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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1905)
- . . . . . . . - . , IIW " , ' ; 'I.I'IO"i' 'j , . . . " - . ' , . . - WSTrR ( OUnIY RfPUBLlCAft ar D , M , AMIIUtftftV. JaoKJIN BOW. . . NmDR _ _ _ _ . _ . . . .u : : . l Brief T e egrams J The duchesB of Gramnnt , who belonged - longed to the Rothschild family , III dond In Paris. Disclosures In tIle long fight ngalnnt grnft In Mllwnuleo show thnt for four years or moro officialdom of the city bas been 110noy.combed with rotten- ness. Dlgler Johnson was hanged nt To. wnnda , N. Y. , nt 10:10 : nnd Johnson wns pronounced dead eight minutes tater. He murdered hln wlCe and niece. The Stnte department hns In preparation - ration the nrrangomonts for the recep. tlon ot Prince Louis of Battenburg , who wllJ como to this country In Oc- tober. Pnul Heyse Is nccredlted with being one ot the most famous living German - man novelists , who Is nlmost ns well known In America as In the tnther- land. Flro destroyed tIlO state venlten. Uary at Huntsvlllo , Tox. The con. 'Icts were removed nnd locleed up when the fire wns dlacoverod. Loss , ' 60,000. The shnh of Persln , whlto shopping In Paris , suffered a brlof fainting Ipen trom the eftect of the hont. The . .tlncle pMsed off without serious In. &nvonlence. I Daniel T. Jowett of St. Louis , , vho , ,111 bo DB years old In September , Rnl\ who recently retired trom prnctlco , Is probnbly the oldest attorney In the . United 8tntoo. Mrs. Hugh Fraser , sister of Mnrlon Crawford and nler.o of .Julla Ward Howe , has snlled for Jnpan In order thnt she mny nsslst the work of the Red CroBs at Toltlo. Franldln Perltlns , a negro , of UnIl. fnx county , son of Lovl Perkins , n former slnvo , Is bultdlng nn nlrshlp , which ho wllJ oxlllbit nt the Jnmes. town oxposltlon , nenr Norfol1e , In 1J07. ! A final decree In the urt of chan. cery In foreclosure IlroCeedlngs In. rects the receivers of the Slnndard nope nnd Twine company to sen the company's property nt ElIznboth , N. J. Robert Crawford , tll0 noted clvlo lender of Glasgow , 8cotland , expects shortly to male n tour of Amorlca , lecturing on "Municipal Socialism nnd Its Practical Worl < lngs In Glasgow. " With ono blast of torty.fivo tons of dynnmlto , the largest on record In thla country , three ncres of solhl rock 'Wero blown from the bed of the , Pis- cn.tnllul1. river , to deepen the wnter 'Wny. ' 'Wny.Two Two thousnnd flvo hundred hend ot aheop belonging to Jolni McLnren of Havro , Mont. , hn.vo been seized by the Cnnndinn mountain poll co nnd nro beld for douhlo duty , nmountlng to ' 3,100. Miss Nemo V. Wnl1or of Chlcngo bas been commissioned to execute II. ' 5,000 monument to the memory of the late W. S. 8trntton of Colorado Springs , owner of the fmeus Inde. pendenco mine. Walter Wolhnnn declares tIlO tarllt reform question will not down and that It the people demant } rovlslon congress will bo forced to nct soon. Prosldont Roosevelt awaits nn oppor. : " tunlty to lflng the subject up. Deforo United States JUdge 8. H. Bethea , Attorney Hiram T. Gilbert , . counsel for Mrs , Mnrgarot G. 8wltt , ' : dismissed II. bl11 containing charges ' . of frau ( } nnd bribery ngalnst the In. : tornntlonnl Hnn' : ter company. ' " The secretary .Jf the treasury bns i rocelved througb the Navy dopart- t ment n : letter from the governor of the 1 < , Island of Guam recommending that . . . ' ' Phlllppino coins bo substltutod for the : Mexlcnn coins now current on the i Island. The Treasury department bns Is. j : " liUed crculnr ! letters of Instruction to r. : the United Stntes c\1RlomR officers on : the Cnnndln.n frontlQr , directing Ulom : / to nssess addltlonn.l duties upon an ft . . wool pulp ImlJOrtod from the provl co iI , of Quebec. ' , . The commission n.ppolnted to rOe r ' , pert on the pneumntlc tube servlco t' will hold n meeting nt