Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 20, 1905, Image 6

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    _ . . . . , , . " . . , ; , - . . - . ' . 'I" . : . ' , . . ' . . , . . ,
J .
lIt . H p , : ; ;
Growth Hl1D Deen Satlsfl1ctory.-
, Spring Wheat promlolno Ecept In
. Overflow DistrIcts.
. '
I L. - -
' ' ' wcathel' bllr-
. ( 'InllS wcol IY bllllolin SllmulIlrl1.os crOI1 :
conditions ns follows :
if. In the < 1lslrlcts casl at the nocl ( '
{ mountnlns tClI1pO'rllturo conditions
were Ca\'ornblo though cool In "o118' ;
Bourl'nlle ' . Ovcr 111uch the srcntor
IJI\rl of the cOllntr ' frol1l the south Atlantic -
lantic gulC constH norlhwllrI ] to the
InlO rcglons , 1\lInnesotn nnd the Da.
Iwts , excessive rnlnfnll grcnll ) ' hhul.
ored the cllltlvnUon of crOll8. co u'od
rnpld growth of wcclls nnd In Illnces
' hl1l'vellted gntln.
injuI'cd hn ) nnd :
'rlt'ro wns IlI'nelirally 110 rain.In . Now
Bnglnnd , only light showers on the
I1nmedlnte mlthllo AlII\1IUc canst nnd
none In the Hocly 1I10unlnin and Pa-
cUlc coast reglonl : : . In centrnl an < 1
northern California nud portions of
Oregon 1111(1 ( Wnfhlngtoll ! Inlenso heat
Ilrevalled < 1urlng the latter part of the
The corn cro } ) has experienced 11.
weele of very Cnvol'l1blB coudilions for
growth except In the Ul1110r Missouri
"nlloy , wherQ Its ] Irogl'ess has llOon
rather slow on nccount at Insufficlont
hent and Incle of sunshine. While rains
have Interfered wllh cultivation to
1301110 extent the crop itS a whole IS'
In It talr ! ) ' good stnto of culUvation
nnd Is large ! ) ' Illld 1Ir except In the
moro northOl'ly dlsl1'lcls , Winter wheat
hUl"\'est conthnlNJ In the northerly dls'
trlots und Is hugely finished elsa.
, , 'here. Hnlny wenthor hns exLenslveb'
Interfered with throBhlng and ba6
caused dnmngo to grnln In shocle In
} ) orUons of the mldlllu Atlnntlc stntes
nnd central vallors. 'rho nhnorll1ltl
hent on the 1Iorth Pucilic coast during
the latler part of the weolc IIrolJl\hly
causd dnmnge to the whent crOl ) In
' \Vashlngton.
I In 1I0rtlons of South Dnlwta und
Minnesota spring whent on lowlands
has suffcrod from ovorllows , but elsewhere -
where In the Rllrlng wheat region the
crOI1 Is In IJromlsln condition. llust
conUnues In South Dnlcotn and 1\lInne-
aota , though not mnterlnlly Increas.
lng , nnd Is beginning to nppear In
North Dnl\Otn. Spring wheat con.
tlnuos IIromlslng on the north Pacillc
coast , although eXlosed to tr'lng hent
conditions during the Intler llllrt or
tbo weele.
Doth standing nnll harvested oats
have suffered consldornbly trom wet
weather , which has cnused lodging ,
hlnderell harvostlng nnd Injured onts
In StllCtt or shocle. A fine crop , bow-
ever , Is generally Indlcatod.
' '
" h
H mus of Panama Is to bo mndo health-
[ ul , comfortable nnd enu'ablo before
the real worle or digging tl10 cannl 1s
I begun , accordIng to an announcement
of poll C ) ' mudo by Uhnlrmnn I:3honts :
of the Pannmn cannl commIssIon. .I\1r.
honts snld that twelve and one.hal [
ller cent of the tolal num\er \ o [ om.
fl 1)loyes are now nsslgned to t110 , vorle
of creating healthul condlUons. In
I conclusion tllo nnnouncoment says :
"A cablegram recolvod Irom Uovor-
nor Magoon reports no add1t1onal
lid' cases o [ yellow lover nnd no deaths ,
. nnd but one case under trentment on
the lsthmus or IJnnama. "
_ . .
