Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 27, 1905, Image 3

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Mrs. John 1.1. Rue , of 111i Pl\tor'lJn !
Avenue , Paterson , N. J. , sn's : "I V"\S
troubled Cor about nine yenrs , nnd
what I sur-
CC1'ed no ono
will ever
Imow. I used
about e\'erl'
lmown remedy -
dy thnt Is
- said to bo
good Cor ltld.
110Y complaint -
plaint , but
without de-
r\'lng ! per-
mnnent ro-
Het. Often
when alone 1n the house the back
, ache has been so bad that It brought
tears to my eyes. The pnln at times
. was so 1ntenso that I was compelled
: to give up my household duties nnd 110
t down. There were headnches , dlzzl-
ness and blood rushing to my head to
cause bleeding nt th.o nose. The first
t box of Dorm's Kidney Pills benefited
me so much that I continued the trent-
ment. The stinging pain in the small
. ; ! . . of my baele , the rushes of blood to the
I head and ether symptoms disappear-
ed. "
Doan's Kidney P11ls for BRIo by all
dealers. 1i0 cents per box. Foster-
MUburn Co. , Duffalo , N. Y.
Men's Heroines Generally "Cats. "
T o herolno of the average male
. noveHst Is fntensoly Irritating to the
ordinary female render-sho is genor.
(1111' ' a cat , often underbred , nnd eveL
when her manners and methods and
morals are nomlnal1y satisfactory you
nro 10ft with the firm conviction that ,
If she happened to bo on your visiting
list , you would find her elth r dull or
disagreeable , or both I-Dora D'Es-
paigne Chapman In London Globe.
" ' " , Swordrmanshlp In England.
Swordsmanship In one or the other
of Its forms Is maldng marleed progress - .
gress In Englnnd. New salles d'armes
are being opened and tresh clubs
formed year by year In London and
i the provinces , and International
! matches have been arranged In which
I the English teams at least borne them.
solves well.
Hereros Cattle.
't The native cattle of the Hereros In
Southwest Africa , are tall , lean , long.
horned and of llttlo value for beef or
mille , but they are excellent for rid.
lng and drawing loads. and , mee cam.
ols , can travel for days without water
and with Httle food. They are guided
by reins attached t a stick through
the noso.
Grease the Nalls.
Not long ngo 1 saw a person trying
to drive a nnl1 through a piece o [ seasoned -
soned oak an inch and a halt thick.
! rhls was impossible until 1 suggested
grease the nal1. 1t was then driven
. ' ; casUy and without bending.-Natlonnl
. Magazine.
The Best He Had.
"Is this the best claret , lIfurphy"l"
Mleed the Irishman of his butler. "It
Is not , sorr , " was the nnswer , "but 1t.11
the beRt YO've got. "
Greenland now has nearly 12OUO In.
7 . , , - Where the Foodo Come From.
'M "
4 - "Look hero. walter , honest now ,
don't you dip every aile of these flaked
breakfast foods out of the same boxY"
"Well , : res , boss. wo duz , all 'cept
Grape-Nuts , cause that. don't 100lt Ilko
the others nnd people lenow 'zackly
what Grape-Nuts looles mee. But
thero's 'bout a dozen different. on os
named on the blII of fare and they are
all thin rolled llalees so It don't. maleo
. nny difference which one a man calls
tor , wo just. take out the order from
one box. "
This talk led to nn investigation.
Dozens of factories sprung up about
three years ngo , making various Idnds
of brealefast foods , seeltlng to talee the
business of the original prepared
brealefast fet > d..Grape-Nuts. : These
concerns nfter a precarious existence ,
nearly aU faU"J. leaving thousands of
boxc3 o ! thclfOGds in mllls and waro-
houses. These were in several in-
stnnces bought lIIl for a song by speculators -
ulators and sold out to grocers and
' . , hotels for mUe or nothing. The process -
ess of worldng off , this old stoclt has
been slow. One wlll see the names
. on menus of flalwd foods that went
out of business a year nnd a halt or
two years ago. In a few cases where
the abandoned fa torles have been
bought up , there Is nn effort to resus.
