Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 10, 1905, Image 1

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I P. 'I' . Uarllum saul : "The III erlC:11I ,
peolle like to ho hllmbulrlr 'd" We holll < l .
.11111111 ( ' to hell.\'c In the truth ( If thlll all.
IIcrtloll , Yet the penlle all1ln..t I'rove ( t'l
I truth III thclr treatmellt o ftrav..1t II If I'ec J , .
tacle peddlerll. Thl ! rnral dl trlctll ego
lH'clall ) ' or. . filiI' " with th"lIe , ,,1
'loCtOlIl. " "Occlllllltll" allll "OptlCOllll" (
who mak" a aonI IIvlllll' h ) ' Intl'O..11I1f . " " J
the . credlility of hll 11I:111 ! ty. 'l'hl'lI" qllackll
ar..allll'lIh talkerll. alld can COllvIlIC. . 311V
olle who will Iflve ' ! ar. that till ! 1111I1'11"1'.1'1
! on the verlr" of hlllldlleF\ \ have pl'oph'
vl lIme alnlo't week\ ) ' . who h.vo : paid $ J
. 10 $10. and ohell nwr. . . for glaR'II' ' ' all\ '
l . ' : \le.I cOll1l1 fllrllish for 50e tn $1
J ' .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
s s m
M M Mm s
- . . . . . . . . . - - - . _ _ . _ - _ . . . . - . : : =
Dead Letter Lilt.
For \ eek em1ing August 8 1905.
Doman D. Daudridge , John
Johnson and Emett Nutter ,
; . Broken Bow Abstract Company.
'l'his office for neat job work.
J. C. Moore. abst.racting. 2U
Insurance that insures.
38tf R. G. MOOR F. .
Wagon boxes for sale. at cost.
Bly ! your farm and citJ pr p-
erty of B. W. Blair. 37tf
Ice Cream , can'y. . cig-ars anld
: . . tobacco at Mike Scar lons.
R neau & Leonar.d , rea est te :
List your farm and city property -
. erty with B. W. Blair. 37tf
W ANTnD-Man and wife capable -
ble of running a stock farm.
7tf JESS GAND\ ' .
We always have money to loan
on farms. R. G. Moore 1 Apple
Hlock. 35tf
- Dr. I..each the dentist will refund -
\ fund money if work is not satis.
factory. tf
'raken Up-'l'wo pigs. 'l'he
owner is requef > ted to pro\'e property -
erty and pay cost. J. PAIN. 7-11
Wanted-Oil salesman at once
.to canvass the farming and threshing -
ing trade. Fine opportunity for
a good man. Address the Har.
rey Oil Co. , Cle\'eland , Ohio.
'l'he ofl cers of the Broleen Bow
State Bank endea\'or to promote
the interest of their customers I
along whatever lilies it is practical -
tical for them to do so. I-tf
Peale Sheppard & Co. have Just
. received a fine lot of men's boy's
and chihlrens ready made cloth.
I ' ing. 'l'hose interested will find
, it to the'ir interest to call and see
them before purchasing. We are
I pr pared to rlease in ( lUality and
, pnces. 48tf
[ : ! ii : : : :
- - - -
Alpha Morgan wcntto Omaha
ycstcrd..y . mornillg- I
\ \ ' . S. 'l'urllhull of Custl"r tow 11-
ship was a soda I' caller at this
oflice 'I'uesday.
T4awrcllce Hollandsworth caliI ( '
dOWI'l from Uruwulee Satunla \ ' tu
join Company M. .on t hdr 'out-
ing at Kcarney this we le.
J. M : lcClrmick of Ansler.
who' is one of tt e successfitl
teachers 01 the count ) ' . is atteml.
ing the intitute this wcek.
l red Arthur and Sam Thomas
w nt to North - aUe ) 'c t rday
to can\'ass for kltchcn cabll1ets.
Mr. Arthur owns that territory.