Wnshlngton to ! t" " formulate Its report , provldell Mr. ' ; . Mnsten , a member of tbo commission , ' It who Is suffering from or'slpelas , Is In i ) ' condition to attend the sosslon. it I . The Russlnn minister of finnnco Is ij > , clnhoratlng II. s lemo for the Imposl. " tlon of additional taxes to the amount I ot $50,000,000 annually : this wl11 con. R \ tltuto n now departure In Russian i tnxntlon , the now taxes bOlng Imposed " prlnclpnllY on the weltto-do clnsses. I " ' RelJOrt reached Bnler City , Oro. , r tbat 1,000 hend of sheep , property of J Lux & Mltter of San Frnnclsco , were j IIbot In the Grnnlto 'mlnlng district of Eastern Grant county. 8hoep owners I hnd been wnrned to leep oft cortnln mining property becnuso of damngo ; to the wnter supply nnd to the torage the miners wnnted for their horses. Three editors nsplro to the domo. crntlc nomination for governor of Georgln. Pobledonostseff , hend of the Rus. IIlan church , declnres the nntlon Is not rendy tor pnrllahtentnry Institutions and clings to cznrdom and orthodoxy as best tor his countrymen. Flro destroyed tbo Missouri Grain 1ompany's olovntor nt Moberly , Mo. , contnlnlng II. large nmount ot gr ' , n , Loss , $200,000. ThoInnS Hun of Utah blls been ap. pointed by President Roosevelt at ! lIurveyor general of Ulnll , n'1 oroee pnd f b ! onera ! .land offico. , , . - - - - . _ . Started Newlpaper and Left It. Practically nothing Is known of tbe lounder of ono of the most prosperous newspapers In Englnnd , the 8hollleid Telegrnpb. It wns olnrtod In Juno , 186G. G. Benson , II. stranger , nppenred In 8hoffield when the Crlmonn war . was nt Its holght , arranged with locnl printer to stnrt a dnlly vaper , bought It out , loolwd nCtor It for ton days and then dlsnppeared lorover. Damage Done by Volcano , In 1G8 ! ! the ummlt of Cargunlt'llze" n. burning mountain nenr Quito , 1,800 leet high , crumbled together , so thnt nothing moro thnn two enormous rocly horns of the crator's edge roe malned , nnd the country for nenrly two squnro mlles was desolnted with liquid tufa , and argillaceous mud , en. closing dend fishes. Hardly Too Much to Ask. or the Due d'Aumont this story Is told : "HIs fnthor was the most orlg. Innl I1nd the moet slovenly mnn In JTnnco. Once wbon looldng at him. seU In n mirror ho said : 'D'Aumont , God mndo you n gentleman : the Idn , ; mndo you n dulo. You might do something In your turn-nt least , you might go and shavo. ' II Volco from Arkanlas , Clovelnnd , Arle. , JUly 31st.-(8po. ( clnl-Nenrly ) every nowspnper tells ot some wonderful cure of some form ot Kidney Disease by the Grent Amer. Icnn Remedy , Dodd's Kldnoy } ) Ills , nnd this pnrt of Arlcnnsns Is not with. out Its shnro of ovldenco thnt no cnse Is too deeply rooted tor Dodd's Kidney Pills to curo. Mr. A. E. Cnrllto , we1l Imown nnd highly respected here , tolls of his cure nttor nenry ! a quarter of II. contury's sUfforlng. Mr. Cnrllto snys : " 1 want to let the pUblic know whnt I think of Dodd's Kidney PUIs. I thlnle they nr" the best remedy tor sick kidneys over mudo. "I hnd Kldnoy Trouble tor 23 yonrs nnd never tound nnythlng thnt did mo so much good ns Dodd's Kldnoy Pl11s. I recommend them to an sut'rerers. " There Is no uncertnln sound about Mr. Cnrllto's statoment. Ho knows th t Dodd's Kidney Pills rescued him from a lite of suffering nnd ho wants the public to know It. Dodd's IlIlney Pl11a cure 0.11 . Kldnoy I11s trom Buck. ncho to Bright's Dlsenso. Early Mirth Not Advisable. I If you sing In bed you will cry next day. It you sing before broalcfnst you will cry before night. WHY DO AMERICANS SUCCEED7 Why do we lead al1 the nations of the earth In prosperity. happiness and Individual contentment 7 Why are we , c.s n people , regarded as nn Invincible power of Impregnable strength 7 nd why do we compel the ndmlra- tlon ot the whole world-at times grudgingly given , but given , nn'how7 It Is because we are free nnd Inde- londent In the truest meaning ot the ' \1ords. 