol1nd CinallJon , pcr ) ; J hoo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Ccnts
Pure Ground . "ace , per I 01. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10C nlR
Pure White Mn ! > tant Seed , pel' Y. Ih. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \0 \ Cents
Purc Celer , ) ' SC d , per Y. lu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Cent
Pllre Pkldln ! Spices , per M lh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \0 \ Cents
Pllre Piclc1in f \ ill gar , pLI' ! gallon , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 CCllfu
lIme Old Cider Vinegar , p r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CcntR
\ \ _ al : O have allldnd pure wllole Picleling' Spices.
. 'ur. , ( Ut ) THAU" . . . . . r : , . . . .t'llor II\OK \ Nnrlh'IIL N IIOW. ! ' ! N IIH.
M HK - -
, " . , . - ' " , . . .
" - - ' '
. . : -