Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 13, 1905, Image 8

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-J.IIJ"r.rr.-- . . . . Ir" "IH. " . . . . . . . ' _ " , w"-r ? ; . , " ' _ , . . . r . . . ; I. . " 'U ' _ _ , " . . .
t I i I
- - - I. I .
. - y.SEE. : . ' 1
. . .
Conlc and Sc nnd You 'ViII be Vonvinced
. . . . . I . . .
- - - - -
- - - -
- - - - - - - ,
- - - -
, Wood Bed at ) 'our own price , Tables at y'o'ur , UJercy ,
Iron Ueds at less than their worth , Upholstered . .Goods , cheaper Uan ;
Couches for mere nothing , stealing ,
Suits :1t reduced prices. Sewing Machines ny down. .
Center 'rabIes for almost a song , . . .
ChalrH down lower ) 'et.
Mattresses and Springs forlittlellloncy .
G Bahy Cabg at the shadow of a price , Stoves below the lowest price , ' ,
Ii'oldinBeds \ , the best in town. Oil Stoves just right ,
If you let us Hfiggcr" on thnt furniture we'll . . .
guarnutee that , ve'll HUll < e 'em do some hust. .
liug or lose . the till. Yours for rjght prices ,
Rockwell & Ko'nkol. . , '
, . . . ' . . ' . .
" ' " J. 'VOOUtt' 01.1) HrAND. A
- ,
_ _ _ . " . .II
i I _ '
'j'lIo ( ' . 'II br.\lIon or 1'ho AI , U. A.
( Dy MI ReR allli 7.111 Gr3I1t. )
'file 4th or Jllly wllh 11M clatter allli lIol e ,
101 her" 11I1t8 colurH o lIa ) ' ,
UII cvery lrt'lt ! l\rl ! thl ! bra"1 ! little bOH ,
. 'l'he 801l of the M. M. , \ .
Whernver we 11'0 a craclter 1'1 rUllml ,
_ Wht'reva0111"1' a turl't'do111 hllllild.
Jlullhell what uf thaI. I
J.'or the 1I1IrlanR Hay
'J.'hal . 'recdolll waR \Jorat Oil thl'l da ) ' .
OIl whltever : street t'vcr ) ' 110) ' Ih II we meet ,
Ua. Ulllethlll1l' of 1111 , da ) ' to lell ,
lie klHl\\1I free.olll old ,
1'rolll the belhe ) ' " ' 11111011I '
) tv a boy alld tlle I.llIcrty bell.
'fhell let ) 'our IIlIIall IIOIIH ,
, V It II thl'lr craclwrll alHI 11111I11.
, . \lav. \ : filII 011 thlR IIllIrlulI da ) ' ,
I'or ) ' 011 wure hoy. , 1110.
1,1I'ed YUlir red. while all. ! lillie ,
, ' , YOlllllell or the M. II. A ;
, '
. 'I'hure IR lIe'er a lIulI hhlll ) ' day
lIul we UIIIIW
'I'herare bhallow\I tu . ! arkell the 'IkV ,
SII ) ' 011 lIIotherli IIIIIHt work ,
l'.u.l1 : I 1111 IIt.-lt "cmH IIlo\\ .
'l'hu'urll uf Ihu . 'ourth of JII\ \ ) ' .
'J.'hclilleal' thl 11111I11111 , oveo' ulle or Ihl lIall. ! ,
Whu an ! call1lllr YOlirKelvots M. II , A.
. 'I'hat 1.1'lIlclillru lIeeded throullh Ille wllole I:1l1d : i
'J.'o rorwaru the caURe of Ihls da ) ' . I
Our j'orUlulIlloUl'r.
'Our journey to the Rose City was a very
ple19unt one. We were fl1st 1Illeep whle
} lu llI through much of the Rocky
1\1ountolu fustllcsses hUtl'Olll O\'er the
Cascmle runge III the IIftemooll. 1'he
sceuery is exceedingly fine. It waS cer-
tulnly n tluilling rille , worth cOlllill 011
the dlstollce to feel otlll sce. We a wed
in Portlond ot 4 o'clock Wel\nesdll lIIorn.
. iug , ' 'rhe city hl11 improved 11I11 [ grown
wonderfully since our ll11t stoy ill It cleven
'ears ogo. However we hod 110 trouhle
III locoting ourselves end In recoglllzlllg
our old stlllllping Croullll. Taken IIll in.
with Its bellutiful hills , the wlndln Wil-
lunrette river , the splendul view of suow
clipped moulltalus , the morvelous growth
of trees IIIIlI shruhs IIIld flowers. its stute-
ly hOllies UlIlI its lIIotdlless luwlls , it is
one of the 1II0St deliHhtful cities on earth.
Our tillle has been allllost wholy g'en up
to the couvcntion oflhe National Woulau's
Suffrugc Assoc utl'JII. 'rhcrc nre gathered
here 60IIIC of the 1II0st IIhle wgmcn of
thio ; nutlon. In point of abilily sOllie of
these women arc th peers of lIity lIIen in
this or nny other cuuntry , Wilil listell.
ing to thc tJpeeches , IIOllle brilIillnt , SOIllC
logical , some willy , and ull hrollli IInd
deep with thonght und clear wilh reuson
. ,
and justice. I ask , cnn it be posslh1e
that u great repuhlic would deny such
noble , hllented , patriotic women any oart
in th govel'lllllellt of the countrv.V1lut
b comes of the Decluatlon of 11\11epen-
dellce ? Whitt is tht ! lIIeunln. of th us-
sertions that , "tuxation withont repre-
ficntluion is tyranny. " These wOlllon
I'll } ' mnch to the lIutional treasury und if
ull women hUll their rights olle half of
all the the toxes would'be paid hy women.