'Ve thlnle tor ourselves , act tor our- selvcs , govern ourselves more than the people at any other nation. 'Wo are absolutely Bolt-reliant. ana. tlonal trait that renders us Independent - ent ot 11.11 other " nations. Indepemlenco Is the leeynot"o at our supremacy. And this Is the reason why up. to- date grocers and storeleeepers apllrecl- nte the tact that Americans at both sexes have strong wills ot their own , and do not need Interested mlvlce. Every up-to-date grocer knows per- tectly well that tor more than 0. quar- i ter ot a century Lion Cartee has been the loading pacltngc cortee and a welcome - como drlnlc at the tables ot millions at Amorlcan hem s. 1Ie lmows-and everybody else Imows -that It has always ! eept Its old friends and steadily made new ones. Good , reliable , trustwOl'lhy grocers wl11ln ly aclmowled e this. nnd ul1 Independent - dependent houselecepers will Insist upon - on having Lion Cartee and no other. no matter what Idnd at an anument grocers - cers or obstinate Ilflnclllies may ad- vance. Americans want the best. and they eet the best and purest In Lion Cartee. Most men cnn got moro real enjoy ment out of 11. street plnno for II. dime tban they can out at II. $3 opem. Uclcot 1\1" . Wlnslow's Soothlnl : ' Syrup. For children teetblnlt. lotlene tbo RUrol , rcduCQI rn. ammlUon , aUI,1 pain , curcI "Ind collil. . boW. . l\1nny n man wl11 wear wings who cnnnot tlo an Ascot tlo. FARMS FOR RENT on SALE ON cnop pnyments. J. MULHALL , Sioux City , Ill. It you cnnnot see 11eaven here you will never see It nnywhero. More Flexible and Lasting , won't slmlee out or blowout : by uslns Defiance Starch you obtain better 1"e. sults than possible ; wlth any other brand nnd one-third more for Imme money. To tbo bypocrito ono mnn's religion Is onother mnn's rovenuo. fiTS l > ennanrntl ; rPd. No nt.or . ne" . arte. . nnt dlly'l ule ot IIr , Kiln. . . UN'nt Nene H..Iol" ( lr. lIend tor I Ultl 81.00 trllli 00111. . and treaUII o Ua. 11. 11. Kulla , Ltd. , V11 Anh Btn1 . . A'II1IAdel , l' " The cream of the bnso bnn club should be tound In the 11ltchor. "Dr. Dlnld Kennody's VaTorUe nemedl IIn. m. prompt and eomllel. rellot trom d111"'a IIII Unrd'rana.m.n " 11. T. Trow rhlie.llarlem It-II , N.'V : The religion that lacks sunshlno Is 0.11 . moonshine. Evor- - person thinking or vlllltlnlf _ thl Ulntah Indlnn reservation In ens tern Utnh , to be opened ror settlement AUG'\Iat 28th. . Ihould have II. I1omI'IjIJlllerll' Oulde anu 18cUonni mnp. It tells e\'er7thll1 , Senl pOltpald ror 1I0c. AIldrl'18 \ \ ' . II. Em. mons , 700 17th St. , Denver , Colorn o. Stained glass Ip the windows cnn not mnlo up for imtty In tbo pUlpit ' 1 do not bellevo 1'180'8 CUre ror Consumpt\OI1 nns lion equal tor OOUllhs nnd ( lolds.-.JoID" 1 ! ' . DOTElt , Trinity Sprlnl:8 , Ind. , Feb. 111 , 1000. There are moro "gold brick" trans ncUons In this world thnn the mOB able oomputer can calculnte. 4 . - - - - - - - THE PLAYWRIGHT.STAR , I Odette Tyler , Famous Actress , Values : Conne's Kidney Pilla , Misa Odotto 'I'ylor Is not only ono of the best Imown drnmntlc sims In AmorlCA , but hns written 'nnd prQo duccd n. successful play of her own. 'Mlsa Tyler hns wrltton tbo fonowlng grawful note , oxpresslng her appro- clatlon at Donn's Kldnoy pms : l < 'oster.Mllburn Co. , Buttalo , N. Y. Genttomon- : My oxperlence with your valu. able rem e d r has been ellunI. ly gratifying to both mrDelt and lrlends. ( Signed ) o D1J.VfTEI TYLER. Fostor-Mllburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. For BRIo by all dealors. Prlco , 60 cents per box. It sometImes happens that 11 law student glvos up the law business to ongngo In the son.ln.lnw buslnooB. GRATEFUL TO CUTICURA For Inatant Relief and Speedy Cure of Raw and Scaly Humour , Itching Day and Night-Suffered Months. "I wish you would publlllh this let.