Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 13, 1905, Image 1

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4' ; ' May bc romall , ( .
wccianpuglonJf 1
\ii \ : ! : tull pr slim , If , g
you can wear a ; J
ri : . nose g'lass I can fir
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, " ' " p. ,
: . ' fi" It , 1 f you cant 3 . ;
f I'll . ) ' so. .
1'\1 : and It will he thc \ . '
ij . . final . decisioll , on U'4 .
I' " ,
j.i w I tiC I I JOu n1OI ) ' \ :
i rCBt. I am an cx- i
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Broken Bow Abstract Company.
'fhis office for neat job work.
J. C. Moore , abstracting. 2t' '
Insurance that insureR.
3Stf H. G. l\IooHH.
Buy Jour farm and city property -
erty oflB. . W. Blair. 37tf
Dr. 14each , the pailllcss dentist ,
guarantces satisfaction.
- -
j , --ice Crc'a'ni , candy , cigars an l
, J tobacco at 1\1 i lee Scanlons.
, 1 - Reneau & : Leonard , rcal estate.
List your farm and city property -
erty with B. W , . Blair. 37tf
- -
'We always have moncy to loan
on farms. R G. Moore 111 Apple
' . 35tf
'Dr. Lcach the dentist will rc-
fund Uloncy if work is not satis-
"l factory : tf
, . "
r Farm l.easc , ChaltlcIortgage !
and Warranty . Dccd hlanls at
I this office.
- - - - - - - -
Nothing succ c < ls 1i1\l success.
If'you want to do any husillcss in
the rcal 'cstate linc. Call on
Willis Cadwcll Co. TAl. , Brokcn
, Bow , Ncbr. 1 t
I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _
} Call and tal , a 'look at the
be : ' > t IIamhlctonian Stallion in
town. : ! hlocl : : ; Ilorth 0) ) ' Grand
Ccntral lIolcl.
41).7 FH\NCIS : MOOHH.
- - -
'rhe ofl cers of the Brol\Cn Bow
.Statc Bauk cndcavor to p'Omotc
the interest of thcir customcrs
whate\'er hncs it is '
along \ 'prac-
tical for them to do so. l-tf
I am now lucated just north of
the Custer National Bank. Comc
. and see mc for bargains 1t1 real
estatc. Somc choice acrc property -
perty for salc.
S tf HAS. ANmmSoN.
- " - - - -
- - - -
Peale Sheppard & Co. ha\'c Just
receh'ed a fine lot of mcn's ho"s
aud chil rens read , ) ' made cloth-
, . j ing. 'Phose intcrcstc(1 will find
J ' ( ' it to their intcrc'sl to cal1 and sre
them before purcha5ing. We arc
pr pared to plea1e in Ciliality alld
- . ! pnces. 4tH I
. (
, LOCAL : -J = i = ] -
; : r " 'roM _
. . . . . - - - . .
Diall WoodrnlT of Gcorgetown ,
wa a city \'isitor l\londay.
'rhe county board con\'cncd
1'ucsda ) ' in : llijou1'lled session.
J. O. 'l'arlor of Bct' W11 ! WH I
among thc dt ) . visitors Saturday.
Mrs. C. IT. 1 { nned , ) ' lefl 'l'ucs-
( Ia ) ' morning for IHxll' , ) ' , S. D. , to
\isit lieI' son Will.
J. M. Kimberling was a passen-
gcr for 1\lcl'l1a on a IHlHiucsH trip
last Frila ) ' morning.
Prof. Zahn who has becn in Colo-
radu sc\'eral months rcturned
hem Sunda ) ' morning w'ck.
M rriH Johnson of Wcsten'iIle ,
was jn lhe dt ) . 'l'uesday in Bcarch
of a pony tha t had got a wa . y from
him , :
H."I. ' . Morrow of Gco.rgetown.
was a city visitor Mondn ) ' . 'rhc
H.Il'UBI.ICAN ( aclmowledg-cs a soc- .
inl call.
W. P. 'I'rue of Georgetown ,
who was a city \'isitor 'l'ucsday ,
rcmembered thiB ofiicc with a
social call.
- Chas. Loucls of Elk Creek , was
a city \ ' sitor Saturday. 'l'he
HHl'UBIICAN aclnlOwledgcs a
friendly call. _
Mrs. Hall and Miss Hankin
were at Dnnning a few da8 the I
latcr part of la l weck. retliruing I
li'rida ) ' morning.