Ono hulf of 011 ollr citizens arc disfran-
chiscllllnd dell led Iheir inherent rights
to property ! Ualle Ilurlng married life.
The' Detllo rntic } Jurty nfrunchlse the I
luborilll cluses. rhe Republicun party
enfronchlsell the tlegro. Who will enfranchise -
franchise II greater number than both
comhined , the IIIlghty army 01 women ,
purer , Wiser , hetter than either of those
classes. The constitution of every s'tate
( cxcept four ) is ogalnst it'lis the wonl
mule IS therc in opposition. Thc Bosiell
lire a unit against it us they do IIOt waut
an elelllent which thcy cannot control ,
No patt of any 1IotiOll is free while "ii } {
pllrt of thllt nution il not free. Wlth'uli
educutlonul test 1II0re women woulll vote
than lIIen. gh'e wOlllen the ballot utili it I
not only doubles the number of votes bul
it woule ! vostly chllnge the result. Women ,
wouhl not hc the stuffed Images , to cast
\'otes lit the behest 01 the 1I0sses.
We vlsitcd the l ulr one afternoon and
hurriedly lookellthrough the Uuropean
building and the Japanese exhihlt in the
Orient..l building. Visitors should not
fail to see two picturel painted by Rembrandt -
brandt In 1642 called the "Night Watch" ,
The other Is" most wonderful work lof
ort. Jlronklill Clnra ) of Dretden ,
Germany , coplell Rep lad's Masterpiece ,
"The Sistine Madolllio , " she did it , not
with brusb , hut with a lIeedle and silk ,
the beAut } ' of the whole work the b1eoo.
ing of color ! ! and the expression of eoch
foce in the picture makes it look as if ,
Raphoel hllllself must have used his
hrush on It. We spent few bours f i.
terda ) ' in the California hulhlinJt bu , r
wi11tell you something about It in my
next. S. P. GROAT.
IMltors I"l't.
The annual meeting of the Count } .
INitorial Associntion was helll at the Re.
publictln olliceIolliloy ! night.
Three lIew members were enrollell , Fred
- -
and Waller Dryner of the Oconto Register -
ter onll- Pinch of the Merna Postal Card ,
'flle f01lowlng officers were elected f r
the ensuing year , E. R. Purce1l , Pre l
dent ; Tom Wright , Vlce.PresHdentj E.I . ,
Wlu1l111 r , Secretary Treasurer oud R. R.
Uamonl , Auditor.
IIncberle IMlrl'1J . " '
J. G , Haeberle who ha9 been In J\\e \
11 rug busilless for the past nineteenyc.ari. !
hos sold his store , to his derk. Ffeil
Baisch.Ir. ! . lit. ' > erle hos , enjoyed a
Inr C' trade anll has built upo hlle ICpU-
tuhon 1\1111 is fovorabte known by a large.
class of the cit 1ens of thls'icinity. Buv-
ing been engl1 ell In tbe huslnesl ! twenty
seven ) 'cars , eight in illinois ancl niue-
teenin Uroken Dow , he feels thot he i:1 :
entitled to a rest. He has decided ou
) in two years in travel aud leisure.
Ie arfrt' ' his wife will spend part of the
tlllle this yt'ar on the western const , tuk-
ing lu the sights presented by the Pacific
slop"e. lIe will continue his resldellce in
' \ ' "ell 1I0w , where he retains sufficiellt
reel estate illterest to p.ut , hint' on ea'sy
: ! itreelthe remainder of lus days.
lIiJ : uslness has been prospero s ha
rJullirkable degree alld the property he
pwns has been accuumlatell lu Brok n
BoW upon honorable and a straight car ,
eer. His customerll are his friends. May
he enjoy his we1l curned rest is Uie hop
of the RJI'U IICAN. . 1
Weultb 1)lIIur Up.
It Is interesting to see how wea1th is
piling up ill Nebraska in the post few
years. The assessed voluotion of Ule
state shQws all increa e in the past year
of over six million. When it isremember'ed
1hot the assessed valuation is on the bais !
of one fifth of the real , value , the showing
Is grand. '
'j'encbl'rs IUlltitute _
, .1. ' . .
The Teocher's Instttute o ( Cus er
CQullly , will be held jn Brokell Bow ; from
J y 2 , to Aug , H , 1905. Supelnt n.
1 nl Le\yls hopes to make this one of tbe
ijell seSSlons ever beld in the county. It
Will pa > : every teacher in the COl1llty to
The Inst CIIC to 111 anll theU' subjects nfe
I1S f llows : W , U. Monroe-History ,
Geography , Civics allli Didactics. I . 'J.
Hoellshel-Grallilnor , Arithmetic. Of' ,
tholraph ) ' and 1\1usic. W. 11.Kern. . . ! . .
- rrUNDERT , AKI'NG-.91 ,
. .
- - - - - - " " ' .
J. M. : S tes , SUcc ssor to Rockwell " : : ' .
& Armstrong. has a , fine 3Jssort-
ment of Undertaking Goods in stock '
, . and is prepered : to suit you in qua1-
ity and price. He has a , fine . "
hearse and is prepared to gi va the t' .