CHIOAGo-A. G. Smith , superln
tendent of the Central City , Neb ,
BChools : and Mrs. Smith lmvo como te
Chicago anel taken upnrtments nt UtI
; Saratoga hotel to sOlll'ch for their mise
Ing daughter. I1eurtbrolten , the par
'onts declnro that { hey will not rel\lrl
to Nebraslm until some tmco of thel
daughter Is found.
I " 1"lorenco wns such a good girl ,
Bald Mr. Smith , "I cnnnotmdershm
why she left the young woman's schoc
-tho Deaconess somlnnry for girls , n
Aurora-to como t Chicago.Vo wor
'educating her thore. The Inst wo henr
'Of her was thnt she stnrtml oul to ear
)101' own living as a nurse. "
Shonts and Stevens ausy.
W ASIIINGTON-Clmirmnn Shon' '
or the Panama Cnnal commission , nr
Mr. Stevens , the newly al1l1olntod cl'll
engineer , nre In Wnshlngton. Doth 0
lOct to lenvo for O'ster Dny Frltln
The ) ' will lenvo for Pnnama July 1
nnd Mr. Stovens' family will folio .
111m In the full. Mr. Stevens Is no
considering the question of filling tI
vacancies In the engineering corllS aI
wIB fnmlllarizo himself with the nva
able matter here before ho Insllee
the forces at Pannma. No Illans w
bo made Ull ho reaches the Isth1\1us.
Arkansils Neoro Lynched.
S'l' . LOUIS--A Sllet'lnl tram lJllmr
Arle. , SI1)'s : A negro nnmCtt Joe Woc
r an of Rlvos , Arle. , was l'nched he
nrter bav1ng elollOI1 With tl10 tlallgllt
of J. S. Small , a wl1lte man. ' 1'110 elol
ment occurred yesterdny nnrt l1or
. . . uld 01 1-1no llIutt cnugllt tllo COlli
at 'l' mo on bonrd n trnln. ' 1'110 g
, , , ns returned to her pnrents and t
11egro was placed In jnl ! here , All w
quiet during the nlgilt but todn ) ' t
dall was found brol ( ( > n open rmrt t
negro's body dnngled from a tree
"a111e distant.
. . . ' . - , : - _ _
_ _ . , OM' . . . _
Doubtless Hnve the Help of ProCJont
Chief Executive.
HlNU'1'UN-1t Is asscrtM IJy
rcrtaln mon coml'lont to spenle Ullon
the mnltel' thnt tL IrnlllI1Hleratnndlnr \
has IlCen rcached hctwoon the Jlresl.
Ilont amI 1\Ir , Hoot , wherehy the Intter
Is to recoh'o thn filII fJUllport or thO
lllresidemt nt the J'CIJllhllcnn national
convenlton three years hOllco. Hecre'
Inn' or War 'I'ntt III to ho nllowell to
gain fame through the oxecutlvo Illrec-
lion of tl10 l'nnal11/L / cllnnl ,
It will he ! 'encnllcfl thnt I\1r. Hoot
fmnltly rwowed wht'n ho rcslgn'll a I
secI'etllr ) ' of wnr , ! ; ( 'vernl montllf1 ngo ,
Ihat the step waR IlIctatcII 11) ' n dt'slN
to malco monoy. It If ! an ol/en / ! wcrot
lhnt since he relurnell to Iho ) lrllctlc'
o ( Inw 111 New Yorl ( hlo 1ncome hilS
heen Ilrnctlcnlly ' 1.UUU n weole , and
some IllnC'o It at haIr II million II yoar.
It I ! ! renflonnhly cel'taln that I\1r. Hoot'
Income woultt romnln at this fignro for
nn Inl1ollnl1e perlOlI.
- - - - - - - - - - -
UmCAGO-Julius Krutschnltl , dl.
rector of 1I1/llntonnnro / / operntlon
or the Hllrrlman lIystem , SI1)'s :
"Tho Union Pncillc and Southern Pa. I
el/I / I'Onlls will build a number of short I
lineR from points where they seem
fenslble Hnd pnylng , Wo are engaged
In 6111'vcylng und 100ldns 001'l / number -
ber of proIJosed extensions lu the west. ,
hut have definitely Ilccl od on "ery
few as ) 'et , "
The Union Puclfic moy lIse the
Burlington otllh from IInstings to
KOllrney , Neb. , In conneotlon with the
now lIne from Knnsns City which 15
bolng built. Howo\Qr , thnt 110lnt Is
not settled and the Un 1011 Pacll1e may
use the trnrls of the St. . Joseph &
ltl'and leland fl'om Hastings to Grund
Islnnd to connect with the mnln linG
Instel1d ot using the Durllngton ta
. Rebatcs to Grain De:1lers.
