- "TIO"J" . - . ; ; ; . . " . . r. ' " - . " , . . ' . . , " ' < > ; - , 1 : : : : : . , . . . . . . ' " - . , . . . .L.U. . . , _ _ _ : ' , ; : , . . . . . . . . , . : "P : . . . , . , , , . . _ : , ! H - ' ' ' : :1' : ' ' T . , . . . , .or 1- . , _ , : i' ' _ _ o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - .A.SEE. . . . - , . . . . . . . . - - - - . - ' - - " - " - - - - - . . - - - l' ' Caine nnc1 SPB unci You \Vill be UOllvinccd . - _ . . " - , . . _ - _ _ . . . . . . _ . . . - . . . . _ - - - - - , - - - . - . - - - . . . . . . . - . . . . . . -'A- - . . . . . - . - - - - ' . - f 'VOOI ) Bcd = , at your own I'rkc. 'l'ahhs : at your Ulcrcy. Iron Ue ( ! ! at less than their worth. Uphol tered Goods , cheaper than Couches fol' mcrc not hillg' . stealillg. Suits at reduced prices. , . , . S w1tlg Maclllncs way down. C enter 'I' a bl es f or a ) Illost a song. . . \ ChaIrs down lower yet. Mattresses and Springs forliule money . ) Jab > ' Cabs at the shadow of a price. Slo\'es below the lowest price. li'o ) 1u Bcds , the best in tOWII. Oil StO\'cs just right. , - - - - - . . . - . . . . - . . . . . . . . . - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - If you let us U figg er"on t.1I n t fu I'll itu ) e we'll guurnlJtce t.hut " .o'JI THaliO 'cln do sOlnc hustling - ling ol'loso the l ill. Yours for right prices Rockwell & Konkela A 'I' , , ' . J. , VOOUtt' .n.D H'I'ANn. . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - Sunday School Miuionnry'a Report. 111l0KltN now. Nebr. , July 10 , 1905.- Lcar I1rlcJlll-I : have I.CCII vcry IIIIS ) ' "illce last writing. I havc IIUClllh'l1 four COli VClIlIolI ! ! , Illude 156 visits to fU1II1I Ics , thlrt } . puhlic addrcsscs 01111 tlrivclI 1II0le Hum six hUIIIJreellllllcs. III qllitell - Mer olillstllllCCS whcre thc parties IIUIII-I hcelllllnrricd frolll OIlC to IIll1e } 'curs they' hllve IIcvcr hacl II l\lillistcr or christiall worker vlllt : their hOllle 1111111 I C.lII1C. I have placetlthree lihrnrll's In schools I hucl orRallizcd. enc of these was put ill a church that hall blen ahalllionctl for btvcrnl } 'cars. It hat ! heclI IIII\'crtlsctl for I sale. 1 wcnt to olle of the trustces to ! Jce it' thc } ' would lIot recoll/lider the Imlter. lIe seemctl ollsllllale IIlIti WOlliel hurtlly tllik 011 the 1I11'j\'cI , so I weill 10 work hclplll hllll tUlIIlI llilt III prnlrie dog llOle9 , 01111 worked frolll tWII 1111111 lilJ. : o'clocl : before he would cOllsent to lelling the people keep Ihe church in their COlli- IIIl1nlt } . . 'fhc } ' 1I0W have SlIlIelayschool with IIn IIverage altenllance of 411 schol- IIrs and II gOOlI church orgllllizatioll. : III the last three wceks [ ha\'c orglln- t izccl four lIew schools IIl1d workcd up two ready for orgallizatioll , which woulll have , heclI orgauizcd but f r its raillillg. In the fir t of the four orgauized , I WCllt : illto the nl'lghhorhoollabout six o'clock : \ ill the afternooll. A } 'OUII Intly slIill , 1 II I am J lael YOIl have cOllie to org'llllize II . .1 SuUtlay school for UII , CUlI't } 'ou orgallize it toulght ? " I tolll her we cl1nltl not gel the \Ieople \ out that night , She saitillhe . wou d get them out ami steppcd to thc I. r telephollc. III less than 15 lIIillllles the , 'I people proll1lsetlto cOllie tlmtnlght. We got together fllIIl orgaulzell a Suuelay ; 1 bchool with 25 preent. . $ \ I went next to the ! \foolly t1lstrict 111\11 visited all the putrous or alllzlll a SUII- I tlay school with 33 preseut. I Ihell went to IIlaine couuly up III Ihe salld hill ! ! 