- ter 80 that others suffering ns I hn.vo . ma , bo ho ped. For menthe nwful , sores covered my taco nnd neck , scabs forming , Itchlna terribly d y nnd night , brenklng open , and running blood and mntter. I hnd trlod many romedlea , but wns growing worse , when I started with Cutlcurn. The first application gnvo mo instant relief - lief , and when } hnd used two co.kes of Cutlcura Soap nnd throe boxes of Cutlcura Ointment , I wns completely cured. ( signed ) Miss Nellie Vander Wlole , Lnkesldo , N. Y. " Rough on Shakespeare. After a recent banle holiday In Lon. don ono of tbe vollco courts the next morning had nmong Its "drunl nnd dlsordorly" prisoners II. man who said ho wns Wllllnm 8hnl < ospea"0. "Is that your real nnmo , " asked the judge , "or just your nom de guerre ? " "Well your boner , " roplled the prisoner , "It Is true that I was not christened wn- I nm 8hakospearo , but , you sce , I hnted to bring dishonor nnd disgrace , upon n re.poctod nnme. " Hopeless Case. In n London booleshop II. woman wanted n copy of Browning's works. "I havon't got It , madnm , " replied the bookseller : "I mnko It a rule never . to keep Bny bools I cnn't undorptnnd , : and I cnn't make hend or tall ot Mr. Drowning. " Determined to buy n. book anywny , the customer n.ekod : "Have you Prned , tbon ? " "Yes , mn.dnm , " quoth the boolsottor , "I'vo prnyed , and thl1L doesn't hOlp mo. " Problem of the Unemployed. : On the whole , sa's an English IIlntosmnn , I nm Incllncd to think thnt the encouragement of strength of chnractor nnd the spirit of lIanco nro the truest remedies for th problem of the unemploye(1. Reservoirs Well Populated. 80mo of the great roservolrs In the countrr districts thnt supply certain English cities with tholr wntor have become populous breeding places for water fowl and are well stocked with valunblo fish. Mt ! TOO The "Tall Enders" That Follow Genuine - uine Articles. It Is sometimes Interesting to wntch the curves Imltntoro mnlo to get the public to buy imitations ot genuine goods. Every now aud then some ono will thlnle there Is n splendid opening to fix up something lUe Postum Coffee and advortlso tbo snmo way nnd take some of the buslncBs. An Imltntor Is naturntty Ignornnt of food values nnd how to skill rutty make a cereal cottee , on sclentifio lInos. 8uch mon first thlnle of prepnrlng somothlng thnt 1001es and trAtcs like the original , with no ImowleUb of how the grains should be trente ) propnro them so thnt the starchy pnrt Is transformed properly and the va.l- uable nourishing clements mnde dl- gostiblo. Such Imitations mny bo foisted tin the pUblic for a short tlmo , but tbo people nro crlt1cnl nn soon detect the nttompt , then the Imitators go out of buslnoss. Something 1\1eo \ 400 of thesc IIttlo tactorles hnvo been started In various pnrts ot this country In the pnst 9 years , and practically 0.11 . of thorn hnvo gone the "long journoy. " Just Intely a new ono has come to Ufo nnd 0\1. donUy bopes to Insert Itself In publlo tnvor by copying the style ot the Poslo urn advertising In the papors. This Is a free country and every man wbo males nn honest product and bonestly Inbels It has reason tor some recognition , but the public bns the right to lm w the facts. PostUtn Is the ono original and gen- umo Cereal Corree , mndo skl11ful1y and tor a deUnlto purpose. It has stood Ulrough 11.11 the wars at the 1m. . Itators , hns won the apllroval ot tbo Pbyslclnns and the pcollla. People who real ) ) . seele to froa them solves from the coffee habit and at tbe Same tlmo to robulld the sort grny mntter In the nerve centers , and thus reconstruct the nervous syatem , broken down by corree , can rely OD Postum. There' . a re.lon. . - I COL. LAMONT DIES 8UDPrNLY. . - - - Heart Failure Cause of Demlso of Ex. Secretary f War , Daniel Scott Lament , once prlvntt secretnry to Grover