Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 10, 1905, Image 3

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    'I' ' ' . . J , . .
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Dow . Woman ' ' ' 'n. Fr..ecl from Troubte.
That llatll\ntt. , Lito VVretchlld tur
! laliT Tearl ,
Tbe Immedlnto enuses of hendnohel
YIU'y , but most of thom como from poorer
or poisoned blood. In anrolUia the blood
Ia Bennty or thin ; the nerves nro Imper.
feotly nourished nnd pain Is the way in
, which they express their woaknos . In
r colds the blood nbsorbs poison from the
' mucous IwInccs , nnd the polson irritatel
' ' ; the nerves nnd produces pain , In rheu.
. ' 1 , ; , ! f1 } " mntism , 111alnrianud the grip , the polson
.0 ; : in the blood produces like discomfort. In
Indigcstion the gnses from the Impure
mntter kept in the system affeot the
blood in the snmo.wny.
The ordinnry headncho-oures nt bes'
give only tempornry reHef. They den den
the pnin but do not drive the polson out
of the blood. Dr. WilHnms' Pink Pills
on the contrary thoroughly renew the
blood nn(1 the pnin disnppcars permn.
. DentIy. Women in IJ rtlculnr have found
these pills nn uufnUing relief in hend.
. aohes caused by auromia.
, i. . " . . . , Miss BtolIn Dloclcerrecently snid : uDr.
WilHnms' Pink Pills did 1110 a great denl
. of good. I hnd headache nenrly nU the
timo. After I hnd tnken three boxes of
these pilla I beenmo eutirely well. "
. . ; U How long hnd you su1l'ered pIt Ih ,
I. . . Will askod.
" ' , . , U For scvernl yenrB. I can't teU th.
! ; . , " tlxnot date when my illness began for n
; ; ' " r CRme on by slow degrees. I had boon
, / < = . going down , hill for 111any yenrs. "
" .
: . . . . ' . II Did yon have any ether nihnonts 1"
, \ . . II I was very weak and sometimes IhAd
. \ , , fover. My llver and kidn ys were nf.
iJ ! : . . " ) , . feoted as well ns my head.It
. , , " 1 , . . How did .
: " you como to tnke the rem.
( . " ' . . - , . : " , ' . : edy thn.t cured YOU 1"
' ; ; . , . : i' < < ' 1 II I snw in a lIonthern newspaper a
( "
. ; ' etatomontof someporson , vho wns cnred
( . of alike tronblo by Dr. Willinms' Pink
: \ " , ; : . . ; : " Pills. My physician hadn't dona mo nny
" . n , good , 110 I bought a box of these pills.
" , After I had taken 0110 boxIfolt so much
, . { " bott r th t I kept on until I becnme en.
. t1" . tlrely well.It
\ MillS Blooker B homo iB at Leander ,
. . . Louisiana. Dr.Williams' Pink Pills nre
laId by all druggists. Besides headaoho
they euro neu'ralg1n , sciatica , nervons
prostration , partial Imralysis nnd rheu.
! : latism.
Mythical Healing Qualities.
Many plants acquired a reputation
, h. . . Cor healing from their
. ' merely shape
- ; 'f
or from some peculiar marle upon
them. Thus the wood sorrel , which
hna ,1. heart-shaped leaf , was used In
a cordial : dragonwort was supposed
to counteract Imake ! bite , on account
of Its speckled appearance. The yol.
low juice of the celandine caused n
to be recommended for 'jaundlco ' upon
the prInciple that "IIke curse like. "
Small Boy's Mixed History.
Around the great striking figures. .
of history the small boy weaves curl-
OUB answers. "Moses's mother pitched
his muo cradle within and without.
with pitch and left him there In the !
pool of Blloam. But wlwn the daugh.
ter of Solomon got the green leaf from
the dove she hastened and brought
teed convenient f r him , and the babe
crowed thrice and 'grew up In her
courl-Century Magazine.
Every houselceeper should know
that If they will buy Defiance Cold
Water Starch for laundry use they
will save not only time , because It
. never aUclcs to the Iron , but because
each package con.talns 16 oZ.-one full
pound-while all other Cold Water
Starches are put up inpound packages -
ages , and the price is the same , 10
cents. Then again because Defiance
Staroh Is free from all injurious chem-
Icals. If your grocer trias to sell you
a 12-oz. package it is because he has
0. stock on hand which he wishes to
dispose of before be puts In Defiance.
