Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 20, 1905, Image 1

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I' '
, VOL. YXIII. : BROKEN BOWJ , , , - - - - - , - - - - , . . \ .
t . . . . . .eno ' .
f. .
, .
J ,
lI I l _ i
I r I > . T. lJarnulU aal < l : "TlJe A lUerlcan J
I peopleliketotJelaumtJullrfld" :
\ I1hdlke to tJelieve In the Iruth of tblM RII'
I , Yet tbe penple ahuolII prove ItM
' 1\ \ truth Iu their tfeatment of tfaVt'lInll IIllec J
tacle peddler8 , The rUfal < l1 tflct5 ei'
p'clallyafe tilled wltb these so.called
' . " " " " "
I 'Doctols. "Occullsts" and "Opticians"
I wbo make a ! rood IIvlnll b ) ' IlUllolrlll on
tbe credulity of humanity. 'I'bello Quackll
arealllrllb talkers , and can convince . .lny
oae wbo wllllCle ear. that the IIlIlenerI'l ;
on tbe Veflre of blind lies" 1 ha. " . people
I visit me almost weeklv. wbo ha"aid fJ J
! , to $10 , and often ruote. for 1I'1:1'8e" : allY
' " " . OI'h to , " " 0"
! 1'0" : fMd
r . J.
r r . . " , . . . . . .
: m : : & " : &jJ
. .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Broken Bow Abslract Company.
\ This office for n at job work.
j J. C. Moore , abst.racting. 2tJ
I Insurance that insures.
: 38tf R. G. MooRn.
t , . ! I
J r Buy your farm and city property -
. erty of B. W. Blair. 37tf
I . . .
1 Dr. Leach , the palDless < enttst ,
guarantees satisf.action ,
I Ice Cream , candy , cigars and
f tobacco at Mike Scanlons.
I Reneau & Leonard , real estate.
f List your fanl1 and city proP-1
erty with . W. Blair. 37tf ,
I '
'Ve always have money to loan
i on farms. R. G. Moore 10 Apple
J r' Block. 35tf
I , _ t
; . Dr. Leach the dentist will refund -
fund money f work is not satis-
factory. tf
. Farm Lease , Chaltle Mortgage
and Warranty Dced blanks at
I this office.
" FOR SAr.n-'J'wo good milch
, , cows and four calves.
; 6-1t A. D. BANGS.
I Dr. Barncs makcs regular visits
. ,
\ , if everything is not satisfactory ,
you should can for cbanges nec s-
. sary. Eycs cxamined frcc. 5-2t
Can and take a look at the
: bl' t IIamblctonian Stallion in
: town. 2 blocks north of Grand
: Central Hotel.
' 1'he officers of the Broteen Bow
I State Bank cndeavor to promote
, the interest of their customers
, I. along.whatc\'er lutes it is practical -
tical for them to do so. l-tf
I am now located just north of
the Custer National Hank. Come
and sc me for bargains ln real
I estate. Some ch ice acre pro-
' .1 perty for sale.
'i Peale Sheppard & Co. have Just
; receh'ed a fine lot of men's boy'
I and childrens ready made cloth ,
! ing. Those interestcd will find
it to their interest to call anll SCE :
them beforc purchasing. We an
, pr pared to pleas in quality ani ;
. prIces. 48t :
( " To The Farmer. .
! '
\ Come to my barn and fl'ed JOLt :
teams hay over noon. 15c
: : : : : : : : JI I
John ' 1' . Metzgcr of Gates , I
kindly remcmbercll thi oflice
with a call Frillay.
\ \ ' cslc.r Mottinger of Elton ,
was a city visilor Monday. Il
made th Republican oflice a bus.
incss clll. ;
Mesdames Amos Noble and W.
n. UonCanon went to Ansley
Monllay to attend the funeral of
( i'aIIOY Foster.
1'he past several days ba\'e
given th corn a new impetus
and it is fairly cracking , so rap.
idly is it ffrowing.
Much of. the corn in Custer
county has nccessarily been laid
b.y on account of tbe small grain
heing' ready to ban'est.
1'he parents of the Weesner
boys left for their homc at Marian -
ian , Ind. , la t week aftcr a pleasant -
ant vjsit of iihrce we ks here.
