Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 03, 1905, Image 2

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    roSTfR ( OUnlY RfPUBLIOO
.y D. M. AMS.lftnY.
a'&OKJIN .OW. - - NmBJU.1U
- -
'I News in Brief I
I . .
( It Is nnnounced thllt the Idng of
Bpaln wllJ Btart for llerUn September
80cretary Wilson and l\Ir. lIaya will
I " . . charge of nil crop reports In the
( future.
Mrs. C. P. Huntington of New Yorle
paid $10,000 tor n. COil ) ' ot "Fads aud
Fancies. "
Charles C. W. Malley , of Nebrasltll ,
hns been almlltcl ( ( to the navnl
academy as mldshlpmnn.
, .
John D , HoclwCeller Is Bald to be as
expert a writer or shorthp.nd as any of
the nrmy of tYJJowrlters he emplo's.
The directors of the Amalgamated
Copper compnny declared n. eluarterlY
- dividend of 1 % per conl. It Is an In-
orease of % or 1 per cent over the last
qunrtorly dlvhhmd.
Admlrnl George Dowc.y hns sold one
of the four hOllsos that he owns In
Omaha. Thollgh Dewey has never IIve(1
In nny of his Omaha hOllses , he hns
owned them for several years.
8tnto Henlth Offioor Tabor Isslled
. rdera to nll roads hnvlns ; lines be-
t.eon Now OrlonnR and Texas , posl.
Uvely prohibiting the entrance or any
person from Now Orlenns Into Texns.
The lnmeBo minister , Phya Ald1R.raj
arndhara , who 10 spending his slimmer
. at Enst OloucC'Bter , Mass. , for the
fourth yonr , has recently purchnsed
and put. Ie commission n. handsome
. ) 'nch t.
Chlnn.'s officlnl notification to the
powers that. she will not. recognlzo nny
arrn.nge.ment. regarding ManchurIa
. concerning which she has not. been
consulted 'beforehand has 'reache ( }
Dr. A. V. V. Hnymonel , pl'Csldent ot
Union college nt. SchenectnIY , N. Y. ,
refused nn ot $14,900 to becomo.
pn.stor of tIle Firat Presbylerln.n
church of BuCfno. ] Bls sala.ry ns prcsl.
dent. Is $3,600.
Baron Hrynshl , the Japnnese minis. I
ter In London , decln.res his nntlon Is I
. , . . not. confident tJmt. pcace 'wlll result.
from tllQ coming ncgotlatlons , antI I
BcoUtS the Idea tha.t Japan's demands
w1ll be moderate.
John E , Wllldo , chief of the Unlled
States secret. servlco , who 111ls arrived
in San Francisco from the Orlont ,
says the Chlnoso boycott of American
goolls Is 'not. so serious a matter'ns
has been reported.
, . The directors at the Union Pacific
J Ralirond company dC'clnre(1 ( a dividend
.i ot 2 % per cent. on the cOJUmon stacIe ,
! . payable October 1. ' 1'ho last semi-an.
J nual ellvlclenll decnreel ] by the Union
' , Pacific wns 2 per r.cnt.
Owing to UIO wholesale \l\Islno a beIng -
'I Ing I ono by the tlcl < ot. scalpers operat.
Ing In Portland and other cities In the
i northwest , the various passenger a8SO :
> > clatlon hn.vo begun a relentless cam.
n palgn ngalnst. tlcl < ot. brolwl:8. :
' Rev. J , C. Launlng formerly of Ne-
> > braslm City was arrested at. Troy ,
\ !
Kas. , accusel } of disposing of mort-
il . gagel } properly and of rnlslng n prom.
l Is gory noto. Ho alleges compete ] 1nno.
3 cence. . Ho Is Imown nll over Nobraslm.
Dr. l\Iary A. Lntham , ono of the
most. prominent. physicians at Spolue ,
Wash. , was sentenced to pay a fine of
$1,000 and servo four years In prison.
Dr. Latham was convlc'cd ! of arson In
setting nro to n drug store at Mead ,
The titeamer City of Savannah ,
which nrrlveel tram Colon with a score
of Pn.namn. canal employes who have
quit. tholr positions , on board , was detained -
tained at. quarantlno anel n. coso In.
fpectlon : of the bont. for yeUow fever
'I1'as bel1l11.