WASHINGTON - 'fho intor.state I
commerce commission l1r01108es to
conduct an Invostlgntlon' In St. Louis ,
boglnnlng . 'uly. 22 , Into the qu stlon ot
ulleged nllownnces made b ) : rnllronds
to compnnies 01' persons owning grnln
elo\'ntol'8 or by cuch comllanlcs or per ,
sons owning clovator ! ! to shippers 01
PUH'l'LAND , Uro-Hacajawca , the
In < 1lan bird womnn wbo , bearIng on
her bacle her Indian child , guided the
explorers , Lowls and Utnrk , tbrough
old Uregon , receh'ed public recognl-
, on for bel' 11(1rolc ser\1ceS nt the
Lewl" nnt ! Ulllrie oxposITlon when the
hnndsomo bronze statue o [ the Ind1an
woman nnd her pnpoose was \lI1vQlled.
' 1'ho stntue stands at n prominent
plnco on Lnico VIew terrace between
stntues of CllptS. Merriweather Lewis
and Wllllam Utarle. 1t was draped In
11. hUlo AmerIcan Uag when tltO unveiling -
veiling ceromonles ollened. Invocation
was pwnounced by Hov. Anna H ,
Shaw and "Amorlca" was then sung
by Uhnrles Uuttor , nn Alasltan IndlaIl ,
with a well trained volco. 'l'ho spealtor
of the day was 1\IIss Susnn H. Anthony -
thony , who nrtdressell the assomblnge
on "Women In Discovery. "
NEW YORK-Soml-ofilclal dotalls
concornlng the latest Japanese loan
o [ 16U million dollars were made pUb-
1I . 'fhe bonds will bear Interest at
41.2 per cent and will bo securell by
a second lien upon tbo tobacco mOo
' 1'he ayndlcato undorwritlng the loan
consists of lnrr's banle , limited , 01
London , tbo Hong Kong and Shanghai
banlc1ng corlloratlon and the Yolto ,
I1I1ma speclo bnnle , I1mlted , with whom
, are aS30ciated Kuhn , Loeh & Co. 01
this city , nnd the Deutsche Aslattscb (
banle of Horlln. 'l'ho Natlonnl Utt
banle and the National llank of Com
' - merco , both of Now Yorle city , wll
assist Kuhn , Loeb & Uo , In the nota
tlon In this countr ) ' .
Washington Lawyer Gets Place.
W ASIIING'rON-Prosldent Reese
\'olt has nnmed D. W. Dalcer uf till
cll ) ' for Unlte\t Stntes nllorn Y fo
th : ) District of Cohllnbln , 'rhe nppolnl
mont will ta..o effect upon the reUre
ment of District Attorney 1\lol'gnn 1 :
Deach on August 31.
- .
Proclaims a Siege.
'SAN DOMINGO-Tho go\'ernmoll
has Issued n decree suspondlng th
gUl\rnntee antI proclnhnl111 ; n siege I
the nrnhomn district. The trouble n ]
y. IJ/lrentl / ) ' Is locnl. All other distrIct
8 , of the rOlll1bllc nre quiet.
IW Nebraska Man Honored.
llo IJOll'1'LANlJ , Oro.-1'ho Amorlcn
\d l tllrnr ) ' 11.5soclation closed Its convo
11. lion today. Among the 0111cor8 elect (
: ts were the folloW1l1g : l'realdent , l"rar
111 P. Hill of Hroollyn public lIIJrur ) ' : se
rotar ) ' J. 1. Wyer o [ 1.tncoln , Neb.
New Head of Admiralty.
lS , LONDON-A 11IslJ/ltch / to a 11m
lIt. agency from St. Petersburg todny 1\
ro nouncos thl\t Vice Admiral Blrlleff h
er been al1110lntml head of the Hussll
10. admlrnlty In succosslon to Admh
'IIr \'olla11 , who resigned.