. best accommodations to city or .
country customers. Prices right. ' :
. t ,
- , - , - - , - - - - - - - - - - , , - - - - - - - - - ' - - . . _ - - , I , :
\ I ,
J . 1Y-I : . EI..A. TES.
North Side Traok. '
If . I ! : . - - - r - - . - - - - , - . . - . - : .II
. , f.t , -1
. " , , , , , . _ _ . . , .
I ' and School Man' !
Agrlculturcil'hyslology \ . - \
tor ) ' , Drawln , P ysiology. Annn Van-
derCook-l'nmary and Intermediate
Work ,
Tbo Druken Dow Daso IInll Tenui.
The boys of this ell ) ' met last Thursday
evening and organized a Dase lIah team
of good pla'en hut sllghtly out of practice -
tice , but it is hoped they wl\1 \ soon be os
good a team R9 any ill tbe county. They
will pIny at.Mertla thlll week during the
Jlase naIl tournament , h 1cl at that place ,
'rhe lIew jteam has elected C , II. I nglancl
RII Maltoger and A , J , Elliott WI Treasurer ,
The p1ayers are as follows : Claude SM.
well , Cbos , Gudd , I.oucks Xanders , Ilay
'Thorpe , Prell Muutick Woody Oliver ,
Uay S. KUlis , Chal. ! DrlUan , Will Smlt11 ,
Geo. Xallders , Leslie J.ieser , Elmer Stos-
field and Will McCulldless ,
EXIII"811Ion of Grntltutlo ,
To Whom it lIIay concern : .
In retiring froUt buslpess I hereby take
this opportunity to express my appreciation -
ation and gratefulness to the people of
Broken Bow and viclulty for their gell-
erous potronogc ancl expressi : II1S of gooll
wlIl durlllg my lIilleteen years of hllsl.
. IIC 5 lire among them ,
III disposing of uty store , I have 110 Intention -
tention of 1eavillg Broken Bow-but hope
10 rt.lIIoln ; and cOlltlulle to enjoy
the nssociatlons of my friends.
I comlllelld to ) 'OUIIIY successor , Fred-
, rick Bolsch , whom we ure slIre will merit
your confidence. J , G. IIA nItRJIt.
. . I.etler I.tltt.
l1 or week ending J ul ) ' 11 , 1905 ,
. Brt ! Brice , George p , Greegl
Walter Hall , Louis Larson , J. ' 1' .
Muse , Mildred J , 'l'immons and
' . H. ' ' 'illis ,
Durllngton llaUeUn or lIountl1'rlp Rotes.
Chicago and return , ' on sa1e daily , $19.-
' 10. ' I
. Sl\ Louis and return , on sale dall } ' ,
Portland , Tacomo ijllll Seattle allli reo
turn , on sale doily , $45,01.
Portland , Tacoma" nlld Seattle Btlll return -
turn , oue way "ia sp1ifornla , on saleJu1y
25 , , 26 , 27 , 156 4 > . '
Sail Francisco and l.o ! ; Angeles and return -
turn , on sole Ju1) ' 25 , 26 , 27 , $58.40. 011
s . \le August 6 to 16 , $52.40.
' DeU\'er , Colorado Sp'rings nnll Pueblo
atlll return , on sale dally , olle fare p1us
socts. On sll1e August 12,13,15. one fare.
, pn sale August 30 to Sep'.4 , less thun
one fare.
Sa1t Lake and Ogden and return. 011
Rale dully , 32.90.
. YeUowstoue Park , through and Includ-
Inl ; kotels and stage , und return , on sale
, clolly , $75,00.
Detriot Bllll return , 011 su1e August 13 , 14.
fa7.70. '
' : . } ) iUsburg , l'a. , olld return , on sale Aug.
17 , 18 , $33,45. ,
\ , Kallsa : ' ! City and . . return . . , on sa10 Aug.
: l8 to 31 , f,11.40.
_ : 'COllyV yo. , Bl. ck Hills Ilnd Hot
Springs , S. D" apptoximate1y half rates
all sUlnmer.
Milwaukee. autI southern Wisconsin
' Ints , Michigan resorts on Lokes Mich.
l an and Huron , Canada , Moine and New
Uu lend , St. Lawreuce and Lake Cham-
plam regions , very 10w tourist rutes
dally ,
If YOIl caU or write ; it will be a pleasure -
ure to aclvise you about rates , train ser-
\'ice , to reserve YOIl a berth. end to try
tb l1Ioke YOllr trip a comfortable one.
" 1 H. L. ORlIIS Y ,
Agent C. B. & Q. Ry.
- - - -
, Legal N'otices.
AU I&dnnlillmenl1 undu tbl. head will be
charged for aI.val r.tu. vii : 11.00 pl'l' IIqoarll
tor I1raInAorllon. . and roc per Iqoar. for eacb
.nbloquo t Inlur&\on. \ '
' " "Iqolr. " II Lon IInel or trlctlon ther.or.
tquc h. Relleall. Plalntllf , vs. Oren E. lo'uller ,
MJihaJia S. Pullur"UefitudaIlIK.
; ; ro Oren E. Puller and Mtllalla S , Fliller , his
\,1110 , dlfelldall tR. " .