A. n. Needham and wife of
Arnold , came O\'er the first of the
week to bring their daughter
Mattia to attenel the 'l'eacher'
I nsl tute.
Chas. Al1den on' has bought
the kitchen cabinct wrilht on
Hamilton county ; Con } i'ranc s'
boy went to Aurora \'cR\erday to
canvass for him.
IeTrites , wife and daughter
drove o\'er 'l'uesday from Lexin.
gton-to spend a few days \'isiting
their former parishoneers. 'l'hey
will remain over : ; unday.
'V. E. Williams rcpresenting
the Beatrice Building and Loan
Association spent several days
thisweck in the city , with the
view of organizing' a'local assoc.
iation herc. He met with good
L. . Harmon will g'c his
characterization of the g-reat
Abrah-am Lincoln at thc Court
House , 'l'uesday next , August 15 ,
at 8 30. All should hear this in-
tcnsel\ , ' American subject. Tic1e-
ets at Post Office. nc\\ stand.
Jas. E. Clansc" , wife and hilc1
rcn of Missouri Valley Iowa ar-
, r'ved in the city l\f nday nIght
t spend a c < ? uple of weeks visiting -
ing with the family of J. ' 1' . Mc-
Clean. Mrs. Clanse" . is a sister
of Mrs. McClean.
M. L. Whittaker of South
Omaha , formerly of Mason Cltv ,
this count ) ' passed through the
city ycstcrqay on his way from
the sand lull country where he
had been prospecting for govern-
mcnt land. He was accompanied
by his youngcst SOli Clifford ,
H. 'l'appell of TIyaunis , who
was working in the hay fidd had
his scalp torn olT Monday h ) ' the
stacker falling. It tore the scalf
01T from the eyes to hii IIcc1e. .
His bed V was also had I\ ' bruised ,
but the'Doctor in charge thinle
his injuries will not pro\'e' fatal.
He is a man 76 ycars old and is . .
hrother to B. C : 'rappen of thh
city. . .
Sam 'I'homas of Custer precinci
was he fore the Counly Boar <
with a petilion for a road acres !
from Ash Creek to t.hc Plnll
Cr'de road. 'l'he object of thi !
road is to pro\'ide au outlet fur ,
rural mail ronte from I roken Bo\ '
Southwest. More than 100 ha\1
Sigl1Cd a petition for thc establish
ment of th rural routl' , but as II
portion of the route has no lega
roads Mr. ' [ 'homas seek : ; to ha\ ' (
the road laid at ollce. Alii thc rcs
ident free holders whose land th ,
proposcd road passes througl
have signed the petition.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - -
" '
. (
: \ Watches - Jewolr ,
Consisting- $50OOn worth of Watches , Diamonds ,
\ and Jewelry will bc on sale Friday amI Saturday ,
August 11 U ; and 12th , 11)05. 'I'hese goods will Le
. sold either for cash or on lime. 'l'hii is your oppor-
' \ . ' . I p Jj , tunih' . , At the Dnw tI and Jewelry . Ston > of
: ' ED. McCOMASi/ /
- . ,
- - - - - - - - -
. . .
- - - - - - - - -
- - - '
. CBE : : ; FI. . FI.V..A. . L. .
f. \ ORDERS Cor nunery stock oC all kinds l'ollctell. We handle
only such \'antles that ha\'e been proven adopt ell to
Custer count ) ' . Send Cor price list , our prices are reasonahle.
! nra PW. : : J. ? E ] FI. : s : . : roos. : . .
! ' - , ,
- -
! A Snap. :
We ho\'c jll-t tl'cl''Ctl "uother
I car oC Amcr cuu Ilo Ccudtl011 /
whi h \ \ ' \ \ ill he ahlc 10 tIInkc
I II'cr > ' low prkc Cnr thc uext
30Iht's. Dnu'tmi\s ! thi It wilt
I : t\'C ) ' 011 mouc ) ' .