J cltate the d funct , and by copying the
{ 1 . \ style of advertising of Grape-Nuts ,
, . . " seelt to Influence people to purchaso.
But the publlc has been educated to
tl e fact thnt aU these thin flaleed
foods are simply sealed : wheat or oats
rol1ed thin and dried out and packed.
They are not prepared Ulee Grapo-
Nuts , in which the tliorough baldng
and ether operations which turn the
starch part of the wheat and barley
Into sugar , occupy many hours and reo
suIt In a food so digestible that smaU
infants thrlvo on It , whlle It nlso can-
' # talns the selected elements of phose
; ' j phnto of Potash nnd Albumen that.
unlto In the bOdy to produce the soft
gray sub.stnnco In brnln and nerve
centers. Thero's a renson for Grape-
Nuts , and there have been many Imitations -
tations , a few or the article ItseU , but
many more of the Itlnd nnd character
of the advertising. Iniltntors are always -
ways counterfeiters and their printed
and written statfjments cannot be ox.
, ( pected to bo dlfforent. than their
} It goods.
This artlcle Is publlnhed by the
PostuIrl Co. at DatUo Creok. Addltlon.
al . ' ! donce or the truth can be M.P'
I pllod In quanUties.
. . . . . . . . ,
I. . . . . . . > "
- - . . -
r \
rI I I
I . , , 'I
Elihu Root. . , whoso acceptance of the .
portrollo of secretary of state Is offi-
clnlly announced , was war secretary
under President McKinley after the
retirement of Russell A. Alger. Ho is
a warm friend and compnnlon of
President Roosovelt. He was born
in 1845 , tlie son of a professor at Hamilton -
ilton college. Ho was first a schoolteacher -
teacher and then a lawyer. In per-
sonaIlty Mr. Root is 1nellned to be
austere and very much under self-
control. Since March , 1883 , when he
was appointed by President Arthur
How the Various Portfolios Have Been
Fo11owlng are the complete records
of cabinet c.hnnges slnco McKinley's
accession to the Whlto House , March
4 , 1897 :
Secretary of State-John Sherman.
TreasurcrLyman J. Gage.
Secretary of War-Russe11 A. Alger.
Attorney Genernl- Joseph Mc-
Postmaster General-James Albert
Secretar of the Navy-John D.
Secretary of Agriculture-James
Secretary of the Interlor-CorneIlus
N. DIlss.
John 'V. Griggs succeeded : McKenna -
na January 31 , 1898 ; W1l11am R. Day
succeeded Sherman April 2 , 1898 ;
John Hay succeeded Day September
20 , 1898 ; Elihu Root succeeded Alger
August 1 , 1899 ; Charles Emory Smith
succeeded Gary April 21 , 1898 ; Ethan
A11en Hltchcoclt succeeded Dliss De.
cember 21 , 1898 ; Philander C. Knox
succeeded Griggs as Attorney General
April 19 , 1901. .
Roosevelt Cabinet.
Theodore Roosevelt acceded to
presidency September 14 , 1901.
LesUe M. Shaw succeeded Gage Feb-
runry I , 1902.
Henry C. Pa'ne succeeded Smith
Jnnuary 8 , 1902.
W1l11am H. Taft succeeded Root
February 1 , 1904.
W1l11am H. Moody succeeded Long .
May 1 , 1902.
On February 16 , 1903 , the Department -
ment of Commerce and Labor was created -
ated , with George D. Cortelyou as Its
hend , and given a seat In the cabinet.
Moody succeeded Knox as Attorney
General JUly 1 , 1904.
Robert J. W"nno succeeded pnyno
as Postmaster General October 10 ,
Paul Morton succeeded Moody In
Navy Department July 1 , 1904.