Cleveland and ' later secretnry of wnr during the sec. end Cleveland administration , died of heart fnlluro at the "Altnmont , " his homo near 1\Ullbroole , N. Y. , July 23. Daniel 8cott Lnmont wns born In Cortlanllvlllo , Cortland county , N. Y. , Feb. 7 , 1852 , Ills father wns John B. Lnmont , and his mother ElIznbeth Scott. At 20 the boy wns sent as a. dele. gate to the stnto convention In Roch. ester , In 1871 , where ho gnllnntly sup. ported Snmuel J. TlJden In bls fight agnlnst the Tweed ring. The friendship between Mr. Tilden nnd Mr. Lament was established nt thnt. tlmo. Atter this Lnmont narrowly escaped eloctlon as county clerk of Cortlnml county and ngaln as member of the ns. semby. ] In 1874 1M. Tilden appointed him deputy clerk of the nssembly nnd Inter ho became chief clerk for tbe secretary of state. Ho wns secretary of the state com. mltteo In the cnmpalgn of 1875. Two years Inter ho went to work ns reporter - er In the leglslaturo lor Daniel Man. nlng's Albnny Argus. He became man. aging editor of the paper , lept up an nctlvo Interest In politics , nnd worked energotlcally tor Clevelnnd's nomlnn. tlon for the governorsblp. It was not until atter his election that the two over had a personnl acquaintance. Mr. Clovelnnd toole n. strong 1I1dng to Mr. Lnmont from the first tlmo he snw him and the friendship 11nd been constant nnd Intlmnte slnco Mr. Cleve. land termed his ncqunlntanco first wk n l sent tor him to tnlle nbout The Late Col. Lamont. stnte politics and the preparntlon of his first message. Ho offered Mr. Ln- mont the post , of military secretary , which carried with It tbo tltlo of colonel , and nfter the Innuguratlon mndo blm prl'.nto secretnry. When Mr. Cleveland becnmo president - dent Mrt Lament remained with him as B'Ccretary. At Washington ho was popular , and n bllfvas passed for bls beneflt raising the snlnry of the prl. vato secrotnry from $3,200 to $5,000 n yenr. However , ho declined to accept thp. offer of bacle pay wblch the Inw authorized. In the national capital Mr. Lament steadily Increased bls clrclo of acquaintances among men of Importance In politics a 1d finance. In 188 ! ! , when Mr. Cleyelnnd retlrod , Mr. Lament went Into prlvato busl. ness , In which ho has since been en. gaged. . ANCESTRY OF NEW SECRETARY. Charles J. Bonaparte Is Not of FrenFh Descent. Numerous references have been mndo of Jato to tbo alleged French nncestr ) . of the new secretary of the navy and comment Is made on his famous name , the Ga11lc quality of his wit , the shrug of his sboulders and the abundance of bls gestures. As a llatter [ of fapt , there Is not n drop or trench blood In Charles J. Bona. 'parto's. veins. His grandfather , Je. rome Ronaparte , who married and de. serted Elizabeth Patterson before he ecamo Idng of Westphalla , wns II. Gorslcan of italian descent , whUo the Pattersons were Scotch.lrlsh. The new secretar ) " ! ! mother was a down.enst yanlcee , a woman of great force of character. During the civil war she was aggressively for the union , In the midst of southern sympathizers , and her Influence wns doubUes moro et'rectlvo In mo1allllg this rigid mornl. 1st's character nnd guiding bls politi. cal preferences than Ul0 quarter strain of foreign Idngs In his blood. JERRY SIMPSON VERY ILL. 'V . Jerry Simpson , former .member of congress from Kansns , and various ) ) ' cnl1ed "Seck less Simpson , " and the "Sage of Medlclno Lodge , " Is crltlcall ) . 