Harvest nOY on ,
Give II ! ! ) 'our mller for Decr.
itll niudcrs IInll ! \ Iowct'Don't
( Icla ) ' too lonH , ) ' 011 ma ) ' uot gct
oue if you wulltnn long
Twine at 10 cIs.
In the Jutcruational fcle
Dcli\'tf ) ' stock wc hn\'c the hesl
tlull stron cst strlug ou the mar.
Uct. it will (10 you goolf to I'CC
it. Deut miss tltis hcfnre ) ' 011
hll ) ' .
Kevstone and
Acme Mowers
At the Low Price 01 $36.00
G. W
. ; Apple.
- - - ' - -
w. P. Henman anll wifc of Up-
ton , were city \'isitors , Mondil ) ' .
Broleen Bow's second ball tehm
went to Ansley 'l'uesllaj : t jlay
ball. The. > , got scooped.
A very successful term of the
leacher'i institute of thrce wl'cle's
clues : tomorrow. 'l'he enrollmcnt
) 'cstertlay reachell 240.
g. A. Nixon of Grant township
is in thc city this weck attending
't he 'Peacher's I nsti t u t . . ' 1'lte
IhtPUBI.ICAN 'acknowledges a s c-
ial call. . .
Howard Kennelly lcft with
Capt. II. F. Kennl'dy .tor Burt
county this morning to trr his
lucle as caln-asser for the ki"tchcl1
Wesley Mottingcr of Elton , is
attending the Institute this w ek.
Mr. Mottingcr is one of Custer
County's successful teachers and
exemplary young mca.
Mr. 'l'eagarden of Sou thern
California \vas , in thc cit ) , Friday
I viiting his Son Re.T , R. ' ( 'ea-
, gardetl and other ucquailtances. )
, He left Saturday for an extcridetl
trip cast. '
Jas. Cuffman of GateS ! , was a
I fricndly caller at this ofiice ton.
llay. \Ir. ColTman reports that
crops arc fille ill his \'icinit v and
oc\'cral : : ' machiucs
\ threshing' star'
t , l into work this wc 1c in that
1 Capt. l-J. F. Kcnnl"dy left thi : "
1II0rnil.lg for Hurt coullly to can.
1 vas : . for the kilchcn cabinet. lIe
\ has Lought thc wright on thai
county. He willlllulcc hi head ,
- quartct's at Teleillllah wIllie gone. .
1'he HHPUBI.IC\N wi..lws hill
At a recent meetillg of the
l' State Board of Agrictlltlm > . Dr ,
I J. G. Br'lIizer of this city wa :
tlppointed by the board as delegate
g-ate to the National HeciprocitJ
Congress to he h111 at Chicago
to represeut the Nebraska Stat (
Board of Agricultun' .
'I'he l epuLlican primary ha
Leen called to tIlee tat Succes' '
school house on the 11)th of Aug
u..t at 2 o'clock p. m. instead 0
at River Side a formerly ag suc
cess is more central. ' 1'h05e in
tcrested will see the call of till
committeemcn in thh ; issu of till
The new catalogue of th ,
nrand Iland Business & Norma
College of Grand Island , NeLr
i1 now bi ing sent out and shoul (
be r ad L.y e\'ery ambitious younl
man and woman. One remarka
ble featrue of this schoul is th
plan it liaR of ging student
: who wish it , time on cxp nse
and allowing th..111 to pay afte
they graduate and ha\'c beel
placcd in positions.evera :
from this county have arrangel
I to cnter soon. It is said to h
of the greatest Busincss Col
leges in the United States and it ,
j catalogue is scut for the asking
Edgar Francis of Merna. . made I
this o ce a business call Monda ) ' .
.T. B. Adamson returned last
'L'hursda ) ' from a visit 10 - '
la\1l1 \ Oregan. port-'I
'I'he Cu tcr Ba ptist associ a t ion' '
will b held with th Brolecn nw
church , August 5 , 2ft and 27.
Mrg. J. A. l arr ll anlL daug-ht-
cr l\laud cam down from Dunning -
ning Saturday where they hael
been homcsteading.
