Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 27, 1905, Image 7

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Cure For The Blues
Health Fully Restored and the Joy ot
Lifo Rooalned
When Bcheedul , brave , ltght-henrtcd
womnn Is suddenly plunged into thnt
pedectl0110f mlsul'y , tll llLUES , it is
a snd picture. It is usu311y this , vny :
She has been : Ceeltng II out of sorta "
' it
tor some time ; hend has nched nnd
back nlso ; has slept poorly , be(1n quite
nervous , nnd nearly fnlnted once or
twice hend dlzz ' Rnd henrt-bents " '
" ; } , henrtbents01'y
' - - : Cast ; thcn thnt beurlng-dm..n feeling ,
l nndduring her menstrunl period she is
exceedingly despondent. Nothing
pleases hor. lIeI' doetor says : . . Cheer
up : you hnvo d'spopsla r J'ou will be
0.11 right soon. "
i But she doesn't get II all right , " nnd
. llope"anishes ; then come the brood-
I lng , morbid , melancholy , everlasting
, Don't wait until your sufferings have
I , driven you to despair , wi th your nerves
0.11 shattered nnd ! 'our cournge gone ,
but take Lydia E. Pinldlllm's Vegetable -
table Compound. See what it did for
: Mrs. Rosn Adams , of BID 12th Street ,
Louisville , Ky. , niece of the lnte General -
eral Roger Hanson , C.SA. She writes :
Door Mrs. Pinkham-
"I cannot tell you with pen and ink what
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
hIlS done for me. I sUITered with female
troubles , extreme Il\Ssltude , 'the blues , '
: . nerVOU llCSS nnd that nll.gone fooling. I WIIS
advised to try Lydia.E. Pinkhm's Vegetable
Compound , and It not only cured my temale
derangement , but it has restored mete perfect
j. health and strength. The buoyancy of my
" younger da.ys hIlS retunled , and I do not suit -
t ) ' fer any longer with desp < 1ndencv,1lS I did bo-
, toro. I consldrr Lydia. E. Pinknam's Ve o-
table Compound a. ooon to sick and su1el'illg
. women. "
If you have some derangement 01
the female organism write Mrs.
Pinkham , Lynn , Mass. , for advIce.
t 'follow the nagl'
V cry
South nnd Southeast , one fare plus
$2.00. .
Hot SprIngs. Ark. , dally. . . . . . $23.00
St. Louis , 1\10. , dally. . . . . . . . . . $18.50
Chautauqunl N. Y. , July 28. . . 34.00
Detroit , 1\1 ch , August 13th
and 14th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21.50
PlttsburgPn. . , Aug. 17th
and 18th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.25
Richmond , Vn. , Sept. 8th to
11th , Inclusive. . . . . . . . . . . . . 33.75
Philadelphia. Pa. , Sept. 14th
to 1Gth Incluslvo. . . . . . . . . . . 32.7r.
" Long 1 { mlts , stopovers and other
I "t feat\Jre , , ! ofel'e In connection with
the above rates.
. t . . . I. . All Agents can sell you through
tickets and route you " 'abnsh.
. All tickets rending over the Wa-
bnsh from Chicago cast are optional -
tional with IInsseng-er via. Lake or
Rail , either or both directions.
Call at Wabnsh City office , 1G01
Farnam St. or write and let me
give you all Informntlon , maps , de-
scrlptlvo mntter , folders , e c.
G. A. P. D. 'ValJ sh R. R. , Omnha ,
" a. There is quality in Railro d
" 1)\ Travel as in everything else.
< < Tracl < , Trains and Time'are the
M. , Ko ea T. Ry.
( "THE KAifU )
has that q ality-a Rood thing to
remember when you travel South.
( t If you are in t\
hu ry , use .
" " .
and Wood Frames , 125 and up. Write
I , ; us before ) ' 011 buy. We save you
. . . . 'I ! . moncy. AI o Pumps and Wind
11111s. BECKMAN BROS. . On Moines , lows.
$100 Weelly { Easily Made
wrltlDghealth and ncchlent In8urnnceexpcrlence ; un.
l1ecossary. Write DBn ! tora' Aeoll\ent Co..Dea MOlne..I& .
W , N , U. Omaha , No. 29-1905
Coal Fields of spltz ergen.