111 ut. Roswell , N. 1\f. Generous Society Women. A number ot society women In Cln. clnnntl have , for a tlmo at least , glvon up tholr summer holldn ) ' and are working to male hot weather tolerable for , their less fortunnto Ills. ters. Pnrtlculnrl ) ' nro Jowlsb women taldng active 11l\rt In this worle. Their eftorts nro now being directed SilO' claUy townrll mallng a sllccess of a sotUemont home nnd vncatlon school lor-ated In ClermontYl11e , where nenrll' I j200 young womcn nro now enjO'lnH Itholr vacntlon at 11. cost not. be'ond tholr purscs. . ' , , o . . ATTEMPT TO KILL SULTAN , During the belnmllk at Constantll 10plo July 21 a bomb was exploded 'n ' the courtynrd of the mosque , ClOSE a the sultnn. Ills mnjesty was nol 'Injured , be t several members of hit 1U1t0 were lellled or Injured. SeveraS arrest. . . " ' 'lVO been mnde. The Turltlsh censorship Is suppres& Ing the news regarding the nttempt or ; the Ufo ot the sultnn , for no furthet press dlspatchos from Constantinople have renched London. A dispatch ro celved by the Turklsb embassy saya : " ABD/L tfArllO ' ' 'As the sultan wns Issuing from the mosque at the conclusion at the cere. mony of the selnmll1e a bomb burst In the courtyard of the mosque. Divine Providence mlracuously preserved his mnjesty , who displayed bls usunl self- possession and courage. Himself drlv. Ing the phaeton , his mnjesty retufI ed to the palace , graciously bowing as It nothing hnd happened. A tew persons were killed or mjured. The whole population Is Indlgnnnt nt the In. fnmous and dastardly deed. " Bettering the Consular Service. The average American consul does not understand , the purpose for which he has been sent abroad. Ho appr& clates the "honor" and swells up un. der It , but. Is neither alert , observing nor studious ot ollr opportunities. Generally he says thnt ho Isn't paid enough to "hustle. " These conditions are duo entirely to the fault of our s'stem , by which politics Is nUowed to overshadow competency.Ve must egln on new lines : we must train men to fiU these posts , pa ) ' them bet. ter and Insure them permanency nnd advancement If tbey show nblllty and enthusiasm In their duties. In other words , wo must Inaugurate a training schoo ! for futurt ; ! consular and dlplo. matlc emplo'es of the United States. We cnnnot hold our own with the better - ter equipped service of commercial and political rivals unless we have the rlghItlnd \ ; of agents In al1 parts of the word.-Phltadelphla ] Press. MAY BE BRITISH PREMIER. ! , Sir Henry Campbell.Bnnnerman. the IIbernl lender In the English house 01 commons , Is next heir to the British premiership , It Sir Arthur Balfour 1'e signs In consequence of his defcat b ) ' a majority of three votes , Sir Henry Is the grnndson of a wealthy mnnu , facturer , Henry Bannerman of Kent. Ho entered politics enr ] ) ' In life. He held the offices of secretary of the ad. mlralty , chief secretary for Ireland and secretary of state for wllr under the premiership of Gladstone , the great liberal lendor. Favors Liberality In Business. Henry H. Rogers of the Standard 011 company Is a Yanloe. horn In Falrhaven , Mass. , but ho hnd lIttle or none of the Ynnleeo proverbial stlngl. ness. Inde d , ho holds that lIberallt ' -n w\l1lngness \ to spend lots of mon ) ' In ordp.r to get sun more hnclc- which Is the secret of success In busl. ness. provided the expenditures be made wltli Indulltrr : and Inte1llgence. 110 once said that penuriousness wn'j fatal to 'tho speedy acquisition of wealth and he pointed to the case o ( a miser. II. friend of his bo'hood. who , with 11.11 his scrlmplngs and scraplngs , had hardly saved $10,000 In the course of n long life. Inspecting European Cathedrals. A1'chblsll01l Glennon of St. Louis hns stnrted for Europe , Intending to visit and closel ) ' Inspect the ca. thedrnls of England , Franco ami lt'r. mnny , ( 'specialthow \ of london. Paris and Cologne. l rom tlH"1O monu. 1110ht'3 of metilc'al U\11's \ I'e I'orrs It' dt-.lye Inspiration re ! nrdln the con. 8trt.ctlon of his own metropolltnn church In St. 1.01\13. \ Whrn thaI structure 8111\11 hl\\'o h"'T1 C11 l'lr > t ( 'I' : It will bo the , arC'hhl t > "n,1'O'1'1" \ < , s as fine n a"1) " of Its ldnlln : t111l'nt ! ( ' , JtntOR. : . . . . I . , " . , . , . . . ; ' CALUMET \ . is the only HIGH GRADE POWDER offered to the consumer at a Moderate Price It should not be confused with he cheap , low grade powders on the one hand , nor the high priced trust powders on the Dther. Vnnlty hns leept mnny from fnmnS _ Into wn"s which might not have 'beon nJ1 to the good.