Charles J. Donaparte succeeded
Morton JUly 1 , 1905.
Victor M. Metcalf succeeded Cortel.
you ns head of Department of Com.
merce and Labor July 1 , 1904 , Cortel.
you becoming Chairman of the Repub.
Ilcan Natlonnl Committee.
Cortelyou succeeded Wynno as
Postmaster General 1\Iarch 7 , 1905.
Henry Labouchere Severe on Present
Day Modes.
Henry Labouchere , the audacious
editor of Truth , which Is a periodical
read by fashlonnble people , thus ex.
presses his opinion of the fashions in
dress : "Tho aim of dress malters Is
to maleo money , nnd they find this
easy , as they have to deal 'with smy
people. Each 'ear they nlter the
fashions and taleo care to do this in
a way that the dresses of ono 'enr
can not be adapted to thut of the next
year. Women are the slaves of these
Inte11llent harpies. They blindly accept -
cept the fashions ordained by them
and seem to bo cntlre ! ) ' Ignorant of
the fact that what may suit ono woman -
an does not suit nIl. Dressmakers
have very little tnsto. Even It they
have , It Is warped U ) ' their suuordl.
nntlng It to flnnnce. Occasionally tJ.e
fashion which they Inaugurate Is not
I abI501utel ) ' ugly , but It Is ahva"s over-
looleed In order that a largo price may
be charged for the costume. "
" ,
' .
United States attorney for the southern -
ern district of Now York , Mr. Root
has been almost continuously concerned -
cerned in public aftnlrs. Ho occupied
that position .unUl 1885. In 1894 he
was delegate to the state constltu-
tlonnl convention and chnlrman of the !
judiciary committee. Aug. 1 , 1899 , ho
was appointed secretar ) ' or war by
President McKlnle- and wns reappointed -
pointed Mnrch 5 , 1901. He rcslgned In
August , 1903 , to talte effect Jan. 1 ,
1904. Mr. Root was ono of the leading -
ing members of the Alnslcnn commis-
ngln er's Exact Knowledge Open to
James J. IIUl lceeps the closest
track of a11 .
details regarding the prop.
ertles which he controls and this fact
is known to his subordlnatcs. While
journeYing on the Great. . Northern
road some tlmo ngo , examining work
that was being done on an extension ,
ho nsked the division superintendent
how many ties had been cut. The superintendent -
perintendent did not lenow , but'ho'felt
that 1t would never do to let Mr. HIlI
become aware of the fact. HQ hesitated -
tated a moment nnd then bOldly haz-
nrded. "Up to this morning the count
showed 78,000-78,420 , the 'exact number -
ber , I believe. " The crisis WIlS passed ,
but the superintendent feared trouble
wns ahead. At the next station ho
left the car and sent this messnge to
the division engineer who wns to meet
the train at a Inter stop : "If J. H.
nsles how many ties have been cut ,
tell him 78,420. " True to the suspicion -
picion of the superlntondent , Mr. HlII
later nslted the engineer how many
ties had been cut. "Seventy.elght
thousand four hundred and twenty , "
was the rendy response of the engl-
neer , evidently n lIttle to the surprise
of Mr. HlII.
Remarkablp Record Made by March.
loness of Wnterford.
The death at an advanced age Is
announced of Christiana , downger
mnrchloness of 'Vaterford , mother of
Admiral Lord Charles Deresford and
1\1areus Deresford nnd one of the most
remarkable horsewomen In the world.