General Elliott , commn.nder 'of the
nlnrlno corps , Ilns rocelvod a cable.
gram stn.tlng that a storm hn.d swept
OT r , Midway Islands d.ofrtroylng the
marino cnrop , but Injuring none ot the
men. A dotachment. of t.wonty mn.
, rlnes Is stationed on the Island.
Advloes rpcolved at. VlctorllL by the
"teamer Iyo BUY UIO 'Btcamer CeclJla
bas been wrocled on the west. canst
of the Island ot Sn.lc1lalln. A German
correspondent. going to Vladlvostol"
In n.ntlclpatlon of the Investment of
thnt. 1I01'l , WII.S ILllolml the vessol.
Quarnntlno agllinst. New Oreans ]
wn.s put on nt. Mobile , Ala" Friday nnd
quarn.ntlno Inspectors wore placed on
aU southbound trains 10ILving this city
for New OrlolLns nfter that. hour. This
action was the result. of the discovery
of yeUow fever In Now Orleans by
three MoblJo physicians sent there to
JUdge Ford at. Cleveland In the com ,
mon pl.ens court. enjoined the Nation ,
1.1 basoba ) ) commission from trylnp
wnrd C. Grlmth of New Jersey 011
eharses preferred against him of at
tempting to form an organlzatlol1
among five of the stronger m1nOl
leagues for the purpose of wnglng WIU
upon the Amerlc .n basobaU leah"\lo.
- Presiliont. RooBevelt Btands behln
Secretary of Agrtculture Wilson 111 hIE
Iopnrtme t. worle.
The government. of Cuba has (10
, clded that. the sUBpenBlon of May01
( Juan O'Farrlll for alleged Illegal o
. pendltures f public funds be mad (
, vermnnent. .
" Edward GottschaUe , condemned a1
, Bt. Pn.ul for murder , committed sulcld (
, . : . . t1 us' cheating the gallows.
Accident Insurance underwriters , It
convention In Ontn.rlo , dlBculIBod thE
cutting off of some polloi benefits because
cause of henvy los1le8 In th TwentleU
Oenturr wrec1 ( . ,
Grow to Twice Actual Weight of
Tholle xposed to Sunlight Only-
Latest Victory for Thl New and
Denutlful 1Ilumlnant. ,
The oxperlments recently made at. .
Cornell University prove that the
beauUCul rays Crom the gas , acetylene ,
are as effectlvo ns sunlight. on the
growth of plants , nnll this mny soon I
become n subject tor serlolls consider- I
atlon by a1l Ilro relfilve culll ators of
the soli.
Tho'results of the experiments are
ast'Onlshlng , Inasmuch as they show
conclusively the great Incrense of
growth attained by Sll\llllernenting \
"The Llgh ( or Naturo" with "The I
Light at Acctyleno" during the llOuro
In which the ] Jlants would otherwise bEJ
In darltnesB. For Instance , a certain
number of radish ) llants subjected to
acot'lene Jlght during the night , grew
to twlco the actual weight. of the same
number or radishes given dayJlght.
only , nil other conditions being equal ,
nnd peas had blossomed n.nd partiallY ,
matured polls with the help at ncety- :
leno Jlght , while without the ndded i
Jlght not oven buds were apparent.
Acetylene Is already taldng Ito
vnce ] as an llIumlnant. ror towns from
n. central plnnt , for lIfhting ( houses.
churches , schools and Isolated build.
Ings of all Idnds , and It Is being used
successfully for many other purposes.
A strllclng and Important feature of
ncotylonj Is the etls.e .and small expense -
pense with which It can be made
available compared with the great advantages -
vantages derived from Its use. The
mlLchlne In which the gas Is genor.
ated Is caslly Installed.
A Mistaken Dlagnobl9.
Yes , doctor , I'vo. stated my symptoms
all rlghtj
My 110art.'s lUco a steam englne'o
bumping , '
And pains never leave mo by day ot
by. night ,
But. this way , and tha.t. wny nre
jumping. "
You BOO I am 111 , and you wisely don't
seoCf ,
But. you cnn't diagnose worth a cop.
perl '
Anglnn pectoris ? Oh , there now ,
como offl
Her name Is Lnvlnla. Ann Hopper.