111\11 \ vlsilell lu lIewly liettletl nclghhorhood. The SUllday school was org.tIIized in ! \f r. 'p Martin's house with 23 precllt. ! 1\1rs. : . ) Martiu Is supcrilllelllient. There is no ; 1 school house here liS lIIost 01 the ue ij huve moved au hOllleslealls 'here Ills . sprillg. These good people sel'1II to he very hllppy to have Sunday school. I Goillg up the .DIslllal r'er IIhout ten miles fr < ) m Dunniug I orgallizetl a Sun- tlay sellool ill what is known as the Coop- f er school hou.e. There was a Sundu } ' ' . - - . . - - - - - - - school 111 this district prior to 1894 hul the people left autlthere was not ellough to hold a schoolulIllI the plesent tillle. There Is 11 fceling uow that though Ihere \\'oulrl ' not he II luge IIchool , they could at least ha\'c an luterestlng and profit. IIhle clle. I workcllup a school in another CO\ll- \ lIIunlty thlll hllli just been settlctl this sprin , and woultl have it organlzcl hut f Jr ruill. Will orgllllize this lIext Sunday nUtl nether oue 011 Saturday lIight at II school hOIl c where there hils bccll no SUlllluy 6chool for severn 1 j'ears 011 IIC- COUllt of 1101 ellough people. I ask all Illtcre t ill YOllr pra'crs. YOlll' ! > ill Ills nl1l11e , P. J Sl'ltA lUtllJisRlonary. : . American :1uutl"y School Union. State Fair Newa. At u IIIcetlll ! of the boanl of m111agcrs 011 Jnly 161h contructsere lel for the erecllon on the fair grounels of oue swlllc harn of lin ) . pCIIS cllpllcit } . ; nl30 of , Ill lIel- tlltion to the amphl.theatre 1:8 : feet ill length. 111 the IIIlIller of Polled Dllrhalll cattle , which were not aS91gned a lot in the prelll lun list , It was orcleredthat entries may ue 1I11111e under the heall of tliscre- tlouar ' , lIutl Ihnt Ihe sallie rules alld cln9 ihcation shall govern as in Retl 1'01- Ictl caltle allcllhe sallie moncy prcllllulIIs ue ofTerell. . 'rhe executive committee of the grand lolge ( of the Ancicnt Order of Unitcd Workmcn hll9 IIppropriated fnnls for the crcctlon of a permanent headquarters building on the fair grounds nn. I locllt- - Iou fOl' the slime has been IIssigneel on Praternalllvcnue. If is uuderstOOll that other fralernal onlers lire also nrmugin to creel like permanent helttlqunrtcrs. Sp1ce for lIuch 11ltulrlUarter3 ll\lilclin s is frec , the fllir maullgemcnt rescrvlng the right to approve of the plaus. The eclncationnl exhibit will ue great- I ) ' superior to any hefore lI1alle at a Slate ( air. lIIul Wellnesela ) ' , Septemuer 6th , will he School day. It is urgeel thllt school officcrs delu ) ' the comll1enCClllent of thc school } 'Cllr until Septelllher Illh in orler that teachers 111111 scholars lIIay have . on opportunity to attencl the Stllte I.alr which , in itself. is II grcdl object school. 1'he outlook for a succesiful fair was - - - . ncver more encouraging than at the present time. Our Portland Letter. l'OR1.'I.ANI > , Oregon , July 8 , 1905-The 3rcl IIlInulll com'cutlon of the Nat. loual WOlllau's Suffrage Association has cnded its work an adjonrned. It has lIc\'cr heen III ) ' privilege to otten II a convention - vention whcre tllere were a greater nUIl1- her of hrilliant speakers or mOle executive - cutive IIhillty I > hewn hy the ofiicers. 