Although always mounted on horscs
which could carry her , she did not attempt -
tempt to go ncross country until she
was 40 'ears old. This was at a meet
of the Curraghmore hounds In 1866
at Owning vl1Iage. She was mounted
on a mare ca11ed The Mist and had
halted near 'V 'nn's gorse when the
dogs passed close to her. It was an
exciting moment which she could not
resist. The marchioness turned the
mare at the road fences and no ono
went straighter or took the fences
better than she. From thnt until the
CurraghmQre hounds were given up
nearly twent . years afterward she
never mlssod a meet. She wns fuIly
60 'ears old when she quit. Her pow.
ers of resisting fatlguo were } lhenome.
nal , as were her courage , plucle and
When Sleep 10 Needed Most.
PerCect health demands not only a
fixed amount of sleep , uut the observe
ance of regular habits. And } 1erfect
sleep for man can ue obtalaed only at
night , as suggested by the rhythmical
succession of Ught and darkness.
There Is 110lnt to the old proverh :
I "An hour's sleep l.Jefore midnight Is
worth two nrter. " Those who arc In
the habit of turning night Into day
reallzo this to thlr cost. The hour
before midnight that Is worth two at.
tel' Is Crom 11 to 12. And inasmuch ns
the human system Is more below liar
at 3 a. m. than at any other period In
the twent-four hours , sleep should
cover at least two hours on each sldo
of this time. When lIfo Is at stalte
In the crises oC acute dlseaso nurses
are Instructed to bClln El10clal stlmu.
Intlon at midnight and to continuo It
until G In the morning , In the hope
that l1a lng energies may iHI sus.
talned through this period oC SIlIJrerne
rlADres lon.-Good Houaelr ( > (1Jlvr.- .
[ : 'J . . . . , - - - . , , .
- - . , , I , ' " ' , . ' ; "I ' , . . " " ' . ,
. t
- -
The mnusoleum In which the -
mains of Secretar ' IInr were lalll ro-I
rust Is 'ono of the noted monu1l1onts
In Lalto View cemetery nt Clovelnnd ,
Ohio. It Is In the severest Groolt
archltocturo with a vestllmlo sUPIlOrt-
od b ) ' Ionic pillars the entrance bolng
- - . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . .
Despised and Hated Creature Does
Some Good Work.
A good word for the despised and
bated co'ote Is to bo Cound In a recent
bulletin of the department of agrieul.
ture , embod'lng the results of nn In.
qulry Into the rolatlon of these IJralrlo
wolves to stockrnlslng In the wost.
This plnln and straightforward scion.
tific statement of the cnso for and
ngnlnst the coyote sllould empli slze
anew the Importance of n tllorough
study of every such problem before
the hast ) ' adoption of plnns for the
remedy of the evil. The one remedy
which would satlsr ) ' the sheep herders
Is the complete and Immedlato extor.
mlnntlon of the coyote. which malccs
great ravnges on their 110clts. This ,
radical measure Is moro easy to talle
about than to carry Into effect. ; but
were It possible It would bo well to
remember that it Is an exceodlngly
dangerous thing to upsot. the checlts
and balnnces provided by nature. 'fho
cattle or sheep owner whoso steele hns
been decimated Is not apt to stop nnd
think that in nddltlon to Ms mischief
the coyote performs a great and 1m-
portnnt work in leeoplng in eheclt the
rabbits and other "sma11 deer" which
prey upon the farmers' products.-
Philadelphia Ledger.
Brooklyn Centenarian Favors Drink.
Ing of Whisky.
Josiah ZclUln , a citizen of Drooldyn ,
who has just celebrated his ono hundredth -
dredth birthday , offers a
piece of advice to these who are de.
sirous of reaching his ago. "Drlnle a
lot , " says 1\11' \ . ZelUln , "and drinl , reg.
ularly. I would have been dead twenty -
ty years ngo had I fo11owed the doc-
tor's advice and stepped drlnlelng
whlsltY and beer. Don't give doctors
a chance to worl , on : rou and you w111
Ilvo all the longer. " With a11 his
senses In romarlmbly fine order , the
old man steps as brlsltly ns though
mtlo more than halt his ago. Ho Is
a natlvo of Lodz , Poland , where ho
mad a competence as a merchant ,
and came to Drooldyn eighteen years
ago to live with a sister. In the
course of a dny he talees perhaps a
dozen rlnls of whlsley nnd boer ,
meanwhllo smolelng many cigarettes.