' : \'uu will laklnollce-lbl 011 Ihe Jrd day of
I IHY , 1905. Ille plalnllff I d bls petilioll Inllle
'RI lrl.t Court of CURl rCouilIY. Nebra ka , Ihe
, , Object alld prayer of" which are III foreclose a
Iertahl real eRlatemorlllaile , made b ) ' Ibe de.
fendanlll to Ibe'Dakota Luan , II , , : TruKL Co. and'
4\l .qllllled 10 LlIls plalllllff , upon the followlllil
IhiKcrlbed real e'4lal" Io-wlt : 'I'lle N or Ihe
Sw , Ille s , , ! > ( or Ille Sw ) ' alld Ille Nw ! > ( or Ihe
Se of Seclloll2 , 'ro\\'lIlIblp 19 , Nllrtll rallile 20 ,
ISI of Ihe 6th p. III. , Illvull to secure Ihe P3) "
, uenl of one certahi promlssury nOle of $ ; 00 to.
lCether with Illterel ; ! Ihereon rrom 1t8 dal" alld
upon whlcll there Is now Ihe Ille BUill of $ j04W
, aull a1811 Ibe furlller8um or $ ( ,4.40 bellill for
' : iUIi t > ald by plaintiff qnder Ihe condltlolls of
! laid motlgalle.
, "Ilalnllll prays ror decrl"e or foreclosure and
.be lIale of tll" preml e'l dewcrlbld In said mort-
: , You are required . 10 aliRwer 8ald I'etltlou on or
. ; ofore Ibe Hlh day.or AUlI'usl.1905.
Uatl'd Ihls 3rd , lay of Jul ) ' , 1905.
4 I : Uy Ills Attorn y , t. . . U. UOLCOMB.
iN 'I'UIo : mSTRIC"T ruR'J' oj , ' CUSTIoR
, COHN'rY N.URASK. . . .
, I' . N" . ( 'amptfell , V8. Lilicolll A. Southwurtll.
et al. Notice 101i01l.reRldenlll.
. Llncolll A. Soulbwortll aud I.ucilia Soutll ,
worth , derendanls will lake nOIIlI ! . Ihat onllle
23rd , day of JUlie , 1905 , the 1 > lalnllll ! lied hl8
SUPIlemelital petltlou In Ihe Dlslrlct court or
Cusler Coullly , Nebra8ka , tlill objecl alldprayer
of wllich Isle obtalll an ordur , nUlic I.rolunc , of
tllh'courtcolifirmhlll' Inall alld every particular
It II rormer elitrYII alld decrees III this suit made
all. ! eillered , and par\lcularh'lhe \ dcere" enler..d
allalnst Ihe Northwellt qllarter or St.'C. twellty.
SI1'owIIIIIIIl' IhlrleelllIorth.ralllrl\l wellty rour ,
weht of Ibe 6tIl , . . . M. , . said COUIII } and Slale ,
which liald decree was elltered alld mad" 011
tbe 19th , day of June , t9UU , ror $1070,00 upon a
certain note and mortlCalCe made , execut..dlId :
dellven-d lIy ) 'on 10 Iht ! Nellraska Mortllall" & :
Trulil Company , and by II "K lllned 10 11Iis
plailltlll , ailio to couUrm till ! salu of ! ! ald lands
to Ibis I'lalntllf , by the 8berlff or lIald COUIIIY
u.nder and by vlrlueof Kalil decrce. wbleb Kalil
6al" WaR l1I:1de oillhe 15tb , dayor July,1'101.
t You are required to an wer lIald lelltlon 011
or , before tlle 7th. day uf AUiru t , 1M. ur Ibe
InUler8 : alld thlll1l'8 therelll < colitailled will bl !
laken as truealldjudirmelll elltere. ! accurdln8'ly.
Uated 11Iis 2Jrd. day ur JUlie , 1905.
. . . . N. CAJ.I..LL.
; J-G Dy 1Iis A ttorn"y , ALPUA MOIIOAN.
To I-va lIarrls and lo'lo'Kle lIarrlR , minor
cblldren alld helrll al law of Clara Jane lIarrl8 ,
.leceasld , William 11. Uarrlll ,'lldenl de.
YOII , au.leacb of you will lake 1I01lceIbat on
Ibe22nd day of JUlle.l\IQ5. Cbarles J. : . Glb on.
plalntlll , UJed hi. . petilioll In tbe Dlstrlcl Court
of CU8tlr \ 'ounty , Nlbra'lka , agaln'lL YOu.lbe
Qbjecl alld praYlr of wllich are to roreclo\e a
certain morUralle eeculed b ) ' Clara 'Jalle liar.
rl aud llau drfendenl William 11. Uarrl to
Ja\lle8 L. I.onabard on tb" Nortll , 'a81 Quarter
( NI ! 'lofS..cllon lwelllY'Hlx t bl TownRhhl elll'hl'
. .en (1M ( ) Ranlre Iwenly.lIvo (251111 ( CU'lter coullly ,
N"braska , 10 8eClire tile paymellt or Ihelr prona ,
Issory 11011' or II"VIlII huudred dotlarll IiOO.OOI
dated 011 the 211d day of JUlie , \8Sjj , alld due and
I.ayablu on Ihe 1111 day of Juue , II9J ! wltll luter ,
Isl at0 cellt from malurlly and wlllcll IIalll
lIote wall exlended unlll Ille ht da ) ' of Junll ,
111 % with Interel t al th" rale of 7 per cenl I'l'l
annum , Tllallllere III due alld unpaid UI.on
saW note alld nlortlla. " Ibe lium of $1141.00.
i'or wblcb .unl wllb Interesl from thlll dale
tb t > lalulilf praYfi for a deer" of roreclo'lure
asid ule Qf laid premillu.