'l'he ! > tate of Orcgon at the last meeting of the legislature passed the' Initiative 111111 RefclclldulII IlIwlIl1Il now the wOlllen of the statc helie\'e that equal suffrage can he cllrrlctl and arc goin ! ; : to try to get it lit the lirst stulL election 111 JUIH next. The WOlllell of the Natiollal convclltlon raised $3000 to curr } ' on the campuign here III Orcgon. We hl\ve now ! 'pent a few dll's at the Hxpositlon. The grounds are not liS large as those at Chicago or St. Louis but the site is one of the n est bellutlful. it Is possihle to Imagine , Nearly all the large huildings except the governmcnt uulld- ing are on high ground. On three shies of this high promonlory. the land slopes dowu into ravines and to the lake. The hills arc rounded off and the rapid slopes ale co\'cretl with trees. grass uIIIJ nowers. The hills arc flOlII 100 to 200 feetllhove the IlIke 111111 trom SUllie points thc land- sCllpe is indescJibably beautiful. To the WCRt IInr ! suth ( : of the grounds the rnnge of hills rise from 400 to 600 fcet , aud these heights arc fllst beiug co\'ered with splclulill hOlllcs. Elcctrlc cars run up at tllfTerent points and 1111 alollg the heights. The faUs at Oregon City , tnmish such IIn abnndance of power that the Hxposlt. 1011 grounlls anel Lllliitlings anti als03 the city itself Is hrilllanl1y illuminated cver ) ' evening. In the city the incondescent lamps arc slrnl1 along each side of the slreets. ollly a few fect apart. HUlldreds I of signs arc formctl of thclII IInll the whole effect is exccedlngly Fleesant. At the H"positllJn. the uuihlings. arc covered with so lIIlIlY : lights , that , ill the evening thcy look as if they were hullt of Sparklin ! : gellls. 'fhe Avenues , drive- WJ's ami the Hlopes of the hills are frin- geel everywherc. with hl h posts from which /licit out numcrous brauchcs ellch termlnalillg with liLht : covereel with stlI1l.trnnsl'IHelll ' globes. 'fhe trees nil , - - - - - . - - - - I - - - - - . - - - - - : : : - . - : : ; : . - - - = r 91 UNDERTAKING. . . . - - - . - - - . . - - - - - - " - " - - - . - - " - - - ' - - ' - -"I - J. M. : Bates , SUCCE.ssor to Rockwell . & Armstrong , has a , fine assortment - ment of Undertaking Goods ill stoclt nd is : prepered. : to suit you in quality - ity and price. He' has a flne he rse and is : prepared to gi va the bast accommodations to city or country customers. Prices right , , - - . - - - - - - - - - - , - - - _ _ _ n _ _ _ - - . - J . DI.K : . : B.A. TEIS. North SIde Track. I ! - - - . . _ _ . .J I : - - - - " - - - - - - - - - - - : : J . , " ' - ' " ' " " - - ' " ; - - ! -'W" ' UJ-- : / " over the ground. .com to .parklo with fruit of glittcring goll1. SOUlC of the state buildings Rre large aU\ \ are wonllerfu1\y \ well filled. Califoru\1\1 \ Oregon /IIld Washington have the largest lll1i1dIl1Ss. 