The oonl lIelds or Spitzbergen , aUor
experimental mining in previous sen.
slons , ha'o bocn round or Rume en'
vnluo to justl ! ) " moro extensive oporn.
tlene , An oxpedltlon ba been Uod
out at Shellleld , Englnnd , In which
also sarno Norwegian capital Is Invost-
ed. About savent ) ' men nro engaged.
It is the Intention to erect olovan Jargo
buildings to bo used ror lodgings ,
shoos ror machinery , otc ,
Do Your Clothes look Yellow ?
Then uee Definnco Stnrch , It w11l
keep them whlte-1G oz. tor 10 cents.
Meaning of Prison Sentences ,
Lord Justlco Mathew or 11"11ginnd ,
spealdng at n meeting or the Catholic -
lic Prisoners' Aid ! 3oclety , said that
when ho Urst becnmo n judge ho nsit-
cd 0. cartnln 11rlson go\'ernor what It
really mennt to n man to ho sent to ,
convIct prison , 'l'ho reply was :
" 1.'lve ycnrs do not hurt him much ,
especlnlly It ho Is young ml\fl. Hut
so\'en ) 'enrs menns utter rutn to him. "
When You Buy Starch
buy Definnce ntHI Iet the best , 1G oz.
tor 10 cents. Once \1sell , always uset1 ,
Weak Bear Pain Best.
Dr. J.P. Loclm.rt Mummery , the
famous Drillsh surgeon , snys It Is
often extremely dlt11cult to estlmato
the condition or a patient wlth regnrd
to his power or standing severe op-
eration. Uften n weally looltlng In.
dlvidunl , who 1001s ns 1 [ ho would not
stand n severe operation weil , stnnds
it quito well , and vice versa.
I'Cnnl\nontly cured. No nt or ne"cnme . artl't' !
fiTS n..t d..y. . nOD of IIr. Kllno' . ON'at Nerve 1I00tol\O
er. Bond ror FIU < : I 8J.OO : trial bottle And trutl-a.
VB. U. U. KLnIE. LtJI. , 831 Arch Street , 1'Wlac101pl1l6,1' '
The Thoughtless Rain.
Llttlo drops or wnter
Showers rar and wide ,
Alwnys spall the temper
or the gentle bride.
-Uieveland 1'laln Dea.1er.
1'iso's Cure Is the best medicine " " 0 over used
tor nil ntter-Clons of the throat nnd lungs.WM. .
O. ENDSLJY : , Vanburen , Ind. , Feb. 10 , 1000.
'l'ho renl slteleton nt tho' reast IS the
man who retuses catsup nna them explains -
plains to all the table that he never
Ilses It because he has seen It made
In the raetorles.
The name and address of , your
shoe dealer and 150 to cover
cost of mailing , etc. , willsecuro
ono of the handsome rolled
gold pins illustrated above ,
Enameled in colors and will
wear for years. These pins
were secured by thousands of
World's Fair visitors.
Only a few hundred left.
WIite Quick.
.SHOE CO. 5T. J.OUI5 ;
troubled with ills peculiar to "
their sox used as a douche fa marvefous y .uc. .
I cessful. : thorOUghlyclcanses , kiUs dlseaso germsl
stops dischargcs , heals inl1ammation and local
, , orenen , cures loucorrh a. and nasal catarrb.
Paxtlne Is In powder form to be dissolved In pure
water , and Is far more c1eansl1g ! , healing , Eerm . ! idal
and economical than liquid antiseptics for aU.
For 1\31e at druggists , ( j ( ) cents a box.
Trial Dex And Dook of Instructions Pree.
I :
l 0
Bend for OatalogU No , 105 Ira
" OmaJI3 Tent & Awning Co.
. Omahll. Nabrlllila.
' , Na urat
. ' Flavol.
, . . . . _
I . odProduct
) ,
Don't I1 Without Thcm In Your lIome
Tbey Are Always ! lead ) to Servl
L'lnch. Tongues Vo&J Loa' '
Boneless Chicken Dried Dool
Brisket Deel Soups
Jellied Hocks Do..hed Deans
.I.t Y.a , . c" " " . , .