! \lrs. E. Hcyner rClurned ' 1'ucs-
day from Dunl1ing , wherc she had
been a few days \'isiting wilh
thc lalllily of herson Allen.
Misses Mabcl and Bcrtha Blad , . ,
stone of 'l'elml1la , al'r'cd in the
city'l'ucsday moruing" to'isit
their sister and other relati\'es of
thc city.
C. II. Eubank of T4incolnspcnt
Salurday and Sl ndai i 1 the city
with his t > arent , ! \ r. and Mrs.
E. D. l nlJank. 1le rcturne < 1 homc
Mondar on 42.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Yeasner' who
havc been hcrc for somc til1l
\ ' siting thcir ! > ons and othl'r rel-
ati\.cs returne to thcir Indianna
homc ' 1'uesday morning.
Mrs. , John Kcnoyer of llixlcy ,
S.'D. , who has hccn visiting here
with her parcnts , Mr. and Mrs.
D. H. Wlute amI other relat'es ,
for thc past four months returncd
home 'l'ucsd a ) ' morn i ng.
'I'hc lecture hy Dean I.'ordyce
of the Weskj'an Un'ersity lust
Friday night undcr thc am piccs
of thc-Summcr school was ( luid
liberally patroui cll. The Icc-
lure is Ilighly . complimcnted h , ) '
all who hcard It. .
Thc Brokcn Bow base b lll tcam
that was organi e reccntly went
to t\lcrna Tucsday , to join in the
b l e htll toul'l1amcnt , with th
VII.\\ ' of larrying' olT the prbe. :
A ! ; the bo\'s hm ; had hilt a littlc
timc to practiee slncc their or-
gani ation , last week the" will
ha'e no occasion to conllain } ; if
they do not carry off the p'rize.
. . , . . ,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - -
1M I'll } l\uli'e.
'l'al < en llP at my place of rcsi.
dcnce a llIroc sow , weight ahout
enc hundrcd lifty pounds. 'rhe
owncr h ; required to pro\'e prop-
ert , ) ' and pay expcnses.
1-5 A H'J'Il\JI { IIAG.\DOHN.
, . . . _
- - - - - - -
SII'II } I'll III' st 11111. ,
I From my place , four mil es
, north of Broken Bow , .Tunc 28 , a
; collic pup , whitc feet , three in-
' dws alO\'C fect tan color , tip of
'I tail white , whitc Gtrip in face ,
, ! bodyliark. A reward of $5.UO
will be paid for his rcturn.
- _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
, . .
- - - . . - - - . . . . . . . - . . . .
- - - - - - - - - ,
r. When Your Vaca1 ion COl11ts.
. .
, > ' B f'n ! gooin.g' It WI Y bp 8111'1' YUI1l'HlPPY ]
t of tutlet Ul't.u'eH ] IS ( 'UlIlplt't"I , . I Bl'hnps
YOIl lwed It toot.h 01' Iwil' hrush , OJ' n
, rt a. . . : , I comb , 01' toot.h POWdl J' , 01' toilpt ; ROUl ) ,
' OJ' It soap en801' SOll1or yo 111' fnYOl'itu
I' , toilet. watul' OJ' IHH'fl1ll1U-WO woull (
, ' , . like to 8Uppy ] it , whatc.'yel' it is.
. . -
- - -
A Snal ) . :
wc h.'c j. . " , ccch'c.t..lhc ,
ellr of AlllericlIlIlIOlt fCllcillH 011
which wc will he IIhlc to IIInkc !
n , "cry low price for lhc lIext
301In'I1. DOlI't lIIi this it will
Sn\'C ) ' 011 II III I W ) ' .
Harvest now on.
Gh'cIS YO\lr onlcl' fol' Dcer.
illJ..t B lulcro 01111 i\owcr [ . DUII't
( Icla ) ' too 101lt , you 11I11) ' 1I0t ! tel
OIlC if YOlmiltoo \ I II
Twine at 10 cis.
III thc Illtemaliolllll S llc
Dclh'cry stock " ' luwc the best
l\Iul strollgest st rillg 011 the 11I111'-
kct , ii will do ) ' 0\1 JI)0I1 to sec
iI. DO\ltlllis1 ! this bl.forc YOII
Kevstone and
Acme Mowers
At the Low Pl'ice ' of $36.00
G.V. \ . Apple.
' ' ' ' ' 1Al--
_ . . , ; , : _ : _
no- - " " " " "
Bryon Clark of Plattsmouth ,
was in the city over SIHHlay.