'fhe rc ources of these states nle wcll . nnd any olle could be dlr.rlayed justly proul to helong to a all1lost every coullty of which. stalcl Il such a I vuri ty of products of the mines. the forests - ests and the farm. California shows oranges , lemolJs , 011 vcs and a great vnr- I icty of nuts , which tlelthcr of the other coast statcs can produce , 'fhe mlncral I display of these states ami , the Rocky l\1ountaln states Is vcry large ami rich. Orcgon lcads In aplllcs , pcaches , cherries allli plum. Wilh tleir wonl1crful resources - ces the three J > acllit' stRtes are capable of supporting a populationa9 large 051 now occupll's the \vhole United Statcs. 'fhe Rocky 1I10untllill states should. in time bc the home of thc grcatcst hclorics and workshops of the world. 'fhey ha\'c tlmher , iroll. cOlli , leacl. copper. gold and silver In almost limitless quonlilies. The nUll1erous moulltaill streams are capable of producillg power ellough to drivc all the machinery ill the United Stalcs. With a very healthful climate an matchless - less scellcry these would ue the Idcal locatiOlu for capital aUlI enlerprilie to start the wheels of a thousand fllctories. S. } > . GltOA'f. A Fatal Accident. Last Thursday as Mrs. Perry Foster , accompanie by three of chil ren , were returning from Westerville to Ansley , Fanny , the four year old daughter was fatally - ly kicked in the head by the horse they were driving. Mrs. Foster had been to visit her mother near Westcrville. On their return the breeching of the harness broke and let the buggy onto the horse , which caused it , to kick. I Little Fan"y was struck in the i head and rendered unconscious.i i The pbyscians of Ansley were : unable to relieve the patient and . she was taken to Omaha where. she died. Her remains were brought baek to Ansley Sunday. . night and her remains were laid' ' to rest in the Ansley cemetery. 'l'he funeral was preached at 2 o'clock by Rev. J. R. Wood of Mason City. For several years , until two or three months' ago the " 'oster's had resided in Broken Bow , where they are well known. .Ianny . was a bright little girl and was the delight of all who knew her. 'l'he parents have the sympathy of all of lheir many frien s in Broken Bow. The G. A. R. Encampment. 'rhe national G. A. n. encampment - ment which is to be held at Denver - ver this year will have special inducements - ducements in the matter of trans- portation. Department Commander - J'W" the Ne- braska G. A. H. states that the railroad have made a rate of one cent a mile west of the Missouri river. ' 1'he eucampment commences - mences Sept. 4th and continues the eutire week. The Burlington railroad has been designated by Commander LeU as the o cial route. lIe requests all conlrades , their wives and fricn s to accompany - company him on this official train. Highlander. Inatall Omcera. At the regular meeting of the Highlanders 'ruesqay night , oue refugee was iuitated and the officers - cers elected were installed for the cnsuing term. After concluding the work of the sessioll , refreshments - ments were furnished by the val. iant clansmen and a good time was enjoyed by all present. Farm Loana ! We are prepared to close loans on improved farms on short DOt- ice , at specially low rates. HUNltAU & LnoNAHD , 6-tf Broken Bow. Wm. Robinson who has been I imployed as messenger at the depot - pot has resigned his position and accerted a position with the G. L. ' 1 uruer I umber Co. of this city. Burlington Bulletin of Round Trip Rate. . Chicago and return , on sale dally , / , 29.