Bread and Electricity ,
Many persons who 1l1ee white brend
hnvo a mlstalten Idea that the whiter
the bread the moro nourishment It
contains. ' 1'he public has , as a consequence -
sequence , received n less nutrItive
food. The core or the wheat grain ,
which Is the chief constituent of
bread , while producing the whitest
flour , at the same tlmo contains the
sma11est amount of albumen and 1s
thus least nutritious. An nttempt has
recently been made to secure a still
whiter bread by the use of olectrlclty.
Tlle fiour was brought in contnct with
electrified all' , whoso ozone possesses
efficnclous bleaching properties. The
fiour subjected to electrIc Infiuence
wns much whiter In color , but Its tnste
and odor were fnr InCerlor to these
of fiour treated by the ordinary moth.
od. 'I'he amount of phosporus was
the snmo in both , but the quantities of
fatty and ncld substances varied large-
Colored Mrm's Quick Wit.
At bls summer homo In New Yorle
"MarIe Twain" hnd nn aged negro
servant , who some time ago celebrat.
ed his wedding nnniversary by InvitIng -
Ing twelve friends to a 'possum din.
ner , the deHcac ) ' having been supplled
by rolatlves In the south. Twelve by
" \0 means marls the extent of the
4Iervant's friends , and Ptose un bid dente
to the feast concluded thnt after all
they did not thlnle much of It. One of
'ho moro progresslvo stnrted the report -
port that Instead of 'possum the host
sorvel } plain coons. The 1Ixt ; ) day ,
with great sevorlty , Mr. c'et:1cns : ' : said
ta Ule servant : "Jhn. 1'n 1.own , you
1\ tOng time nnd found yuu t truthful
tellow. I wnnt 10U to te11 11. " honestly -
ly which yet : had for dinner h1st night ,
'possum or COCh Y" The olJ servant
hesltnted , but In an Instant said :
"Which do ) 'OU mean. Mr. Clemens ,
nn the tabln or nrnund the tnbleY"
by n door of I11nto glnss. 'I'hero Is no
decorntlon of all ) ' I.llld , the \'er ) ' slm-
1111clty of the whlto marble stl'ucture
sel'vlng to set It npart from all tllO
other noted monuments In this cem-
otor ) ' full of ma ulncent monuments to
1 the ( leparted gl'oat.
. . . . . . .
. . . .
. . . " , . . .
Public Men Who Make Every Mlnuto
of the Day Count.
Many men who nre In the publlc eye
to-day nro noted for tholr ability to
malee every wtOtlng mlnuto count.
When President Roosevelt goes for
a gallop he slhJ1 Into tho' poeleet of his
rIding coat pallor nnd pencil. If durIng -
Ing his rldo ho should Crame a reply to
some dlfi1cult quostlon urought to his
attention he jots It down lIul11edlatolY
and do os not trust to his momory.
President Loubet or li'ranco settlcs
some of the monotonous questions at
stnto at his brenl\fnsl table , when ho
Is practically alone and before his
reasoning powers are distracted by
sma11 and 11Ctt ) . fl1lestlons. Lord Roth.
schild conlll1encon his day's worle In
hed. lIe receives his con1hlental ! men
not only In bed , but while ho Is dress.
ing aIllI brenlcfnsUng. Dr. Ingrnm ,
bishop of London , Is obllged to travel
n. great deal nnd bo hl\s a Bpeclnl lelnd
of olectrlc rending lamp fitted Into
the Inside of his cnrrlage , so that
whllo he Is bolng whlrlod through the
streets or London In the ovenlng bo
call leeop up his lIterary worle.
Indian City In Some Ways Ahead of
American Metropolis.