' 1' . T4. Varney and ' 1'0111 Wrig-ht
'of Ansley , were city visiton ; Sat.
unlaY. , I
Clyde Carlos 1 1ade a bnsin ss
trip to Ansley arul Mason Cit .
last Frilay. (
Mr. and 1\frs. g. J. 'Pittaway
left on their wcstern trip 'l'n s
day morning.
Judg.e Wall of I.oup"City was
transa ting business . in Brokcn
Bow ycsterday.
Mrs. Hose Clay aud T4clcah
Simpson arc herc f'Om Amlcy ;
vi iting thcir sigtcr.
Ole Olson of l ound ValleY was
in the city last I'ridar making
final proof 011 his homi"Aead.
Myrtle and Hannah Lyle who
went to Alliance to spcnd thc
[ , 'ourth rcturneIl\londay mornill .
HcJ , H. Wood oflason ! < "it ) ' ,
came lip 'l'uctclay on his way to
hi ! ; church north cast of the city.
Dwc ; Coultcr of Turner Vallcy ,
wwa ; city visitor S.llunlay. 'I'his
o/lice / , h..I1Iowl dgcs a lriendiy
gJmer Canuon of WcstQj"viIle ,
was among' those looldn/.r / aftcr
business Iliatters in thc city Sal-
unla ) ' .
Hey Harnanl camc up froll1
CallawayIon ! < lit ) ' , to attcnl ( the
mceting' of the COllnt ) ' gllitorial
Association. .
Mm. I" " . W. Brown , of Elha ,
Nch. , arri\'c(1 ( here FridaShc
cxpects to visit h l' par ntsIl' ! .
al1l1Irs. ! . James Stockham.
Judge Ucnjamin and HcXan -
ders wcre among thc numhl'r who
accompanied thc basc ball ho's
to [ e1'l1a ' 1'ue Hlay to sce the haIl
tournament. ,
'Paylor Flick who has heen
\isiting' with his son Georgc , in
Washingtoll , D. C. for th past
1I10nth rcturned home 1\londa \ '
Miss Alice Barren of T4oll1ax ,
' ' .1p nt 'l'hur1daj' here vi'3itingthe
lls eg Thorpe , sh wcnt to l a
\'cnna Frida ) ' to spend a wecl <
\'isiling at that plaee.
Frc(1 ( ami Waller Bryner pro.
prietors of the Oconto' l cgister
wcre city \'isitors last Monday
night. 'I'hl' ) ' came up to atlcnil
the mceting of thc County l lh.
torial Association.
gxhihits of swine at last ycar'I1
fair attracted so much attcntion
and ga\'e thc exhibitors such widt :
advertising that renewc(1 intcrest
is alreulr ; manifcsted , among the
hrecdcrs of 1inc hogs throughout
the connty.
Mrs. Bliza TIipslcy oJ Mount
Vcrnon , Ohio , arrh'ed in the cit ) '
last 'rhursday night to visit hCI
S011 , Charlcs IIipsley. Mrs. Hips.
Ic ) : is .cigh ty enc years old ,11111 , h
enJo11Ig good health. She wil ]
spcnd the summer with her sol'
'V. S. I1'urnbull of .Custer , wns
a fricl1lll ) ' caller at this omcc
Sp.tunla ) ' .
Altcl1 Rcyner camc down from
Dunniug" 'j'ucsda.r morn l'g' tu
Ipbk aftcr husincgs intcrests.
.Chas. Zacker ) ' of Merna , was a
cjty visitor Monday. ' 1'he l H'
Ifil.f.1CAN aclmowledgcs a wclcoltlc
c.lIl. '
" + .
WalLcr Gla c h homc a ain
: i'Her a husincss trip ill the e.l ! > tern -
ern part of thc statc for the pst
month. .
, Mr. Fil'licI'I , the horsematt oJ
Cario , who hnd 8)1I'nt ) a couple of I
d's _ in the city left fQr hOIll
.2l1day .
'I'he camp mcetiug' of Kcarney
district , of thc 1\1. N. ch1l1'ch h
to c held at Ansle ) ' from August
10 to 20.
T4. D. Gcorge ami wifc went to
C mro the lirst of the wcek to
visit Mr. 's ' '
Gcorg parents. 'l'hey
will return , l"riday. " .
Ii' . II. Young was a passeuger
for Grcely , Colorado , lagt I rida't
to loole aftcr the interests of liis
ranch at that placc.
Prof. Fordyce rcturncd to Uni-
\'ersity Place , Nebr. , last Satur-
dllv mOl'ning aftcr gh'iug" a mosl
pl asing lecturc : It tlH : College
fr tlay nighl.