2'7I4l1 < > oTdef "I/o' " t4 Jal. Good Th"'a. "
4 I . . . . 10 E4af' .mt tN. .
. , . . ,
Ona Child In Flvo nt Work In Enrly
Years. i
"Flold 1\1111 Stream" notes thnt. one
rhlld In five In tills countr ) ' spo1H11lI I
Ihe rears boLw'n the nges or ten to
fifteen at work In coal mines , fne- 1
torlos or similar plnces. Educntlon Is
at n standstill : there Is no recrentlon :
In field or fQrest : nolhln to develop
mind chnrncter ' ' ! , the
or , e\'er'lhng on
contrnr ) ' , to hInder or distort their
growth , At. fifteen the unhappy lIttle
rreatures , dwnrfed In eYer ) ' ! lIrectlon ,
pnss Into elrculntlon. In a row ) 'enrs
our citizens' roll w1ll bo ono.firth mndo
up or such.
in his Inslallatlon address Presl-
dent Roosevelt said man ) ' fine things
about our duty nnd our dhwnlng des.
tiny to lead the worhlJ Malte nny al
lowance ) 'ou judge fit. ror posslhl
o\'er.stntoment In the figures wo quotG ,
the plcturo will not he grontly ro
1I0yed. For there Is the ether nnd
worsl sldo or It thaL child Inbor Is
one , and only ono , product or the
greed nnd IUlliITerenco or these who
nro Imowlnrly ; operntlyo In cnuslng
this stupenllous pleco of cruelty , They
arc a worse hlot on the roll than the
children , become adults , will boo
In what nro wo to lend the world ?
Humnnltr or conduct ? Usclfish dlsro-
gnrd for gnln ? How long does a na-
tion's public polrc ) ' remntn In advance
of Its averngo prIvate stnndanl ,
These children nro slaves who. de-
rlyo no shndow of benefit , nothing but
harm , from their slnver ) ' . Morally
nnd mentall ) ' dwnrfed men nnd wom.
en , they are premature ! ) ' fnthers and
mothers whose children register nnel
rofiect the moral and mental status of
their parents ,
Wo on co hold these "truths to bo
solt-evldence : that all men nro en.
dewed by their Crertor with cortaln
inallenablo rights , that nmong these
are lite , liberty nnd the pursuit or
happiness. "
But perhaps the signers of the Dee-
laratlon or Independence were not
thinldng at children In those moment.
ous days I-New Century Pnth.
Cabman Felt He Owed Debt.
The Rey. S. Pnrltcs Cadmnn of
Brooltlyn tells n stor ) " of how 1cnb. .
man or this city once refused to accept -
cept pay for his scrvlces. Dr. Cnd-
mnn hnd been calling on Dlshop Pot-
ter. After arriving fit the ferry on his
wny homo ho tendered the usual fee
to the man who hnd driven him down.
The man declined to talce It , nnd a
beautlrul smllo lit up his tanned tent-
"I'd lIke to lmow why you won't
tal\O this money , " said the clerg'man.
"I'll tell you , " came the nnswer. "I
on co heard ) 'ou prench In the Metro.
polltan Temple , and at the close of
the service you 1 aiel your hnnd
on my shoulder and snlel' to mo ,
'For God's salco be a man. ' I had been
a drunlen sot for years rwllll"I
me right about faco. I now own this
horse and cnrriage , live with my wife
and children in a snug little fiat , and
have $1,500 in. the banle. It'.s no
strange thing thnt ) 'ou should ( orget
mo , but I haven't forgotten you.- "
New Yorl TImes.
Wise Sister Mary.
Mary had a lIttle lamb , Its fieeco
was white as snow ; It strayed nwny
ono summer dny where lambs shoull1
never go. Then Mary sat her down
and tears streamed slowly from her
o'es ; she ne\'er found the lamb lie. .
cause she did not advertlso. And
Mary hnd a brother , John , who ltept a
v1llage store : he sat down and smolwd
his pipe and watched the open door.
And as the people pnssed nlong and
did not stop to bu ) ' , Jolin still Bat
down and smolell his pipe and bllnlwd
his sleepy eye.