ArabIc Translation of "iliad. "
An Arabic translation of Homer's ,
"IlIad" has been pUbJlshOI at. Calr ( )
by Sulelman Vlstanl , a Mohammedan
student. nt. Khartum college. The
classic hns beon' enthusiastically re.
celved In l\Ioslem circles.
Close Quartero.
"You'ro In a IJretty tight. fix , " sa.ld
the defendant's lawyer. "One-half the
jury want. to hang you , nnd the rest
don't thlnle you're worth the rope.-
Atlnnta Constitution.
Especially for Women ,
ChamlJlon , 1\1lch" Juy ] 24th.-Spe- (
clal-A ) case of cspeclal Interest to
women Is tho.t of 1\1rs. A. Wellott , wlte
of II. well lenown photogra.pher here. It
IB best given In her own warda. ,
"I could not. sleep , my feet. were cold
and my Ihnbs cramped , " Mrs. Wellett
statos. "I had nn awful liard pain
ncross my Itllhle's. ' 1 had to get. up
three or four limes In the night. I
was very nervous nnd fearfuJ1y do-
"I had been troubled In this way for
five years when I cO\1lmencod to , use
Dodd's Kidney Pills , and what they
caused to come from my kldnoys will
hardly stand description.
"ny the tlnJe I had finished ono box
of Dodd's Kidney Pills I was cured.
Now' I can sleep well , my Jlmbs do not , I do not get. up In the night and
I feel better than I have In years. 1
owe my health to Dodd's IGdno
Pills. "
Women's Ills are cn.used by Dls.
eased Kldneysj that's why Dodd'f
Kidney Pills alwnys cure them.
, Landlord Gets One.Thlrd.
In the cn.pllal of Now Zealand one
third of a worltman's or a clerlt's in
come goes to the landlord for rent.
Articles of Live Interest.
The August. Century will bring till
second of Mr. Franle J. Sprague's po
pors n liTho Electric Hallway , " gh
Ing 6peclal nttontlon to later oxper !
ments nnd the present slate of the art
It. Is Mr. Spraguo's opinion that. ever ;
road presents n. special problem , nn ,
I that the wisilom at adoltlng' electrll
Ity can bo determined only by n mas
careful nnalysls of nil the condition
I affecting It.
Mr. : MelvUJo E. Stano's fifth pnpc
on "The ABSoelatell Press" In the AI
gust Century wUJ ten , with plenty (
I anecdote how the n.sBoclntlon wor s I
. wnr tlmo. Mr. Stone wUJ also discus
L. In this InstaJlment tbo ssertlon , s
. otten' made , thut. the Associated Pros
Is n monopoly.
A man 10 Icnown by the things b
lIeoles rather than by these ho finds.
Hero I , Rollof for Women.
Mother GrBY , nurao In Ne , " York , dl ,
covered n pleasant herb romodr tor women
UIs , called AUSTRALIAN.LEAr. It Is tli
t only cortaln monthly regulator. Curl
tomalo weakncssc8 nd Daoknoho , Kldno'
Dladdor nnd Urinary troublcs. At nIl Druj
IDsts or bI mall t > O ets. Sample mnllc
PHEE. Address , The Mother Oral Co
LeRoy. N. Y.
No creed Jl1a ) ' be more bigoted thn
_ .ono creed.
Smokers find Lewis" "Slnglo Dlndol
IItrBIgl1t 50 clgnr better qualIty than mo :
Oo brands. Lowis' Factory , Peoria , llJ.
, . .
. : . . . ; . . , . ! .
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,1 ' J '
Emperor WIlliam Said to Have As.
sured Oscar of Support.
The rumor Is current. in European
capitals that. the German emperor has
assured King Oscar at Gel1e of his
wnrmest. sympathy nnd has promised
to support him in restoring the sta.tus
QUo nnte In the dual Idngdom.
As a public proof of his sentiments
the Itnlser has made King Oscar a
grand ma.rshal of t.h Germnn fieet.