Rastamjl Mnnekjl , n nnUvo of Dom-
bay , India , Is a visitor In New York
and complnlns of the heat ho 13 com.
polled to endure there. The mercury
docs not rise to Hlndoostan heights
on Manhattan islnnd , ho snys , but ho
cnnnot find a shndy spot In the omplre
city which cnn bo used by the publlc
In general. He sees too many "Iccep
off the grass" signs In the parlm , and
says : "It Is quite different In Dom.
bay. There wo have subterranean
sitting-rooms , slooplng.rooms and
swimming pools innumerable , besides
man ) ' ether plnces ono can go to , such
ns t.ho bazaars , light refreshment
rooms and so on. In the parIes huge
tents are erected whoreln "ou cnn sit
and lIsten to music nnd Inhale the
sweet fragrance of 110wors whllo cooling -
ing oft. 'I'ho city of Dombay provides
tlleso things free of cost. "
Woman Highway Overseer.
Miss Desslo Daln , who Uves on a
Carm near Chatham , ' N. Y. , has been
appointed an overseer of highways In
her district. Miss Daln declares she
w1l1 see that the work was weU done.
She intends to have tho' best tectlon
of road 1n the township. She \1'111
superintend 1.ho work In person and
put into efCect some orlglnRl f elts reI.
ntlve to road construction. Miss Daln
Is nn export with the reins and every
morning drives a spirited team Caul'
mlleR to Chathnm , when the mille from
the farm Is dellvored nt a station.
She is equnlly at home at the } llano
or In the ballroom and Is a prominent
member of Chatham and mnderhook
State Judges In Silk Gowns.
Deglnnlng with the fall to I'm or the
Now Jersey court of errors and np-
penIs , which opens In November , the
jUdges will wear gowns or blacle sille
similar to these worn by the judges of
the United States supreme court nnd
the United States court of npI1cals.
'I'hls will be an Innovntlon Cor New
Jorse ) ' . It was decided upon after
much discussion on the } Jart of the
JUdges because of the difference In
npparel which they usunUy wore when
sitting on the bench. It Is 111\011' ' that
the "gown habit" wlII now extend to
ether courts of the stnte.
Why Pastor Omitted Custom.
About a 'ear ago Rev. Garbutt
Read , pastor of 1\Iount Zion Mothodlst
Church , 1\Iannyunle , Pn. , stabUshed
the custom of Itlsslng all the uables
presented for baptism. Last Sunday
the bnbles were unuBualIy numerous
but the mothers were astonished to
find that 1\11' . Hond omitted the cus-
tomar ) ' snluto. 'I'ho secret came oul
w1l0n the Inst babe wns h"1nded up to
thtJ pnstor. a } Jretty plclmnlnny , all
blnck as coal , which crowed for all
It was worth. It wus the first. . blnclt
baby chrlstoned nt Mount Zion In fifty
' ! f' . ' ' , , " . . ; ,1.7 . " Jff ' ;
, "
. ,
r ' - , " " " " " " ' - ; ' 1 ,
' ' "
. ' . r , t'/ : ' ;
. .
Onll " 'ho Urnkll nnun frnm Six YC'I\n of
O\"arullrk TcU" limy She ] ' : Scnl'ell
IIlbery ot llnrorcct1 Itllenell.
II I bnl been tcncblns in tbe citY'
lohoo1a stendlly 1'01' six ) -enrs , " said Miss
J1\11I0S , whoso recent return to the work
1'ront wbloh she WI\II ( lrivon by nervous
colll\pse has nttraotull attontlou.IITboY'
were greatly overcrowded , cSIJoolnlly in
tbo l1r1Il1I\1'Y 1l0pI\rtmout ot whloh I hnll
ehargo , nUll I had bemt doing the work
of two toaohOI's. The strnln was too
muoh for 1111' llDrVCS and t\VO years ago
the erisls cnmo.