We now have been without rain
for two we ks , which has given
the farmers a chance to catcb up
with their work , partially at
Miss Lottie imms , who bas
been at Omaha for some time for
medical treattnent rct rued home
last Saturday very much im.
proved in hcalth.
Miss Mary Hol erman of Morris -
ris , Illinois , who has been visiting -
ing , with her sister , Mrs. Willis
Cadwell for several wecles returned -
ed home Wednesday of last week.
R. G. McGrew , cashier of the
Callaway State Banl { , accompanied -
ied by his wife and a cousin ,
drove o\'cr 'I'ucsday to see the
latter safely sbrted for hcr home
in Iowa.
G. He Street , who has for a' '
numbel : , .f years been with th
Lumber Yard , now owncd by the
G. L. Turner Lumber Co. , has
been transfered to Merna , whcre
be has charge of the company's
nev ; yanls.
I'armers ! report the prospects
for a good corn crop greatly im.
prov d in thc past ten days. The
rain let up in good time l\r the
grain and alfalfa han'est. ' 1'he
lattcr was partly damagcd before
the rainy weatber ccased.
An interesting road case was
up before the count } ' board for
consideration last Friday from
Algernon township. 'l'lte petition -
ion washeaded by J as.Gouley and
othcrs through J. O. Jackson's
farm north cast of Mason. Hoth
the petition and remonstrance
were largely signcd' and most of
the day was taken up in hearing
the case. ' [ 'he board grant d th
petition auel allowed J acksol1 $300 ,
damages. ' 1'he witnesses in the
case for Jackson were John A.
lIall , G l > . l unyan and for the
petitioners Jas. Goull'Y , Hugh
McAllister , Wm. Bra , ) ' , John
Spcllcer and John Walker.
W. G. furccll and wife who
have been 011 an extensive trip
south and west for the past she
wcek r turned home unday.
'l'hey went by wav of St. Louis
aud as far north on the Pacific
slope as Portland , Oregon , wherE :
they spent a couple of days at thE :
cXpOsition. 'I'h y spent twe
weetes in California , rdurning
through O dahoma and ' 1'exas ,
'l'hey report seeiug former rcsi ,
dcnts of lroken ! I ow in ncarl )
! every town thcy stopped on t.hcil
I I trip. Howard Graham was 011
f Portland ill charge of his coun' '
. ties exhibit. III Oklaboma lu
saw Joe Holcomb and in ' 1'cxa
r Dr. Wirt and his son Hoy. 'l'hcJ
included Mcxico in tbeir trip
They report a pleasant trip.
.Jo---- =
- :
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- . . . - : . : : : : : - = : : : - : ' : : : : : : : : - : : : : = =
, WIlen Y Ollr1 acat ion l On1ts.
. ,
> , ,7 Before goi ng a wuy be sure your , supply
of toilet articles isompl tc. P l'hups
you need a toot.h or hair brush , OJ' a
. . . comb , 01' tooth powder , 01' toilet soup ,
or a soap case , 01' some of yoUl' favorite
toilet water 01' p l'fllme-Wo would I
like to supply it , whatever it is.
A Snap. .
We hr1\'e just recelvcd Rnother
car oC Amcric nlIog Ccnclng on
which we will be ahlc 10 muke
a \'cr ) ' low price Cor the ncxt
30 du } ' ! ! . Don't mlsslltls it will
savc } 'Ou mouc } ' .
Harvest now on.
Gh'c us } 'our order Cor Deer.
Ing uders Rlul Mower : : ! . Dl > n't
delay too loug , } 'ou ma } ' 110t get
one if } 'OU Wltit too'loug
I.win8 at 10 cIs.
In the Internallonal Sllle
Delivery stock we have the best
allli strongest string on the mar-
kct , It will do } 'Olt good 10 sce
it. Dent miss this bcCore } 'Olt
bu } ' .
Kevstone and
Acme Mowers
At the Low Price 01 $36.00
G. W. Apple.
I - : _ _ _ _
Fred C. Hayes of Ash : Creek ,
was a wclcome caller at this office
Dave Coulter of Spring crcek ,
was a city visitor l\1onda . 'rhe
l upunr.tcAN acknowledge'S a business -
iness call.