He knows that Defiance Starch bas
printed on every package In large letters -
ters and figures " 16 ozs. " Demand Defiance -
fiance and save much time and money
and the annoyance of the Iron stick.
Ing. Defiance never sUclcs.
When a man tells his wife he has 1\
surprise in atore for , her , she hopes It
Isn't a basement bargain.
FREE-62-page copyrhht book , "Advice to
Vlctlms Great White PIIl ue ( 'l'uberculosls. ) "
Dre. VGn Hummell , Oli lith St. , Denver , Colo.
Rat In His Strong ox.
M. Aumont , a BOlglan farmer , bas
committed suicide owing to t11e loss of
valuable securll . Rats gnawed their
way tbrough a wooden deed box and
destroyed the documents.
Insist on Getting It.
Some grocers say they don't keep
Defiance Starch. This Is because they
have a stacIe on hand ot other brands
. containing only 12 oz. In a package ,
, . . wblch they won't be able to sell first ,
beclluse Defiance contains 16 oz. tor
the same money.
Do you want 16 oz. Instead at 12 oz.
tor same money ? Then buy Defiance
Starch. Requires no cooldng.
The want a ! worthy motive bas
caused many a scatlng down in the
value of a seeming service.
Dr. O. S. Wood cures RU11ture by
I . a new process , In a few woeka , with.
. \ 1. out loss
. > . .J \ of time or Inconvenience.
' . Rectal diseases cured without the
. . Imlfe. Send for circular. O. S. Wood ,
: M. D. , 521 N. Y. Life DIdg. , Omaha.
! :
Death bas evidently traded his pale
/ : nrse for an automobile.
I Defiance Starch Is guaranteed biggest
' , \ ! 1 best or money refunded. If ,
f : ( ounces , 10 cents. Try It now.
' DIessed Is the sorrow that curell of
. selfishness. .
1r 1
r . . '
: . ' .
" f. Ji , . . ' . -
, .
They buriell Ute gunboat Benning. I
ton'B dead at Snn Diego Sundny.-for. ot them-In a common grave
In the little military bur'lng ground
on the promontory of Point Lomn.
All about them lie those who died in
the nation's service In more trying
Umes. Gra'estones , yellow with age ,
hear tbe names of men who dlell at
Monterey , In the l\texlcnn war : oth rs
who gave up their life In the conquest
of California , who followed Com mo.
. . , Q11
Commander Young.
dore Stockton at old Sau Pasqual , or
who wore the blue In the civil war.
Army and navy paid their last trib.
utes no less sincere thnn the grief of
the representatives of pence From
Fort Rosccrans came the 116'th com.
pany , coast artillery. From the city
of San Diego the nnval reserves , from
the Unlversnl Brotherhood's home on
Point Loma a compnny of Ichald.cllid
representatives , and from the goveni-
ment ship Fortune a dozen sailors.
But the most Impressive body of I
mourners was the fifty.two men from
the battered Bennington. Beside these
there were hundreds of clvillans who
brought their offerings of fiowers to
Iny upon the graves.
Besides those burled at San Diego
there are cleven more bodies In the
morgues awaiting shipment to relatives -
tives , and there are twq bo-dles still
In the fire room of the Bennington ,
mnltlng the total sixty. There are
forty-nine wounded fit various hosplt.
als and there are sixteen missing ,
maldng the aggregnte of victims 125.
Of the injured at hospitals seven or
eight are expected to die.
, I
Accident Seen from Shore.
Brolcon and bl clccned , with her flag
fi 'ing at hnlf mast , her hold filled with
fiftcen feet of water , the United States
gunboat Bennington lies beached on
the shores of San Diego harbor.
Sixty of her crew lay dead at city
morgues , the fate of a dozen more Is
as yet undetermined , and three .score
are stretched upon1beds of pain In
various hospitals.
This Is the result of the explosion
which wreclted the trim little navnl
craft and wrought such terrible hnvoc
among her crew of 192 officers and
men at 10 : 10 o'clock on tlie morning
of July 21.