II I was 11rostmtollmoutally I\llCl pby.
8tcI\11 - , Bent 11l1l1)"l'OfiIHuntloIl1\1II1110VOr
oXl1obtoll to bo nblo to l'Ofit1lll worle. It
800mol1 to 1110 then tlll\t I was the 1I10St
mtsornblo W01111\11 on enrth. I was tor-
turell by ucrvouflhoadl\oholl , worn out by
Inl\bl11ty to 8loop , 1\1111 hl\II 80 llttlo
bloOll that I WI\S 1\8 white as ohl\lIc.
II.Aftor my neUvo.UCo , It wns hard to
bear 1c1l0ncns , nUll terribly < 1lsoonrngiull
to ) ecQp 11l\'lng out the savlugs of yenra
tor 1I1011l0ln08 whtoh < 1111 mo 110 good. "
11lIo1ll1you got bao1c'our health 1" ,
II A bl\ro ohnnco aUlln lot of 1'aith ) od
mo to fouro. . ACtor I 111\11 suffered : tor' '
111l\ny months , nUll when I WI\S on the' '
voryvorgoof < 1ospl\lr , Ihn11ened to road
1\11 nceount of 1101110 eures effoctoll bY'
Dr. Williams' llnlc Pills. The statements -
ments were 80 convincing that I 801110-
bo\v 1'elt I\asuroll thnt these Ill11s would
help mo. Most people , I think , buy only
ono box for 1\ trial , but I purclll\sod six
boxes I\t once , nud wbon I hnl1 used
thom up , I WI\II h1l10011 well nud had 110
uood of 11101'0 mo < 1lolno.
"Dr. W11llams' l > in1c P11ls enrloho1 my
thin blood , gave mo baok my sleep , ro.
stored my I\ppot1to , gnvo me strength to
walk long distances without fl\tlguo , in
faot froOll1110 1'rom 1\11111Y lIUlllorous aU-
monts. I lll\vo already tnugbt forso\'ernl
months , nud I amUlet 81\Y enough in
prnlso ot Dr. WnUallls' Pink Pills.II
Ml s Ml\rgarot M. Jalllos III uow Uvlng
nt No. 128 Olay troot , Dl\ytoll , Ohio.
Manyof her 1'ol1ow tCl\ohorR hl\ve also
usorl Dr. W11l1luns' Pinle P11ls 1\1111 arc
ontlmlll\stlo I\bout their morits. Sound
digostlon , stronHth , I\lIIultfou , and cheerful -
ful spiritsqul01c1y follow tholr mlO. ThoY'
are 801d 1n every drug store 111 the
Ink spots on Mahogany.
Inle spots on mallognny mn.y bo rOe
moved by holng touehod with n tenth-
or < lIpped In all amI vitriol dllutod
with twlco Its qunntlty or water. ' .1'hO
spot shouli bo wall and Qulcldy
rub bod.
School Houses
and Homes
ou bt t be dooomtod Bed mnd beau\lfuJ
nna hoolthtul by ualni
"ast.T , , '
II Rocr. Inwhlt ndboAu _
, l\ liaemenf t1tul tlets. Doell
IJ rub or sCllle. VOitrn'S dlsonso germs nnd
vrnnlu. No wnshlng of wallllllrter oneo npe
pllod. Any oeo can IJrufth It on-mix , vlth
colti water. l'laln tlntleg nu,1 , whitening , Bnd
the most vlnlwrnto rellot. stencil 'fork I\nd
frescoleg IIIIIY he done wltl ! It. Other IInlsh611
{ boorlng fllllclCul lIamcs aml mlxCtI with hot
waterl do 1I0tlu\\'o the or.melllll'llrolerty
of A nbluUno. They nro stuclc on with
Jltlo or other anlmnl mnttnr , vhlcb rnts ,
100l1111 ! : .1I801&so I'orm" rUbi'hl" , IIcnllng
llt1llwllln. . ! ; "lilli , C ( nihil , ! : , etc. Buch
finlshclI must be wnshed oIl every yoor-cost-
If. filthy worlc. ) ) uy Alllhn Ullo ollly 111
Ovo-l'o\llul } lnc1"o" . . JrollorlV : Inholed.