Lcslie Clay of Ansley , was
visiting his brolher sou h.west
of the city , thc first of the wcck.
1I returned home 'l'uesi-ay. { :
Mrs. Levina Hontz Wcnt to
Brownlee 'I'uesday morning on
.J 1 to visil her son , Hcnry at that
place. She expects to be gonc
two or threc weeks.
Jesse Swick of Gates. .was a
wclcome caller at this ofiice Tues-
day. He reports the corn making -
ing a finc growth in hi vicinity
in the past tcn days.
A carload of twcnty-five horses -
ses was scnt out from thi point
ycstcrday billed to li'lorida. ' ! 'hey
were piclecd up at variou point1 !
in the county hr a man who was
hcre for that purpose.
A. J. VanAntwerp returned
last Friday night from South
Dakota with his bride. 'l'he
RnpuDI.ICAN extend ! ) a welcomc
lo Mrs. VanAntwerp to Brottcn
Bow iu behalf of our citizens.
Mrs John r40WC went to Anslc ) '
IOl1dato attend the fLltwralol
Li'annythe ; four year Qid daughtcl
of Mr. and ? -tlrs , Perry I"oster ,
who died at Omaha , Sunday from
I bcing Idcked by a horse last
I Thursday , ncar Ansley.
The Summer school , whicli
has been conducteJ herc for SC\ "
era 1 'weeles past under th aus
pices of I' rok n Bow Businrss al1l ]
Normal colleg closes this wcek
1'here has been an average attcn' '
dance of between sixty and sev'
, enly and a profitable time hac
becn erijoyed by those att IHlillg ,
'I'he old settll'rs meeting all !
base ball tournament held a
- Mcrna last week pro\'ed an at
tracth'e card and the attendancl
was probably the largest cve
witncsscd in that placc. TlH
. Arnold Uall club come out bes
and carried off the prize moncy
Broken Uow was largcly repre
, scntcd.
. The Aniance 'rimes says-
"Congrcssman Kinkaid preclict
that bromc grass will rcvolutiou
ize the sand hill country and matel
it tOO per cent better. IIro1l1 <
grass is going to do bettcr thaI
that for this part of the state.1
The edi tor of the RUl'Unr.ICAN ha
.Ione . a little cxperimenting witl
"broom " grass on sandy lanl
Jnd we havegreatfaith in its util
ity in the sand hills. 'l'he seconl
ycar it forms a perfect sod. W
helic\'e all is ncces"iary " for sand
soil is to gct it startcd. If ui
soil is very sandy and liable t
blow it would probably be best t
only disk the sod before sowing
It stands pasturing and is th
earliest and latest feed we have
R. ' 1' . Baker or Grecn , was :
among the fricn ly . : allcrs at
this ofiicc , Saturday.
Jas. Doggs of Weissert , was a
city visitor Saturday. The Hu-
l'U J.ICAN aclenowlcdges a friendly -
ly call.
'V. B. Eastham went to 14in-
coIn Mondaon business in con.
ncction witit thcUroken How Uus-
iness College.
W. J. Rice of ClilT table was a
city visitor thc laUer part of last
weat { . He madc the } { m > UIIT.lcAN
a friendly call.
G. 14. 'rmcr WCl1t to Mcrttal
'I'ucsday morning to look aftcr
his ncw lumbcr yard hc is putting
in at that place.
Miss Arle Haskell oJ Arnold ,
arrived Mondato be in readi-
ncss for the teachcrs' institute
which begins thc 24th inst.
F. H. Ma'es , forcman of t.his
ofiice visited his family at Kearney -
ney over Sunday. IIc went down
Saturday morning retuf11ing
Monday evening.
The Custer Baptist association
wiIl hold the li'ifth Sllnday med-
iug with thc Arnold church , the
29 and 30 of July. An intcrcsting
program has been arranM'cd.
T. 'Williams and wife of Ans-
Icy , came up Sa hl\ ' < lay night 011
43 alld remained o\'cr unday
visiting with the family of J.