And so the brolcers seized his stacIe ,
but s(1ll ho lingered ncar , and Mnry
came to drop with him a sympltlhetlc
"How Is It , sister , can you tell why
other shoppers here sell all Ulel !
goods so qulcldy and thrive from yeor
to year ? "
Romemberlng now her own bnd htcl"
the lIttle mnld replle , "These t1lCf
fellows fatten , J hn , because they ad.
vortlse.-London Tit Dlts.
Sensitiveness of Humorists.
A poet at a banquet at humorists
told a story of R. K. Munldttrlclt ,
American's veteran jolto writer.
"Blanlc nnd I spent the night with
Mr. Munldttrlck at his fine New Jer.
sey homo In May , " ho said , "nnd the
next morning wo came in to ow Yorl ,
on the train together.
"Mr. Munltlttrlcl , had brought along
a bundle of funny papers to begullo
the rldo with , nnd , plclclng up ono of
these journals , DInnlc began to read It.
After a whllo ho turned to Mr. Mun.
lclttrlck and snld :
II'SO this Is ono ot your jokes , Is it ?
Ha , ha , hal'
"Tho veteran jol\O writer saId in a
hurt , Indlgnnnt tone :
" 'Woll , what nro you laughing at ?
Isn't It a good one ? ' "
1,100 Francs for King's Umbrella.
The ldng of the Delglans once left
his umbrella In n hansom when drlv.
Ing In Brussels. ' 1'hls wns returned
to his majesty a few hours nfterward
by the proud "cabby . , " who was offered
tor his honest ) by King Leopold the
, sum of 100 frnncs. The nstuto Jehu ,
I however , begged a grent taTer of the
Itlng. Could ho have the umhrelln
I Instead or the money ? 'rho fnyor W E
granted , and before man Ctys had
pnssed the cnbman lIo.d put up the
, umbrella for eale , nnd It was lmocltcd
' 110wn to sarno ro'nl enthusiast rOl
\100 francs. When King Leopolc ]
l heard of this ho exclaimed : "Well
, l'vo heard of nn umbrella heing pu1
up to keep oft showers or rnln : but
t thl& seems to have been put up te
brlnlli down showerll or rwllll"
I How to Preserve IODs.
Now.lalLt eggs cnn bo pr'scrvolt tor
monUlS by smonrlng the shells or
i them with pure glycerlno on the flame
ctay tl1l\t the ( 'SIS nro laid , It Is brst
: to them In n position with thl
smaller oml Ull , Pure glycerlno Is
much better than butter or grease , as
I It noycr turns ranrlcl ami thu9 n\'olds
the chance ot sllol1lng Lho flavor of
I Lho eggs. .
Sensible Housekeepers
will ho.\'o Dennnco Starch. not nlonn
berauso they gel one-third ! nOl'O tal'
the Rnme monl ! ) ' , lIut ulso becuus of
superior quality.
lapsed In Meaning.
" 1h0l1 menus nre wI'llton In French ,
by these who nre Imperfectly nc-
qualnted with thnt lnngunge , amnslng
efferts are sometimes produced. For
Insto.nco , n the front of a sml\l1 res-
tnurnnt . In V\'nlon , n few c1a's ar-o ,
there nppearell the fol1owlnl ; surprising -
ing Item : "Yellow.tnil a 11grnlls. . "
And It Isn't a free lunch ) either ,
Try One Pack 'lge.
It "Dennn'e Stnr h" c1e ) not pIC-OM
YOll , retllrn It to 'our denlel' . Ie It
does ) 'OU got ono-thlrd 11101'0 (01' the
Bame mon { ' ' . It will sh'o ) 'OU sntls"
to.ctlon , and will 110t sUele to the Iron.
- -
Old Excuse Is Rejected.
A marrlell ltl\qnn couple who iert
tholrolglnls / ( nt Aveli1no wltllOUt po. ) "
Ing tholr rent LJecnuRo t110y thought
the house was 11I\Ul1tcct 1111.\0 been
lined $ IUU. ' 1'110 judge ruled that mod.
ern sclenco docs not recognlzo the exIstence -
Istenco or gl1osts.
: lrr . Wlnslon-'s oothlnl : ' Syrop.
For rhll < lrrn tcethlnR , O lODA the StUll ! ! , ro.lucCI II )
nlllDma oD , allals pain , cure. willdcollu. a t. > ttlo.