At. a Danish cablnbt meellng It. developed -
veloped that. the ministers were In full
agreement tha.t. Prince Chiules of Den.
marle should accept the crown of Norway -
way 1f King Oscar nnd the other courts
most. nearly concerned expressed tIlOlr
approval. King Chrlslan nnd the
other members of the Dnnlsh ro'al
family are also favorable to Prince
Cha.rles becoming King of Norway.
At. Stocleholm , .Tuly 14 , King Oscar
gave a luncheon to Emperor WlI1lam
on board the Swedish ro al : racht
Pratt. Emperor Wlllinm has decorat-
'od Count. Glydenstolpe , the Swedish
minister of foreign affairs , with the
grand cross of the Order of the Red
Eagle ,
The substance of the statement
made nt. Stocholm ] to the effect. that
n German.Swedlsh nlllance was serl-
ousy ] contemplated was submitted to
the Germdn foreign office , and the
nuthorItative statement. was made that
. ,1'\
( \
The stars show the ports where It
: . Is said the German nally will make
demonstrations of friendship for Sweden -
den announcing to the world that Germany -
many stands with Sweden In the
Swedlsh.Norweglan crisis.
r , the question of an alliance between
Germany and Swedcn had never come
beroro t.ho foreign office , nor had It
heen discussed to the slightest extent.
Of course , the torelgn office could
not. deny tIlat. Emperor WlJIlam and
King Oscar had not siJoken of nn nlll.
nnce during .thelr Interview at. Gefio ,
becnuoo the sUbjects of tholr conversn-
tlon are not Imown.
The German government.'s policy Is
ono of com pIe to aloofness-nlmost of
Indlfferenco. It. Is expected nt. Berlin
that as a result of the meeting Em.
poror WlJllam and Germany wlJI be I
ltescrlbed In some countries as taking
undue Interest In Scandlnnvln.n affalrij
nnd ns seeldng for n way to Infiuenc
a settlement. Such an Idea is dI&
avowed In ndvnnce.
Frogs for Dissection.
Twent ) ' thousand frogs a ) 'ear nre
used for dissection and experimental
purposes In the University of Penn'
s'Jvanin medical laborntorles. Both
medical and dental classes view th (
oXJerlments. ] Frogs exist. In a IJoculiat
mnnnor. 'fhclr spinal cord constitutes
the basis at tholr Intelligence , al1l1
acter their brain Is destro'ed the
w111 JIve for an Indefinite period. Sev.
eral ) 'ears ago the brain of ono waf
taken out. To-lIa ) ' the trag is alive
nnd well and jumping about Its cage
-Philadelphia North Amerlcnn.
Statesmen Wonder as to His Attitude
In Controversy.
Emperor 'William's visll to Tangier
was characterized nt. the tlmo as "an
Immense political demonstration. "
The demonstration has had , In n dip.
lomatlc sense , definite results. Germany -
many hils hnd her way , and there wlJI
bo an internntlonal conference on Mo-
rocco. The world Is now wondering
what. the busy and strenuous lca.lser
Is after in connection with his second
coup or political demonstration-In
the 'waters of Sweden.
The Berlin foreign office cntegorlc.
aJly denies that. there exists , or that
there , has ! Jeen projccted , an alliance
between Germany and Sweden. But
the conference wllh King Oscar and
the naval demonstration scheduled for
July 20 un oubtcdy ] IJOSSess practical
At. 8tocltho1ln the Impression Is that.
the lealser has talen sides with Sweden -
. den In her dIfficult ) ' with .Norwny , but
slnco Sweden , or at least. her govern"
ment , has no disposition to force Norway -
way to remain in the union , and Is
wlJllng to let. "the erring sister go"
on terms not. Incompatible with Scan-
dlna.vlan safet ) . , and slnco Norway
has been eminently reasonable and
conciliatory toward Sweden as to that
nspect of the case , and hns offered to
accept. aU proper conditions dictated
by legitimate Interests ot Scandinavia ,
no need would seem to have arisen
for the kaiser's patronage "and protec-
tion. .