Mrs. II. F. Kennedr left IIH t
l rida ) ' morning for ; l'elmmah to
visit her mother and othcr ! -
tives of that vicinit ) . . rtla-J
' 1' . g. Gusner has purchasc < l
the fixturcs and furnihtr of tlll
Oyster llay l estaurant and will
open it. . up for business again in
a few days.
Mrs. Ii' . 11. Young wellt to
TAncoln Slhmlay : to ha\'c chaq e
of Woman Suffrage department
of the l pworth [ 4cague assembly
now in session.
Mrs. W. S. Amsberry and her
youngcst bret her arr'cd in t hc
city : -aturda\ ' morning from Gillett -
lett Wyoming on a visit. 'l'ht Y
expcct to remain a month or
'l'he ball galtle between , Brokcn
Bowand Merna last ' 1'hursday
played in this city was largely
a ttcndcd. The score stood I a t
the close 5 to 12 irt fa\'or of the
home team.
Mayor Apple , C. II. Hulcomh ,
A. l . Anderson and J. G. Hae.
berle left Sunday morning for
Deadwood on a week or ten day's
trip to look o\'er their mining
prospects in that vicinity ,
Alvin Burk returned last Friday - .
day morning from a visit of a.
mon t h on the Pac fie Coast. i n-
cludinl ! the fair at Portland Ore-
gan. lIi father J. I , . Burl < of
Ansley accompanied him.
F. M. Olmstead writes USJJOIII
OaklnfHI California of t
6t.h. staling thal he allcl hi. . l'aI1l11 > '
ar "I'jc1)'illg t hdr trip very lIIuch.
On that elat they left for San
Jose anti expcct to he at home b > '
the 20th. .
Jesse Donnell of Clleg- ( pr-
ings Iowa arrived in the city
Wednesllay of last week to remain -
main for sometint. , if not per-
mancntly. lIe is a son of n. G.
Donneli who formel V resided near
Hyno wher h y t owncs hi
Juc1g W.V. . Cowles exhihited
at this 'oUice Satunla ) ' , samples
of millet and buckwhcat which
he had gathered for his exhihit
at the County Ii'air. 'l'he millet
measured five feet and fOllr illch-
es and the buckwheat ( h'c feet
and one inch.
John l oxwol.thJ' departed on
'l'u sday':1 : train for Arkansas.
where he g-oes to look flr a lo-
cation. While we hope , that hc
may bettcr his coneli tlOn , we
: > ltoultl be sorry to lose this c ! > ti-
, lIIabtc family from our l11id t.-
: ] -40IlP V.lllcy Ql.tccn
! .1 thcl Bass , little daughter of
. Dr. Bass had a I'ely I experience
Monday morning ill talcing a
. horse back ride. She t"ot on iI
I pony in front of her father' hQte
111 riding down I.'ourth . Avcnl1 (
she b came frightcned and begar
screaming which incrcascd the
. speed of l.1le horse. Shc lIlanag
ed to hold on to the saddle until
ncar Hickman's barn , NortlJ
Sidc , where she fell oiT. Mr
JI icluuan picleed her 11 p and tool
her homc in thc buggy. Site
was sli htly hruiscd ill tlte fall ,
r striking on her head , from whid
9 she 911ff red for a daor . two
- but notseriously hurt.
The I1'armers' B\Ulr ' opened it !
doors for bU9inem Wcdne : > da\ '
with the followillg officers , J. W
Conle.v , President , Ii' . Dwerlkollc
Vice-President , J. V. D'ine
Cashier. These gentlemen need :
no introduction to the people 0
Oconto and vicinitJ' , < IS thcy al'l
: mcccssful farmers , and are wel
and favorably known. .f. \ '
Devine , thc Cashier , i a CURte
County boy raised at Georgetown
Nebr. lle has se\'craL ycar 0
expfrience in the banlClng hu i
ness , being connected with the
Custcr National Banle. of roleel
Bow , and in the CallawaJ' State
Banle. His honest dealings ane
pleasant manners , has made hill
a host of friends , and wc bid thl
- new bank welcome , we wisl
s them t he Lest of success-O'OI1' '
to Begister.