Mrs. r'ornhals and two sons of
OttaVa , Ill. , are visit 1111 { . ! \l rs.
1'ornhals , hr. ther , J , , G. Hacherle
oJ lil s plnce. 'I.'he ) ' expect to rc-
Ihain some timc.
I'rcd IIa ) ' s aUIl wife wcre
among the J1l1mher that ( Irove to
Merna ; ) 'cstcnlay to attcnd the
lilecling of the Old SettlcrR , and
the a ; 'c hall tournamcnt.
! \I rs. l ; g g-crs and hcr two sons
of Omaha , who ha\'c hecn visiting'
with her Aunt t\lrs. N. Knudsen
of Spring Cr ck , for the past two
wcels relurned 11O I1C 'l'ucsda ) ' .
Mrs , Nds Peter on tweh'c miles
east of the city wa : ; qnit ( SC\'crly
l.ul and hl'uicll laHt Satmday
morning. hy heing thrown from
hcr bug'gy lIy a mna way horse ,
which hccomc unmanagable.
JefT Mossman and wifcof Kallsas ,
who ha\'c hccn visiting' for se\'erai
weels with relatives and old tillle
aCIuainta ! lccs in thc county ,
spcnt Saturda ) ' and Sunday in
Brol\Cn Bow , gnest of the flll1ily
of yc scribc.
Pilt J nl:1I1 of Mason City , was
arrcslc(1 ( Monda ' UhcrilT I kh-
ar < lson , on thc chargof insanity
Iile(1 hhis wifc. lie WIS
brought to the cit ) ' an(1 givcn his
liberty , wher ht : has arrang-cd
for hi : ; own counsel and will light
lhe cas .
An unusual elTort has hecn
madc among thc schools of CUs-
tcr couuty this ) ' ( 'ar for thc qx-
hihit of school WOI'at \ the eonn-
I ) ' fair al\d \ this dl.'l'art1l1ent wil1
lJe a'err atlract \ ' ( ! Oill' . Dlter.
of the fair arc Sc'tcmucr ! 12 , 13 ,
H alHl15th.
'I'he New Burlington hotcl was
opened up to thc public Satur-
day. Dr. ' 1' . W. Has , the pro.
prietor has reason to feel com.
plcmentcd on thc bcginning' as
he had cighty for dinner. 'l'he
hotd is linishel in clegant style
and'thc furniturc is all new and
up to datc.
J. W. Scott , the. sccond hand
man is not only huildingnp agood
trade in his Btock of furniturc ,
china ware etc , hilt he has put in
a feed dl'partmcnt in connection ,
in which Iw is doinl a lll'a\ ' ) ' 1)lIsi- )
ness. lie handles ha ) ' , cOl'noats ,
bran , shorlft alld chop fl'ed in
quaniticf > to snpply the dcmand.
lIe informft U5 that 11 ( > ha1 ! heen
compclled to Bhip in SOIllC of hie ;
chop feeds h\ , car load lot' ill
order to supply the tradc.
'l'he Custer Counlt.Iinisterial
Association is calle < to mcet on
J Illy 18 , )1)05 ) , at McrlJa , Nehr.
} , I inisters in charge of chllrchl's
in the count ) ' , lIul those nOl in
i charge arc memhr.rr. of thi-t ! a ! ; ,
I sociation no matter to what
church they helong. We wonll
he glad to hear from any who
expect to he prescnt at lea : > t two
wccls heforc the mcctinL" , that
we mOl ) ' arrange as interesting' a
program as loRsihle. Suggestions -
ions in regard to suhjccts Iwcl.
comedo A splendid time is an.
ticipated. W. g. MA'I"J'UHWS ,
t-.fcrua , Nehr.
[ Other Count ) ' papers please
copy. ]
. . - - - - . . - - - _
M.h 1 _
Buqgv Talk !
_ . _ , . _ , . . . . . _ _ _
- - - - - -
. . " 'roI"-- - or _ . . . . . . . . . . _ -r- _
- - "
\ ' '
1 have received another car dircct from
t hc factol' , ) ' , all of thc vcr ) ' latcM ! 't.yles.
. Cniue ill and see them whether you want
to Imy 01' not and if ) 'ou want to bll ) ' I
. , \ ill guaran cc to sell ) 'OU a buggy , car- \
\ 'rlege or sprll1g ; wagon , fol' Ics , moncy
than ) 'ou call huy Ilnywherc clse , and
g-h'e you the vcry latcst output of the
factor ) ' , something . no othcr dcalcr in
the count ) can do.