W. Clay , wcst of town.
' 1'hcy r turucd home Mon-
Harvest is in full blast this
week in ever ) ' part of the county I
aud in h few instances thc wheat
is in the stack. l ust has c1on
very little damage , much lC H
than was anticipatcd by man ) ' I
? -tUss Edith Stevcns , boote.kecp-
er ln Diertes I411l11ber Co's. o\1ice \
at this placc left Monday on n
visit to I"orest Gro\'e , Oregon.
She will visit the Exposition at
Portland while gone nd wlll be
absent several wedes.
'l'he Chrouicle Citizen ! says ,
lhat Mrs. Huxtable of Brokcn
Uow , who has been visiting' hcr
'brother Gco. , Paine thc pa t two
wceks starlcd last 'l'hursday for
Fondutac. Wisconsin , to speud
the summcr with her sister.
A Mr. Johnson , an old g nt1c-
man hailing from the north-east
part of the connt- . was in the
city 'l'uesday , soliciting aid of
our citizens , he hayillg' lost his
barn and a cow b ) ' tirc. From
the lootes of his list we infer thht
most people hc met contribuled
to h is needs.
Dr. E. W. Myers recently of
DesMoincs , Iowa , a hOll1cpathic
physician , made this otlice a
gl'l1ial call l.'riday , in company
with A. J. Elliott. 'l'he Dr. has
dccided to to/a te in Brolecn Bo w
and cngag'c in th practice of
medicate , as no other one of hh
s- heel is in business herl' .
IQorence anll Charley Cushman
of Watcrtown , South akota , whc
have been making thcir homc
with t.heir Atnt , since their
I mother' death a 11tllnberof years
ago , arrived in the city ' 1'ucsc1ay
. night to make their hOU1e witll
thcir father. r . Cushman , who re'
sides near King school house
: south-cast of the city.
'V. W. Cowles informs u tha' '
" he is making a collection
. grains and grasses for the CountJ
fair exhibit. 'I'his is a lallc1abJ. .
ellterprise in which the pub1 t
. should lcnd all the as1i ! tanc4
possible. Mr. Cowles is all ex
perienced hand in handling cx
hibits for fairs and what is COli
tributed to him will bc exhibite !
. in the bcst conc1i.tlOn possiblc.
J. C. Haney returncd Sunda'
from Alliance , whcre he hac
g-one the previous day to attenl
- the first meeting of the Order 0
I ailroad 'l'elcgraphers , whicl
meetidg was attended with a rep
rcsentation from e\'ery station 0
the Alliance disiou or the ur
lington. ? -tlr. Hane ) ' was h
reprcsentative from this cit.y ani
came home "all swclled up" wit 1
the succcss of the mecting ani
the thought that arrangement
were made by the con\'en.Hon fo
freJucnt smallmtctings ! over till
e cli vision , to be followcll by a larg
dlvision meeting at statcd pl't
iods. Wc have not leanlci
o whelher it was he or some othc
dclerrate who introduced the rcs
r. 10lutIon asking that a raise of $ ,
Ie pcr month bc attached to th
. salaries of telegraphcr s.
. . ,
- " .
- - -.1
BUQgv Talk , ! \
, . ,
. . . . . . .
- -
- . - - -
_ ' . . . .
- - - " .4. - - - < I
I havc rcceived anothcr car direct from
the factor ) ' , all of the vcr ) ' latest stylcs.
Come in and see them whether ) ' 011 want
to buy or ! Iot and if ) .ou want to buy I
will guarantee to scll Y011 a buggy , car-
riege or spriug wagon , for Icss money
than ) 'ou can buy anywhcre else , and
givc JOu the vcry latest output of the
factory , something no other dt alcr ill
the countr can do. .
. _ . . . . . .
- - - 1.- - - - - - -
- _ . : - . - . . . . . . . . - - - -
I C"Ulr : .i n !