_ _
, - ' . "II !
_ . _ . _ _ . . . . . . . . _ . . . .L. " . . . . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . v . .
_ . . . _ . . _ _ . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I'J' iH not long untilyou ; willl\wnnt- ) (
. ing It now wn ol1 to hud : oJr YOIlt'
( 'I'OIR , und l h\\1te : 'ou to uXHmil1utlll\
But'g wngOl1. .I. hnv handled t.his
wng'on fOI' fivu y < &fti.s und sold 11101'0 '
Burg' wngons thun tll of my eOIHlwti-
tm's ( ollll -1. It js tlw only WUgOll
fold here , 7'h , ouk" Hnd hickory gelll' .
I hu ) ' t.lmcib . , wng-OUR c1irBct f.'om . the
fnetol'y , nnd wlwll you bll ' n. Burg" ,
WHg'on I'I'om me yon t\re not vnyillg' It i
johher $10.CO ll'olit. ) ij
. . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . _ . _ . _
. . . _ - . - _ - _ - - . _ _ . . . , . . - , . . . . _ _ . . - . - _ - - . _ - . - _ - " _ ' . . , _ ' _ . _ "Ia _ $
. ,
C11r i n
. ' \11r " ' " , r I '
1.-- II -.I
- - , . .
- -
" - '
Tb W. Am herr ) ' cam ill tat. : :
urday lIight from Plattsmouth to
joiu Company 1\1. ill the ctlcamp'
ment at tcarnc.for . a wee Ie.
Arcadia , AUff. 7th. 11)05
'l'hc Annual Picnic of the T4ec
Parle and Douglas Grovc 1"a'r111-
cn Cluh will be held in Wm.
\I urra ) "s gro\'e in Lee Parle on
Thursday August 17th. g\'ery-
body comc and bring JOur dinner
and havc it good timc.
l . B. Dm.ANO.
For Sale.
'l'hc "l uemont Man e" Farm.
Gcorgetowli , Nchra kr.
. . . .One , hnqdrL'd acws. hntqlllel , on
South gast 1)the outh Coup
Hi\'cr , Spriilg' .Mcllelo\V well i ,
wooeled j
Eigh t roomed house , all ou t
buildingH , tabling for R h r:1cs : ,
Abundant water and winel-mill.
Fruit bearing trees , etc.
1)-10 ' . B. II. HUN'I"
Threlhing Machinery.
'l'he Gciser Mfg. Co. peerl ss
mllchinery for salc. Pal'tl s COII-
templatillg pn'chasing will do
well to sce mc.
. M. DOH IUS , Ageut.
I \'t'r ) ' lIIall t1\v. . It In hllll.1f allil hili fallllll'
IIIIIHls"III'ul''lIr ' . "rllre..IIIII. Ih'III ; tlln III. . . .
Illa\ ' \ ' . " ' IIf thl ! . .Ix 1\10" . " Sdlllol..lIf
'l'I'll'lIrathv. III till. . 1..11. . : \1111 . I'arll hllw " 'a.II ) '
a 'IIUIiImallllr lall ' ' IlJa. . . . . ' '
/ mallllr ) lIIa " .Jt'lra"h ) : \1111
hI ! : ' .lIn',1 a 1'.ltllll.
. .
. . , . , . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
l egistrrcd 0.1. C , I logs
CII A . ' 1' . WR tG 11'1' . IIrokclI lIow , Neh'
- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - .
- - - . . . . . . . .
- - - - - - - - - - -
At The Old Stand.
. . .
f C. W. WAHL /
. _ -ltlCC1\M'IClit ! TII. - : ; ; :
7' U. O. 1-1 U T TON.
i Cit Shaving Parlor :
* } VI : 110 Oll\ ) ' work Ihal hI
! . lllU III'.t all.1 Illlar'lIl.rJ -
. , .