Extremists who believe that. the
German emperor , In view of Russln.'s
coJlapso , dreams of "a HohenzoJ1ern
world-empire" and a genera ] Euro.
pean dictatorship wlJI explain coup
No.2 In a very simple wa ) " . Dr. Dillon -
lon , writing in the Contemporary Review -
view , says that "Europo wlJI henceforth -
forth be policed and watched over by
Germnny , " nnd that. "the only contribution -
bution she wlJI expect. Cram her pro.
teges Is that. they shall adjust their
foreign polley to her Interests. " Furthermore -
thermore , Engnnd ] has been very
trienclly to democratic Norway , nnd
the British prQss has encouraged the
separatIon movement. Germany be.
Ing England's rival , and s 'mpathlzlng
with , aristocratic Sweden , the Imlser
hns an addltlonnl motlvo for osten-
tatlousl ) ' befriending latter nation ,
- The theory hardly explains nU the
facts , however , for not. long ago BrIt.
Ish papers argued that. Germany
would rejolco to see Scandlnavln.
wealeoned and divided , and that. she
would not. JlCt her finger to prevent.
the dissolution of the Swedlsh.Nor-
weglan union. Time wlJI teU what
the emperor's Immedlato nd practical
object. Is , As to his unavowed design ,
t.ho freedom to specula to Is unrestrlct-
ed.-Chlcago Record.Herald.
Gorman Would Have Son Succeed.
, It. Is said among some Maryland po.
JlUcal wiseacres who nre usunUy "In
the know" that Senntor Arthur Pue
Gorman Is IJannlng ] to have his Bon
succeed him In the upper branch of
congress. The young man..who bears
his father's name , Is now II. stnte
senator , and on occasion has proved
hlmseJt almost. as clever n poJltlclan
as his astute progenitor.
Japanese Attempt at English.
I In certain Japanese schools the En-
I gllsh langunge Is taught. But. appar.
ently the teachers have not the best
command ot English , for the foUowlng
passage was given In a recent exam.
Inatlon , for translation Into Japanese :
"Reputation being essentially contem.
poraneous is alwa ) at thj Ignorant.
But Fame , whose ver ) ' birth Is post.
humous , al1l1 which Is enl ) ' Imown to
oxlst. b ) ' the echo of Its footsteps
through congenial minds , can neither
. be Increased nor dlmlnlshod b- any
degree of wlJIrulnesa. "
- I
Patrlotlo Sentiment Responsible for :
Large Industry. . '
Patriotism has become the basis ot
a great American Industry. Becnuso
ot the nmn.zlng increase of patrlotlo
sentiment. In , this country during the
last decade the manufacture of Amerl.
can flags has quadrupled. More than
three mlJIlon star-spangled banners
annually nro made ot alile and bunting ,
but theBe term only a smnU portion of
the total number of United States
flngs that. are born , that live nnd dlo
between .Tnnuary and .Tanua.ry. In re.
mote Carmll1g districts , where ten
) ears ago the national colors were
rarely seen , every Aultabl occasion
witnesses n flag display. The fiag hns
been ndded to the llousohold gods from
1\Ialne to Cnllfornla. alld ; from tIle Gult
bt Mexico to the Canadian Jlno. So
far ns Individual popularity Is concerned -
cerned , It rnnls , with the firecrackers
on Independence day , and outrnnlcs nU
clse on that day of national pntrlotlo
observance , 1\Iay 30.-Pearson's Maga-
Robert W. Brown of Louisville Honored -
, ored by the Order.
Hobert W. Brown , newly elected
grand exalted ruler of the EUs , has
been nffiJlated with LoulsvlJle Ledge
No.8 ot that. order since 1887 , and It
has been through his efforts that the
fraternity was ennbled to bund a magI -
nlficent home In tha.t olty costing up-
, . . . _ t.Y , , . ' " " _ ( F" ' = 7" " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , ' , . . i. : . " 'H L -"jIJ (
Robert W. Brown.
wa.rd of $20,000 , He Is , a Kentuclcla.n
by birth , about. 40 years old , and for
twenty years has been a newspaper
man , The only public office Mr.
Drown has over held was that. of pri.
vate secretary to the mayor in the'ad. .
ministration of Charles P. Weaver ,
lIe Is managing editor of the Louis.
"llIe Times.
Take Pains In Planning the Advertls
Ing Matter.