Irl Omilha Boy Drowns at Fair.
ho POR'1'I AND , Ore.'ranle Sitel
'ns nged 17 , whoso home Is In Omnhn a :
ho who was uttrncted to Portland ) ' the
ho ( 'xposHlon , W/1S / drownell In Guill
n 1/11\0 / , 11 deep nrUllclal bed ) ' of wat
I on the grounds ,
. . . - . .
Never Could Have Deen Made If Official -
cial Appralscrs H:1d Reported Prop.
erty-Tho Sum of $250,000 Was Dor.
Now Yorle-Senator Chnuncoy M.
Depew has mndo n. stntemcnt to the
Paris correspondent of the Now Yorl ,
'rrlbuno regarding tho' loan of $260 , '
000 mndo by the Equltnblo society to
the DOlloW Land Improvement com-
IJ11n ) ' on proport ) . nllege to have been
worth only $ IliOOOO , In which ho snys
thnt he never hnd advocated or recom.
mended any Buch tmnsactlon8 , be ,
cause he wns 0. dlreclor of the Eqult-
Senator Dellow further sa's :
" 'rhnt 10nn I1\3ver could hnvo been
mnde unless the omclal npvralsers of
the FJultnblo had reported uter ox.
nmlnntloI1 thnt $260,000 waz enl ' GO
per cent of the llr01l0l't8 vnluo , auch
being the rule of the socloty , and that
on such a report the omcera of the
COtnlJlD ) ' bad uunnlmously approved
it ,
"Tho Dellow Lnnel Improvement
company wns orgnnlzed nud In. operation -
tion some f1\0 years before it was induced -
duced to become a stoclehol < 1er. Il
then hnd nbout 3,000 Inhnbltants , nnd
many thriving Industries , Including
Lho Now Yorle Centrnl shOllS , and connection -
nection with sevornl trunle lines. The
company appointed a general mnnnger
who built houses , a hotel , opened
streets , extended the water and sewer
srstems : and Incurred great linblllties
In Improvement ! ! , A few of the
larger atoclholdera formed n plan to
pa ) ' off ull liabilities nnd provldo
worlcng ! cllpnclty , but the stoclehold-
ors were so numerous , a largo number -
ber 11\'lng abroad that co-oper 1.tlon
could not bo secure , nnd went Into
the Imnd of a receiver five years after
the Equltablo lonn , Appralsnls of tho' '
property hns lJcell made by the offi.
cors nnd Independent ) ersons , the low.
est valuation being $200,000 over and
nbovo aU liabilities. H the Equitable
and other creditors join nnd talce the
property oul of the hand of the receiver -
ceiver , and put on 11. going basis , there
Is no posslblllty of loss. On the con.
trury in the ju gmont of these best
acquatnted with the property there Is
n certulnty of profit.
"A few a's before I salle from
New Yorl , I placed my resignation
ns counsel In the han s of Chalrmnn
Morton , and I nm very glnd that ho
nccepto < l It. I had pnssed my 71st
birthday , and I had made up my mlnd
before I renched 72 to secure something -
thing of thal rest and freedom from
incessant worle that has been denied
mo year after year. " .
ST. PETERSDURG-The Assoclatod
Press has high warrant for the atato-
ment that 1\1. Wltl , president of the
committee of ministers , was strongly
urged on Ute emperor for head of the
l1eaco commission , Even Foreign 1\1In.
Ister Lnmsdorf Is said to have joined
In recommending his elecLion. The
emperor , however , finUy declined to
apllolnt him , and nfter 1\1. Nelldoff ,
ambassador at Paris , pleaded Illness ,
his majesty porsonnlly chose 1\1. 1\Iur.
a\'lerr , Ufo ambassndor at Rome. Two
of the five councillors to the plonlpo-
tentarles , though , 1\1. Polmtlloff , minis.
tor to Chinn , an 1\1. Shlporr , director
of the Imperial treasury nnd former
prosldont of the zemstvos , are distinctly -
tinctly Wltto mono
VALLEJO , Cn1.-More than ono hundred -
dred members of the crow of the Rus.