"Ulr " "t" , r I .
r _
. . . . _ - . , - . - ,
. - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dr. Darncs of Omaha , will be
at thc Grand Central hotcl'l'hura-
day t hc 27. Call as arl ) ' us con-
- - + - -
li'ort SAT. It-A four room house ,
two and a half acres of ground
and a tease on sixleen acre \ for
( h'c ycars , just outside of thc
corporation. . 'rhis will be old at
a bargain if tateen within the
next thirty da's. l nCuirc } at this
otlice. 4-8
- - - - -
'l'hose interested in obtaining'
a good husiness education should
writc to the Ilasting llusiness
col1cge. 'Ve undersland that
one can gct t he complete llusi-
'l1e s and Shorthand course for
$75.00. . ' 1'h s school does there
. ough worle and one completing
. the conrs is well fittcd for the
most .cxacting positioll 'l'he
gcntlcmen at the head of this
illstitution have been vcry successful -
cessful in { , lacing' thdr SllUlcl1tS
in desirablc situations. G-lt
For Sale.
An organ , piano cascIl , 7'Y3
OChl\'e , euony finish , almost ncw ,
li'or sale cheap , 1. A. Colcman ,
Thrc.hing Machinery.
'l'he Geiser Mfg. Co. peerless
machinery for sale. PartIes con-
tcmplating pu.'chasing will do
well lo see mc.
S. M. DOHJS ) , Agcnt.
City Property for Sulo.
\Ve ha\'e somc nice homcs in
rotecn Bow t.hat wiII bc sotd
cheap if takcn at once ,
I BOWIIIAN & 'l'1l0Hl'U.
OfTtce in Gleim Blocle. 47tf
- - -
- _ " _ _ _ H _ _ _ , - - _
f At Th Old Stand.
* .
c. W. WAHL
W ' SUCCIIII OIl TO = - : :
l'i' : U , O. t-I U T TON.
i Ci : , . , : , : or.
. . 11m 1"1 ' alllllCllarau.
" 'f tll ! 1''ltlllll' ' . 11m 1 " 'It 110'lKII.II. ,
Kltvlc. . YOUfK for IInKlnln ,
. >
* >
- . . . . . .
For Sate.
A slocle farm ot one seclion of
I and , all under fence , lCiO acrcs
unlter culliv"tion with impro\'e . .
mcnts 'bal\lICt : pasture , hay laud
and timber. threc miles norlh and
half mile cast or Walwortht for
812 an acre. Half caslL nrl balance -
ance on timc to suit purchascr.
tf Walworth , Neb.
Slra cd or Slaten.
Prom 111) ' place , seven miles
norlh of Brotecn Bow , about thc
t5th of Maa black sow , weight
about thre hunclrccl. Piece of
I right car clipped.
3. ' ( , Gno. S1\tI'l'U.
Horae. For Sale.
I havc fivc head of young hor- .
seg , suitable for drivers or saddle
horseH for salc cheap , at my flf111
seven miles north ot Broteen Bow.
4-7 Gno. S1\I1'I'1I. -
'Ve teecp a fulI line of legal
'blal1le9. Comc in whcn nceding
an'thing in this linc.
= - - - - .
- - - - - -
Canning Fruits
And V . etIetabl as
, , . . .
. . . . . - - - - - - - .
- . . . .
- - - - - -
I are headquarters -
ters for the
fil'Bt lnson gin ! ' R fruit
jars u nd thnil'tl'imm-
1I1gs.Vatch out for
secon s , buy the first of
us and you will have no
tt'ouhle with youI' fruits.
Pints , the ! It'SI
. . . . . 6 5
pt'1'OClt. \ .
Qu.\lls , lht : bel
\Jl'r \ ,1I\lllt. . . " . 8 5
, Hulf Gallon , the bl : t
- : : " " p rdozt'It. . , . . 1 0 0
. Jar la ) 'J , Ihe hc t
per dozCIt. . , . . . 3 0 '
G , , - Jnr Rubhers , lhe best
: ' , 3 dOlCIt Cor. . . , . 2 5
S 9" SCflilt'aX' ! , thc I'csl /
Ir per /,0111111 / , , , . . . . 0 5
e . - . . . . . . .
; i J. C. BOWEN.
,5 I . .u. . " . ( U , ' 'rRA 10. m . r : , 'I clor . -1'1' , . MA . . . . Y . . 9. . 1905. , . dllCt. .
, . . . " . . . > ' . . . . . . . . . - . . , . . . , . . . , . , , . . . - . . ' , . " , " - ,
I . .