In an addrcss delivered before th (
Pacific Coast. Advertising Men's Asso
clatlon the manager of.a San Francis
co depnrtment store said tha.t "ther (
nre t.wo things nec'cssary In order tt
. results Crom '
get. ad'vertlslng-first
have a good thing to sell , and thOI
taUe about. It. In a way tha.t. wlll malt (
people want. to buy Il. "
The spealer o..erloolwd n third es
sentlal of which every advertising mati
1's cognizant. The good thIng must bE
Invitingly dcscrlbed where the de
scription will bo read. The most. al
luring " d" ever written Is of sma.1
value in n waste paper basltet.
'rho depnrtment store mana.gOJ
should have Iald : "Havo a good thin !
to sell , talk about It In a way that. wll
make people want to buy it , and d (
J'our talldng through a nowspaper.-
Philadelphia. Record.
Making Fortune for Herself.
Miss Madge Plclder , daughter of I
former well-lmown member of can
gress , deserves a place In the fron1
ranIc among plucly young AmerlcaI
women. She 'Iett her father's man
sian In Falkland , S. D. , to tale pas
session ot and worl , n mlno which she
owns on t.hd Crlppe ] Creek Short line
The shnft. . of he mlno has now beeI
sunk to n d'opth that. makes It n (
longer a prospect. It Is a real mine
and there Is lots of ore in sight. Misl
PickIer Is her own 'superIntendent '
She has a force of men n.t wor1e , bu' '
every morning aods n miner's gart
and , with a Jlghted candle , goes dOWI
Into the mine nnd Bpends the day un
derground. She Is musical , too , nne
when the miners are through thE
day's work she brings her guitar nne
sings to them the music she learnee
her gultnr nnd sings to them the mu
sic she learned In her fnther's hem
from famous teachers.
Saved His Boys From Death.
: \Ia'or Samuel Roberts of Norris
town , Pa" has put hl111selJ In line fa
a. Carnegie medal , He was fishlnj
trom II. boat In the Delaware rive
when ho notlced : tltat two bo's ha (
tallen off a swimming raft and weTI
In dn.uger or being drowned. Mr. Rob
erts rowed to the hceno , aud , IJlunglnj
In the water without tlmo to tnlio 01
his clotlilng , grahbed the bo's b ) ' thl
hair as they were gflng down a thlrc
time , When the mayor drew them tl
the surface great WRS his surprise tc
dnd they were his own children.
I Llor. Afraid of Ostr ch ,
There Is only ono th Dg of which , .
the lion Is nfrald , nnd that lu the os- " ' - . . . . ,
trlch. The lilrd 1 $ more fleet than tht ) Jt
: tualtruped , Ilnd it . ! nn deUrer Its ter : , . " .
riblo klcle with th. ) Impact ot a pugl. "
list's blow and spring 'away' & I It. gets \ ,
another openlng Stich tactics na.tur-
aUy disgust. the superior being. ,
A City's Charm. , ' .
I would rather be a clerIc In the
midst. ot nolso and buslle thnn lead an , ,
nlmless country lito. To study nature - . .
ture Is good , but to study humnn Da-
turo In the city of London Is best. 01 : .
nll.-Mr. H. 1I1lI.
'r ! to.
Hailstone Lore.
Oregon modesty cnme to the front ; '
with hnllstones the s\lo \ ; : of cherries.
Now Algeria gees ono better with halt.
\ltones the sl.ze of hens' eggs , which
devastated n territory lO : ! miles long
by six' wide.
Potatoes for Diabetes.
Dr. Mosse , a. French physician , af.
firmed the good results of ndmlnls-
terlng potatoes In certain f rms 01 :
diabetes. He states tha.t he haa 0-
fected cures by this means , '
Two Points of View.
A young feUow says : "Oh , that
was n long time ago : five or sbc
years , " An old fellow 6ays : "Oh.
that was some tlmo ngoj forty or 1lty .
J'ears.-Atcl lson , Kan" Globo.
, 1
About What You Eat. " .
When It comes to food , demand to
know the ta ts about what goes Into I
your stomach.
Not. only that. It. Is pure , but. thnt ,
) -OU are not. deceIved In the descrlp- , 1
tlon of Its contents and condition. .