The Bennington at the time of the
accident was lying In the stream just
otr the commercial wharf at the foot of
H street. The warship had received
orders tram the Navy department at
\Vashington to sail for Port Hartford ,
where she was to meet the monitor
\Vyomlng and convoy the vessel to
Mare Islnnd navy yard. Steam was up
and everything was In readiness for
sailing when suddenly and without any
warning whatever the starboard for.
ward boiler exploded with a deafening
The explosion was terrific. People
standing on the shore saw a buge
cloud of white steam rise ahove the
Bennington. Columns of water were
hurled Into the air and for a distance
of nearly twice the height of the spars
of the vessel.
At the time of the accident Com-
Im81111er Lucien Young nnd Surgeon
F. E. Peck were on shore. The two
om cera , as soon as the ) ' lenrncd of the
dlsnster , hurried to the water front ,
Wh l'o Commander Young Imrnedlntel ) '
to lc charge.
On board the Dennington were 11rc.
sented terrible scenes. The force of
the oxploslon hall torn a great hole
In the starboard side of the ship , and
the vessel was already commencing to
list. A section of the UPl1er deck was
carried nway trom stem to stern.
Blood and wreclC ge were dlstrlbut.
cd ovcr the entire ship , the after
cabin and tile vlclnlt ) . of the ship ad.
jacent to thc exploded boiler resem.
bllng a clmrnel house. O"er It aU
hung the grent cloud of white smolce ,
which drifted slowly townrd the Coro.
nada shore.
Commnnder Lucien Young said : "As
to the cause of the explosion I cannot
say anything , because I do not know.
Whnt I do 1m ow is that the dam ago
waa caused b ' an exploding boiler or
boilers. The crown sheet of bolh ! ! ' B
collapsed and the boiler hend blew out ,
brealdng through the steel bulkhead
separating It from boiler D , the other
mnln port boiler Immedlntely aft.
Boller D was forced bacle , the crown
sheet collapsing and bronldng down
the steel bullchead separating It from
the fire room. Ever ' one in the firo.
room at the time was ItlUod. Three
bodies arc now pinioned down by the I
collnpsed crown sheet of boiler D and
four more by the burst bulkhead.
These bodies we are now tr'lng to
release. One of Ule bodies is wedged
In such shape that It may be neces.
sary to dismember It In order to talco
It out. " .
The men who were Injured sa ) ' that
It hns been the talk of the ship for
at least six months that the boilers
were defective. Many of them had
feared tor n long lime that. just SUCIl
an accident would happen. Olie of the
men said that a year ago last February -
ary , while the ship was at Magdalena
bay , the engineer of the cruiser New
York was sent for to Inspect the boilers -
ers , nnd he reported thnt they were
In good condition. While the vessel
was In San Francisco last year the
talk of defective boilers again arose ,
but no EtAPS were taken to remedy
Other Lost Warships.
The destruction of the gunboat B U-
nlngton In San Diego harbor was an
appalling disaster. But It docs not
justify the Intimntlon that warships
nre more lIable to accidents than other
vessels. The very opposite Is true.
as the vessels of the American navy
have been singularly free from such
Itlsasters as are common nmonc pas.
sengor nnd merchnnt. vessels.
The story of shipwreck and dlsns.
ter to the American nl\vy Is II. short.
one. The Fulton , our first stcam war
vessel , was destro 'ed by an explosion
of the magazine nnd twent.slx lIvcs
wore lost. The brig Somers was sunle
by a squnll Dec. 9 , 1846. and forty.ono
1I\'cs were lost. The sloop of War
Hur.m : was wrecleed on the coast of
North CaroUnn. Nov. 4 , 1877 , nnd 100
lives were lost.
On Ule o'enlng of Jnn. 24 , 1870 , the
Oneldn , steaming out of the harbor of
Yolcohama , Japan , homeward bound ,
after a three 'earB' crulso , was run
down by the DrlUsh pnssenger steam.
er Bombny and sanle In fifteen min.
utes. Twentr.two : officers nnll ninety.
five men were lost. Mnrch 15 , 1889 ,
the Trenton nnd VandaUn were wreck.
ed an.l . the NI11slc stranded In a storm
nt Apln , Snmoan islands , and fifty-ono
lIv9s were lost. On Feb. 2 , 181:14 : , the
Kearsargo was wrecked on Honcador
red , but no lives were lost.