- 10. 10.St. . I.ouls 01111 return , on sale daily , 25.70. Portlalld , 'faeoma and SCllltle and reo turn , on sale dlll1) ' . f.t5.01. Portland , TRcollla all\l Seattle aull re- tUln , oue waj' via California , ou sale July 25 , 26 , 27 , # 58.40. Sau Frnllclsco a1ll1 1.03 Angeles and return - turn , 011 sale Jul ) . 25. 26. 27. 158.0\0. ' \ On sale August 6 to 16 , 152.40. ' Denver , Colorado Springs and Pueblo aud returu , on sale dOll } ' . oue fare plus 50cts. On sale August 12,13,15. one tare. On sale Augnst 30 to Sept.4. less than one fare. Salt Lake and Ogden and return , on I sale dail } ' . 32.90. 1 Yellowstoue Park. through ami inclu . . in ! ; botels aud stage. a11l1 return , on sale. dllll } ' , 1-75 00. Detriot and return , on sale August 13 , 14. 27.70. Pittsuurg , } > a. . an retllrn , on sale Aug. 17. 18 , J3,45. Iansas Cit } ' and return. 011 sale Aug. 28 to 31. . 111.40. ' Cod } . Wyo. , Block Hills and Hot Springs , S. D'I approximately balf rates all SIlUlIner. I\lilwaukee ami sOllthern Wlscollsln polnls , l\1ichlgan resorton I.akes Mich- IglIll OIlIllIuron. Canadl\ , Maine and New HII laud. St. I.uwrence alltl I.ake Cham- 1110111 regions , ver } ' low tourist ratcs daily. If } ' 01l call or write ; It will he pleasure - ure to advise } 'Ol1 ll ont rote : ! . train ser- vicc. 10 rescrve you a uerth. and to tr } ' to make ) 'our trip a comfortaule aile. U. L. ORMSDV. Agent C. D. & Q. Ry. . . . ' ' " ' . . . . . . - . . . . ; Legal Notices , . . . . . . - NQ'1'ICE OF INCORPORATION OF TUE WoOn.HANMER I.AND ANI > IVE STOCK COMPANY. Notice I. herelly Irlnn of the IncorpOration of the Wood.Uammer I.and and I'I'II Stock Cem- pauy. The name of laid corpor\tlon .l1all b 'rho Woud.Uammer Land aUII LI'I'e Stock Cum. pauy. Tile principal place for the tranuctlon 01 bu lne. . . of tile corporation sllall be at tile office of the corporation In the COllu.y of Cllster aud Slate of NebraRka. ' .1'he General nature of the bUlllneS'I to be tranKacted by the corpor. atlon IIlIall bo the raising. buyhllr. feedllllr. haudlh'll aud II lIInll of caUl" aud other live IlIOCk. aud for ucll PllflJ)6e1 the corporation may purchase. owu. lease. IIell and convey IIucll real e'ltatn : Ia bo nereuary or Incident to lIIar.bo tile conductoha d buslnell8 and mav buy ami IIell real utale for Invc > llment aud for IJroftt. The amount of capital stock of Ihe corporatlou IIlIall be One hundred thou'lalld Dollartl divided Into .lIare8 of . 'Ive hundred Dollara eachwhlch atock shall be fully paid " , 'lIel1 laaue.1 and nou. a'l'lell"lble. 'I'll" hllll.lt amount of hulebtel. I nCNs tl. which Ihe corpuratlon IIhall at any lime subject It.elf Nhallnltt eJrcee,1 oue-half of ItN capitallllock. The ! private propurty of the IIlock.holderll shall nul be liable for any of the dubta of tile curporollon. The dale of the com. mencement of Ihe corporatlou IIball be Ihe.lst day of July. 1905. and .ald corporation II hall con. tluue for a period of tweuly ) 'eaCR. uulen lIe < lner dissolved by mUlual con.eut of Its Rluck.l qld- crs or by opuratloll of law. The alTalrs and buslnen uf the corporation shall be con'ducled by the ofticcrB of .aId corporatlou whl.l. 8hall compose Ihe lJoard of Dlreotorll , and IIhall consist - sist of