_ _ . . _ . _ _ w. _ _ . _ _ . . - .
_ _ _ _ _ L--- _
C "J .i n I
:1II"r : , . " , r I .
. ' " - - - - . .
.0. . , . u _ _ _ . . - . - , .
Dr. Harnes of Omaha , will be
at the Grand Centml hotel'l'hurs-
day the 27. Call as early as COII-
ven ien t. -
FOUND-A pair of spectacle ,
ncar the south sidc school. 'rhe
owncr can have samc b\ - ' proving
properly and paying'- for thh
notice. Appl ) ' to John Dailc\ , '
J a titer of , South Side Hchool. It
FOt ( SATn-A four room house ,
two and a half acres of groulld
and a lease 011" sixtecn acres for
I \'c ycars , just 'outside of the
corporation. 'I'hig will be sold at
a harg'ain if takcn within the
next thirty . ( ht's. I nquirc al this
ot ice. 4-8
, ' . - .
- - - - -
A great mall ) ' of Olll' : younl {
hl\'C to hmi ; ,
peoplc ; \ gone some
ness college cvcry ) 'ear and paid
an ex rbitant mtc of tuition. ' 1'0
those w.ho are goingto school
next wintcr , wc .Ire pleased to
announcc that the IIastingg has vcry rcwolI-
ablc rates of tnition arranged Oil
a most equitablc basis. You
should writc thc ahove .school for
full information. 5-H
- - - - - - - - - - - -
'l'hl''l'hlll'hlll'Q' ( .
'rhc Geiscr Mfg. Co. peerless
macll lwrr for'salc. Parties COII-
tcmplatilig IlItiChasing will do
well to sce mc.
S. M. Dornus , Agcnt.-
VitJ . 'I'UIWII ) ' fill' Snit' .
We ha\'c somc nice homcs in
Broken Bow that will hc sold
chcaplif talcn at once.
BOW\tAN : & 'l'uoll'l\ \ .
Offlcc in Gleim Bloc1. . .17lf
- - -
- - - -
" ! ' ! ! , - - - ,
Dr. Darues malcs regular \'isit1 ! .
if cvcl.'thing is not satisfactory , '
von should call for changcs ncccs- .
HarJ. Nycs examined free.52t
1 . ; h'IIYI'Il.
. From my prelIises ! at Wcster-
vl11e on the ntght of Jul ) ' lth ,
one dark iron gre ) ' horse , weight
ahout 700 pounds , 1M' brand 011
right hip and I\nolhcr ltntmown
brand on thc left shoulder. A
liberal reward will be paid , for information -
formation lcading to the rcco\'cr ) '
of samc. M. A. JOllN ON.
.J-lt Westerville , Neb.
; . 'm' Suln.
A stock farm 01 enc r.ection of
land , all under fence , lf10 acrc ! >
nnllei' cil ft'a tioilvii Ii imliit\'e- )
mcnts balanc pa9t1trl , hay laud
and timher. three miles north and
half mile cast \Valworth ( , for
SI2 an acre. Half cash and balance -
ance n time to snit purchaser.
G. Gu\'rg ,
tf Walworth . , Neb.
I'h'I'd ; ( m' Slul.m.I
From my placc , scven miles
north of Brolcen Bowf about' the
15th f l\fq , a black sow , weight
about thrce hmulrel. ( Piece of
rig'ht ear clipped.
I 3. ( , GHO. SMI'l'U.
IIm' ( 's 'For Snlc' .
T have fivc hcad of young horses -
ses , suitahle for drivers or saddle
horses for sale cheap , at my farm
seven milcs north 01 rolen Bow.
4 ! I O. SJ\lI'l'H. \
, _ : _ _ . _
' 1'0 I hn Pln'IIIUfli. '
Com to my barn and fecd your
teams ha ) ' o\'cr nooll. 15c
.1'-7 ' li'UANCIS Moorm.
, - _ _ 0
! I"t. " ' - . . , ' " , " ' ,
, -t. , _ ,
0\ " " , . . . . . .t. .
_ ' . . . . . . _
Cannin Fruits
: And Veeetables :
, . _ " - . -
, '
. ,
. . . _ . . _ _ r
.our , ' ctln 'rnA . , . , . IH . . . " . . c':11' .oure 1. MA . . . \ . ' . 9 . , ,1' , (1)03. .dtlctK
, . , - \ y' jHK . . . - ' - - . . - , . . . - : ' . . . CASn ' , ' - ' ' ' ,
. .