Aside from the vessels lo t In the
arctic seas , this malces up our list of
nayal dlsnsters down to the time of
the destruction of the Maine In Un.
vnna hnrbor , whlcb wns an act of wnr.
Other of our naval vessels hnd thrill.
Ing oxperlonces In storms , but without. .
great loss of life. ,
For exnmple , while anchored oft ;
Frederlclcsted , on the Island of St. i
Croix , Nov. 18 , 1867 , the Monongnheln
was lIfted by an earthqunlco wnve nnd
carried over a number of wnrehouses
nnd landed in one of the streets of the
town. A receding wave carried her
out of town and placed her on a coral
reef , but wlthout'serlous damage and
with only five of the crew lost. The
Ship was afterWl\rd successfully
launched from the reef.
The cruiser De Soto was torn from
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- . - . -
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'VV'V'VV" . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
World's Most Important Drug. .
Quinine is one of the most valuable
of all the drugs Imown to medical :
sclenco. No one would venture to
travel In India without It. Defore Its
: llscovery 2,000,000 people died annual.
Iy in India of malarial fover. The
mortality from this cause Is now less
than haIr thnt num1er. The poor pC1o-
pIe-so poor that they loolwd upon
the fever as their fate and expected no
rellJf-are savell h ) ' the agency of
quinine. England could not keep her
European soldiers In Indln without it. I
" ' ' . .
" " " ' . .
Chicagoans Not Worried.
"I chanced to be In Chicago , " snld
a gentlemnn at a dinner to 0. company
of fellow New Englanders , "two or
three days after the great fire of 1871.
As I walked among the smoltlng ruins ,
If I saw a man with a cheerful air , I
Imew that he was a resldont of Chi.
cage : If I saw a man with a long face
I knew thnt he reprcscnted a Hartford
Insurance comlJan ) ' . Really , the cheer.
ful resignation with which the Chlca.
go people endured the losses of Now
Englnnll ld honor to human nnture. "
- I
. "
her moorings In the harbor of st.
Th-omas about the some time and
thrown upon the piles of a now wharf.
The receding sea carried her Into
deep water again with little Injury.
In 1868 an earthqualce wave broke
the storeshlp Fredonln In pleces
drowning twenty-soven officers and
men , and carried the steamer Wateree
half a mile Inland. The vessel was 0
totnl loss , but only one mnn was lost
from the Wateree.
This record of disaster In the Ameri. '
cnn ftavy Is lost sight of when compnr.
ed with the disaster record In the Brit.
Ish navy. Six hundred lives were lost
in the disaster to the Royal George ,
250 on the Amphlon , 100 on the Nas.
sau , 291 on the Sceptre , 673 on tbe
Queen Chnrlotte , 12G on the Invincible ,
250 on the Ajnx , thirty on the l\Uno-
tnur , 300 on the Saldanha , 2,000 when
tbe St. Georg and ether warships
were destroyed , 36 on the Sea Horse ,
2M on the Avenger , 454 on the Bur.
tonhea , 472 on the Ironclud Captain ,
300 on the EurYdice , 280 on the Ata-
lanta , 167 on the torpedo cruiser Sere
pent , 358 on the battleship Victoria ,
sunk by the Camperdown , and 400 on
the Lady Nugent.
His Work a Labor of Love.
Gifford Pinchot , chle ! of the govern. .
ment forestry bureau , Is a wealthy
man , but keeps his position through
love of the worle connected therewith.
Ho is practically the first American
to male forestry a profession. His
salary of $3,500 Is not. much of an ob.
ject to him and doubtless he would
bo just as enthusiastic If the govorn.
ment did not pay him 'anythlng. He
has thrown himself heart and soul
Into the wOrle , giving to It all h time
and strength and working much Itnrd.
er and many hours longer than the
ordinary government clerIc who is
solely dependent upon the govern.
ment tor his support. .
Freak of Lightning.
A curious frealc af lightning Is re.
ported from the French town of Mont.
rouge. . While a number of persoas
were assemhled In the office of the
commissary of pollco a fearful thun.
derstorm burat over the placo. There
was a loud crash , followed by 0. vivid
streak of lightning. This ran along
the fioor of the room , up the legs of a
table and set fire to the wood and to
some papers lying on top. None oj
the mnny 11ersons In the room sutrel'
cd any Inconvenlence.-London Globtr
Dictates of Destiny Point Strongly Toward -
ward This End-Abundance and
Cheapnel8 of Nature's Production
Sound to Turn the Scalo.