IIlan crulsor Lenn , whlctl ts Interneil
- nt the Mare Island navy ) 'artl , llnvo
I made n demand upon Uommalllor ( Uen-
- thor , tn churgo or the vessel , tllat tlloy
bo accorded the snmo lrlvl1ogos as are
grnnted to the onllsted men on the
llusslan shillS 1nternell at l\tanlln , that
! o Is , thnt all of the crow except enougll
mon to man the ship be paroled nnt1
allowed to return to their homos In
Hussln , Commnnder Uenther tolrt the
mon that 110 woUld commun1cato tllelI
wishes to the state department n1
, Held Because of Result of Investlg:1
tlon of Port Arthur Fight.
shism prints a r port that Lleutenan
General Stocsaol hns been Illncol
under arrest nt Tsarsloo Selo In cons
quonco of the ro\'elnLlons mndo by th
m commission which hns been Invest
n. gntlng tbo defense and cnpltulntlon c
! d Port Arthur nnd that the swor c
lie honor donnted by a numher of I"renc
iC' admirers of General stoessel will tIC
bo IJrOsonted.
Will Import Many Laborers.
.s WASlIING'1'ON.-ln order to tei
In. the Calaclty ( or worle of Itallans , ( , ]
as l1eso nnd Jnllnneso nnd I\lso the co.
[ 111 trncl method or securing 111111 h1\1111111 :
'nl Inborers. the Pnnnmn Cnnni comml
SIOI1 hns dt'cldell to ImllOrt 2.000 m (
of eacll I1l\tlonallt ) . ( or n 600.dny co
tract , subject to renownl. 'It ' Is 11
rIl , object of the commlfls10n 10 reduce tI
nd mnount of this Bert of lahor ns 1I111t
ho ns posslblo hr the Introlll1t't1on of mo
1'a orn mnchhlt'r ) ' , bill It w111 bo ner (
or sar ) ' to seIII'O so\0I'111 thous lld udl
tlonal worlt1\1,11
Will Partlclp:1te In Conference on
Morocco Affairs.
I'AnIS-Premler ROIt\'ler and Prince
von Hndolln , the Germnn ambnsslulor ,
r l1.ched nn ngreement relntlve to the
communications to bo exchanged be
twcen Franco nnd Germnny regnrdlng
Morocco. Franco consents to partlcl.
patq In a conerenco , I1nvlng been as.
surod In the course of the negotiations
that her Interests will be safeguarded.
'rho officlnl notes on the subject will
ho communlcnted to the chamber of
doputles lu'obnbly on Monday.
Inormntlon obtained in dlplomntlc
quarters showa that It hns practlcnllY
been settl d thnt the conference will
bo held at Tnngier ,
OMAHA-Deforo Notary Charles
G , Dearsall , Thomns D , Worrall , presl-
.Ient . of the \Vo1'l'all Grnln company ,
told of the efforts of the Nobrnslm
Grain Dealers association to squeeze
his company out of tilt' grain business
In Nehraslm , 1\Ir. Worml's ! testlmon ) '
Is taleen nt the request of the opposIng -
Ing counsel In his suit for $128,000
The witness inslstod on all the
quesL ons p to him being written
out In plain sight on a typewrltler before -
fore he wouM answer thom.
An Interesting portion of the testimony -
mony concerned the p08se8lon : by
the secretary of the Nebraslm grain
dealers' assoclntlon of full Informa.
tlon about a car of grain loaded by n
farmer and consigned to the WorraU
cOq1pany before the cnr wns anywhere
nenr Omaha , 'rho secretary came to
Worrnll and tried to htduco him not
to handle the particular car of grain.
The plaintiff's counsel wi1l try to
show that the InCormntlon was transmitted -
mitted by a rnllroad company , thus
showing collusion Y/ith the socalled
sraln trust.
NEW YORK-With $36,000 subscribed -
scribed townrd his oXl1edlLion to reach
the north polo , Robert E. Perry announces -
nounces thnt ho will sail this weelt for
the north. Commander Pear"s now
Arctic ship , lito Roosevelt , has been
waiLing severnl nys for suppllos
whloh could not bo bought on account
of the lacle of funds.
The polar expedition which has been
In proparatlon slnco October 16 , 1904 ,
has cost $160,000 , Including today's
subscription. The ontlre amount has
been onated by American business
m n to the Poarv Arctic club , whoso
members are anxious that none but
Americans have any hand In this polar
Portsmouth , N. H. , Deflnltely Decided
Upon as the Place.