719" It. " I'at ' rUIIK tIll ! h.t po.slltl rfrl
"l'n'lcI' . YUill' ' ' fur IIJI..II" ' . . . . . : : iI
* } .
* } .
- - - - - - '
- :
Farm Lomal , . \ " ,0 " , . !
, W c-t : re. I'rt'r ' \ ll' to ' ftj e'I1 ! 1\l !
on illlprm'cd farus'on hort 1'10.1-
icc , at pecially low ratei. :
HHNHAU& f4I\ONAIW. \ . '
( I-tf Brokcn Huw. '
' ' forcnooll.
LOs'I'-Wedncsday .
sJlllcwhere between the elepot
ilnd Con Cannon's place , a ladie'g
poc1eet book , with chain handle ,
cOlltaining' about $ 4. Finder
will be rcwardcd for it r turll.
( ) -II h ! . P. g , I40GUH ,
For Sale.
A stock farm at one section of \
I and , all under fcnce , IhO acre ! ;
tlnler cult \'ation with impro\'t-
mcnt ! > halance pastur , , hay lallcl
ancI timher , three miles north anel
half milc cast or Walworth , .for
Sl2 an acrc. Half cagh anel bal-
'lllce on time to suit purchaser.
G. GU\.H (
tf Walworlh'N .h , '
-.We lceep a full linc of legal
blanks. Comc in whcn necding
anvthing in this linc.
- . .
- , . _ _ ' : ' - _ 'J - . _ _ - ; : ; _ " " . : ' .
' -
To tho'--Mousowives ,
. OF CUSTER COUNTY' = = : " ,
Ti In pirk lill : ; l'n"OIl is at h\lltl. YOllr greAt aim ill plltlill
tip pic'lde : ; nllll prCHen'cs , ill Clctl1I'lhltt / ill the fnllt
l \'l'W'lahle lillt : . is to hn\\ : . them IIkc , IIClt11111 palnlahle.
l . } .J Ol'V ill " ) T on Do [ , h at 't .
- - -
c lIy " " \ ' II ) ' 11111' spict's11111 \'illgC : lIr of tis. 1'1IRRg piees : lIul
1'IIRH Vlllcgnr wilillu that ' ' 'Ir YOII. It will II HI la' YOIII' pi.'ldc' !
, t"1 \ ' \ $ ICIoJ PL'I' ( ' ( 'lIt 11IlIl'r lllull Ii ) ' liu illg ; ulullt"rall.t ,
Sl'ic 9 :111I1 \'illt"l'ur. Nul (111) ' 111:11.1'1 11111'1 : I\II't"'IIIII" \ ' llcgtr
ur rlll'apt"1' Iha t UlIIlIt..ntlcll goud' ! . I'ur III at'tll lIlt ) ' Jlltl& : : ; pi.
Ip. ! : allll'ilt" \ { lr of 11'1. \
- . . . . . . , . . . . . . - . . . .
Pure Ground Ghl\'es , p r Y. Ib" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 C nlB
Pure Uruunel AIIplce , p r III. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Ccnts
Pure Ground lustarcl , per } th. . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . .10 Cents
Purc Ground Ginger , per lb. . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 10 Cents
Purc Ground Cinallloll , per H'lh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Cents
Pure ronnd Mace , per lox. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10C\nts
] Jum White Mnstant Sec , JlI'r .J lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Ccnts
Purc CeI r > , S , ' d , Iwr H Ih . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Cellt
Purc Picldilltr Spic s , JI r Ih. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Cents
Pure Picldingillegal' , p r gallon. . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . . .10 Cenh
Pure Ohl Cider Vinegar , p r . .lIon , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , \0 \ C nts
Wl' also htaltldntl ! ) purL' whole Pickling Spiccs.
- - -
J. C. BOWEN. .
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. .ure Ohl . . . . r ' .I..lIar lIIHI\I' : N HOW , N\UR. :
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