That. Americans nre croat meat oat.
ors mny bo con&ldercdl a fact at do-
rlvntlon trom the bunting' and fishing
stage ot the country's life , So Ions
8S meat was abundant and cheap it
bnd the recommondntlons whloh led
to its choice as Ule l1rlnclplo artlolo of
food. The vegotarlnn who here nnd
there raised. his volco in protest
against the consumption of fiesh toods
was lIttle heedcd. A people are guk ! .
cd in the s < ! lectlon ot their foods very
IIttlo by deliberate cholco. They cat
the O1lngs which are olosest to bnnd.
The time may como " , IUI that. remote
future to wblch is referred everyUllng
utopian when nnUons will deliberately -
ly seleot the prcdomlnatlnlt articles of
their diet with reference to the devol.
opment of spoclfio rnclnl chnractcrts-
tics. nut. at present people In general
nrc not eVen convInced thnt what
they eat has relevnncy to wl1nt , ns n
nnUon , tboy become.
For a few conturles to como , Ame1'-
I < : ane c rtlnly ! wI1 ! continuo to cat
the "tood convenient to thom , " whllo
good-humoredly allowing the soroal.
Ists to Uoldo Uiolr palates with henlth
' foods. nut ev n American Indepond.
'ence or IndIfference Is nmennblo to
the dlotntes of destln ) ' . Just now
AmerlennB seem destined to drift more
strongly than ever toward II. fnllt diel
rbe moving consideration Is the tnncy
figures , with an ul1wnrd tenhmcy , nt
wbloh flesh foods arc sold. The ether
consldoration Is the abundan'ce and
nhoapnoss of fruits. As wlooom talell
: : ounsel of necessity , a third motive ,
which ot itselt would not have great
welgbt , Is the superIor wholesomenoo
Df fruit foods.
We produce the biggest apple crops
\n \ the world our pench crops are un.
paralleled , our wntermelons and smnll
rults respond In abundance to the
mere tfcldlng of the soil with a hoe.
The snmo story holds true of all do-
mesUce fruits. nut this term ha& be-
: : omo clastic. CnllCornla Illstrlbute
throughout the country grent quanU.
tics of tropIcal fruits andl the aron. of
cultivation of these Is constanUy ex.
tondlng. When the Pannma trench Is
dug , the Pacific const fruits can be
brought to the eastern mnrlcots with
greater celerity and less cost. Mod.
ern means of transportatlon hnve
made the plnntntlons at the Wcst In.
: lle9 also almost the sarno ns thougb
they were within the country confines.
It Ie anfo to prelUct that Ule con.
sumptlon of bananas eSl1ecln11y will
soon be Increased. Omuses nre bolng
consumed In rnpllllY Increasing quan.
tlties. Certainly liming the summer
months fruit will bo Itlng. During the
winter months the force of habit will
prevail and morl ) fruit and less meat
will bo co.tan.-Baltlmore Hernld.
Drove Trade In Autographs.
Dr.V. . G. Grace , the most famous
cricketer in England , probably has
given his autograph ar. often as any
other colobrlty. At'a match not long
ago he wrote his name in the note-
boole of a little girl. A couple of
weeles later , much to his surprise , the
same lIttle Indy sh'ly sidled up to
him with the necessary documents
and the request for his autograph.
"Dut I gave it you only II. few' days
ago , " laughingly snld the veteran.
"Oh , " cnme the answer , "I chnnged
that one tor two bishops. " Dr. Grace
Inughed heartily as he replied : "Well ,
my denr , If a crlcleter Is worth two
blsbops I don't bolleve I ought to give
you another autogrnph. But your
nalvotto Is so delicious I SUPPOIIO I
must. Bo there you are. "
- - - - - - -
The Professor's Toast.