W ASHINGTON.-Asslstant Secretary -
tary Plorco announced that the plonl.
lQtontiarles of Russia and Japan hlld
ngreed upon Portsmouth , N. H" as the
meeting place for the sessions of the
peace conference to bo hold outside
of Washington. The sessions will bo
hId In the government navy yard at
Portsmouth In the now building just
completed there ,
Third Assistant Secretary of State
Plerco has been specially commissioned -
sioned by the president to malto all
arrangements tor the meeting of the
plonlpotentiarles at Portsmouth and Is
preparing to lenve for that place to
confer with the commandant of the
navy yar . The mooting wIB bo hold
In the general atoro house.
Germany Will Not Allow M. Jaurea of
France to Speak.
llroHLIN-Uhancellor van lluelow
telegraphed to Prlnco Radolln , the Gcr-
man ambassndor at l'arts , to InOrm 1\ ' ( .
Jnnres , the l"rencn soclallst leader ,
tba.t the Uerman government thought
It boot to debar him tram spoaklng In
Horlln , July I ) , IlS it had been nn-
110unced ho intenlled to.
'fhe Invitation to 1\1. Jnures cnme
[ rom the socIalist exec ltl\'O commit.
tee rullng the pnrty nnd was desIgned
to I1lvanco the soclnllst opposition to
I the govermuent.s Moroccan pollcy antI
to domonstrnto the s'mllnrltles or vlow
on foreign questions o [ soclnUsts or
nil countrIes ,
Morton Cuts All Salaries.
NEW YOHK-Sweeplng reductlom
In the snlarles of various ofilclals nn
employes N the Equltablo soclet )
- were announced Thursdny by Chair
ml\n Morton The decreases wll
nmount to 20 per cent on nU salarle :
$16,000 ller nnnum : 16 per cent fron
all annunl salaries between $9,000 nnt
$16,000 , both Inclusive , and 10 per cen
d 'creaso from nil salnrles nbove $2,001
nntl below $9,000 per ) 'ear. ' 1'hesl
chnnges become olleratlvo on Augus
1 next and effect n snvlng of frol1
$150,000 to $200,000 a year.
Castro Creates a Mon'opoly.
t W ASlllNU'1'ON-Normun Hutclllx ;
il. Amerlcnn chnrgo at Cnracas , hns 1' (
n. portell to the stnto depnrtment illn
IG the lrcsldonl or Venezuela bas Issue
s. n decree llrnctlcnlly malting the snl
! It Industr ) ' of Vonezueln government me
n. nOllol ) ' .
10 Streets Full of Troops.
: h ' 1' 11"1.1 S. Cuucasln-Tho streets nI
Id. oC'rullell ( h ) ' trools ( , but the cllr hr
ISIl1'en Quiet slnro \lroclamntlon \ e
Liimnrtlnl Illw. ' 1'ho Omclal GpuAlte hI
l'emmC' llUbll'ntloII
. .
M. Muravieff Tenders His Resignation
Because His Expcrlence In Dlplo.
matlc Matters Does Not Qualify
H 1m for Post.
ST. PETElRSDUHG-1\I. 1\Iuravleff
has resigned his position as chief
peace plenipotentiary.
It ma ) ' be regarded as practically
certain th 1t ho will bo replaced by 1\1.
Witte , presldont of the commltteo of
ministers , who all along has been can.
sldered the Russlnn statesman lIre-
eminently qualified to undertaleo the
11IflIcult tnsle of negotiating peace with
Though the emperor on two pr -
vious oCCRslons Ims fiatly declined to
nccept 1\1. Wltto , ho hns now In lcate
his readiness to malte the appoint-
ment. The commission , however , will
not bo actunl\j' \ signed until Foreign
1\IInister LamsdorJr , who throughput
the war has been M. W tte's warm
supporter , has hnd al au l nq9 of ! ! o
omperor. To that extent only the mo.t-
tor may bo resarded as unsettled ,
ri ii g bc ng rta in Russia , as a
prominent diplomat remarlted recent.
Iy , until the emperor's slgnaturo hns
been affixe . 1\1. Wille's selection un-
doubtellly Wll1 bo hnlled as 1prac -
tlcnl assurnnco of peace. Whllo It-
would be a mlstalco to denomlnato
him as n 'peaco at any prlco. " man , M.
Witto earnestly believes tlmt the
struggle should be ended and should
be succeede by nn understanding between -
tween Russia. and Japan whlcb woul
Insure peace In the far east for hnlf
a century. In eed , ho Is personally beHaved -
Haved to he In Caver of a Russo-Jap-
anose alliance ,
The conduct of negotiations by M.
Wllteo , it Is felt by the peace parties
here , woul Insplro Instant confidence.