You Ire rCQulred to answer said petltlOD 01
or befo Mooda ) ' tbo14tb du of AUIlURI 1905
3-6 Attorne ) ' ror 1)lalnlltl
I : rJ'u" " : - - " - ' , ; : ' -
COUQty "ourt. Custcr Count ) . , NebrMkll ,
Tbe credltura of the estate ofharlcs lJ , JIa'o\
de ealed : _
Take Notice Tbat I will All at the County
Court roont , In brokell Dow , lu . .aid Cnullly , all
Ihu ; Iud da ) ' or Sepl. 1905 , and 011 I h" ; WIll day or
January , lYcach at 10 o'clock a. m , of each
da.lo receive alld examill" all clalllls illlahlHt
lIald eAtate , with II vleIV to their adjustlllelit an.t
The time IImll..d for Ihu pre-enlatlon or clalm'l
alrallillt . .aid estate IR . .Ix monlh. . rrolll Ihe Hlh
of Jnly 1905 , alld Ihu lIlIIo IImlte.l ror pa'lIIclll
or deblR IK one ) 'ear rrolll salll date.
Dated Jill } ' 7,1905. J. A. ARMOUR ,
5-11 . COllllt ) ' J 1IlIce.
, NON.HI-tWgNT : : NOTICI : ,
III DI'Itrlct Court. Cllflter COlillty , NIlIraska. !
Uakota Ioall . 'I ' : 'l'rll II I COIIIP3I1Y , h con..r.
allolll'lallitilT. VII. JuwlR I'ellllhlilloll , auot Jllrll.
! .ewl"l'enlilnlCtoll , hiliV1f . tlr 1 alld fllllllallle
nllknuwn. Uefelldelltll , Iwtlce.
'I'he derellllclltR I.ewl. . I'elluhliltoll alill Mrll.
Jewls l'ellllllllltoll hl'l wlf. . , will take IInllco
that all tho2cJ1II da ) ' nr Jllnl'I'l15. III"Jakula \
Luan alllilraillt u" 1.lallllliT ht'relllI1It',1 II' "
pelitlollill the J\slrlcl \ C"rl "r I.II'4ter CUll lit ) ' ,
Nellra'lka , aCalllllllald ! .tefendallt'4 , Iho ubject
alld pra'cr ur which are to foredo11 ! a certalll
IIlOrli'aCe ! exe uted by Nathall H. Provilice tu
the \lalntilT uponlhe rollo\\'hlll'lle\crllle.1 ! prem.
Illell , towlt. 'I'he S ) { of the Nw ! 01 Sec. 13 a 1111
Iho E ! of the Neor ! Sec. H all III 'rowIIRhh'
14 North"r RlIll1'e2l Wellt..r Ihe ( , Ih I' , 11I.111
Cllller COUllty , Nehralllla , to IIe.uru Ihe . .a ) ' .
mellt or a promlR"ur1' lIule , lall'll AIICII'II ! 2111t
III' } ror tUe 111111I or 11111e allllll.l'ahll1 1111 tltc
tlrKt day or Sel'tember IM'H , 'J'h.III1I1're 1'1 IIOW
due alld ullpall II po II Raid IWIt , :11111 1II0rtl'al'e ,
Ih"111 orfWU : tOlletller with Ilitere'll al III IIr !
Ctmt from SelllmbH ISI. 11'1'15. ' 'J'he Illallltlff
praYIi ror a decree or roreclulllm 111111 Hall ! IIf
aalll \ > remIAes. You are r..qllirt'd to allqweUl'ald
pelltlon all ur lJerore the 3181 d y or Ju1'1115. \ .
Uated thl201h da ) ' or JUIit' , 1'lI5 ,
UAK01' 1.0AN . . 'l'IIUST ( ' 0.
2.5 l1y C. U.llolcomll. It ! ! Alloralt ) ' .
- - -
NO'l'ICI00' \ I"INA L Sf:1''l'ItJlHN'1' : : , : .
In County Court. Clister COlillty , Nellraqka.
'ro Ihe Creditors alld lIelrB allli all who are
Interestt'd In Ihe estate or Stella. . Ilallshlll'll
Take Notlce.'J.'hat Geo. W.SIIIII1I8.311111111Islra.
tor of Ihe aforesaid I slale. IHI lIte,1 a rellOrt or
hi. . dolnll'K as KliCh , allli aRks that Ihe hallle he
approved , alld that he 11" .lIscharU'I11 ! frum fllr-
Iher oblillation Iherelll , alill Ihat the l.'ulIlIlY
JudICe make UII oilier II" III tI. . , dl 1I Ihllllllll.f
tlle a'iReIIi beionl/IIIIC to ! : 'ahl c late a ! ! may
seem just alld equitable : a 11I1 10 .1"'IICllalt. !
Ille helnl elltltled 10 a sbare In Raid e'4late , allli
to IIralll 8u h other rellor as lIIay be IIt'c"ed
necessary In the filial aclllell1ullt of Kald eqlate.
Said mailer ha'4 lIeell"et for bearllll { 011 Ihe
25th da ) ' or Jllly , 1'105 , at Ju o'clu'k II. Ill"
al the County Conrt Roo" , . III Jlrok , , " 11011' , Nebraska -
braska , al which time allli place all Ilar.ll' .
IlIlerestelll11a ) ' appcar alld lie heanl cOIiCer1l11l1l'
Ibe Kame.
Dated tills 17th .Iay or JUlie , 1905.
[ SR L ] J , A. ARMOUR ,
2.5 COUllt ) ' Jlldll'e.
County Court , Cuqter COIIII ! ) ' , Nellraska.