" 'l'hat reminds 111e , " remarlced the
fellow opposite , "thnt we are a chlval.
rous race. At least we attempt to bo
so. Intontlon counts for considerable ,
espoolally when we give It considera-
tion. A few ) 'ears ngo I was at a din.
nor-this was sliorUy after the 'new
woman' appeared , nd the stalll col.
lege professOl' , wbo was an old.fash.
loned man , mentioned that while this
new woman hnd ceased to be a Ind , . ,
she bad not become a gentleman.
rhen bo capped It nIl by lifting his
glass and snylng :
II 'Hero's to the better sex , God bless
hem. ' It-New Orleans Times-Demo-
From Strength to Strength.
DefeatT Nay , verll1 such rate
Never can whelm thee , trustrul soul.
A1J God Uven , sQme time , soon or late ,
Thine fl a splendid gonl.
As frosts that grip. and slonns that
shoolc ,
And droughts that fire the verdant
Dut warn nnd closer Inh'rlool ,
The oak' . reluctant bands :
So nre the ) ' friends , not cnemlr.s.
Who 800m to worle thee roulcst "rang :
Scorn , , hul'tet and rcbul't. thouJh thcae
! 'hou growellt but more strong.
rrue night may nnd thee slcl" forspent ,
FaIn to give o'er the striCt ! : but dnwn
Will nerve thee with more hrave Intent
For nil these hurts rOI'egone.
-lInr ) > ' Jeromt ! Stookard.
May Command In India.
It Is probable that' should Lord
Kltchcner resign his position as com.
mander In chlof of the British forces
In India ho will bo sllcceeded hy Lieu.
tennnt Goncral Sir William Nicholson.
'l'ho latter bas aeen a good deal of
active lIorv.lce , Including campaigns In
Afgbanlstan , Egypt , Burmah and
South Al.rlca. Ho was British attacho
with the Japanese nrmy during tlte
early portion of the Russo-Japanese
A portion of Mont. 111ano hat' ' ! bee.
sold for $30,000 , and Is to bo brolto
Into ll\rge squarell of grnnlte fl1mUd. .
Ing purposes. ' 1'ho rocle In quostlon II
a world.famous atone which , broken
oft from 1\Iont DInne In the glacial
Ilorlod , was dopoalted In the ! llton.
valley at 'Montlley ,
A ml\n'n wlfo ma ) " not object. If ht
becomes economical with his klssell
six months nfter mal'rlage , but she' ,
lure to klcle If bo ncts the S1\1I10 way
with his lnol1oy.-Chlcago News.
Thousands of Women
- -
5uoooll of LydIa E. PInkhaM's Vegetablt
Compound Rells UpOI the Faot that II
Really Does Make Siok Wolte. Well
Thoust\nds upon thousnnds of American -
can women have been restored to
health by Lydln. E. Pinlrham's Vcget
blo Compound. Their letters are on m.
In Mrs. l > lnlcham's officc , nnd provo thll
atRtcmont to bo a fn.ct nnd not. mera
boast. .
Ovoralmdowing indeed Is the lIucces !
of this [ Treat 111edlolne , nnd comparecJj
wIth It. all other medlolncs and treat. .
mont for , vomen nra oxperlments.
Why hns Lydia E. Pinkhnm'a VeRe. !
table Compound accompllahed Its wid. .
.prend rcsults for good ?
Why hM It. lIved nnd thrived I\n l
done its glorious work for n quarter ot
a century ?
Simply nnd surely beenuso of its ste
Ung wor'h. The renson no otber med-
loino hns even nppronohcd Its lIucce8li
Is plntn1y nnd positively bccM8 there
is no other medlolno In the world 80
go < > d for women's Ills.
The wonderful power of Lydia ] DJ
Plnlcham's Vegetable Compound ovu
the dlseMcs of womankind Is not. b. .
caUS It Is lltlmulnnt-not beoauso Ita
a po.lUatlv , but Dimply beonus It " -
the moat. wonderful tonlo and recone
It.rnotor over dlscovorod to act. dlreoUr
upon the uterine sYD m , poslU'el"
ounUCQ dlsC11S0 nnd ( llsplaccments mCJ
rostorlng health and vlllor.
loInrvolou8 cures nro reported fro
all plU"tsof the count.ry by women who
have been curcd , t.rained nurses who
have wltnessod cures , and physIcIan.