a I'resldenl. Mauager. Hecrelary and 't'reasurer , who shall be elecled at the relrular annual meetlnll of the corpuratlon and Uol4 their oniees respectively until the annual lue t- hill nez.t ensuing. aud until their lIucce 80n are clected and qualified. J.'or the purpose , of tbe transaction of the buslncss of said eorFJOratlou for Ihe I1rst year of IlslIxltlence and ulUII the annual nteetlnll' In Ju19 \ % . Joshua Wood 8hall ser'l'e a8 prcsldent and manalrer. and I.ewl'l Uammcr shall serv as secrelary and treasurer. both until Ihelr Sllccellors are elected aud quaIlD"d. Dated Ibis 11th dayof Juh1 . . JOSHUA 'Voou. Pre'lldeut and Manall'er. LEwrs UAMMER , 5-9 SeCrelary aud Trealiurcr. IN TUE DISTRICT COURT OF CUSTJR ; : COUNTY. NEURASK.\ . Illaac A. Reneau. 1'lalntlff. 1'8 , Oren F. . Fuller , Mahalia S. Fuller. Defendanls. To Oreu E. Fuller and Mahalia S. Fuller. hla wife. defendantll. You will lake notice tbat on the Jrd day. of July. 1905. the plaintiff filed his petition In the DlRlrl.t Court of CURler County. Nebraska. the object and prayer of wblch are to foreclose'a certain real estale morlgalre. made by tbe de- fendanl ! ! to lbe Dakola Loan III TruRt Co. aud uSlllgned to tblR plaintiff. upon the follow lull' de'lcrlbed real eSlate to-wit : The N of 1he Sw , lbe Se of the Sw aud theNw ) ( of the Se of Secllon 2. Township 19 , North ranlle 20. west of Ihe 6th P. m. . Illveu to secure the pay- lIIent of one certain promissory note of $ : :00 : to- lCetller with Inlerest tbereon from Its dale ; tlld upou which there Is now Ibe Ibe lIum of $ ; o .c.o and also tbe furtber Bum of 1.40 belug for laxes paid by plaintiff under tbe condltlons'of said mortllalle. I'lalnllff prays for a decree of foreclosure and Ibe sale of the premises descrlbtd In said mort- \lalle. You are required 10 answer said petition on or beCore tile 14lh day of AUllust. 1905. Dated thls3rd da ) ' of July. 1905. ISAAC RENEAU. 4-7 Uy his Attorney. C. II. UOLCOIUI. IN TUE DISTRICT CURT OF CUSTER COUNTY NEBRASKA. P. N. Campbell , vs. Incoln A. Southworth. el al. Notlco to nou.resldenls. Llucoln A. Sluthworth .Iud Luclna SOUlh. worth. defendants will take notl"e. that all tbe 23rd , day of J nne. 1905. the plalutlff filed his Supplcmeutal petillon In the District court of CUllier Couuty. Nebruka. the object andprayer of wlllcliis 10 oblaln an order.nuuc pro tunc. of tblR courl.confirmluilin all and every particular Its former eutrys and decrees In this IIUIt Inade and entercd. and particularly tbe decree elilered against the Northwest quarter of Sec. twenty. slx'rownshlp tllirteenuortll.ralille twenty faur. west of tile 61h. I' . M" said Couulyand State. whlcll said dLocree was enlered and IIlade-on the l'lb. dayof Juue.19OO , for :11070.00'upon : a cerlalll note and mortgagu made. eIccuted.and delivered by ) ' 011 to the Nebraska MOrlgalle di : Trust Company. and by It 1Sslgned to tills plaintiff. also to conl1rm the Rale of said lands to this plaintiff. by till ! sberlff of said counly under and by virtue ot lIalli decree. wlilch sall1 salfl was made on Ibe 151h. day oC J ly , 1901. J . . . . " . . . , . . - - . . - I' ! " ' -"rg , , . 