'I'he crcdltonl or Ihe cllatu 01 J.I"C ! ! ( j' Allis-
lIerry deceased : "
'I'ake Notice. 'I'bat' I will alt at Ihl ! COllllt ) .
Courl room , In Hrokell lIuw. III . .aid COUIILY , UII
Ihe2'th da ) ' or JUlyl1J05 , allli ollllle , ZJr,1 d\ ) '
01 Dec. 1905. each aL IU lI'elodi a. 111. of each
da ) ' . to re.elve and l'X3111111e all clalmH all'alllsl
said ell\ate , with a'I \V 10 Ihelradjuslllleill alld
'J.'lIe lime limited for tlle IIrCflelilatloli of
claims allalust lIald e'llate 1lIlx 1II0liths fronl
th..2Jnl da ) ' of Jlllle. 1905 , alld Ille 1111I" lillliled
for I a'ment or . ! ellt'lls ulleyear rrom salol datc ,
Ual"llhlsl7th da ) ' or JUIIC 1'1\)5. )
2-5 COlility JlIlhe.
To credltol"ll or the e'ltate or "eler Mohal ,1e.
, ceased :
'J.'ake IIOllce , thaL I will Kit at th COIIIIIV
Coun rooll1. III Brul/ell How. III salll l.nllllty. 011
tile Ilth da ) ' of AUirust alld the 14lh day or
Octoller 19115 alllioll the Glh Ila ) ' ur Jalillar ) ' .
19lJb. each al Ilto'cln'k : a. III , IIr eadlll..y. In
receive alld examille 1111 clallll al'ah."t Halll el-
'Iale. wllh a , 'Iew to Ihelr aIjIlSlll1ellt alld a\Jow. \
aUCe ; alld that UII the lirst .Iate aboIhe
pelitlOll8 of widow will be heard rur hOllleSlelIl.
exeml.tlolls. allowallce allli IJlller Slatlltor } '
'rho time limited for the \ > re'4elltatloll or
clal1ll8 all'all'Kt ! ; ald e..tate I. . six mOllth" frolll
Ihe Glh day or Jul ) ' l1J05. alld the tlllle IImlle. !
for I'a'lIIelil of dobl8 1'1 IIlIe ) ear rrolll saltl datil ,
4.7 ( 'i ALI J. A. ARMOUR. CIIUIiIY JUllre. !
Ulilted States Lalld On ee , t
North Platte , N lIrallka , Ma ) ' 2 , 195. f
Notice I herd.llvell Ihal Ihe rollowllll :
. 'I ; . .
. . . , . 'f < -
, . , . . . .
, -
' r . , ' ' ' ' ' . . .or I
named sellier lIa'l filed IIOU'II ot hlllllllel\tlolo , eo
make final proof In Rupport of hilt clalUl , alld "
Illat Kald proof 11'11I be lIIade berore Georlte n. ,
! \lair , Clerk uf the Dlslrlcl Court. at hl6 ofUca
at Broken 1I0NabraAka , Julr S. 1905. VIZ :
: .tartha OM
who made Utlllle tt'311 1lItr : ) ' Nil , 17951 ror the
wH 'It ! " sec I tllll""lhl" IGII R 2 W ,
11" lI.tllle" Ihe 1IIII"'lllIat wltlleS'40'l to vran'a
his contilluous resldellco UI'OIi IIlId cultI.i\tIOIl
or Aald lanl.'Iz :
Charlo H. JelTord Drokeu How Nebr.
, . . . . , . . .
1 lI1l11ell , . Shaul' ,
. . . .
lIellr'lIIartlll "
) ,
" . . . .
JO'lel'h Martlll ,
51.G nllJRonl : , I.'RHNCII , Tt'IlIMer ,
Ulllte,1 StateR Lalld Omce. I
llrulcell 1101Nebr. . . JUlie 3. 11)\)5. ) r
NlltlclJ I herd. } , I.I\"clI that Iltll roll"wlllll'
lIalllCiI hcltler haA tlle.1 lI"tlco uf Itl" IIIWIIUOIi
to " , alII ! l llallll'llllf 11I11I(1)IH.rt "r Itl I"alm No ,
IW5. ami Ihat . .alII I'roor 1\11I III ! lIIade beforl ! ,
Hel'l tcr ami Hecelver'lt 1l1011"U lIow. Nelor. ,
1111 Jill ) ' I . 11)\)5. ) , 'Iz : ,
, II" . . V''h. . . . . . . " ' ( , .
IInltleli III1W , Nclilaska , fnr tht' NJt 141'1' . 34."J' .
t7. N. . I { , I" " , W.
III ! lIallllll < th , ' ( nllnwllll. .wlllll' efl In pro\ " "
hl cUllthlllllll'l r"hll'III' ' ' IIlalll ami ' :1I1t1\'alloll :
IIr "aill lalili. vl1. :
IhlnT ) ' : 'II. I'lc\cutl.llr 11l'nO'II. Nd..a . IIa ;
Hellrv C.I'4ll1l1all.llr lIerw'lI. N.hra'4Ia : I harlt. ) ,
lJI\'ItI "II , IIf lIerw'II. NI hra'4ka : O'nille W. Me.
Hac. IIr'flmlleli IIIIw. Nl'hraHlm ,
5Z. ( , J\IHI " ' . . . : , \ , Ul'\r slI'r
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - . - - . . -
, A H'I'ICII'S : OJ. ' I ( ; Ol { POU A.IION.