In Japa .
The only handlcnp under which 1\1.
Wllteo lahors Is his lack of familiarIty -
Ity with the English language , as the
only foreign Inngunges he speaIes are
German and French.
M. 1\Inrnvleff'a retirement , osten.
slbly owing to reasons of ill health ,
Is In reality due to the fact that the
emperor became convinced that the
negoLiations might. be jeopardized If
he went to Wnshlngton , M. 1\Iuravieff
himself , upon consideration , frankly' .
recognlzod his lacle of dlplomntlc
training and his want of aequalntanco
with the questions Involved and with
equal franlmess expressed satisfaction
that ho had been rolloved.
Neither Washington nor the Toldo
governments haa yet been offi ei ally
advised of 1\1. 'l\Iura"leffs withdrawal ,
the foreign office probably preferring
to announce the nam-e of his successor -
ser at the sarno time. The change in
the chief of the plonlpotentlarles does
not Involve any postp mement of the
date of the sailing of the peace commission -
mission for Washington.
WASHINGTON-The grand jury of
the district of Columbia reported an
Indlctmont for conspiracy against
Orrin G. Staples , prominent In hotel
and business circles ; Tracy L. Jof-
fords , former United States district
attorney : John L. Fehr an Elisha
Fitch , all of this city. It Is charged
that the defendants unlawfully conspired -
spired to defraud the citizens of the
District of Columbia. . and others by
making talso representations as to the
financial standing and responslblUty
of the Interstate Live StacIe Insurance
company of the district.
DULUTH , Minn.-The Western Pas-
aonger association ende HI : ! convon-
tlon hero and adjourned to meet In
Chicago the second Tuesday In Sop-
tomber. Much of the lime at the session -
sion wns talten UI ) by a discussion of
the differential rates , but no conclu-
slvo nctlon In regnrd to thom was
taleen , owing to the fact that three
roa s of the assoclnl1on-the 1\lIssourl
Pacific , the Wnbash nnd the Chicago
& Alton-wero not represented nt the
mooting. The general opinion Is that
there Is to bo n rnto war between the
Chicago-New Yorle roads.
Attempt to Wreck Overland.
LARAMIE , Wyo.-An attempt was
made early i"rldny to wrocle pnssenget
r trnln No.1 , the westbound Uverland
- Limited on the Union l'aclUc. Only
the wntchhllness of the ong1neer and
1Iromnn , both of whom snw an obstruc.
tlon on the trnolc nt tbo sarno tlmo ,
nnd prompt actton on the part of UtO
former In n\lplylng \ the all' brakes , prevented -
vented a disaster. As 1t wns , the uyer
was stopped just ns the nose ot the
IllIot touched tbo obstruction , which
11 consIsted or ties , IIlg stones nd .old
Merit Rule In.the Army.
I. OYSTER A Y , N. Y.-An Importan1
! - order was Issued by President Rooge
.t'olt nnnouncing the policy horentOl
d to bo followed by the udmlnlstratlon It
o mnldng of appolntmcnts or promitioul
) _ In the military branch of the govern
ment. ' 1'ho proaldent ardors that If anJ
officer of the nrmy or navy shnll sollcl
Influences nsldo Crom the records 0
' 0 his sorvlco on file In the \"nr " or navJ
It ; tlopnrtmonts , In order to obtnln pro
Jf motion or nsslgnment , ho shall bo de
lS barred thereby from the ad\'ancemen
which ho Is sC'eklns ,
- .
- - - - - - - - .
- - - - - -
. . , ' Co . . .
General Count S orf Assassinated "
While Receiving Petitions.
l\IOStJOW-1\tajor General Count
Shouvaloff , prefect of poll co here , nn
forl11orl ) ' lttached to the ministry of
the Interior , Wll.3 nssnsslnated whll
rocelvlng petitions. Ono of the letl ,
tloners draw a revolver and fired fivQ ,
times at the prefect , who fell dea .
The nflsassln was arrested.
The assassin , who was ressell as
peasant , has no" yet been idontlfiod.
Ho was recent ! ) . arrested as a political
mspectl but escnped ( rom the pollco. '
stnllon before his examination. if "
The assassin walled in the anteroom .
of the prefecture and , ent01lng : the au.
Illenco room , ho ndvancc toward
Count Shuvaloff , firing five shots at
close rnnge. The bullets passed
through th body ( 'I ! the prefect.