'iS" " " " " " \011 ara r.'l1lr,4 to aUtI'e , 1A14 petltloa o. or before Ihe 1tb , day of Aualtsl.1W1.5. or the " matters and thlnlrll therein coatalned will ba ' taken a. trueaadJudlrnleat enteredaccordlDgly. /I' ' Dated thl. 23rd. day of June. 1905. P. N. CAI.lP1'8L1. . 3-6 By hl9 Attorney. ALPUA MONGAN. F.GA NOTICJ. : . . ' .1'0 F.'I'a Uarrls and Flollie Uarrls , ullnor cblldrell and belrll al law of Clara Jane Uarrl. . decea'led. William U. Uanls. uon.re'lldent de- . fendant8. You. alldeacb of you will lake notice. tbat. on the 22nd da ) ' of June. 1905. Charla. . E. Gibson. plaintiff , filed his petition In tbe DIllrlct ! Court of CUlller 'ounly. Nebraska. agalust you. tbe object and prayer of wblch are to foreclose a cerlalll morlllalCe execule,1 by Clara Jane Uar- rill and the defendenl William U. Harris to Jame. . L. Lombard 011 the North east Quarter , ( Ne ( ) ot Sectlpn twentY'Rlx (26) ( ) Townsblp elabl' , . een ( III ) Hallll'c twenly.Dve (25) ( ) III CUller couuty. Nebrallka. 10 seClire Ihe paymellt of Ibelr prom- IIIRory 1I0le of lIeven hundred clollan ( $700.00' ' ' dated on tbe 2nd day of JUlie. 11188. and due and pa'able oa Ihe 1111 day of Juue. II19J with Inter- CRt at 111 per c nt trolU malurlty and wblcb I\ald note wa'l exlended unlll the 1111 day of June. 111 % with Jnlcrest at Ibo rale of 7 per cent IIr.r allnum. That Ibere Is due and ulipaid upon 8altl nllte and mortlrage tbe sunl of :11141.00. : . 'or wblcb aunl with Interest frolll thla date the plalnllff prays for a decree of foreclosure and lIale of Raid t1remlRe9. You are required to anllwer said petition all or before ! \Ionday tbe 14tb day of August 1905. . C. A. ROBINSON. 3-6 Allomey for Plaintiff. Uulted StaleR Land Office. I Drokell Uow. Nebr. . Juue 3. 1905. f Notice Is hereby . .Iveu that Iho follawlnar Damed seUler has filed nollce of bill Inlenllou to make final proof lu IIUI.port of hla claim No. HAS. and tllat lIald pruol will be made beforc ' " Rellllller aud Receiver at lJroken lJow. Nebr. . : \ on July Iii. 1905. vl : ' . . . .U. . . . Won..rR. Droken How. Nebraska. for the Nd { Sec. 34. T. 17. N. . R. 19. W. Ue uallleslhe followlnglWltneMeR to provo his contlnuou. residence upon and Iulll'l'atloli. : of said lalld. vl : . lIan"cy M. Pickens. of Denvyn..Nebraska : Denry Cashmoln. of Derw'n , Nebraska ; Charley Da'l'ld80n.of Berw'u , Nebrallka : George 'V. Mc- Rae , of Bruliep.lJow. Nebraska , , 52-6 'JAMES WIIITElIltAU. Reg Bter NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Counly POllrt. CURler County. Nebraska. , ; Tbe crcdllors of Ihe e'llaleof tharlu ; B. Uay" " deceased : . Take NOllce ! _ That I will lilt at tbe County Court room. In urokeu lJow. lu Hald County , 011. the 2nd day of Sept. 1Q0.5. and 011 Ihe tb day of January , 19O . each at 10 o'clock a. m. of each day. to recel'l'eand examine all clalmB against said eslate. with a view to their adjulltment and aJlowauce. The time limited forthepresenlatlonofclalma against said elllale Is .Ix monl1.11 from the 141h of July 1905. and tile time IImlle < t for payment of debts Is one year fronl said date. Datcd July 7. 1905. J. A. AR.tOUR , s-s County Judge. COUNTY COURT. CUSTER COUNTY. NE- _ IJRASKA. To creditors of the cRlale of Peter Mohat de. ceased : 'l'ake nOllce. tbat I will sit at Ibe Connly Court room. lu Brokeu lJow. III said County. OQ tbe Uth day of AUlI'n'lt aud tbe 141h day of October 1905 and on the 6tb day of January. 