Some flaleed breakfast. foods that. have
thus far failed are now being advertised -
tised in close imitation of the Grape-
Nuts advertising , thinking In that way
to finally mnlta a success of the faU-
ure. .
ure.But. .
But. false statements of the merits
( ) f human food will never on earth
build up n. business , These fiaked " -
foods nre not. pre-digested. They are
not fuly cooleed and the starch In
them is starch still , and has not been
, turned to sugar as claImed.
Chemical. analysis telLs the truth I
and the analysis of the Camous chemIsts - _ \
Ists at the world show Grape-Nuts the
only prepl red bl'eakfast fee in
which the starch part of the wheat
and barley has been transformed Into
sugar and therefore ready Cor immedl-
ate digestion. Why Is tlls true ? All
the thIn rolled flale foods are made
by soaking the grains of whent or
oats in water , then rolling , drying and
paclclng. Thcso operations do not
cool , or pre-digest the starch ,
Contrastcd wIlh this pretense , ob.
serve the care , method and sldll in
mntlng ] Grape-Nuts.
The baroy ] Is soalwd about , on ,
hundred hours , then It is slowly if ,
' "
warmed for some clays and sprouted. , " .
the diastase being deveoped ] and llart
of the starch turned to su/ar / ( and' '
later on aU at It ) , then the grains are
baIted and tho' sprouts stripped off.
Then com grinding. sifting and mixIng -
Ing wIth the creamy colored fiou
made Cram white and maccaronl '
wheal. This mixture must be sldll- I'
fully made in right-proportions , This .
blended flour contains just the Ingred-
, lents demanded by nat.ure to rebuild
the s tt gray substance in the nerve
) centers and brain , but. how to make ) j , . . .
the food easy to digest , thnt. was the
It certainly would not. do to mix In
drugs , for there is a certain Calluro
, sure to come to the person depending
on drugs to digest. food. They may defer
for a temporary expedient , but pure
food and digestible food is the only
. nnal resort. nnd safe way. So to
change the remaining starch part. and
prepare the other elements In this
. blended flour it. Is made up into mas-
- Hive loaves Uko bread , the Inside he- I
Ing dark cream color and quite sticky !
to the touch. These loaves ure sUced .
rand ngaln go through long cooking at
certain temperatures , Then the roclt'
hard sUccs are each one carefully inspected -
spected nnd ground ready for packing
- and use , having gone through 10 or 13
hours in the different. operations ,
When finished , each Jlttle granule
will show a sparltUng substance on Its
L surfaco. A magnifying glass will
- bring It. out. clearer and de\'clop lIttlG
pieces of pure dextrose sugar , 'not ,
put. on "or poured over" ( as the head
- of a large Sanitarium once stated In
- his paper , thus exposing his appallln
) Ignorance ot food processes ) , hut this.
Bugar exudes from the interior of each
as the starch Is slowly turned to.
sugar in the process of manufacture.
This kind o ! sugar Is exactly IIko.
what. Is found In the human Intestines. . . . . .
. provided the starch ot the grains , pDo '
tatoes , hread , rice , cake , etc. , etc. , has.
been perfectly dlgeBted , But many
are wen.k in thn.t form of dlgestton , .
- and yet. need the starches , 80 Qrapo- ,
Nuts supplies thom predlgested and
ready to go qulcltly Into the blood.
VIsitors are Bhown freely through
the worlcs and can foHow the steps 01 : '
making Grape-Nuts from the grain to :
) the finished product. The proportions ,
ot dltrerent. kinds at fiour , ' and the.
temperatures nre not disclosed and It. , , . ' . ,
see1tls : imposslblo for others to steal " ' \
. I'
Ithese secrets of the makers , / But. '
I' purlt ) ' , cleanliness and sltlll are shown
In every corner of the Immense pure
food factories. People who care for
results from cholcel- selected food , .
those who want the food to robulhl
the soft. gray sllbstunce In brain I\nd
ner\'es thnt glvo the go , the \'Igor. the
life , will understand why the Imlta.
tors who try to ' the
COP ) annollncc--
ments n.bout GralJe.Nuts have failed _ ) . . .
In the past. f'f
There's a reason for Grape-Nut , : and
a profound one.