Tlet card. jrctt } wall Rnd cellInI' { d0511n ,
"Hints on DooomtJel\ nnd our artists' &er-
"Ices In making color II \ nns , rree.
( lr nd R l1ld , Mich. , or 105 Waler St. . N. Y.
$ : Separator . Cream .
I'OR'2 00 w. . .11 , , , , "
celebrllteif' b1lftDftft C R ftA. .
a I : PA RAT 0 R. ( 'lIpaelty. tOC
poundl per hour , s.o L oundi ca.
pl\Clty per hour for : ' 29.001
1 > 00 \ > ouodlCapaclty i' < 'rliuur fU'
' 34 00. Ou.rant..d . h .
equ.t 0' Sep.ralorl 'h. ' Rft.
STIIOO to : " 28.00.
' ! : = : : : : i
: rater on our o dy r
r"\ ! . : pl.n. with the Llodlolf unde
. . . 'J ' 1.lIdIOg and agrermont It YOII
\ = do nnd .
: ! " ! - oot by
, n' . teotandu.etlil\tltwJlhklnt
r , ; . do.or. 'klm colder m11
' " . . . . . 1 ' e n ' r
'S / ' . J : . : 1 'f , nlr .
, \ \ < . than allY other Cream 8rp&o _
, " , "t. ,
. rater mllde you Cln relurn
, . , " ' , . ' , It _ . the Seplrltor to 101 .t our
( l t ' - < : : ! ' { ) expenee and We will Imm. .
, I ' . . .jfJ . dl.lely relurn any mon. ,
. .
\ , ; sorl ) 'oum.YhllYep.ldlorlr'I '
' ch.r.el or olherwl. . . ,
thll..1. out atoDceandm I
to ue , alll you will recelv.
by return mall f'fle roetpald. our LATEST SPECIAl ,
CREAM StPAI/ATOR / C'TALOOUe : . You wlllite' our
LII : oller an. I our free trIal proo.llIon 111111 yoU . .111 re.
SEPARATOR O..r.R : r.VIR : IIEARD 01' . Address ,
TlfE DAISY FLY KILLER nlroN.comtort dr.troYlali the nles to oYery aud
um&-In dllllnKroom. eletplnKroolD and placee where
, . . . . . . , IIlee are , trouble.
. ' . -.t l. eomeClean.Deat ,
cU , . , , , , . ; , . , , ; wllinuteollorin.
" " ' - ' I .
" ' : u re anything.
'Cry thenl once.
YOI1 will liner be
WIthout them. It '
Dot kept by deal.
ers. lent prepaId
ror 10c. 11.14
" '
" . . . . " . . .0 1I.KeI
A..U"O' Jl.II.1' . ,
. ,
Prepare Your Own Baby fee ,
. : t
with fresh cow's ml11 mnde nearly human - ' , , '
man by the TRAINEu NURSE IrOR-
MULA. Cooltcd as needed , sterilized.
Inexpensive. eagerly talten. this recipe
bas sBved many InCant lives. By mall.
U.OO. Trllhaetl Nurlle Co. , Iloom 14 , lliOIS
UO'\"lnd St. , Olllllhn , Neb.
S.CIAar better QuaillY than most 10' CI4ars
YQUl Jollber or direct from Factory. I'oona. 111
With J.NTI.MorI : . No I > l\ln , ! lOrene88 or . .t'lir. " ' ,
'It AlL " 1IJU : : l'JIWANENT. : 11.00 bottle b7
IUI : ! ? oJ.lur Manutao\urlDI : Co , . Incoln. Nil"