1906. each at 10 o'clock a. 111. of each day. to rccel'Vo and examlneill clllma : :1llaluat said CII. late. willi :1 view to Ibelr adjustment and allowance - ance : and tbat' on tile first date abo'l'e Ihe petitions of widow will be beard for bOintslead. exemptlo. " . al10wance and otber Stalulory . . . . . . . } I The time lImlteJ for tbo preRentation of .1 I claims allalnllt said e tate 1'1 six monthR from Ihe 6tb day of July 1905. aud the time limited forpaYlUcnt of . debts Is one ) ear from said dale. 4-7 IiKALt' ! J. A. AK/oIOUR. County Judlre. United Slates Land OlUce. l North Platte , Nebraska. May 2 , 19 < 15. r Notice I ! ' hereby Illven that tbe followlnll' nawed Rettler has filL' " nollce of his Intenllolo to make final proof In support of hhi claim. and that Raid proof will be made beCore George B. l'tIalr. Clerk of tbe District Court. at his office at Broken lJow. Nebraska. J y II. 1905. VI : Marlha Obde who made Uomeslead J.ntry No , 17951 for tbe w se sec 1 town'lblp 16n R 22V. . III' namell tile fo11"wlug witnesses 10 pro'l'e his continuous residence upon and cultlvallon of lIald land vl : CbarlesIl. Jeffords , Droken . . Bow. . . Nebr. . . ' " t mmet'"L. Sboup. . . . . . . Henry Marlin. . . . . . . Jo'epb ! , Martin. " , 51.6 ' " - GROMOB F. . I"JlENCU. " Rellisler. . _ . , ' - - - - . - . - - . . _ . " "t"t" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ' 11" " " " " ' Geiser Tllreshinlr Mac inery - - : : : : : : : : - - : : : : : : : : : : - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - . - - - - , JIt- , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - E Tbe Macblne Without Selves , Cleans-Wet or Dry. "Hever Beaten In a Test" : : : - - - - = = asked how he liked the PeerlesK machine a Custer County : : : : : : : WilEN replied. Tbe uest machine ever brought to this county. : : : : : = = Call on or write to me if cOlltemplating buying Thershlng machinery. : : : : : : : - - - - . s. . : Jc ) : : R..IB - - - - : : : : I.OCAI4 AGENT FOR GEISER MANUFACTURING COMPANY. = = : : : : : - ' : f7111111111111111111111111111111111111rl111111111111111111 1111111111111111 \ . Pr ? . The Pantator.lum Olothing cleaned , pressed J , . . nd l'ep ired for both ladies and gentlemen. Satisfaction guaranteed. Giye me a t1' nl order. Over Ifaber- IfaberMary Helders l l { : : : r : : . . ttij _ jJJ . jfi - - - \ . ( ( Before You Build. Consult i C3reo. : E = > > apin.ea"l.1. , Contractor and Bull : ter. Estimates ; li'urnished free with plans and specifications. u " . , . : - . . . . . . . . . . ' . . ' . " - . - . . " . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . -L . \ . ' . ' . " ' ' . : " . . . . . " . : . ' . , ' : -ui-t : in , . " . . : , . . " " 'l ' : , i L. " ' ! " , ! "ft I.I. m\a ; ( 'i'l , a. i.t : .lL . . . . . i't fI 'Yirfi : i. . . . . . I. . : : . . . . . " 1.t.IiJ ; : : ; " .fI c" " ! " " " iJi .lh ! When desiring to figure on a bill : ' : _ j of Lumber call OD the. . . . . . . . . . ' _ C. L. Tumor Lumber Co. ' 1 ! . . . I We carry a Cull slock f Lumber. i Sash , Doors , Mould1Ugs , etc , Agents for the Nebraska Central Building & Loan A sociation. ( I L _ If.Lt : . , l , ! _ . l . _ ; I . _ _ A ' 1 _ \W1 , _ . . . 7t-e , 1 , " ] lf. S 3 : ; &m