We th" 1I11I1t'nllll'lI".I , h'rehi' a " "rlal' IIlIr
"eh'c'tu.lctlwr rnr tilt ! IlItrpll'l" IIr rorrnllllC a
cllr..nratlull . UlIII..r the lal\.j . .f tl" , Hlate nl N. . .
Imlla , allltn \ lulOll1 the fllllllli IIII : ' AI tlclell or
Art. I : 'rllU lIallll' II ) ' which thlq curporallon
ohall h" IWI 'I'll 1'4 Securll ) ' State \1allll. \
Art. II : 'l'he l.rlllcll.allllace..r hlllIe'l'l /If 'J
tllI'I corporaUulI sh1I tJe at Urok.m 1I0w III Ihe
1'/lUllt } ' IIf CII tor a 'It I tltate o { Nehraskll , ,
Art. HI : 'I'ltl ! ohject fllr I\'hl.h Ihlll Cllrl1ur.
allull In fOrillell is tll eal r ) ' nil a COlli mercia I
halll:11I1I' hIiShle ! ! IIl1l1er Ille la\\'s or tile Ria Ie
or Nehra'4ka ,
, \rt. tv : 'l'lhI allthorlze,11111 a I stocle or
thIHeoflOratlollllh'allll" ! : : 5OU'I\.I. which "tock
IIhall hll tll\'ldl'll hno bltan'4l1r Ih" I'.ir \ allle
of IOOOO caeh.llr which 15Ol .Oo "hall hI ! 111111-
scrlb d allli filII ) ' 11.lltllIl' , Nn trall rer of Ihe
stu.k : or thlll cut'lIulllllou Hhall " '
, " olleratlUII'
IlIelllt'n.llIpnll Ihe lIuullR uf Ihe cnrl'oralloll.
Art. V : ' 1'It. . hllllt'si illllehlelnoH'I III Ihl. .
t'olllOratluli shall lIul "xCI'e,1 I\\'u Ihlnl'l u ( Ih"
lIald III' calliial ( . . eellt , h'I" , lt1J.
, \rl. \1 : 'l'hl'l'rhrporatlull II.III helflu IIlIsl.
I\I ' ' ' ' ' " the THt daot )111I.,1'/05 , and ItH IIIllIalu
011 tlte 1,1lal' fIr JIIII" . 2.llt.
, "rt. Vlt. 'fill' olli.'r" IIr IIllq .cor..oratlou .
! \hallll , ! a Prl'"llIelll'lcoPreHhlelil. . Ca'lltler ,
AII-Ilstalil : Ca'4ltlct' , allli a lIo.llIl..r Dlreclors.
c"u'4lqtltur . .r 5 IIIl'lliber. . III whl h lite I1rHt
lIamed . .llicerR l1Iay 1' ' < 1 a Ilarl. 'J.'h" sahloOlcl'r ! !
alld Hoard of Dlre.t..r. . "
: Hhall hatllc lIIallal'e'
lIIellL alHI c"lItrol of the ulTalrot . . , this c"raHlr.
Art , VIII. 'I'he allllllahneetlllir or Ihe Klnele.
hoMer ! ! ul this CIII IHlralioli shall be Oil lite 3r.l.
'I'ueslla ) ' III Oct. of erlch year , III II'hlch IIIt'CI.
Illar Iho oOl.'rs alill .lIn.ctoro ; . .hall be clt'c" 11
by tht ! . .1lcllOhlcrH 01 Ihl corporajoll , 'I'lm
I"rm..r . .nice f II. . . , ullicel II and IlIre'lIIrb a 1111 , e
pm'hled ror shall hu f..r a prlllli 01 Oil. , ) 'I'ar ,
"r 1I111111lteir HLlCI'ourK am elt'cte,1 alill qllall.
Ih d. ' "lIIajllrlt ) ' lit Ih. . Rhareoj or IhlH cUl'por-
3tl0'lIlIhall c""lltme a 'IlIurlllll al ani' rearular ,
or ! : pl'clal l1Iet.tllll/ . I
hrt , IX. J'I.II "Io lehullier Rhall. at all '
rel'lIlar or "Iwclal I1IIdIIlIS ! , hl' " ' 11 lit 1",1 I" 'HIO I'
, 'otc. , 'Itlwr lu l'cr..11 "I' b ) ' pru'f ) ' , fur cach
shalc III .I"cll hell.
Art. X : 'I'hu "rllcle , or IlIcoraHlratioli lIIay
he al1l"llllc,1 , al all ) ' le.flllar..r IIp clal lIIeellll" " , , I
called for thall.llrJlllqe. II ) ' a Illo-lhir.s "ule . .r I
alllhe hlncl , of 11m coralUratioli.
\\'itUClal ullr halldt ] litis ; : Ist , Ia } ' . .rr.ta" . 1905.
JOliN II. 1\1\1\11-1 : ,
W. , \ , t : 1\111I1 ; & : .
Ou thl s 31Rt .lay or M , I } ' . T'105 , hdon ! lIIe I. . , , , .
W. Delli' ) ' a C'HI II I ) ' Clel k III a 11I1 f"r Cllster
C""lIly alill Hlalour NellraHka ,1111) ' ' .ullll1ll..loli.
" ,1 allli ' "lalllleI , pcrHollall ) ' a. . . . . lre.1 \ \ ' . A.