NElW YORK-Secretnry Wilson of
the epartmont of agriculture has sent
out an or er and circular letter In ro- -.f
gnrd to a. . largo amount of adulterated
foodstuffs Imported slnco the pure food
Inw - . . went - . into . - effect _ 'r- an . - which . - . have - . .
been hel up because the chemistry
department found that aU kinds of ad.
ulterntlon had been practiced , Secretary -
tary Wilson In this or er mo lfies a
former one In which ho declared that
the goods must be sent bacle to Europ.e.
The secretary's or er which arrived in
New Yorle custom house provides that
goods already Imported shall not bo
sent bncle but may bo sold In this coun- I .
try. Ho orders , however , that cans of
peas colored with sulphate of copper
shall bo distinctly Inbelled so as to
show this fnct , vnrloua strnwberry
jams shall bear the label reading "ar- . .
tlficlally colored , " nnd some canned
mushrooms must bo sold as "stema
nnd scraps. "
INDIANOLA , Neb-A grain harvest
greater thtin the big crops of 1891 and
1892 Is now bOlng gathered In this
country. Dlnders are running day and .
night and Sunday. Hundreds of Ilcres
are lying In bundles unshoclced for
want of hnnds , Good shockers are
getting fifty cents per acre , Two
hun red to three hundred hands could
get good wages In this county alone.
It is estimated a great many fields of
barley w1l1 'Ield GO to 76 bushels per
acre : wheat and rye 30 to 60 b shols
per acre. Three hundred an four
hundred-acro fields are a common
slgbt. Corn and other crops are 1m-
Portsmouth ; ; ; ; ; ; All the Ad.
vantages of a Summer Resort. I
PORTSMOUTH , N. H.-Rear Admiral -
miral Meade , who Is In command of I
the navy yard , said that having had
no Intimation that the peace conference -
ence would be held at the navy yard ,
he could not at this time teU what
arrangements would be made for their .
accommodation ,
The now general store building just
completed Is the lnrgest and most Imposing -
posing of any In the yard , being tour
stories In height and of ample dimensions -
sions , It Is of brlcle and brown atone t'
and at present Is not occupied. Sona-
taI' Admiral Meade said that It could
readlly be furnished for the needs of
the conferees.
Heavy Crop In Europe , Due In August ,
Causes Decline.
San Francisco , Ca1.-A reduction of
20 per cent In aU grades of sugar has
been annonnced. The cut Is nttrlb.
uted to the weakness of the raw sugar
market , the price of that artlclo bav-
Ing recently dropped 1 * cents per
pound. -
The decllno In row sugar has been
In a measure cause by the excellent
prospects In Europe for a large In.
crease In the beet sugar output and
the erOl ) , which terms a lItUo moro
than ono.hnlr of the world's output ;
w1l1 como Into the marlcct In August.
HIII'a Rililway Bill Passes.
OTTAWA , Ont.-The Victoria , Vancouver -
couver & Eastern railway b1l1 passed
the senate Thursday nnd now awaits
the ro'r.l assont. This Is J. J. H1I1's
Mutineers Open ocks and Allow ) ,
Vessel to Sink. .
KUSTENKI , Roumanla-Tho an- '
I10uncement that the battelshlp Knlaz
Potemkino sallod with Rear Admiral
Kruger's squadron yesterday ovenlng ,
turns out to bo incorrect. Deere leavIng -
Ing the Knlaz Potemklno the mutl- '
noors opone the soacocles and 1100ded I
I her hold. She Is now lying nt the
bottom , but It Is expected w1l1 be
raised In time to go to Sevastopol
July 12.
_ 0 ,
1t '
MIllionaire Shoots Himself.
WINS'rED , Conn.-'l'he body of
. Winthrop 'l'urney , a millionaire owner
of 11. mlno in Ionoro : ) , Mex1co , was
found In a pasture In the town o [ Uole-
brook. ' 1'hero was a bullet wound In
. Ius head and his hlln clasped re-
Cilnal Employe Has Fever.
WASHINGTON-Goy. Magoon at ' "
/ '
. . the cnnal zone cabled that Alfred W.
. . Provo , nn Amorlcnn omplo'o , wn"
t strlcleen with ' \'cllow tover at Coroza.l . ,
July 4.
, . . . _ .
- - - - - - . _ . I