-Phlladelpbla. BuJ1c- tin. Over one million acres at land In tbe . Ulntah Indlnn reservation will be thrown open for settlement Augu t 28th Reslstrn.tlon begins August 1st. n.t Grn.n a Junction. Colora o , continuing till Augu8t 12. From Denver. Colorado Springs or Pueblo , the Colorado : MIdland Is the short- cst : route to Orand Junction or reservation - tion points. Write C. H. Speers. O. P. A. , Denver. tor booltlet. glvlnlr Informa- Uon relU' lni : In.nd , rn.tea , etc. -iii The rewnrd of mastering one dim. I cully Is to meet another. You never henr any ono complain about "Defio.nce . " Starch. There Is nonl ! tQ eQual It In quality and quantity , 16 ounces , 10 cents. Try It now and saVe your mo'ney. New Cattle Killing Device. Butchers at Putney , England , bnve L new devIce tor killing cattle , wblch B 1I1to nn ordlnnry slngle.barrel pistol ) r largo calibre , but Instead of dls- : hnrglng a shot , It drives out with p-ent force II. bolt , whlcb has occupied e fun length of tbo pistol barrel , md this , entorlng the skulI of an animal - mal , produces Instnnteous stupefac- : Ion , without lodging a. sbot In the oralnpan to lesson tho' sale vnlue ot : he head. Science and Immortality. The relationship of the mind to the ' raln Is tbat at ma.ster to 'servant , the ( Illndlng proving ItseU the rightful ma'Stor by Its demonstrated' ability to pubstltuto one servant for another and ; tlll retain Its own Integrity. Death Is but an ecllpso , while genius ns differIng - Ing from Insanity and Imbecility Is merely n question of degree of energy and Its efficient control.-J. Sanderson Christison , M. D. , in North American Revlow. A Famous Missionary Oak. In tbo beautiful grounds ot Stoke Pnrle , near Gu.llford , England , stands an oale tree under whlcb regulnrly once II. year a missionary moetlng is held , nnd people who have a deslro lor worlc In the mission fields are Invited to Irtep torwnrd. In nlmost every pore . tlon ot tbo globe there are men and womCIi who loole upon the tree ns tbo scene ot the turning point In their Uves. EVER TREAT YOU 601 - Coffee Acts the Jonah and Will Como Up. A clergyman who pursues his noble calling In 11. country parish In Iowa , tells ot his corree oxperlenco : "My wlfo and I used coffee regulnr- Iy tor breaktnst , trequently for d1nner and occaslonnUy for suppor-always the very best quality-package coffee never could find a pnce ] on our tablo. "In the spring ot 186 ! ! my wlCo wns tnken with violent vomiting which wo hnd great difficulty In stopping. "It seemed to come from cotteo drinking but we could not decide. "In the tollowlng Juy ] , however , she was attacked a second time by the vomiting. I was away trom home filling an appointment , at the time , and on m ) " return I round her very low : she had literally vomited heraell ahnost to deatb , and It took Bomo daYB . to quiet the trouble and restore her stomnch. "I hnd also experienced the sarno trouble , but not so violently , and had , reUeved it , each time , by n resort to . . . .i.a. , I modlclno. " . . " "But my wife's second attnck sntls- fiod mo thnt the use at coffee was nt- . the bottom of our t'oubles , and 80 we : IItopped It torthwlth and took 'on t : Postum Food Coffco. The old symp. toms of dlseaso dlsnppenred nnd durIng - . Ing the ! ! ) "ears that wo hnve been using Postmn Instead of correo wo j hnvo never hnd a recurrence of the , vomiting. Wo never weary of Postum , \ . _ ' to which wo know we owe our good , henlth. This Is 11. slmplo statomenl of facts. " Name & 1ven by l ostum Company , Bnttlo Creelt , Mich. Rend I.ho JltUe book "The RO:1d to WclIvUle , " In each kg. , 1r 1