.who hnvo recognizcd the virtue In
Lydln. E. 1'lnlcbn\J\'s Vegetable Com.
pound , nnd are fair enough to give
credit whore It. Is duo. If physician.
dnred to be frnnlc and open , huudrcds
of thorn would nclcnowledgo that theY'
constnntly presorlbo Lydin. E. Pln1 -
ho.m'a Vegetnble Compound in sovcra
cases of femnlo ills , I\S they know bY' '
experience thr..t it. will effect. a ouro.
Women who are troubled with pnlnfd
or irregulnr menstruation , baolmoboll
bloating ( or flo.tulenoe ) , loucorrb "i
falling , Inflnmmlltlon or ulcoratlon ot
t.he utonts , ovarlo.u troubles , that
. . bearIng-down" feeling , dlzzinellSf
fBlntuess , indigestion , nervous pros"
trotlon , or the blues , 1Ihould t.ako Im
medlato notion to ward off the serioul
eonlloquencos nnd be restorcd-'to health
and strengt.h by taldng Lydia E. Pink , .
ham's Vegotl.blo Compound. Anywo.1 _
write to Mrs. Plnldmm , Lynn. MI1S9. ,
: tor advice. It's free nnd 0.1 wa.ys helpfulJ
. .
Tho' a d nddress of your
shoo dealer and 16a to cover
costotmalllng , eto. , wllIsoouro
ono ot the handsome rolled
gold pins Illustrated nbovo.
Enamsled In colors and w111
wear for years. These pins
were secured by thousands of
World's Fair vIsitors.
Only a. few hundred 10ft.
Wrlto QuIck.
5"08 CO. 5r , IOUIS ;
THE DAISY FLY KILLER deltr01. all tbe nil' an4'
. atordl ! comfort to Iyel1'
I home-Ill 41nIDI'.room ! , ' P ' "
. I'eP rr : :
: .r .0mG.Cleannlat
: > " . .111 not .011 or In
, u r e aD1tbln
'r11' them ODC
) 'ou . .III nner
, .lIbout tblm. I
not kept b1 dta1-
en , lenl
tor 100. prepAId II. . . . . .
loa , . . . . UIIPK&
.I. . . . , U..Ul'II. 'to
'LEWI5'Si GLEaBr m
Tour Jobber Or dIrect trom " .ctOI1' . Peort. . lU.I
With AN'l'I.MOLE. No V311l , Boreneu or 1I01U' .
OI1..1.1UlfTIIID PIUlUWIINT. 11.00 per bo1t1o 111
tnaU.-M11Ier Manut.cturln 00. . LIncoln. No1i.
W. N. U. Omaha. No. 31-190
$2 & ! ! Cream
t..J Separator
P'ORS21 00 w. . .11 t
. cel.llr.lei f 1l H DIU : en tA
GCPAftATOft. ( 'apadIT.
pound. plr houri 3\0 : \ l'Oundl c.-
pad1 VIti' bour tor S29.001
too poundl caploCII , per DOllr rol
' 34 00. QUlran'11I 'h.
Iqu.t 0' S.p.rator. t" . , IUI.
sn.oo to SlIII.OO.
11I..11I. " ' .
OUR OFFER I , .u. B. . . .
r.llIr.n our 10 &f. , . ' tr. . trial
pl.n , . .lib tb. blDtllDC nDdll"
' 1&n IfODJ'DS ; " : : : . 'oOU
'ut .nd ule th.t It . .mltl :
ololer. .klw coldtr mll
. klw eultr. rull IIl1'bter.nd
' .t' \ Iklna on" JAor. 1011111
, th'IlI\DT otber Cru.m Illpae
, ' . , r.tor , , .I1.l\or mad't JIU t. can u. retllr" . , .u ,
' ' ' 'Pln.1 enll WI wlilimm. .
1" dratllt rtturn .nt min. ,
, . . hun.leI tlrlr.l
ou m.
c".r. . . .r " , , " , .1. . ,
tbl.l > I1. Dllt aC'on . & 04. .
to UI. and Tau . .111 reclhl
rmuu . . . :1.I\f"tt\a.ld. our L.ATIUIT GPfOIAL ,
IAN ' . ' .l1il A On : OArALOOUK. You 1I1U IrI DIU'
I ol\r. CI..r .e trIal propoJUon . art,10U . I ff !
' " :
! n ilT , " A .
Ilis. ft EBUC1t { : . kIOAaO