Benefit of Good Manners.
Gooll manners pny even tr tllO ) ' do
ilot mnltO rrlonds , hocauso wo cannot
a-y to mal\O others IInppy , to rndlato
aunshino , without reeling better and
purer ourselvcs-3uccess. !
, f < J hAtt InnAlnntor } ' Tthlumntllln , but T nln
well now , thallkllO lIr. Iraw..1 . K"nne.ty'o . . . . , .orlle Ilem.
ed7. It'.mT . . friend. " Onrrotl JAnIIIlIl' , Troy , N. y ,
In nrter yenrs It usually gives a
mnrried mnn :1. : hl1nllnc11o o\'ery Umo
boo hears another man whistling the
wedding marc11.-Uhlcago Nows.
Dennnce Stnrch is put up 1G ounceR
In n. paclcnge , 10 cents. One-third
more stm'ch for the snme monc ) ' .
Most or the so.callell original Ideas
nave been on the tohoggnn for con-
: urles.
The B st Results In Starching
can be obtainell only' by lIRlng Defiance -
fiance Starch , besides getting 4 oz.
more for same money-no cooltlng re-
Ho who hopes ror the best seldom
expects It.
- -
Facts Are Snbborn ! Things
Uniform cX(111onhlI1ity for over it quarter of a
century hns Hten1il ' il1crol\sec1 the Balca of IJION COF1'EE ,
The lender of all package coffecs.
Lion Coffee
is now \lsml in millions of homos. Such
pOliulal' U ( ' OHH Hpmlm for iwolf. It is n. .
110slU\'C l1rOof Umt LION COFFEE hns the
Confldcnce of the lcople.
'ho uniform quality or LION
COJ.n1E ! ] Bltl'Vfi nil opposition ,
LION COFFEr. keep. 1111 01\1 friends nnd
mnlcI nc\v one8 every tiny.
Ims evcn more
limn Us Strcnotb , Flnvor nmI Qunl. .
Ity to commcnd It. On orrlvul from
the plontnllon , It Is cnrefully rOllst. .
cd ot our factorlcs end securcly
pnclcd In 1 lb. scaled pnclmocs ,
nntll10t OlCncII nouln unlll nccdcIl
lor use In Ibe bomc. ' 1111s prcehulcs
the losslbnUy 01 utluUernlion or contnct with gcrms , dIrt.
( lust , Insects 01' nnelcon hnnds. The nbsolute IUrUy of
IION COFF E ir therefore guarnntecl to the consumcr.
SoM ouly ill 1 ib. } 1noltn ( 's , J.on-hplltl ! on o\'rry 11nckngo.
81\\0 these Llon-lwnc1s for vnlul\blo promlulIls.
WOOTHON srICE 00"r.I.'olello , Ohio.
- . .
Are Sett
to rosponslhlc pOOllle on trinl. If yon
don't Iny lho ' nro $100,00 hr.tter thnn
Ill1Y IIlano 'Oll ha\'o licon , hex It up ,
80n(1 ( It llnclt nt our OIIOlllle.
OUI. Priccs Are W ny Do\vn
hecnlUo wo ho.\'o no IlA'Ol1tR or trnvolera.
Our terms are cnnh , or $ : ! O.OO down ana
$5.00 monthly. WrIte tol1llY for catalog -
log nna prices.
Adl1ress the mnleers ,
t NClltll"hl',1 , Jf.m , O\IAtlA ; , NEil.
, -woo _ _
Don't Poison Baby. j
FORTY YEARS AGO almost every mother thought her ohild must have' .
PAREGORIC or laudanum to make it sleep. These drugs will produo ( )
sleep , and A FEW DROPS TOO MANY will produoe the SLEEP FROM WHICH
THERE IS NO WAKING. Many are the ohildren who have been , killed or
whose health has been l'uined for life by paregorio , laudanum and morphine , eaoh
of whioh is a narootio produot of opium. Druggists are prohibited from selling
either of the narootios named to ohildren at all , or to anybody without labelling
them" poison. " The definition of" narootio" is : tl.l1. 7Jwdicine which 7'eUeves pain .
and p7'odlwes sleep , bui which in poisonons doses ] J7'odzwes stltJp07' , C07na , convltJl-
sions and death. 11 The taste and smell ofmedioines oontoining opium are disguised ,
and sold under the n mes of "Drops , " "Cordials , " "Soothing Syrups , " eto. Y 011
should not permit aly ! modioine to be givpn to your ohildreJl without you O ! :
your physioian know of ythat it is oomposed. OASTORIA DOES NOT OON-
TAIN NARCOTIO if it bears the Bigna ure of Ohas. H. Pletoher. ,
' "
, Letters from Prominent Pllysicians .
; ' ; addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher. .
( T )
, Dr. J.Y. . Dlnsdnle , or Chlcnlo , III. . MYS : "I USQ your Cnstorla. and ndvlso ICe.
- - ' - _ ! : use In nil families \\'hoo there arQ chlldrcn. "
, - = " : : = ; Dr. Alexander E. Mlntle , of Clevelnnd. Ohio , : "I bave frl'quently pre-
- { . " , Ib'd , . . ,"a and bn' ' . .nd It n , , "ab1 , end lIays .1. . . . . ' "wd , too , b"d' . . . . .
ll"lI.j ; I Dr. J. R. Alexnndrr , of Omnha , Neb. , IIn 'II : "A medicine so valunble nnd bcne-
- _ - - - " _ ' f1r1nl for chlll1\'ell us your CDlitorla. Is , dC6erves the highest [ Jralse , 1 JJlld It 111 ust
- - . , ovcrywbere. "
' , ' r Dr. J. A. McOlellnn , of nnffnlo , N. Y. , snYI ! : "I hl1ve frequently prescrlbcd yom.- '
AYegetable Preparalionfor As- r ( -storla : tor ehtldren nnl1 always got good I'esults. In fll t 1 use Costorla for my'
. & : own chlldrcn. "
Ihe food 1ml Regula.
slmi1atlng cbs ndBo < is 0 f i Dr. J. W. Allen , of Rt. roulll , no. , says : "I llcnrtlly cnllorse your Cnstorla. r
1 SI we
lin lIe oma II ' nud found tGo
; ' have trequently ' ( It 111 my medlcnl practice , huvu nlways It
; . do all that Is clu \ wed tor It. "
Dr. C. IT. Glidden , of St. Pnul , Minn. , snys : "My experience ns a prnctltloncr-
with your C'a6torla has heen 1I1Chly satisfactory , antI 1 consider It an excellent remel1.1
tor tllo young. "
Promotcs Digestion.Checrfu1Dr. . II. D. ncnner , of Phllallelphla , I'a. , Bnys : "I bavo used your Cnstorla ns f1
nC5S and Rest Contains neither purjfotlve In Cho cahC8 of chll < lr'n tor years past with Jbo most happy ettcct , anll
" . "
tull ) ' endorse It as a snfo remedy.
OplUmMorl > b" me nor Mineral . Dr. J. A. Boarmnn , of Knnsas City , Mo. , says : "Your Castor'n ' Is a. plcndill
NOT N.ARCOTIC. : remedy for chlldrcn , Imown the world oer. I USB tt In my practlre and bavo n ( ) .
. . besltlmcy In recommending It tor tile comlllaints or lufants nnl1 children. "
- Dr. J. J. Mackey , of I1rooklyn , N. Y. , snys : "I consider your Cnstorll1 nn ex-
Old IJrSAN1JELPnrIlEll. cellent prcpllratlon tor children , hcln composrd of rellahle medicines and pleasant
. J'u. . . . to tbe taste. good remedy tor all dlsturl.mncell of the dlgestlvo organs. "
lx./tnn . . Dr. I1owarl ( James , at New York City , Fay/ / ! : "It Is with Irent pleasure tbnt X
Mhl ' dlslre to teRtif to the medlclnnl vlrtno of 'onr Cnslorla. 1 have used It witt.
.AniI. Slid. rnorked bcnellt fn the cnso ot my own dnugbter , nnll hl\vo obtained excollcnt resu1t
&wrm tt . . trom its administration to otbcr cbIldrel1 III my practice. "
, /JI / . . J
ApcrfcctRemcdy forConsUpn-
tlon , Sour StomachDillrrooca. \ ; . . . . . I
Worms , Convulsions , feverishness -
ness andLoss OF StEER
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