GeOfl ! ' ' ' ' Johll I' : . 1\1'C8 aud JllleH II.IlIulIIlI1 tll
111" IIII"II'UIIIIIII Ih" IIleutlcal perS"II < I \\It..o ; "
II IlIIcq are a I1i X ell III 1I1l' lorclCollIl : " IIIHlrLlmellt
IIr lu."rpur"lIulI. ami l'aeh fur hil1l eU "I'III1UW-
" 'III-e,1 the sallie t" hll hi. . , 'olllrJlary ac t.
* - , - " \\'I'I'NI'SS : WIII IHWI' " T h3\"e
{ filiAl. . } IIcrculIl" set 111) ' lIaml : IIHI a'llix.'dm ) '
. - ' - . , Ihe 11:1) : ' alHI year laoL
a\.lll"o II'rltlcU.
r:1n. : : " ' . nltCo , Cleric.
II } ' Jos. l'IOMAN , 1J I'lIly.
1II1'rob ) ' cerlily Ihat II" , a 1111 , ' 1' alld IIIrct./"illl . :
artlcl"oj "r 11II'"rp"ratlulI 01 'J'hc Secllrll ) ' Sialu
lIalik l'i a trllt ! :11111 cllrrt't 1'1' ) ' or Ihe orlt./illal .
Arlle" ! as liled wilh Ihe Siale tallkln Hoar. ! .
" ' . , \ , r'WIHe. :
SubslJrllle.111I III ) ' pr"4ellce ; IIIlIIlIl'Orli III be- 1110 Ihl blh II , , ) , "r JIILle , 1905 ,
5 . Uo ! ! ! ! IJ , 1'ICJ.ItTT , Nulary 1'lIbllc ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ - _ ' _ _ ' _ _ _ _ d _ _
tyty't'Yt1't"ttttttt1tt'tt"t'tt'tJrtttt'tttttttt'ttttt't"t , ' ' ' " ' " ' ' ' ' ' " Tt"t'tt" " ' "
- -
I _ Geiser Threshin Machinery . -I i
. - - r
- -
- -
- - -
- -
- -
- - -
- - f ,
- -
= = : : : : : , !
- - - -
: : : : : : : : : I'
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- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- , -
- -
= = - = :
- -
- -
- -
- - -
- -
E The Machine Without Seives. Cleans Wet . or Dry. "Never Be-aten In a Test" , : : : :
- ' -
- -
= = oskcll how he litel1 the Peerless machine a Cuslt'r Count\ ' : : : :
: : : : : WHEN rep1ittd. ' 1'he best mllchinc c\'er hrought to this count ) : . : : : : :
E Cull 011 or write to lIIe if coutelllp1utillg hu'iug 'l'henhing ; machiswry. = = '
- - -
s. nI.I : . : DC : : : : > FI. IS
- -
- -
= = . . ' ' 1\tANl'PAC'1'l'RtNG \ . : : : : :
- I..OCAJ4 AGEN'l' FOR GEISER \ CO\IPANY. ; . . . . . .
111111111111111111111111111111111111E 111111111111111 11111111111111111111 .
- -
- - , '
cr 22a 2a
Olothing cleaned , pressed m
The Pantatorllurn
. alllll'epairLHI for both ludiC's Hi
a trial order. < ) ver 11 abcr- , 11
m leets drug stol'e , Broken abcrM 8. r Y uB tierS ,
. . . . .
; ; : .I . . 2 .
Ci " ' .a : z2 .422 : i2 Ea : 2 !
II--- I : rw ; BUI : ll
. , ec > . : Japin.eau. . ,
Contractor and Buil er. Estimates i i
I Furnished free with plansaud speciJ catiolis , . . . : I
, I II I J lUl .W ! ' " 'JII : } 'lIlIUlJ.J.UIUll1 @l1l
- c = Jr = Jr = J _
l ! ! ! ! ! -G\ = -
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u _ - _ . _ _ u _ _ _ _ _
: . . . . . . . . . , , ' .r" . . ' ' , ' . : , ' "I" ' ' ' ' ' 11"4.- . : . " ' ' . . . . . : . . . .1"1. . , . : . . . II"'I.\ . . . ! . . " " . " , " ' , , ' . . . , , . , . , ' . : . , " . . . . , . . . . . . 'f.ll , . . . . . . , . " . , ' , . . : . " . . . . . . . . . 1
' , ' . , , ' , , '
! 1" I"i1 . , " \ : ' 1'.I 'tf. ' ; : ! i " ' 'J" : Ii H. : 'r. .I\\ iijiJ \ . ' . . . 1.I : : 1 : ' I ; N. . , , , , ; : " ! Jj" ' ' ' ' : 'U'l' A : 'I. . . : ! . . . I'I. : , , , . . : ! " , j" : ' i'/l' , : , , , , . , ! " ; . : . ' . .I ' M . , . " : t I""O" L * ! . . . . . . . : " ifi " " : " 'n./ : ; , : .n.1 it _
; : When desiring to figure 011 a hill tM , " ( . , f
i of 1-4umber call on the , . " " , . . , , ;
J . C. L. Turner Lumber Co. iij :
I dl
We carry a full stock of 1-4umber.
I Sash , Doors , Mouldings , etc , A
Agents for the Nebraska Central , . )
I Building & Loan Association , '
.f.9.1fl - ! : r > > ' ! } , : . . ' . ! ; , ; ! ' i : . : JJj Y't.1' , , : . J . ! : .Yoo.U i ; . ! . ' . : .of.U : f. ' a ; ; ' : ' < ! ; > > : .oa 't ' " : ; ' ; , ' ; ! : : r. ' ; ! ! : k I ! Yt'fr
- . -